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The following Project Report Title “Job Analysis” is hereby

approved by “Professor Menon” as part of our subject i.e “Human
Resource Management” carried out in a manner satisfactory to
warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for which they have been
submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do
not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion
expressed or conclusion drawn therein but approve the Project only
for the purpose it is submitted.

Date Signature


It gives us immense pleasure, having done a project on “Job


This project has not only widened our horizon as far as academics are
concerned but also helped us to enlarge our knowledge about
workings of such agencies. It requires a deep study and hard work,
which is key to success. There are many people associated with this
project without which this project would not have been possible.

We thank our Institute Smt. MMK College of commerce and

economics who has given us an opportunity to show our skills. We
also thank all our near and dear ones without whose support this
project would not have been possible.

We would finally like to thank Professor Menon who gave us an

opportunity to do this wonderful project.

We the students of Smt. MMK College of Commerce and
Economics, hereby declare that we have completed our project with
full sincerity.

The information submitted is true and original to the best of our


Group Members:-

Pranav Ahuja 2

Disha Jaidhara 22

Nikita Jain 23

Amit Lala 32

Hira Ludhani 34

Neha Nathani 52

Divya Rajani 55

A method of performing job analyses and delivering or providing access to the
results of the job analyses by creating a list of job requirements and working
conditions for each discrete task of a job, creating a physical demands analysis
comprising a list of physical requirements of each discrete task of a job, and
combining the lists into a job analysis database for determining whether a
worker can perform a job.

Job Analysis
Job analysis is a systematic approach to defining the job role, description,
requirements, responsibilities, evaluation, etc. It helps in finding out required
level of education, skills, knowledge, training, etc for the job position. It also
depicts the job worth i.e. measurable effectiveness of the job and contribution of
job to the organization. Thus, it effectively contributes to setting up the
compensation package for the job position.

Importance of Job Analysis

Job analysis helps in analyzing the resources and establishing the strategies to
accomplish the business goals and strategic objectives. Effectively developed,
employee job descriptions are communication tools that are significant in an
organization's success.

The main purpose of conducting job analysis is to prepare job description and
job specification which helps to hire right quality of workforce. Job Analysis
can be used in training to identify or develop, training content, and assessment
tests to measure effectiveness of training, equipment to be used in delivering the
training and methods of training. Job Analysis can be used in compensation to
identify or determine: skill levels, compensable job factors, work environment,
responsibilities and required level of education.

Job Analysis can be used in selection procedures to identify or develop job

duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions, appropriate
salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a
candidate, minimum requirements for screening applicants, interview questions,
selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations),
applicant appraisal forms and orientation materials for new hires. Job Analysis
can be used in performance review to identify or develop goals and objectives,
performance standards, evaluation criteria, length of probationary periods, and
duties to be evaluated

Organizations consist of positions that have to be staffed. Job Analysis is the

procedure through which we determine the task, duties and responsibilities of
these positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for the positions. Job
analysis produces information used for writing, job description (a list of what
the job entails) and job specification (what kind of people to hire for the job).

Purpose of job analysis:

1. Purpose of job analysis in Recruitment and Selection:
Job analysis is very important for contents as:
• Job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions;
• Appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary
should be offered to a candidate;
• Minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening
• Interview questions;
• Selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations);
• Applicant appraisal/evaluation forms;
• Orientation materials for applicants/new hires

2. Purpose of job analysis in Job evaluation

• Judges relative worth of jobs in an organization
• Sets fair compensation rates

3. Purpose of job analysis in Job design

• Reduce personnel costs, streamline work processes,
• Increase productivity and employee empowerment,
• Enhance job satisfaction and provide greater scheduling flexibility for the
• Simplify job with too many disparate activities
• Identifies what must be performed, how it will be performed, where it is
to be
• Performed and who will perform it.

4. Purpose of job analysis in Compensation and Benefits:

Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine:
• Skill levels
• Compensation job factors
• Work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort)
• Responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory)
• Required level of education (indirectly related to salary level

5. Importance of job analysis in Performance Appraisal:

Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:
• Goals and objectives
• Performance standards
• Evaluation criteria
• Length of probationary periods
• Duties to be evaluated

6. Importance of job analysis in Training and development:

Job Analysis can be used in training needs assessment to identify or develop:
• Training content
• Assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training
• Equipment to be used in delivering the training
• Methods of training (i.e., small group, computer-based, video,

7. Importance of job analysis in Compliance with labour law:

• Identify requirements in compliance with labour law.
• Compliance with Civil Rights Legislation in US.
• EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) compliance in US

8. Job analysis increases productivity

How a job analysis increases productivity?
• Job analysis can use methods of time and motion study or micro-motion
analysis in order to time and motion for job.
• Job analysis also identify performance criteria so that it promote worker
for best performance.

Components of Job analysis:

Job analysis is a systematic procedure to analyze the requirements for the job
role and job profile. Job analysis can be further categorized into following sub

Job Position:
Job position refers to the designation of the job and employee in the
organization. Job position forms an important part of the compensation strategy
as it determines the level of the job in the organization. For example
management level employees receive greater pay scale than non managerial
employees. The non-monetary benefits offered to two different levels in the
organization also vary.

Job Description:
Job description refers the requirements an organization looks for a particular job
position. It states the key skill requirements, the level of experience needed,
level of education required, etc. It also describes the roles and responsibilities
attached with the job position. The roles and responsibilities are key
determinant factor in estimating the level of experience, education, skill,etc
required for the job. It also helps in benchmarking the performance standards.

Job Worth:
Job Worth refers to estimating the job worthiness i.e. how much the job
contributes to the organization. It is also known as job evaluation. Job
description is used to analyze the job worthiness. It is also known as job
evaluation. Roles and responsibilities helps in determining the outcome from
the job profile. Once it is determined that how much the job is worth, it
becomes easy to define the compensation strategy for the position.

Steps in Job Analysis:

There are six steps in doing a job analysis:

1) Decide how you’ll use the information, since this will determine the data
you collect and how you collect them. Some data collection techniques -
like interviewing the employee and asking what the job entails are good
for writing job description and selecting employees for the job. Other
technique like the position analysis & questionnaire do not provide
qualitative information for job description. Instead, they provide
numerical ratings for each job; these can be used to compare jobs for
compensation purpose.

2) Review relevant background information such as organisation charts,

process charts and job description.

a. Organisation charts shows the organisation wide division of

work, how the job in question relates to other jobs, and where the
job fits in the overall organisation. The chart should show the title
of each position and by means of interconnecting lines, who reports
to whom and with whom the job incumbent communicates.

b. A process chart provide more detailed picture of the work flow. In

its simplest form a process chart shows the flow of inputs to and
the outputs from the job you are analysing. Finally, the existing job
description, if there is one, usually provides a starting point for
building the revised job description. In the figure below the quality
control clerk is expected to review components from suppliers,
check components going to the plan managers and give
information regarding components quality to these managers.

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3) Select representative positions. Why? Because there may be too many
similar jobs to analyse. For example, it is usually necessary to analyse the
jobs of 200 assembly workers when a sample of 10 jobs will do.

4) Actually analyse the job – by collecting data on job activities, required

employee behaviours, working condition, and human traits & abilities
needed to perform the job. For this step, use one or more of the job
analysis methods.

5) Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job &
with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the
information is factually correct and complete. This review can also help
gain the employee’s acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions
by giving that person a chance to review and modify your description of
the job activities.

6) Develop a job description and job specification. These are two tangible
products on the job analysis. The job description is a written statement
that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as its
important features, such as working conditions and safety hazards. The
job specification summarises the personal qualities, traits, skill and
background required for getting job done. In maybe in a separate
document or in the same document as the job description.

Methods of collecting Job Analysis Information:

There are various ways to collect information on the duties, responsibilities and
activities of the job. In practice, we can use anyone of them, or we can combine
the techniques that best fit our purpose. Thus, an interview might be appropriate
for creating a job description, whereas the position analysis questionnaire may
be more appropriate for quantifying the worth of a job for compensation
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Conducting the job analysis usually involves a joint effort by an HR specialist,
the worker, & the worker’s supervisor. The HR specialist might observe and
analyse the job and then develop a job description and specification. The
supervisor and worker may fill out questionnaires listing the subordinate’s
activities. The supervisor and worker may then review and verify the job
analysed conclusions regarding the job’s activities and duties.

In practice, firm usually collects jobs analysis data from multiple “subject
matter experts” using questionnaires and interviews. They then average data
from several employees from different departments to determine how much
time a typical employee spends on each of several specific tasks. The problem is
that employees who have the same job title but work in different departments
may experience very different pressures. Therefore, simply adding up and
averaging the amount of time that, say, HR assistance need to devote
“interviewing candidates” could end in misleading results. The point is that we
must understand the job’s departmental context – the way someone with a
particular job title spends his or her time is not necessarily
the same from department to department.

1) The Interview method:

Managers use three types of interview to collect job analysis data – individual
interview with each employee, group interview with groups of employees who
have the same jobs & the supervisor interviews with one or more supervisor
who know the job. They use group interviews when a large number of
employees are performing similar or identical work, since it can be a quick and
inexpensive way to gather information. Whichever kind of interviews we use,
we need to be sure the interviewee fully understands the reason for the
interview since there is a tendency for such interviews to be viewed, rightly or
wrongly, as “efficiency evaluation”. If so, interviewees may hesitate to describe
their jobs accurately.

Pros & Cons

The interview is probably the most widely used method for identifying the job’s
duties & responsibilities and its wide use reflects its advantages. It is a relatively
simple and quick way to collect information, including information that might
never appear on a written form. The interview also provides an opportunity to
explain the need for and function of the job analysis. And the employee can
vent frustration that might otherwise go unnoticed by the management.

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Distortion of the information is the main problem – whether due to outright
falsification or honest misunderstanding. Job analysis is often a prelude to
changing a job’s pay rate. Employees therefore may legitimately view the
interview as the efficiency evaluation that may affect their pay. They may then
tend to exaggerate certain responsibilities while minimising others.

2) Questionnaire method:
Having employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties &
responsibilities is another good way to obtain job analysis information. We have
to decide how structured the questionnaire should be and what question to
include. Some questionnaires are very structured checklists. Each employee gets
an inventory of perhaps hundreds of specific duties or tasks (such as “change
and splice via”). He or she is asked to indicate whether or not he/she performs
each tasks and, it so, how much time is normally spent on each. At the other
extreme, the questionnaire can be open-ended and simply ask the employee to
“describe the major duties of your job.” In practice, the best questionnaire often
falls between these two extremes.

Pros & cons

A questionnaire is a quick and efficient way to obtain information from a large
number of employees, its less costly than interviewing hundreds of workers, for
instance. However, developing any questionnaire an testing it can be expensive
and time-consuming.

3) Observation method:
Direct observation is specially useful when jobs consist mainly of observable
physical activities –assembly – line worker and accounting clerk are examples.
On the other hand, observation is usually not appropriate when the job entails a
lot of mental activities (lawyer, design–engineer). Nor it is useful if the
employee only occasionally engages in important activities, such as a nurse who
handles emergencies. And reactivity – the workers changing what he or she
normally does because you are watching – can also be a problem. Manager
often use direct observation and interviewing together. One approach is to
observe the worker on the job during a complete work cycle. Here you take
notes of all job activities. Then after accumulating as much information as
possible, you interview the worker. Ask the person to clarify points not
understood and to explain what are the activities he or she performs that you
didn’t observe.

Pros & cons

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The data collected are correct and reliable because of direct observation by
analyst. This method is easy and simple it produces best results when used with
other methods of job analysis. A major drawback is the mental process involved
in a job cannot be measured and unforeseen circumstances are not directly
observed by this method. This method is time consuming.

4) Participant Diary/Logs method:

Another approach is to ask workers to keep a diary/log of what they do during
the day. For every activity he or she engages in, the employee records the
activity in a log. This can produce a very complete picture of the job, specially
when supplemented with subsequent interviews with the worker and the
supervisor. The employee, of course, might try to exaggerate some activities
and underplay others. However, the detailed, chronological nature of the log
tends to mediate against this. Some firms take a hi-tech approach to diary/logs.
They give employees pocket dictating machines and pagers. Then at random
times during the day, they page the workers, who dictate what they are doing at
that time. This approach can avoid one pitfall of the traditional diary/log
method: relying on workers to remember what they did hours earlier when they
complete their logs at the end of the day.

5) Checklists method:
A checklist method of collecting job data for analysis is similar to a
questionnaire. Here the response sheet contains fewer subjective judgements
and tends to be either YES-OR-NO variety. Checklist may cover as many as
100 activities and job holders tick only those tasks that are included in their
jobs. Preparation of checklist is a challenging job. The work should preferable
be given to specialists. Well prepared checklist is sent to the job holder.
He is asked to check all the listed tasks and indicate the amount of time spent on
each task as well as the training and experience required in order to be
proficient in task. He job holder may also be asked to write any additional tasks
which he performs but is not mentioned in the checklist. The checklist answered
will act as a basis of tabulation job related data.

Pros & cons

Checklist method is useful in large organisations that have a number of people
assigned to one job. It enables tabulation and recording on electronic data
processing equipment. This method is costly and lengthy. It is not suitable for
small organizations with limited manpower.

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6) Job performance method:
In the job performance method of job data collection, the job analyst actually
performs/conducts the job under study in order to obtain first hand experience
of actual tasks, physical and social demands and the enviournment of the job.
This method is direct and practical in nature. It provides factual information
about the job under study.

Pros & cons

This method is simple and easy to use as it provides job information directly to
the job analyst. Job performance method is time consuming and job information
will be available after some period of time. It is not appropriate for jobs which
require intensive training.

7) Critical incidents method:

In critical incidents method, job holders are asked to describe incidents relating
to the job on the basis of their past experience. the incidents so collected are
analysed and classified according to the job areas they describe. Reasonably
clear picture of actual job requirements can be obtained by distinguishing
between effective and ineffective behaviour of worker on job.

Pros & cons

Fairly clear picture of actual job requirements is available by this method. In
this method high degree of skill is required to analyse the contents of the
descriptions given by workers.


Wipro started as a vegetable oil company in 1947 from an old mill founded by
Azim Premji's father. When his father died in 1966, Azim, a graduate in
Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, took on the leadership of the
company at the age 21. He repositioned it and transformed Wipro (Western
India Vegetable Products Ltd) into a consumer goods company that produced
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hydrogenated cooking oils/fat company, laundry soap, wax and tin containers
and later set up Wipro Fluid Power to manufacture hydraulic and pneumatic
cylinders in 1975. At that time, it was valued at $2 million.

In 1977, when IBM was asked to leave India, Wipro entered the information
technology sector. In 1979, Wipro began developing its own computers and in
1981, started selling the finished product. This was the first in a string of
products that would make Wipro one of India's first computer makers. The
company licensed technology from Sentinel Computers in the United States and
began building India's first mini-computers. Wipro hired managers who were
computer savvy, and strong on business experience. In 1980 Wipro moved in
software development and started developing customized software packages for
their hardware customers. This expanded their IT business and subsequently
invented the first Indian 8086 chip. Since 1992, Wipro began to grow its roots
off shore in United States and by 2000 Wipro Ltd ADRs were listed on the New
York Stock Exchange.

With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro

Technologies is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of
the pioneers in the remote delivery of IT services. Being a global provider of
Consulting, IT Services, outsourced R&D, infrastructure outsourcing and
business process services, we deliver technology-driven business solutions
that meet the strategic objectives of our Global 2000 customers. Wipro today
employs 96,000 people in over 50 countries. A career at Wipro means to
learn and grow continuously, opportunities to work on the latest technologies
alongside the finest minds in the industry, competitive salaries, stock options
and excellent benefits.
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Employees at the Wipro Spectramind call center, which services customers of a US-
based computer manufacturer and an Internet service provider in Britain


Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people
for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based
organization or community group. External recruitment is the process of
attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization.
A. Internal Sources:-
• Promotions and Transfer
• Job postings
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• Employee Referrals
B. External Sources:-
• Advertisement
• Employment Agencies
• On campus Recruitment

WIPRO recruitment process:-

WIPRO recruitment process consists of 4 rounds.

Round 1: Written test

1. Verbal: This section will have 15 questions related to synonyms,

antonyms, Analogies, SC, Prepositions and reading comprehension
2. Aptitude: These sections will have 15 questions related to aptitude
topics like Time & Work, Time & Distance, Blood Relations, Series
Completion, Puzzles, Calendars, Clocks, Percentages, Ratio proportions,
Ages, Pipes and Cisterns etc. Refer Annex I
3. Technical: This section will have 20 questions related to basic technical
concepts from C, C++, Java, Linux, UNIX, DBMS, SQL, Programming
fundamentals, Hardware, Software Engineering, Micro Processors etc.
Candidates are informed to brush up their technical skills which were
covered in their regular academic curriculum.

Round 2: Technical Interview

This is a major elimination round. Candidates should be thorough with their

basic technical skills to clear this round. Candidates are here by informed to be
prepared with their core subjects.

Round 3: HR Interview

Candidates can expect basic HR interview questions like Tell me about

yourself, Why should I hire you, Why only WIPRO, What is SIX sigma level.
Candidates will be tested in their communication and vocabulary during
technical and HR interviews.

Round 4: Placement

Upon Joining, the incumbent shall be given an employee code number by

Manager(HR) and he shall fill up the joining forms and shall submit the same to
the Manager(HR) for further course of action. Wipro recruit 40% employees
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from campus recruitment. Another popular source for Wipro’s Recruitment is
the Online Placement through NSR (National Skill Registry).


Wipro Training Model

Rapid Learning:-
At Wipro, we know how critical time is for fulfilling training needs and hence
we have developed competency in the area of Rapid Learning. An emerging
form of content development, Rapid Learning helps to develop content in a
short span of time using various tools; the content delivery can be both
synchronous as well as asynchronous. Wipro has strategic partnerships with
leading technology providers to help you choose the tool that suits your
requirement best. Based on research conducted in this area, Rapid Content
Development can be used for any of the following content areas:
• Critical Training – when the training requirement is critical and must be
addressed immediately
• Minor change – when the difference between what is known and what is
new is minimal
• Short shelf life – when the content in question has a very short shelf life
• Frequent updates – when the content needs to be updated frequently.

Process Training:-
Large enterprises keep updating their processes to improve the efficacies of
their systems. Business process training is typically a part of any organization’s

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overall change management plan. Wipro provides Process Training in several
fields including HR, Quality, Operation, Payroll, Recruitment, and more. For a
meaningful transition of the process, quality training is extremely critical.
Understanding the complexities involved in rolling out these process trainings,
we bring you quick solutions that help deliver effective training for your
The components of process training are:
1. Analyze
2. Inform
3. Involve
4. Support


Wipro Leaders’ Qualities Survey, which started in 1992, is one of our oldest
leadership development initiatives. It has successfully contributed in our
endeavor to nurture top class business leaders in Wipro. We have 8 Wipro
Leadership Qualities, which are based on Wipro vision, values and business
strategy. In order to identify and help leaders develop these competencies we
adopt a 360-degree survey process. This is an end-to-end program, which starts
with the obtaining of feedback from relevant respondents and ends with each
leader drawing up a Personal Development Plan (PDP) based on the feedback
received. The PDP is developed through “Winds of Change” which is a seven-
step program that helps in identifying strengths and improvement areas, and
determining the action steps.

1. Wipro Leaders’ Program (WLP) - This program is for middle level

leader with people, process, business development and project
management responsibilities. These leaders are like the flag bearers of
Wipro values and Wipro way of doing business.
2. Business Leaders’ Program (BLP) - This is for senior leaders with
business responsibility. At this level, people are trained up for revenue
generation; and Profit & Loss responsibilities. The program covers
commercial orientation, client relationship development, and team
building and performance management responsibilities among other
3. Strategic Leaders’ Program (SLP) - This program covers top
management employees. The focus is on Vision, Values, Strategy, Global
Thinking and Acting, Customer Focus and Building Star Performers.
Wipro ties up with leading business schools of international repute to
conduct this program for Wipro leaders.

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Performance Appraisal:

Appraisal System:-
Are your people developing and performing as fast as your business moves?
Are you measuring the pace of your people and tracking it?
In order to answer your Performance related questions, Wipro offers an
integrated end-to-end Performance Management Solution. This solution is
based on global people processes drawn from best practices and helps
organizations streamline their performance evaluation processes. Wipro’s
ePerformance Management solution not only helps you establish the best
practices in Performance Management, like 360degree appraisal, MBO, etc, but
enables reduced Performance Management cycle time without compromising on
the sub-processes which are so critical to your HR values, like Work Planning
Conference, Work Plan establishment, Development plans and Objective
setting, Interim Review, Overall evaluation, detecting Performance deficiencies,
Tracking, Documentation and Archiving. Once reviewed by HR dept. Assistant
(HR) updates the records for each employee’s score in the database.

“Higher you go. Heavier you get”

A promotion is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an

organizational hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for
good performance i.e. positive appraisal.

Bases of Promotion:-

1. Seniority:-
Seniority simply depends upon how long the employees is doing job with the
company. The length of service and talent are both interrelated with each other.

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It is based on the tradition of respect for older people. It creates a sense of
security among employees and avoids conflict arising from promotion decision.

2. Merit:-
Merit implies the knowledge, skill and performance records of an employee. It
helps to motivate competent employee to work hard and acquire new skills. It
helps to attract and retain young and promising employees in the organization.
On the above basis, promotion of employees is done in Wipro. Wipro also
prompt employee by conducting different case studies on different aspects of
Information Technology. Working at Wipro is very comparative & to get
promotion required smart work and projection.


Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to

employees in exchange for work performed. Compensation may achieve several
purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. Wages
and salaries structure is very vital for the retention of the employees as due to
stiff competition, if proper salary is not given then the employees will go to
those organization offering higher salaries. Jivraj Tea Ltd is actively involved in
retaining good manpower in the organization by providing proper salary and
incentive methods. Wipro runs 50 offices in India. It has a branch office in
USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Africa etc.

Pay scale of Employee at Wipro

Employee Welfare:
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According to the Oxford dictionary, employee welfare or labour welfare means
“the efforts to make life worth living for workmen.” Labour Welfare means
anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the
employees over and governmental, which is not a necessity of the industry.

Welfare Activities:-

Wipro has its own institute, where the education is given to the employees’
children absolutely free. The school has classes from JR. kg to class-XII in
English medium. Free transportation facility is also provided to them.

Company’s philosophy is “Nobody should die without fund”. Company
believes its responsibility towards health services to provide to the employees
go beyond the statutory provision. Being the petrochemical industry and some
of their process are considered “Hazardous”. Company recognises the
importance of good occupational health services. Therefore, at the
manufacturing sites, they have well equipped, full fledged medical centre,
which are manned round the clock.

Company has its own township at different location in Bangalore. If house is
available, the new employees are allotted the house otherwise the company can
also hire house. All the maintenance in houses provided to employees by
company is done by the company.

The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the
employees but it is not compulsory for them. They get the allowance in their
salary. The Contract Cell at Wipro invites tenders and the Contract cell signs
detailed agreement with the contractor. The operation of the canteen is given on
the contract.

Recreation activities

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For the recreation of the employee, company organized gets to gather once in a
year with their family, and also arranged short distance picnic. For picnic they
get Rs. 100/- and free transportation once in a year.

Club membership
The purpose of the club membership is to meet the other members of the
industrial community and interact with them for relation personnel leisure. This
facility is provided only to the SMC and above.

Insurance Policy
Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs 100000 for employees.
Premium of the company is half pay by employee and other will pay by Wipro.

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Wipro Aptitude Test

S. No. Questions
1. How to improve my communication skills?

2. I come once in a day, twice in an hour thrice in a minute. Who am I?

3. If 12+22=24 23+8=6 32+13=40 73+16=144 then 36+2=? Explain

4. If 12+22=24 23+8=6 32+13=40 73+16=144 then 36+2=?

5. Two planes take off at the same exact moment. They are flying across the
Atlantic Ocean. One leaves New York and is flying to Paris at 800 km/hr.
The other leaves Paris and is flying to New York at only 750 km/hr
( because of a strong head wind ). Which one will be closer to Paris when
they meet?

6. I want gropu2 question papers for my preparation

7. 4,5,9,27,123,_ what is next number?

8. A husband and wife have a combined age of 91. The husband is now
twice as old as his wife was when he was as old as she is now. How old is

9. Solve the case : a man was found murdered on 02.10.1992 afternoon. 1.

his wife called police 2. police questioned everyone. 3. wife : sir, i was
sleeping, when d murder took place. 4.Cook: I was cooking. 5 Gardner : I
was picking vegetables. 6 House-maid : i went to post office. 7 Children :
we went to play. 8 Neighbour : We went to a marriage. Police arrested the
murderer immediately. Who is it?

10. Two planes take off at the same exact moment. They are flying across the
Atlantic Ocean. One leaves New York and is flying to Paris at 800 km/hr.
The other leaves Paris and is flying to New York at only 750 km/hr
( because of a strong head wind ). Which one will be closer to Paris when
they meet?

11. I Need Change For 100 Rs It Should Not Be 10 Rs Notes But It Should
Contain 10 Notes, Any Ideas?

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12. How many triangles are there in the following figure?

13. Who is first Prime Minister of India?

14. Arrange this letters in 3 words A F O T I G W I U Y N O R

15. Find out the value of



The main problem faced by IT companies in India is retaining talent. India does
not have any dearth of smart minds but with poaching being rampant in the IT

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industry, companies find it very difficult to keep their employees interested in
the company.

Wipro has been an important player in the IT & BPO industry & its employees
have played an integral role in its success but increasing competition from
multi-nationals has made it vulnerable.

To counter these threats we would recommend Wipro to adopt a policy of

Targets can be set for each level of employees to bring about a competitive
spirit amongst them & the employee who is able to meet these targets in the
shortest span of time should be generously compensated to appreciate his

Added non-cash benefits can also be introduced like offering free tour packages
for the entire family or a car or other such bonuses to motivate the employees.

In addition to this, Wipro can introduce gaming centres at their offices which
would not only help the employees de-stress but also stimulate their minds so as
to work more effectively and efficiently.


1. Internet
a. carriers.wipro.com
b. www.educationindiaonline.info

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c. jobs.businessweek.com

2. Reference Books
a. Human Resource & Personnel Management by K. Ashwathappa
b. Principles of Personnel Management by Edwin B. Flippo

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