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Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences
1. She ________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in
the game at all.
A. apologetically B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly
2. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having
to do absolutely everything for her five brothers and sisters.
A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse
3. After the hurricane, all that was left of our house was a pile of _______.
A. rabble B. rubble C. ramble D. rumble
4. Fighting among rebel soldiers ________ last night and a curfew has now been imposed on
the city.
A. enhanced B. aggravated C. heightened D. intensified
5. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to be both black and
white ones, then the advantages of the _______ might well spread in time to the hard-up.
A. well-heeled B. big-hearted C. open-handed D. tight-fisted
6. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly ever
felt like working.
A. adversity B. lethargy C. inepitude D. tactlessness
7. The local authorities annually ______ between £50 million and £100 million on arts
A. disperse B. disband C. disburse D. dispose
8. Julie felt unfairly ______ when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire
staff team turned against her.
A prosecuted B. persecuted C. oppressed D. suppressed
9. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a
______ heir squandering his wealth.
A. stingy B. miserly C. spendthrift D. penny- pincher
10. Serena is still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.
A. blissfully B. decorously C. jubilantly D. ecstatically

Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences
11. ________, the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.
A. Having hunger satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied
C. Hunger been satisfied D. Satisfying their hunger
12. Her parents died when she was a baby, so I ________ family she ever had.
A. was all the B. was the whole
C. was nothing but the D. was everything of the
13. There weren’t many vegetarian dishes ________, although there were several different
kinds of cheese.
A. like that B. as such C. such that D. such like
14. It’s a horrible irony, but a bully has to know his victim well ________ effective; it’s
almost impossible to bully strangers.
A. if being B. to be C. in order to D. if they are
15. You can no more swim than I can fly. The sentence means: ________.
A. Both of us can’t swim or fly
B. You can never swim, which I am sure of.
C. Either you or I can fly
D. You can swim as I can fly
16. It was such a loud noise _______ everyone in the house
A. as to wake B. that to wake C. so as to wake D. that waking
17. Little Deon : “This herb smells horrible!” Mommy: _______, it will do you a power of
A. Be that as it may B. Come what may
C. How much horrible is it D. Whatever it smells
18. Stars differ fundamentally from planets ________ they are self-luminous whereas planets
shine by reflected light.
A. from which B. when C. and D. in that
19. ________, the meeting stops here.
A. If no question being asked B. Without any question, however
C. No questions asked D. There being no question
20. ________ hundreds of people dead during the evacuation from the war-torn area in the
Middle East.
A. It is estimated to be B. There is estimated to be
C. There are estimated to be D. It is estimated that

Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. You are going to need her help. If I were you, I’d ___________ a bit. I’d try to get her on
my side, you know what I mean.
A. soap her down B. oil her over C. butter her up D. grease her out
22. There is a great deal of pressure in the newspaper industry; editor might work a 12-hour
day with no _________.
A. come-down B. letdown C. crackdown D. let-up
23. The first round of interviews only really serves to _________ the very weakest of
A. tide over B. beat about C. bark up D. weed out
24. They will need time to _________ the proposals we have submitted.
A. lash out B. scroll over C. shrivel up D. mull over
25. The kids are _________ in the steam-filled room, and the girl seems grateful for adult
A. impinging on B. larking about C. ploughing ahead D. floating out
26. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought we
were _________ a chance.
A in with B up for C in for D up with
27. The man in the market was selling leather coats very cheaply: they were such bargains
that were soon ______ .
A.cleared off B.done for C.bought out D. snapped up
28. Our teacher tends to ______ certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about
A.boil down B.string along C. skate over D.track down
29. He likes nothing better than to spend his Sunday mornings _________ in the gardens.
A. pottering about B. hanging around C. whiling away D. winding down
30. James kept trying to _________ his duties, but his manager told him if he didn’t start
taking responsibility for his work he would have to leave the company.
A. beaver away B. weasel out of C. chicken out of D. clam up

Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
31. Normally, when he was late, he gave a pathetic excuse, but not this time, what he said
had a ______ of truth about it.
A. figment B. glimmer C. ring D. shred
32. The football fans were coming in _______ to watch the final game. An hour before the
kickoff the stadium was packed full.
A. fingers and thumbs B. bits and bobs
C. dribs and drabs D. bibs and tuckers
33. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health
service without raising taxes.
A. chew the fat B. wave the flag
C. square the circle D. put the lid
34. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that ruined
the economy? That really ________!
A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans
C. takes the biscuit D. upsets the apple cart
35. They will provide a lot of amusement hopping _______ over the rocks from one puddle to
A. up and down B. in and out C. back and forth D. back to front
36. The candidate’s optimism gave _______ to doubt as the result ofs of exit polls became
A. place B. lie C. vent D. voice
37. We’d been working hard for a month and so decided to go out and _______.
A. paint the town red B. face the music
C. read between the lines D. steal the show
38. The country is an economic ______ with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.
A. lost cause B. basket case C. false dawn D. dark horse
39. The opposition protests against the government now threaten to get out of ______ and the
security forces are likely to make arrests around the country today.
A. reach B. kilter C. hand D. ordinary
40. I’m not sure I can answer that. I’ve only thought about it in the ____________before.
A. general B. hypothetical C. indefinite D. abstract

Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.

1) Anthropology distinguishes itself from the other social sciences by its greater emphasis on
fieldwork as the source of new knowledge. The aim of such studies is to develop as intimate
an understanding as possible of the phenomena investigated. Although the length of field
studies varies from a few weeks to years, it is generally agreed that anthropologists should
stay in the field long enough for their presence to be considered ‘natural’ by the permanent

2) Realistically, however, anthropologists may never reach this status. Their foreign
mannerisms make them appear clownish, and so they are treated with curiosity and
amusement. If they speak the local language at all, they do so with a strange accent and
flawed grammar. They ask tactless questions and inadvertently break rules regarding how
things are usually done. Arguably this could be an interesting starting point for research,
though it is rarely exploited. Otherwise, anthropologists take on the role of the ‘superior
expert’, in which case they are treated with deference and respect, only coming into contact
with the most high-ranking members of the society. Anthropologists with this role may never
witness the gamut of practices which take place in all levels of the society.

3) No matter which role one takes on, anthropologists generally find fieldwork extremely
demanding. Anthropological texts may read like an exciting journey of exploration, but rarely
is this so. Long periods of time spent in the field are generally characterised by boredom,
illness and frustration. Anthropologists in the field encounter unfamiliar climates, strange
food and low standards of hygiene. It is often particularly trying for researchers with middle-
class, European backgrounds to adapt to societies where being alone is considered pitiful. It
takes a dedicated individual to conduct research which is not in some way influenced by these
personal discomforts.

4) Nonetheless, fieldwork requires the researcher to spend as much time as possible in local
life. A range of research methodologies can be utilised to extract information. (1) These can
be classified as emic or etic. (2) While emic descriptions are considered more desirable
nowadays, they are difficult to attain, even if the researcher does his utmost to reproduce the
facts from the natives’ point of view. (3) More often than not, aspects of the researcher’s own
culture, perspective and literary style seep into the narrative. Moreover, research generally
involves translations from one language to another and from speech into writing. In doing
this, the meaning of utterances is changed. (4) The only truly emic descriptions can be those
given by the natives themselves in their own vernacular.

5) The least invasive type of research methodology is observation. Here, the researcher
studies the group and records findings without intruding too much on their privacy. This is not
to say, however, that the presence of the researcher will have minimal impact on the findings.
An example was Richard Borshay Lee, who, in studying local groups in the Kalahari refused
to provide the people with food so as not to taint his research, leading to an inevitable hostility
towards the researcher which would not otherwise have been present.

6) A variant on the observation technique, participant observation requires that the

anthropologist not only observes the culture, but participates in it too. It allows for deeper
immersion into the culture studied, hence a deeper understanding of it. By developing a
deeper rapport with the people of the culture, it is hoped they will open up and divulge more
about their culture and way of life than can simply be observed. Participant observation is still

an imperfect methodology, however, since populations may adjust their behavior around the
researcher, knowing that they are the subject of research.

7) The participatory approach was conceived in an attempt to produce as emic a perspective

as possible. The process involves not just the gathering of information from local people, but
involves them in the interpretation of the findings. That is, rather than the researcher getting
actively involved in the processes within the local community, the process is turned on its
head. The local community is actively involved in the research process.

41. The main premise of the text is :

A. the steps to be followed when undertaking anthropological fieldwork.
B. a history of anthropological fieldwork methodology.
C. the effects that an anthropological fieldwork has on local communities.
D. the problems with conducting anthropological fieldwork.

42. The main reason for anthropological researchers remaining in a community for an
extended period of time is that:
A. they can gather as much information as possible.
B. they can try out a range of different research methodologies.
C. they want local people to behave naturally around them.
D. they need time to become accustomed to the conditions.

43. What does the passage say about researchers who are considered a ‘clown’ by locals?
A. They do culturally unacceptable things without realising it.
B. They do not gain respect among high-ranking members of the community.
C. They cannot conduct any research of value.
D. They do not study the language and culture of the region before their arrival.

44. What does ‘gamut’ mean?

A. idea or impression
B. prohibition or taboo
C. range or extent
D. secret or mystery

45. The writer believes that the most difficult aspect of fieldwork for educated westerners is
A. the lack of companionship.
B. poor sanitary conditions.
C. failure to meet expectations.
D. never being left alone.

46. In paragraph 3, it is implied that:

A. the fieldworker’s emotions and mood prejudice the research.
B. the longer a researcher spends in the field, the more depressed he gets.
C. middle-class Europeans find field research more difficult than researchers from
other backgrounds.
D. anthropological texts tend to exaggerate the difficult conditions that researchers

47. Where in paragraph 4 does this sentence belong?

A native’s point of view of his own lifestyle is emic, while the analytical perspective of
the outsider is etic.
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)

48. Why is the example of Richard Borshay Lee given in paragraph 5?

A. to demonstrate that observation is an ineffective method of gathering data.
B. to highlight why it is important that researchers minimize their impact on a
C. to show the dangers of researchers trying to lessen their impact on a community
D. to show how a researcher’s choice of methodology can influence the validity of his

49. How does participant observation differ vary from straightforward observation?
A. It requires the researcher to become actively involved in the daily lives of those
being studied.
B. It allows the subjects of the research a greater degree of privacy.
C. It eradicates the problem of research subjects altering their behaviour towards
D. It takes longer to perform this type of research effectively.

50. Which of the following is NOT true of the participatory approach?

A. It attempts to reduce etic accounts of a culture to a minimum.
B. It does not require a researcher to be present.
C. It aims to involve the subjects in both information gathering and analysis.
D. It is the reverse of the participant observation technique

1) There has, in recent years, been an outpouring of information about the impact of buildings
on the natural environment; Information which explains and promotes green and sustainable
construction design, strives to convince others of its efficacy and warns of the dangers of
ignoring the issue. Seldom do these documents offer any advice to practitioners, such as those
designing mechanical and electrical systems for a building, on how to utilise this knowledge
on a practical level.

2) While the terms green and sustainable are often considered synonymous, in that they both
symbolise nature, green does not encompass all that is meant by sustainability, which can be
defined as minimizing the negative impacts of human activities on the natural environment, in
particular those which have long-term and irreversible effects. Some elements of green design
may be sustainable too, for example those which reduce energy usage and pollution, while
others, such as ensuring internal air quality, may be considered green despite having no
influence on the ecological balance.

3) Although there are a good many advocates of ‘green’ construction in the architectural
industry, able to cite ample reasons why buildings should be designed in a sustainable way,
not to mention a plethora of architectural firms with experience in green design, this is not
enough to make green construction come into being. The driving force behind whether a
building is constructed with minimal environmental impact lies with the owner of the
building; that is, the person financing the project. If the owner considers green design
unimportant, or of secondary importance, then more than likely, it will not be factored into the

4) The commissioning process plays a key role in ensuring the owner gets the building he
wants, in terms of design, costs and risk. At the predesign stage, the owner’s objectives,
criteria and the type of design envisaged are discussed and documented. This gives a design
team a solid foundation on which they can build their ideas, and also provides a specific
benchmark against which individual elements, such as costs, design and environmental
impact can be judged.

5) Owners who skip the commissioning process, or fail to take ‘green’ issues into account
when doing so, often come a cropper once their building is up and running. Materials and
equipment are installed as planned, and, at first glance, appear to fulfil their purpose
adequately. However, in time, the owner realises that operational and maintenance costs are
higher than necessary, and that the occupants are dissatisfied with the results. These factors in
turn lead to higher ownership costs as well as increased environmental impact.

6) In some cases, an owner may be aware of the latest trends in sustainable building design.
He may have done research into it himself, or he may have been informed of the merits of
green design through early discussion with professionals. However, firms should not take it as
read that someone commissioning a building already has a preconceived idea of how green he
intends the structure to be. Indeed, this initial interaction between owner and firm is the ideal
time for a designer to outline and promote the ways that green design can meet the client’s
objectives, thus turning a project originally not destined for green design into a potential

7) Typically, when considering whether or not to adopt a green approach, an owner will ask
about additional costs, return for investment and to what extent green design should be the
limiting factor governing decisions in the design process. (1) Many of these costs are incurred
by the increased cooperation between the various stakeholders, such as the owner, the design
professionals, contractors and end-users. (2) However, in green design, they must be involved
from the outset, since green design demands interaction between these disciplines. (3) This
increased coordination clearly requires additional expenditure. (4) A client may initially balk
at these added fees, and may require further convincing of the benefits if he is to proceed. It is
up to the project team to gauge the extent to which a client wants to get involved in a green
design project and provide a commensurate service.

8) Of course, there may be financial advantage for the client in choosing a greener design.
Case studies cite examples of green/sustainable designs which have demonstrated lower costs
for long-term operation, ownership and even construction. Tax credits and rebates are usually
available on a regional basis for projects with sustainable design or low emissions, among

51. The writer’s main purpose is to:

A. explain to professionals how they can influence clients to choose greener designs.
B. explain the importance of green building design in reducing long-term damage to the
C. explain to owners commissioning a building why ignoring green issues is costly and
D. explain to professionals why it is important to follow the correct procedures when a
building is commissioned.

52. The examples of green and sustainable designs given in paragraph 2 show that:
A. designs must be sustainable in order for them to be described as green.
B. for the purposes of this paper, the terms green and sustainable have the same meaning.
C. some sustainable designs are green, while others are not.
D. some designs are termed green, even though they are not sustainable.

53. According to paragraph 3, the reason for the lack of green buildings being designed is
A. few firms have any experience in design and constructing buildings to a green design.
B. construction companies are unaware of the benefits of green and sustainable designs.
C. firms do not get to decide whether a building is to be constructed sustainably.
D. firms tend to convince clients that other factors are more important than sustainability.

54. In paragraph 4, what does the word ‘benchmark’ mean?

A. standard B. target C. process D. comparision

55. Which of the following is NOT true about the commissioning process?
A. It is conducted before the building is designed.
B. It is a stage that all clients go through when constructing a building.
C. It is a step in the design procedure in which the client’s goals are identified.
D. It provides the firm with a measure of how well they did their job.

56. In paragraph 5, what does the phrase ‘come a cropper’ mean?

A. experience misfortune B. change one’s mind
C. notice the benefits D. make a selection

57. In paragraph 6, the writer implies that:

A. most clients enter the commissioning process with a clear idea of whether or not they want
a green building.
B. designers are usually less concerned about green design than the clients are.
C. the commissioning process offers a perfect opportunity to bring up the subject of green
D. firms should avoid working with clients who reject green designs in their buildings.

58. Where in paragraph 7 does this sentence belong?

In a typical project, landscape architects and mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers
do not become involved until a much later stage.
A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4)

59. In paragraph 7, what does ‘balk at’ mean?

A. display shock towards B. agree to pay
C. question the reason for D. understand the need for

60. Green buildings are most likely to incur more expense than conventional buildings due to:
A. higher taxes incurred on sustainable buildings.
B. higher long-term operational costs.
C. the higher cost of green construction materials.
D. increased coordination between construction teams.

Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Oxford is a city with such a mind-blowing reputation that many who come here find
themselves intimidated by the place and can’t wait to leave, while others, taking to it like a
duck to water, find themselves returning again and again. The college lawns provide a
gorgeous (61)______ to serious study, and in the right light, on a sunny winter’s morning say,
one feels as if one is (62)______ on air, such is the sense of unreality. Oxford may like to
(63)______ that it is at the intellectual hub of things, but in many ways it is no more than a
sleepy (64)______where, to mix metaphors, transitory students, the (65)______of their
generation, wait in the (66)______, allowing their talents to (67)______ before moving off
into the industrial or political fast-lane. Much of this is a myth, of course. Hardship and hard
work are very much part and (68)______ of student life. The (69)______ get through the three
years’ hard grind by simply putting their shoulders to the wheel before going on to fairly
average jobs. Only for the tiny minority is Oxford the first (70)______ on the ladder to fame
and fortune.
61. A. backdrop B. curtain C. scene . D. screen
62. A flying B. gliding C. floating D. swimming
63. A. pretend B. act C. dissemble D. produce
64. A. backwater B. stream C. tributary D. watershed
65. A. froth B. cream C. fat D. caviar
66. A. pavilion B. dressing room C. wings D. foyer
67. A. flourish B. open C. spread D. float
68. A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
69. A. level-headed B. hot-headed C. hot-blooded D. kind-hearted
70. A. step B. position C. elevation D. ascent

Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
In the north-west corner of the island paradise Isla Perlita, nestling in the shadow of Mount
Machu, lies the sleepy village of San Lorenzo . Off the beaten (71)_______ , there is nothing
out of the ordinary about this quaint little village -nothing, that is, apart from the magnificent
(72)_______ Bay Hotel. The Bay, as it is known locally, is a recent development catering for
(73)_______travellers who enjoy luxury holiday-making. Famous throughout the island for
the outstanding quality of its accommodation and the excellence of its cuisine, the Bay
(74)_______ 30 guest suites, each with a charm and character of its own. Each suite looks
(75)_______ Falmer Beach, commanding breathtaking views of the four miles of white sand,
which gently shelves into the (76)_______ clear waters of the Crepuscan Sea. At the heart of
the Bay Hotel is personal, efficient and unobtrusive service. (77)_______ staff anticipate your
every need in an atmosphere of quiet professionalism and genuine friendliness. (78)_______ ,
the Bay Hotel is a place to get (79)_______ from the stresses of everyday life, and whether it
is (80)_______ away the hours soaking up the sun or taking advantage of the wide range of
recreational activities that the hotel has on offer, you can be sure that a holiday at the Bay
truly is the holiday of a lifetime.
71. A. path B. track C. road D. way
72. A. starred B. stars C. star D. starring
73. A. disconcerting B. discerning C. distinctive D. discriminated
74. A. announces B. claims C. asserts D. boasts
75. A. back on B. onto C. into D. down
76. A. crystal B. sky C. diamond D. pearl
77. A. Preoccupied B. Attentive C. Concentrated D. Undivided
78. A. All over B. For all C. Above all D. All along
79. A. out B. over C. off D. away
80. A. whiling B. wearing C. wending D. winding

Read the texts below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD for each space.
For many people doing physical exercise may entail a 1)______ torturing of the body. Unless
we are forced to go in for a physical training, we are inclined to treat it as something of a
lower 2)______ than staying in front of the TV set, spending time in a pub sipping alcoholic
beverages or consuming excessive quantities of fattening confectionery in a cafe. What
usually repels individuals from committing 3)______ to strenuous exercise is the fear of
fatigue, discomfort or even the inhibitions of being 4)______ by true fitness zealots.
However, getting fit is fully a 5)______ of common sense. Different forms of exercise may be
of great benefit to the human body increasing its strength, flexibility and endurance. When
supported by a nutritious 6)______, much better performance of the heart and the lungs
improves the blood circulation making an individual more 7)______ to stressful situations as
well as more 8)______ to infections and diseases.
In the first place, self-discipline that is requisite for proceeding with 9)______ physical effort
ought to be attained to ensure that the intention of becoming healthier and more vigorous isn’t
10)______ by any trivial impediments.

Read the texts below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD for each space.
Sad as it is, a social misperception of the disabled is still 1)______ in many communities. It
is only in a few highly-civilised states where the problems and needs of people with physical
or mental incapacities are given the proper 2)______.
In the remaining countries, the discrimination against the disabled is still practiced in many
areas of social life. As in the past, they are ignored, denounced and forced to stay away from
the normal community which, unfortunately, isn’t capable of making any 3)______ for its less
fit members.
For decades, the hale and hearty 4)______ of every society has stripped the disabled of their
fundamental rights as their job applications have been turned down, their active participation
in business life has on most 5)______ been disallowed and there has been little concern for
their convenience in access to public transport. Equally little effort has been made to help the
disabled fully 6)______ with the able-bodied thus laying foundations for greater community
awareness of the drawbacks that the handicapped have to wrestle 7)______ daily.
There’s an urgent need to offer the disabled more adequate assistance and support in their
struggle for putting their basic rights into 8)______. The key principle is that the stereotyped
approach towards the impaired individuals ought to be 9)______ for a more considerate one.
Another pressing matter is that the disabled shouldn’t be appraised on the basis of their
handicap, but society should rather focus on providing them with complete acceptance
10)______ of any imperfections thus treating them as fully-fledged citizens.

PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. They were enraged at the _______ of a policeman accused of murder. (ACQUIT)
2. The individuality, immediacy and _______ in computer games satisfy the needs from these
people. (MIMIC)
3. His cartoons _______ lampooned the leading politicians of his time. (MERCY)
mercilessly: không thương tiếc
4. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so _______. (AMATEUR)
5. It was sheer _______ to try to drive through the mountains in that thunderstorm. (SANE)
6. He is a totally _______ person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL)
7. The _______ nations carved up the defeated country into several parts,each taking an equal
share. (VICTORY)
8. They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at _______.
9. Cancer is perceived as a heterogeneous group of diseases that is characterized by _______
patterns of gene expression. (ERR)
10. She did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and _______ eyes. (CAST)

PART 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms of the words given in the box.
concur set register local fluctuate occur
alarm intense observe convincible

There is now, by and large, (1) __________ among scientists that Global Warming is real.
The fact that an average surface temperature rise of approximately one degree was (2)
____________ during the 20th century, in addition to the fact that the rate of warming (3)
______ in the latter half of same and was nearly double that of the first 50 years to
(4)____________, most scientists. Climate proxies also suggest that, with the exception of (5)
________ warming and cooling events such as Europe’s Little Ice Age, this is the first
significant and prolonged temperature (6) _______ in the best part of 2000 years on a global
level. Further evidence in support of the warming hypothesis comes by way of the fact that,
also during the 20th century, a considerate rise in sea levels was (7) ____________ , and,
across both hemispheres, southern and northern, glaciers went into retreat and remain so.
Oceanic warming, albeit gradual up to now, has also been confirmed, and the (8)_________
rate of melting of polar ice, coupled with a general rise in humidity and the increasing early
(9)______ of spring each year are factors the likelihood of the simultaneous coincidental (10)
______ of which scientists say is virtually nil.

The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
The role of the traditional zoo, inheriting from the 19th century, has undergone a
dramatic shift. A growing recognition that zoos ought to be undergone a dramatic shift.
A growing recognition that zoos ought to be in the vanguard of the fight for the
devastation of our natural world has begun a zoologic revolution. The change occurred in
the 1960s, when the Jersey zoo was set off to breed endangered species. As a result, the
breeding of animals in captive has become a complex science, with zoos around the
world co-coordinating their efforts to avoid the genetic dangers of in-breeding small
The answer for the question of whether zoos can have very much impact on the
preservation of endangered species is, probably, minimally. Zoos do not focus their
education efforts on those people in the strongest positions to affect the future of the wildlife
exhibited. For the most part, conservation education is targeted at children and other non-
decision makers in a process too slow or too far away to address the extinction crisis
which exists now. Furthermore, the efforts of zoos to inform lawmakers and government
authorities are usually low-key or un-existent. Campaigns are more likely to be for an animal
exhibit rather than for the existence of the animal itself.
Nevertheless, it does not do to address the future from a foundation of pessimism. A vision of
the future is embraced in which the human population has leveled off at about 8.8 billion and
wherein human effects upon the environment have been tethered and considerable wildlife
remain. It certainly will not be as rich or abundant as today’s wildlife, but with substantial
diverse and numbers of more or less wild ecosystems, and the zoos’ work, this vision can
become reality.

Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as the sentences
printed before them.
1. A rather nasty problem has appeared.
We’ve come ..……………………………………………………….……………………..
2. I have called this meeting in order to present the latest sales figures.
My purpose ………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Mrs. Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday morning.
Mrs. Wilson sends …………………………………………………………………………
4. For further information, please send a self-addressed envelope to the above address.
Further information can ……………………………………………………………………
5. It’s almost nine months since I stopped subscribing to that magazine.
I cancelled …………………………………………………………………………………..

For questions 6-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentence, using the word given. You must use between three to eight words.
6. He makes sure that he isn't associated with policies he disagrees with. DISTANCES
He makes sure ______________________ policies he disagrees with.
7. Students at the school are not allowed to go into the Rainbow Disco. BOUNDS
The Rainbow Disco _______________________ students at the school.
8. She wasn’t speaking seriously. TONGUE
She was speaking __________________________________.
9. We suddenly decided to go far away for the weekend. SPUR
We decided _______________________________ far away at the weekend.
10. It would be easy to make a film adaptation of Danielle Steel’s latest novel. ITSELF
Danielle Steel’s latest novel __________________________ made into a film.

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