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Tanauan City College: Republic of The Philippines Province of Batangas City of Tanauan

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Batangas



E-mail: tanauancitycollege@gmail.com Tel. No.: (043) 702 – 6979; (043) 706 – 6961; (043) 706 – 3934
URL: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tanauan-City-College/554034167997845



Term No: Unit Topic: Content Performance Competencies/ Skills Assessment Activities Resources
Month Content Standards (CS) Standard (PS)
WEEK 1 Units The learners The learners Solve measurement Seatwork Introduction General
Aug 24-28 Physical demonstrate are problems involving exercises Introduce the Physics 1 -
Quantities an able to... conversion of units, discipline of First Edition
Measurement understanding Solve, using expression of Physics. by Gil Nonato
Graphical of... experimental measurements in C. Santos,
Presentation 1. The effect of and scientific notation Discuss Ph.D
Linear Fitting of instruments on theoretical Differentiate accuracy notable
Data measurements approaches, from precision contribution of
Vectors 2. Uncertainties multiconcept, Differentiate random Physics to
and richcontext errors from systematic humanity
deviations in problems errors
measurement involving Use the least count Physics is
3. Sources and measurement, concept to estimate science and
types of vectors, motions errors associate with Physics is fun.
error in single measurements
4. Accuracy 1D, 2D, and 3D, Estimate errors from Intervention
versus Newton’s Laws, multiple measurements Give special
precision work, energy, of a physical quantity attention and
5. Uncertainty of center using variance individual help
derived of mass, Estimate the uncertainty to those
quantities momentum, of a derived quantity students who
6. Error bars impulse, and from the estimated require more
7. Graphical collisions values and uncertainties structure.
analysis: of directly measured
linear fitting and quantities
transformation of Estimate intercepts and
functional slopes – and their
dependence uncertainties – in
to linear form experimental date with
8. Vectors and linear dependence
vector using the “eyeball
addition method” and/ or linear
9. Components regression formulae
of vectors Differentiate vector and
10. Unit vectors scalar quantities
Perform addition of
Rewrite a vector in
component form
Calculate directions and
magnitudes of vectors
WEEK 2 Kinematics: 1. Position, time, Convert a verbal Series of For group
Aug 31 – Motion Along a distance, description of a physical exercises on discussions
Sept 4 Straight Line displacement, situation involving the or for
And in 2- speed, average uniform acceleration in interpretation advanced
Dimensions and velocity, one dimension into a and learners or for
3-Dimensions instantaneous mathematical construction of homework
velocity description position vs. Illustrate how
2. Average Recognize whether or time, the
acceleration, not a physical situation velocity vs. components of
and involves constant time, and a uniformly
instantaneous velocity or constant acceleration rotating unit
acceleration acceleration vs. vector changes
3. Uniformly Interpret displacement time curves. with time.
accelerated and velocity, Note that this
linear motion respectively, as areas magnitude
4. Free-fall under velocity vs. time varies as the
motion and acceleration vs. cosine and
5. 1D Uniform time curves sine of the
Acceleration Interpret velocity and rotation angle
Problems acceleration, (the angular
respectively, as slopes velocity
Relative motion of position vs. time and magnitude
1. Position, velocity vs. time curves multiplied with
distance, Construct velocity vs. time, ø = ωt)
displacement, time and acceleration
speed, vs. time graphs,
average velocity, respectively,
instantaneous corresponding to a
velocity, given position vs. time-
average graph and velocity vs.
acceleration, time graph and vice
and versa
instantaneous Solve for unknown
acceleration in 2- quantities in equations
and involving one-
3- dimensions dimensional uniformly
2. Projectile accelerated motion
motion Use the fact that the
3. Circular magnitude of
motion acceleration due to
4. Relative gravity on the Earth’s
motion surface is nearly
constant and
approximately 9.8 m/s2
in free-fall problems
Solve problems
involving one-
dimensional motion with
constant acceleration in
contexts such as, but
not limited to, the “tail-
gating phenomenon”,
pursuit, rocket launch,
and freefall problems
Describe motion using
the concept of relative
velocities in 1D and 2D
Extend the definition of
position, velocity, and
acceleration to 2D and
3D using vector
Deduce the
consequences of the
independence of
vertical and horizontal
components of
projectile motion
Calculate range, time of
flight, and maximum
heights of projectiles
Differentiate uniform
and non-uniform circular
Infer quantities
associated with circular
motion such as
tangential velocity,
centripetal acceleration,
tangential acceleration,
radius of curvature
Solve problems
involving two-
dimensional motion in
contexts such as, but
not limited to ledge
jumping, movie stunts,
basketball, safe
locations during firework
displays, and Ferris
Plan and execute an
experiment involving
projectile motion:
Identifying error
sources, minimizing
their influence, and
estimating the influence
of the identified error
sources on final results
WEEK 3 Newton’s Laws 1. Newton’s Define inertial frames of Context rich Group
Sept 7- 11 of Motion and Law’s of reference exercises on demonstratio
Applications Motion Differentiate contact Newton’s Laws n on how the
2. Inertial and noncontact forces of Motion laws of motions
WEEK 4 Reference Distinguish mass and work.
Sept 14 – Frames weight
18 3. Action at a Identify action-reaction
distance pairs
forces Draw free-body
4. Mass and diagrams
Weight Apply Newton’s 1st law
5. Types of to obtain quantitative
contact forces: and qualitative
tension, normal conclusions about the
force, contact and noncontact
kinetic and static forces acting on a body
friction, fluid in equilibrium (1 lecture)
resistance Differentiate the
6. Action- properties of static
Reaction Pairs friction and kinetic
7. Free-Body friction
Diagrams Compare the magnitude
8. Applications of of sought quantities
Newton’s Laws such as frictional force,
to normal force, threshold
single-body and angles for sliding,
multibody acceleration, etc.
dynamics Apply Newton’s 2nd law
9. Fluid and kinematics to obtain
resistance quantitative and
10. Experiment qualitative conclusions
on forces about the velocity and
11. Problem acceleration of one or
solving using more bodies, and the
Newton’s Laws contact and noncontact
forces acting on one or
more bodies
Analyze the effect of
fluid resistance on
moving object
Solve problems using
Newton’s Laws of
in contexts such as, but
not limited to, ropes
and pulleys, the design
of mobile sculptures,
transport of loads on
conveyor belts, force
needed to move stalled
vehicles, determination
of safe driving speeds
on banked curved roads
Plan and execute an
experiment involving
forces (e.g., force table,
friction board, terminal
velocity) and identifying
discrepancies between
theoretical expectations
and experimental
results when

WEEK 5 Work, Energy 1. Dot or Scalar Calculate the dot or Conceptual Let the
Sept 21 – and Energy Product scalar product of questions students
25 Conservation 2. Work done by vectors related to perform an
a force Determine the work work, energy experiment,
3. Work-energy done by a force (not and its gather data,
relation necessarily constant) conservation and answer the
4. Kinetic energy acting on a system guide
5. Power Define work as a scalar questions in
6. Conservative or dot product of force the worksheet.
and and displacement Assist
WEEK 6 nonconservative Interpret the work done the students
Sept 28 – forces by a force in one- throughout the
Oct 2 7. Gravitational dimension as an area experiment.
potential under a Force vs.
energy Position curve
8. Elastic Relate the work done by
potential energy a constant force to the
9. Equilibria and change in kinetic energy
potential of a system
energy diagrams Apply the work-energy
10. Energy theorem to obtain
Conservation, quantitative and
Work, and qualitative conclusions
Power regarding the work
Problems done, initial and final
velocities, mass and
kinetic energy of a
Represent the work-
energy theorem
Relate power to work,
energy, force, and
Relate the gravitational
potential energy of a
system or object to the
configuration of the
Relate the elastic
potential energy of a
system or object to the
configuration of the
Explain the properties
and the effects of
conservative forces
Identify conservative
and nonconservative
WEEK 7 Express the
Oct 5 – 9 conservation of energy
verbally and
Use potential energy
diagrams to infer force;
stable, unstable, and
neutral equilibria; and
turning points
Determine whether or
not energy conservation
is applicable in a given
example before and
description of a physical
Solve problems
involving work, energy,
and power in contexts
such as, but not limited
to, bungee jumping,
design of roller-
coasters, number of
people required to build
structures such as the
Great Pyramids and the
rice terraces; power and
energy requirements of
human activities such
as sleeping vs. sitting
vs. standing, running vs.
walking. (Conversion of
joules to calories should
be emphasized at this
Oct 12 – 16
WEEK 9 Center of Mass, 1. Center of Differentiate center of Exercises on Video Video ref;
Oct 19 – 23 Momentum, mass mass and geometric applied Presentations The science
Impulse and 2. Momentum center application of that illustrates of stupid
Collisions 3. Impulse Relate the motion of the concepts. center of mass,
4. Impulse- center of mass of a momentum,
momentum system to the impulse and
relation momentum and net collisions
5. Law of external force acting on
conservation of the system
momentum Relate the momentum,
6. Collisions impulse, force, and time
7. Center of of contact in a system
Mass, Explain the necessary
Impulse, conditions for
Momentum, conservation of linear
and Collision momentum to be valid.
Problems Compare and contrast
8. Energy and elastic and inelastic
momentum collisions
experiments Apply the concept of
restitution coefficient in
Predict motion of
constituent particles for
different types of
collisions (e.g., elastic,
WEEK 10 Solve problems
Oct 26 – 30 involving center of
mass, impulse, and
momentum in contexts
such as, but not limited
to, rocket motion,
vehicle collisions, and
ping-pong. (Emphasize
also the concept of
whiplash and the
sliding, rolling, and
deformations in vehicle
Perform an experiment
involving energy and
conservation and
analyze the data
discrepancies between
theoretical expectations
and experimental
results when
WEEK 11 Rotational 1. Moment of Solve multi- Calculate the moment Problem set Video
Nov 2 – 6 Equilibrium and inertia concept, of inertia about a given Presentations
Rotational 2. Angular rich context axis of single-object and that illustrates
Dynamics position, problems using multiple-object systems Rotational
angular velocity, concepts from (1 lecture with Equilibrium and
angular rotational exercises) Dynamics
acceleration motion, Exploit analogies
3. Torque fluids, between pure Enrichment
4. Torque- oscillations, translational motion and Have students
angular gravity, and pure rotational motion to solve
acceleration thermodynamics infer rotational motion advanced
relation equations (e.g., problems
5. Static rotational kinematic related to
equilibrium equations, rotational Rotational
6. Rotational kinetic energy, torque- Equilibrium and
kinematics angular acceleration Dynamics.
7. Work done by relation)
a torque Calculate magnitude
8. Rotational and direction of torque
kinetic using the definition of
energy torque as a cross
9. Angular product
momentum Describe rotational
10. Static quantities using vectors
equilibrium Determine whether a
experiments system is in static
11. Rotational equilibrium or not
motion Apply the rotational
problems kinematic relations for
systems with constant
angular accelerations
Apply rotational kinetic
energy formulae
Solve static equilibrium
problems in contexts
such as, but not limited
to, see-saws, mobiles,
system, leaning ladders,
and weighing a heavy
suitcase using a small
bathroom scale
Determine angular
momentum of different
Apply the torque-
angular momentum
Recognize whether
angular momentum is
conserved or not over
various time intervals in
a given system
Perform an experiment
involving static
equilibrium and analyze
the data—identifying
discrepancies between
theoretical expectations
and experimental
results when
Solve rotational
kinematics and
dynamics problems, in
contexts such as, but
not limited to, flywheels
as energy storage
devices, and spinning
hard drives
WEEK 12 1. Newton’s Law Use Newton’s law of Presentation Let the
Nov 9 – 13 Gravity and of gravitation to infer of Findings students
Periodic Motion Universal gravitational force, perform
Gravitation weight, and acceleration different
2. Gravitational due to gravity experiments,
field Determine the net gather data,
3. Gravitational gravitational force on a and answer the
potential mass given a system of guide
energy point masses questions in
4. Escape Discuss the physical the worksheet.
velocity significance of Assist
5. Orbits gravitational field the students
6. Kepler’s laws Apply the concept of throughout the
of gravitational potential experiment.
planetary motion energy in physics
7. Periodic problems
Motion Calculate quantities
8. Simple related to planetary or
harmonic satellite motion
motion: spring- Apply Kepler’s 3rd Law
mass of planetary motion
system, simple For circular orbits, relate
pendulum, Kepler’s third law of
physical planetary motion to
Pendulum Newton’s law of
9. Damped and gravitation and
Driven centripetal acceleration
oscillation Solve gravity-related
10. Periodic problems in contexts
Motion such as, but not limited
Experiment to, inferring the mass of
11. Mechanical the Earth, inferring the
waves mass of Jupiter from the
motion of its moons,
and calculating escape
speeds from the Earth
and from the solar
Relate the amplitude,
frequency, angular
frequency, period,
displacement, velocity,
and acceleration of
oscillating systems
Recognize the
necessary conditions for
an object to undergo
simple harmonic motion
Analyze the motion of
an oscillating system
using energy and
Newton’s 2nd law
Calculate the period
and the frequency of
spring mass, simple
pendulum, and physical
overdamped, and
critically damped motion
Describe the conditions
for resonance
Perform an experiment
involving periodic
motion and analyze the
discrepancies between
theoretical expectations
and experimental
results when
Define mechanical
wave, longitudinal
wave, transverse wave,
periodic wave, and
sinusoidal wave
From a given sinusoidal
wave function infer the
(speed, wavelength,
frequency, period,
direction, and wave
Calculate the
propagation speed,
power transmitted by
waves on a string with
given tension, mass,
and length (1 lecture)
WEEK 13 1. Sound Apply the inverse- Essay. Have Actual or
Nov 16 – Mechanical 2. Wave square relation between students video
20 Waves and Intensity the intensity of waves relate and presentation
Sounds 3. Interference and the distance from discuss the On how to form
and beats the source concepts and harmonics on a
4. Standing Describe qualitatively its effects on guitar.
waves and quantitatively the their everyday
5. Doppler effect superposition of waves life Enrichment
Apply the condition for Discuss sonic
standing waves on a boom and
string explain it using
Relate the frequency the doppler
(source dependent) and effect.
wavelength of sound
with the motion of the
source and the listener
Solve problems
involving sound and
mechanical waves in
contexts such as, but
not limited to,
echolocation, musical
instruments, ambulance
Perform an experiment
investigating the
properties of sound
waves and analyze the
data appropriately—
identifying deviations
from theoretical
expectations when
WEEK 14 1. Specific Relate density, specific Conceptual Practice
Nov 23 – Fluid Mechanics gravity gravity, mass, and questions on Discuss
27 2. Pressure volume to each other Fluid problems on
3. Pressure vs. Relate pressure to area dynamics. Fluid
Depth and force mechanics
Relation Relate pressure to fluid Reporting of
4. Pascal’s density and depth the results of Enrichment
principle Apply Pascal’s principle the experiment Show that
5. Buoyancy and in analyzing fluids in Torricelli’s
Archimedes’ various systems Theorem is a
Principle Apply the concept of special
6. Continuity buoyancy and case of
equation Archimedes’ principle Bernoulli’s
7. Bernoulli’s Explain the limitations of Equation
principle and the assumptions
underlying Bernoulli’s Fluid
principle and the Experiment
continuity equation
Apply Bernoulli’s
principle and continuity
equation, whenever
appropriate, to infer
relations involving
pressure, elevation,
speed, and flux
Solve problems
involving fluids in
contexts such as, but
not limited to, floating
and sinking, swimming,
hemispheres, boat
design, hydraulic
devices, and balloon
Perform an experiment
involving either
Continuity and
Bernoulli’s equation or
buoyancy, and analyze
the data appropriately—
discrepancies between
theoretical expectations
and experimental
results when
WEEK 15 1. Zeroth law of Explain the connection Reporting of Small
Nov. 30 – Temperature and thermodynamics between the Zeroth Law the results of observation
Dec 4 Heat and of Thermodynamics, the experiments.
Temperature temperature, thermal experiments
measurement equilibrium, and Enrichment
2. Thermal temperature scales Reading
expansion Convert temperatures exercises.
3. Heat and heat and temperature
capacity differences in the
4. Calorimetry following scales:
5. Mechanisms Fahrenheit, Celsius,
of heat Kelvin
transfer Define coefficient of
thermal expansion and
coefficient of volume
Calculate volume or
length changes of solids
due to changes in
Solve problems
involving temperature,
thermal expansion, heat
capacity,heat transfer,
and thermal equilibrium
in contexts such as, but
not limited to, the
design of bridges and
train rails using steel,
relative severity of
steam burns and water
burns, thermal
insulation, sizes of
stars, and surface
temperatures of planets
Perform an experiment
investigating factors
affecting thermal energy
transfer and analyze the
deviations from
theoretical expectations
when appropriate (such
as thermal expansion
and modes of heat
Carry out
measurements using
Solve problems using
the Stefan-Boltzmann
law and the heat current
formula for radiation
and conduction (1
WEEK 16 1. Ideal gas law Enumerate the Presentation Experiment
Dec 7 – 11 Ideal Gases and 2. Internal properties of an ideal of activity activity
the Laws of energy of an gas results
Thermodynamic ideal gas Solve problems Simple
s 3. Heat capacity involving ideal gas observation
of an equations in contexts activities
ideal gas such as, but not limited
4. to, the design of metal
Thermodynamic containers for
systems compressed gases
5. Work done Distinguish among
during system, wall, and
volume changes surroundings
6. 1st law of Interpret PV diagrams
thermodynamics of a thermodynamic
Thermodynamic process
processes: Compute the work done
adiabatic, by a gas using dW=PdV
isothermal, (1 lecture)
isobaric, State the relationship
Isochoric between changes
7. Heat engines internal energy, work
8. Engine cycles done, and thermal
9. Entropy energy supplied through
10. 2nd law of the First Law of
Thermodynamic Thermodynamics
s Differentiate the
11. Reversible following
and thermodynamic
irreversible processes and show
processes them on a PV diagram:
12. Carnot cycle isochoric, isobaric,
13. Entropy isothermal, adiabatic,
and cyclic
Use the First Law of
Thermodynamics in
combination with the
known properties of
adiabatic, isothermal,
isobaric, and isochoric
Solve problems
involving the application
of the First Law of
Thermodynamics in
contexts such as, but
not limited to, the boiling
of water, cooling a room
with an air conditioner,
diesel engines, and
gases in containers with
Calculate the efficiency
of a heat engine
Describe reversible and
irreversible processes
Explain how entropy is
a measure of disorder
State the 2nd Law of
Calculate entropy
changes for various
processes e.g.,
isothermal process, free
expansion, constant
pressure process, etc.
Describe the Carnot
cycle (enumerate the
processes involved in
the cycle and illustrate
the cycle on a PV
State Carnot’s theorem
and use it to calculate
the maximum possible
efficiency of a heat
Solve problems
involving the application
of the Second Law of
Thermodynamics in
context such as, but not
limited to, heat engines,
heat pumps, internal
combustion engines,
refrigerators, and fuel
Dec 14 – 18

Prepared by: Noted by:


Physics Teacher SHS Principal, Designate

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