Entrepreneurship: No. Matrikulasi: No. Kad Pengnealan: No. Telefon: E-Mel
Entrepreneurship: No. Matrikulasi: No. Kad Pengnealan: No. Telefon: E-Mel
Entrepreneurship: No. Matrikulasi: No. Kad Pengnealan: No. Telefon: E-Mel
The capacity and willingness to develop,organize and manage a busniss venture along
with any of its risks in order to make a profit.The most obvious example of entreprenuership
is the starting of new businesses.
Macro environment. The major external and uncontrollable factors that influence an
Organization’s decision making, and effect its performance and strategies. These factors
include the economic factors are demographics, legal, political, and social conditions:
technological changes and natural forces.
Macro environment is the remote environment of the firm,i.e the external
environment in which it exists.As a rule this environment is not controllably bt the firm,it is t
huge and to unpredictable to control.
Hence the succes of the company,to a large extent will depend on the companys
ability to adapt and react to the changes in the macro environment. Primarily the company
has to closely monitor the various elements of macro environment.This will help them
understand the dynamic nature of the macro environment.It also helps them adapt to the
constant changes in the environment.
Figure 1
The Macro Environment
Economic forces are the factors that help to determine the competitiveness of
the environment in which the firm operates.These factors include:Unemployment
level,inflation rate.There can be positive as well as negative affects of the economy on
the fashion line.When the economy enhances there is more disposable income int he
pocketsof people and they indulge more into buying good clothes.Thus fashion
industry an incresed sale trend.Recessions on the other hand hits the industry
negatively where sales become lower significantly and large inventory being
stuck.The economies conditions of the ecompany and the performance of a business
have a very close relationship.A business depends on the economy for all inputs and
factors of production.It also sells its products and services int he same market.A
market is never in one stable condition.It is laways in a flux.If there is a boom in the
market then all bussinesses will benefit from the favorable conditions.The income will
be higher,rate of interests will be low,new capital will be avaible etc.Also,the opposite
is also true in case of a bust.
Social and cultural forces in other words,socio-cultural forces consider the various
social factors that can affect the bussiness directly or indirectly such as the
religion,family,wealth and health of a particular population which can change over a
course of time.Fashion industry is a consumer industry and hence is affected by the
sociacultural external factors as well.For an instance the fashion designing company
might have to design apparels catering to defferent culturess and sociaties.Wholesalers
and retailers cater to what is in the demand in the society for decades.The consumer
group has a change in their fashion preferences as they hit their 40s and 50s.All such
factors affect the industry in Australia.The social values and culture of an environment
play a huge role in the functioning of the company.So when the social environemnt
changes it can have a direct or indirect effect on the company.For example in recent time
society has seen a shift,and people no longer retire at 60.They work five to ten years
more after sixty.So this had a huge impact on companies.
4.1.5 Ecological Forces
Abiot and biotic ecological factors are major driving forces for the evolution of host-
parasite interaction and immune defence.In this case,the environmental factors may act as a
potent selective force that directly determines the distribution of host genotypes and
ecological forces in the macro environment are important since they are about the natural
resources which are needed as inputs by marketers or which are affected by their marketing
activities.Ecology and physical environment play a huge part in the performance of any
bisuness.This is especially true for manufacturing/production companies.Let us take the
example for global warming.This change in our physical environment has started affecting
the rainfal in certain regions.This in turn may affect the crops and cause a shortage in raw
materials such as jute,cotton,rubber etc. Weather conditions,topographical location,climate
changes and other ecological factors are a very important elements in the macro environment
of a business.
Budget for the given year.So stable legal and political government is really important if
the business and the economy as a whole has to succeed.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Toyota is one of the world’s most popular car manufacturers,being known for its
unique quality products.Launched in Japan,it is now known worldwide ,having 52
manufacturing companies in 27 countries and regions excluding Japan and 170
countries as markets for its vehicles(Toyota 2010).
sales have hit an unprecendented 40 million,which is mind-boggling.The Toyota
Corollo is the most common Toyota brand on African roads.
One famous point of Toyota facts is its durability.People say that Toyotas run
forever,and that is not far from the truth.Statistcs show that eighty percent of Toyota
that was sold 20 years ago ares still on the road today.Think about it for a minute.Just
how many older Toyota do you see in a day?See you didnt know as much as you
thought you did about Toyota.However,now you probably learn more about.It is
officially.Toyota has surged of competitors and others famous brands to be crowned
as the leading Global Green Brand.Lastb year,the company ewas ranked by the Inter
Surveyas the number 1 out of the Green brands.Toyota cares for the environment.
5.2.7 The World Wide Business
One of blowing mind Toyota facts is ths brand even more famous than Coca-
Cola.Cola-Cola mayhave got beyond merely 100 nations.On the other hand,Toyota
has business operation in a large 170 counteries and growing.Toyota has made sure
they are reachable to car lovers nearly in every country in the world.
There are many factors in the macro environment that will affect the decision of the
managers of any organizationin this whole world.Tax changes,new laws,trades
barries,demographic change and goverment policy,political changes are all examples
of macro change.There are so many effects in macro environments .
Additionaly,inflation,unemployment rates,and taxes are macro environment factors
that affect businesses and consumers on a day-to-day basic.The economy and
consumers are influences in the macro environment that effect businesses.And they
are critical when conducting a macro environment analysis.The natural environments
is antother importantfactor of the macro-environments.This includes the natural
resources that a company uses as inputs that effects their marketing activities.The
concern in this area is the increased pollution,shortage of raw matirials and incresed
govermental intevention.Some factors such as the economy will slowly affect every
and all business.Additionally,inflation,unemployment rates,and taxes are macro
environment factor that affect businesses and consumers on a day-to-day basis.The
economy and consumer are influences in the macro environment that affect all
bussinesses.The macro environment consists of six different forces.These
are:Demographic,Economic,Political,Ecological,Socio-Cultural and Technological
forces.This can easily be remembered;the DESTEP model,also called DEPEST
model,helps to consider the different factors of the macro environement.The factors
that make up the macro environment are ecomics factors,demographics
forces,technological factors,natural and physical forcrs,political and legal forces and
social and cultural forces.There are six forces and the effect to the company.
succesful products and services.For example,a clothing company must constantly be
aware of changing preferences when creating new products or it will quickly become
outdated.Toyota experiences the effects of social or sociocultural factors.The
dimension of the PESTEL/PESTLE analysis model pertains to the main
social/socialcultural external factors in the firm remote or macro environment:
company wants to start up their business activities must look the current economy in
the country which they want.According to a study by Lammarino and
McCann(2013),developments in industrial economics,trade theory and economic
geography should move parallel to ensure have led to the developmento of formal and
consistence.It can chosen set up the business which is the country must have a good
economic situation stability and good progress such as United State and Singapore.
However,they also look for the lowest cost for production includes the cost of
labour.Many industrial sectors always looks for various conducts for cost cutting to
ensure maximum profitability in frthcoming periods.As mentioned by
Aeppel(2002),found that the majority of companies will reduce production costs for
two benefits in return,and one of them is the maximum profit.Generally,we know
Indonesia and India,which is a country wage of labour quite lower will become the
costs of production for Toyota Automotive more less.According to Campaign and
Alliance(2014),India and Indonesia among the countries that still carry out the policy
of minimum wage is lower comparedto other countries in East Asia.Looking at the
economic factors that meant,Toyota chose countries with low labour costs for the
production of products such as India and Indonesia and other countries with strong
economic growth for the purpose of marketing a product such as the US and
Singapore .According Toyota(2016),which has Europe become a lead as a distributor
of their product and the Asia Country lead as a manufacture.
The Political aspect is also to ensure the international business activity more easy and
smooth.It is included factors like legal and goverment drivers.Accordingly to
Kluyer(2001) and Gelersbach(2010),political risks in international business are very
large because it is difficult to anticipate changes in the political potential to
significantly affect the profitability or business goals.The politic risks may be related
to political instability,but its not necessary.
Following a study by Richard,Devinney,Yip and Johnson (2009),the succesful
performance of multinational companies depends to a great extent on te political
environment of the host country.The political environment refers to forces and issues
exist from the political decision of goverment,which are capabel of altering the
expected outcomes and value of a given economic action,by changing the probability
of achieveing business objectives.According Ibeto(2011),which is change of the
political environemnt arising from changes in goverment polivies and programmes
would influence the ability of economic entitles in achieveing their goal.
For this matter,Toyota Company have present their business activities which country
has a good politic situation and more liberal economists such as in the euro country of
the largest number of Toyota distribution (Toyota,2016).Refers to European
Commision Trade(2010),even though the EU the most high of import tariffs,but the
stillness is among the most open economies in the world and and also faces high
tariffs on its exports to some countries and regions.
I would like to give some suggestion for the Toyota manufacturer improvement.Business
improvement has been described as the process of a thing moving from one state to a state
that is considered to be better usually through some action or intervention inteneded to bring
about that change an dimprovement.The process improvement startegy refers to the
vision,goals and set of steps that will enable an organization’s processes to achieve a
sustainable competitive adavantage by addressing ineffiencies,waste,palnt and asset
condition,and culture within the process and its stakeholders.The suggestion i have made is to
improve Toyota manufacturer to the extreme level.Some of the suggestion are:
8.1 Manufacturing-The Toyota car manufacturer has to manufacture new cars in
unique and attractive design then other global car manufacturers. The design of car is
more important to sale the new input.Manufacturer need to design new car uniquely
then similar to other global car manufacturer.Attraction is the first thing for the
buyer,if the car is made in different design ,it will cause a big sale for Toyata car
manufacturer and to improvement business.When the car is made the workers need to
shoot the process of making new car and make in a subcopy and play it every
showroom and roadside LCD Monitor to see how the car is made and the process.It
can cause attraction to the buyer too.The manufacturer need to be patiently to
complete the output(car)untill passed to the showroom.The manufacturer need to
analysis more about other global car manufacturer and make sure to not make it
similar to it.The parts that fixed in car need to use the new onw not reuse parts.The
capacity of engine need to be in avarage limit to avoid over speed .The engine should
to be in good quality and have to make a cover for a safety eventhough its in coveres
surface.The manufacturer need to a transparent box to put RAODTAX and
PUSPAKOM linces inside to avoid lost and its can make attrative to woman customer
too.First of all the qaulity of parts ,engine,body,car tyres,body kit and etc: is more
important to the car manufacturer sales.I would like to suggest the car headlight need
to make in LED and tinted one layer for eye protection of other vehicle drivers. The
main thing in car is seat that provided,the ,manufacturer need to make comfartable car
seat which can the seat with soft cushion to avoid back pain and with comfartable
surface for each seat.
8.2 Show room-Showroom is the place where customer/buyer come to visit and have
a look the cars and decided to purchase car or not.So that ,the showroom always need
to be clean,neat,so that customer will have a peace in that place .Staff with uniforms
and look professional,is more important to a salesman/saleswoman which will make
customer more trust and comfortable.Other then this,staff in showroom need to care
customer with ur good manner,attitude,and they way you explain about cars,and more
knowledge about car it doesnt matter what laungage staff using as long its very
knowlegdeable about car.As same time the show room need to be full of new cars
which can make customer more comfortable to have a look and easy for buyer ,which
buyer will see the car and knows everything about car before it purchased.So,the
salesman/saleswoman need to explain about the car by standing beside the car and
showing one-by-one to the buyer which is the main things for buyer to think wants to
purchased or not.The salesman/saleswoman need to show the process of car
manufacturing so that the buyer will know more about car and the parts which used
for make it and the quality of products.The showroom have to have a brochuer for
buyer information.Some other things,can do in showroom is paste some templates in
wall about car parts image with informations,the process of car manufacturer with the
process name,the quality of parts and the brand name and etc: for buyer informations
and more knowledge about new cars.
8.3 Services-The first thing buyer will do after few months is car first service.Car
service is the very important things after the meter reached for the limits of the
mileage.The first service generally takes place when the car is 12 months old or has
completed a certain mileage,depending which comes first.The vihicle’s manual will
provide more details of exactly when rhe manufacturer recommends the first service
takes place.Its important to regularly service your car,even if the service light isnts
on.For some older cars,you shouldnt go more than six months without a service while
modern vehicles can last around 30,000 kilometers without needing a service.So
usually after buyer purchased the car ,the buyer will go to the service center once the
milaege reached the limits so here i would like to suggest after every customer
services their new vehicle the staff from service should contact the buyer and have to
asked the condition after a service,it might increased the sales and the good name of
Toyota.Its a kind of attraction customer with good services.While the customer
waiting to finished the car service,the other staff can explain the customer more about
cars,can cleared buyers doubt regarding car,the service center can provide free
breakfast as package of services.The service centre need to develop the service centre
in big space to service car instead of lost customers and sales.The staff in service
centre need to give oppurtunity to buyer to see how their car has serviced.Most
important thing is,the service need to be different services for the second and third
service.They need to incresed the services,to service deep, and more services to all the
parts in car in second,third services then first service like how the money is incresed
to level of services.So this different services will make customer make more
happy,comfortable to do more services in same Toyota sevice centre.
8.4 Attractive colours-The colour for success tells of the astonishing transformation
of Asian in United States from the Yellow peril to model minoriries,people distint
from the white majority but lauded as well assimilated,upwardly mobile,and
exemplers or traditional family values in the middle decaddes of the twentieth.Usually
all the global car manufacturer will made a car in same random colours which is
red,blue,yellow,black ,white,purple,grey,gold.So that ,why not Toyota manufacturer
made a car with attractive colours like Apple Green,Cyan blue,Turquoise Green,Black
Metalic which can cause high sales.Attraction means‘ love at first side‘ so if the
Toyata cars in different colours,design and quality sure will be attract by many people
around the world and make it to high sales.
Insurances Claim-Because many cars accident settlement checks are issued by
insurance companies out-of-state banks,they can take time to clear.In most cases,the
time period for clearing the bank is seven business days but can be ten days in some
cases.Here i would like to suggest ,the insurances have to be faster to claim the
insurance.Make easy for the accident victims to claim insurances.The insurances
people need to inform Toyota company immideatly after car Toyota car accident to
make the claim procedure smooth.
It was in the month of April 2020 ,when my Entreprenuership in Business
Adminstration subject were going to be end.I had been asked to prepare a report on the
subject of Global car manufacturer.I has choose Toyota manufacturing as my topic.Report
which was supposed to give insight about busines and they work to the concerned
organization in various respect such as the evolution,meaning,scope,benefits,risks
involved,the various challenges involved,the various challenges
involved,implementation,major players,and the functional areas and many important issues
which need to be taken care off.However,i have been familiar with corparate
entrepreneurship and had read it as subject and various bsiness and management in
general,but while going deep level of knowledge and understanding for the subject.
Indeed,i have been able to expand my general knowledge related to
entreprenuership,meet new people,open my mind,improve myself as a person and create a
small business with students from other backgrounds. For proper understanding for the
subject even one has to go for numerous research papers,case studies and many more stuff so
as to get to the depth how it works in the corporate world.It was also expected that had to go
through published reports in magazines,poetals and newspaper abour corporate
entreprenuership and business management in various organizations and even include the
results in my reports for ready reference.I was also supposed to choose one global car
manufacturer and discuss about macro environment.I have choosen Toyota as my choice and
explaned about Toyota and the elements.By this assigment i have learnt more about car
manufacturing and business development.Other then this, i learnt how the company
develop,where Toyota start from,and etc.From this i have learnt for company development
and sales achievement.
As typical for my project,the reserach for this Toyota manufacturing process i have
learnt more about this manufacturing,discuss about this with friends,search more deatils in
internet and etc.which i spend dozens of hours for complete my assigment.Now i understand
how difficult to manufacture a car with new idea suach as,new colour,new design and new
part with goods quality and the most things have to defferent then before.We as buyer just go
and purchased a car without knowing any information about car manufacturing and
background but now i understood how its made and elements-elements have in macro
In additionall,now i understand what is acro environment and the elements.