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The Secret Garden CH 6-12 + Activities

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‘Where do you play ‘Everywhere,’ said Mary quiet for things growing up out of the wrong.” ‘Don't lok so frightened’ said Mr Craven in voice. ‘You may do what you like. Iam not sec 2 after children. I am oo ill and I have toy foo! thik tou Bat vant ou woe hapy and com ney cuts as much you like, You can go anyuhere you there anything you want” he added suddenly. ‘Do you rt toys, books, dolls?” "said Mary her voice trembling, ‘Could | have bs ‘run around, earth dnt ye bk = mela ‘Could | abit of earth?” Mr Craven looked surprised. ‘Earth’ he said, ‘What do you mean?” ‘I want to plant some seeds and watch them grow; Mary Mr Craven stared at her and put his hands over his face for ‘moment. Then he got up and walked slowly across the room. ‘When he spoke to her again his eyes were soft and kind. “You can have as much earth as you want,’ he said. ‘You remind me of someone else who loved the earth and things that grow. When you see abit of earth you want, take it, child Make it come alive. Now, you must go. Lam tired.’ He touched the bell to call Mrs Medlock. ‘Goodbye. I shall be away all When Mrs Medlock had led Mary back to her own corridor, she-ran into her room, Martha was waiting there for het. {can have a garden!” Mary cried, excited. ‘And | am not sping to have a teacher unil I am stronger! Mr Craven said that can do wae Ties | Mfonget! Me Cravens sid rar ha auickly a8 she could out to the garden, She knew that she had *en away for a long time. When she went 36 ‘A Meeting inthe Night through the door, she saw that Dickon was a str an ape wee ing unr 0th ot garden was empty. bur the sr aid Mary sadly. “Oh, was tal jst a dream? “Het er saw apiece of paper lying by the fork and spade. oer va picture on the paper, and some writing, She ‘Ther age what the picture was at fst, but then she realized. cont rd sitting on a nest. Underneath, the writing ad, wil ‘come back.’ under the 6 A Meeting in the Night Mx ‘took the picture back to the house and showed it to Martha. ‘Oh, our Dickon's clever,’ she said proudly. ‘That's picture tachshonberne cinaeitred ‘Suddenly Mary understood. The picture was like a message. Dickon wanted to show her that he would keep hetmere y ‘Mary hoped that he would come back the ad * oe asleep feeling excited abou he morning: Buin the igh she ‘was woken by the sound of heavy: fete Eales “1 a ‘her window, and the wind was whistling Hebe atletoge ‘Mary felt miserable and angry. Now she wou! to the. in the morning. she had been lying Scout pose api fr ch he es awake for about an hour, she sudden!y sane heard something vind shad inal wi "Thar note noe ofthe win’ esaine oe ‘Ie’ that crying I heard before, 37 Escaneado con CamScanner A Meeting in the Ny She listened for few minutes, and she Amore sure. She jot out of bed and sna yp, 8 Mon uy 1am goiny to find out what iti" she egg, . She followed the noise of the erying sy her heart beating loudly. At last she eame tse coming from underneath. The eryiny we Mary pushed the door open and stepped There was lots of beautifil old furniture in the a burning gently. There wasailsoa bgghed. Andon te was lying, crying miserably, The boy had a sharp white face with big grey eyes a of hai. He looked up at Mary and his eyes opened wae ‘Who are you? he said in a halfrightened whisper + you ghost?” ‘No, 'm not,’ answered Mary. ‘Are you! ‘No, the boy replied after a moment or so. Mary thought that he looked ill. am Colin. Colin Craven. Who are you?” ‘Tam Mary Lennox. Mr Craven is my uncle.’ ‘He is my father’ said the boy. “Your father!" gasped” Mary. "No one ever told me he had boy!" ‘Come here,’ said Colin, watching her carefully with 3 worried face. Mary came close tothe bed. The boy put out his hand and touched her arm, ‘Where did you come from?" he asked. Fron my form’ said Mary. ‘L heard someone crying: | wanted to see who it was, Why were you crying?” Because | couldn't to sleep,’ suid Colin. “Tell me your name again a Bex: Did noone ell you that Five here now! n't Tet peenlene: “They were proably afraid to tll sme. I don't let people se me on ; "Why ask ay talk abour me, the OF With alg Jini aig Mien bed'aho 38 ing, ring miserably ‘On the ba 8 Escaneado con CamScanner A Meeting in the Nighe cause 'm always ill. I'm always havi father won't let people talk about eae tame. a hunchback, but I shan live. MT Tees Lay “Oh, what a strange house this is!” said Many 4 secret. Rooms are locked up and gardens are eke Me about ou! Have youbeen locked up too? sted up Wha, ‘No,’ replied Colin. ‘I stay here ¢ I don't oa Need Co Wy hete Because I done wane op ‘If you don’t like people to you,’ she ‘ me it den ke peopl to see You she id do you yang Nove wid wane wo hear tout you" fay sat down near the bed. She wanted to stay in hidden room. She wanted to talk to this mysterious hoy oan ‘do you want me to tell you? she asked. in wanted to know how long she had nat Miselthwaite, He asked where her ian was and we she 2 during the day. He made her tell him all about India and i joumey back to England, Mary found out lots of things we Pi He had lots of wonderful toys and things. ¢ asked for things, people always brought them co him. And if he didi’ Fin, And ifhe didn't want to do something, no one made “Everyone has to ple: Tam angry. No one beliew vp. me,’ Colin told her. ‘I get ill when res I shall live long enough to grow Some mesitbet come and see you!" Mary asked ‘Sometimes,’ Colin anawe dai sd nay. “bg a face sadn eked ed when Ts born Sesh" Want see me. My mother he lok at ae He almost hace ther feel miserable when le hates the garden because to herself. ‘That was wi ene She died,” thekeys” Mem Miya hc Many sid, almost ‘A Meeting inthe Night tinea up a litle, and tured towards Mary. Colin a fen dor did he lock he asked: He was suddenly interest, « garden your mother used to like sid Mary “Te pie locked the door ten years ago. No one ~no one nervously. t vs where he buried the Key. pe sore of garden isi? asked Colin, excited ‘No one has been into it for ten years, said Mary carefully. But it was too late to ‘be careful. Colin was too much like Mary. He, too, was excited about the idea of a hidden garden. He: asked her lots of questions. Where was the garden? Had Mary ever looked for the door? Had she ever asked the andenerst . “The gardeners won't talk about it,’ ‘said Mary. ‘I think your father told them not to say anything.” ‘I shall make them tell me,’ said Colin. ‘Could you do that?” asked Mary, starting to feel worried. ‘Everyone has to please me,’ said Colin. ‘If live, this house will be mine one day.” ‘Do you really think you Lia live?” Mary asked. She wanted him to forget about the garden. : ‘Everyone says that I won't,’ replied Colin. They oh me I don’t know. At first they thought that I was ara understand. And now they cae eT “de, he My doctor is my father's cousin. He is quite ROOF fing will have Misselthwaite when my father dies So I don' idrvantapiaa gag? Pcied Man i “Do you want to live?’ asked Ma ‘uy father is ‘Nop alia suming 0 2 eo, ‘afraid that I will be a hunchback li abou ving. ANd though. When [fel il ie here 23 Te a abou then I cry and cry. Butler’ nov iy the garden. Don't you want | 4 Escaneado con CamScanner Colin ‘have fund out what the crying was Mary ag it inthe night and I wanted to see where it nay 2 Thea Sol went 0 look, and I found Colin? "8 °OMing front "Oh, Mis Mary’ cried Martha. You should’ hay, that They wl e cos with me, They wlsend yea Se ‘They won't send you away,’ said Mary. ‘Colin ar ie a that ame, We tale and talked He aed me pa Martha gasped in amazement. ‘dont believe you!" she said. ‘Colin won't lek at him. When they do, he has one of his taneron da be steams and ries so much i frightens us all Was he ways to you ‘Ithink he almost liked ‘me,’ Mary said. ‘What's the matter wich him? ‘Nobody tally knows, said Martha. ‘Me Craven neat went mad when he was born, because Mrs Craven had died, {He wouldnt lok atthe baby. He said that Colin would fox ‘be another hunchback, Everyone worries that his back is Bits So they make him lie down and they don't let him walk raven made him wear a metal thing on his back once. Bat anther doctor came from. London and told him to take tmodichta"% YE angry. He said that Colin takes too much anes He said people shouldn't let him do what he wants ‘Do yeu hin he pill die? asked Mary, doesn't gr cy feuliicute 0 live when you'te like that. He medicine and rainy ff Hes on his ack all day taking Abell rang, and Marthe she looked sump "hago up topo. When she came back, “Well, you have put hi siting up on his sot ean Tye £204 mood®,’ she said. ‘Hes Hee yout go and ee him" 4 Calin ‘She wanted to see Colin very much. Not May ee to see Dickon. But she did wane toes ch as abe sm 1a; looked even more beautiful in daylight. There Colin room oe pictures, and lots of books. Colin was were color sofa wearing a dressing gown, ste in,’ he said. ‘I've been thinking aboue you all mornin en thinking about you, 100, answered Mary. You is very frightened. She thinks that Mrs Medlock Le May Shes Mrs Medlock will think Martha cle about you" Solin frowns : ae ‘Govand ell Martha co come hee? he xd ‘She iin the Peary went and brought het back, Poor Martha vas yale ue you have to do what I tll you,’ Colin sid toherin a hard voice. : “Yes, sin? said Marcha, turning ret ‘Medlock has to do what I ell her to, So when fa Yo to bring Mary here, you must bring het. And if Medio ‘anything about it'll send her away, he sa impo ary was stating cE When Martha had gone, Colin saw that Many was st ow thac? he asked. ‘What “Why are you looking at me like | fon saad in India once” Mary ‘L was thinking that I saw Bre Spoke co beret tlie He spake toi space nd wa ekg Everybody had to do what he st; how differen you ae from Dic “Who is Dickon?” Colin 3 6 | Escaneado con CamScanner Calin “He is Martha's brother said Mary. ‘He is not else in the world. He plays on his pipe and the foyer squirels and birds come and listen 0 him. He knowy si! everything that grows or lives onthe moor. He know allabest eggs and nests. And he knows where all the animals lve. bet he keeps ita secret. He doesn’t want other boys to fright them? Colin lay back on the sofa and his eyes grew larger. “Tell me some more about him,’ he said. So Mary told Colin about the moor, and about Dickon's cottage and the fourteen people who lived there. She talked about Dickon’s mother. And she talked about the green shoots that were sticking up out of the black earth. "You never see anything if you are ill,’ said Colin quietly, "You can't if you stayin a room,’ said Mary. ‘Leouldn't go on the moor,’ said Colin. ‘How could I? am going to die. Mary didn’t ike the way Colin talked about dying. He almost sounded proud of i. ‘Ler’ not talk about dying,' she said. ‘Let's talk about living. Dickon is always talking about living things. He's always looking up in the sky to watch birds lying, Or looking down at earth to watch things growing, Let's tall about Dickon.’ {t was the best thing she could have said. Mary talked more than she had ever talked before. Anl Colin talked and listened tmore than he had ever done. They both began to laugh about fothing, And sullen they seed just like normal healthy py chitin. They no longer seemed like a hard unloving tet wi and a poor crooked boy who thought he was going like anyone It rained for the rest of that weed secret arden orsceDickonIygakes MAY couldn’ goto the Everydayishe spent hour with cre nhac ery - stom, They take 46 A Tantrum Dickon or the cottage on the moor, and they lens oF x gardens oF i fedex Clin’ tog en shocked the fist time she walked look Medlock wad i ‘oom and found Mary there. But Colin tol sans Colin's pin feel better. He sid chat he wanted her that Many alk to him whenever he asked. et hero come APS careful about the secret garden when Mary was ve she still wasn't sure whether he would ke talked © Co secret. But she thought perhaps if Clin met 2 eed aw tings erwin, be wouldnt thinkabout ding Dickor pe knew that the gardens athe fesh air been a rancr ven She had grown stronger and fatter, andher chee so ea. Perhaps the fresh ait would be good for Colin too, 8 A Tantrum lve again, Mary oO the fist morning when the sky was blue 2g Ut J very ely, The sun was pouring in out windows She Furmped out of bed and rn roopen the in The moor was blue, and the fresh aie that Blew A he ‘L can't wait!” Mary said, ‘excited. ‘I'm g° arden? vor knew how 0 dr brs y " clothes and ran downstaits Noone van dans aly bute unlocked small 4 ce icon her som: She et so blu Mecretgarset al ie Ts hy a oh a the flower beds thinks ha riage sce purple and yellow ere" U Escaneado con CamScanner A Tantrum she heard a strange low sound. Looking up, she, en, landing on top ofthe wal. He made heralitle nary, she felt lad when he flew away acoss the gardan: os 2 she went nto the garden she saw that he had lanes MS apple tree. Under the apple tree was a little fox eet animals were watching Dickon, who was working har the grass below. "ng hard on “Mary ran across the grass to him. ‘Oh, Dicks ‘on! Dickon she cried out. How did you gether so-caly?” ‘couldn't stayin bed! he laughed. "The works begin ‘ain tis morning. And the garden was lying here wales ran ike mad all the way here, shouting and singing! And fee two came with me! ‘Ashe spoke, the little fox cub got up and moved next him. And the ctow lew down and sat quietly on his shouldes ‘Oh, Dickon” said Mary. ‘Tm s0 happy!” There was so much to see, There were leaf-buds on the rose branches. And there were thousands of shoots pushing up through the earth. There was every joy ‘saith in the secret garden that moming. Even the robin bad a special surprise for them. They suddenly saw him fying through the tres with something in his beak. Dickon stood Suite sill and put his hand on Mary's arm ihe ‘founda mate® andhe'sbuildinghis nest,’ he whispered P Thee pial of pune time. We mustn't frighten him? Youknow about Calin ell you) whispered May. Do Rearmed seed to ook athe in surgi iow about him? he asked Pe Mary ld Bihar aon fading ne, ‘Colin isa in in his oom. ssid Mary. He's afraid of tha ae tbc lke is fate! cont sit up growing ew green, 48 Tens pack howe OT oy who was he sai “And sTknew thets Wen didn’t like people talking about im. If new that Mr Oc wouldn't think about being a hunchback. be was ont we could get him to come out here?” yee wondering dha mel sald Mary. ANS be good for him, I'm sure’ said Dickon.‘ could push ied Pr ae Lim sure we could get him out here.” bis whet fer so busy in the garden that Mary did’ go and Ty well day. When she finally said goodbye to Dickon ‘Score inc the howe ots she was excel abou sig Be eghe wanted to tel him about Dckon’s fox eub and d hae when she went to her room, Martha was wating there, ing worried : vit ageentan tent ing close to a tantrum al aemoon eS My aan ine Clin room, he wa ng his back nis hed is nue was siting inthe comer ofthe 00. Calin didnot cur his head towards Mary when se came ‘Why de you ec up? Mary kel i “id get up his moring Colin answered without ning ater. "But you didn't come. So [told them 17 ealthis afemoon. Where have ube? ay “Lwas working inthe garden with Dickon’ Clin rowne and Toke! ACB aac “Twont let that boy come here iyo time; he said. Sette «ami Mary en A eee ‘again,’ she said. sea” 7 1" said Coin. You're 3 Youre the most cae tfc han a it selfish boy I ever s¥- 9 Escaneado con CamScanner A Tanenam, apped Colin. Tm not self ‘hesaid. ‘And anyway, I'm going oan re not!” fay. Yo proud oie PPS! May You ju sy thay, Colin's face had gone white and red, ‘felt a lump in my back,’ he choke Pag totum into a hunchback, and then Isha de 2g ‘You didn’t feel a lump,’ said Mary sit nothing wrong with your stupid back. “hat overnd e look att: Nurse! Come here and show me his be int The nurse came up to the bed, looking a lit le fri ‘Show her! Colin cried. ‘Then shell see! 864 The nurse helped Colin turn. ‘over, and Mary looked uy down his poor thin back. ike “There'snothing there” she said ar lst. ‘There are nolan Ifyou ever say there’s a lump again, I shall laugh!" For years, Colin had lain in his bed thinking that he wasill Everyone had been frightened of him. So no one had ever ll ‘him that there was nothing wrong with him. But now, hearing this angry little girl, he actually felt that she might be telling eth, jl dide't know that he thought he had a lump on his back! Rid the nurse quietly. There's no lump. His back #6 weak because he doesn’t sit up.” can ‘umed to look at her. Big tears were running dow row do you think I will live long enough t© nn PoAEY wif you get lots of fesh ain? said BF vite = "Ni Mary said tothe nurse. ‘You can #94 "Ue had gone, Colin pulled Mary's hand | "The Spring has Come!” ‘pe, Mary! he said “Have you ~ have you found the “Tel eect garden yet” ie fed at Colin poor litle red face and he eat sofene may have found the way she answered, “And ‘hk Tye to have anymore nuns vl el ye if you promise not ote tomorrow oe Colin's hand trembled. a he ni could onthe greek live long enough to grow up!” weil Mary said Ad I shal ll you what hin fen might look like’ oe Snes aout os tht mir have clink all ot he tev and the walls She ead about conus ta igh tung prpe and yellow, And she ald abot bin tht might be building its nest. And when se looked up, Clin fallen asleep. “The Spring has Come!” Mary woke late, When she go¢ UF ext moming aoe Tei eae ender bx ober stinchvemente oyu oat og ‘Mary opened the box. There ‘Two of them were eel Chee guns ae el the er Sena grew quite warm. Ste she 5 Escaneado con CamScanner out EEEEEE PEC ‘The Spring has Comes the Spina a straight to Colin's room his bed looking pale and ‘put 1 didn’t tell you because | ea week ee ‘a secret he vas let Wigs” | and go Mea Keep 2S " Mary showed him the presents, and eqn 3 Please ty Fe that YOU ea ir breakfast together fan showed him the presents, and goa Theyeig | tek ary and Colin ste th ow Cain he sid afer a while ‘I wish I haggy nt | est ma a POUT Tm with interest * about sending Dickon away Yesterday. May i thy, | Tepe mori SN hd Mary se Tike mey shesaide thar Colin was thinking. ‘You Know he went onli: | il! good Pe co get fates Suse EEO perhaps : ‘mini Dickon saw me: Lwaneto meet him wdge | 322% sagry this mo¥DDB So you think Dickon iim lad Yu suid tha” answered Mary hac 1 fle hue com the windo a soul ke Come and se you too cou ak Tims | gana ag. A few minutes late, comorrow if you like “Oh! Oh!’ Colin cried out, excited . wait Ton wil an’ have € Side Fara CAM Ts athis animals? “And there's something else, e . 1 ope * che sad. Here's Dickon and hi anita > Cn ay Can yy | Sage es he ling his nicest Wile TE ox cb Prowse to keep a secret” she sid. Can you really prose! Dako i SATE NS andthe SP Mary's face was so serious that Colin almost whispered is | .iding a newbom be “Two squirrels were looking ase ow sat om his shoulder. ets, and the cH “There is a door into the garden,’ said ia ‘Mary. ‘I found itis under the ivy on the wall” Colin’ eves grew bigger « and bigger. He almost couldnt athe. Then he took hold of her hands and pulled her {Ob Mary! he cried out. ‘Will be able to see it? Will be abi to go int it? Will I live long enough? vou wil” she said a little crossly. ‘Don't be silly?” CiGaiss she spoke so sensibly, he started to laugh at “ary sax down next to his bed. After a few moments af shout the secret garden. And this ime, she did , ghat she thought it would be like. She told him Las. He listened full of excitement and delight Fe Yea thought it would be!" he said at last. M any ch ‘or couple of minutes. And then she told "had already seen and Thad been in ig she said. ‘I found. 52 Escaneado con CamScanner The Spring has Com Colin slowly sat up a talked to another boy beta Hew sated chat he forgot to speak 8 Cio ag ButDickon wasnot tall shy, He wal ot and pat the lamb quietly onto Colin's ¢2 O° Cy stared rubbing its nose against Colin ene in ‘What is it doing” asked Colin, ‘Whee «ghey icon, of milk out of his pocket and put it a the children watched asthe lamb dear A * moth tt wickly and then fell asleep on Colin’ Knog = "Kal dt After thatthe children wanted to know allay Dickon told them that he had found it on the out the before. Its mother had died, and it was humor dan ‘wrapped it up in his coat, and carried it home.” °° B® hal ‘Iwas half dead with cold when I found is’ said Di ‘But fed it some warm milk and it lay down and soon started wo lok better YON PER othe, While Dickon talked, the ‘tees outside Colin’s room. At squirrels ran up and down the big : ind the crow flew in and out of Spen window. After Colin had asked Dickon codon pani wt the animals, the children looked at the pictures in Mays garden books. They Rs also talked about growing in the secret garden, eile” ‘Tm going to see them!" Pity cried Colin. ‘I'm going to see “Yes, you are,’ said Mary, in oa ©" said Mary. “And you'te going to see them 54 10 in Goes into the Secret Garden Col in The for more than a week a ee rin, then Caln sea ut jew das Were or happen the way he wanted, Bessie ne be Rechldten wereso busy Planning rams, Pen that Colin did not have time to -paie this aemoon’ he sid {am going out in mY wheelchair this af ‘When I go, all sy go out every da sg ike the fresh Soe aa Le ke the garden lock 1 wil tell chem when they cn 1 out at about C40 Ce paso when Colin ed in surprise i to Medlock had almost g2sPe « ea Cl ae ea ‘He had always said that fresh ‘ im " . himacald and ng in sone! Mi Med ‘after she had left ‘Colin's room. nea che nurse rng to Master Colin 10 Sout hin’ . Tuc heres something deren he, a des "After lunch, the nue welch ed servant carried him downs he ae oa walked ‘behind. Dickon was iad oat rae the servant arranged Colin’ M6 a ‘went back el pn ek neni = ch were ‘back and looked uP Escaneado con CamScanner Calin Gis int the Sa birds floating above down from the moor, bringing the bl ‘What’ that smell? Calin alors ‘Its the gorse on the moor ops ‘The bees will be busy today" The gardeners had all gone, as Colin the children asived a the long walk oan Bae sss where L used to wal said Many ed whe 'swhere the robin showed me the key?” Sty Ang Colin's eyes grew bigger and bigger ‘And this,’ said Mary, stepping onto the ling up the vy, this the dood HOWE blag in gasped as Mary turned the handl door. Then Dickon chet iy = patches? ofgoldand Ferre on the branches and the walls. And all around the they heard birds fluttering" their wings i ‘Thesun fll on Colin's face like a hand with a lovely tou A Mary and Dickon stood and stared at him in saprin He looked so strange and diferent. A little bit of coloce Pal touched his face and neck and hand jl shall get well” he eried out. "Mary well! And I shal live for ever and ever!” Pickon and Mary pushed the wheelchair slowly round ana round the garden, stopping all the time to shay Col {hines: They showed him buds that were opening aed ara that were just coming out. They showed hiteence coming ‘paom the earth. There were so many new things eo ook Dickon! I shall get 56 Mary pulled Colin's wheat - in st in nan ee pn sot ped them the garden ‘ Jointing across @ ead Heo cched Hy udder PO looking for There's ‘the robin! von it ito the trees tne saw the robin fling i! his chai, Chapa San ict anh in em in bis ae oe wa Ne wh AEE an he ‘Bat al cw ext day and the xt da DP omortow grow here. And Tm going 1 & everythin soon you'll be walking abour and age back © sno se8 ane lly said Dickon- here like us- ee vs Face went ed. ie said. ‘Dig! Shall 1?) : ie and Dickon looked at ae aed Calin ‘why he did rr — sia : wi Dic ment. "You" vat anything ome sad Dickon afer 8 OMe sot legs, just like us, haven't ae oo "pres noting wrong mh hem! they are 80 thin and weak. I'm aan a shale co much co being at youl 284 When yous ; 7 alittle while. ‘The sut “ey wera gi rate eden ler inthe Oe bth sued Soon a ina’ frightened ahi ‘Who is that man! ver. They had never orn not know if thee ‘But + Colin answered. cap bcase ee 3 Escaneado con CamScanner Colin Goes into the Secret Dickon and Mary high wall = “Look!” he whispered excitedly. Look Mary and Dickon looked up. Ben Westhery ax the top of a ladder, looking crossly over a tang Mary walked towards him. Wall at thegt "always thoughe you were a bad one, he si shaking his fist. “Always asking questions, How cu hey, you get in here?” cont di Suen Ben Weathers topped shaking his ny mouth dropped open. Dickon was pushing Calin wt dct the gas towards May. Ben stared at Colin, He as if he was seeing a ghost. ‘Do you know who I am?" Colin said importantly. Ben Weatherstaff rubbed his hand over his eyes "Yes, Ida, he sad I can see your mother’s eyes stating at sme out ofthat face. I don’t know how you got here: Butywoost that poor boy who can't walk” Colin wene bright red and sat up “Lan walk" he shouted. lean!” “You you haven't got a crooked back” asked Ben. “No!” shouted Colin. “And you haven't got crooked legs?” Ben said in a shaky Te was too much for Colin. Suddenly his anger made him stronger than he had ever been before. ‘Come here!’ he shouted to Dickon, pulling the rugs" off his wheelchair. ‘Come here now!” Dickon rushed to Colin’ side, Mary felt herself turn pal. ‘He can do it! He can doit!” she whispered to herself Dickon threw the rugs on the ground and took Colin's atmn- His thin legs came out and his feet were on the grass. Then Colin. was standing up, looking strangely tall, He theew lhe head back and his eyes shone. 58 Escaneado con CamScanner at me!" He's as straight Then Ben We: 81 am," cried ha Dickey “th atherstaff dig) gp KOR. choked and put his han togethn te vy cheeks. and te "Ob, it was ales! he si white asa sheet, But yout fone day. God bless you Dickon, held Colin's AIMS strong] \ straighter and straighte St ae Coln Sg ‘Tim your master when my fathe way,’ Co “You nut do what Ts. Thi nm aren i ahvihing about it. Now pet down fev the long walk and Mary will meck you there here. I want totalk to you, We will have to be in the secret." Ben Weatherst face, “You're as thin , NOt crooked. You' nas ladder Gora She'l bring ya. sant you, but now ye ld not w all still couldn't stop looking at C, olin ‘Oh, my boy’ he almost whispered, Then ankded, “Yes, ladder, NY Ate bis head disappeared as he went dewo tt ladder. Mary ran across the ras Dickon, His to meet him, and Colin tumed wo cheeks were red that tree, * Colin said, pointing ata {tee Dickon held his arm, but he walked without stopping. WI Then Ben Weatherstat came through the door, he saw Cok “Look at me!” said Calin “Am La hunchback? Have | got crooked ley? No, said Ben, lookinyzhim up, don't you sit down, young matey ings there and down, Youhaven't. Why And telly me what to do.” 60. wt Gander olin Goes into the Ser ug under the tre, and Colin sat down wea an cow do in the gardens, Weathers?” b do ys 0 ge work «ben anqwered. They kept me ‘ tell me to,’ Ben oe ching © camel looked about quietly. This

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