Teaching and Examination Scheme Bachelor of Computer Applications - I Year W.E.F. 2020-2021
Teaching and Examination Scheme Bachelor of Computer Applications - I Year W.E.F. 2020-2021
Teaching and Examination Scheme Bachelor of Computer Applications - I Year W.E.F. 2020-2021
bca-104 Programming in C 3 3 18 50
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Part A:
1. 10 Question of 1.5 mark each – 15 marks
2. Answer should not exceed more than 50 words
3. All questions are compulsory
Part B:
1. 5 Questions of 3 marks each – 15 marks
2. Answer should not exceed more than 50 words
3. All questions are compulsory
Part C:
1. 3 Questions of 7+7+6 marks each – 20 marks.
2. There will be an internal choice in each question.
3. Answer should not exceed 400 words
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-101Cyber Security Technologies & Practices
Information securityconcepts, Overview: Background and current scenario, types of attacks, goals
for security, E-commerce security, Computer forensics, steganography
Security threats and vulnerabilities, overview of security threats, weak/strong passwords, insecure
network connections, malicious code, programming bugs, cybercrime and cyber terrorism,
information warfare and surveillance, virus, Trojan, worms, botnet, ransomware, shells, backdoors
Security laws and standards, security assurance, security laws, intellectual property rights,
international standards, security audit
Access control and intrusion detection, overview of identification and authorization, overview of
intrusion detection systems, intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems
Server management and Firewalls, user management, overview of Firewalls, type of Firewalls
Wireless networks and security, components of wireless networks, security issues in wireless
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-102Computer Fundamentals
Introduction to Computer: Definition, Characteristics, Classification of Computers, Analog
Computers, Digital Computers, Hybrid Computers, Classifications of computer on the basis of size
and speed, different type of computers, generation of computers.
Computer keyboard, pointing devices, mouse, track ball, touch pad, joystick, touch – sensitive
screens, pen – based systems, digitizer, data scanning devices, optical recognition systems, bar code
readers, optical mark readers, optical scanners, drum scanners, hand scanner, flatbed scanner, web
camera, game pad, digital camera.
Hard copy devices: Printer, impact printers, daisy wheel, dot matrix printer, line printer, chain
printers, comb printers, non-impact printers, DeskJet, inkjet printers, laser printer, thermal transfer
printer, barcode printers.
Computer Display: CRT, LCD, projection displays, plasma display panel, display standard,
monochrome display adapter, HGA, CGA, EGA, VGA, MGA, SVGA, XGA, QVGA, SXGA, UXGA
Number system, binary, octal, hexadecimal, addition, subtraction, multiplications, computer code:
BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC code, Excess-3 code, gray code, software, User interface, system software,
programming software, application software logic gates and Boolean algebra representation and
simplifications by kMap.
Computer Viruses: Introduction, history, types of computer viruses, classification of viruses ways to
catch a computer virus, symptoms of a computer virus.
Application of computer: Desktop publishing, sports, design and manufacturing research and design,
military, robotics, planning and management, marketing, medicine and health care, arts,
communications, scientific, education.
Introduction of internet, history, IP, TCP and UDP, application protocol, world wide web, how the
web works, web standards, website, overview, types of websites, electronic mail, internet, e-mail
header, saved message file extension, messages and mailboxes, introduction to intranet, uses,
advantages, disadvantages.
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-103Data Structure
Definitions of Data Structure and Algorithm – Time and Space complexity- Algorithm notations.
Searching:(Linear and Binary), Concept of sorting, Sorting algorithms (Bubble Sort, quick sort,
Selection Sort, merge sort). Recursion: Factorial, Fibonacci, Tower of Hanoi.
Linked Lists: Introduction to linked list and double linked list, Representation of linked lists in
Memory, Traversing a linked list, Searching linked list, Insertion and deletion into linked list, Doubly
linked lists, Traversing a doubly linked lists.
Stacks and Queues: Primitives of stacks, Implementation of stacks using Array & Link List
Introduction to queues, properties of queues
Trees: Definition & Basic concepts, linked tree representation, Introduction to Binary Tree,
Traversing Binary Trees (Pre order, Post order and In-order), Concept of Binary search tree,
algorithm of Searching, inserting and deleting in binary search trees.
Graph: Introduction to graphs, types of graphs, operation of Graph: adjacency Matrix, Graph
Traversal: Breadth first search, Depth first search.
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-104Programming in C
Overview of C Language: Character set, C tokens, Identifiers, Keywords,Data types, Variables,
Constants, Symbolic Constants , Operators in C, Hierarchy ofOperators, Expressions, Type
Conversions and Library Functions.
Managing Input and Output Operation: Formatted and Unformatted I/O Functions,Decision making,
branching and looping: Decision Making Statements - if Statement, if–else statement, nesting of if-
else statements, else–if ladder, switch statement,?: operator
Looping - while, do-while, for loop, Nested loop, break, continue, and goto statements.Functions:
Function Definition, prototyping, types of functions, passing arguments tofunctions, Nested
Functions, Recursive functions.
Arrays: Declaring and Initializing, One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays,Multi-
Dimensional Arrays - Passing arrays to functions. Strings: Declaring andInitializing strings, Operations
on strings, Arrays of strings, passing strings to functions.Storage Classes - Automatic, External, Static
and Register Variables
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-105Financial Accounting Software
Fundamentals of Accounting - Accounting Terms Accounting Assumptions, Concepts and Principles,
Concepts, Principles, Types of Accounts, Double entry system for book keeping, Mode of accounting.
Journalising and Posting of Transaction – Recording of Business Transactions, Ledger, Trial Balance,
Subsidiary Books & Control Accounts, Financial Statements.
Maintaining Chart of Accounts in Tally ERP 9 – Getting Started with Tally ERP 9, Company Creation,
Company Features and Configurations, Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Group.
Allocation and Tracking of Expenses and Incomes- Cost Centre and Cost Categories
MIS Reports - Advantages of Management Information Systems, Types of MIS Reports in Tally ERP 9,
MIS Reports in Tally.ERP 9.
Storage and Classification of Inventory- Godown Management, Activating Godown, Creating a
Godown, Stock Category, Movements of Goods in Batches/Lots - Batch wise details, Stock Valuation
Management of Purchase and Sales Cycles - Purchase Order Processing, Sales Order Processing
Price Levels and Price Lists - Activating Price Lists and Defining of Price Levels, Creation of Price List,
Using Price List, Revise Price List.
Manufacturing Process – Activating of Bill of Materials, Auto Listing of Components Using Bill of
Materials, Accounting of Manufacturing Process in Tally ERP 9, Transferring of Manufactured Goods
from Storehouse to Showroom
Goods and Services Tax – Introduction to GST, Getting Started with GST (Goods), Advance
adjustments and Entries (Goods), Getting Started with GST (Services), Advance adjustments and
Entries (Services).
Securing Financial Information – Security Control, Password Policy, Tally Vault Password
Data Management and Financial Year End Process- Backup and Restore , Export and Import of Data,
Printing Reports, Managing of Data during Financial Year End Process, Important Pre-Split Activity,
Splitting of Data
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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-106Multimedia Basics
Introduction to Multimedia Technology – Application areas of Multimedia, Media elements (text,
audio, video, image and animation), MM hardware & software requirements(Image , Video, Audio,
Sound editing software’s). Developing Applications using multimedia, Images: Raster and Vector
images. Image compression: Importance and its type (Lossy and Lossless Compression), advantages
and disadvantages of image compression, Jpeg image compression standard, mpeg video
compression (P,B, I frames).
Flash: Introduction, Features , Advantages ,Concepts of Frame Rate and Resolution, Exploring The
Flash Interface ,The Flash stage ,Timeline- Play head/Frames/Key Frames/ Blank frames ,Menus,
Tools of Flash (Pen, Pencil, Paint Bucket Tool, spray brush ,Text, 3D rotation, deco tool), Drawing
object in flash (line, curve, oval, Rectangle , Polystar tool ) , stroke and fill, Layers and its types in
flash, Key frames, Object based animation, motion tween, classic tween and shape tween, adding
Photoshop: Introduction, terms: layer, intensity, resolution, opacity, its features ,Opening and
Importing images, Creating Documents with different sizes (default, international, custom), Editing
images, Marquee, Move tool, Selection Tools: magic wand tool, quick selection tool, lasso tool:
polygonal lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool ,Crop tool, slice tool, eyedropper tool, ruler tool: Brush tool:
Spot healing brush tool, healing brush tool, patch tool, red eye tool, brush tool, Color: color
replacement tool, Pen tool, Text tool: horizontal type tool, vertical type tool, Path selection tool,
direct selection tool, invert selection Working with layers & layer styles, duplicate layer, merge layer,
set layer visibility, group layers, Free Transformations, Perspective, Eraser tool, background eraser
tool magic eraser, gradient tool paint bucket too, curve tools .
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