Dhikrs For Chishti Sufis
Dhikrs For Chishti Sufis
Dhikrs For Chishti Sufis
This booklet is dedicated to the Ummah with the hope that this will help
them to be more devoted in Ibaadhas and thus gain more attachment and
sincerity in the invocations and Dhikrs.Insya Allah.
To recite the Holy Quran, and Dhikrs, knowing the meaning is more
rewarding and more effective than reciting them without understanding
the meaning.
We can find different collections of Dhikrs and invocations compsed
by Auliya and Great U’lama.They all were compiled in accordance to
the Quran and Sunnah.
This Ratib is formed of Dhikrs and Swalawat related to Chishti Sufi Order
-to which Ajmeer khaja Mue’eenudheen Chishti (Q.S) belongs - and some
Qasweedas (poems).
Sincere Efforts are made, to ensure the accuracy of the Arabic text and
translations within this booklet.
Please note that the transliterations are done in this booklet (not for the
Qur’anic Verses) to help those who do not read Arabic at all.
We know that the Perfect transliteration is quite difficult. So, we advise all
for trying the best to follow the Arabic Text.
Along with the translations, needed explanations also are given here.
May Allah accept this small work and include all of us, our parents and all
beloved ones among His pious servants.
Thanking Allah,
Imam Shafeeque Al- Hudawi
1. Significance of Dhikrs and Dhikr Majlises
ﷲ أ َ ْك َب ُر
ِ َولَ ِذ ْك ُر
The remembrance of Allah is greater than every thing. (Ankabut-29-45)
َ ذَك َُروا ﱠ س ُه ْم َ ُاحشَةً أ َ ْو َظلَ ُموا أَ ْنف ِ ََوالﱠ ِذ ْي َن إِذَا ﻓَعَلُوا ﻓ
ّ ُ َولَ ْم يُ ِص ﱡروا َ ُست َ ْغفَ ُروا ِلذُنُو ِب ِه ْم َو َم ْن يَ ْغ ِف ُر الذﱡن
وب إِ ﱠﻻ ْ ﻓ َا
َ عَلى َما ﻓَعَلُوا َو ُه ْم يَ ْعلَ ُم
‘And those who, when they have committed illegal sexual intercourse or
wronged themselves with evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for
their sins; -and none can forgive their sins but Allah-And do not persist in
what they have done, while they know.’
‘And for such, the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with
rivers flowing underneath (paradise), where in they shall abide forever.
How is this reward for the doers! (-Aalu imran-3-136)
Allah has revealed the Quran for the guidance of humanity; it includes
solutions for the problems faced by mankind, here and hereafter.
Allah offers the rewards of ten good deeds, for every letter from Quran.
Prophet ( )ﷺsays: you read Quran; it will come as an interceder in the Day
of Judgment for its companions.
Surah Fatiha which is ‘Ummul Kitab’ (Mother of Al-Qur’an) is sufficient and
best remedy for all types of problems.
Surah Yasin is the heart of Quran.
In a Hadith reported by Ma-uqalu bnu Yasaar (R), the Prophet ( )ﷺsays:
The heart of Quran is Yasin .No one will read Surah Yaasiin wishing Allah
and the here after unless Allah forgave him, read it on your dead (ones).
Recitation of Surah ‘Ikhlas’ three times is equal to reading Quran
completely one time, and Suras of- ‘Falaq’ -and ‘Nas’ are recommended
by the Prophet ( )ﷺto seek refuge from the devils and evils.
1.5. Invocations:
Allah says:
Invoke Me, I will respond to your (invocation)- (Gaafir: 40- 60)
ْ َ ا ُ ْدعُونِي أ
ست َ ِج ْب لَ ُك ْم
And when My slaves ask you (O, Muhammad ( )ﷺconcerning Me, (then,
answer), I am near (to them by My knowledge). I respond to the
invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me. (Baqara-2-186)
Manners of Majlis:
i. To take ablution
ii. To sit in Circle (Halqah)
iii. To use perfumes
iv. To keep concentration, devotion and sincerity
v. To select a medium of sound.
( ُ )الفا تِ َحة-Al -Fatiha )
س ِيّ ِدنَا
َ سو ِل ال ُم ْجتَبَى طفَى َو ﱠ
ُ الر َ ص
ْ ض َر ِة النﱠ ِب ّي ِ ا ْل ُم
ْ ِإلَى َح
، سلﱠ ْمَ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ ُصلﱠى ﷲ
َ ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
Ilaa halwrati nnabiyyil mustwafaa warrasuolil
mujtabaa, sayyidinaa Muhammadin swallAllahu alaihi wasallam
Recite the Fatiha to the spirit (soul) of our leader the
ProphetMuhammad Mustafa ()ﷺ, the
messenger Mujtaba (Mujtaba and Mustafa are two names for the
Prophet ()ﷺ, meaning that selected person) -may Allah bless him and
grant him peace.
-ص َحا ِبنَا َو أَ ْحبَا ِبنَا َو ْ َ علَى أ ْهلينَا َوأ َ ْوﻻ ِدنَا َو أ َ علَ ْينَا َوَ يُعي َد
سأ َ ُل ﱠ َ أَ ْنْ َن
س َر ِار ِه ْم َوأ َ ْن َو ِار ِه ْم َو
ْ س ِل ِم ْي َن ِم ْن بَ َركَا تِ ِه ْم َوأْ َج ِم ْي ِع ا ْل ُم
ﱠار ْي ِن
َ وم ِه ْم ﻓِي الد ِ ُأ َ ْن يَ ْنفَعَنَا ِبعُل
Nasalu llaha an yu-ieda alinaa wa ala ahliena wa aouladinaa wa
aswhabinaa wa ahbabinaa wa ja-mie-il muslimiena min
barakaatihim wa asraarihim wa anwaarihim wa an yanfaa’naa bi
u’loomihim fi dhaarain.
We ask Allah to benefit us, our family, children, companions, friends and
all Muslims from their Barakas, their secrets, their lights, and their
knowledge in both worlds.
And to direct us towards what He likes and accepts, and to make us and
them in a state of goodness and well-being.
اَعُو ُذ بِا ِ ِم َن ال ﱠ
ش ْي َطا ِن ال ﱠر ِج ْي ِم
الر ْح َم ِن ين * ﱠ َ ب ا ْلعَالَ ِم ِ ّ الر ِح ِيم * ا ْل َح ْم ُد ِ ﱠ ِ َر
الر ْح َم ِن ﱠ س ِم ﱠ ِ ﱠ ْ ِب
ستَ ِعينُ * ا ْه ِدنَا ْ َِين * إِيﱠاكَ نَ ْعبُ ُد َوإِيﱠاكَ نِ يم* َما ِل ِك يَ ْو ِم ال ّد ِ الر ِح
َ علَ ْي ِه ْم
غ ْي ِر َ َِين أ َ ْن َع ْمت
َ ستَ ِقي َم * ِص َرا َط الﱠذ ْ ص َرا َط ا ْل ُم
ّ ِ ال
َ ّضا ِل
آمٍ ْي ْن-ين علَ ْي ِه ْم َو َﻻ ال ﱠَ ب ِ ا ْل َم ْغضُو
In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise be to Allāh,
Lord of the worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful. Owner of the Day of
Judgment. You only do we worship, and You only do we beg for help.
Guide us on the straight path. The path of those whom You have
favoured; not (the path) of those who earn Your anger nor of those who
go astray. (1:1-7)
َس ْيلَة
ِ ب بَ ِلّ ْغهُ ا ْل َو
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi ballighu lwasiela Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
Oh, my Lord! Award Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
himWasiilaa (one special on Muhammad ()ﷺ
position reserved for the
Prophet in Akhira)
صهُ ِبا ْلفَ ِض ْيلَ ِة
ب ُخ ﱠ
ِ ّ َيا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ َيا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi khusswahu Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
bilfalwiela ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Attribute him Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
with Falwiila(one more position on Muhammad ()ﷺ
reserved for theProphet ( )ﷺin
ض ع َِن ال ﱠ َ ارْ ب َو
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
بَ ِة ()ﷺ
Yaa rabbi warlwa
ani sswahaaba
Oh, my Lord! And You be Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
pleased with his companions. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
ض ع َِن
َ ار ْ ب َو
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
سﻼلَ ِةال ﱡ Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Ya rabbi warlwa anissulaala
Oh, my Lord! And You be Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
pleased with his family. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
ض ع َِن ا ْل َمشا َ ارْ ب َو
ِ ّ يَا َر ()ﷺ
ِ ِئ
Yaa rabbi warlwa anil
Oh, my Lord! And You be Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
pleased with our spiritual on Muhammad ()ﷺ
س ِل ْم
ْ ار َح ْم ُك ﱠل ُم
ْ ب َو
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi warham kulla Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Have mercy on Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
every Muslim. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
َ ب َﻻ ت َ ْق َط ْع َر َجانَا َيا
ِ ّ َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ َيا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi laa taqta-u rajanaa Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Do not cause us Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
to lose our hopes. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
سا ِم ْع ُدعَانَا
َ ب يَا
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi yaa saami-u du- Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Oh, the One who Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
hears our invocations. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
ار ُز ْقنَا
ْ ب َو
ِ ّ ش َها دَة يَا َر
ال ﱠ علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Ya rabbi warzuqnaa shah- Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
adah ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! And grant us Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
‘shahadah’ on Muhammad ()ﷺ
ب ِح ْطنَا ِبال ﱠ
سعَا دَة ِ ّ َيا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ َيا َ َر
َ ب
Ya rabbi hitwhnaa bissa-adah Ya rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Surround us by Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
the success (in two worlds). on Muhammad ()ﷺ
ف ُك ﱠل ُم ْؤذِي
ِ ب َوا ْك
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi wakfi kulla mu- Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Defend from Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
every harmful. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
َ ب نَ ْخ ِت ْم ِبا ْل ُم
شفﱠ ْع ِ ّ َيا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ َيا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi nakhtim Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad
bilmushaffa-u ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! we end this ,in Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
memory of the Prophet ()ﷺwho on Muhammad ()ﷺ
is permitted for Shafa-a(o the
next day)
س ِلّ ْم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ ص ِ ّل
َ ب
ِ ّ يَا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ص ِ ّل ِ ّ يَا َ َر
َ ب
Yaa rabbi swalli alaihi wa Yaa rabbi swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, my Lord! Bless him and Oh, my Lord !Bestow Your blessings
grant him peace. on Muhammad ()ﷺ
ُ ْاﻷ َ ْذك
ْ َأ
(٣) x ست َ ْغ ِف ُرﷲَ ا ْلعَ ِظي َم
Astagfirullaahal alhiem x 3
Someone committed a sin and then said: "O Allah! Forgive me my sin."
Allah said: "My servant committed a sin, but knew that he has a Lord
who forgives and punishes."
Then he committed the sin again and said: "My Lord! Forgive me my
Allah said: "My servant committed a sin, but knew that he has a Lord
who forgives and punishes."
Then he committed the sin again and said: "My Lord! Forgive me my
Allah said: "My servant committed a sin, but knew that he has a Lord
who forgives and punishes.
This hadith intends that nobody can be disappointed from the mercy of
At the same time, beware of making fun of Allah repeating our sins and
breaking our Taubas without any fear for Him.
س ِيّ ِد َنا ُم َح ﱠم ٍد
َ ﷲ ِ طفَى َح ِبي
ِ ب َ صْ ص ِ ّل عَلى النﱠ ِب ّي ِ ا ْل ُمَ الل ُه ﱠم
ِ (النﱠ ِب ّي٣) س ِلّ ْم
َ علَى آ و َ اﻷ ُ ِّم ّي ِ َو
ص ْح ِب ِه
َ ِل ِه َو
Allahumma swalli alaa nnabiyyilmustwafaa habeebillahi
sayyidinaa muhammadininnabiyyil ummiyyi wa alaa aalihi wa swahbihie
wa sallim x 3
Oh Allah, Bestow Your blessings on our leader and Allah’s dear and
selected, the unlettered Prophet Muhammad ()ﷺ
Rasul ( )ﷺsays:
On the Day of Judgment, the most nearest to me from among you, will
be that person who recites more swalawat on me. (Tirmidhi).
ظ يَا شَا ِﻓي َيا ك َِري ُم َيا َبا ِقي يَا ُ يف يَا كَا ِﻓي َيا َح ِفي
ُ َيا لَ ِط
َر ِحي ُم
(٣) أَ ْنتَ ﷲ
Yaa latweefu yaa kafi yaa hafeelhu yaa shafi yaa kareemu yaa
baqi yaa raheemu anta llah x 3
O,The Gentle and The Subtly Kind, O, Self-Sufficient Who suffices His
servants in all their needs, O, The Preserver and The Protector Who
protects all, O, Curer and Healer , O, Generous , Noble
and Glorious One, O, Everlasting One and The One that the state of
non-existence is impossible for Him, O, Compassionate whose Mercy
on the Day of Judgment will surround the true believers only, and that
unbelievers and hypocrites will be left out , You are the Only God-
Allah says: And (all) the most beautiful names belong to Allah. So call Him
up on them. (Aa’raf-7-180)
(١١١) إِ ﱠﻻ ﱠ
Illa llah x 111
Except Allah.
This announces the principle –That Allah the Almighty God is only one to
help and support us .
(100) ﷲُ ﷲ
Allahu Allah x 100
Note: Here we have to intend our wishes related to the both worlds.
Hayy: The Ever-Living, Undying.
Qayyoom: The Self Existing One Who is The Sustainer of the Universe
upon whom all depend.
Ismul Aa’zam
Dua’ done using ‘Ismul Aa’zam’ (the greatest name of Allah (Taa’ala))
will be answered by Allah, very soon-Insya Allah.
‘Ismul Aa’zam’ is not plainly explained to us (inorder to encourage us for
maximising ways of Ibadha) as it is the case of Lailatul Qadr also.
There are different views regarding which is ‘Ismul Aa’zam’
‘Allah’ is the Ismul Aa’zam with a group of scholars when another group
says that Al-Hayyu l Qayyumu is the Ismul Aa’zam.
The basic of the both opinions comes from the Hadith reported by Abu
Umamah (R) that the prophet ( )ﷺsaid:
‘Ismul Aa’zam’is contained in Surah Baqarah, Al-Imran and Twahaa.
During the serious situations Nabi ( )ﷺused to make dua’s using –Two
Holy Names of Allah (Yaa Hayyu, Yaa Qayyoom) (Tirmidhi)
Abu Umamah ® says that the Prophet ( )ﷺhas said that ‘Ismul
Aa’zam’ (the greatest name of Allah (Taa’ala)) through which He fulfils
people’s needs is contained in Surah Baqarah., Al-Imran and Twahaa.
Abu Umamah (R) says that when he searched for ‘Ismul Aa’zam’ in
Baqarah he found it to be in Ayatul Kursi. ( ﷲُ ﻻإلهَ ّإﻻَ ُه َو ا ْل َح ﱡي
)ا ْلقَيﱡو ُم
And when he searched in Surah Aalu-Imran he found it to be the words in
the second verse. (◌ُ )ﷲُ ﻻإلهَ ّإﻻَ ُه َو ا ْل َح ﱡي ا ْلقَيﱡوم
And in Surah Twahaa he found it to be the words : ُعنَتْ ا ْل ُو ُجوه
َ َو
◌ِ ي ِ ا ْلقَيﱡوم
ّ ِل ْل َح
َعذَا ِبك
َ يث َو ِم ْن ْ َيَا َح ﱡي يَا قَيﱡو ُم ِب َر ْح َمتِكَ ن
ُ ست َ ِغ
َ شؤ
ُون ُ و، َ ّين َوال ﱡد ْنيَا َ شؤ
ِ ُون الد ُ شؤُونَنَا ُ ص ِل ْح لَنَا ْ َ ير أ ْ َن
ُ ست َ ِج
ِ ُلى أَ ْنف
سنَا َ ِين ُكلﱠ َها َوﻻ تَ ِك ْل َنا إ
َ س ِل ِم
ْ ال ُم
َ َط ْرﻓَة
(٣)ع ْي ٍن َ
Yaa hayyu ya qayyuomu, birahmatika nastagiesu, wamin adhaabika
nastjieru ,aslih lanaa shu-uonana, shu- uonaddieni waddunyaa , wa
shu-uonalmuslimiena kullaha, wa la takilnaa ,ilaa anfusinaa , tarfata
O, the Ever living, O ,the One Who sustains and protects all that
exists! I seek Your help with your mercy, and I beg for safety from Your
punishment. Grant us good settlement of our affairs and of all affairs
related to the next world as well as this world, and do not place us in
charge of our soul,
Even for the blinking of an eye
This invocation is recommended especially for those who are in a helpless
condition and in complete despair.
Fatima® required the prophet ( )ﷺwhat to read when she feels something
Then he said: - say in the morning and evening
‘ Yaa hayyu ya qayyuomu, birahmatika astagiesu wa Aswlih lee shaa’nee
kullahu wala takilnee ilaa nafsee twarafta ainin’ (Hakim, Ibnu ssinni)
ﻓِي َحا لَ ِة ا ْل ِقيَ ِام
In standing position
سلﱠ ْم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ ُ صلﱠى ﱠ
َ علَى ُم َح ﱠم ْد
َ ُ صلﱠى ﱠ
SwallAllahu alaihi wasallam 3x SwAllahu alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ.
May Allah bless him and May Allah bestow His blessings
grant him( )ﷺpeace. onMuhammad ()ﷺ.
علَ ْي ُك ْم
َ ِ صلَ َواتُ ﱠ
َ علَ ْي ُك ْم
َ سﻼ ْم
َ يَا َح ِب ْي ْب
Swalawaatullah alaikum Yaa habib salam alaikum
Blessings of Allah be up O, the Beloved (of Allah),
onyou( )ﷺ. peace be up on you ()ﷺ.
ْ َﻓ
اختَفَتْ ِم ْنهُ ا ْلبُدُو ُر َ أَش َْر
َ ق ا ْلبَد ُْر
علَ ْينَا
Fakhtafat minhul buduru Ashraqal badru alaina
Therefore, all other full moons The Full moon is shining on us.
have disappeared.
ور قَ ﱡ
ط يَا َو ْجهَ ال ﱡ
ِ س ُر س ِنكَ َما َرأَ ْينَا
ْ ِمثْ َل ُح
Qattwu yaa wajha ssururi Misla husnika maa ra-aina
Never, O, the delightful. We did not see any beauty like yours.
Towards Allah
ِ َيا َر ِﻓي َع الد َﱠر َجا ت َ َيا َو ِل ﱠي ا ْل َح
ِ سنَا
Yaa rafi-a-ddarajaati Yaa waliyyal hasanaati
O, (Allah)You Who is the O, (Allah) Owner of all good deeds.
highest in rank.
َ َو ا ْغ ِف َر ْن ِلي
س ِيّئ َاتِي ع ِنّي ذُنُو ِبي
َ َك ِفّ َر ْن
Wagfiran li sayyi-aati Kaffiren annee dhunuobi
And forgive me my offences. Remove my sins,
ِ صا ِل َحا
ِل َج ِم ْي ِع ال ﱠ ار َح ْمنَا َج ِم ْيعًا
ْ َربﱠنَا
Lijamiei-swaalihaati Rabbanarhamnaa jamie-an
For all good deeds. O, My Lord! Bless all of us.
The blessing and the peace from Allah may be up on you , O, the
Beloved of Allah.
ش ِف ْي َع ا ْل ُم ْذ ِن ِب ْي َن
َ علَ ْيكَ َيا لوةُ َو ال ﱠ
َ س َﻼ ُم َ صال ﱠ
Asswalaatu wassalaamu alaika yaa shafialmudhnibien
The blessing and the peace from Allah may be up on you, oh, the One
who does Shafa-a’ for the wrong doers
علَ ْي ِه
َ س ِلّ ْم َو َبا ِر ْك َ اللّ ُه ﱠم
َ ص ِ ّل َو
Allahumma swalli wasllim wa barik alaihi
Oh, Allah! Bestow Your blessings upon him, and grant him peace.
علَى النﱠ ِب ّي ِ يَا أَيﱡ َها الﱠ ِذ ْي َن آ َمنُوا َ ون َ صلﱡ َ ُإِ ﱠن ﱠ َ َو َم َﻼئِ َكتَهُ ي
ْ َ س ِلّ ُموا ت
س ِل ْي ًما َ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ صلﱡوا َ
Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings up on the Prophet ()ﷺ, Oh,
the believers! Pray to Allah to bless him and grant him peace.
ِ ُبَ ْع َد ا ْل ُجل
After Sitting
Fee Hubbi Sayyidinaa – Poem
س ِلّ ْم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ ص ِ ّل
َ ب
ِ ّ َيا َر علَى ُم َح ﱠم ْد
َ ص ِ ّل
َ الل ُه ﱠم
Yaa Rabbi alaihi wasallim Allahumma swalli alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, Allah! Bestow Your Oh, Allah! Bestow Your blessings
blessings on him and grant him onMuhammad ()ﷺ
peace and safety.
َما َزا َل ﻓِي َولَ ٍه ُمتَيﱠ ْم قَ ْل ِبي يَ ِح ﱡن إِلَى ُم َح ﱠم ْد
Ma zaala fee walahin mutayyam Qalbii yahinnu ilaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Still it is enslaved by love. My heart yearns towards
Muhammad ()ﷺ
شتَكَتْ قَ َد ٌم ت َ َو ﱠرم
ْ َحتﱠى ا أ َ ْح َي ال ﱡد َجى َز َمنًا ُم َح ﱠم ْد
Hattaa ishtakhat qadamun Ahya ddujaa zamanan Muhammad ()ﷺ
Until his one of feet Muhammad ( )ﷺworshiped Allah, on the
was complained to be swollen night avoiding the sleep, for a long.
س ِل ا ْل ُمقَ ﱠد ْم
ْ الر
س ِيّ َد ﱡ
َ يَا عوكَ أ َ ْح َم ُد يَا ُم َح ﱠم ْد
ُ أ َ ْد
Yaa sayyida rruslil muqaddam Ad-uoka Ahmadu yaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
Oh, the foremost leader of all I call you! (For Shafa-a) Oh, Ahmad,
messengers! oh Muhammad ()ﷺ
ِ يَ ْو َم ا ْل َه َو
ان ِب ِه نُ َح ﱠ
ش ْم َم ْل َجا َو َم ْن َجانَا ُم َح ﱠم ْد
Yaoumalhawani bihi nuhasham Maljaa wa manJanaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
We will be honoured by his Our asylum and the place where we can
leadership on the day of get the safety, is Muhammad ()ﷺ
humiliation. (Qiyaama)
َو ا ْل َح ﱠ
ق بَيﱠ َن إِ ْن تَ َكلﱠ ْم ُ َو النﱡ
ور َجا َء بِ ِه ُم َح ﱠم ْد
Wal haqqa bayyana in takallam Wannouru jaa-a bihi Muhammad ()ﷺ
Whenever he spoke, he narrated Muhammad ()ﷺbrought the light
the truth only .
َ َوا ْل ُك ْف َر أ َ ْب
طلَهُ ﻓَ َه ﱠد ْم َوال ِ ّد ْي َن أ َ ْظ َه َرهُ ُم َح ﱠم ْد
Walkufra abtwalahu fa haddam Waddiena alharahu Muhammad ()ﷺ
And he destroyed the disbelief and Muhammad ( )ﷺacknowledged the
demolished it. religion of Islam.
ث ُ ﱠم ال ﱡدعَا ُء
Then Dua’a
ب ا ْلعَا لَ ِم ْي َن
ا ْل َح ْم ُد ِ َر ّ ِ
علَى آ ِل س ِيّ ِدنَا ُم َح ﱠمد ٍٍ◌ َو َ علَى َ ُم َح ﱠم ٍد الل ُه ﱠم َ
ص ِ ّل َ
س ِيّ ِدنَا َ
اجعَ ْلنَا ِم َن الذّا ِك ِر ْي َن ‘ َوأ َ ْح ِينَا ذَا ِك ِر ْي َن الل ُه ﱠم ْ
س ِيّ ِد ق َ احش ُْرنَا ِﻓي ُز ْم َر ِة الذّا ِك ِر ْي َنِ ،بح ّ ِ ،و ْ َوأ َ ِمتْنَا ذَا ِ ِكر ْي َن َ
،و ِب َج َما ِل سكَ َ سألُكَ ِب َجﻼَ ِل قُ ْد ِ ِإل َهنَا نَ ْ الذّا ِك ِر ْي َن
ص ِفيَا سكَ َ ،و ِبنَ ْظ ِركَ إلَى أ َ ْو ِليَا ئِكَ َ ،و ِبقُ ْر ِبكَ ِإلَى أ َ ْ أ ُ ْن ِ
ئِكَ َ ،و ِبش َْوقِكَ ِإلَى
طﻼّ ِبكَ شتَا قِ ْيكَ َو ِب َم َحبﱠتِكَ ِل ُ ُم ْ
ُوركَ َحتﱠى وركَ َو أ َ ْن ت َ ْجعَلَنَا أ َ ْه َل ُحض ِ أ َ ْن تُنَ ّ ِو َر قُلُوبَنَا ِبنُ ِ
س َِر لَنَا
تُيَ ّ
س َر ِار س َبا َحةَ ِب َحا ِر اﻷ ْن َو ِار َ ،و ِإ ْخ َرا َج د َُر ِر اﻷ َ ْ ِ
صا ِلكَ ،و ِخ ْل َع ِة ِو َ الل ُه ﱠم ش ِ َّر ْﻓنَا ِب ُمشَا َهدَة ِ َج َما ِلكَ َ
احش ُْرنَا ﻓِي ُز ْم َر ِة أ َ ْو ِليَا ئِكَ ، ار ُز ْقنَا نِ ْع َمةَ ِلقَا ئِكَ َ ،و ْ َو ْ
سنَتَنَا ِبا الريَا ِء َ ،و َز ِيّ ْن أ َ ْل ِ ش ِْر ِك َو ِ ّ الل ُه ﱠم َط ِ ّه ْرقُلُوبَنَا ِم َن ال ّ
ال ِذّ ْك ِر
َوالثﱠنَا ِء
ﻼمكَس ِ عتِكَ َوإِ ْ طا َ علَى ِد ْينِكَ َو َ ضا تِكَ َوثَ ِبّتْنَا َ الل ُه ﱠم َو ِﻓّ ْقنَا ِل َم ْر َ
اللﱠ ُه ﱠم
ست َ ْرتَهُ ع ْيبًا إِﻻﱠ َ ،وﻻَ َ غفَ ْرتَهُ َ َﻻ تَ َد ْع لَنَا ﻓِي َمقَا ِمنَا َهذَا ذَ ْنبًا إِﻻﱠ َ
،و َﻻ َهما ِإﻻﱠ ﻓَ ﱠر ْجتَهُ َ
شفَ ْيتَهُ َ ،و َﻻ َز ﱠو ْجتَهُ َوﻻَ َد ْينًا ِإ ّﻻ أَ ﱠد ْيتَهُ َ ،و َﻻ َم ِر ْيضًا ِإﻻﱠ َ
ع َْزبًا ِإ ﱠﻻ
صلَ ْحتَهُ ع َم ًﻼ ِإﻻﱠ أَ ْ وﻻ َ سلﱠ ْمتَهُ َو َر َد ْدتَهَُ ، سا ﻓِ ًرا ِإ ﱠﻻ َ
َو َﻻ ُم َ
عدُوا ِإ ﱠﻻ َد ﱠم ْرتَهُ ،و َخذَ ْلتَهُ َوقَ ِب ْلتَهُ َ ،و َﻻ َ
َو َﻻ ُمعَا نِدًا ِإ ﱠﻻ َز ْح َز ْحتَهُ َو أ َ ْبعَ ْدتَهُ َ ،و َﻻ ُم َخا
،و َﻻ بَ َﻼ ًء غلَ ْبتَهُ َ ِص ًما إِ ﱠﻻ قَ َه ْرتَهُ َو َ
ش ْفتَه ُ◌ َو َرﻓَ ْعتَهُ َو َﻻ َوبَا ًء إِ ﱠﻻ َك َ
اﻵخ َر ِة لَكَ ﻓِي َها ِرضى َولَنَا ج ال ﱡد ْنيَا َو ِ َو َﻻ َحا َجةً ِم ْن َح َوائِ ِ
ين، ب ا ْلعَا لَ ِم َ س ْرت َ َها يَا َر ﱠ ض ْيتَ َها َويَ ﱠ ح إِ ّﻻ قَ َ صﻼ ٌ ﻓِي َها َ
اجعَ ْلنَا اجنَا َوذُ ِ ّريﱠا ِتنَا قُ ﱠرةَ أ َ ْعيُ ٍن َو ْ َربﱠنَا َه ْب لَنَا ِم ْن أ َ ْز َو ِ
ين ِإ َماما ً ً◌ ِل ْل ُمت ﱠ ِق َ
َربﱠنَا َﻻ ت ُ ِز ْغ قُلُو َبنَا َب ْع َد ِإ ْذ َه َد ْيتَنَا َو َه ْب لَنَا ِم ْن لَ ُد ْنكَ َر ْح َمةً ِإنﱠكَ أَ ْنتَ
ا ْل َو ﱠها ُ
ان َو َﻻ تَ ْجعَ ْل ﻓِي قُلُو ِبنَا سبَقُونَا ِب ِ
اﻹي َم ِ ِين َغ ِف ْرلَنَا َو ِﻹ ْخ َوا ِننَا اللﱠذ َ َربﱠنَا ا ْ
ِغﻼ للﱠذ َ
. ُوف َر ِح ْي ٌم آ َمنُوا َر ﱠبنَا
ٌ َرؤ
ِ اب النﱠ
،ار َ َعذ َ سنَةً َوقِنَا َ الﻶخ َر ِة َح
ِ سنَةً َوﻓِي َ َربﱠنَا آتِنَا ﻓِى ال ﱡد ْنيَا َح
ِ ّ ص ْح ِب ِه أَ ْج َم ِع ْي َن َوا ْل َح ْم ُد
َ علَى آ ِل ِه َو َ علَى
َ سيِّ ِد نَا ُم َح ﱠم ٍد َو َ ُصلﱠى ﷲ َ َو
،نَ ب ا ْل َعالَ ِم ْيِ ّ َر
ِ و ِب َج َما ِل أ ُ ْن،
َو ِبنَ ْظ ِركَ إلَى، َسك َ َسك ِ سألُكَ ِب َجﻼَ ِل قُ ْد ْ َإِل َهنَا ن
ْ َو ِبش َْوقِكَ إِلَى ُم، َص ِفيَا ئِك
شتَا ْ َ َو ِبقُ ْر ِبكَ إِلَى أ، َأ َ ْو ِليَا ئِك
ُ قِ ْيكَ َو ِب َم َحبﱠتِكَ ِل
َطﻼّ ِبك
Ilahanaa nas-aluka bijalaali qudsika wa bi jamaali unsika wa bi
nalhrika ila aouliyaaika wa biqurbika ila as◌wfiyaika
ً wa
bishouqika ilaa mushtaqieka wa bimahabbatika litwullabika.
Oh my god! ,we ask You by the glory of Your sanctity ,by the beauty of
Your politeness, by Your looking towards Your beloved servants, by
Your closeness to Your true and bosom servants, by Your longing to
Your servants who are longing to You, and by Your love towards Your
، َﻼمك
ِ سْ عتِكَ َو ِإ َ الل ُه ﱠم َو ِﻓّ ْقنَا ِل َم ْر
َ ضا تِكَ َوثَ ِبّتْنَا
َ علَى ِد ْينِكَ َو َطا
Allahumma waffiqnaa limarlwaatika wa thaabbitnaa alaa dienika wa
twaa- atika wa islaamika;
Oh Allah! Give us Your succour to get Your pleasure, and consolidate us
on Your religion, obedience to You, and on submission to You (Islam).
ع ْيبًا إِﻻﱠ
َ َوﻻ، َ اللﱠ ُه ﱠم َﻻ تَ َد ْع لَنَا ﻓِي َمقَا ِمنَا َهذَا ذَ ْنبًا إِﻻﱠ
َ ُغفَ ْرتَه
ُو َﻻ َهما إِﻻﱠ ﻓَ ﱠر ْجتَه، َ ُست َ ْرتَه
Allahumma Laa tada-u lanaa fie maqaminaa hadha dhanban illa
gafarta-hu wa la aiban illa satarta-hu wa la hamman illa farrajtahu
Do not leave for us in our this site, any sin unless You forgave it, any
defect unless You covered it, and any sadness unless You removed it,
ْ َع َم ًﻼ ِإﻻﱠ أ
ُصلَ ْحتَهُ َوقَ ِب ْلتَه َ وﻻ َ ،ُسلﱠ ْمتَهُ َو َر َد ْدتَه
َ سا ﻓِ ًرا ِإ ﱠﻻ
َ َو َﻻ ُم
ُو َخذَ ْلتَه، ُعدُوا ِإ ﱠﻻ َد ﱠم ْرتَه
َ َو َﻻ،
Walaa musaafiran illaa sallamtahu wa radadtahu, wa laa amalan illaa
aswlahtahu wa qabiltahu wa laa aduwwan illaa dammartahu
And any traveller unless You saved him and returned him to his own
home and any deed unless You set it right and accepted and any enemy
except You destroyed and deserted him.
َو َﻻ ُم َخا، َُو َﻻ ُم َعا نِدًا ِإ ﱠﻻ َز ْح َز ْحتَهُ َو أ َ ْب َع ْدتَه
ُو َﻻ بَ َﻼ ًء َو َرﻓَ ْعتَه،
َ ُغلَ ْبتَهَ َو َﻻ َوبَا ًء ِإ ﱠﻻ ِص ًما ِإ ﱠﻻ قَ َه ْرتَهُ َو
ش ْفتَه
َ َك
Wala mu-aanidan illaa zahzahtahu wa ab-adtahu
walaa mukhaswiman illaa qahartahu, wa galabtahu walaa bala-an
Illaa kashaftahu wa rafa-tahu
And any obstinate unless You removed him and took him away, and any
quarreller unless You subdued him, and conquered him, and any
misfortune and contagious diseases unless You removed it and lifted
اﻵخ َر ِة لَكَ ﻓِي َها ِرضى َولَنَا ﻓِي َها ِ ج ال ﱡد ْنيَا َو ِ َِو َﻻ َحا َجةً ِم ْن َح َوائ
َ ب ا ْلعَا لَ ِم
،ين س ْرت َ َها يَا َر ﱠ َ َح إِ ّﻻ ق
ض ْيتَ َها َويَ ﱠ ٌ صﻼ َ
Wa laa haajatan min hawai-juddunyaa wal aakhirati laka
feehaa rilwan wa lanaa fieha swalahun illaa khalwaitahaa wa
yassartahaa yaa rabbal aalamiena;
And any purposes related to this world and here after by which You are
pleased and we have good in them, unless You fulfilled and made them
easy. Oh! Sustainer of all worlds.
ص ْح ِب ِه أ َ ْج َم ِع ْي َن
َ علَى آ ِل ِه َو َ علَى
َ س ِيّ ِد نَا ُم َح ﱠم ٍد َو َ ُصلﱠى ﷲ
َ َو
َ ب ا ْل َعالَ ِم ْي
،ن ِ ّ َوا ْل َح ْم ُد ّ ِ َر
Wa swalla llahu alaa sayyidinaa muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa
swahbihie ajma-iena .Walhamdu lillahi rabbil aalamiena.
May Allah bestow His blessings on our leader Muhammad ( )ﷺand on
the whole of اis family, and his companions.
And all the praises are to Allah, the sustainer of the world.
سلﱠ ْم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو
َ ُ صلﱠى ﱠ
َ علَى ُم َح ﱠم ْد
َ ُ صلﱠى ﱠ
SwallAllahu alaihi wasallam x SwAllahu alaa Muhammad ()ﷺ
May Allah bless him and grant May Allah bestow His blessings
him peace. onMuhammad ()ﷺ.