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Seismic Zone For Mary Per SNIP II-7-81

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Official Edition




Part II Design Standards

Chapter 7 Construction in
Seismic Regions

Approved by Resolution No. 94, ofJune 15,

1981, of the State Committee of the USSR for

TsITP Rental Production Enterprise

UDK [69+699.841] (083.74)

Construction Rules and
SNiP II-77-81*
USSR Gosstroy Regulations
Construction in Seismic Supersedes Chapter of SNiP
Areas II-A.12-69*


1.1. The present Construction Rules and zoning of the USSR territory (Appendices 1*
Regulations shall be observed when designing and 2*), adopted by the Academy of the
the buildings and structures to be constructed Science of the USSR with alterations approved
in the regions, having the seismicity of 7, 8 and by the Russian Academy of Science.
9 points. The seismicity indicated in Appendices 1*
1.2. When designing buildings and and 2* is related to the soil with average
structures for construction in the said seismic seismic properties (category II according to
regions, observe the following rules: Table 1*).
use materials, structures and structural 1.4*.The seismicity of the construction site
diagrams, which provide for the least value of shall be determined according to the seismic
the seismic loads; microzoning.
use, as a rule, symmetric structural The seismicity of the construction site in the
diagrams, uniform distribution of the rigidity of regions, which have no seismic microzoning
the structures and their mass, as well as charts, may be determined according to Table
ceiling loads; 1*.
position the joints in the buildings and 1.5. Construction sites with slope
structures made of prefabricated members out steepness of more than 15o, proximity of
of the zone of maximum forces, provide for planes of faults, heavy disturbance of rocks by
solidity and homogeneity of the structures with physical-geological processes, soil
the use of enlarged prefabricated members; subsidence, screes, cavings, quicksand, rock
stipulate conditions, which facilitate slides, karst, mine workings and mud flows are
development of plastic deformations in the unfavourable in the seismic respect.
structural members and their joints, which When it is necessary to construct buildings
ensure the stability of the structure. and structures on such sites, additional
1.3. When designing buildings and measures shall be taken to reinforce their
structures for construction in seismic regions, foundations and structures.
the following shall be taken into account: 1.6*. As a rule the construction of buildings
(a) intensity of seismic influence in points and structures on the sites , where the
(seismicity); seismicity exceeds 9 points is impermissible.
(b) repetition of seismic influence. When required the construction on such
sites may be made on agreement with the
The intensity and repetition shall be taken
Ministry of Construction of Russia.
into account according to the charts of seismic
Table 1*
Soil Seismicity of Construction
Category as Site at Region’s
to Seismic Soil Description Seismicity of (Points):
Properties 7 8 9
I Rocky soil of all types (including perpetually frozen and 6 7 8
tabet), unweathered and poorly weathered; large-
fragment soil, stiffish, low-wet from magmatic rocks,
containing up to 30 % of sand-and-clay fillers;
weathered and heavily weathered rocky and rock-free
perpetually frozen soil at a temperature of minus 2oC
and below during construction and operation according
to principle I (keeping the foundation soil at frozen state)

Submitted by the Kucherenko Approved by Directive No.

TsNIISK Institute of the USSR 94 of June 15, 1981, of Effective date - January 1, 1982
Gosstroy USSR Gosstroy
* Reprinted SNiP II-7-81*, July 1, 1990
Page 32 of SNiP II-7-81*

Poti -72 Shaukhevi -72 Im. Kalinina -82 Kuruzhdey -92

Rokhi -72 Im.Kuibysheva -6 Kuuli-Mayak -82
Rustavi -71 Turkmen SSR Im. Kulieva -72 Kushka -73
Sagaredzho -71 Adzhikui -82 Im. Lenina -6 Kyzylayak -73
Samtredia* -72 Adzhiyap -71 Im.Menzhinskogo -82 Lebap -73
Sachkhere -72 Aim -72 Im.Mollanepesa -6 Leningrad
Signakhi -71 Akdzhakuyma -82 Im. Ovezberdy (Tashauzskay
Sioni -71 Akpagta -73 Kulieva -92* a Oblast) -6
Supsa -72 Akrabat -73 Im. XVII Leningrad
Surami -82 Akyaila -71 partsyezda -82 (Chardzhouskaya
Tbilisi -71 Aladzha -93* Im.Poltoratskogo -6 Oblast) -73
Tvishi -72 Amu-Darya -73 Im. Leninizm
Telavi -71 Annau -92* Chapayeva (Maryiskaya
Terzhola -72 Arapkala -82 (Maryiskaya -6 Oblast) -6
Tetri Tskaro -71 Archman -92* Oblast) Leninizm
Tianeti -71 Astanababa -73 Im. (Chardzhouskaya
Tkibuli -72 Ashkhabad* -92* Chapayeva Oblast) -73
Trialeti -82 Babadurmaz -82 (Tashauzskay -6 Leninsk -73
Ureki -72 Bagir -92* a Oblast) Madau -71
Khaishi -82 Bairam-Ali -6 Iolotan -6 Mary -6
Kharistvala -72 Balavgan -6 Iskander -82 Mir -6
Khashuri -82 Bami -82 Ispas -73 Mollakara -93*
Khvanchkara -72 Basaga -73 Ishmetpest -6 Moskva
Khobi -72 Bakharden - Kaakhka -82 (Maryiskaya
Tsagveri -82 Bakhardok - Kazandzhik* -82 Oblast) -6
Tsageri -72 Bezmein - Kazy -72 Moskva
Tsalendzhikha -82 Bekdash - Kala-I-Mor -6 (Chardzhouskaya
Tsalka -82 Bendesen - Kalinin -73 Oblast) -73
Tsinandali -71 Bolshevik Kalininsky -92* Moskovsk -73
Tsiteli Tskaro -71 (Maryiskaya Kaplanly -82 Mukry -83
Tsiori -71 Oblast) - Karabekaul -73 Murgab -6
Tsulukidze -72 Bolshevik Kara-Bogaz-Gol -72 Mydar -6
Tskhaltubo -72 (Tashauzskay Karagan -92* Nebit-Dag* -93*
Tskhinvali -71 a Oblast) - Karagel -93 Nevtonsky -92*
Tskhneti -71 Borme -9 Karadegish -71 Neftezavodsk -73
Chiatura -72 Bugdaili -7 Kara-Kala -82 Nichka -6
Chikhareshi -72 Gaz-Achak -7 Karamet-Niyaz -73 Nokhur -92*
Chokhatauri -72 Gasan-Kuli -7 Kargyly -92 Oba -73
Chkhorotsku -82 Gaurdak -8 Karla Marksa -73 Oglanly -93
Shaumyani -71 Geok-Tepe -9 Karlyuk -83 Ogurchinsky -93
Shovi -72 Gekcha -6 Karshi -82 Okarem -6
Shorapani -72 Gerelde -7 Kaushut -82 Osmanoyuk -6
Eniseli -81 Getin -6 Keyikkodana -92 Pagtachy -73
Gudriolum -7 Kerven -6 Pobeda
Abkhazian ASSR Kerki -73 (Ashkhabadskaya
Gyaur -7
Amtkel -82 Gyaurs -9 Kerkichi -73 Oblast) -6
Akhalsheni -72 Damzak -8 Kenekesir -92 Pobeda
Gagra* -72 Darganata -7 Kizyl-Arvat* -82 (Maryiskaya
Gali -72 Dargan-Ata -7 Kizyl-Atrek -71 Oblast) -6
Gantiadi -72 Darydeli -9 Kizyl-Su -93* Pogranichnik -6
Gudauta* -72 Dashkuduk -82 Kirovsk -6 Pravda
Gulripsh -72 Dayakhatyn -73 Kodzh -82 (Maryiskaya
Dranda* -72 Deinau -73 Koimat -6 Oblast) -6
Kakhati -72 Dervezekem -6 Kommuna -6 Pravda
Kvemo Azhara -82 Derekli -73 Kommunizm (Ashkhabadskaya
Leselidze -72 Dzhanga* -93 (Chardzhousk Oblast) -6
Lykhny -72 Dzhebel -93 aya Oblast) -73 Pravda
Novy Afon* -72 Dzhigerbent -73 Kommunizm (r.Chaacha) -72
Okumi -82 Dzhuidzhaklar -73 (Maryiskaya Pravda
Omarishara -82 Dzhynlykum -6 Oblast) -6 (Chardzhouskaya
Ochamchira* -72 Dostluk -73 Kommunizm Oblast) -73
Pitsunda* -72 Durun -92 (Tashauzskay Pulkhatyn -73
Sukhumi* -72 Dushak -72 a Oblast) -6 Ravnina -6
Tkvarcheli -82 Yellidzhe -71 Komsomol Repetek -6
Yerbent -6 (Ashkhabadsk Saduar -73
Adzhar ASSR Zakhmet -6 aya Oblast) -6 Sakar -73
Izgant -92 Komsomolsk Sakar-Chaga -6
Batumi* -72 (Chardzhouskaya Sandykachi -6
Keda -72 Ilyali -73
Imamnazar -73 Oblast) -73 Sayat -73
Kobuleti* -72 Koturdepe -93 Svintsovy
Layturi -72 Im. 26
Bakinskikh Koshoba -72 Rudnik -83
Makhindzhauri -72 Krasnovodsk* -93 Serakhs -6
Khelvachauri -72 Komissarov -93
Im. Gorkogo -73 Krasnoye Sovetsky
Khulo -72 Znamya -6 Turkmenistan -6
Tsikhisdziri -72 Im.KarlaMarksa -6
Im. Kalinina -6 Kum-Dag -82 Soyunali -6
Chakva -72 Kunya-Urgench -6 Suili -82

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