Curriculum Vitae: Name - Rakesh Kumar Pandit
Curriculum Vitae: Name - Rakesh Kumar Pandit
Curriculum Vitae: Name - Rakesh Kumar Pandit
Ensure smooth functioning of the safety department.
Ensuring effective practice of safety norms, within the factory promise.
Strict vigil in and around the factory premises for averting hazards.
Capable of handling situation in the must befitting manner at the shortest time.
Identification of hazardous zone and ensure adequate safety measures as the situation.
To comply with standard work permit system, standard operating procedure (SOP) .To
coordinate and motivate safety education and training programmer among worker.
To comply inculcate the spirit of safety among worker by launching safety campaigns.
in the form observing safety week and though other audio visual aids. Arranging
contents, task and seminars on safety to organize safety promotional activities.
To identify hazardous task and process as well as hazardous zone in the worker place
with suitable demarcation of such zone.
To ensure that personal protective equipment is in working and being use by workers
in hazardous situation.
To inspected fire-fighting equipment and to see that they are in working condition.
To arrange mock fire-fighting drills time to time in additional to fire protection surveys.
To update review and enforce the fire detection and fire control system in additional
training and educational programmed on fire prevention and fighting.
Checking of PPE such as safety shoes, helmet, goggles, hand gloves, safety harness.
Conduct toolbox meeting. Pre-commissioning and commissioning activity.
WELDING - inspections of tools and equipment s use in welding process check for
adequate ventilation or exhaust fans for extraction of fumes.
WORK AT HEIGHT check weather worker is using safety harness. If they work at
above 1.8 meter. Height, inertia reel /fall arrestor used while moving at height.
CONFINED SPACE- Check enter permit before one enters confined space for adequate
light and ventilation.
Pass Matriculation B.S.E.B. Patna in 2013.
Pass Intermediate B.S.E.B. Patna in 2015.
Pass B. Sc. J. P. University Chapra in 2020.
Shanti Institute Technical Degree College Siwan (Gorakhpur). Diploma in
Industrial Safety Management. Passed (15.07.2016)
I Have one year Diploma in computer Application (D.C.A )
First Aid training certificate
Passport No. : U3567996
Date of Issued : 24.12.2020
Date of Expire : 23.12.2030
Place of Issued : Patna
Father’s name : Ramashankar Pandit
Nationality : India
Relation : Hindu
Sex : Male
Marital status : Unmarried
I do hereby declare that all the statement as mentioned above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. Anticipating your favorable response in this regard, for
this kind of yours I shall remain grateful to you forever.
.. Yours Faithfully
. ((Rakesh Kumar Pandit)