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The Case

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156637/162004 Pursuant to the separate [m]anagement and [d]istribution

agreements between the [p]etitioner and PFI and PBFI, both
MANAGEMENT, INC., PFI and PBFI [agree] to pay the [p]etitioner, by way of
compensation for the latter's services and facilities, a monthly
Petitioner, Present: management fee from which PFI and PBFI withhold the
amount equivalent to [a] five percent (5%) creditable tax[,]
- versus
pursuant to the Expanded Withholding Tax Regulations.

'On April 3, 1998, [p]etitioner filed its [a]nnual [c]orporate
Respondent .December 14, 2005 [i]ncome [t]ax [r]eturn for the taxable year 1997 representing a
net loss of P2,689,242.00. Consequently, it failed to utilize the
creditable tax withheld in the amount of Five Hundred Twenty-
Two Thousand Ninety-Two Pesos (P522,092.00) representing
Under Section 76 of the National Internal Revenue Code, a [the] tax withheld by [p]etitioner's withholding agents, PFI and
taxable corporation with excess quarterly income tax PBFI[,] on professional fees.
payments may apply for either a tax refund or a tax credit, but
not both. The choice of one precludes the other. Failure to
indicate a choice, however, will not bar a valid request for a
refund, should this option be chosen by the taxpayer later on. 'The creditable tax withheld by PFI and PBFI in the amount of
P522,092.00 is broken down as follows:

The Case
PFI P496,702.05
Before us are two consolidated Petitions for Review[1] under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to review and reverse PBFI 25,389.66_
the December 19, 2002 Decision[2] of the Court of Appeals
Total P522,091.71
(CA) in CA-GR SP No. 69197 and its January 30, 2004
Decision[3] in CA-GR SP No. 70882.

The dispositive portion of the assailed December 19, 2002 'On September 11, 1998, [p]etitioner filed an administrative
Decision, on the one hand, reads as follows: claim for refund with the [Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)] --
Appellate Division in the amount of P522,092.00 representing
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The assailed
unutilized excess tax credits for calendar year 1997.
decision and resolution of the Court of Tax Appeals are
Thereafter, on July 28, 1999, a written request was filed with
the same division for the early resolution of [p]etitioner's claim
That of the assailed January 30, 2004 Decision, on the other for refund.
hand, was similarly worded, except that it referred to the May
'Respondent did not act on [p]etitioner's claim for refund[;]
2, 2002 Decision of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA).[5]
hence, a Petition for Review was filed with this Court[6] on
The Facts November 29, 1999 to toll the running of the two-year
prescriptive period.[7]
In GR No. 156637, the CA adopted the CTA's narration of the
facts as follows: On October 9, 2001, the CTA rendered a Decision denying
petitioner's Petition for Review. Its Motion for Reconsideration
was likewise denied in a Resolution dated January 29, 2002.

'Petitioner, formerly Philam Fund Management, Inc., is a

domestic corporation duly organized and existing under the
laws of the Republic of the Philippines. It acts as the In GR No. 162004, the antecedents are narrated by the CA in
investment manager of both Philippine Fund, Inc. (PFI) and this wise:
Philam Bond Fund, Inc. (PBFI), which are open-end
investment companies[,] in the sale of their shares of stocks
and in the investment of the proceeds of these sales into a On April 13, 1999, [petitioner] filed its Annual Income Tax
diversified portfolio of debt and equity securities. Being an Return with the [BIR] for the taxable year 1998 declaring a net
investment manager, [p]etitioner provides management and loss of P1,504,951.00. Thus, there was no tax due against
technical services to PFI and PBFI. Petitioner is, likewise, [petitioner] for the taxable year 1998. Likewise, [petitioner] had
PFI's and PBFI's principal distributor which takes charge of an unapplied creditable withholding tax in the amount
the sales of said companies' shares to prospective investors. ofP459,756.07, which amount had been previously withheld in
that year by petitioners' withholding agents[,] namely x x x In GR No. 162004, however, the subsequent acts of petitioner
[PFI], x x x [PBFI], and Philam Strategic Growth Fund, Inc. demonstrated its option to carry over its tax credit for 1998,
(PSGFI). even if it again failed to tick the appropriate box for that option
in its 1998 ITR. Under RR 12-94, its failure to indicate that
option resulted in the automatic carry-over of any excess tax
credit for the prior year. The appellate court said that the
In the next succeeding year, [petitioner] had a tax due in the government would not be unjustly enriched by denying a
amount of P80,042.00, and a creditable withholding tax in the refund, because there would be no forfeiture of the amount in
amount of P915,995.00. [Petitioner] likewise declared in its its favor. The amount claimed as a refund would remain in the
1999 tax return the amount of P459,756.07, which represents account of the taxpayer until utilized in succeeding taxable
its prior excess credit for taxable year 1998. years.

Thereafter, on November 14, 2000, [petitioner] filed with the Hence, these Petitions.[9]
Revenue District Office No. 50, Revenue Region No. 8, a
written administrative claim for refund with respect to the The Issues
unapplied creditable withholding tax of P459,756.07.
According to [petitioner,] the amount of P80,042.00,
representing the tax due for the taxable year 1999 has been
credited from its P915,995.00 creditable withholding tax for Petitioner raises two issues in GR No. 156637 for the Court's
taxable year 1999, thus leaving its 1998 creditable withholding consideration:
tax in the amount of P459,756.07 still unapplied.
A. Whether or not the failure of the [p]etitioner to
indicate in its [a]nnual [i]ncome [t]ax [r]eturn the
option to refund its creditable withholding tax is fatal
The claim for refund yielded no action on the part of the BIR. to its claim for refund.
[Petitioner] then filed a Petition for Review before the CTA on
December 26, 2000, asserting that it is entitled [to] the refund
[of P459,756.07,] since said amount has not been applied
against its tax liabilities in the taxable year 1998. B. Whether or not the presentation in evidence of the
[p]etitioner's [a]nnual [i]ncome [t]ax [r]eturn for the
succeeding calendar year is a legal requisite in a
claim for refund of unapplied creditable withholding
On May 2, 2002, the CTA rendered [a] x x x decision denying tax.[10]
[petitioner's ] Petition for Review. x x x.[8]

In GR No. 162004, petitioner raises one question only:

Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Whether or not the petitioner is entitled to the refund of its
The CA denied the claim of petitioner for a refund of the unutilized creditable withholding tax in the taxable year 1998
latter's excess creditable taxes withheld for the years 1997 in the amount of P459,756.07.[11]
and 1998, despite compliance with the basic requirements of
Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 12-94. The appellate court
pointed out that, in the respective Income Tax Returns (ITRs)
for both years, petitioner did not indicate its option to have the In both cases, a simple issue needs to be resolved: whether
amounts either refunded or carried over and applied to the petitioner is entitled to a refund of its creditable taxes withheld
succeeding year. It was held that to request for either a refund for taxable years 1997 and 1998.
or a credit of income tax paid, a corporation must signify its
intention by marking the corresponding option box on its
annual corporate adjustment return. The Court's Ruling

The Petition in GR No. 156637 is meritorious, but that in GR

No. 162004 is not.
The CA further held in GR No. 156637 that the failure to
present the 1998 ITR was fatal to the claim for a refund,
because there was no way to verify if the tax credit for 1997
could not have been applied against the 1998 tax liabilities of Main Issue:
Entitlement to Refund
The provision on the final adjustment return (FAR) was
originally found in Section 69 of Presidential Decree (PD) No.
1158, otherwise known as the 'National Internal Revenue GR No. 156637
Code of 1977.[12] On August 1, 1980, this provision was
restated as Section 86[13] in PD 1705.[14]

This section applies to the first case before the Court.

Differently numbered in 1977 but similarly worded 20 years
On November 5, 1985, all prior amendments and those later (1997), Section 76 offers two options to a taxable
introduced by PD 1994[15] 'were codified[16] into the National corporation whose total quarterly income tax payments in a
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1985, as a result of which given taxable year exceeds its
Section 86 was renumbered[17] as Section 79.[18]
total income tax due. These options are (1) filing for a tax
On July 31, 1986, Section 24 of Executive Order (EO) No. 37 refund or (2) availing of a tax credit.
changed all 'net income phrases appearing in Title II of the
NIRC of 1977 to 'taxable income. Section 79 of the NIRC of
1985,[19] however, was not amended.
The first option is relatively simple. Any tax on income that is
paid in excess of the amount due the government may be
refunded, provided that a taxpayer properly applies for the
On July 25, 1987, EO 273[20] renumbered[21] Section 86 of refund.
the NIRC[22] as Section 76,[23] which was also
rearranged[24] to fall under Chapter 10 of Title II of the NIRC.
Section 79, which had earlier been renumbered by PD 1994,
The second option works by applying the refundable amount,
remained unchanged.
as shown on the FAR of a given taxable year, against the
estimated quarterly income tax liabilities of the succeeding
taxable year.
Thus, Section 69 of the NIRC of 1977 was renumbered as
Section 86 under PD 1705; later, as Section 79 under PD
1994;[25] then, as Section 76 under EO 273.[26] Finally, after
These two options under Section 76 are alternative in nature.
being renumbered and reduced to the chaff of a grain, Section
[29] The choice of one precludes the other. Indeed,
69 was repealed by EO 37.
inPhilippine Bank of Communications v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue,[30] the Court ruled that a corporation must
signify its intention -- whether to request a tax refund or claim
Subsequently, Section 69 reappeared in the NIRC (or Tax a tax credit -- by marking the corresponding option box
Code) of 1997 as Section 76, which reads: provided in the FAR.[31] While a taxpayer is required to mark
its choice in the form provided by the BIR, this requirement is
only for the purpose of facilitating tax collection.

'Section 76. Final Adjustment Return. -- Every corporation One cannot get a tax refund and a tax credit at the same time
liable to tax under Section 24 shall file a final adjustment for the same excess income taxes paid. Failure to signify
return covering the total net income[27] for the preceding one's intention in the FAR does not mean outright barring of a
calendar or fiscal year. If the sum of the quarterly tax valid request for a refund, should one still choose this option
payments made during the said taxable year is not equal to later on. A tax credit should be construed merely as an
the total tax due on the entire taxable net income[28] of that alternative remedy to a tax refund under Section 76, subject to
year the corporation shall either: prior verification and approval by respondent.[32]

(a) Pay the excess tax still due; or The reason for requiring that a choice be made in the FAR
upon its filing is to ease tax administration,[33] particularly the
(b) Be refunded the excess amount paid, as the case may be. self-assessment and collection aspects. A taxpayer that
makes a choice expresses certainty or preference and thus
demonstrates clear diligence. Conversely, a taxpayer that
makes no choice expresses uncertainty or lack of preference
In case the corporation is entitled to a refund of the excess
and hence shows simple negligence or plain oversight.
estimated quarterly income taxes paid, the refundable amount
shown on its final adjustment return may be credited against
the estimated quarterly income tax liabilities for the taxable
quarters of the succeeding taxable year.
In the present case, respondent denied the claim of petitioner showing the excess expanded withholding tax credits shall
for a refund of excess taxes withheld in 1997, because the then be examined by the BIR. For the grant of refund, RRs
latter 12-94 and 6-85 state that all pertinent accounting records
should be submitted by the taxpayer. These records,
however, actually refer only to (1) the withholding tax
statements; (2) the ITR of the present quarter to which the
(1) had not indicated in its ITR for that year whether it was excess withholding tax credits are being applied; and (3) the
opting for a credit or a refund; and (2) had not submitted as ITR of the quarter for the previous taxable year in which the
evidence its 1998 ITR, which could have been the basis for excess credits arose.[37]To stress, these regulations
determining whether its claimed 1997 tax credit had not been implementing the law do not require the proffer of the FAR for
applied against its 1998 tax liabilities. the taxable year following the period to which the tax credits
are being applied.

Requiring that the ITR or the FAR of the succeeding year be

presented to the BIR in requesting a tax refund has no basis Third, there is no automatic grant of a tax refund. As a matter
in law and jurisprudence. of procedure, the BIR should be given the opportunity 'to
investigate and confirm the veracity[38] of a taxpayer's claim,
before it grants the refund. Exercising the option for a tax
First, Section 76 of the Tax Code does not mandate it. The refund or a tax credit does not ipso facto confer upon a
law merely requires the filing of the FAR for the preceding -- taxpayer the right to an immediate availment of the choice
not the succeeding -- taxable year. Indeed, any refundable made. Neither does it impose a duty on the government to
amount indicated in the FAR of the preceding taxable year allow tax collection to be at the sole control of a taxpayer.[39]
may be credited against the estimated income tax liabilities for
the taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable year. However,
nowhere is there even a tinge of a hint in any of the provisions Fourth, the BIR ought to have on file its own copies of
of the Tax Code that the FAR of the taxable year following the petitioner's FAR for the succeeding year, on the basis of
period to which the tax credits are originally being applied which it could rebut the assertion that there was a subsequent
should also be presented to the BIR. credit of the excess income tax payments for the previous
year. Its failure to present this vital document to support its
contention against the grant of a tax refund to petitioner is
Second, Section 5[34] of RR 12-94, amending Section 10(a) certainly fatal.
of RR 6-85, merely provides that claims for the refund of
income taxes deducted and withheld from income payments
shall be given due course only (1) when it is shown on the ITR Fifth, the CTA should have taken judicial notice[40] of the fact
that the income payment received is being declared part of of filing and the pendency of petitioner's subsequent claim for
the taxpayer's gross income; and (2) when the fact of a refund of excess creditable taxes withheld for 1998. The
withholding is established by a copy of the withholding tax existence of the claim ought to be known by reason of its
statement, duly issued by the payor to the payee, showing the judicial functions. Furthermore, it is decisive to and will easily
amount paid and the income tax withheld from that amount. resolve the material issue in this case. If only judicial notice
[35] were taken earlier, the fact that there was no carry-over of the
excess creditable taxes withheld for 1997 would have already
been crystal clear.
Undisputedly, the records do not show that the income
payments received by petitioner have not been declared as
part of its gross income, or that the fact of withholding has not Sixth, the Tax Code allows the refund of taxes to a taxpayer
been established. According to the CTA, '[p]etitioner that claims it in writing within two years after payment of the
substantially complied with the x x x requirements' of RR 12- taxes erroneously received by the BIR.[41] Despite the failure
94 '[t]hat the fact of withholding is established by a copy of a of petitioner to make the appropriate marking in the BIR form,
statement duly issued by the payor (withholding agent) to the the filing of its written claim effectively serves as an
payee, showing the amount paid and the amount of tax expression of its choice to request a tax refund, instead of a
withheld therefrom; and x x x [t]hat the income upon which the tax credit. To assert that any future claim for a tax refund will
taxes were withheld were included in the return of the be instantly hindered by a failure to signify one's intention in
recipient.[36] the FAR is to render nugatory the clear provision that allows
for a two-year prescriptive period.

The established procedure is that a taxpayer that wants a

cash refund shall make a written request for it, and the ITR
In fact, in BPI-Family Savings Bank v. CA,[42] this Court even quarters of the succeeding taxable years has been made,
ordered the refund of a taxpayer's excess creditable taxes, such option shall be considered irrevocable for that taxable
despite the express declaration in the FAR to apply the period and no application for cash refund or issuance of a tax
excess to the succeeding year.[43] When circumstances show credit certificate shall be allowed therefor.
that a choice of tax credit has been made, it should be
respected. But when indubitable circumstances clearly show
that another choice -- a tax refund -- is in order, it should be
granted. 'Technicalities and legalisms, however exalted,
should not be misused by the government to keep money not
The carry-over option under Section 76 is permissive. A
belonging to it and thereby enrich itself at the expense of its
corporation that is entitled to a tax refund or a tax credit for
law-abiding citizens.[44]
excess payment of quarterly income taxes may carry over and
credit the excess income taxes paid in a given taxable year
against the estimated income tax liabilities of the succeeding
In the present case, although petitioner did not mark the quarters. Once chosen, the carry-over option shall be
refund box in its 1997 FAR, neither did it perform any act considered irrevocable[45] for that taxable period, and no
indicating that it chose a tax credit. On the contrary, it filed on application for a tax refund or issuance of atax credit
September 11, 1998, an administrative claim for the refund of certificate shall then be allowed.
its excess taxes withheld in 1997. In none of its quarterly
returns for 1998 did it apply the excess creditable taxes.
Under these circumstances, petitioner is entitled to a tax
According to petitioner, it neither chose nor marked the carry-
refund of its 1997 excess tax credits in the amount of
over option box in its 1998 FAR.[46] As this option was not
chosen, it seems that there is nothing that can be considered
irrevocable. In other words, petitioner argues that it is still
entitled to a refund of its 1998 excess income tax payments.
GR No. 162004

This argument does not hold water. The subsequent acts of

As to the second case, Section 76 also applies. Amended by petitioner reveal that it has effectively chosen the carry-over
Republic Act (RA) No. 8424, otherwise known as the 'Tax option.
Reform Act of 1997, it now states:

First, the fact that it filled out the portion 'Prior Year's Excess
SEC. 76. Final Adjustment Return. -- Every corporation liable Credits' in its 1999 FAR means that it categorically availed
to tax under Section 27 shall file a final adjustment return itself of the carry-over option. In fact, the line that precedes
covering the total taxable income for the preceding calendar that phrase in the BIR form clearly states 'Less: Tax
or fiscal year. If the sum of the quarterly tax payments made Credits/Payments. The contention that it merely filled out that
during the said taxable year is not equal to the total tax due on portion because it was a requirement -- and that to have done
the entire taxable income of that year, the corporation shall otherwise would have been tantamount to falsifying the FAR --
either: is a long shot.

(A) Pay the balance of tax still due; or The FAR is the most reliable firsthand evidence of corporate
acts pertaining to income taxes. In it are found the itemization
(B) Carry over the excess credit; or and summary of additions to and deductions from income
taxes due. These entries are not without rhyme or reason.
(C) Be credited or refunded with the excess amount paid, as They are required, because they facilitate the tax
the case may be. administration process.

In case the corporation is entitled to a tax credit or refund of Failure to indicate the amount of 'prior year's excess credits'
the excess estimated quarterly income taxes paid, the excess does not mean falsification by a taxpayer of its current year's
amount shown on its final adjustment return may be carried FAR. On the contrary, if an application for a tax refund has
over and credited against the estimated quarterly income tax been -- or will be -- filed, then that portion of the BIR form
liabilities for the taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable should necessarily be blank, even if the FAR of the previous
years. Once the option to carry-over and apply the excess taxable year already shows an overpayment in taxes.
quarterly income tax against income tax due for the taxable
Second, the resulting redundancy in the claim of petitioner for SO ORDERED.
a refund of its 1998 excess tax credits on November 14,
2000[47] cannot be countenanced. It cannot be allowed to
avail itself of a tax refund and a tax credit at the same time for
the same excess income taxes paid. Besides, disallowing it
from getting a tax refund of those excess tax credits will not
enervate the two-year prescriptive period under the Tax Code.
That period will apply if the carry-over option has not been

Besides, 'tax refunds x x x are construed strictly against the

taxpayer.[48] Petitioner has failed to meet the burden of proof
required in order to establish the factual basis of its claim for a
tax refund.

Third, the 'first-in first-out (FIFO) principle enunciated by the

CTA[49] does not apply.[50] Money is fungible property.
[51]The amount to be applied against the P80,042 income tax
due in the 1998 FAR[52] of petitioner may be taken from its
excess credits in 1997 or from those withheld in 1998 or from
both. Whichever of these the amount will be taken from will
not make a difference.

Even if the FIFO principle were to be applied, the tax credits

would have to be in consonance with the usual and normal
course of events. In fact, the FAR is cumulative in nature.[53]
Following a natural sequence, the prior year's excess tax
credits will have to be reduced first to answer for any current
tax liabilities before the current year's withheld amounts can
be applied. Otherwise, there will be no sense in requiring a
taxpayer to fill out the line items in the FAR to segregate its
sources of tax credits.

Whether the FIFO principle is applied or not, Section 76

remains clear and unequivocal. Once the carry-over option is
taken, actually or constructively, it becomes irrevocable.
Petitioner has chosen that option for its 1998 creditable
withholding taxes. 'Thus, it is no longer entitled to a tax refund
of P459,756.07, which corresponds to its 1998 excess tax
credit. Nonetheless, the amount will not be forfeited in the
government's favor, because it may be claimed by petitioner
as tax credits in the succeeding taxable years.

WHEREFORE, the Petition in GR No. 156637 is GRANTED

and the assailed December 19, 2002 Decision REVERSED
andSET ASIDE. No pronouncement as to costs.

The Petition in GR No. 162004 is, however, DENIED and the

assailed January 30, 2004 Decision AFFIRMED. Costs
against petitioner.

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