Dkg-205 Automatic Mains Failure Unit
Dkg-205 Automatic Mains Failure Unit
Dkg-205 Automatic Mains Failure Unit
2.1. Introduction to the Control Panel
2.2. Mounting the Unit
2.3. Wiring the Unit
2.4. Inputs and Outputs
2.5. Digital display
2.6. Led displays
2.7. Periodic maintenance request display
2.8. Alarms
2.9. Modes of Operation
To enter the program mode, press the PGM button. The display shows (Pr)
when program mode is selected.
2.1 Introduction to the Control Panel
The control panel is designed to provide user friendliness for both the installer
and the user. Programming is usually unnecessary, as the factory settings
have been carefully selected to fit most applications. However programmable
parameters allow the complete control over the generating set. Programmed
parameters are stored in a Non Volatile Memory and thus all information is
retained even in the event of complete loss of power.
1) ALWAYS remove the plug connectors when inserting
wires with a screwdriver.
2) ALWAYS refer to the National Wiring Regulations
when conducting installation.
3) An appropriate and readily accessible set of
disconnection devices (e.g. automatic fuses) MUST be
provided as part of the installation.
4) The disconnection device must NOT be fitted in a
flexible cord.
5) The building mains supply MUST incorporate
appropriate short-circuit backup protection (e.g. a fuse
or circuit breaker) of High Breaking Capacity (HBC, at
least 1500A).
6) Use cables of adequate current carrying capacity (at
least 0.75mm2) and temperature range.
2.5 Digital Display
This display shows:
- (R) phase voltage, when mains are on
- Alternator frequency, if the generator is on
- Program values in program mode
Below values can be read in sequence by pushing the MENU key in AUTO or
TEST modes:
- (R) phase voltage
- (S) phase voltage
- (T) phase voltage
- (L1) generator phase voltage
- (L2) generator phase voltage
- (L3) generator phase voltage
- (L1) generator phase frequency (engine RPM)
- DC Supply voltage.
2.7 Periodic Maintenance Request Display
This led is designed to help the periodic maintenance of the generator to be
made consistently.
The periodic maintenance is basically carried out after a given engine hours
(for example 200 hours), but even if this amount of engine hours is not
fulfilled, it is performed after a given time limit (for example 12 months).
The DKG-205 has both programmable engine hours and maintenance time
limit. The engine hours is programmable between 0 and 750 hours at 50-hour
steps, the time limit is programmable between 0 and 15 months. If any of the
programmed value is zero, this means that the parameter will not be used. For
example P19=200 and P20=0 means that DKG-205 will request maintenance
every 200 engine hours, but there will be no time limit.
The remaining engine hours and the remaining time limit are kept stored in a
non-volatile memory and are not modified by power supply failures.
When the engine hours or the time limit is over, the Periodic Maintenance
Request led (red) will start to flash. To turn off the led, the STOP key should
be held pressed for 10 seconds. In this case the digital display will show
2.8 Alarms
Alarms indicate an abnormal situation in the generating set and most of them
cause the engine to stop immediately.
If an alarm occurs, the related LED will turn on and if the alarm relay option is
selected, the alarm relay will be activated. If the ALARM MUTE key is
pressed, the alarm relay will be deactivated.
Except the emergency stop, alarm LEDs will stay on and disable the operation
of the generating set even if the alarm source is removed. In order to reset the
alarm condition, first choose OFF mode then resume to the previous mode of
ALTERNATOR HIGH TEMPERATURE ALARM: It turns on if a signal comes
from the high temperature switch of the alternator. WARNING: This switch
shall be normally closed, and open in case of excess of heat. If this input is not
used, connect it to DC Supply negative terminal, else an alarm will be given
continuously. This alarm will cause the generator to release the load, but the
engine runs until the end of the cooling period.
HIGH TEMPERATURE ALARM: It is on when a signal comes from the high
temperature input.
OIL ALARM: It is on when a signal comes from the oil pressure input. This
alarm will be controlled 4 seconds after the engine is running. If oil pressure is
provided when the unit attempts to start the engine, the oil alarm indicator will
flash and the unit will wait until oil pressure disappears.
LOW COOLANT LEVEL ALARM: It is on when a signal comes from the
cooling radiator water level switch. This input has delayed sampling feature to
prevent false detection.
OIL HIGH TEMPERATURE ALARM: It is on when a signal comes from the
oil high temperature switch.
FREQUENCY ALARM: It is on when the alternator frequency is out of the
programmed limits for a longer period than the programmed timer. Alternator
frequency will be controlled 4 seconds after the generator contactor is on.
VOLTAGE ALARM: It is on when at least one of the alternator phase voltages
is out of the programmed limits. Alternator voltage will be controlled 4 seconds
after the generator contactor is on.
FAIL TO START: It is on if the engine cannot start to run after the
programmed number of start attempts. This alarm will be erased when the
mains are on in order to keep the engine ready for the next mains failure.
EMERGENCY STOP ALARM: It arises if emergency stop button (or front
panel STOP key) has been pushed. This alarm is not latched. The alarm
condition disappears when the signal is removed. This input is also used
externally to prevent the operation of the generator (for ex. by a timer).
DC SUPPLY ALARM: It is on when DC Supply voltage is above the
programmed limit. It arises at the end of 2 seconds delay period. It does not
occur if DC Supply voltage goes back below the limit before the end of the
delay period. This protection is particularly designed against charge alternator
SPARE-1 ALARM: It turns on when a signal comes from the spare-1 alarm
SPARE-2 ALARM: It turns on when a signal comes from the spare-2 alarm
SPARE-3 ALARM: It turns on when a signal comes from the spare-3 alarm
input. This alarm will not stop the engine.
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2.9 Modes of Operation
The modes of operation are selected by pushing the front panel keys. If the
mode is changed while the engine is running, it will be stopped. Do not change
the operation mode while the generator is in operation.
OFF: In this mode, the mains contactor will be energized if mains phase
voltages are within the programmed limits. The engine will be stopped.
MANUAL: It is used to start and stop the generator manually. If the manual
mode is selected, the fuel relay will be activated and the generator will be
ready to be started.
START: It is used to manually start the generator unlimited times. In
order to start, it is needed not to have the oil pressure. When the
generator phase voltages are present or the generator frequency
goes over 10 Hz, starting will be automatically disabled even if the
button is pressed.
STOP: It is used to manually deactivate the fuel solenoid as long as
desired. When the stop button is pushed, the generator contactor will
also be deactivated.
MAINS/GENERATOR: It is used to manually activate the mains and
the generator contactor. If it is pressed once, the generator contactor
will be activated, if it is pressed once the mains contactor will be
AUTO: It is used for generator and mains automatic transfer. If at least one of
the mains phase voltages is outside limits, the mains contactor will be
The diesel will be started for programmed times after the wait period. When
the engine runs, the crank relay will be immediately deactivated. After the
alternator phase voltages are within limits, the unit will wait for the generator
contactor period and the generator contactor will be energized.
When all the mains phase voltages are within the limits, the engine will
continue to run for the mains waiting period. At the end of this period the
generator contactor is deactivated and the mains contactor will be energized.
If a cooling period is given, the generator will continue to run during cooling
period. At the end of the period, the fuel solenoid will be de-energized and the
diesel will stop. The unit will be ready for the next mains failure.
TEST: It is used to test the generator when the mains are on, or keep the
generator waiting in the emergency backup mode. The operation of the
generator is similar to the AUTO mode, but the mains contactor will not be
deactivated if the mains are not off. If the mains are off, mains contactor will
be deactivated and the generator contactor will be activated. When the mains
are on again, a changeover to the mains will be made, but the engine is kept
running. In order to stop the engine, push the OFF button.
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PROGRAM: It is used to program the timers, operational limits and the
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When the AC mains fails the unit energizes the fuel solenoid, but does
not start, also OIL PRESSURE ALARM led flashes:
The unit is not supplied with battery (-) voltage at the oil pressure input.
-Oil pressure switch not connected.
-Oil pressure switch connection wire cut.
-Oil pressure switch faulty.
-Oil pressure switch closes too lately. If oil pressure falls, the unit will start.
Optionally oil pressure switch may be replaced.
The engine does not run after the first start attempt, then the unit does
not start again and the OIL PRESSURE ALARM led flashes:
-The oil pressure switch closes very lately. As the unit senses an oil pressure,
it does not start. When oil pressure falls the unit will start. Optionally the oil
pressure switch may be replaced.
When the AC mains fails, the engine starts to run but the unit gives FAIL
TO START alarm and then the engine stops:
-The generator phase voltage is not connected to the unit. Measure the AC
voltage between terminals (L1) and (Generator Neutral) at the rear of the unit
while engine is running. The fuse protecting the generator phase may be
failed. A misconnection may be occurred. If everything is OK, turn all the fuses
off, and then turn all the fuses on, starting from the DC supply fuse. Then test
the unit again.
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The programming mode is used to program the timers, operational limits and
the configuration of the unit.
To enter the program mode, press the PGM button. The display shows (Pr)
when program mode is selected. When the MENU key is pressed the
program number will be displayed, when it is released the program value will
be shown. In this way all program parameters are accessed and the values
can be increased or decreased by using () and () keys.
Programmed values are stored in a Non Volatile Memory, which is not
affected by energy failures. To exit programming, press the OFF button.
P01=MAINS VOLTAGE LOWER LIMIT: If one of the mains phases goes
under this limit, it means that the mains are off and it starts the transfer to the
generator in automatic and test modes.
P02=MAINS VOLTAGE UPPER LIMIT: If one of the mains phases goes over
this limit, it means that the mains are off and it starts the transfer to the
generator in automatic and test modes.
P03=GENERATOR VOLTAGE LOWER LIMIT: If the generator phase
voltage goes under this limit when feeding the load, this will mean a generator
voltage failure and the engine will stop.
P04=GENERATOR VOLTAGE UPPER LIMIT: If the generator phase voltage
goes over this limit when feeding the load, this will mean a generator voltage
failure and the engine will stop.
P05=FREQUENCY LOWER LIMIT: If the generator frequency goes under
this value, it causes an alarm after the frequency delay timer.
P06=FREQUENCY UPPER LIMIT: If the generator frequency goes over this
value, it causes an alarm after the frequency delay timer.
P07=FREQUENCY DELAY: This is the period between the frequency goes
out of the limits and an alarm occurs
P08=DC SUPPLY UPPER LIMIT: If DC Supply voltage exceeds this limit, it
will cause DC Supply alarm after the 2 second delay and the diesel will stop.
This alarm is particularly designed to prevent failure of the unit in case of
charge alternator failure.
P09=NUMBER OF STARTS: Maximum number of start attempts.
P10=WAIT BEFORE START TIMER: Waiting period between the fuel on and
start command.
P11=WAIT TIMER BETWEEN STARTS: Waiting period between two start
P12=START TIMER: Start period. Start will be automatically deactivated if the
generator starts running before the timer.
P13=STOP TIMER: Stop solenoid activation timer. Enter 0 for an ‘activate to
start’ type of engine.
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P14=MAINS WAITING TIMER: This is the time between the mains voltages
entered within the limits and the generator contactor is deactivated.
P15=COOLING TIMER: This is the period that the generator runs for cooling
purpose after the load is transferred to mains.
P16=MAINS CONTACTOR TIMER: This is the period after the generator
contactor has been deactivated and before the mains contactor has been
P17=GENERATOR CONTACTOR TIMER: This is the period after the
generator phases are within the limits and before the generator contactor has
been activated.
P18=RELAY CONFIGURATION: FUEL and AUXILIARY relay configuration:
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To enter the calibration mode, hold pressed the OFF button, then press PGM
button. The rightmost decimal point of the voltage display will turn on. For
following operations it is necessary to display the proper parameter by
pressing the MENU key, and modify it by pressing using () and () keys. For
more detailed explanation please refer to programming chapter of the user's
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The CE mark indicates that this product complies with the European
requirements for safety, health environmental and customer protection.
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DATAKOM Electronics Limited
Tel : +90-216-466 84 60
Fax : +90-216-364 65 65
e-mail :
DATAKOM reserves the right of making modifications to the unit without prior notice.
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