BERINGER BRAKES - Maintenance Checks
BERINGER BRAKES - Maintenance Checks
BERINGER BRAKES - Maintenance Checks
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1 General
1 General
BERINGER brake system functioning is similar to original brake system except when
dual (pilot + copilot brakes) are installed.
On original system only one of the two pilots can have the brake action due to
shuttle valves.
With BERINGER there is no shuttle valve and both pilots can brake simultaneously.
The brake pressure at the wheel is then the highest reached by pilot or co-pilot
Component Operation
CAUTION: Disc safety wire must be in place, it prevents disc from sliding out the
Inspection Operation
Component 100h Annual inspection
Check brake fluid level
Brake system -
Apply brakes, examine system for leaks
0.6 mm
Brake system Check play between disc and key disc drive
0.024 in
Main wheel tires -
Check inflation pressure
6.4 mm Examine
Brake Discs Check disc wear
0.252 in Check for wear
Brake Pads Check brake pad wear Check brake pad wear
Remove from axle
Examine bearings, valve, axles and
Main wheels - Examine
wheels, lubricate bearings, change
lip seal
Brake unit - Examine Disassemble, check pistons
movement, check bolts
Tail wheel tire -
Check inflation pressure
Remove from landing gear
Tail wheel - Examine
Examine bearings, axle and wheel
On condition
Brake assembly screws b
4 years
On condition
Brake pad guides b
4 years
On condition
Brake pads c After each brake disc change
4 years
On condition
Brake discs b
7 years
a All screws of the assembly must be changed at the same time. It is not
allowed to change only few of them.
b Brake parts must be changed by pair on both left and right sides.
c Brake pads must be changed all 4 at the same time even if not worn out (the
2 on left side and the 2 on right side). When new brake discs are installed
brake pads must be changed to new ones even if not worn out.
When new brake pads have been installed, it is important to condition them properly
to obtain the service life designed into them. Rated brake torque value is reached
only after a full conditioning of brake pads and disc.
CAUTION: Brake torque value can be only 50% of rated brake torque before the
conditioning. It means that even with full brake effort aircraft will not
stop as usual. Pilot must take into consideration this parameter to
avoid loose of aircraft control during the conditioning procedure.
1. Taxi aircraft for 500m (1500 feet) with light brake effort.
2. Perform two (2) consecutive stops from 30 – 35 knots down to 5 knots. Apply
light brake effort during these two stops; do not try to apply full brake effort.
3. Allow the brakes to cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Apply brakes and check for restraint at high static throttle. If brakes hold,
conditioning is complete.
5. If brakes cannot hold aircraft during static run-up, allow the brakes to cool
completely and repeat steps 1 through 4.
This conditioning procedure will wear off high spots and prepare pads and disc
friction surfaces. A visual inspection of disc will indicate the pads condition: a smooth
surface with light and regular grooves indicates that pads and disc are properly
NOTE: A rough surface of disc with deep grooves and isolated bumps
indicates that an excessive brake effort has been applied during
conditioning. In this case, bumps must be sanded and conditioning
procedure repeated.