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4 Fundamentals
of textiles


zz To know the different kinds of fibres and their uses.

zz To identify and differentiate fibres using simple tests.
zz To learn about yarn making and weaving.
zz To understand about fabric finishes.
zz To gain knowledge about different temporary and permanent stitches in daily life.
zz To learn about stain removal.

4.1 Introduction on it was used as clothing. Home makers,

dressmakers, interior decorators and
Textiles play a vital role in our daily life.
retail-store customers demand textiles.
From the primitive age textiles are used
This chapter deals with the various types of
for covering, warmth, personal adornment
fibres, their properties, finished products
and even to display personal wealth. Today,
of textiles, care of fibres and uses.
textiles are used for various purpose and
everyone is an ultimate consumer. Though
4.1.1  D
 efinition and
we aren’t the direct purchaser, we use
textiles in some form. In the beginning
textiles were used for packing food then Textile is defined as a type of material
it was used as mats in shelter and later composed of natural and synthetic fibres.
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The word textile comes from Latin textilis, the most well-known natural fibres. There
means “woven”, which in turn comes from are several other commonly used natural
the Latin verb textere, “to weave”. In textile fibres such as jute, linen and asbestos.
science, however, a textile is finely defined A. Cotton
as any product made from fibres. Types of
textiles include animal-based material such The word “cotton” is derived from the
as wool and silk, plant-based such as linen Arabic word “qoton” or “qutun”, which
and cotton and synthetic material such means a plant found in conquered
as polyester and rayon. Textiles are often land. Cotton is a fibre that grows on
associated with the production of clothing. the  surrounding surface of seeds in the
pods, or balls of a bushy mallow plant.
Textile fibre is very long in relation
Cotton is referred to as the “King of
to its thickness. The fibre consists of cells
fibres” as it is most important textile fibre
arranged in its longitudinal direction.
in the world.
The strength and elasticity of the fibre is
dependent on the forces between these cells.

4.2 Manufacturing Of
Fibres may be classified based on
the origin and chemical type as natural
fibres and man-made fibres. Table-1
describes the classification of fibres.

4.2.1  Natural Fibres Cotton plant

Natural fibres are taken from plant and The cotton fibre is a long cell-
animal sources. Cotton, Silk and wool are made up of countless cellulose molecules.

Classification of fibres

Natural fibres Man-made fibres

Vegetable fibres Animal fibres Mineral fibres Cellulosic Modified Non Minerals
(Cellulosic) (Protein) (Asbestos) (Viscose) Cellulosic Cellulosic (Carbon)
(Acetate) (Nylon)

Animal Animal
Hair Secretion
(Wool) (Silk)

Seed fibres Bast fibres Leaf fibres Nut fibres

(Cotton) (Flax, Jute) (Pineapple) (Coir)

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Cotton is removed mechanically from the c) Combing: This process removes
seed balls by the cotton gin. The ginned more short hairs and makes fibres
cotton is then pressed into bales and sent more parallel.
to the factories to be spun into yarn.
i. Manufacturing process
The main processes are bale breaking and
cleaning, carding, combing, spinning,
weaving, scouring, bleaching and dyeing.
a) Bale breaking and cleaning: The
tightly pressed cotton fibres from
the bales are loosened in a machine
and the impurities falls out. Another
machine removes more impurities
until sheets of loose fibre like cotton
wool emerge ready for carding. Combing
d) Spinning: The combed sliver is now
converted into yarn by spinning.
Scouring and Bleaching is usually
done after weaving to enable the
cloth to be dyed easily.

Bale breaking

b)  arding: The fibres emerge from

the carding rolls as a thin filmy
sheet which passes between two
rolls and is formed is to a thick rope
called “Slivers”.


ii. Properties:
Lustre : Low
Tenacity/ Strength : Medium
Elastic Recovery : Low
Elongation : 7%
Resilience : Low
Carding Density : 1.54 g/cm3

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Moisture : 8.5% B. Silk
absorption Silk has been considered
Dimensional : Good as one of the most
Stability elegant and luxurious
Acids : Damages, of fibres. It is popularly
Weakens fibre known as the “Queen
Alkalis : Resistant of Fibres”. The method of raising silk
(mercerization) worms and removing the silk filaments
Effect of : Weakens fibre from the cocoons and of using the silk in
sunlight slowly weaving for garments was discovered by
Insects : Silverfish Hsi-Ling-Chi, a little empress of China.
damages fibre
To flame : Burns readily
Shape : Fairly uniform
in width, 12-20,
length varies from
½ and 2 ½inches

Definition of important terms:

Elasticity: The ability of a fibre or fabric to
return to its original length, shape, or size
immediately after the removal of stress.
Density: Explains the thickness of
textile products.
Tenacity: The customary measure of
strength of a yarn.
Resilience: The ability of a material
to absorb energy when it is deformed
elastically, and release that energy upon

iii. Uses:
Silk thread and silk saree
zzCotton is the most widely used fibre
because it is inexpensive, easy-care, Silk can be cultivated or it is found
high absorbency, excellent launder in forest as wild silk. Cultivated silk is
ability and good colour fastness. the Mulberry silk. The common wild silk
zzIt is not only used for apparel but varieties are Eri, Tasar and Muga silk. The
also for household and industrial process of cultivating silkworm for silk
applications. production is called as sericulture.

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When the silk worm is fully grown ii. Properties:
it starts spinning its cocoon on straw
Shape : Like glass rod
placed on the trays. The silk fluid from
the special glands issues from two holes, Length : 30000 to 39000 cm
one on either side of the head called Elasticity : Good
spinnerets. Stretch : Good
The fluid hardens as it comes in
contact with the air and two long fibres Flexibility : Medium
which are stuck together with silk gum are Density : 1.25g/cm3
formed. The cocoons are heated to kill the Reaction : Causes less damage
pupa inside, otherwise the moths would with acid.
destroy some of the silk. Some are allowed
To Flame : Burns with a
to become moths to provide eggs.
sputtering flame.
i. Manufacturing process: Sunlight : Increased exposures
will break down the
The manufacturing process involves
Reeling, Throwing, Degumming, Weaving,
Dyeing and sometimes weighting. Insects : Destroyed by Carpet
a) Reeling: This is the process of
Drying : Quick and good.
unwinding the silk filament from
Dyeing : good absorption
the cocoon. The cocoons are boiled
for acid and basic
in water to soften the gum so as to
unwind the filaments.
b) Throwing: Throwing is the process
iii. Uses:
of combining several reeled strands
to make a yarn. The number of zzSilk fabrics are noted for their
strands are twisted together to form soft  luxurious handle, rich lustre,
a strong yarn. warmth, resilience and crease
resistance, strength and excellent
c) Degumming: The gum left on
draping quality.
the fibres to protect them are now
removed by boiling in soap and zzA wide range of fabrics are
water. Sometimes degumming is left made  ranging  from sheer chiffon
until the fabric is woven. Weaving is to  firmer dress and suiting material
carried out the same way as for other to  heavy brocades to the rich pile
fibres. velvet.
d) Weighting: Weighting is the process zzSilk serves best for ceremonial
of treating silk with certain metallic occasions, evening or day ware and
salts to give weight and body to the lingerie.

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Manufacturing of silk

C. Wool animal is called pulled wool which is

inferior in quality to fleece or clip wool.
Wool is one of the oldest fibres used for
protection from the cold climate. It is The quality of wool is expressed
natural protein fibre and considered as by numbers. The higher the numbers, the
Man’s best friend. Sheep skin, including finer the wool and better the quality. The
the hair, was probably used long before it finest wool is from young sheep. Very fine
was discovered that fibres could be spun wool of excellent quality is shorn from
into yarns or even felted into fabric. lambs when eight months old.

i. Manufacturing process:

The earliest fragments of Once the raw wool reaches the mills,
wool fabric have been found in Egypt is has to pass through many processes
but Mesopotamia is the birth place of before it finally emerges as woolen cloth.
wool. Sorting, Scouring, Carbonizing, Carding,
Spinning, Bleaching, Dyeing, Weaving,
Knitting and Finishing.
Wool can be sheared from the
living animal or pulled from the hide after a) Sorting: When the bales are
the animal has been slaughtered for its meat. opened, the fleece is graded. It may
Sheared wool is called Fleece or Clip wool be separated into sections such as
and wool taken from hides of slaughtered shoulders, sides etc.

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b) Scouring: The raw wool is washed in Reaction with : Most of alkalis

successive troughs of soapy alkaline Alkalis destroy the fibre
water of decreasing strength to Absorbency : Good
remove dirt and grease.
Reaction to : More heat affects the
c) Carbonizing: Straw, burrs and Sunlight fibre
other vegetable matters are removed Flame : Burns slowly in
by treatment with acid, heat and direct flame, but
pressure of rollers. self-extinguishing.
d) Carding: The wool is passed through Insects : Damaged by moths
machine rollers with sharp steel and carpet beetles.
wires which separated the fibre and Drying : Prolonged drying
mix them thoroughly. Dyeing : Absorbs acid and
e) Spinning: The mass of carded wool basic dyes readily.
is drawn out and twisted or spun
into woolen yarn which is a soft and iii. Uses:
fluffy thread. zzWoolen fabrics are used throughout
the world as warm fabrics and durable
ii. Properties: apparels.
Shape : Fibre contain scales zzThey are used in home furnishing as
Length : 3.75 cm stuffing in pillows/cushions.
Elongation : Good
Fibre luster : Fair ACTIVITY 1
Elasticity : Good Collect the fabrics made with natural
Stretch ability : Good fibres and prepare an album.
Flexibility : Good
Density : 1.30-1.32 g/cm3 ACTIVITY 2
Reaction with : Not affected Identifying different fabrics using flame
Acid test.

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4.2.2  Man-made fibres is pumped through the spinneret. It
emerges in strands which can be stretched
Man-made fibres are fibres made by man like warm taffy. The size of the fibre is
with combination of natural products determined by the size of the holes and the
along with chemicals. speed with which the fibre is withdrawn
from the spinneret. The fibres are cooled
A. Nylon by air blown across them. By drawing
Nylon was the first synthetic fibre. In 1928 process either filament or staple fibres are
the Dupont Company decided to establish prepared.
a fundamental research program. It was
ii. Properties:
noticed that when a glass rod was taken out
of one of the polyester stills the solution Shape : Shape is controlled
adhering to it stretched out into a solid by the manufacturer,
filament. The filament could be stretched filaments are uniform
ever further and it did not go back to its and long.
original length. This stimulated the group to Luster : Bright to Dull
concentrate on textile fibres. The term nylon Elastic : 100%
was chosen for the fibre and it was called Recovery
the Miracle fibre for several years. The first Elongation : Good
nylon was referred to as type 6, 6.
Resiliency : Good
Density : Good
Moisture : 8%
Dimensional : Excellent
Acids : Resistance is poor
Alkalis : Good resistance
Sunlight : Generally affects
i. Manufacturing process: Insects : Normally damages
Nylon 6, 6 is a linear condensation polymer To flame : Flammable
made from hexa methylene diamine
and adipic acid. Specific amounts of the
two chemicals are combined in solution iii. Uses:
to form nylon salt. The salt is purified, zzNylon is used in women’s stocking or
polymerized, extruded in ribbon form, hosiery.
and chipped into small flakes or pellets. zzIt is also used as material for
The polymer chips are melted producing socks, swimwear, shorts,
by heat in an autoclave and pumped to track pants,  active wear, draperies
the spinneret. The hot syrupy solution and bedspreads.

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zzNylon is used for making fishing nets, strength of the polyester reinforces the
ropes, parachutes and tier cords. cotton fibres, which are weakened by the
zzNylon is used in cookware since it has finishing process.
a relatively high continuous service
zzNylon is used for making plastic
machine parts as it is low cost and
long lasting.
zzIt is often commonly used in electronics
industry for its non-conductivity and
heat resistance.


i. Manufacturing process:
Nylon Thread
zzPolyester is made by reacting a
Hosiery: used in shops for things such dihydric alcohol with a dicarboxylic
as socks, tights and stockings. acid.
Draperies: Cloth hanging or arranged zzAs the acid and alcohol are
in folds polymerized, they are extruded from
the polymerizing vessel in the form of
B. Polyester a ribbon.
Polyester is sometimes referred to as zzThe ribbon is cut into small chips;
the “workhose” fibre of the industry. the chips are diced and conveyed to
The filament form of the fibre has been a hopper from which they are fed to
said to be the most versatile fibre and melt spinning tank.
the staple form has been called the “big zzThe hot solution is forced through
mixer” because it can be blended with so spinnerets, and solidifies into fibre
many other fibres, contributing its good form on contact with cool air.
properties to the blend without destroying
zzIt is stretched while hot, the stretching
the desirable properties of the other fibre.
contributes strength to the fibre and
Its versatility in blending is one of the
controls elongation characteristics.
unique advantage of polyester. One of
the important physical changes has been zzThe greater the amount of molecular
that of changing from the standard round orientation obtained during this
shape to a trilobal cross-section that strengthening step, the stronger the
gives the fibre silk-like properties. The fibre and lower the elongation.

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ii. Properties: zzAn important use of polyester is for
surgical implants.
Shape : Controlled by
Luster : Controlled from ACTIVITY 3
semi bright to dull Obtain a total of ten advertisement
Elastic : Varies and labels identifying ten different
Recovery polyester trademarks used in apparel,
Elongation : Varies by type home furnishings, automobiles tires,
Resiliency : excellent and industrial fabrics and list the
characteristics or properties of the
Density : 1.38 g/cm
fibre as advertised.
Moisture : very low
Dimensional : Excellent
Resistance to : Strong acids destroy
acids fibre, weak acids
have little or no
Alkalis : moderate
Sunlight : resistance is
excellent Polyester
Insects : Excellent
To flame : will burn, but ACTIVITY 4
slowly and melting Collect pictures and samples of man-
fibres tend to drop madefibres.
off, preventing
further burning.
4.3 Simple Test For Fibre
zzPolyester fibres have immediate
The burning test can be used to identify
consumer acceptance because of their
the group-cellouse protein, minerals
easy-care and wrinkle-free properties.
etc., to which the fibres belong. General
zzThey require no ironing, easy to
direction for the burning test.
launder and quick to dry.
i. Ravel out and test several yarns from
zzPolyesters are not only used as apparel
each side of the fabric to see if they
but also in industrial use items such as
have the same fibre content. Difference
laundry bags, calendar sheeting, press
in lustre twist and colour will indicate
covers, conveyor belts, fire hoses, fish
that there might be two or more kinds
netting, ropes and protective clothing.
of fibre in the fabric.
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ii. Hold the yarn horizontally with the
pair of tweezers or tongs. Feed the ACTIVITY 5
fibres slowly into the edge of the flame Collect few natural and man made
and observe what happens. Repeat this fibres and observe the burning
several times to check results. characteristic by flame test.

Burning characteristics of Fibres.

Fibres Cotton Silk Wool Nylon Polyester
Approaching Ignites upon Curls away Curls away Melts away Fuses, melts
flame contact, does from flame from flame from flame, and shrink
not shrink Shrink and away from
away fuses. flame
In flame Burns Burn slowly Burns slowly Burns slowly Burns
quickly and sputters with melting slowly and
to melt
Removed Continues Usually self- self- self- self-
from flame burning, extinguish extinguish extinguish extinguish
after glow
Odor Similar to Similar to Similar to Celery Chemical
burning burning hair burning hair odor
Residue Light, Crushable Brittle, small Hard, tough, Hard, tough,
feathery bead, black black bead grey tan black or
ash grey in colour bead brown bead
in colour

4.4  Yarn Making various sizes and textures, and also vary
in other characteristics. Performance, end
Yarns play an important role in the use, and fabric care are affected by these
fabric manufacturing process . Yarn is yarn characteristics.
“a generic term for a continuous strand
of textile fibers, filaments, or material in 4.4.1  Yarn Twist
a form suitable for knitting, weaving, or
otherwise intertwining to form a textile Yarns are twisted to hold the fibres together.
fabric. Yarns are also used for products The number of twists per unit length is
such as sewing and embroidery thread, used to measure twist. Yarn twist can be
string, and rope. Yarns are produced in broadly divided by number of twists: none

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or very low, low, average, and high twist. Filament yarns are extruded yarns
Yarn twist impacts the yarn’s appearance, that are made of natural extruded fibres
fineness, strength, and absorption. or manufactured fibres extruded through
the spinneret. These yarns fibres can be
Directions Of Twist: broadly divided into:
Fibres can be twisted together in the 1. Monofilament yarn
clockwise or counter clockwise direction
2. Multifilament yarn
to form yarns. Yarns are twisted in the
clockwise direction for “S” twist, and Monofilament yarn is made from a
counter clockwise for “Z” twist. The “Z” single, relatively thicker filament fibre.
twist is employed in a majority of the spun Transparent sewing thread, metallic yarns,
yarns used for fabric construction. bare elastic, and fishing lines are examples
of monofilament yarns.
Multifilament yarn is made from multiple
filament fibres. Continuous filament fibre
length requires little or no twisting to hold
the multifilament yarn together.
Yarns are classified as simple, novelty and
textured yarns.
a) Simple Yarns
Directions Of Twist Simple yarns are characterized by uniform
size and regular surface. They can be
4.4.2   Classification Of Yarns broadly divided into single, ply, cord, and
rope yarns.
Classification of yarns based on fibre
length is used to broadly divide yarns i. Single yarn: This is the simplest type
into: – Spun yarns (made from short, of yarn. It is commonly produced by
staple fibres) – Filament yarns (made twisting together staple or filament
from continuous filament fibres) fibres.

Spun yarns are composed of short ii. Ply yarns: These are produced by
staple fibres, or long filament fibres that twisting two or more single yarns.
have been cut into short staple fibres. Each strand of single yarn is referred
Spun yarns may contain fibres of the same to as a ply. Thus, four single yarns
type or a blend of different fibres. The twisted together would form a four-
characteristics of spun yarn depend on ply yarn.
the amount of twist given to the fibres iii. Cord yarns: They are produced by
during spinning. A fairly high degree of twisting two or more ply yarns.
twist produces strong yarn, a low twist
iv. Rope yarns: They are produced by
produces softer, more lustrous yarn and a
twisting two or more cord yarns.
very tight twist produces crepe yarn.
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c) Textured Yarns
Textured yarns are made of fully drawn
filament fibres with a changed surface,
i shape and texture developed by using the
ii iv
iii new spinning techniques. There are two
main types of textured yarns: 1. Stretch
yarns 2. Bulk yarns.

Simple Yarns 4.5.  Weaving

b) Novelty Yarns: Weaving is the process of making cloth
Novelty yarns, typically made of two or with two components, a warp, and a weft,
more stands, are produced to provide and can be done by very simple techniques
decorative surface effects. Based on the on a complicated loom.
purpose, each strand is referred to as base/ Preparing The Warp Yarns For
core, effect, or binder. Weaving
The base/core strand provides the Before their use on the loom, warp and
structure and strength. filling yarns must be prepared for weaving.
The effect strand creates decorative detail In preparation for weaving, each warp end
such as knots and loops. (yarn) must be threaded through its own
drop wire, heddle eye, and reed dent. The
The binder is used to tie the effect yarn to
Drop wire is a device that will stop the loom
the base yarn if binding is necessary.
if an end should break, the heddle eye is the
There is a wide variety of novelty opening in a heddle that carries the yarn,
yarns that are produced using different and the reed comb-like device that will push
techniques and types of fibres and strands. each filling yarn close against the completed
example: 1) Flake yarns, 2) Slub yarns, fabric.
3) Spot yarns, 4) Spiral yarns,
Placing the warp yarns on the loom is
5) Loop yarns, 6) Chenille yarns.
done either by drawing-in or by tying-
in. Heddle wires are held in frames called
harnesses. The number of harnesses
required for the loom is determined by
the weave.
Preparing The Filling Yarns For
Yarn that is to be used for filling must be
packaged in some form that allows it to be
4 5 6 unwound easily for transport through the
1 2 3
shed is called a shuttle and is made up of a
Novelty Yarns

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wooden carrier into which a quill or pirn
Definition of important terms:
is placed.
• Weft: The horizontal yarns are called
weft yarns.
• Warp: Warp yarns run vertically the
length of the fabric, known as the
• Selvedge: The weft yarns are
wrapped around the warp yarns to
create an edge to the fabric, known
Warp Yarns & Weft Yarn as the Selvedge.
• Bias: The diagonal or cross grain of
Basic Weaving Operation – 4 basic steps
a woven fabric.
Primary Motions
• Grain: Runs the length of the fabric.
Once the filling yarns have been prepared
and the warp beam containing the sized
yarns is placed at the back of the loom. 4.5.1. 
Classification Of Woven
The warp yarns are conveyed to a cylinder Fabrics
called the cloth beam which is in front. Basic/Simple Weaves
The loom goes through a series of motions Plain Weave: - It is the simplest weave.
Shedding: raising and lowering of warp Many fabrics that you commonly wear like
yarns by means of the harness to form mulmul dupattas, organdy and chiffon
shed, opening between warp yarns sarees are all plain weave. Each and every
through which weft yarn passes. weft yarn goes alternately under and over
Picking: inserting of weft yarn by the the warp yarns across the width of the
shuttle through the shed. fabric.
Beating up: packing the weft yarn into the Twill Weave :- This basic weave has a clear
cloth to make it compact. diagonal line on the face of the fabric.
The denim or jean fabric you wear is twill
Taking up: winding newly formed cloth
onto the cloth beam, Letting off: releasing weave. It is a very strong and durable
yarn from a warp beam. weave. It is therefore commonly used in
men’s suit and coat fabrics. Twill weave
fabrics show soil less quickly than plain
Satin Weave : This basic weave has a
beautiful shiny surface because of long
floats on the surface of the fabric. In the
satin weave warp yarns float over several
weft yarns before interlacing with a weft
yarn and so on.
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Basic Weaves given to a fabric to change its appearance”.
Finishes are applied to make fabric more be
smooth, shrink resistant, easy care, flame
resistant, etc. Finishes can be divided into
two types, general and functional.
Plain Twill Satin General Finishes or routine
Compound/Complex/Novelty finishes are identified as mechanical,
Weaves chemical or combination of the two. It is
a basic procedure in preparing fabrics for
1. Dobby Weave
consumer use.
2. Jacquard Weave
i. Scouring: Fabrics can be scoured by
3. Double Cloth & Double Weave immersing them in 2-4 percent of
4. Pique caustic soda (NaOH) with addition
of wetting agents and emulsifiers
5. Pile Fabrics
under heat to remove waxes, foreign
6. Surface Figure Weaves matter and discolouration.
ii. Bleaching: Bleaching is done to
fibres, yarns and fabrics to make
them white or prepare them for
dyeing and printing. It is a chemical
finish where sodium chloride or
hydrogen per oxide bleach is used
to bleach the fabrics. The chemical
for bleaching depends on the textile
Dobby Weave Double Weave
fibre. Cellulose fabrics such as
cotton can be bleached with sodium
hypochlorite whereas silk and wool
respond well to hydrogen peroxide.

Pile Fabrics Pique

4.6  Fabric Finishes

Fabrics which reach the consumer are
finished by one treatment or other. Except
for the white fabrics, colour is applied to
all the fabrics. “A finish is any treatment
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iii. C a l e n d a r i n g ( Pr e s s i n g ) :
Calendaring is also called pressing
done on cotton, wool, silk as well
as rayon. It is a mechanical process
where the fabric is fed between flat,
heated plates and pressed under heat
and pressure.


iv. Heat Setting: Mostly thermoplastic
fibres are given heat setting finish
to produce fabrics with wrinkle Permanent Design -Pleats
resistant, good elastic recovery, and
give relative permanent design detail v. Tentering: Tentering is a
such as pleats, planned creases and mechanical finish where the fabric
surface embossing. The fibres are is held horizontally by each selvedge
exposed to a certain temperature between pins. There is a tenter
called the glass transition temperature frame which moves with a speed
(Tg temperature) where they are slightly higher than the speed with
shaped. If at any later period the fabric
which the chains  holding the fabric
is exposed to temperature higher
are moving. This process,straightens
than Tg temperature the fabric may
the fabric which involves many
take a new shape. So fabrics should
finishing processes like mercerizing,
be laundered or dried under the
resin finishing and drying.
Tg temperature.

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the starch into the fabric and remove
excess solution. Thus a fabric with
additional stiffness and improved
luster is obtained.

vi. Mercerization: Mercerization
is a chemical finish mostly done
on cotton fabrics. The fabric is
immersed in 16  – 27 percent of Sizing
sodium hydroxide and fed between
viii. Weighting: Weighting is a process
rollers for a specific period of time.
applied to silk fabrics. After removal
Then it is passed on a tendering
of gum i.e. degumming, the silk
frame to have specified dimensions.
fabric, becomes very soft. To make
At last it is washed and dried. This
the silk fabric heavy and stiff the
process causes the fabric to have
Federal Trade Commission ruled that
increased lustre, improves dying
silk fabric can be given stiffness by
characteristic and strength.
addition of 10% stannous chloride a
metallic salt. If this 10% exceeds very
high the silk fabric tends to crack
and split. Weighted silk has body and
density but they are not durable and
can be damaged by sunlight, air and
Unmercerized Mercerized
ix. Functional finishes are those which
vii. Sizing: Sizing is a process of stiffening alter, improve or change the behavior
materials to yarns or fabrics. Sizes or service characteristics of the fabric
is composed of starch or resin. and produce certain properties.
Starch is applied mostly to cellulose Example: A durable press fabric, a
fabrics to improve its luster and to water proof fabric.
add strength. Resin when applied
x. Water Proofing: Water Proof finishes
reacts with the fibre molecules and
are those that prevent water entering
chemical change occurs in the fibre.
the fabrics. These fabrics do not allow
Starch is applied to the fabric which
air also to enter and thus not suitable
then passes between rollers that pad
for wearing apparel. Earlier, rubber,
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oxidized oil or varnish were used to dissolved in water and salt is added to
waterproof fabrics. Modernfabrics control the absorption rate of the dye by the
are coated with synthetic polymers. fibre. Then the cloth which is to be dyed is
immersed. Direct dyed stuff have relatively
excellent light fastness and good colour
fastness to sunlight.
Example: Cotton
ii. Acid dyes:
When acidification is done on basic dyes,
acid dyes are formed. Acid dyes are used
on protein, acrylic and nylon fibres.
They have no affinity for cellulosic fibre
4.7 Dyeing and are not suitable for fibres which are
Dyeing is the substance which is fixed sensitive to weak acid solutions. They
more or less permanently on the fabric have excellent light fastness and some
which evokes colour. have good colour fastness to dry cleaning
and perspiration.

Types of Dyes Examples: Nylon, Silk, Wool

Dyes are classified according to hue iii. Basic dyes:

produced chemical class, method of Basic or cationic dyes are excellent for
application and the types of fibres to which colouring acrylic fibres. They are mostly
they are applied. Some of the different used as “topping” colours to give brilliant
dyes include: colour effects of fabric. Because of the
variety of colour effects produced, it is
successfully used on modified nylon and
modified polyester.
Examples: Wool and Silk
iv. Vat dyes:
Vat dyes have excellent colour fastness
property and are suitable on all cellulosic
fibres and man-made fibres. It is
Dyes not  suitable on protein fibres because of
the alkaline bath which will damage the
i. Direct dyes: fibres. There is a wide choice of vat dyes
Direct dyes colour the fabric directly in a and they withstand hard wear and are fast
single operation without any affixing agent. colours.
Direct dyes are water soluble and are applied Examples: Cotton
mostly to cellulosic fibres. These dyes are

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v. Reactive dyes: iii. Yarn dyeing: Yarns are dyed by three
methods namely, skein dyeing,
Reactive dyes are suitable for mostly all
package dyeing and beam dyeing.
fibres- cellulosic, wool, nylon, silk, acrylic,
Yarn dyeing is best way to adopt for
as well as blends. Bright colours with
large quantity dyeing.
excellent wash fastness &colour fastness
iv. Fabric dyeing: Fabric dyeing
are obtained. Color fastness to crocking is
consist of either piece dyeing the
excellent. Example: Cotton
fabric or printing followed by
Crocking: Crocking is tendency of a an after treatment to fix the dye.
fabric or paint to give off the colour Piece dyeing  is nothing but most
when the surface is rubbed. solid  colour  fabrics are dyed after
the fabrics has been completed.
Fabrics made of cellulosic fibres,
4.7.2.  Dyeing Methods
cotton, rayon and flax are most
There are four steps involved by which frequently piece dyed.
colour may be applied to textile materials.
i. Solutions: Pigments or dye stuffs can 4.8 Printing
be dispersed in the spinning solution
where the fibres are manufactured. Designs are applied on fabrics by means
Solution dyed yarn is highly resistant of printing. Printed fabrics are defined as
to UV fade and shade changes. Solution those that have been decorated by a motif,
dyed yarns are fully uniform in colour pattern or design applied to the fabric after
and typically do not vary from lot to it has already been constructed(Marjory
lot. They are colour fast, resistant to Joseph 1977). Printing can be done by
multiple washing and mild bleaching. two basic methods –Resist printing and
ii. Fibre dyeing: Fibres are dyed in their direct printing.
loose state where the fibres can be less
tangled and dyed thoroughly. Fibre 4.8.1.  Resist printing
dyeing is expensive to produce. There Resist printing is done by preventing the
is better penetration of the dye into the dye to enter some specific portions of the
fibre which produces a higher degree fabric by some method.
of colour fastness on fabrics. Direct,
sulphur, vat and developed dyes are i. Tie and dye: Fabrics are made
used on cellulose fibres. into tiny puffs with some object
inside and tied with a waxed thread
wherever the dye has to be prevented.
The fabric is immersed in the dye
solution. If two or more colours are
desired the thread is removed and
the fabric re-tied. After drying the
object is removed. Other methods
Fibre dyeing of tie and dye includes holding the
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fabric and stitching it and pulling In some places it forms cracks and
the threads to draw the fabric to forms fine lines in the design. The
resist the dye from penetrating into fabric is later washed in boiling
the fabric called as Tritik. Tie and water to remove the wax.
dye fabrics are quiet popular in
apparel and home furnishing.

Tie and dye

ii. Batik: A resist method developed

by the Japanese involves wax as
the resist substance. A copper cup
called “tjanting” is attached to a
reed handle. The wax is taken in this
tjanting and applied in the design
areas, wherever necessary to resist
the dye. The fabric is immersed in
dye solution. The wax resists the Screen printing
dye from entering the fabric. iii. Screen printing: A Screen is made
by covering a frame with blotting
cloth of silk, metal or nylon filament
yarns. The fabric is covered with a
film and the design areas are cut out
of the film. Some areas of the mesh
are left open to allow the dyestuff to
pass through and print the fabric.
The frame is laid on the fabric, and
the dye is placed at one end of the
frame. A rubber knife moves the
Batik dye  across the screen and forces
the dye through the open mesh of
the fabric. One screen is prepared
for each colour. Screen printing
is considered by  many textile
authorities to be the newest method
of decorating fabrics.
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iv. Discharge printing: Discharge
4.8.2.  Direct Printing
printing is used to print designs on
fabrics which has been previously Direct Printing is the method of applying
dyed. A reducing bleach is used colour directly on to the fabrics by one of
which removes the base dye and the following methods.
leaves a white pattern on a coloured
i. Roller Printing: Designs are
ground. Dark fabrics with white
engraved in metal rolls and arranged
designs such as polka dots are
around a main cylinder and locked
examples of discharge printing.
into place. Many rolls can be used.
A trough containing in the dye
solution along with a doctor blade
which scrapes of the excess dye
is placed for each roll. The large
cylinder is covered by a padded
blanket and a grey cloth is used on
top of the printing blanket. The cloth
to be printed is on the outer surface.
The layers move together, the rolls
take up the dye from the trough, print
on the cloth as it comes and goes
to the drying oven which sets the
colour on the fabric. Roller printing
Discharge printing has steadily increased during the
past decades for its quality prints
v. Stencil printing: Stencil Printing and unusual patterns produced.
was developed by the Japanese.
Designs are cut in stencil paper
which is coated with wax. The
stencil designs are placed on fabric
and colour is applied by sponge, air
brush or by spray gun. This method
is done on minimum fabrics like
scarves and similar products.
Roller Printing

Stencil Printing

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ii. Block Printing: Block made of
wood or metal are engraved with
designs. Each block prints only one
colour. The blocks are dipped in dye
solution. Only the raised portion in
the blocks picks up the dye and is
then pressed on the fabric, forcing
the dye to be printed on the surface.

Duplex Print
iv. Photographic Prints: Photographic
prints are made similar to that used
in making photograph. A negative
is placed on the fabric and light is
transmitted to it and the design is
developed. The fabric is washed
and the design is as permanent as a

Block Printing Photographic Prints

iii. Duplex Prints: Duplex print are v. Transfer Printing: Transfer printing
produced by modified direct roller involves heat and pressure. The dye
print equipment. The design is made in the desired design, is first printed
by a machine, which is set up to print onto a special paper. The paper is
on both the face and back of the laid on the fabric and the design is
fabric. transferred by sublimation. The dye

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is changed from solid state on the of fabric together before a permanent
paper to vapor and again changes to stitch in made. Usually the stitch is worked
solid and fixes on the fabric. The heat from right to left, starting with a knot in
sets the colour on the fabric. Transfer contrasting colour thread, so that it can be
printing is suitable for nylon and easily removed.
some acrylic fabrics. i. Even Tacking: Secure the thread with a
knot on the wrong side or several firm
small stitches at the end of the seam.
Make the running stitches ¼ long,
where the stitch is the same length
on the right and wrong sides. Even
Transfer Printing Tacking is used where there is strain
while stitching bodice seams and also
ACTIVITY 6 as a guideline for stitching intricate top
stitched details.
Decorate a plain woven white fabric
ii. Uneven Taking: In this, the stitches on
by each of any three methods of
the upper side is ½ or at least twice that
printing or dyeing with household
on the underside ( ¼ ) . This stitches
can be used for longer folds and seams.
This is comparatively stronger than
4.9  Basic Stitches even tacking. Use this type tacking as a
guideline or where there is little or no
Basic Stitches are the fundamental stitches strain.
which have to be learnt before doing iii. Diagonal Tacking: While attaching
actual sewing. It is necessary to learn basic two or more layer of fabrics this type
stitches to do temporary and permanent of stitch is made about ¼” apart before
stitching. making machine stitch. Work stitches
through the material at right angles
4.9.1  Temporary Stitches to the fabric edge so that a diagonal
or slanting is made on the upper side
Tacking or basting is a temporary stitch and a vertical stitch is made on the
used for holding two or more layers underside.

Classification of basic stitches

Temporary Stitches Permanent Stitches

Even Tacking Running stitches

Uneven Tacking Back stitch
Diagonal Tacking Hem stitch
Tailor’s Tacking Whipping stitch

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Even Tacking Uneven Tacking

Tailor Tacking Tailor Tacking

over pattern Diagonal Tacking
Temporary Stitches

iv. Tailor’s Tacking: Start tacking using

double thread of contrasting colour,
so that they can be easily seen. Tack
through double layer of fabric along
the seam lines using even stitches
of ½ ” length apart, leave them as Running Stitch
loop without pulling it tight. So that ii. Back Stitch: The back stitch is
the thread tuft, will remain on both strong and sometimes substituted for
the layers of fabric and remain as a machine stitch. It takes much time.
guide line. This is especially used for Care must be taken while stitching,
marking details between patterns such since stitching is done on the right
as dart markings and pleat markings. side of the fabric. On the back side of
the fabric the stitch is similar to stem
4.9.2  Permanent Stitches: stitch. Stitches should be about 1/8”
long on the right side. Repeat this way,
i. Running Stitch: This is the simplest keeping stitches uniform in size and
form of the hand stitch which is fairly firm.
used for permanent sewing stitched
using same colour thread used to
make seams, darning, gathering and
finishing. It is similar to even tacking,
much smaller, straight, fine and evenly
spacious, easy and can be worked fast.
Back Stitch

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iii. Hem Stitch: This is used to finish
Case Study 1
the raw edge of the garment usually
referred as the hem. Hemming must Karthick was in a great hurry in the
be fine, evenly spaced and must be morning to go to school on time.
inconspicuous from the right side Unexpectedly he tore his school pants
of the garment. Start the hem with a while he was trying to wear it. How will
tiny knot and finish with the same. you help Karthick and his mom to get
Hemming must be as invisible as the pant stitched and board the school
possible on the right side. Of the van on time?
garment do slanting stitch on wrong
side, close enough to hold the hem
4.10 Care And Maintenance
securely, picking one or two yarns of
Of Fabric
the fabric. Usually this stitch is seen in
all types of garments. The care of garments and other products
made of fabrics has always been a concern
of consumers. Such care is reflected in
economy, the household budget, service
ability, and appearance. There are certain
care procedures which consumers should
observe in order to get the greatest use and
Hemming Stitch satisfaction from textile products. Textile
products should not only be carefully
iv. Whipping stitch: This stitch is used to selected, they should also be given proper
finish raw edges, sleeves, collar of kid’s care throughout their service. This care
wear. The other name for this stitch includes (1) frequent brushing and
is overcasting. Whipping produces airing, (2) clean storage when not in use
slanting stitches taking stitches over (3) immediate mending when damaged by
the rolled fabric edge with needle in a tearing (4) stain removal before washing
straight position. The finished fabric or further use, (5) intelligent choice
gives continuous ‘X’ shape stitches. On of cleaning method - washing or dry
both the sides stitches appear similar cleaning, (6) frequent laundering when
in shape. the fabric is washable (7) proper method
of laundering for type of fabric (8) proper
ironing or pressing.

4.11  Stain Removal

Clothing can get stained with curry,
grease,  blood, tea/coffee and ink spills.
It is very important that the stain is
removed while fresh, Most stains will
Whipping Stitch be totally removed because they would

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not have penetrated into the fabric. The iii. Drop Method: The reagent is put
stain removal should be systematic and on the stained cloth stretched over a
methodical. bowl with a dropper.
It should be remembered that many
dilute applications are better than one
concentrated treatment as strong chemicals
can damage the fabric.
Stains can be removed by the
following methods.
i. Dipping: The stained material is
dipped into the reagent. It is then
scrubbed to remove the stain and Drop Method
finally rinsed with water.
iv. Steaming: The stained area is
exposed to steam from boiling hot

ii. Sponging: The part of material from
which the stain has to be removed
is placed on blotting paper and the
reagent is applied with a sponge
on the stained area and scrubbed

Simple tips to remove stain

from washable fabrics
zzAlcohol paints: Soak for 30 minutes
in strong ammonia solution and then

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of textiles and clothing. These fibres
are obtained from naturally available
Blood Tea Orange Juice Grass sources like plants, animals and
zz Man-made fibres are combination of
natural products and chemicals.
Grease Dyes Mud Coffee
Types of Stain zz All man-made fibres and synthetic
fibres are filaments, their length and
zzBlood: Soak in cold water till stain
thickness can be modified based on the
lightens then wash in warm soapy
end product.
zz The burning test can be used to identify
zzDyes: Soak or wash in cold or
the group-cellouse protein, minerals
lukewarm water for 10 to 12 hours.
etc., to which the fibres belong.
Then wash, dry in the sun.
zz Finishes gives a high level of satisfaction
zzEgg: Sponge with cold water. Then
to the consumer in terms of looks,
wash in warm soap water.
texture, colour and suitability for dyeing,
zzGrass: Dip in Javelle water sodium printing etc.,
hypochlorite (Naclo) for 1 minute
zz Basic stitches are used as a foundation
then rinse in cold water.
prior to garment construction. These
zzGrease: Put soap on stain and soak in are used to enhance the functionality
cold water. and decoration of the garment. These
zzIodine: Hold over steam of boiling tea basic stitches are used as guidelines
kettle. while sewing.
zzInk: Rub in glycerine, rinse with cold zz Clothing can get stained with curry,
water or use absorbent powder. grease, blood, tea/coffee and ink spills.
zzLipstick: Rub in glycerine or vaseline. It is very important that you remove
Then wash with soap and water. that stain while fresh. The stain removal
should be systematic and methodical.
zzNail polish: Sponge with nail polish
remover or peroxide and rinse. G L O S S A RY
Case Study 2 zz Absorbency: Capable of absorbing
Michael is a mechanic. His clothes after heat, light, moisture etc.
gets stains with grease and paints. How zz Crease: A line or ridge produced on
will you help him to remove the stain. paper or cloth by folding, pressing, or
zz Extrude : thrust or force out.
zz Tweezers : a small instrument like a
zz Natural fibres play a very important pair of pincers for plucking out hairs
role in the growth and development and picking up small objects.

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I.  Choose the correct answer c) Cellulose layer

1. Match the following: d) all the above
Fibres Titles 5. Cotton plant is
A) Cotton i) Manmade fibre a) Lengthy
B) Silk ii) Best friend b) shallow
C) Wool iii) King of fibre c) bushy
D) Polyester iv) Queen of Fibre
d) hard
Options: 6. The silk fibre is invented by
a) i, ii, iii, iv. a) Egyptian
b) iv, iii,ii,i. b) Japanese
c) iii,iv,ii,i c) Indian
d) ii, iv,iii,i. d) Chinese
2. Assertion, (A) Cotton is a natural 7. Stitches are made of equal lengths
fibre in
Reason (R) it is taken from plants. a) Even Tacking
Options: b) Uneven Tacking
a) Both A and R are true, R c) Diagonal Tacking
explains A. d) Tailor’s Tacking
b) Both A and R are true but R does 8. ______________ is used for holding
not explain A two or three layers of fabric before
c) Only A is true and R is false. sewing
d) A is false and R is true. a) Even Tacking
3. Pick out the odd stitch from the given. b) Uneven Tacking
a) Back stitch c) Diagonal Tacking
b) Hem stitch d) Tailor’s Tacking
c) Running stitch 9. ______________ is used to finish the
d) Even tacking raw edges of the fabric

4. Cotton is stronger when it is wet. This a) Back stitch

is because of b) Hem stitch
a) Crystalline fibre c) Whipping Stitch
b) hydrophilic in nature d) Machine stitch

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10. Polyester is referred as 7. Batik is done on the fabric to make it
a) dupont more attractive-Explain?
8. Define dyes Give two example of dyes?
b) work hose
9. Vat dyes are applied to cellulose and
c) cellulose acetate
man made fibres- Justify?
d) acrylic 10. What is block printing?
II.  Write Very Short Answers(2 marks) 11. Care and maintenance of fabric is a
1. Name any two natural fibres? concern of consumers-Explain
2. Name the method of removing seeds 12. Why are direct dyes appllied to cotton?
from dried cotton. How is it done? IV.  Write in detail (5 marks)
3. Is polyester man-made or natural? 1. Describe the manufacturing of silk
How is it made? fibre?
4. Name the process by which nylon is 2. Discuss the different types of direct
manufactured? printing methods?
5. Do you agree that permanent stitches 3. How can natural fibres be classified?
are used in stitching? If so what are Explain their sources.
they and where it is used? 4. What is the difference between man
6. Tacking makes the dress beautiful. made fibres and natural fibres?
How? 5. Do you prefer natural or synthetic
7. Name the fibre that is given weighting. fibres? Give reason for your
Why is it given to the fabrics? selection.
8. Give some uses of nylon fabrics. 6. Finishing is done on fabric to make the
9. Name the fibre which is made by product complete. Explain the various
combining two chemical and it is a finishing methods?
polymer. 7. A Mechanic’s clothes have lot of grease
III.  Write Short Answers (3 marks) stain. What are the methods you would
suggest to remove those stains?
1. Cotton has multiuse in our daily life
2. Can Nylon be manufactured in
industry. Mention the raw materials 1. Marjory L. Joseph(1977) Introductory
used for Nylon fabric. Textile Science 3rd Edition, California
3. What are the uses of even tacking? State University, Northridge.
4. Name the strongest stitch among 2. PremlataMullick(1995) Textbook of
stitches and give reason. Home Science, Kalyani publishers,
5. Name the stitch used to cover the New Delhi, India.
edges. How is it done? 3. Bernard P. Corbman(1983)Textiles
6. Write a simple stain removal Fibre to Fabric, McGraw-Hill Book
procedure followed at home? Co, Singapore.

121 Fundamentals of textiles  UNIT 4 

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ICT Corner
Textiles - Cotton

This activity enables the students to enrich themselves with the fibre cotton.
It helps them understand about the cotton plant as well as the cotton fibre. It
contains more facts also

zzType the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code. A
page opens with OPTIONS on the top. When you click the games it shows
four options. All worthy with many informations on cotton.
zzFor example if you click drag and drop the game will display .
zzA picture of the scientist will be there in the centre with the question at
the bottom and two option at either side of the scientist. When we drag
the scientist to the correct option it shows ‘reveal the answer’ when we
click that we can check whether the answer is correct or not. Then for next
question have to click “Next”
zzThree more options are True or False, Choose the best and quiz time. Try
all and enjoy.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

h t t p : / / w w w. c o t t o n c a m p u s . o r g / C C - U S -

UNIT 4  Textiles - Cotton 122

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