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Guidance On The Self

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Guidance on the Self-Assessment Process

ITL has issued a new guidance document on the self-assessment process. NIST Special
Publication (SP) 800-26, Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology
Systems, utilizes an extensive questionnaire containing specific control objectives and
techniques against which an unclassified system or group of interconnected systems can be
tested and measured. This ITL Bulletin summarizes the new document, available in two
formats from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/index.html. While this guidance
document applies primarily to federal agencies, private sector organizations may also find the
self-assessment approach a valuable tool.

The guide does not establish new security requirements. The control objectives and
techniques are abstracted directly from long-standing requirements found in statute, policy,
and guidance on security. The document builds on the Federal IT Security Assessment
Framework (Framework) developed by NIST for the Federal Chief Information Officer
(CIO) Council. The Framework established the groundwork for standardizing on five levels
of security status and criteria agencies could use to determine if the five levels were
adequately implemented. The new document provides guidance on applying the Framework
by identifying 17 control areas, such as those pertaining to identification and authentication
and contingency planning. In addition, the guide provides control objectives and techniques
that can be measured for each area.

Finally, the document provides guidance on utilizing the results of the system self-assessment
to ascertain the status of the agency-wide security program. The results are obtained in a form
that can readily be used to determine which of the five levels specified in the Framework the
agency has achieved for each topic area covered in the questionnaire. For example, the group
of systems under review may have reached level 4 (Tested and Evaluated Procedures and
Controls) in the topic area of physical and environmental protection, but only level 3
(Implemented Procedures and Controls) in the area of logical access controls.


The control objectives and techniques presented are generic and can be applied to
organizations in private and public sectors. The document can be used by all levels of
management and by those individuals responsible for IT security at the system level and
organization level. Additionally, internal and external auditors may use the questionnaire to
guide their review of the IT security of systems. To perform the examination and testing
required to complete the questionnaire, the assessor must be familiar with and able to apply a
core knowledge set of IT security basics needed to protect information and systems. In some
cases, especially in the area of examining and testing technical controls, assessors with
specialized technical expertise will be needed to ensure that the questionnaire’s answers are

Uses of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire

The questionnaire can be used for the following purposes:

 Agency managers who know their agency’s systems and security controls can quickly
gain a general understanding of needed security improvements for a system (major
application or general support system), group of interconnected systems, or the entire

 The security of an agency’s system can be thoroughly evaluated using the

questionnaire as a guide. The results of such a thorough review produce a reliable
measure of security effectiveness and may be used to fulfill reporting requirements,
prepare for audits, and identify resources.

 The results of the questionnaire will assist, but not fulfill, agency budget requests as
outlined in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, "Preparing and
Submitting Budget Estimates."

It is important to note that the questionnaire is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of

control objectives and related techniques. Accordingly, it should be used in conjunction with
the more detailed guidance listed in Appendix B of the document. In addition, details
associated with certain technical controls are not specifically provided due to their
voluminous and dynamic nature. Agency managers should obtain information on such
controls from other sources, such as vendors, and use that information to supplement this


For a self-assessment to be effective, a risk assessment should be conducted in conjunction

with or prior to the self-assessment.


System Analysis

Before the questionnaire can be used effectively, a determination must be made as to the
boundaries of the system and the sensitivity and criticality of the information stored within,
processed by, or transmitted by the system(s). The security of every system or group of
interconnected system(s) must be described in a security plan. If a plan has not been prepared
for the system, the completion of the self-assessment will aid in developing the system
security plan. Many of the control objectives addressed in the assessment are to be described
in the system security plan.

Defining the scope of the assessment requires an analysis of system boundaries and
organizational responsibilities. As defined in NIST SP 800-18, Guide for Developing
Security Plans for Information Technology Systems, a system is identified by defining
boundaries around a set of processes, communications, storage, and related resources. Each
element of the system must be under the same direct management control, have the same
function or mission objective, have essentially the same operating characteristics and security
needs, and reside in the same general operating environment. See
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/index.html for additional guidance from NIST SP
Effective use of the questionnaire presumes a comprehensive understanding of the value of
the systems and information being assessed. Value can be expressed in terms of the degree of
sensitivity or criticality of the systems and information relative to the three basic protection
categories of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In addition, it is helpful to categorize
the system or group of systems by sensitivity level, i.e., high, medium, or low.

Questionnaire Structure

The self-assessment questionnaire contains three sections: cover sheet, questions, and notes.
The questionnaire begins with a cover sheet requiring descriptive information about the major
application, general support system, or group of interconnected systems being assessed. The
questionnaire provides a hierarchical approach to assessing a system by containing critical
elements and subordinate questions. Assessors will need to carefully review the levels of
subordinate control objectives and techniques in order to determine what level has been
reached for the related critical element. The questionnaire section may be customized by the
organization. An organization can add questions, require more descriptive information, and
even pre-mark certain questions if applicable. The notes section can be used to document
findings and to indicate follow-up actions. The time required to complete an evaluation will
vary, as will the needed resources.


Consistent with OMB policy, each agency must implement and maintain a program to
adequately secure its information and system assets. An agency program must: 1) assure that
systems and applications operate effectively and provide appropriate confidentiality,
integrity, and availability; and 2) protect information commensurate with the level of risk and
magnitude of harm resulting from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, or modification.
Performing a self-assessment and mitigating any of the weaknesses found in the assessment
is one way to determine if the system and the information are adequately secured.


Any mention of commercial products or reference to commercial organizations is for

information only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST nor does it
imply that the products mentioned are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

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