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Unit 2 - Move It 3

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cribe pictures eck the meaning ofthe wordsin Vocabulary » Adjectives t0 des mments (a-f). C repeat. 5 eck a eet dramatic Grammar Past simple; Past continuous; Past simple vs Past continuous ((1)) Match the photos (1-6) to the co! 1.16 bold ina dictionary. Then listen, ch photo of a famous alc don't lke it | Ee dark, but it’s beautiful. a It’s an interesting Vocabulary b Ita boring, silly photo. | Adjectives to describe pictures; Adjective + im Prepostion ¢ I love wildlife photos. This one all dita little blurry, but I like it Its really colorf H ks really horrible! he photo is funny: e It’s obviously fake, and it loo} Speaking f The clothes are old-fashioned, but t Perssion Writing A description ofa picture Word list page 43 Workbook page 105, 2, Complete the sentences with the adjectives in Exercise 1. 1 My little brother is so silly. He's always telling jokes. 2 She often wears... clothes. Red and green Tshirts are her favorite 3 My cat moved when I took this photo, so it’s... 4 It’s very....in here. Can you turn on the light? 5 Everyone said the famous photo was Nobody thought it was real. 6 The stormllast night was really..... The sky was purple! But hate storms—I think they're... 3 y In pairs, ask and answer about the photos. Use the adjectives in Exercise 1. Brain Trainer Unit 2 SEs Activity 2 Go to page 113 © ‘Unit 2 ¢ What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Reading) “1 Look at the title of the magazine article and the photos. What do you think you are going to read about? & ‘Match the photos (a-c) to the paragraphs (1-3). CLICK! Magazine Xx Cecrnerss Every year at CLICK! Magazine, kids from all contest. Here are this year’s winners! The best photo in each category won a digital camera. eople @ Peopl: @ Read the article quickly and check your ideas. WY Youngjphotourapher over the country send in photos for our fantastic (4) Read the article again. Answer the questions. 1.17 1 What do the winners get? The winners get a digital camera. 2 What is Lucas's photo of? 3 Where was Laine? 4 What is the weather like in Carrie's photo? 5 Does CLICK like Carrie's photo? 6 Does Jared lke his photo? Where were Jared and his family? G what about you in pais, ask and answer. 1 Do you take a lot of photos? What do you use—a camera or your cell phone? 2 Did you take any photos on your last vacation? What were they like? 3 Describe the best photo you took last year. Photographer: Lucas Subject: My sister Lucas says: On August 5 we were driving to Canada for our summer vacation. | took this picture of my sister, Laine, in the back of our car. It was a long drive, and she wasn't enjoying it. CLICK says: Lucas’s photo is interesting and funny. You can see his sister's thoughts in her face. What was she thinking? How was she feeling? This photo really tells a story. Photographer: Carrie Subject: A storm Carrie says: Last month I was on vacation in Scotland with my family. There were a lot of storms, and this was a very windy day! The grass and the trees were moving. The picture is alittle blurry, but | like it! CLICK says: Carrie's picture is very dramatic. When you look at her picture, you can almost fee! the wind! ® Animals Photographer: Jared Subject: On safari Jared says: Last year | went on vacation to the Serengeti National Park. ! was really stupid didn’t have my camera—but | took a lot of photos with my mom's phone. This one is my favorite. Itwas 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was raining. ‘We weren't driving around—we were waiting for the rain to stop. That's when | saw the elephants, CLICK says: This is a beautiful photo! Unit 2+ What's the Story? Escaneado con CamScanner Grammar e Past simple Last year | went on vacation to the Serengeti Natonal Pak, I didn't have my camera | took this picture of my sister, Laine Grammar reference Workbook page 88 C1) Study the grammar table. Choose the correct option to complete the rule. The Past simple describes a finished action / an action in progress in the past. We use the Past simple with past time adverbials, 2.g., yesterday, last weeklyear/Tuesday, two hoursidaysiweeks ago Z Complete the sentences with the Past simple form of these verbs. Get notgo not play see take watch 1 We saw the photo yesterday, and we all thought it was fake. 2 They....on vacation last year. They stayed at home. 3 .... YOU... my email? 4 1.... football last weekend, | couldn't because the weather was horrible! 5 She....a photo and put it on her blog a few minutes ago. 6 “..yOU.... the movie last night?” “Yes, we did, It was really boring!” G what about you? tn pairs, ask a ® Unit 2 « what's the Stony? Past continuous Con ay 5 we wore ving to Canada We weren't diving around. What was she thinklng? Grammar reference Workbook page 88 G study the grammar table Choose the correct aption to complete the rule, ‘The Past continuous describes a finished action an action in progress in the past % y Complete the sentences with the Past continuo form of the verbs. 1 | was waiting outside the movie theater at 7 p.m. Luckily it... . (wait/not :ain) 2 AtQ o'clock last night they... on the phone, They... their homework. (talk/no- clo) 3....he.... football at 5 o'clock? No he.. a game on TV. (play/watch) 4 At 8:30 a.m. she... to school; she ....on a bus. (not bike/sit) 5 What.... you... on January 1?.... YOU... a party? (do/nave) 6 At 1 o'clock I... sandwiches; |... pasta. (make/not cook) G Read about a day in the life of a wildlife photographer. What was happening at different times of the day? 1 9 o'clock / she / cook b / At 9 o'clock she ae 31 O'clock / they ; sit in the jee 4 3 O'clock / she / take / bhotographs 5 5 o'clock / the i 'Y 7.90 back / hi 6 7 o'clock / she / read la book Escaneado con CamScanner Vocabulary ¢ Adjective + preposition (1) Look at these phrases. Check the meaning in (7a) Listen and repeat. 1.20 a dictionary Listen and repeat. 1.48 At 7 o'clock she was reading a book, (b) Listen. Which words are stressed? Pronunciation Sentence stress afaidof __angrywith _badat bored with excited about good at —_interestedin_ popular with proudof __sonyfor__ tired of 1.19 | What were you doing at 8 o'clock? 2 Were you watching TV? 3 He was doing his homework at 11 o'clock. 4 They weren't playing football after school. Word list page 43 Workbook page 105 2) Match the beginnings (1-5) to the endings (a-e) of the sentences. 1 Karl is excited e 2\'m afraid 3 He felt sorry 4 She wes angry 5 Online videos are very popular a with her brother because he told a lie. b for Anna. She looked very sad. c of snakes and spiders. d with teenagers. about the game tomorrow. He loves basketball! ((€ ) Listen and repeat. 119 (B) In pairs, ask and answer about yesterday. G Complete the text with the correct prepositions, ‘Are you interested ' in music? Do you lke videos? Well, there are alot of interesting video clips online, - Some are funny, and some are silly! People’s home Videos, especially pets doing funny things, are popular’... viewers, too. So if you're good... making home videos, or you feel proud *....@ video you made and want to share it, put it online. And \when you're bored 6... video clips and tired ©. watching people doing silly things, just turn off your computer and do something different! @ What about you? In pairs, ask and answer. 1 Which school subjects are you interested in? 2 Which sports teams are popular with your friends? 3 What are you afraid of? 4 What achievement are you proud of? Brain Trainer Unit 2 Activity 3 une 2 What's the Story? ® Go to page 113 Escaneado con CamScanner Speaking and Listening Look at the photo. Answer the questions. 1 Where are the teenagers? 2. Who are Ruby and Ash looking at? } What do you think the attendant is saying? (\2)) Listen and read the conversation. 121 Check your answers. ((3) Listen and read again. Answer the questions. 121 1 What did Ruby forget? She forgot her camera. 2 What does Ash want to do? 3 What can't you do in the museum? 4 What can the teenagers do instead? 5 Why does the attendant stop Ash? 6 Where does Ruby decide to go? @, Act out the conversation in groups of three. & Unit 2+ whats the ston? camera, Ruby? You leit, this your 2 Ash peinformation desk Yes, itis. Thanks! Ruby you mind if | use i? My camera ‘2 Peden, Iwas taking i OUt of its casey, | dropped it : ‘ourse | don’t mind. Go ahead ... 4, ruby OE osinthe mse h Tats ask. Excuse me, is it OK if we y take photos? No, I'm sorry, it isn’t Attendant 7 t's too bad, I'm really interested in Ruby Ginosaurs. But we can buy postcards ln there's a gift shop over there, Ash Great! I can buy some more chips, Th, bag is empty. ‘Attendant Excuse me. You can't eat in the exhibit, hall, but there is a café near the entrang Ruby We can get something to drink there, tn Come on! aa “say it in your f=: guage.. | = Goahead. That's too bad. Escaneado con CamScanner

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