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Report - 1613109185
Report - 1613109185
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Affiliated with GTU A Project Report On Automatic jack (Toggle Jack) Prepared as a part of the requirement for the
subject of DESIGN ENGINEERING-1b B.E.Semester-3rd (Mechanical Branch) Submitted by Group:- 276199 Sr. Name of
Student Enrollment Number 1 Shaikh Ayaz F. 200190119513 2 Bhil Ankesh A. 200190119508 3 Gohil Naitik P.
200190119526 Guided By Head of Department Mr. Hemalkumar lakdawala Mr. Sanatkumar Damania
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dreams never turn into reality unless a lot of efforts and hard work is put into it. And no effort ever
bears fruit in the absence of the support and guidance. It takes a lot of efforts to make your way to the goal and having
someone to guide you and help you is always a blessing. I would like to take his opportunity to thank a few who were
closely involved in the completion this endeavor. I would like to express my sincere thanks to our Head of Department
Prof. Sanatkumar Damania and my internal guide Hemalkumar lakdawala for their exemplary guidance, monitoring and
constant encouragement throughout the course of this report. The blessings, help and guidance given by him time to
time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I are about to embark. Finally, I express our gratitude to all
other members who are involved either directly for the completion of this project ABSTRACT Automatic jack(Toggle jack)
is used for lower the load & to lift the load by small amount work. By using of special attachment with motor, load
carrying capacity will be increase and efficiency will be more than normal set up. Over the recent decades maintenance
in automobile engineering become a challenging task among the engineer. Saving economy has become the task of
highest priority in our generation. Design modification of existing product allows the work as much as easier than the
previous model. In this work, design and fabrication of automatic motorized toggle jack is fabricated to reduce the power
consumptions and to decrease the human effort. Here the existing screw jack is modified as automatic motorized toggle
jack to increase the human comfort. The motorized power jack can be widely used in low cost automation in
manufacturing industries. The weight lifting is quick and effortless, which reduces the physical (tiredness) felt by the
worker. Sr. No Subject Page no.1 Introduction 5 1.1 What is design Enigneering ? 1.2 Log Book 5 1.3 Domain 6 2 Design
Thinking 7 3 Preparation of canvas 8 3.1 AEIOU canvas………………….... 8 3.1.1 8 Activities………………9 …...9 3.1.2 10
Environment…………………10 …….11 3.1.3 12 Interactions……………………14….16 3.1.4 20 Object…………………………
……3.1.5 User……………………. …… 3.2 Mind maping canvas ………………………. 3.3 Ideation
canvas……………............................. 3.4 Empathy canvas……………………………... 3.5 Product development
canvas………………… 3.6 Prototype canvas……………………………. 4 conclusion 21 1. INTRODUCTION:- 1.1WHAT IS
DESIGN ENGINEERING? Design is a plan of a system, implementation and utilization for attaining a goal. It is to change
undesired situation into desired situation means to find solution for undesired/uncomfortable situation. “Design
Engineering must be considered as philosophy rather than a subject.” The Design Engineering is a series of steps that
engineers follow when they are trying to solve a problem and a design a solution for something; it is a methodologies.
Design engineering is based on globally accepted design thinking methodical approach to problem solving. Design
thinking methodologies are as follows: 1) Choose 2) Define 3) Learn 4) Research 5) Ideate 6) Mind Mapping 7)
Implement8) Prototype 1.2 LOG BOOK: A log book (or simple log) is a record of important events which contain all the
information and observation about the domain. 1.3 DOMAIN INTRODUCTION ( Toggle Jack) The motorized screw jack has
been development to cater to the needs of small and medium automobile garages, which are normally man powered
with minimum skilled labour. In most of the garages the vehicles are lifted by using screw jack. This needs high man
power and skilled labour. In order to avoid all such disadvantage, the motorized jack has been designed in such a way
that it can be used to lift the vehicle very smoothly without any impact force. The operation is made simple so that even
unskilled labour can use it with ease. The d.c. motor is coupled with the screw jack by gear arrangement. The screw jack
shafts rotation depends upon the rotation of D.C. motor. This is a simple type of automation project. The operation
remain to be an essential part of the system although with changing demands on physical input, the degree of
mechanization is increased 2.DESIGN THINKING In present, making one product is easy but main think is competition is
very high so maker has to sure that that product may compete with other products. Maker has to make the best product
that better than the other products. First maker has to define the problem for older product and make better product
that solve the older products problems. By surveying the products, the users and the activity around them by their
interviews and understanding of the situation of other products 3.PREPARATION OF CANVAS 3.1 AEIOU Sheet
3.1.1Activities There are many activity like working of gear, lifting arm, power screw rotating etc. 3.1.2. Environment :-
The environment of the surrounding where this machine is being used is noisy, low space, smelly, vibrational etc.
3.1.3. Interaction:- Owner of garages is interactional with customers and workers. 3.1.4 Object:- The lifting arm, top-
bottom pin, power screw, connecting pins, motor are the objects of toggle jack 3.1.5. User:- The user of toggle jack are
printing industries, mechanical lifting industries, car lifting in garages 3.2 Mind maping sheet This is the mind maping
sheet of toggle jack. There are users, features, components, problem etc. 3.3 Ideation Canvas 1.People:- The garage
workers, workshop, industrial workers are the people who use the machines 2. Activities:- Lifting load, lifting arm,
rotation of motor are activities of toggle jack 3.Situation/Context/Location. Location at different places like garages and
industrial areas etc. 4.Props/Tools/Objects/Equipment 1. The machine only can be operated by power sources. 2. This is
the cheaper way and simple design for mechanical garage workers 3. The machine required less human effects and
output is at maximum efficiency. 3.4 Empathy Canvas 1. User:-1. The user of the machine are and garage workers and
industrial workers 2.Stakholders:- 1. The stakeholders of the machine are contractor of the garage owner and
manufacture 3.Activities:-1. The activity are lifting the load and rotation of motor etc. 4.Story Boarding:- Happy :- It’s
easy and fast to handling this device in garages and Industrial area Time saving and it’s work with the one press of
power switch Sad : It’s not suitable for heavy weight example as truck,bus etc. It can be operated with only with
power sources 3.5 Development Canvas 1.Purpose: The purpose of the machine is working fast and cheap price. 2.
People Industrial and garage workers are the people who use the device 3. Product Experience The experience of the
machine is time saving, reduce the timing 4. Product features:- # motor operated #demand for power #also it can be
hydraulic 5.Components Components if the device is motor, base plate, lifting arm etc. 6. Customer Revalidate 8.
Reject, Redesign, Retain :- We are rejected the old manual hand operated jack and replace to automatic jack 3.6
LEARNING NEEDS MATRIX Learning need matrix canvas is show that current and future position of the given DE project
ADVANTAGES OF AUTOMATICJACK (TOGGLE JACK) An advantage of Toggle jack over some other types of jack is that
they are self-locking, which means when the rotational force on the screw is removed, it will remain motionless where it
was left and will not rotate backwards, regardless of how much load it is supporting. This make them inherently safer
than hydraulic jacks, for example, which will move backwards under load if the force on the hydraulic actuator is
accidentally released DISADVANTAGES OF AUTUMATICJACK (TOGGLE JACK) Cost of the equipment is high when
compared to ordinary hand jack Can be operated with only power supply APPLICATION OF AUTOMATICALJACK (TOGGLE
JACK) The large area of sliding contact between the screw threads means jackscrews have high friction and low
efficiency as power transmission linkages, around 30%–50%. So they are not often used for continuous transmission of
high power, but more often in intermittent positioning applications. In heavy-duty applications, such as toggle jacks, a
square thread or buttress thread is used, because it has the lowest friction and wear CONCLUSION Automatic Jack
(Toggle Jack) are the ideal product to push, pull, lift ,lower and position loads of anything from a couple of kilograms to
hundreds of tonnes. The need has long existed for and improved portable jack for automotive vehicles. it is highly
desirable that a jack become available that can be operated alternatively from inside the vehicle or from a location of
safety off the rod on which the vehicle is located. Such a jack should desirably be light enough and be compact enough
so that it can stored in an automobile trunk, can be lifted up and carried by most adults to its position of use, and yet be
capable of lifting a wheel of a 1500-2000 kg vehicle of the ground. Further, it should be stable and easily controllable by
a switch so that jacking can be done from a position of safety. it should be easily movable either to a position
underneath the axel of the vehicles or some other reinforced support surface designed to be engaged by a jack Thus,
the product has been developed considering all the above requirements. This particular design of the automatic Toggle
Jack will prove to be beneficial in lifting and lowering of loads.
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