ECE668 PROJECT - Sample Project
ECE668 PROJECT - Sample Project
ECE668 PROJECT - Sample Project
Table 3 shows the error (%) of the peak load of each day in the
test sets. The average error for all 5 sets is 3.83%.
days Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Day 1 2.27 3.85 4.78 2.77 2.96
Day 2 4.50 3.82 5.11 1.67 3.66
Day 3 3.20 3.92 1.12 6.51 1.43
Day 4 2.65 8.74 6.50 3.17 1.34
Day 5 1.50 3.14 2.14 8.60 4.94
Day 6 3.85 1.87 2.24 9.88 3.29
Avg. 2.92 4.22 3.65 5.43 2.94
Table 3: Error (%) of Peak Load Forecasting Figure 3:Hourly Load Forecasting and Actual Load
Table 4 shows the error (%) of total load of each day in test
sets. The average error for all 5 sets is 5.74%.
days Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Day 1 4.67 8.03 3.03 6.79 3.80
Day 2 5.86 8.18 1.33 6.31 4.57
Day 3 8.48 9.20 1.60 9.57 1.29
Day 4 5.20 10.03 1.47 6.70 1.83
Day 5 6.09 7.78 3.75 14.08 6.47
Day 6 8.03 7.17 4.63 1.02 5.34
Avg. 6.39 8.40 2.63 7.41 3.88
Table 4: Error (%) of Total Load Forecasting
5. Conclusion
In this paper, an electric load forecasting methodology using
an artificial neural network has been presented and was
accurately implemented in MATLAB/ NN TOOL. This was
based on the topology used in [1] and the performance of this
method was comparable.
The results reinforced that the ANN is suitable to incorporate
historical load and temperature pattern into future load pattern.
In order to reproduce all the results shown in [1], there were
developed two different NN models, according to the study
cases presented in [1].
In order to forecast the future loads from the trained ANN,
Figure 10: Hourly Load Forecast for set 5 with actual Load
recent load and temperature data in addition to the predicted
In the training stage, the historical temperature was used and in future temperature was suggested in [1], a similar ANN was
the test, stage predicted temperature was used in [1]. However, used without the predicted temperature due to unavailability
since the predicted temperature was not available due to access and performance for each study case replicated the expected
constraints, in the test stage temperature from the dataset was results from the simulation analysis.
applied. MATLAB and EXCEL were used to study the simulation
From Figure 5, the error gradually increases as the lead hour and generate the required results and compute performance and
grows which is true up to 18 hours of lead time, like what has evaluate them.
been observed in [1]. One of the causes for this error pattern In general, neural networks require training data well spread
can be the periodicity of load and temperature pattern as can be in the feature space to provide exceptionally accurate results
seen in Figure 6-10 and, also assumed in [1]. Even though they [1].
are not exactly as similar as those of the previous day, the In conclusion, as discussed earlier, it is of paramount
temperature and system load are very analogous to those of the importance that a short-term load forecasting model delivers
previous day. accurate forecasts for the decision-making of power system
However, compared to [1] the average error is much higher and operators. Uniform performance during all seasons and
varies in between 2% to 13%, as compared to 1% to 3% in [1]. especially during times of unusual and unexpected weather
An exact comparison cannot be deduced as the datasets and conditions is expected of a robust forecasting model.
year of forecasts are not the same. One-hour lead error results
compare quite favourably with the one obtained in [1]. 6. References
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