A. Culture
Culture that comes fom the Sanskrit language, namely “ Buddhayah,
is aplural from of buddhi ( mind or lintellect ) which is defined as something
that has to do with mind and human reason.
Culture is a way of life that develops, is shared by groups of people,
and is passed down from generation to generation. This culture is made up of a
variety of complex elements, including religious and political systems,
customes, tools, language, buildins, clothing, and works of art.
Language as well as a culture, is an iseparable part of humans, so
that most humans are more likely to think of it as genetic inheritance. When
people try to communicate with people of different cultures, and better adapt
their differences, and prove that culture can be learned.
Culture is a comprehensive lifestyle. Culture is complex, abstract,
and broad. Various cultures also determine communicative behavior. This
socio – cultural element is scattered, and includes many human social
Definition of culture according to experts,
1. Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski, argued that everything
that is in society is determined by the culture that is owned by the
community itself. The term for that opinion is cultural determinism.
2. Herskovits, view culture as something passed down form one generation to
another, which is then referred to as superorganic.
3. Andreas Eppink, culture contains the whole understanding of social
values, social norms, science, and all social, religious, and other structures,
in addition to all ontellectual and artistic statements that characterize a
4. Edward Burnett Tylor, Culture is a complex whole which contains
knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs, and other abilities that a
person gets as a member of society.
5. Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi, Culture is a means of creating,
feeling, and creating people’s creativity.
With the various definitions above, it can be concluded that
culture is something that will affect the level of knowledge, and includes a
system of ideas or ideas that exist in the mind of a human being, so that in
everyday life, culture is abstract.
Whereas a cultural embodiment is objects created by humans as
cultured creatures, in the form of behavior, as well as objects that are real,
for example patterns of behavior, tools of life, language, social
organization, art, religion, etc. Which as whole is aimed at helping humans
to carry out their life in society.
There are so many cultures in Japan, starting from traditional
ones such as a tea ceremonies, then seppuku which is done by samurai, to
those in the modern era such as anime and manga.
We know, Japan after the second world war, Japan began to
rebuild its country. Because we know that during the second world war,
two cities in Japan were bombed by United State of America, which
caused enormous damage and loss, both in terms of casualties and
economics, until now, Japan managed to restore it, event better.
Apart from the progress of its manufacturing industry, Japan is
also taking advantage of economic opportuinities in the enternaiment, one
of the areas of the Japanese entertainment industry that has gone global is
manga and anime. Some children, teenagers, or even adults in Japan ad
around the world are very fond of manga and anime offerings.
Brief history of the Japanese Manga and anime industry, Japan
is one of of the countries that produces the largest comics or manga in the
world. Sales of manga in japan per year can reach 500 millions manga in
magazine form, and 450 million in the form of books or comics. Manga
literally can be interpreted as free painting or paonting drawn at will
without any particular.
First appear the manga originated from choju giga which was
the work of a Buddhist priest during the Heian era named Toba Sojo
Kakuyu. He depicts the various faces of animals using a brush. Choju giga
is also known to be the oldest scroll drawing in Japan which contains
paintings of animals such as rabbits, monkeys, and frogs that behave like
humans. This scroll has a length of 30 cm x 11,5 meters and consist of 4
volumes. The use of manga drawing techniques has been seen in choju
giga, with lines depicting sound effects and characters running fast. In
addition, there are also images such as cloud and fog effects that indicate
the transition of time and space.
Furthermore, in the period of 1961, the success of Japanese
manga in the modern era was one of the roles of a doctor who was also
talented as a comic artist, animator, and animation producer from Japan,
named Tezuka Osamu. He has changed the world of manga by using a
more interesting storyline and quality drawing techniques. At first, he
imitated Disney’s animation style which in turn gave birth to works that
far surpassed Disney in his time. He was also the first to implement a
production system in the manga world, by diving tasks among his
assistants. In addition, he also innovated by updating the division of the
box in manga writing and developing techniques for drawing through
effect lines in manga. Tezuka also pioneered a visual revolution in the
world of manga by making a 30 minutes animated TV show for the first
time in Japan. One of the anime shows that he pioneered was astro boy and
became the first anime to be broadcast outside of japan.
Manga is an illustration of pictures and conversations that are
packaged into a comic story that is interesting to read. Meanwhile, anime
is a visual presentation in the form of a video which is usually adapted
from a story in a manga series. Manga and anime are becoming
increasingly popular and recognized by people around the world.
It is not surprising that many people outside Japan know
information about Japanese language and culture through Manga and
Anime media. In Japan itself, manga is intended for all ages and circles,
according to their respective genres. It has become commonplace when we
see adult Japanese men dressed in neat suits sitting on the train at the time
of leaving or coming home from work reading thick comic books in their
hands. This is very natural to find because manga is an important part of
the Japanese Indusry.
Manga is generally black and white in color and has various
types of genres ranging from themes around everyday life, youth romance,
sports activities, mystery cases, to futuristic science fiction genres. In
Modern times like today, some manga also publish special editions for
clolor comic series. Most manga that target young readers have a simple
animation style and cute and adorable character depicted as having big
eyes. It is intended that Manga artists can more easily convey the emotions
of the characters in the Manga.
According to the target audience, Japanese comics are divided
into four categories, namely boys ( Shounen ), girls ( Shoujo ), teenagers
( Josei ), and adults ( seinen ). These manga genres are sold freely and can
be easily found in bookstore or convenience stores all over Japan.
Futhermore, manga works that are popular and get high ratings will be
adapted into animation, works by an anime production studio in Japan.
One of things that is also important in the world of anime is the
voice actor ( seiyuu ). It is common when we hear one anime’s voice
sounding similar but with a different sound intonation according to the
type of anime character. That is the greatness of a seiyuu / voice actor who
with totality makes different voice intonations, but still makes the audience
absorb the storyline in an anime film. Besides that, the theme song or
soundtrack for the opening and ending of an anime show is equally
important. Music artists in Japan are also competing to be honored by
perfoming songs from major anime series. This is guarantee that promises
to increase the popularity of J-pop and J-rock artist who fill anime
soundtrack in Japan.
Japan is very serious in terms of working on the manga and
anime industry which now cannot be underestimated. The nickname of
animated film shows only for children has slowly begun to change with the
emergence of various anime genres according to their respective target
ages. Here are some interesting facts about the Japanese manga and anime
Colorful hair is one of the hallmarks of anime made in Japan.
This is not a coincidence or a fad. In Japan, color is a symbol that
represents the character or nature of something, including hair color in
anime. For example, a character with bright green hair represents someone
who is trustworthy and has high tolerance but is prone to jealousy.
Meanwhile, red hair symbolizes a personality that tends to be passionate,
ambitious, and adventuros.
More than a third of all books printed in Japan are manga. So
popular is the Japanese anime industry that up to now, there have been
around 130 voice acting schools in Japan.
Many professional mangaka started their writing career through
Doujinshi. Doujinshi is a fan made manga that has difference plot and
ending from the original manga. Japan controls nearly 60 % of animation
and comic production that circulate all over the world.
How much does a mangaka earn? This must be questioned by many
lovers of reading this one. Here are some information that I get about the
income of a mangaka in general.
Broadly speaking, the income of a mangaka can be divided into 3 :
1. Genkouryou, Genkouryou is the basic income of a mangaka that they
receive from the company that publishes their work. And usually, this
fee is calculated per page. And usually again, the comic publishing
company will set a limit on how many comic pages they can publish,
depending on the reputation and level of popularity of the manga. By
default, the pay per one page is seven thousand yen, or roughly the
equivalent of seven hundred thousand rupiah, however, if the
reputation continues to increase up to twenty thousand yen or around
two million rupiah per page.
2. Inzei, if a mangaka cannot rely on the income from genkouryou, a
mangaka also gets “inzei” or royalities from chapters that have been
successfully booked, normally they will get 10% of the sales of comic
books they make, please also note that the average price of one comic
books in Japan range from Rp. 40.000,00.
3. Another earn of mangaka is from, game, anime, and merchandise
Royalities, if their manga is very popular and made into anime, they
will also get the royality, especially until they make games and various
Many of us think that the terms manga, anime, and cartoon refer to
the same thing. Even though all three have different meanings event
though they are related to one another, so what is the difference between
the three?
1. Manga
In detail, Manga is another term for illustrated or comic stories. The
term manga originates from Japan. This manga usually tells about
Japanese culture and life. The name for the person who makes manga
is Mangaka
2. Anime
In detail, Anime is term for typical Japanese animated film. Anime is
an abbreviation of animation which means a moving image formed
from a set of objects. Usually, anime is an animated embodiment of
manga stories. However, there are also anime that are made without
having to make manga first. In other words, anime is the designation of
animation or cartoon works made in Japan.
3. Cartoon
In detail, Cartoons are animated works made outside of Japan. The
term cartoon or cartoon is popular in the United States. Actually there
is almost no difference between the term cartoon and anime. It’s just
that cartoons use more animals as their objects, while anime tells more
about human life and Japanese culture.
This one activity also provides many benefits for those who do it.
Moreover, if you watch the anime it is done regularly and in depth. In that
sense, every anime that is watched is really watched is really watched
seriously, not just watching casually. There are couple benefits of
watching anime itself are as follows :
1. As a means of entertainment, this is the first benefit that you will feel
when watching anime. As you know, anime contains many elements
that can entertain us.
Starting from the storyline that is interesting or easy to digest ; unique
image of each character; until the anime soundtrack is nice to hear. So,
if you are too late and need entertainment, Watching anime can be the
best choice.
2. As a means to learn Japanese language and culture of Japanese, By
watching anime, you can get to know a number of syllables in
Japanese. Suitable for those of you who want to lern Japanese, but are
reluctant to study formaly. Apart from language, anime also usually
tells about the culture that occurs in Japan. Like fireworks parties,
drinking green tea, and so on.
You will find all of these cultures in almost every anime. Even though
the anime has a fairly modern place and time setting. By watching all
the Japanese culture in the anime, you will get to know more about
what culture is like in sakura country.
3. Spur creativity, as mentioned in the first point, anime has entertaining
elements, starting from the story line, character depiction, to the anime
soundtrack that accompanies it. All of these elements are apparently
not just entertaining. But it can also stimulate the brain to think more
creatively. So, if you are stuck and want to foster creativity, watching
anime can be the best choice.
4. Get useful life lessons One of the advantages that anime has the
presence of moral messages. The moral messages in anime itself can
appear in various forms. Starting from the wise words conveyed by the
main character, other player, to change in the character’s life ( usually
from bad to good ). The moral messages contained in the anime itself
are quite diverse. However, most of them commonly convey moral
messages are conveyed lightly without being patronizing. This will
certainly make it easier for you to accept it, and make it one of the
principles of your life.
5. Adding New Insights Apart from introducing Japanese culture, anime
usually also provides some knowledge that may not yet be popular in
your ears. Let's take the anime Slam Dunk as an example. In the
anime, you will learn some terms in the basketball world that you may
not have previously known. For example, double, dunk, travel etc. All
knowledge contained in anime is usually conveyed lightly and
informatively (accompanied by explanations). In fact, it is often
delivered in a humorous style. So, you can absorb all this knowledge
6. Help You Know Yourself Anime always provides interesting, even
unique characters. One character among them must be able to represent
the character of the anime viewer. This can be proven by the presence
of cosplayers who often imitate the appearance of an anime character.
On average, they imitate an anime character because that character
really represents themselves. You will definitely find a character who
really represents you, when watching anime. No problem. You can
make the character as a mirror that helps to identify yourself more
Also make the character a teacher who helps you become the best
version of yourself. The trick, is to take lessons from each character's
life journey. Also, choose which ones the character's behavior should
be imitated and which are not. For example, if you feel similar to the
character Sasuke in the Naruto anime both in terms of appearance and
character, then take examples of good behavior such as being loyal to
the place of birth, making friends with great people, thinking before
acting etc.
A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion
Culture on time & appreciate the time available and applied by the State
of America will be better applied in the people of the State of Indonesia,
because :
1. The American Society comes half an hour early (in time). And very rarely
never even come in time (on time).
2. Time is money in America is really felt.
3. Indonesian people are notorious for less time when there is an appointment
sometimes not on time. Unlike Americans, they are very appreciative of time,
because they least like the promise of a rubber clock or a late time. 4. If
there is a bridge, from the party making the appointment or otherwise, then they
will immediately notify first.