Full Book Solved MCQS Part2
Full Book Solved MCQS Part2
Full Book Solved MCQS Part2
a) removing the blood (b) clearing theblood
(c) Dilutingthe blood (d) storing theblood
50. The high degree renal failure iscalled:
a) Uremia (b) end stage renaldisease (c) both a&b (d) uredecty
51. The human abdominal cavity is lined by a thin epitheliumcalled:
a) ectoderm (b) endoderm (c) peritoneum (d) epidermis
52. Some mammals possess brown fat for the rapid productionof:
a) Heat (b)sweet (c) urine (d) feces
53. Which animal is notPoikilotherms?
a) starfish (b)frog (c)tortoise (d) parrot
54. Which one of the following is anendotherm?
a) hummingbird (b)reptiles (lizard) (c)birds (d) bat
55. Which of the following is notendoderm?
a) bird (b) amphibian (c)flyinginsect (d) mammal
56. Bats don’t regulate body temperature in narrow range andis:
a) endotherm (b) homeotherms (c) heterotherm (d) poikilotherms
57. Activation of sweat glands to produce sweat for evaporative cooling is a type
a) Structural (b)physiological (c) behavioral (d) none ofthese
58. The rate of heat production is increased by increasing muscle contraction, by
movement is called:
a)Thermoregulation (b) shiveringthermogenesis
(c)Nonshiveringthermogenesis (d)thermostat
59. Use salvia and urine for evaporativecooling:
a) Bats (b) birds (c) insects (d) dogs
60. The mechanism of evaporative cooling in respiratory tract of dog is knownas:
a) Panting(b) shiveringthermogenesis(c)thermoregulation (d)vasodilation
61. The homeostatic thermostat is presentin:
a) pituitary (b)hypothalamus (c) pancreas (d)kidney
62. The body temperature regulation in human is based on complex homeostatic
thermostat present inthe:
a) cerebrum (b) medulla oblongata(c)hypothalamus (d)thalamus
63. In bacterial and viral infection, pathogens and leukocytes release a chemicalcalled:
a) Pyrexia (b)toxin (c) aflatoxins (d) pyrogens
23. All of the following bones are associated with coxal bones, except:
a) Ilium (b) Ischium (c) Pubis (d) Clavicle
24. The number of lumbar vertebrae are:
a) 05 (b) 07 (c) 12 (d) 33
32. A condition in which palatine process of maxilla & palatine fail to fuse:
a) Arthritis (b) Tetany (c) Cleft palate (d)
33. Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is best protection against:
a) Sciatica (b) Osteoporosis (c) Spondylosis (d) Fracture
34. The inflammatory or degenerative disease that damages joints:
a) Arthritis (b) Osteoporosis (c) Meningitis (d)
35. Bowed legs and deformed pelvis are the symptoms of which disease in children:
a) Disc Slip (b)Rickets (c) Sciatica (d) Hematoma
36. A disease which causes immobility and fusion of vertebral joint is called:
a) Sciatica (b) Spondylosis (c) Rickets (D) Disc Slip
37. Rickets is due to deficiency of vitamin:
a) A (b) C (c) D (d) E
38. Which one of the following is not a joint disease?
a) Arthritis (b) Sciatica (c) Disc Slip (d) Spondylosis
39. Acute forms of arthritis usually result from:
a) Bacterial Invasion(b) Viral Invasion (c) Fungal Invasion (d) Severe
45. Skeletal muscles are called striated muscles due to the presence of:
a)Red and yellow band (b) White and yellow band
(c)Alternating light and dark band (d) Red and black band
53. The depression present in pelvic girdle for articulation of femur is:
a) Acetabulum (b) Ischium (c) Ilium (d) Pubis
54. are ideal for gliding into wind:
a) Narrow wings (b) Broad wings (c) Long Narrow wings (d) Short Broad wings
55. The supracoracoid muscle provide power for the:
a) Upward stroke (b) Downward stroke (c) Recovery stroke (d) Neutral stroke
56. Which Animal has long narrow wings?
a) Mammals (b) Owl (c) Reptiles (d) Gull
1. The plant hormone that inhibits the growth of lateral shoots is:
(A) cytokinins (B) gibberellin (C) auxin (D) ethene
2. Which produce the sensation of pain:
(A) Chemoreceptors (B) mechanoreceptors (C) nociceptors (D) stretch
3. Value of active membrane potential during nerve impulse is:
(A) +0.05 volts (B) +0.5 volts (C) +50 volts (D) both a and c
4. Which one is not the part of limbic system:
(A) thalamus (B) hypothalamus (C) amygdala (D) hippocampus
5. Hind brain includes the medulla, pons and:
(A) cerebrum (B) cerebellum (C) thalamus (D) amygdala
6. The cerebrospinal fluid is similar in composition to:
(A) blood (B) blood plasma (C) blood serum (D) blood proteins
7. The largest part of brain is:
(A) cerebellum (B) medulla (C) cerebrum (D) thalamus
8. The structure of human brain that control sleep wake cycle is:
(A) amygdala (B) hippocampus (C) cerebrum (D) hypothalamus
9. In human, relay center is located in:
(A) fore brain (B) mid brain (C) hind brain (D) none
10. The structure in human brain that controls hunger:
(A) amygdala (B) hippocampus (C) hypothalamus (D) None of these
11. _______is best developed in birds:
(A) Cerebrum (B) hippocampus (C) cerebellum (D) amygdala
12. A nerve is:
(A) collection of neurons (B) collection of dendrites
(C) bundle of axons or dendrites bonded by connection (D) none
13. In human pairs of cranial nerves are:
(A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18
14. The onset of epilepsy is before age of:
(A) 10 years (B) 20 years (C) 30 years (D) 40 years
15. Endocrine glands secret:
(A) hormones (B) salts (C) enzymes (D) mucus
16. Which hormone is chemically steroid:
(A) ADH (B) cortisone (C) thyroxine (D) insulin
17. Insulin and glucagon hormones are:
(A) carbohydrates (B) proteins (C) steroids (D) polypeptides
18. Alpha cells of pancreas secrete:
(A) glucagon (B) insulin (C) pancreatic juice (D) secretin
19. A pair of adrenal glands is present on top of each:
(A) ear (B) kidney (C) eye (D) testis
20. Testosterone is secreted by:
(A) sertoli cells (B) interstitial cells (C) prostate gland (D) germinal cells
21. The corpus leutum secrets a hormone:
(A) oxytocin (B) estrogen (C) progesteron (D) testosteron
22. The hormone that suppresses ovulation is:
(A) testosterone (B) estrogen (C) gastrin (D) progesterone
23. Which hormone in male stimulate the production of testosterone:
24. The hormone that suppress the ovulation is:
(A) Testosterone (B) oestrogen (C) progesteron (D) gastrin
25. Parathormone is antagonistic to:
(A) calcitonin (B) glucagon (C) vasopressin (D) epinephrine
26. Oxytocin is released from:
(A) Anterior pituitary lobe (B) median pituitary lobe
(C) Posterior pituitary lobe (D) none
27. Calcitonin is released by ______gland:
(A) Thyroid (B) pituitary (C) adrenal (D) parathyroid
28. Secretin is a hormone produced by:
(A) liver (B) gut (C) pancreas (D) adrenals
1. Reproduction in necessary for the survivalfor:
(A) Individual (B) Species (C)Community (D) Biome
2. Fruit ripening is due to the productionof:
(A) Auxins (B) Cytokinins (C) Gibberellins (D) Ethane
3. Union of gametes iscalled:
(A) Fertilization (B)Gametogenesis (C)Spermatogenesis (D) Oogenesis
4. The special condition of rest, which enables an embryo to survive during the long
(A) Rootdormancy (B) Shootdormancy (C)Seed dormancy (D) Plant dormancy
5. In honeybee, males are haploid and produce spermsby:
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C)Apomixes (D) Parthenogenesis
6. Parthenocarpy is induced in tomato and pepper byadding:
(A) Auxins (B) Cytokinins (C)Ethene (D) Abscisicacid
7. Vehicle for transport of male gamete in land plantsis:
(A) Water (B)Pollen tube (C) Pollen grain (D) Wind
8. Between the seminiferous tubules are interstitial cells, whichsecrete:
(A) Estrogen (B)Testosterone (C) Aldosterone (D) Corticosteroids
9. Discharge of egg from the ovary iscalled:
(A) Oogenesis (B) Ovulation (C)gametogenesis
10. Developing seeds are a rich sourceof:
(A) Auxins (B)Gibberellins (C)Cytokinins
(D) All of these
11. Parthenocarpy is the development of fruitwithout:
A Pollination (B)Germination (C) Fertilization (D)Hormones
12. Fruit ripening is often accompanied by burst of respiratory activitycalled:
(A) Apomixes (B) Climacteric (C) Photoperiodism (D) Endosperm
13. Evolution of pollen tube is parallel to the evolutionof:
(A) Stem (B)Leaves (C) Flower (D) Seed
14. Average loss of blood during birth in human female isabout:
(A) 150cm3 (B) 250cm3 (C) 350cm3 (D) 450cm3
15. Human embryo remains enclosed in a saccalled:
(A) Placenta (B) Chorionic Sac (C) Amniotic Sac (D) EggShell
16. Ovoviviparity is shownby:
(A) Reptile (B) Bird (C) Duckbill platypus(D) Human
17. Sperms are formedin:
(A) Vas deferens (B) Collecting ducts
(C)Epididymis (D) Seminiferous tubules
18. The hormone, which controls the development of male secondary sexual
characteristics during puberty,is:
(A) Insulin (B)Testosterone (C) Oestrogen (D)Progesterone
19. Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection and
(A) Oocyte (B)Sperms (C)Polarbody (D)Spermatids
20. Decrease of FSH and increase of estrogen causes the pituitary gland tosecrete:
21. Which is not a stimulus to releaseoxytocin?
(A) Distensionofcervix (B) Decrease in progesteronelevel
(C) Neural stimulusduringparturition (D) High level of Ca++ions
22. The first convoluted part of the vas deferensis:
(A) Epididymis (B)Penis (C)Scrotum (D) Sperm
23. In human female, the total gestation period isusually about :
(A) 280days (B) 280 weeks (C) 28 months (D) 360days
24. The hormones that induces labourpain:
(A) Lactogen (B) LTH (C)LH (D) Oxytocin
25. The human embryo is referred as the fetus from beginningof:
(A) 3rdMonth (B)3rdWeek (C) 6thMonth (D) 6thWeek
26. Causative agent of Genital Herpes isa:
(A) Virus (B) Bacteria (C)Fungi (D) Protozoan
27. When will you call embryo as afetus?
(A) After2months (B) After3 months (C) After 4months (D) After 5 months
28. In human female discharge of blood and debrisis:
(A) Ovulation (B)Abortion (C)Menstruation (D) Secretion
29. Reptilesare:
(A) Oviparous (B)Viviparous (C) Ovoviviparous (D)Enviparous
30. Oviduct opensinto:
(A) Ovary (B) Uterus (C)Vagina (D) Urethra
31. External genitalia very sensitive during copulationis:
(A) Placenta (B) Uterus (C) Cervix (D) Clitoris
32. The mammalian testes are made up of a large numberof:
(A) Epididymis (B) Seminiferoustubules
(C)Fallopian tubule (D) Uriniferous tubules
33. The disease caused by the herpes simplex type 2 virusis:
(A) AIDS (B) Syphilis (C) Gonorrhea (D) Genital herpes
34. Ovoviviparousanimals:
(A) Layeggs (B) Give birth to young (C)Give larva (D) Give pupa
35. Syphilis caused by a spirochete namedas:
(A) Neisseriagonorrhea (B) Treponemapalladium
(C) E.coli (D) Hyphomicrobium
36. The hormone responsible for the production of sperms and male secondary
(A) Progesterone (B)Thyroxine (C)Testosterone (D) Estrogens
37. Which hormone in male stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to
38. Gonorrhea is causedby:
(A) Neisseria (B) T.Pallidum (C)Herpessimplex (D) Clostridium
39. Uterus opens into vestibule (vagina)through:
(A) Cervix (B)Ureter (C) Oviduct (D) Uterinetube
40. The internal fertilization leads to internal development of embryo, which gives
birth to young one, such animals, iscalled:
(A) Oviparous (B)Viviparous (C) Ovoviviparous (D)Vivi-ovaparous
41. Inhumanbeings,mostofthemajororgansofembryoareformedwithinthe:
(A) Tenweeks (B)Sixweeks (C)Twelveweeks (D) Fourteen weeks
42. In human how many ova are discharged from ovaries at onetime?
(A) 1 (B)2 (C)6 (D) 3
43. All of the following animals are the haploid Parthenocarpicexcept:
(A) Wasps (B)Aphids (C) Honeybees (D) Ants
44. Corpus luteum starts secreting a hormone knownas:
(A) Progesterone (B) Oxytocin (C)Testosterone (D) Estrogen
45. From the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, the human’s embryo
(A) Kitten (B)Kid (C)Cub (D) Fetus
46. Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in:
(A) Wasp (B)Aphid (C) Ants (D) Bee
47. Sertoli cells are the cellsof:
(A) Testis (B) Ovaries (C) Urethra (D)Kidney
48. A type of asexual reproduction in which parent organism simply divides into
two daughter organisms is:
(A) Budding (B)Multiplefission (C) Binary fission (D) Nuclear fission
1. Individual with Klinefelter’s syndrome has sex chromosomesas:
2. Synapsis startduring:
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D) Diplotene
3. In Klinefelter’ssyndrome:
(A) One X-chromosomesmissing (B) Additional sex-chromosomes present
(C) Sex-chromosomes failtosegregate (D) None of these
4. Which structure becomes visible when cell startdividing?
(A) Nucleus (B)Cell membrane (C)Chromosome (D) Nuclear
5. Full cell cycle in Yeast cells has lengthof:
(A) 30minutes (B)60 minutes (C)90 minutes (D) 120 minutes
6. Which one is absent in animalcell?
(A) Spindle (B) Centriole (C) Chromatids (D) Phragmoplast
7. The spread of tumor cells to the secondary areas of growthis:
(A) Epistasis (B) Metastasis (C)Peristasis (D) None ofthese
8. The condensation of chromosomes reaches to itsmaximum:
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D) Diakinesis
9. The pairing of homologous chromosomes is completedin:
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D) Diplotene
10. Each bivalent is consist of four:
(A) Chromosomes (B)Chromatids (C) Chiasmata (D) Spore
11. The spindle fibers are composed of RNA and proteincalled:
(A) Insulin (B) Actin (C)Myosin (D)Tubulin
12. The most critical phase of mitosisis:
(A) Prophase (B) Metaphase (C)Anaphase (D)Telophase
13. Exchange of chromosomal segment due to chiasmata formationis:
(A) Crossingover (B)Linkage (C)Diplotene (D) None of these
14. The vesicles forming Phragmoplast originateduring:
(A) Prophase (B) Metaphase (C)Interphase (D)Telophase
15. The microtubules are composed of a protein tubulin and tracesof
(A) DNA (B) RNA (C)Lipids (D)Terpenoids
16. During cell division, the nuclear division iscalled:
(A) Cytokinesis (B)Karyokinesis (C)Karyotype (D) Plasmolysis
17. The healing of depend upon:
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Mutation (D) Apoptosis
18. DNA synthesis and chromosomal doubling occursin:
(A) G1–phase (B) G2 –phase (C) G0– phase (D) S-phase
19. Interphase period can be dividedinto:
(A) G1,G2,G3 (B) G1,G2,F1 (C) G1,S, G2 (D) S1, G1,S2
20. Post mitotic cells can exist the cell cycleduring:
(A) G0–phase (B) G1–phase (C) S – phase (D) G2–phase
21. Chromosomal doubling occursin:
(A) S-phase (B)G1-phase (C)G2-phase (D) G0-phase
22. Phragmoplast is formed by vesicles originatedfrom:
(A) EndoplasmicReticulum (B) GolgiComplex
(C) Chloroplast (D) Mitochondria
23. Karyokinesis involves of nucleus and cytokinesis refersto:
(A) Division ofwholecell (B) Division of Cytoplasm
(C) DivisionofCentromere (D) Division of Cell wall
24. Which tumor is delocalized or has branches other than site oforigin?
(A) Benign (B) Malignant (C) Both (D) Apoptosis
25. Cancer is caused mainly by mutationin:
(A) Somaticcells (B) Malignant cells (C)Sexcells (D) Reproductive
26. Type of cell division in which number of chromosomes is reduced to half in
daughter cells is called:
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Budding (D) Binary Fission
27. The number of sets of microtubules originate from each pair of
Centrioles is
(A)03 (B)04 (C)05 (D)
28. Chromatin network is visibleduring:
(A) Interphase (B) Prophase (C) Metaphase (D) Anaphase
29. Microtubules are composedof:
(A) Tubulin (B) Insulin (C)Hemoglobin (D) Adrenaline
30. Contractile ring is cytokinesis is formedby:
(A) Tubulin (B) Actin &Myosin (C)Keratin (D) Cyclin
31. The most critical phase of mitosis, which ensures equal distribution of
chromatids in the in the daughter cellsis:
(A) Anaphase (B) Metaphase (C) Prophase (D)Telophase
32. Which one sub-stage of prophase-I of Meiosis-I lasts for days, week or evenyears?
(A) Zygotene (B)Leptotene (C)Pachytene (D)Diplotene
33. The stage of prophase that last for days, week or even yearis:
(A) Pachytene (B) Zygotene (C) Leptotene (D) Diplotene
34. In which stage of Meiosis, crossing overoccurs:
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D) Anaphase
35. Cancer occurs due to errorin:
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C)Binary fission (D) Budding
36. An unwanted clone of cells and establishment of secondary areas of growth
(A) Tumor (B)Growth (C)Lump (D) Swelling
37. The actual reduction division is:
(A) Meiosis-I (B)Meiosis-II (C)Mitosis (D) Cytokinesis
38. The prophase stage in which the chromosomes become visible, shorten
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D) Diplotene
39. In which stage of Meiosis, the paired chromosomes repel each other and begin
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Diplotene (D) Pachytene
40. The frequency of occurrence of Down syndromeis:
(A) 1/700 (B)1/40 (C) 1/500 (D) 1/200
41. In human cell, average cell cycle isabout:
(A) 14hours (B)24 hours (C) 34 hours (D) 44hours
42. The presence of invading cells other than normal tissue is an indicationof:
(A) Melatoma (B)Abnormality (C)Mutation (D) Malignancy
43. The affected individual have one missing X-chromosome with only 45
(A) Down’ssyndrome (B) Sach’s syndrome
(C)Turner’s syndrome (D) Klinefelter’ssyndrome
44. The duration of mitosis in human cell cycleis:
(A) 30hour (B)30sec (C) 30days (D) 30 min
45. Cell death due to tissue damage iscalled:
(A) Apoptosis (B) Metastasis (C) Necrosis (D) Suicide
46. A network of very fine treads called chromatin material can be visualized in
(A) Interphase (B) Metaphase (C)Anaphase (D) Prophase
47. Thepairedchromosomesrepeleachotherandbegintoseparateduring:
(A) Pachytene (B) Diplotene (C)Leptotene (D) Zygotene
48. Mongolism is also knownas:
(A) Down’ssyndrome (B) Klinefelter’ssyndrome
(C)Turner’s syndrome (D) Complement ofGene
49. The period of life cycle of a cell between two consecutive divisionsis:
(A) Prophase (B)Telophase (C)Degreephase (D) Interphase
50. During meiosis the tetrad is formedin:
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C)Pachytene (D)Interphase
51. Meiosis-II is just likethe:
(A) Amitosis (B) Mitosis (C)Regeneration (D) Regeneration
52. The tumor which is localized and not transferred to the other bodyparts:
(A) Cancer (B)Melanoma (C)Benign (D) Malignant
Solved MCQs
10. dideoxy ribonucleotide triphosphates are used to terminate into DNA synthesis at
different sites in:
a) maxam-gilbert method b) Sanger method c) smith method d) Sanford method
11. Organism used as biofilters is:
a) Transgenic plant b) transgenic animalc) transgenic bacteriad) transgenic virus
16. antithrombin is biotechnological product produced in:
a) sheep b) goat c) cow d) mice
1. the study of relationship of organisms to their environment is known as:
2. the smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is:
4. Any group of interbreeding organisms of the same species that exist together in both time
and space is called:
a)3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
6. Atmosphere means the____ content of earth:
a)soil b) air c) water d)non living things
7. Biosphere is spread out over the surface of planet earth extending about:
a) 3-6 kilometer b) 4-8 kilometer c)8-10 kilometer d)8-12 kilometer
8. when bacteria in soil oxidized ammonia or ammonium ion is called:
A)oxidation b)denitrification c) Ammonification d) Nitrification
13. An association between two organisms in which both are benefited is called:
A)Fungus and algae b) root nodule bacteria c) fox and rabbit d) flower
and insect
17. in root nodules organisms present are:
24. All the food chains begin with:
31. the decline in thickness of ozone layer is caused by increasing level of:
a) chloroflourocarbons b) nitrogen c) chiorine d) carbon dioxide
37. some detergents contain a lot of:
a) sulphur b) carbon c) phosphate d) carbonates
39. Acid water draining through the soil washes out essential nutrients such as :
A) potassium b) calcium c) both d) none
40. The large amount of phosphate encourages the growth of microscopic plants called:
A) eutrofication b) green house c)stone cancer d) fuel