Faculty Staff Referral Form Rev 2014
Faculty Staff Referral Form Rev 2014
Faculty Staff Referral Form Rev 2014
Has the student expressed intent to harm him or herself? ______No ______ Yes
f yes, please seek professional assistance immediately:
Weekdays 8:30-4:30 contact the UCWC at 412-396-6204;
After hours contact the UCWC Counselor on Call via DU Police at 412-496-2677; 24
hours a day contact re:Solve Crisis Network at 1-888-796-8226.
Has the student expressed intent to harm others? ______No ______ Yes
If yes, please contact DU Police at 412-496-2677.
For Campus Safety concerns contact the Campus Community Risk Team at 412-849-4306.
Which difficulties might this student be experiencing? (Please mark issues you are concerned about. It
is not important for you to inquire about each issue; we will provide a comprehensive assessment.)
Please describe the behavioral change you would like the student to demonstrate. In other words, how
could one observe that this student was making progress toward necessary goals? If needed, describe
further on the back of this form.
May the University Counseling and Wellbeing Center contact you directly: Yes_____ No_____ May
we tell the person who referred you that you are attending: Yes_____ No_____