Ancient Civ Lap Book
Ancient Civ Lap Book
Ancient Civ Lap Book
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Ancient Civilizations LapBook
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Cut and paste these writing
sections underneath the
front flaps!
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Front flaps of the lapbook (cut &
Ancient Civilizations
Lap book!
Mesopotamia India
Cuneiform Caste System
What year was it created? What were the four major social
What materials were needed categories in Aryan society?
to write? Who were the untouchables?
Hammurabi Hinduism
What was The Code of Hammurabi? What is Hinduism?
How did the code affect Sumerian What are some of the key components of
society? Hinduism?
Ziggurats Accomplishments
What was the purpose What were some of the big
of building the Ziggurats? accomplishments and advancements
in Ancient India?
Egypt Israel
Mummification King Solomon
Why did the Egyptians practice mummification?
What was King Solomon most
How long does the process take?
well-known for?
What other objects were placed inside the tombs?
What did he build?
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Front flaps of the lapbook (cut &
Ancient Civilizations
Mesopotamia India
Caste System
Cuneiform • Brahmin (highest class), Kshatriyas
(warrior/military class), Vaisyas (commoners),
• It was created approximately 3000 B.C. and Sudras (peasants)
• Clay tablets and a sharpened reed are used,
They bake the clay in the sun and the tablets would • The untouchables are the lowest level in Indian
last a long time. society and were treated inhumanely.
Hammurabi • Major religious system of India. Beliefs
originate from the Aryans. Many gods
• It was a collection of 282 cruel and goddesses – most important is
and unjust laws. Brahma.
• It created a fearful and unequal society. • It supported the social caste system. They believed in
reincarnation and many gods and goddesses. They
believed in karma, dharma, and practiced yoga.
Ziggurats Accomplishments
• Ancient India provided major contributions in the
• Sumerians built the temples worship gods fields of science, especially astronomy.
and goddesses that they believed were in • Siddhartha Gautama helped to inspire the great
charge of the city-states. Indian architecture of this time period. They
wanted to spread the word of his teachings.
Religious structures were built, using pillars,
stupas, and rock chambers.
Egypt Israel
Mummification King Solomon
• To preserve bodies for the afterlife.
• The process took 70 days. • King Solomon was known as the wisest king
• Possessions, jewelry, and food were placed of all..
inside the tombs. • He built the temple in Jerusalem and reigned
over Israel in the golden age.
Pharaohs The Promised Land
• Hatshepsut • The “Promised Land” refers to the land
• The literal definition means “great house” or “palace”. of Canaan. A story in the Bible
It is a ruler in ancient Egypt. describes God promising Abraham and
his followers a homeland.
Hieroglyphics Moses
• They are form of writing used by the • Moses was the Hebrew prophet and
Ancient Egyptians. They are pictures that leader of the Hebrew people. He
represent things, ideas, or sounds. received the Ten Commandments
• The tools used were chisels and hammers according to the Bible. He led the people
to use on stone tablets or walls. They used out of confinement. God made a
brushes for wood or papyrus. covenant with Moses.
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Cut and paste these writing
sections underneath the
front flaps!
Directions: Cut & paste to the insides
of the flaps of your lap book.
China Rome
Dynasties The Roman Empire
When was the Roman
What were the first four
Empire established?
dynasties in ancient China?
What facts do you know about Describe the daily life
each one? and economy of the
Roman Empire.
Who was Homer?
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Dynasties Rome
• Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Qin were the first
a judge focused only on one piece of evidence,
he could miss the big picture.)
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Power Words Mesopotamia:
Egypt: India:
mummification hieratic caste untouchables
Giza system
Israel: China:
“ten lost oracle Terracotta Confucianism
prophets Judaism
tribes” bones Army
Greece: Rome:
Pax Twelve Punic
polis epic poem Socratic Romana Tables Wars
fertile crescent
an area of fertile land
city-states nomad
A wanderer,
in the Middle East, the basic someone who
located around the units of
Tigris and Euphrates travels place to
Rivers. This is were
place without a
ancient civilizations permanent
Egypt: India:
mummification caste system untouchables reincarnation
A practice used
Giza hieratic script rigid social Lowest level in The belief that a
A simplified version of categories that Indian society. person’s soul is
by Egyptians. The city where
hieroglyphics. Using dashes determine each reborn in a
Drying of a dead the Great and strokes to represent different form
Pyramid is person’s position
body to prevent the pictures in after death.
located. hieroglyphics in Indian society.
Israel: China:
prophets oracle bones Terracotta Confucianism
Jews believed that
“ten lost tribes”
The tribes from the
A religion that
pieces of turtle Army The ideas and
philosophy of
certain religious Kingdom of Israel fled bone or shell used A massive collection Confucius – ethical
to other parts of the developed among
teachers (prophets) to try and predict of clay sculptures and not spiritual. He
Assyrian Empire after ancient Hebrews that
were sent by God to they were conquered. future events by representing the strongly believed in
flourished as a world
serve as a voice to They merged with supernatural army of Qin Shi self-improvement
religion. It later
his people. neighboring people and means Huang, the first and education.
influenced Christian
eventually lost their Emperor of China.
identity. and Islamic religions
of today.
Greece: Rome:
epic poem Socratic Method Pax Romana Twelve Tables Punic Wars
polis Long narrative
poem about A form of discussion
the peace that
existed between
The first code of
laws in Ancient
Armed conflicts
Greek heroic deeds, by asking and nationalities
Rome – adopted in
ancient Rome
usually featuring answering questions within Roman and Carthage.
city-states a hero going on a to engage in critical Empire
450 BC.
journey. thinking.
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Photo Credit – Dollar Photo Club
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