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RAHMADYTA AUDYA (2193520009)


First of all, we would say big thanks to Almighty God who given us His
bless, so we can finish the Critical Journal Review. Also we would say our deep
thanks and sincere gratitude to the lecturer of Scientific Writing, Sir Muhammad
Natsir, M. Hum. that has guided us so we can complete Critical Journal Revie paper
in time.
In arranging this Critical Journal Review we truly get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many individuals, thankfully those obstructions could
passed and also we realize that there are still many mistakes in process of reading
this paper, so we would say sorry if there are some mistakes in this Critical Journal
Review, comments and suggestions would be needed for the improvement of this

Medan, 23rd March 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................
1.1 The Important of Critical Journal Review..........................................
1.2 The Purpose of Critical Journal Review.............................................
1.3 The Benefit of Critical Journal Review...............................................
1.4 Identity of the Journals........................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION........................................................................
2.1 Summary of the Journals......................................................................
2.2 Advantages of the Journals...................................................................
2.3 Disadvantages of the Journals...............................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING...............................................................................
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................
3.2 Suggestion..............................................................................................

2.1 Summary of the Journal

A. Main Journal
Professors can base their criteria for choosing and recording the words in
the log on Nation’s (1990) definition of what is involved in knowing a word.
According to him, receptive knowledge involves being able to recognize a word
when it is heard or when it is seen. It also involves having an expectation of what
grammatical pattern the owrd will occur in, the knowledge of its frequency of
occurrence, and the words it will collocate with; that is, which words usually
accompany it, for example, too frequently collocates with late and much.
Casanave (1993) believes, however, that some students are interested in
receiving linguistic feedback. Therefore, he suggests extracting passages from the
journals and displaying them anonymously on an overhead projector to be
examined later for lexical, grammatical, and stylistic improvements. Casanave
(1993) also provides some useful advice for succesful journal writing tasks. When
selecting readings, professors should choose interesting topics to suit their students,
they should have a purpose in mind, and they should also provide general journal
writing guidelines.
The research question on this journal is “How does explicit instruction of
troublesome linguistic aspects (syntax, morphology, lexicon, and punctuation)
taken from the students’ journal entries improve the students’ writing skills?” The
students made word choice errors and many spelling mistakes, most of them
probably due to Spanish interference. However, a more serious problem was
substituting a word for a homophone ( a word that sounds the same but is spelling
Based on the importance and frequency of the errors and the number of
students who made them, the following lingustic aspects were selected to be
reinforced throughout the semester: punctuation, subject/ verb agreement, subject
omission, indirect questions, another, other(s), and the other(s). handouts and
exercises were designed to work on these linguistic elements. However, students
were also given individual feedback on their specific linguistic problems. This was
done in the journals and in personal communication with them. In addition, in-class
group feedback was also provided. The latter focused mostly on teacher assigned
vocabulary included in the personal dictionaries, and common errors in
collocations, prepositions, and parts of speech, such as the ones mentioned above.
Spelling errors in word choice, as well as verb forms and tenses were
generally corrected individually. Students were asked to check the meaning of the
words in the dictionary and to remember to use them correctly. Also group feedback
was given when several students misspelled or misused the same words.

B. Comparison Journal

1. What is writing?
Writing is important and frequently used in people’s daily lives either as
individual such as writing application letter, messages, and dissemination of the
research results or member of society such as in a workplace issues. Writing is also
taught in formal education considering the importance of having ability and good
skills of writing. There are various definitions of writing ability according to
different approaches of the teaching of writing. As mentioned in Yi (2009), there
are three approaches, namely Product/Text Oriented Approach, Process/Cognitive-
Oriented Approach, and Genre-Based Approach. A teacher who believes this view
encourage students to develop power over their own writing without being
directive, assuming that writing is a creative act and that the process is important as
a discovery of the true self (Berlin in Yi, 2009).
As Grabe and Kaplan in Yi (2009) note the learners are encouraged to look
for their own authentic voices and freely express them. Accordingly, the writing
activities are like to be personal essays and journal writing wich are suitable for self
discovery (Johns in Yi, 2009). Indeed, from this point of view, the writing ability is
defined as the ability the express oneself freely.

2. Conceptual Idea of Journal Articles

The very first step to be able to write a journal article –recognizing the
conceptual idea of journal article- is rarely done. “Mediocrity knows nothing higher
than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius” Doyle’s Qoute in Sherlok
Holmes, “It is believed that everybody has something “in their locker”, but how to
make it open, seen, and read. So, putting the student’s scientific works down in a
scientific or an academic paper is necessary.
The second step to consider after writing a scientific paper is to check
whether a target journal in mind publishes the written manuscript. Yet, in
accordance Belt et.a; (2011), to decide on a target journal during the very early
stages of writing a scientific article is beneficial rather than writing an article then
followed by considering where to send the article. When selecting the targeted
journal, it is important to conduct an analyis of the purpose and missionof the
journal, and examine what types of article which is typically published.
Understanding types of scientific publication will also be meaningful. Majumder
(2015) states that there are some the possible types of scientific publications, such
as original research, review article, clinical case study, clinical trial, perspective,
opinion, and commentary.

3. Structure of Scientific Papers

Scientific papers such as journal article may consist of several structure. It
commonly has a standard format consisting of some orderly organized elements i.e.
title, abstract, introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, reference list
(Thorn, 2015). Meanwhile, as according to Hourglass Model of scientific paper, it
comprises three main parts namely, introduction, body, and discussion (Derntl,
2014). He further modified that model and named it King Model of Scientific Paper
with is logical order consisting of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Discussion,
and Reference. Yet. Belt et.al (2011) have a little bit different structure/elements of
a journal article, namely Title, Abstract, Introduction, Theory/Literature Review,
Research Mehtods/Process, Results (sometimes it is divided into results and
analysis), and Conclusion. This standard format is helpful for readers to find their
expected information.

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