BOW-Physics 1
BOW-Physics 1
BOW-Physics 1
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Angeles City
Angeles City National High School
Senior High School
Budget of Work
1st Semester, School Year 2023-2024
2. Uncertainties and Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-2 Differentiate accuracy from Error Analysis (Precise and
deviations in measurement precision Accurate)
3. Sources and types of error Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-3 Differentiate random errors from 3. Worded Problem
systematic Errors solving thru oral
Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-5 Estimate errors from multiple recitation
measurements of a physical quantity using variance
VECTORS Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-8 Differentiate vector and scalar 1. Vector 1. Locate my x in the
1. Vectors and vector quantities addition world of y (vector)
addition Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-9 Perform addition of vectors 1 2. Worded Problem
Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-10 Rewrite a vector in component solving thru oral
1 recitation
KINEMATICS Week 2 STEM_GP12Kin-Ib-12 Convert a verbal description of 1. Kinematics 1. Running from origin
1. Position, time, a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one 1 Equation of forming a cross
distance, displacement, dimension into a mathematical description. Motion (speed vs velocity)
speed, average velocity, Week 2 STEM_GP12KINIb-14 Interpret displacement and 2. Graphical 2. Marble rolling in ramp
instantaneous velocity velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time and 1 Analysis of with a yarn from the
2. Average acceleration, and acceleration vs. time curves Motion top (displacement) vs
instantaneous acceleration Week 2 STEM_GP12KINIb-15 Interpret velocity and marble with a yarn
acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position vs. time and 1 from the bottom
velocity vs. time curves (velocity)
Week 2 STEM_GP12KINIb-16 Construct velocity vs. time and 3. Running in a curve vs
1 straight line (velocity
acceleration vs. time graphs, respectively, corresponding to a
given position vs. time-graph and velocity vs. time graph and vs. acceleration)
vice versa 4. Rolling marble in
Week 2 STEM_GP12KINIb-17 Solve for unknown quantities in different slope
equations involving one-dimensional uniformly accelerated 1 (velocity-acceleration
motion, including free fall motion vs time graph)
5. Worded Problem
solving thru oral
Week 2 STEM_GP12KINIb-19 Solve problems involving one-
recitation page 79-80
dimensional motion with constant acceleration in contexts such
1 (solving for unknown
as, but not limited to, the “tail-gating phenomenon”, pursuit,
rocket launch, and freefall problems
6. Free fall (problem
KINETICS Week 3 STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-20 Describe motion using the 1. Motion in 1D and 1. Catching the bouncing
1. Relative Motion concept of relative velocities in 1D and 2D 2D ball (Projectile Motion)
a. Position, distance, Week 3 STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-22 Deduce the consequences of 1. Projectile motion 2. Longest distance of a
displacement, speed, the independence of vertical and horizontal components of 1 2. Circular motion paper plane
average velocity, projectile motion (Projectile Motion)
instantaneous velocity, Week 3 STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-23 Calculate range, time of flight, 3. Yank me (Circular
average acceleration, and maximum heights of projectiles motion)
and instantaneous Week 3 STEM_GP12KIN-Ic-25 Infer quantities associated with 1 4. Worded Problem
acceleration in 2- and circular motion such as tangential velocity, centripetal solving thru oral
3- dimensions acceleration, tangential acceleration, radius of curvature recitation
WORK AND ENERGY Week 5 STEM_GP12WE-If-40 Calculate the dot or scalar 1. Work 1. Pulling chair using a
1. Dot or Scalar Product product of vectors 2. Kinetic & rope in different angle
2. Work done by a force Week 5 STEM_GP12WE-If-41 Determine the work done by a Potential energy (Work & Power)
3. Work-energy relation force acting on a system 3. Conservation of 2. Falling vs moving
4. Kinetic energy Week 6 STEM_GP12WE-If-42 Define work as a scalar or dot Energy book (Potential &
5. Power product of force and displacement Kinetic)
6. Conservative and Week 6 STEM_GP12WE-If-43 Interpret the work done by a 3. Pendulum
nonconservative forces force in one dimension as an area under a Force vs. Position 1 (Conservative energy)
7. Gravitational potential curve 4. Book dragging on the
energy Week 6 STEM_GP12WE-Ig-48 Relate the gravitational potential floor (non-
8. Elastic potential energy 1 conservative energy)
energy of a system or object to the configuration of the system
9. Equilibria and potential Week 6 STEM_GP12WE-Ig-49 Relate the elastic potential 5. Worded Problem
energy diagrams 1 solving thru oral
energy of a system or object to the configuration of the system
10. Energy Conservation, Week 6 STEM_GP12WE-Ig-50 Explain the properties and the recitation
Work, and Power 1
effects of conservative forces
Problems Week 7 STEM_GP12WE-Ig-53 Use potential energy diagrams
to infer force; stable, unstable, and neutral equilibria; and 1
turning points
Week 7 STEM_GP12WE-Ihi-55 Solve problems involving work, 1
energy, and power in contexts such as, but not limited to,
bungee jumping, design of roller-coasters, number of people
required to build structures such as the Great Pyramids and the
measurement temperature differences in the following scales: Fahrenheit, 3. Heat Transfer 3. Food Coloring in hot &
2. Thermal expansion Celsius, Kelvin cold water submerge
3. Heat and heat capacity Week 7 STEM_GP12TH-IIg-51 Define coefficient of thermal into its opposite
expansion and coefficient of volume expansion, sizes of stars, temperature
and surface temperatures of planets 1 (convection)
Week 7 STEM_GP12TH-IIg-52 Calculate volume or length 4. Radiometer (radiation)
changes of solids due to changes in temperature 5. Worded Problem
Week 7 STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53 Solve problems involving solving thru oral
temperature, thermal expansion, heat capacity, heat transfer, recitation
and thermal equilibrium in contexts such as, but not limited to, 1
the design of bridges and train rails using steel, relative severity
of steam burns and water burns, thermal insulation
IDEAL GASES AND LAWS Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-57 Enumerate the properties of an 1. 1st Law of 1. Mini hot air balloon
OF THERMODYNAMICS ideal gas Thermodynamics (1st law of
1. Ideal gas law Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-58 Solve problems involving ideal 2. 2nd Law of thermodynamics)
2. Internal energy of an ideal gas equations in contexts such as, but not limited to, the design 1 Thermodynamics 2. Upside down hot and
gas of metal containers for compressed gases cold water (2nd law of
3. Heat capacity of an ideal Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-60 Interpret PV diagrams of a thermodynamics)
gas thermodynamic process 3. Worded Problem
4. Thermodynamic systems Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-61 Compute the work done by a solving thru oral
5. Work done during volume gas using dW=PdV recitation
changes Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-62 State the relationship between 1
6. 1st law of thermodynamics changes internal energy, work done, and thermal energy
7. Thermodynamic supplied through the First Law of Thermodynamics
processes: adiabatic, Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIh-63 Differentiate the following
isothermal, isobaric, thermodynamic processes and show them on a PV diagram: 1
isochoric isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic, and cyclic
8. Heat engines Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIi-67 Calculate the efficiency of a
9. Engine cycles heat engine
10. Entropy Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIi-68 Describe reversible and
11. 2nd law of irreversible processes
Thermodynamics Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIi-69 Explain how entropy is a
12. Reversible and irreversible measure of disorder
processes Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIi-70 State the 2nd Law of
Week 8 STEM_GP12GLTIIi-71 Calculate entropy changes for
various processes e.g., isothermal process, free expansion, 1
constant pressure process, etc.
TOTAL 40 hours