Chargrilled Chicken HACCP Plan
Chargrilled Chicken HACCP Plan
Chargrilled Chicken HACCP Plan
Step Hazard Critical Control Control Monitoring Procedure Corrective Actions Verification
Point (CCP) Measures Procedure
Receiving Microbial growth Yes Check chicken What - temperature of chicken Reject and return Receiving
temperature 1- Who - delivery clerk out-of-temperature Checksheet
4°C How - thermometer chicken
When - when goods arrive
Where - receiving dock
Spoilage Yes Check for signs of What - packaging, surface of Reject and return
spoilage chicken spoiled chicken
Who - delivery clerk
How - visual checks
When - when goods arrive
Where - receiving dock
Storing Microbial growth Yes Store chicken What - temperature of chicken at 1- Adjust refrigerator Coolroom
refrigerated 1-4°C 4°C temperature Checksheet
Who - Kitchen Hand
How - thermometer
When - every 2 hours
Where - coolroom
Preparing Cross No HIgh standards of What - personal and environmental Assess the cross Preparation
contamination personal and hygiene contamination and Checksheet
environmental Who - Food Handlers remove
hygiene How - visual checks contaminated
When - preparing the chicken chicken.
Where - Commercial kitchen - Clean and sanitise
preparation area area.
Cooking Microbial growth Yes Properly cook What - cooking time and internal Adjust cooking time Cooking
chicken to an temperature of chicken or temperature Checksheet
internal Who - Food Handlers
temperature of How - thermometer and time
75°C When - cooking the chicken
Where - Commercial kitchen -
Chargrilled Chicken Wrap HACCP Plan
Step Hazard Critical Control Control Monitoring Procedure Corrective Actions Verification
Point (CCP) Measures Procedure
Assembly Cross Yes HIgh standards of What - personal and environmental Discard Assembly
contamination personal and hygiene contaminated Checksheet
environmental Who - Food Handlers chicken.
hygiene How - visual checks Clean and sanitise
When - assembling the sandwich area.
Where - Commercial kitchen
Serving Microbial growth Yes Time - do not hold What - time If assembly and Service
for 4 hours or Who - Food Handlers service is for a Checksheet
longer How - clock duration of 4 hours
When - holding the sandwich for or longer, discard
service eg buffet the sandwich
Where - Display area