Section 8 Lesson 1: Creating Procedures: Vocabulary
Section 8 Lesson 1: Creating Procedures: Vocabulary
Section 8 Lesson 1: Creating Procedures: Vocabulary
Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below:
Try It / Solve It
1. What is the difference between the following two pieces of code?
v_empid employees.employee_id%TYPE := 100;
v_percent_increase NUMBER(2,2) := .05;
UPDATE employees
SET salary = (salary * v_percent_increase) + salary
WHERE employee_id = v_empid;
(p_empid employees.employee_id%TYPE,
p_percent_increase NUMBER)
UPDATE employees
SET salary = (salary * p_percent_increase) + salary
WHERE employee_id = p_empid;
END pay_raise;
4. The remaining questions in this practice use a copy of the employees table.
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respective owners.
B. Create the following procedure in Application Express:
C. Save the definition of your procedure in case you need to modify it later. In the “Save
SQL” popup, name your saved work “My name change procedure”.
E. SELECT from the table to check that the procedure has executed correctly and
performed the UPDATE:
5. Create a second procedure named pay_raise which changes the salary of all employees
in employees_dup to a new value of 30000. Execute the procedure from an anonymous
block, then SELECT from the table to check that the procedure has executed correctly.
6. Retrieve your first name_change procedure by clicking on its name in the Saved SQL
window. Modify the code to remove OR REPLACE from the CREATE statement, and
introduce a deliberate error into the code, for example by misspelling a keyword: UPDAT
employees_dup. Execute your code to recreate the procedure. What happens?
7. Now correct the procedure code by reinserting the OR REPLACE clause and correcting
your deliberate spelling error. Execute your code to recreate the procedure. Now what
Extension Exercise
1. Create, save, and execute a procedure which updates the salary of employees in
employees_dup according to the following rules:
You will need to include three UPDATE statements, one for each of the above rules. In a
later lesson you will learn how to avoid this.
Execute your procedure from an anonymous block and verify that the updates have been
performed correctly.
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