Stract:: TH ST
Stract:: TH ST
Stract:: TH ST
One of the most dramatic events that have taken place in later
part of 20th century was culmination of GATT 1947 into WTO
(The world Trade organization), which came into being on 1st
January 2005. This WTO has set expectations high in various
member countries (by now 149 including latest addition of
Saudi Arabia) regarding spurt in world trade where India has
insignificant share in the pie-Only 0.75% at the most. Even in
IT exports the share of Indian exporters is just peanuts in view
of overall world market.
While 5th meet at Cancun, Mexico was more or less failure, the
earlier one at Seattle, USA was received with brickbats from
environmentalist and Labor union Groups protesting against
WTO regime.
India has solid strength, at least for mid term (5-7 years) in
services sector primarily in IT sector, which should be tapped
and further strengthened.