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Key Standards of Grade 5

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Key Stage Standards of Grade 4, 5, and 6

At the end of Grade 6, the learner demonstrates

understanding and appreciation of key concepts and
skills involving numbers and number sense (whole Key Standards of Grade 5
numbers, number theory, fraction,decimal,ratio
and proportion, percent and integers) measurement
(time,speed,perimeter, circumference and area of
plane figures, volume, and surface of solid /space
fugure, temperature, and meter reading) geometry Key Standards for Grade 6
(parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangle,
quadrilateral, polygons, circles, and solid figures)
The learner demonstrate
The learner demonstrates understanding
patterns and algebra ( continuous and repeating
patterns, number sentences, sequences, and simple and appreciation of key concepts and
understanding key concepts and
equation) statistics and probability (bar graph, line skills involving numbers and number principles of patterns and algebra
graph, and pie graph, simple experiment, and
experimental probability) as applied-using sense (whole numbers up to 10,000,000, (sequence, series of polynomials,
appropriate technology in critical thinking, problem orders of operations, factors and multiples,
solving, reasoning, communicating, making
fractions and decimals including money,
polynomial equation and polynomial
connections, representations, and decisions in real
life. ratio and proportion, percent) geometry function) geometry (orders and
(polygons,circles,solid figures) patterns coordinate coordingly) and statics
and algebra ( sequence and number
sentences) measurement (time, and probability (combinations and
Key Standards of Grade 4
circumference, area, volume, and probability, and measure of position)
The learner demonstrates understanding and temperature) statistics and probability as applied-using appropriate
appreciation of key concepts and skills involving (tables, line graph, and experimental
numbers and number sense (whole numbers up probability) as applied-using appropriate technology in critical thinking,
to 100,000, multiplication and division of whole
numbers order of operations, factors and
technology in critical thinking, problem problem solving, reasoning,
solving, reasoning, communicating,
multiplies, addition and subtraction of fraction communicating, making connections,
and basic concept of decimal including money) making connections, representations, and
geometry (lines, angles, triangles, and decisions in real life. representations, and decisions in life.
quadrilaterals) patterns and algebra (
continuous and repeating patterns,and number
sentences) statistics and probability (tables, bar
graph, and simple experiment) as applied-using
appropriate technology in critical thinking,
problem solving, reasoning, communicating,
making connections, representations, and
decisions in real life.

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