School of Engineering and Computer Science Independent University, Bangladesh Course No: MAT 211 Course Title: Probability and Statistics Autumn 2013
School of Engineering and Computer Science Independent University, Bangladesh Course No: MAT 211 Course Title: Probability and Statistics Autumn 2013
School of Engineering and Computer Science Independent University, Bangladesh Course No: MAT 211 Course Title: Probability and Statistics Autumn 2013
Pre-requisite: MAT 101 or equivalent. Instructional Format p/w: 2×1½ -hours lectures
and 1-hour tutorial
Course objectives
The course ‘MAT 211 Probability and Statistics’ is an important foundation course offered by
IUB and suited for all undergraduate students who wish to major under the non-SECS, IUB. It
covers all the usual topics in statistics and explains how theories can apply to solve real world
problems. Topics include: Elementary Descriptive Techniques, Probability Theory with
Important Probability Distributions, Sampling Theory, Statistical Inference, Linear
Correlation and Regression Theories and others.
By the end of the course, students should have acquired sufficient skills to be able to: follow
statistical arguments in reports and presentations; understand how to apply the statistical tools
to make effective decisions and find that many of the topics and methods students learn can
be used in other courses in their future education; finally, express statistical findings in non-
technical language.
Murray R. Spigel and Larry J. Stephens (2008), Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of
Statistics (Fourth edition), Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill.
Evaluation criteria
Homework will be assigned weekly. Students are not required to hand those back for grading
but completing the given homework is essential for understanding the material and
performing satisfactorily on examinations.
Grading scales
Above 85%: A, 81%-85%: A-, 76%-80%: B+, 71%-75%: B, 66%-70%: B-, 61%-65%: C+,
56%-60%: C, 51%-55%: C-, 46%-50%: D+, 45%-40%: D, below 40%: F
Incomplete (I-Grade)
I-grade will be given only to a student who has completed the bulk of the course works and is
unable to complete the course due to a serious disruption not caused by the student’s own
Final Test: All sections will have a common examination. Materials and date will be
announced later.
Topics to be covered
Chapter-1: Introduction: Data, elements, variables, observations, scales of measurement, raw
data, qualitative data, quantitative data, cross-sectional data, time series data, census survey,
sample survey, population, random sample, computer and statistical analysis
Chapter-2: Summarizing qualitative data- Frequency distribution, relative (or percent)
frequency distribution, bar chart, pie chart
Summarizing quantitative data- Frequency distribution, relative (or percent) frequency
distribution, cumulative frequency distribution, stem and leaf display
Summarizing quantitative data continued: histogram, ogive, Line chart, dot plot,
Summarizing bi-variate data: Cross-tabulation, scatter diagram
Chapter-3: Measures of Location: simple mean, weighted mean median, mode, quartiles,
Measures of Variability: Range, Inter-quartile range, variance, standard deviation, coefficient
of variation
Distribution shapes: skewness and kurtosis, Detecting outliers - Five number summary, z-
Detecting Outliers (Five number summary), Z-score
Review: Week_1-Week_3
Test -1
Chapter-4: Random experiment, random variable, sample space, events, counting
rules(combinations), tree diagram, probability defined on events
Basic relationships of probability: addition law, complement law, conditional probability
(independent events, multiplication law)), Bayes Theorem
Chapter-5: Discrete random variable, discrete probability distribution, expected value,
variance, standard deviation.
Continuous random variable, continuous probability distribution, expected value, variance,
standard deviation.
Discrete probability distributions- Uniform distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson
Chapter 6: Continuous probability distributions- symmetric distribution.
Test -3
Chapter 7: Target population, random sample, table of random numbers, simple random
sampling, point estimate (sample mean and sample SD)
Chapter-8:Parameter, statistic, margin of error (ME), statistical tables (z-table, t-table, chi-
square table, F-table), confidence interval of population mean, confidence interval of
population proportion, confidence interval of population standard deviation
Chapter-9: Hypothesis, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, type I error, type II error, one-
tail tests, two-tail test, Tests of population mean, proportion, standard deviation
Chapter -10: Statistical inference about means and proportions with two populations,
Review: Week 9 and Week 10
Interval estimations about two population means, proportions, standards deviations, Tests of
two populations means, two proportions, two standard deviations
Chapter -14: Concepts of Covariance and Correlation (Numerical measures of bi-variate
data), Linear and Multiple Regression Model, Prediction, Applications from Practical Data
h The above course outline grants a general guide for the course only.
h Deviation or some changes may be necessary.
h The instructor will responsible the sole authority in all matters related to course
content, students grading and lecture room procedures.