Jurnal Drainase 3
Jurnal Drainase 3
Jurnal Drainase 3
1. Department of Land and Water Development, Water Science and Engineering, UNESCO IHE,
Westvest 7 2611 AX Delft, The Netherlands
2. Integrated River Lowland Coastal Development Management and Planning, Double Degree Program Pengelolaan
Lingkungan, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang 30139, Indonesia
3. Department of Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang 30128, Indonesia
e-mail: harrinihapsari@gmail.com
Urban flooding often times staggers the livelihood in an urban area, which most likely happens in the lowland urban
area. Therefore, the existing urban drainage system should be improved in order to tackle the upcoming urban flooding
events, which are more than likely to be more devastating than those in the previous years. The research location is in
Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia, where 30% of its urban part is a lowland area. The selected Aur Sub Catchment is
located in Silaberanti. The main objective of this research is to improve the current drainage system in order to achieve
the optimal design for urban drainage arrangement. This research was developed using Duflow Modelling Studio 3.8.3 in
collaboration with ArcGIS 10.1 to schematize the drainage system and analyse the spatial and topographical condition
of the research area. As a result, there are three development scenarios established by Duflow Modelling Studio in order
to improve the drainage system in the research area. The first scenario is the current and extreme condition in the study
area. The second scenario is the extreme condition, which is represented by the extreme rainfall. The third scenario is
the improvement possibilities of the existing drainage system. There are three different types of improvements and
modifications for the third scenario which are: canal dredging, canal dike/embankment, a pump installation, and a flap gate
installation. In conclusion, based on three different scenario analyses, the most feasible, suitable, effective, and efficient
alternative for overcoming the flooding in Silaberanti is a flap gate installation combined with dike construction in the
flood risk sections of the river because it works automatically depending on the water level in the River.
Pengelolaan Drainase Daerah Perkotaan dan Perbaikan Pengendalian Banjir Menggunakan Studi Kasus
Duflow: Sub-Daerah Tangkapan Air Aur, Palembang, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia. Banjir di daerah perkotaan
sering kali mengganggu laju penghidupan di daerah perkotaan, dan cenderung terjadi di daerah perkotaan dengan
dataran rendah. Oleh karena itu, sistem drainase perkotaan yang ada harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya untuk mengatasi
kejadian banjir perkotaan yang akan datang, yang kemungkinan besar efeknya akan lebih buruk daripada di tahun-tahun
sebelumnya. Lokasi penelitian makalah ini adalah Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia, dimana 30% daerah perkotaannya
terdiri dari daerah dataran rendah. Sub-daerah tangkapan air Aur yang dipilih terletak di Silaberanti. Tujuan utama dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki sistem drainase yang ada agar dapat mencapai desain optimal untuk pengaturan
drainase perkotaan. Penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Duflow Modeling Studio 3.8.3 dan ArcGIS 10.1
untuk merancang sistem drainase dan menganalisis kondisi spasial dan topografi kawasan penelitian. Sebagai hasilnya,
ada tiga skenario pembangunan yang dibuat oleh Duflow Modeling Studio untuk memperbaiki sistem drainase di
daerah penelitian. Skenario pertama adalah kondisi saat ini dan kondisi ekstrem di wilayah studi. Skenario kedua adalah
kondisi ekstrem, yang diwakili oleh curah hujan yang sangat tinggi. Skenario ketiga adalah kemungkinan perbaikan
sistem drainase yang ada. Ada tiga jenis perbaikan dan modifikasi untuk skenario ketiga, yaitu: pengerukan kanal,
konstruksi tanggul kanal, instalasi pompa, dan instalasi pintu flap. Makalah ini menyimpulkan, berdasarkan tiga analisis
skenario yang berbeda, bahwa alternatif yang paling layak, cocok, efektif, dan efisien untuk mengatasi banjir di
Silaberanti adalah instalasi pintu flap yang digabungkan dengan konstruksi tanggul di bagian-bagian sungai yang
berisiko banjir karena pintu flap dapat bekerja secara otomatis tergantung pada permukaan air sungai.
There are several factors that lead to the problem of Thirdly, human activities, such as littering the river with
urban flooding in Palembang. First is the change of land either solid or liquid waste, is very harmful to the water
which has led to a decrease in areas of green open flow. Some people still lack the awareness about the
damage of waste disposal. For example, some households Secondary Data, and Additional Data. The description
still throw their disposal directly to the river, and some about the data and the source of the data are shown in
industries throw their industrial waste to the river without Table 1.
being previously treated. The existence of solid waste in
the body of the river decreases its capacity to carry water In this study, ArcGIS and Duflow (Dutch Flow) were
and, eventually, will cause inundation in the surrounding used in combination to produce the final result of the
area. integrated design for the improvement of the urban
drainage system in Silaberanti area. However, the liability
This research aims to study about the drainage system in of the available data and the competency of the model
Palembang city, particularly in the District of Seberang Ulu play an important role in running and simulating the
I area where this study was carried out. This integrated scenario which is going to be developed.
study of urban water management and flood protection is
crucial for supporting further drainage system development First of all, the catchment delineation process was done
and improvement in Palembang City. for interpreting the sub catchment of the study area with
ArcGIS. Catchment delineation analysis was processed
2. Materials and Methods with the hydrology tools in the spatial analyst. When the
delineated catchment was derived from the analysis, the
There were four main steps taken to achieve the objectives next steps to do were analysing and interpreting the
of the research: Preliminary Stage, Data Acquisition and results. In these steps, the most crucial part was the
Collection Stage, Data Analysis, and Modelling Develop- stream link order and the sub catchment for the stream
ment. The methodology of this study is shown in Figure 2. which was represented the study area. Second of all, the
topographical analysis was done with ArcGIS.
There were two key steps during the preliminary stage
which were essential for the following steps. Those steps Duflow is a computer program to model steady-state
were the arrangement phase for the field survey and the and transient surface water systems (STOWA, 2000).
literature review for the fundamental theory to deepen Duflow consists of a one-dimensional network which is
the knowledge and information about the research. inter-connected with nodes and sections. Hydraulic
structures can be added in the network to get to know
The arrangement for the field survey was done as the the hydraulic performance, such as pump, weir, gate, etc.
guide for the data collection in the field. In this stage, Specifically for this research, one of the main problems
the schedule for data acquisition had been arranged. For of flooding in this area is the lack of maintenance of
instance, what kind of essential field data that was drainage infra-structure and solid waste disposal. The
needed for this study, what kind of measurement that scenarios which were based on the analysis were
needed to be done, how to get the data in the field, and divided into three parts: widening the canals, dredging
the estimated time to know how long the data would be the canals, and the installation of hydraulic structures.
completely developed. The flowchart of ArcGIS and Duflow is presented in
Figure 3.
The literature review examines the urban drainage,
urban flooding, urban polder system, and modelling Table 1. Sources and Detail for Data Acquisition
develo-pment for the study. This stage was done at the
same time with the filed survey arrangement. Any Type Detail Source
activities during the field work were done based on the Primary Data Hydraulic Data In situ field measurement
understanding from the literature review.
Secondary Spatial Data Urban Planning and
Modelling systems used for this study were ArcGIS and Data Hydrological Development Board
DUFLOW. ArcGIS was used for analysing the spatial Data Meteorology, Climato-
data. Meanwhile, DUFLOW was used for the Tidal Fluctua- logy, and Geo-physics
simulation of the suitable scenarios derived from the
tion Data Agency of Palembang
hydrological data of the study area. In addition,
supplementary reading was essential for supporting the USGS Data for City in Kenten Class I
basic theory that had been developed from the literature GIS Modelling Observation Station
review. Supplementary reading included the revision Indonesia Navy
from the previous MSc theses, journals publications,
books, articles, and more. http://earthexplorer.usgs.
In the data acquisition phase, there were several types of Additional Interview In situ interview
data that had to be collected. Those data could be Discussion
categorized into three different types: Primary Data,
The highest elevations, indicated with the yellow Furthermore, based on the value of the extreme rainfall
colour, are mostly located in the North-West area of prediction for each distribution, the goodness of fit test
Palembang. On the other hand, the lowest elevations, calculation is presented in Table 4.
specified with the green colour, are located in the
Southern and Eastern parts of the urban area. Table 4. The Goodness of Fit Test: Smirnov – Kolmogorov
Furthermore, the specific contour map of the research
area of Silaberanti sub district or Aur sub catchment can Difference of Critical value
be determined from the contour map of Palembang city Number of Data Gumbel Log Pearson
(n) Normal
by clipping the map with the shapefile of the sub Distribution
Type I Type III
catchment area. The result of the contour map for the Distribution Distribution
study area is shown in Figure 7. 1 14.68 -5.56 20.24
2 8.04 -6.25 14.30
Silaberanti, which is the study area of the research, is 3 -0.21 -9.66 9.44
located in the lower part of Palembang. It can be clearly 4 -0.04 -5.17 5.13
seen that the range of topography elevation in Aur sub 5 -0.22 -4.60 4.38
catchment is from 0 m+MSL to 5 m+MSL. The area 6 0.52 -2.57 3.09
which is closer to the stream has a lower elevation than
7 -1.52 -3.10 1.58
the area which is located farther downstream. The
descriptions for the elevation of the area in Silaberanti 8 23.95 23.94 0.01
can be found in Table 2. 9 26.16 26.68 -0.52
10 27.93 29.16 -1.23
Hydrological Data Analysis: Rainfall Analysis. There 11 0.03 1.65 -1.62
were three general methods of the distribution analysis 12 -0.57 1.58 -2.14
of the rainfall used in this research, namely Normal 13 -2.14 0.67 -2.81
Distribution, Gumbel Type I Distribution, and Log- 14 0.03 2.45 -2.42
Pearson Type III Distribution. The comparison between 15 12.48 15.24 -2.76
those three methods for extreme rainfall prediction with 16 1.95 5.15 -3.20
the return period T is presented in Table 3.
17 1.87 5.00 -3.13
18 2.00 5.18 -3.19
Table 2. Elevation in Aur Sub Catchment
19 0.37 3.72 -3.36
Elevation Total Area 20 -2.40 1.22 -3.62
(m+MSL) (ha) 21 -1.71 1.69 -3.40
1 0-1 0.12 22 -1.18 2.13 -3.31
2 1-2 15
23 -1.08 2.25 -3.33
3 2-3 39
4 3-4 40 24 -0.56 2.95 -3.51
5 4-5 1 25 4.69 8.35 -3.67
TOTAL 95.12 26 0.91 3.75 -2.84
27 0.21 2.95 -2.74
28 -0.24 2.56 -2.80
Table 3. Probability Distribution of Normal, Gumbel
Type I, and Log Pearson Type III for Design 29 -0.91 2.00 -2.90
Rainfall 30 -0.73 1.46 -2.19
31 -0.76 0.96 -1.72
Frequency Analyses for Design Rainfall (mm)
32 0.24 1.52 -1.28
Return Log Pearson
Normal Gumbel Type I 33 0.03 0.16 -0.13
Period/ Type III
Tr Distribution Distribution 34 1.65 0.90 0.75
(Years) 35 1.12 -0.21 1.33
(mm) (mm) (mm)
36 -0.66 -2.32 1.66
2 0.00 113.40 0.37 109.78 0.08 112.83 37 -15.58 -10.70 -4.88
5 0.84 133.05 1.50 133.06 0.86 133.30 38 -4.04 -8.71 4.67
10 1.28 143.34 2.25 148.47 1.22 144.15 39 0.79 -9.44 10.22
20 1.52 148.96 2.97 163.25 1.36 148.65
Max. Difference 27.93 10.70 46.89
25 1.64 151.76 3.20 167.94 1.58 155.67
Critical value 5% 23.75 35.58 25.50
50 2.05 161.35 3.90 182.39 1.79 162.88
100 2.33 167.90 4.60 196.73 1.98 169.58 Fit test correlation rejected accepted rejected
From the table, we can conclude that the Gumbel Type I during that day functioned as the input as well as the
Distribution could be accepted, according to the lowest rainfall data. Based on the rainfall data series, the
value of the maximum differences (∆max).
∆max). Therefore, rainfall during the day of the simulation was 28.75
the result of Gumbel Type I Distribution was used for mm/day for one hour. The simulation day was the day
the calculation of maximum daily rainfall
rainfa with the with the highest rainfall andd tides during the wet season.
return period T. The highest rainfall intensity was 202.8
mm/hour a return period of 100 years and duration of 5 Scenario 2: Extreme Conditions. The extreme designed
minutes. On the other hand, the lowest rainfall intensity rainfall with the return periods
period of 25 years and 50 years
was 4.08 mm/hour with a return period of 2 years and was chosen for an extreme condition simulation. For the
duration of one day. The Intensity – Duration – Frequency return period of 25 years, the designed rainfall was
(IDF) Curve based on the table above is presented in 98.58 mm/day for 60 minutes. Meanwhile, the designed
Figure 8. rainfall for the return period of 50 years was 104.53
mm/day for 60 minutes. The water depth of flooding
Modelling Analysis: River Schematization. The schema- between NOD29 and NOD35 was approximately 0.40–
tization of the Aur River was done with the Duflow 0.86 m and after dredging it reduced to around 0.27–
Modelling Studio which built up a channel network with 0.71 m. The water level during flooding after canal
44 nodes and was connected with sections. The starting dredging could decrease by up to 0.14 m. However, the
point of this schematization is in the downstream part,
part inundation still happened in the risky sections of the
which is the Musi River (SEC MUSI 1, NOD1),
NOD1) and the Aur River.
ending point is the upstream part of the Aur River (SEC
P27+11 – 00+1361B,
0+1361B, NOD35). However, the Aur River
starts where SEC P2 – 00+42A, NOD3 is situated,
situated as
shown in Figure 9.
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