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Addition of Vectors Final Edit Very Very Final

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors






Atendido, King Ace

Ceripulo, Erica May
Calamigan, John Edward
De Gala, Alexter
Gonzales, Niño Cj

APRIL 20, 2021

(Date Performed)

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors


Vector, in physics, a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented
by an arrow whose direction is the same as that of the quantity and whose length is proportional to the
quantity’s magnitude. Although a vector has magnitude and direction, it does not have position. That
is, as long as its length is not changed, a vector is not altered if it is displaced parallel to itself. A force
board (or force table) is a common physics lab apparatus that has three (or more) chains or cables
attached to a center ring. The chains or cables exert forces upon the center ring in three different
directions. Typically the experimenter adjusts the direction of the three forces, makes measurements
of the amount of force in each direction, and determines the vector sum of three forces. Forces
perpendicular to the plane of the force board are typically ignored in the analysis.

To qualify as a vector, a quantity having magnitude and direction must also obey certain rules
of combination. One of these is vector addition, written symbolically as A + B = C (vectors are
conventionally written as boldface letters). Geometrically, the vector sum can be visualized by placing
the tail of vector B at the head of vector A and drawing vector C starting from the tail of A and ending
at the head of B so that it completes the triangle. If A, B, and C are vectors, it must be possible to
perform the same operation and achieve the same result (C) in reverse order, B + A = C. Quantities
such as displacement and velocity have this property (commutative law), but there are quantities (e.g.,
finite rotations in space) that do not and therefore are not vectors.

The Pythagorean theorem is a useful method for determining the result of adding two (and
only two) vectors that make a right angle to each other. The method is not applicable for adding more
than two vectors or for adding vectors that are not at 90-degrees to each other. The Pythagorean
theorem is a mathematical equation that relates the length of the sides of a right to the length of the
hypotenuse of a right triangle.


In experiment of adding vectors, the group should be able to achieve the following objectives:
To find the equilibriant and resultant of two or more known forces using a force table and graphical
method of adding force vectors and compare the results to that obtained by analytical method. Also to
experimentally verify the parallelogram law of vectors addition by using a force table.


Concurrent forces are forces that pass through the same points. Resultant is a single force that
can replace the effects of a number of forces. Equilibriant is a force that is exactly opposite to a
resultant Equilibriant and resultant have equal magnitudes but opposite directions. The direction of a
resultant vector can often be determined by use of trigonometric functions. The purpose of adding
force vectors is to determine the net force acting upon an object.

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors


We used an instrument called the Force Table. A ring was placed around a pin in the center
of the force table. Strings attached to the ring pull it in different directions. The magnitude (strength)
of each pull and its direction can be varied. The magnitude of the string tension (force) is determined
by the amount of mass that is hung from the other end of the string. The value of the pull (force) is
mg, where g = 9. 81 m/s2 (recall Fw = mg). The force table allowed us to demonstrate when the sum
of forces acting on the ring equals zero. Under this equilibrium condition, the ring, when released,
remained on the spot. First we mounted the Force Table parallel to the working desk (horizontal
position). We made sure it was level, We found the resultant of these two applied forces by scaled
graphical construction using the parallelogram method. Using a ruler and a protractor, we
constructed vectors whose scaled length and direction represented F1 and F2. Our scale was 10
grams = 1cm. We read the magnitude and direction of the resultant from our graphical solution and
recorded them in Table 2. Using equation 1, we calculated the components of F1 and F2 and
recorded them into the analytical solution portion of Table 3. We added the components
algebraically and determined the magnitude of the resultant by the Pythagorean Theorem. Then, we
measured the angle of the resultant. 3.Finally, we calculated the percentage error of the magnitude of
the experimental value of FR compared to the analytical solution of FR. We also calculated the
percentage error of the magnitude of the graphical solution of FR compared to the analytical

The second way used to add vectors was by using component method. The x and y
components of the forces were calculated. Then, the sum of the two x and y components were used
to calculate the resultant vector by using Pythagorean Theorem. The direction of the resultant vector
was calculated using the equation θ = arctan (y/x). 180 was added to the angle of the resultant vector
to obtain the direction of the equilibrant vector.

In graphical method by using a protractor and a ruler, draw arrows to represent the forces F1
and F2. Remember that you must choose a scale so that the length of each arrow is proportional to
the magnitude of the force, and the direction of each arrow must be the same direction as the force it
represents. Use either head-to-tail method or parallelogram method to draw an arrow that represents
the resultant of the vectors. Measure the length of the arrow, determine the magnitude of the
resultant and its direction. To balance F1 and F2, you will need to apply a force F3 whose magnitude
is equal to this resultant force, but opposite in direction.

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors


Data Table 3.1a The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using Force Table

Forces Mass (g) Force (N) Direction

F1 100 0.980
F2 150 1.47
Equilibrant, E 135 1.32 260°

Resultant, R 135 1.32 80°

Data Table 3.1b The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using Force Table

Forces Mass (g) Force (N) Direction

F3 150 1.47
F4 150 1.47
Equilibrant, E 150 1.47 180°

Resultant, R 150 1.47 0°

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors

Data Table 3.2a The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using
Analytical Method

Forces Mass (g) Force (N) Direction x-component (N) y-component (N)
F1 100 0.98 0.980 0.00
F2 150 1.47 -0.735 1.27
Resultant, R 132 1.30 79° 0.245 1.27

Equilibrant, E 132 1.30 259°

Data Table 3.2b The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using
Analytical Method
Forces Mass (g) Force (N) Direction x-component (N) y-component (N)
F3 150 1.47 0.735 1.27
F4 150 1.47 0.735 - 1.27
Resultant, R 150 1.47 0° 1.47 0

Equilibrant, E 150 1.47 180°

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors

Data Table 3.3a The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using
Graphical Method
Scale: 1.0 cm = 10 g

Mass (g) Force (N) Direction Length of Arrow (cm)

F1 100 0.98 10.0

F2 150 1.47 15.0
Resultant, R 135 1.32 77° 13.5

Equilibrant, E 135 1.32 258° 13.5

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Data Table 3.3b The Equilibrant and Resultant of Two Known Forces using
Graphical Method
Scale: 1 cm = 10 g

Mass (g) Force (N) Direction Length of Arrow (cm)

F3 150 1.47 15.0

F4 150 1.47 15.0
Resultant, R 146 1.43 0° 14.6

Equilibrant, E 146 1.43 180° 14.6

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors

Data Table 3.3 Comparison of Resultant Forces Obtained Experimentally and

Graphically with the Results of Analytical Method

Forces Resultant, R (N) Resultant, R (N) Percent Resultant, R Percent

(Analytical) (Experimental) Diff, (N) Diff,
% (Graphical) %
F1 =100 g, 0°
1.30 1.32 2.05 % 1.32 0%
F2 =150 g,120°
F3 =150 g, 60°
1.47 1.47 0 1.43 2.80%
F4 =150 g,300°

 3.1 a
F1 = 0.1 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 0.980 kg m/s2 = 0.980 N
F2 = 0.15 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 1.47 kg m/s2 = 1.47 N
E = 0.135 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 1.32 kg m/s2 = 1.32 N
R = E = 1.32 N
 3.1 b
F3 = 0.15 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 1.47 kg m/s2 = 1.47 N
F4 = 0.15 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 1.47 kg m/s2 = 1.47 N
E = 0.15 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 1.47 kg m/s2 = 1.47 N
R= 1.47 N
 3.2 a
Fx = 0.98 cos (0) + 1.47 cos (120) = 0.245 N
Fy = 0.98 sin (0) + 1.47 sin (120) = 1.27 N
R = √𝐹𝑥 2 + 𝐹𝑦 2
R = √0.2452 + 1.272 = 1.30 N
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) = 79
 3.2 b
Fx = 1.47cos (60) + 1.47 cos (300) = 1.47 N
Fy = 1.47sin (60) + 1.47 sin (300) = 0 N
R = √𝐹𝑥 2 + 𝐹𝑦 2
R = √1.472 + 02 = 1.47 N
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )=0

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PHY03L-Physics for Engineers (Laboratory) Vectors

During the experimental activity, we gained familiarity in working with vector quantities.
We demonstrated the process of the addition of several vectors to form a resultant vector
experimentally, graphically, and analytically. By using all three of these methods, we were able to
see how each method produces a slightly different resultant force (N) and resultant direction in
degrees. This is apparent in the data tables. According to our percent error computations, the
analytical method is more accurate than the graphical method. Possible sources of errors include,
friction in the pulleys, measurements in ruler and protractor and errors in direction of the forces if
the strings were not at 90 degrees tangent to the ring. Because Errors in the direction of the forces if
the strings were not at 90 degrees tangent to the ring would have caused the greatest source of error.
If the angles were the slightest bit off on the force table, this would have skewed the weight
necessary to equal the forces. If pulleys were not used, the errors would have gone up because
resting on the edge of the force table would cause greater friction. Also, the pulleys help to hold the
strings in place and the angles of the direction would have been skewed if we had not utilized the
pulleys. Lastly, the weight of the hangers would have skewed our data slightly, but not enough to
make a real impact in the percent error.


When we place a mass on fourth holder equal to the magnitude of the resultant, the ring turns
to equilibrium. That means the force of the fourth mass is equal to the resultant force of the first
three masses.
This experiment proved that force has direction, and a resultant force consists several vector
forces. A vector is a quantity having a magnitude and a direction, and two vectors of the same type
can be added.
The sources of error:
1. Some magnitude of vectors are decimals, but we only have the masses with whole
2. Some masses are rusted, so their mass may be higher or lower than the standard.
3. Our table is not horizontal, so our directions of vectors are little biased.

Vectors addition
http://physics4azhong.blogspot.com/2012/09/lab-4-vector-addition-of-forces.html -

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