Mid Quiz
Mid Quiz
Mid Quiz
B.Sc. Engineering in CE
Level-3, Term-1 (Spring 2021)
Course Code: CE-342
Course Title: Geotechnical Engineering Sessional
Mid Quiz
1. Three samples of same soil are taken for specific gravity test and for sample-I, the (5)
following values are found: M1 = 18.62 gm, M2 = 28.62 gm, M3 = 91.02 gm and M4 =
84.7 gm (M1, M2, M3 and M4 are indicated in the figure below)
The specific gravity of sample-II and sample-III are found 2.63 and 2.76 respectively
at 26.60c. The specific gravity of water at 26.60c is 0.9966. Calculate the specific
gravity of this soil at 26.60c and comment on the type of this soil.
2. 500g of dry soil was used for sieve analysis. The grain size distribution curve is (6)
plotted as shown in figure.
a) Complete table-1 using the grain size distribution curve.
b) Compute “coefficient of uniformity” and “coefficient of curvature”.
c) Comment on the type of the soil.
2 0.2 0.02
D (mm)
Table 1
Test Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6
Water Content, w(%) 6.2 8.1 9.8 11.5 12.3 13.2
Bulk Unit Weight, γbulk (kN/m3) 16.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 20.4 20.1
Add last three digits of your roll(ID no.) x 10 to each w and γb[ example: if
last three digits are 023 then for water content of 6.2, your actual figure will be
6.2+(023/1000)=6.23+0.023=6.253 ]
(a) Determine the maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content. (b) What is
the dry unit weight and water content at 95% standard compaction, dry of optimum?
(c) Determine the degree of saturation at the maximum dry density. (d) Plot the zero
air voids line and show entrapped air too.
Assume Gs=2.64
Use appropriate graph paper and show all calculation steps in the graph paper
4. A sedimentation analysis by the hydrometer method was conducted with 50 g of oven (5)
dried soil. The volume of soil suspension is V= 1000 cm3. The hydrometer reading
Ra= 16.5 after 1 hr of the commencement of the test. Given: Cm= 0.5, L (effective)=13
cm, Co=+3.50, Gs=2.65 and η=0.01 poise. Calculate the smallest particle size which
would have settled a depth of 13.0 cm and % finer than this size.Temperature of test
was 25oc and use a temperature correction of +1.3 .
5 The data obtained from a liquid limit test of a clay sample is given below. (8)
No of test 1 2 3 4
Water content (%) 68+X 60+X 45+X 38+X
Number of blows (N) 7 10 32 48
Where, X = (0. last 2 digit of your ID)
Draw the flow curve on a semi-log paper and determine the liquid limit and flow index
of the soil.
6 In the Terzaghi Lab,min dry unit wt of a sand sample was found 1337+X. Doing sand (6)
replacement method in the field, unit wt of the sand sample was gained 1417+X
kg/m3. If the compacted wt and volume of the sand was found 4.4 kg and 0.002 m3
respectively,what is the “relative density” of that sand sample?
Where, X = (0. last 2 digit of your ID) kg/m3 .(Example: if your roll is 201911147,
1337.47 kg/m3)
7 For a given sandy soil, emax = 0.75 and emin = 0.4. If specific gravity of field soil is 2.68 (4)
and in the field, the soil is compacted to a moist unit weight of 17.6 kN/m3 at a
moisture content of 12% determine the relative density of compaction.