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Securing Iot Devices and Securelyconnecting The Dots Using Rest Api and Middleware

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Securing IoT Devices and SecurelyConnecting the

Dots Using REST API and Middleware

Hittu Garg Mayank Dave
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering
Nit Kurukshetra Nit Kurukshetra
Haryana, India Haryana, India
hittugarg6@gmail.com mdave@nitkkr.ac.in

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) is a fairly disruptive

technology with inconceivable growth, impact, and capability. B. IoT Middleware architecture
We present the role of REST API in the IoT Systems and some One way to handle such heterogeneous applications is
initial concepts of IoT, whose technology is able to record and that we can have a middleware platform that will become the
count everything. We as well highlight the concept of bridge between things and applications in the cloud.
middleware that connects these devices and cloud. The Middleware packages and abstractshardware, and provides
appearance of new IoT applications in the cloud has brought application programming interfaces (APIs) for
new threats to security and privacy of data. Therefore it is communication, data processing, computing, privacy and
required to introduce a secure IoT system which doesn’t allow security.
attackers infiltration in the network through IoT devices and
also to secure data in transit from IoT devices to cloud. We Figure 1 gives the overall picture of the role of
provide the details on how Representational State Transfer middleware in I oT.In the broad category, there are four
(REST) API allows to securely expose connected devices to main components of an IoT System – things itself, the local
applications on cloud and users. In the proposed model, network which can include a gateway, middleware, cloud
middleware is primarily used to expose device data through (for user access control, Business Data Analysis etc.).
REST and to hide details and act as an interface to the user to
interact with sensor data.
Keywords—IoT,security, REST API, middleware. IoT applications are becoming part of personal lives and
data collected is rather sensitive and private to an individual.
I. INTRODUCTION Privacy and Security issues must be addressed in all of these
The Internet of Things interconnects computer devices environments. As in the health sector, health data is highly
integrated in everyday objects through the Internet, allowing critical for personal privacy, therefore it should not be
them to send and receive data.There are two-fold advantages, accessed by an unauthorized entity.The recent voluminous
we can empower our computers to gather information about DDoS attacks (October 2016) on DYN’s servers that
surroundings without depending on humans and by brought down many popular online services in the US,
processing the information collected we can reduce letting us know what can happen when attackers are able to
extravagance, loss, and cost.The Internet of Things allows leverage up to 150,000 unsecure IoT devices as malicious
for interaction between the physical world and the digital terminals [1]. To understand the overall approach to data
world.The digital world interacts with the physical world via security, there is a need to know about the security
sensors and actuators. These sensors collect information that requirements for all key components of IoT system i.e. IoT
must be stored and processed. Data processing can take place devices, IoT users, Middleware/ IoT gateway,
at the edge of the network or at a remote server or cloud. communication channel, and cloud applications.
The storage and processing capabilities of an IoT object A. Security Challenges in Constrained IoT Devices
are restricted by the resources available, which are
constrained due to size limitation, energy, power, and IoT systems are made of resource-constrained devices.
computational capability. So these systems rely on IoT
middleware to provide needed capabilities. • Public key infrastructure is not suitable for IoT
environments as it becomes a computationally
A. REST for machine-to-machine connectivity and IoT expensive task to calculate ciphertext because of the
APIs allow to expose the connected device to users in a large key size.
secure manner. RESTful APIs are widely being used in the
modern web. Data transfer is usually done using JSON or • Once the system is compromised, it is difficult to
XML over HTTP. It is a good model for the heterogeneous update it. In addition, shutting down a potentially
systems. REST API makes the device information easily compromised systems, reinstalling or restarting
available. They can standardize on a way to create, read, software, or replacing components or subsystems is
update, and delete this data. All these operations will be not suitable for multiple IoT systems, as this can also
input to the REST query calls. REST APIs allow to delegate result in severe business loss and disruption. It is
and manage authorization. The API can authenticate on the also impractical and infeasible to use a secure
server and the server can authenticate to the API to prevent firewall for IoT devices. [2].
theman-in-the-middle attacks.

978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
There are multiple solutions available to cater to different
security requirements of an IoT System. The first and
foremost requirement is mutual authentication between the
IoT device and gateway within the resource-constrained
environment of IoT System.
Recently, many authentication schemes for IoT have
been proposed. In [3], the author suggested arobust
anonymity preserving authentication protocol for IoT
devicesthat provides mutual authentication between tag and
reader through the server. This scheme uses Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) to implement authentication.
It is already established that ECC based cryptographic
algorithms are secure. The security of ECC relies on the
difficulty of solving these two problems:-
• Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDL)
problem: Let E be an Elliptic curve over a finite
field. Let P and Q be the points in Zq (modulo q). It
is difficult to compute the special integer α belongs
to Zq satisfying Q = α P.
• Elliptic Curve DecisionalDiffie-Hellman (ECDDH)
problem: aP, bP, and cP are three points in G. It is
hard to verify if abP = cP.
As a method to provide the user the access of sensor or
sensor data, the user is usually authenticated through the
gateway. There will be mainly three parties: the user,
gateway, and sensor. In [4] the authors proposes a verifiable,
provable and privacy preserving user authentication scheme
for wireless sensor networks (WSN). Authors point out that
theHsieh and Leu’s scheme [13] is not secure because of its
several security shortcomings including Insider attack, off-
Figure 1: IoT Middleware Architecture
line password guessing attack, user forgery attack, and
sensor capture attack. For WSN, a new two-factor
authentication scheme also based on ECC is presented. This
B. Need for Trusted Devices scheme meets the authorization, confidentiality and integrity
IoT middleware needs to manage a trust relationship with property for IoT security.
devices so that these devices can be authenticated and Different multi-factor authentication schemes are
authorized to share data. It needs to enforce authentication suggested for user authentication. Different factors like
prior to communication with any device enabling proof of passwords, biometrics, and smartcards are used together for
the origin of data. These devices are assigned unique identity authentication mechanism. Like in [5], a three factor
identitiesthat disallow the reuse of security credentials across authentication scheme for WSN was proposed (2018). The
devices. three factors are password, smartcards and fingerprint
identification. Here Gateway is supposed to be a trusted
C. Connecting IoT devices to Middleware. participant and bridge between user and sensor. This scheme
There is a requirement to connect a large number of successfully register a user and sensor on the gateway,
heterogeneous smart devices like connected cars, connected authenticate the user to access sensor andprovides password
wearables, smart cities etc. IoT devices are typically changing facility tothe user.
connected to the Internet through an IP stack. This stack now
has its own complexity and requires a lot of power and Researchers have also proposed some ultra-lightweight
memory from connected devices. authentication schemes which only involve simple bit-wise
operations (like XOR, AND, OR, etc.) on tags. Therefore, it
is very efficient in terms of storage and communication cost
D. Security of Communication channel. [6].
IoT Data needs to be secured while at rest as well as
while in transit to ensure data integrity. Security solutions Razouk et. al. suggested a new Security Middleware
Architecture based on Fog Computing and Cloud to support
are implemented in a way to detect unwanted intrusions and
resource constrained devicesfor authentication [7]. IoT
prevent malicious attacks on the communication layer. Also
constrained devices communicate through proposed
securing against attacks like Replay attacks, offline id middleware which provides access to more computing power
guessing attacks, unauthorized login, user anonymity, and and enhanced capability to perform secure communications.
sensor node anonymity.Figure 2 gives an overview of
security requirements for different pillars of IoT system.

978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This model is based on usual technologies like the for easy implementation.
“Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)” and REST API

Figure 2: Security Model for IoT System.

device and device can now send real-time data to the

IoT devices typically connect to the Internet via an
Internet Protocol (IP) stack. This stack is very complex and
requires a lot of power and memory from the connecting IoT
devices.In the proposed model IoT devices are connected
locally through non-IP networks and are connected to the
Internet through anintelligentgateway. This gateway act as an
interface to the internet for the IoT devices. Because of the
smart gateway devices can be hidden in enterprise behind
multiple firewalls and will not require any inbound ports.
The proposed solution provides a middleware
architecture that is able to adapt according to application
requirements. Middleware is responsible for device
registration, identification and database management. It also
ensures the privacy and security of data. The stored data is
exposed after authentication and authorization via REST
API. Figure 5 summarizes the overall scenario.
There are many authorization protocols available. For
example, OAuth is an open authorization protocol which can
allow accessing the resource at middleware using username, Figure 3: Device Registration
password, and tokens. Figure 3 and 4 explainthe architecture
to achieve this onboard flow.
Step 1:- Device Registration requires an Authorized user
who already has created an online account through
Step 2:- Whenever an authentication request comes from the
IoT device, gateway validates the devices request including
the device payload by accessing the exposed REST API.
Now the gateway will in turn request access to exposed API
with its own credentials. The request will contain gateway id
and secret key as input parameters. The API will both
authenticate and authorize the gateway and will validate the
request. All methods in REST API requires authentication.
Once the gateway is authorized, a response in an encrypted
form containing device details is sent back to the gateway.
Now after verifying, gateway gives the access token to the

978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Figure 4: Data sharing

Figure 5:Proposed System Model.

A. Defining required REST endpoints.

• REST resource for getting Device Details:-
The real need in an Internet of Things environment is to
move data efficiently, quickly and securely. An API makes a. Retrieve access token to access API-inbound
this easier and thus becomes the core of IoT. A RESTful web at middleware.
service uses HTTP for machine to machine communication,
also for transferring machine readable file formats such as
XML and JSON. We have defined different REST
endpoints for different operations. REST URL https://middleware-
(Access 0ff5f6bf8404dsdca4012sa1c0426f689905.i
B. Accessing REST endpoints token dentity.c9dev1.oc9qadev.com:443/oauth2/v
IoT REST API-Inbound is enabled with authentication URL) 1/gateway-id
and authorization. After properly authenticating the gateway Request POST
operations, the gateway gains the privileges to access the
URLs. Now gateway will build a jQuery client that {
consumes a RESTful Web Service. All the service requests Response “access_token”:”
will be consumed at a URL. The service will respond with a sdjdwkwsjdjnjsncjdcnhwdnjsnjnjdncjddjiw
JSON representation of device details. djjdnjndjcxmsmcxsncwenddscdcnwdeidmd

978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:8080/test/webresources
mlkwkqnjqwdnjwdndkwefjuiefjrnfjfnjefhh data: JSON.stringify({
deviceidentifier : self.newDeviceId(),
devicemanufacturingdate : self.newMDate(),
uid : self.newUid()
Mandatory Gateway-id, secret key
fields headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
b. To access device details after authorization
success: function() {

Figure 6 shows the sample code to hit the REST console.log(data);

API. The given module is a simple JavaScript function that },
uses jQuery’s $.ajax () method to use REST service at a
specified URL. If successful, it will assign JSON received to error: function(err) {
the variable data. console.log("AJAX Error: " + err);
REST http://localhost:8080/test/webresources/com.
URL mycompany.test.devicedetails/{id} });

Request GET (application/ json) algorithms because the two parties involved are not
resource constrained.
Response {
• Authentication and Authorization is taken care by
In JSON "deviceIdentifier":"a"," REST APIs which makes the whole process less
complex and compatible with industry standards.
We proposeda middleware architecture which provides
Mandator Device Identifier an end-to-end security solution for contributors who upload
y fields sensing data. This approach allows an end to end encryption
of data to secure data in transit. In the proposed middleware
Figure 6: Sample AJAX call to hit the REST API through a URL
solution all IoT system constraints are taken into
consideration. REST API is used for communication and
data exchange. Middleware successfully assists IoT
V. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED MODEL development by exposing REST API and providing an
interface to the user to register their IoT devices and then
In this paper, we proposed a secure IoT framework that securely accessing data collected by the device.
ensures end-to-end security from IoT application to IoT
Devices. We can evaluate the security of the system by
analyzing the integrity of each component.
Our future plan is to provide a multi-factor user
• IoT devices are isolated and have no interaction authentication scheme at middleware to provide secure
with the outside world. They are connected to a access to sensory data to an authorized user. Also to provide
gateway and this gateway act as an interface to the a privacy solution to prevent any data leakage and data
internet for the IoT devices. Because of the smart breaches at middleware.
gateway devices can be hidden in enterprise behind
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978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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978-1-7281-1253-4/19/$31.00 © 2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 25,2021 at 07:47:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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