Amsalu Neme MSC Thesis... Edited
Amsalu Neme MSC Thesis... Edited
Amsalu Neme MSC Thesis... Edited
Seed borne Mycoflora of Faba bean (Vicia fabae L.) seeds in Ambo District and
Evaluation of Plant Extract and Trichoderma species for their Managements
February, 2020
Ambo, Ethiopia
As members of the Examining Board of the Final M.Sc., open defense, we certify that we have
read evaluated the thesis prepared by Amsalu Neme Boru entitled “Seed Borne Mycoflora of
Faba Bean (Vicia fabae L.) seeds in Ambo District and Evaluation of plant Extract and
Trichoderma Species for their Managements’’ and recommended that it is accepted as
fulfilling the thesis full requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Science in Plant
Approved by
First, I declare that this thesis is my work and all sources of materials used for preparation of this
thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the M.Sc., degree in Plant Pathology at Ambo University and deposited at the
University library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the library. I solemnly
declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any
academic degree, diploma, or certificate.
Brief quotation from this thesis is allowable without special permission provided that accurate
acknowledgement of the source is made. Request for permission for extended quotation from or
duplication of this manuscript in the whole or in part may be granted by the Head of the
Department of Plant Sciences or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, when in his or her
judgment the proposed use of material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances,
however, permission must be obtained from the author.
The author, Amsalu Neme Boru was born on January 1978G.C in Bebela, Jima Rare Oromia
Regional State, Ethiopia from his father, Neme Boru and his mother, Degitu Guyasa. He
attended his Elementary School education at Babela Elementary School from 1985 to 1993G.C
and secondary school education at Gedo Senior Secondary School from 1994 to 1997G.C in
Gedo town. After completion of the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examinations, then, he
was joined in Ambo University for his Under Graduate Studies in General Agriculture Dipiloma
from September 1998 to 1999G.C, and he continued in Ambo University for his Under Graduate
Studies in Plant Science from October 2000 to 2002 G.C. After that, he has been appointed as
Junior Expert from September 1999 and then work at different position in Ambo District
Administrative Office until he joined School of Graduate Studies, Ambo University, on October
2019 G.C to pursue his M.Sc. degree studies in Plant Pathology
First and foremost I praise the almighty God for I did everything through him who gave me
strength and made me stand firm in my all ups and downs during my research work.
I extend my gratitude to the Head, Department of Plant Sciences and School of Graduate
Studiesof Ambo University for the facilities provided during my course work. My special thanks
go to Dr. Gudeta Napir, Plant Science Department Head for their cooperation during my course
I would like to extend my special thanks to all Mycology, Pathology, Veterinary and Soil
Science Laboratory Instructors at Ambo University College of Agriculture and Veterinary
Science for their unreserved material support during Laboratory work. I also express my sincere
gratitude to my lovely wife Alemnesh Tadele for her taking care of my kid Meti, Simbo and
Dibora Amsalu during my absence and for all rounded support throughout my study.
Finally, the unreserved support of my brother, Degebasa Neme who stands with me in all
rounded financial, spiritual and moral support from the beginning to the end for the success of
my aim is ever unforgettable.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ANOVA…………………….....Analysis of Variance
APPRC……………………......Ambo Plant Protection Research Center
BRR..........................................Black Root Rot
CRD.........................................Completely Randomized Design
CSA………………………....Central Statistical Authority
DZARC……………………. Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center
EEPA………………………..Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency
EIAR………………………..Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
FAO…………………………Food and Agricultural Organization
FBNYV...................................Faba Bean Necrtic Yellow Virus
HARC ....................................Holeta Agricultural Research Center
ICARDA….International Center of Agricultural Research Development on Dry Areas
ICRISAT………….International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
IDM.......................................Integrated Disease Management
LSD………………………...Least Significant Difference
ISTA......................................International Seed Testing Assossation
MoARD…………………….Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
ORARI……………………. Oromia Regional Agricultural Research Institute
PDA………………………...Potato Dextrose Agar
PPRC……………………......Plant Protection Research Center
SAS………………………....Statistical Analysis System
Table of Contents
Title Pages
Statement of the Author.................................................................................................................v
Acronyms and Abbreviations......................................................................................................vii
Table of contents....................................................................................................................viii-xi
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................xii
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION....…………….….……………….....………………………………...…….1
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................6
2.1.Faba bean, production................................................................................................................6
2.2. Production constraints of faba bean.......................................................................................6-7
2.2.1.Seed borne mycoflora of faba borne....................................................................................7-9 root tot (Fusarium solani)..........................................................................................9 Economic significance.....................................................................................................9 Ecology and epidemiology..............................................................................................9 Managements black root rot of faba bean..................................................................9-10 Cultural practice..........................................................................................................10 Biological control........................................................................................................10 Host resistance............................................................................................................10
vi Chemical control....................................................................................................10-11 Integrated disease management..................................................................................11 Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxsporium)...............................................................................12 Economic significance...................................................................................................12 Ecology and epidemiology............................................................................................12 Managements black root rot of faba bean................................................................13-14 Cultural practice..........................................................................................................14 Biological control........................................................................................................14 Host resistance............................................................................................................14 Chemical control.........................................................................................................14 Integrated disease management..................................................................................15 Damping off (Rihoctonia solani)......................................................................................15 Economic significance...................................................................................................15 Ecology and epidemiology.......................................................................................15-16 Managements black root rot of faba bean.....................................................................16 Cultural practice....................................................................................................16-17 Biological control........................................................................................................17 Host resistance.......................................................................................................17-18 Chemical control.........................................................................................................18 Integrated disease management..................................................................................19
2.2.2. Botanicals for disease managements..............................................................................19-20 Garlic (Allium sativam).....................................................................................................20 Argissa (Aloe vera)......................................................................................................20-21 Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)...........................................................................................21 Tobacco (Nicotina tabacum).............................................................................................22 Nicandra physalodes............................................................................................................. Maytenus senegalensis....................................................................................................... Phytolacca dodecandra........................................................................................................
2.2.3. Bio-agents for disease managements..............................................................................22-23
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................24
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS...............................................................................................24
3.1. Description of study area................................................................................................. ......24
3.2. Collection of seed samples......................................................................................................24
3.3. Isolation of fungi from faba bean seeds.............................................................................24-25
3.4. Determination of isolated seed borne fungi............................................................................25
3.5. Identification of fungi........................................................................................................25-26
3.6. Determination of effect of seed borne myco-flora on seed germination................................26
3.7. Determination of effect of seed borne myco-flora on disease transmission......................26-27
3.8. In vitro assay for the management of seed borne pathogens..................................................27
3.8.1. Evaluation of botanical plants..............................................................................................27 Collection of botanical plant materials........................................................................27-28
i Preparation of the plant aqueous extract...........................................................................28 Effect of plant extracts on mycelium growth of test fungi..........................................28-29
3.8.2. Evaluation of bio-agents......................................................................................................29 Source of Pure cultures of Trichoderma isolate................................................................29 Preparation of Pure culture Trichoderma isolate.........................................................29-30 Effects of Trichoderma spp. on mycelium growth of test fungi..................................30-31
3.9. Data Analysis.........................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................32
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................................32
4.1. Results.....................................................................................................................................32
4.1.1. Isolated fungi from faba bean seed samples........................................................................32
4.1.2. Determination of seeds infected with fungi....................................................................32-36
4.1.3. Identification of fungi based on morphological and cultural characteristics..................36-38
4.1.4. Determination effects of seed-borne fungi on germination of seeds..............................38-39
4.1.5. Determination effects of seed borne fungi on disease transmission...............................39-42
4.1.6. Antifungal activities of plant aqueous extracts...............................................................42-46
4.1.7. In vitro evaluation of Trichoderma species against test fungi........................................46-47
4.2. Discussion..........................................................................................................................48-49
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................50
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................50
5.1. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................50
5.2. Recommendation....................................................................................................................50
List of Tables
Table 1: Botanical plants used for antifungal activities..................................................27
Table 2: List of Fungi Isolated from 50 Faba Bean Seed Samples by agar plate method......32
Table 9: In vitro evaluation of plants extracts with cold and hot water against
F. oxsporium.................................................................................................................43
Table 10: In vitro evaluation of plants extracts with cold and hot water against
F. solani........................................................................................................................44
Table 11: In vitro evaluation of plants extracts with cold and hot water against
R. solani....................................................................................................................... 45
List of Figures
Figure.1 Antagonistic test between Fusarium sp. and Trichoderma spp ...............................29
Figure 3: Infected seed (%) of faba bean seeds by major seed borne fungi .........................34
Figure 4: Incubated seeds showing infection of fungal pathogens on agar plate method.......35
Figure 9: Effects of seed borne mycoflora on seed germinations of faba bean seeds........... 40
Figure 10: Damping off Root rot symptoms from 7 days plate method test of faba bean...42
Figure 11: Damping off Root rot symptoms from 21 days plate method test of faba bean...42
Figure 12: Evaluation of Trichoderma spp. against mycelial growth of test fungi.................47
Faba bean is one of the most important food legumes due to its high nutritive value both in
terms of energy and protein. In spite of its wide cultivation and huge importance, the average
yield of faba bean is quite low and far below the potential because of several limiting biotic and a
biotic constraints. Diseases are the most important biotic factors limiting the production of faba
bean. The aim of this laboratory studies were carried out to isolate and identify seed borne
mycoflora associated with faba bean seed samples and to determine their effects on seed
germination, diseases transmit ion as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of seven
plant extracts and four trichoderma species against the pathogen recovered from the seed. Fifty
seed samples were collected from different farmers’ saved seeds of five major faba bean
producing kebele’s in Ambo district were tested by agar plate methods as recommended by
ISTA. A total of 7 fungal species belonging to 6 genera viz. Fusarium oxysporum
(Schlechlendahl), Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc., Aspergillus spp. Penicillium spp. Botrytis spp.
Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn) and Alternaria spp. were observed and identified. Among them
Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp, and Penicillium spp. were the most predominant fungi to all seed
samples. Seed to seedling transmit ion test result confirmed that, F.oxysporum, F.solani and
R.solani were the common causal pathogens causes the root rot and damping off disease of faba
beans and transmitted from seed to seedlings. The presence of the mycoflora significantly affects
the seed germination. The maximum seed germination rate was observed in Golja-GF002 (97%)
and minimum in Kure Gatira-KF0038 (81%).The seven botanical plants extracts. In vitro
evaluation of aqua’s plant extract and Trichoderma species against F.oxysporum, F.solani and
R.solani results revealed that, all the tested plant extracts at 5%, 10% and 20% concentrations
significantly inhibited the mycelia growth of all test fungi, and the four trichoderma species was
also exhibited antagonistic activity. The best inhibitory effect on the three test fungi were
obtained by T.longibrachiaium (T14) (70.45%, 60.22% and 57.95%), followed by T.atroviride
(T5) (61.36%, 54.54% and 48.86%), T. Virense (T13) (53.97%, 45.45% and 44.31%) and T.
harzianum (T1) (42.04%, 43.75% and 38.63%), respectively. The inhibitory action of the
aqueous plant extracts on mycelia growth increased with increase in concentrations and the hot
water extracts giving high effects/toxicity than cold extract in all test fungi. Results highlight the
highest inhibitory effect of A. sativum extracts with hot water at 20% concentration on mycelia
growth of the three test fungi (79.54%, 62.19% and 60.22%) respectively, but Nicandra
physalodes extracts at the same concentration showed lowest inhibitory effects on three test
fungi (69.31%, 51.22% and 51.20%) respectively.
Keywords: Seed borne mycoflora, faba bean, agar plate method, plant extract, trichoderma spp.
Faba bean is one of the most important food legumes due to its high nutritive value both in terms
of energy and protein contents 24-30% (Crepona et al., 2010) and also is an excellent nitrogen
fixer (Sahile et al., 2008). It is ranking in the world fourth after garden pea, chickpea and lentil.
Faba bean production in the world is concentrated in nine major agro-ecological regions, namely;
northern Europe, Mediterranean, the Nile valley, Ethiopia, Central Asia, East Asia, Oceana,
Latin America, and North America (Bond et al., 1985).
Ethiopia is the first producer of faba bean in Africa and the second in the world next to China
(Mussa and Gemechu, 2006), its share is only 6.96% of world production and 40.5% of Africa.
The crop is considered as the secondary center of diversity (Torres et al., 2006) and mainly
cultivated in mid and high altitude areas, with an elevation ranging from 1800-3000 meters
above sea level (Temesgen and Aemiro, 2012).
The average national yield of faba bean is about 2.1 t ha -1 (CSA, 2018), which is very low
compared to the average yield of 3.7 t ha -1 in major producer countries (FAO, 2017). Faba bean
is an important high land pulse crop of Ethiopia, which covered 520,519 ha of cultivated land
with annual production of 930,633 tons (FAO, 2019). The crop takes the largest share of the area
under pulses production in Ethiopia. The growing importance of faba bean as an export crop in
Ethiopia has led to a renewed interest by farmers to increase the area under production (Samuel
et al., 2008).
In spite of its wide cultivation and huge importance, the average yield of faba bean is quite low
in Ethiopia and the productivity of the crop is far below the potential because of several limiting
biotic and abiotic constraints (Sahile et al., 2008, Mussa et al., 2008 and EIAR, 2011).
According to Samuel et al. (2008), diseases are the most important biotic factors limiting the
production of faba bean in Ethiopia. Faba bean is attacked by more than 100 pathogens
(Hebblethwaite, 1983). More than 17 diseases causing pathogens are reported in Ethiopia (Dereje
and Tesfay, 1995).
Numerous diseases are affecting faba bean production and productivity, but only a few of them
have economic significance. About 16% annual crop losses due to plant diseases, at least 30%
loss is incurred due to seed-borne diseases. Among these, fungi are the largest and perhaps the
most important groups affecting all parts of the plant at all growth stages (Negussie et al., 2008).
Diseases such as chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), rust (Uromyces fabae), black root rot
(Fusarium solani), and foot rot (Fusarium avenaceum) are among the fungal groups that
contribute to the low productivity of the crop (Berhanu et al., 2003, Negussie et al., 2008). Other
diseases are less significant, although aschochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae) and faba bean
necrotic yellow virus (Dereje and Tesfaye, 1994).
The most common seed-borne fungal pathogens were isolated from faba bean seeds such as
Alternaria spp., Ascophyta fabae, Aspergillus spp., Botrytis cinerea, B. fabae, Cephalosporium
sp., Cladosporium sp., Epicoccum sp., Fusarium spp., Mucor sp., Penicillium spp., Rhizoctonia
sp., Rhizopus sp., Stemphylium sp., Trichothecium sp., and Verticillium sp. (Neergard, 1979;
Abdel-Hafez, 1988; El-Wakil et al., 2009). These fungi are transmitted by seeds and can be
preserved as conidia in the coat or as mycelia at the seeds surface (Gargouri et al., 2000).
As the report of Neergard (1979), seed abortion, shrunken seeds, reduction of seed size, seed rot,
seed necrosis and seed discoloration, reduction in germination capacity and physiological
alterations in seed are the symptoms caused by the seed borne fungal pathogens. Moreover,
many diseases are affecting faba bean but only a few of them have either major or intermediate
economic significance in Ethiopia.
Management of plant diseases is important for most crops, and it is particularly critical for the
production of high-quality seeds. Plant pathogens can reduce the quantity and quality of the seed
harvested, and in addition they can be preserved in seed lots in the case of seedborne pathogens.
In this way, seeds can inadvertently provide an efficient means of plant pathogen dissemination
(Mancini and Romanazzi, 2014).
Attempts have been made to reduce seed-borne fungi by chemical treatment of the seeds and
some successes have been reported. Seed dressings are used to eliminate most surface infestation
of seeds but have relatively little effect on internally borne organisms (Jackson, 1963). An urgent
need for alternatives to fungicides for the control of seed-borne fungi is important in recent
years; much attention has been given to non-chemical systems for seed treatment to protect them
against seed-borne pathogens. Plant extracts have played a significant role in the inhibition of
seed-borne pathogens and in the improvement of seed quality and field emergence of plant seeds.
Many authors reported the effective and safe use of plant extracts for controlling seed-borne
fungi (El-Metwally et al., 2010; Yoon et al., 2011; Ammar et al., 2013; Perello et al., 2013; Baka
Among biotic factors chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae Sard.), rust (Uromyces Vicia fabae), black
root rot (Fusarium solani), and foot rot (Fusarium avenaceum) contributes to the low
productivity of the crop (Berhanu et al; 2003 and Nigussie et al; 2008).
According to Vijendra and James (1987), Ascochyta fabae, Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis fabae,
B. ricini, Alternaria alternata and Uromyces fabae are considered as seed borne fungi of faba
beans all over the world.
Hence studies on effects of seed borne fungi on seed germination, seed to seedlings transmission
and their managements is important to guarantee the improvement of the crop.
Therefore, this study is initiated to assess the status of seed borne fung in farmers saved seed in
Ambo district, test the effect of seed borne fungi of faba bean on seed germination, seed to
seedlings transmission and evaluate their management options.
Ethiopia is one of the major faba bean producing countries in the world (FAO, 2015). It is the
fourth largest faba bean exporting country next to France, Australia, and the United Kingdom
(FAO, 2016). Faba bean is the most important pulse crop in terms of both area coverage and
volume of annual production in Ethiopia. It takes the largest share of area (443,966 ha) and
production (848655 tones) of the pulses grown in the country (CSA, 2015). Faba bean plays a
key role in improving food and feed security of smallholder farmers and soil fertility. The crop
usually grows in Nitisol and Vertisol dominated areas of Ethiopia mixed with cereals and field
peas. The average national yield of faba bean is about 2.1 t ha -1 (CSA, 2018) which is very low
compared to the average yield of 3.7 t ha-1 in major producer countries (FAOSTAT, 2017).
According to Vijendra and James (1987), Ascochyta fabae, Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis fabae,
Botrytis ricini, Alternaria alternata and Uromyces fabae are considered as seed-borne fungi of
faba beans (Vicia faba. L) all over the world. Gärber, et al (1993) suggested the possibility of
systemic infection with Ascochyta fabae in seed of faba beans. Simay (1998) reported that
Alternaria spp, Fusarium spp,Trichothecium roseum Ascochyta fabae, A. pinodes, Botrytis
cinerea and B. fabae were observed on several seed samples of faba beans and some pathogenic
fungi were also observed.
Kaiser, (1998) reported that Ascochyta blights of faba beans is caused by Ascochyta fabae which
is an important seed-borne pathogen. Neergard (1979) reported that the most common seed-
borne fungi listed on faba bean are: Ascochyta fabae, which causes leaf and pod spot; Botrytis
cinerea, the cause of grey mould; Botrytis fabae, the cause of chocolate spot; Fusarium sp., the
cause of foot rot and wilts; and Rhizoctonia solani, the cause of damping-off of seedlings. Seed
abortion, shrunken seeds, reduction in seed size, seed rot, seed necrosis, seed discoloration,
reduction in germination capacity and physiological alterations in seed are the symptoms caused
by these pathogens.
Abdel-Hafez (1988) isolated Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Mucor and Fusarium from faba
bean seeds. Of the 69 sp. and 4 vars. of pathogens isolated, he found that the most frequent
species were A. niger, A. flavus, A. nidulans, A. terreus, A. flavus var. columnaris, M.
chrysogenum, P. citrinum, P. funiculosum, R. stolonifer, M. hiemalis and F. moniliforme
(Gibberella fujikuroi).
Dubey and Patel (2000) reported that Alternaria alternata, the cause of blight of faba bean,
remained viable in diseased plant debris or seeds for over one year. They showed that infected
plant debris, infested soil or infected seeds were the primary pathogen sources for new
infections. Recently, Dubey and Patel (2001) have shown the mode of perpetuation and spread of
Alternaria blight of board beans. Simay (1996) found that the germination of faba beans seeds
was affected less by Fusarium pallidoroseum and most Fusarium oxysporum.
Rauf (2000) isolated 24 fungi belonging to different genera from legume seeds in Pakistan using
the blotter paper method. Alternaria alternata, Ascochyta sp., Colletotrichum sp., Fusarium sp.
and Macrophomina phaseolina were the most frequent isolated fungi, all of which are known as
common pathogens in these legumes.
Moreover, Lenti (1993) reported that Cladosporium herbarum was seed-borne of faba beans in
Hungary. Gärber, et al (1993) suggested the possibility of systemic infection with Ascochyta
fabae in seed of faba beans. Simay (1998) reported that Alternaria spp, Fusarium spp,
Trichothecium roseum Ascochyta fabae, Ascochyta pinodes, Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis fabae
were observed on several seed samples of faba beans and some pathogenic fungi were also
In Egypt, faba bean was susceptible to a number of fungal diseases (Aspergillus flavus,
Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium italicum, Alternaria
alternata, Botrytis faba, Cephalosporium sp., Cladosporium cladosporioides, Epicoccum nigrum,
Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium semitectum, Fusarium solani, Fusarium verticillioides
(moniliforme), Rhizoctonia solani, Rhizopus stolonifer, Stemphylium globuliferum,
Trichothecium roseum and Verticillium dahlia) which decrease production and lower the quality
of seeds (M.A. Elwakil, et al. 2009).
Awgechew (1999) reported several fungi associated with seed of local and improved faba bean
varieties collected from Arsi, Bale, Gojam, Gonder and Wwestern Shewa. The major fungi
isolated were Ascochyta fabae, Botrytis fabae, Fusarium avenaceum, F. oxysporum and F.
culmorum. Most of these fungi cause major diseases of faba bean in Ethiopia.
planting date (Dereje, 1999; Bretag and Raynes, 2004; Hawthorne, 2004). Integrated pest
management is an important option for the management of faba bean black root rot disease but
there is weak genetic resistance in cultivars of faba beans to black root rot (Lawes et al., 1983).
11 Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxsporium)
However, Elliot and Crowford (1922) reported that the seed transmission of Fusarium
oxysporum frequently occurs when the fungus propagules such as conidia or chlamydosproes,
are carried as surface contaminants on or in seed that remains after harvest. Naturally infected
seed may carry viable pathogen for at least seven months, serving to carry the organism over
from one season to the next. Simay (1996) found that the germination of faba beans seeds was
affected less by Fusarium pallidoroseum and most Fusarium oxysporum.
primary inoculum for the development of Fusarium wilt epidemics in faba bean. Temperature
and pH ranges for mycelial growth of the fungus are 7.5 to 35 0C and 4 to 9.4, respectively. The
optimal condition being 25 to 27.50C and 5.1 to 5.90C depending upon the strain (Navas Cortes
et al., 2007). The optimum conidial concentration to cause infection on the host ranges between
10-12 ml (Duro Almazan, 2000). For a given temperature, isolates of the yellowing pathotype
grow at a higher rate compared with that of wilting isolates. The mycelium is interred and
intracellular hyaline, branched geniculate and septate. The reproduction takes place by asexual
methods only. There are three types of spores; microconidia, macrocondidia and
13 Cultural practices
Advancing the sowing date of chickpea crops from early spring to early winter can decelerate the
development of Fusarium wilt epidemics and increase faba bean seed yield (Landa et al., 2004).
Environmental factors such as temperature, nutrients and soil pH can significantly influence the
development of Fusarium wilt diseases, and proper choice of cultural practices that take
advantage of such an influence can contribute to good management of Fusarium. Merkuz et al.,
(2010) reported that Fusarium wilt incidence was reduced with different doses of green manure
and dried plant residue and none of the treatments showed complete disease suppression. This
heating releases biocidal products after microbial degradation of the plant material incorporated
into soil, which together with the anaerobic and strongly reducing soil conditions that develop
are effective against fungal propagules (Kirkegaard, 2009).
14 Integrated disease management
It is an ecology-based approach aiming minimizing damage caused by diseases through the
combined use of all available disease control measures either simultaneously or in a sequence.
Management of Fusarium wilt in faba bean would be best achieved if those disease control
measures are used within an integrated management strategy whereby their use is combined
either simultaneously or in a sequence (Jimenez-Díaz and Jimenez-Gasco, 2011). Promising
results were observed that combination of effective microorganism, Apron Star, stubble free and
resistant variety become suppressive to Fusarium wilt of faba bean and integration of effective
microorganism, neem seed extracts and resistant variety had significant effects on yield and yield
components (DZARC, 2009). Merkuz and Getachew (2012) reported that raised bed preparation,
tolerant variety and optimum time of planting managed the wilt incidence and reduce mortality
of wilt. Integrated management strategies should include solution to maintain plant health. These
strategies should include minimum use of chemicals for checking the pathogen population,
encouragement of beneficial biological agents to reduce pathogen inoculums, modification of
cultural practices and use of resistance varieties (Moradi et al., 2012).
Keeping in view the draw back of chemical management of plant disease the use of plant extracts
and Trichoderma species in the management of plant disease is gaining importance (Makovitzki
et al., 2007, Okereke et al., 2007, Joseph et al., 2008). Both Plant extracts and Trichoderma
species have played significant role in the inhibition of seed-borne fungal pathogens and in the
improvement of seed quality and field emergence of plant seeds. Contrary to the synthetic drugs,
antimicrobials of plant origin and Trichoderma species are not associated with many side effects
and have an enormous therapeutic potential to heal many infectious diseases (Patel, 2007).
Several plant families like Acanthaceae, Amranthaceae, and Magnoliaceae are known for their
antifungal properties (Ashraf and Javaid, 2007). Plants are rich in a wide variety of secondary
metabolites such as tannins, terpenoides, alkaloids and flavonoid, which have been found in vitro
to have antimicrobial properties. Extracts of many plants are now known to exhibit antimicrobial
activity (Dewanjee et al., 2007, Rani et al., 2008). Although there is a growing interest in the use
of medicinal plants to control plant diseases, only about 2,400 plant species among more than
250,000 higher plants have been screened for phytoactivity (Nduagu et al., 2008).
19 Garlic (Allium sativam)
Garlic has anti-feedant (insect stop feeding), anti-bacterial, fungicidal, insecticidal,
nematicidaland repellent properties. Among the natural fungicide substance, garlic (Allium
sativam) extract has been found active in various trials in vitro and to a less degree in vivo.
Allium sativam L. show highest inhibition on germination of Phytophthora infestance. The
inhibition rate on germination of sporangia and zoospores increased with increasing
concentration. Garlic extract from fresh bulbs had stronger inhibiting effect against the
germination of sporangia and zoospores. However, there was no significance difference between
the extract of immediately made and those which was kept for a week under 4 oc (Ke-Qiang,
2001). The turmeric and garlic extracts were most effective in inhibiting the growth of Fusarium
spp. (Patel and Vala, 2004; Assadi and Behroozin, 1987). Garlic clove extract and neem leaf extract
were most effective for the growth inhibition of F. solani (Mallesh et al., (2009).
The antifungal activity of crude extract of Aloe vera inhibited Candida albicans and Fusarium
oxysporum (Waithaka et al., 2018).
20 Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Curcuma (Curcuma longa L.) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae and is a popular spice with a
strong taste and remarkable yellowish color which has been increasingly interesting considering
its possible to replace synthetic preservatives for containing compounds, such as curcumin, with
high antifungal and antimicrobial activities. It is largely cultivated in Asian countries and not
restricted only to its use as food, but also present in many different areas of industry, medicine,
and agriculture (Vilella & Artur, 2008). The properties of curcuma are related to both the
prevention and treatment of diabetes, cancer, and inflammatory processes, as mentioned by
Tripathi and Misra (2016), in addition to degenerative processes such as osteoarthritis (Chin et
al., 2016), antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (Teow et al., 2016), Exserohilum
turicicum, Fusarium oxysporum, Colectrotrichum cassiicola. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus
subtilis, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans (Petnual et al.,2010) and Aspergillus flavus (Hu et
al., 2015).
Curcumin content was determined in the rhizome powder through the adapted method described
by Fulekil & Francis (1968). Total curcumin content was expressed in percentage. Research by
Kumar et al. (2016) used curcuma essential oil at 2.45 mg/ml with activity inhibitory on the
growth of Fusarium graminearum.
1999). Study also showed that, tobacco as medicinal plant, posse’s potential antifungal properties
which inhibit fungal mycelila growth of Fusarium oxsporium of sunflower wilt under in vitro
condition (A.Keerio et. 2017)
saponins that possess very potent and use full biological properties including anti-fungal, anti-
protozoan, spermicidal and insecticidal properties (Essar, Semagn and Wolde-yohannes, 2003).
Previously, Tadag, Mohommed, Asres and Gebre-mariam(2005) used P.dodecandra extracts to
evaluate their efficacy against same human bacterial and fungal strains causing skin infections
and should that this plant hand antimicrobial property.
The antagonistic activity of the genus Trichoderma to F. solani and R. solani has been widely
demonstrated (Lewis et al., 1998). Trichoderma harzianum protected the bean seedlings against
pre-emergence damping off infection, reduced the disease severity and increased the plant
growth in the presence of R. solani pathogen (Paula et al., 2001). El-Kafrawy (2002) reported
that the T. harzianum, Trichoderma hamatum, Trichoderma pseudoknonningii and Trichoderma
polysporum inhibited the radial mycelial growth of R. solani in vitro test from 59.6 to 78.4 %.
Serious soil and seed borne pathogens, i.e. Pythium debaryanum, P. ultimum, P. dissotocum, P.
oligandrum, P. violae, P. aphanedermatum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani,
Fusarium solani, F. semitectum, Aphanomyces euteiches, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and many
species of Verticillium and Cladosporium., can cause damping-off and root rot diseases,
resulting in great economic losses in crop yield and quality.
The use of fungicides for control of these pathogens has met moderate success and their future
use is in question due to increased regulatory restrictions. So, the modern approach in plant
disease control is directed toward minimizing the fungicidal use to decrease environmental
pollution and finding alternatives to chemical fungicides. Hence, in recent time application of
plant extracts as well as plant metabolites for plant disease management has become important
viable component of Integrated Pest Management, as plant metabolites are eco-friendly where
botanicals place an important role (Sahayaraj et al., 2009). Several investigation studies have
been conducted in order to screening different plants for their antifungal properties (Stephan et
al., 2005 and Satish et al., 2010) and biochemical compounds that these plants have. Studies
revealed a highly significant antifungal activity of some water extracts or essential oils of plants.
Since some plants are already known to possess several biological activities (Amin et al., 2009
and Belabid et al., 2010).
Ten of such Petri dishes were plated with 100 seeds of faba bean to represent the replicates of a
treatment and these were arranged in completely randomized design. Incubate all the petri-dishes
at 25+20C for 7days under alternating cycles of 12 hours near Ultra-Violet (UV) light and 12
hours darkness for sporulation of fungi. After incubation the growth characters as well as
percentage of infection were recorded. The isolated colony culture of fungi was maintained on
Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. The fungi were identified after reference to Booth (1971),
Barnett and Hunter (1972), and Nelson et al. (1983).
A colonies obtained from each infected seed were subjected to cultural and microscopic
morphological characterization for identification. Occurrence of fungi was determined by
counting the number of times each individual fungus occurred divided by the total number of
fungi and expressed as a percentage. Thus;
culture to plate, four from adjacent side and one from middle. The mycelium was stained with
0.1 % lacto phenol cotton blue and observed under compound microscope.
The incidence of the fungi in coleoptiles and root tissues of seedlings were determined on the 7 th,
14th and 21st day after plating in sterilized sand. In addition, progress of the disease and
symptoms developed were monitored in the plated plants. Transmission efficiency (TE) of fungi
from seeds to seedling was estimated from the incidence data with the following formula:
TE = C X 100
4.1.1 3.8.1. Evaluation of botanical plants
Allium sativum and Maytenus senegalensis were collected from Ambo woreda and Amaro areas.
Aloe vera, Nicandra physalodes and Nicotiana tabacum were collected from Toke Kutaye
woreda and Guder areas. Curcuma longa were collected from Weast Wellaga Zone (Gimbi),
Phytolacca dodecandra were collected from Jibat state forest, Weast Shewa as shown in (Table
1). The samples were separated in to its selected parts (leaf, clove and seed) washed thoroughly
under tap water followed by sterilized distilled water, cut in to smaller size of about 1-3cm long
and air-dried under shade at room temperature for 1 to 2 weeks and then pounded using sterile
mortar and pistil in to fine powder and kept in refrigerator at 40C until use (Selvaraj and
Narayanasamy, 1993, Singh et al., 2007).
Table 1: plants used for antifungal activities assay in the present study
7 Endod Phytolacca Seed Assoap, Rabies, Anti-fungal
dodecandra Malaria vector
%I = (C-T) X 100
Where: - I: Percent inhibition of test fungi
%I = (R1-R2) x 100
R1: The Radial colony growth of test fungi in control plate (mm)
R2: The Radial colony growth of test fungi in Dual culture plate (mm)
And the width of zone of inhibition (ZI) measured as the smallest distance between the colonies
in the dual culture plate (Royse and Ries, 1977; Whips 1987; Reddy and Hynes 1993).
Table 2. List of Fungi Isolated from 50 Faba Bean Seed Samples by agar plate method
(Drown 400 seeds from each sample were used in the experiments)
PAS Seed Seed infection Percentage infection Total Infecte Germ
Sampl seed d seed inatio
e infecti (%)ag n
Code on e (%)a
F.oxs F. Aspeg Peneci Botry Rhizo Altern
p solan il llum tis ctonia aria
orum i us spp. spp. spp. spp. spp.
G olja
JF001 48 40 0 30 58 60 48 284 71
1 75
JF001 55 26 0 52 60 0 0 193 48.25
2 100
JF001 39 26 40 0 38 61 54 258 64.5
3 84
JF001 52 18 38 46 51 0 0 205 51.25
4 100
JF001 45 20 30 29 30 0 20 174 43.5
5 84
JF001 62 39 30 45 59 0 67 302 75.5
6 100
JF001 67 30 30 20 0 0 26 173 43.25
7 70
JF001 38 32 60 60 60 0 50 300 75
8 100
JF001 32 44 71 40 51 40 62 340 85
9 100
JF002 54 53 0 55 53 0 67 282 70.5
0 75
Ya’i Cabo
KF003 72 60 74 60 0 0 70 336 84
1 100
KF003 31 51 57 0 0 56 0 195 48.75
2 68
KF003 74 68 0 56 0 0 0 198 49.5
3 75
KF003 73 60 50 63 16 58 0 320 80
4 67
KF003 72 63 74 0 68 0 0 277 69.25
5 83
KF003 55 70 72 53 0 30 0 280 70
6 76
KF003 56 72 55 44 0 50 29 306 76.5
700 F.oxysporum
Botrytis spp.
500 R. solani
Alternaria spp.
Golja Jijigu Weransa Ya’i Cabo Kure Gatira Dase Akililo
Five major faba bean producing kebeles
Figure 3 Infected seed (%) of faba bean seeds by major seed borne fungi
GF001 Fluffy White Present Macro conidia Present F.oxysporum
JF0015 Fluffy White Present Macro conidia Both F.oxysporum
YF0023 Fluffy White Present Macro conidia Present F.oxysporum
KF0032 Fluffy White Present Macro conidia Present F.oxysporum
DF0044 Fluffy White Present Macro conidia Present F.oxysporum
Leslie and Summerell, 2006
700 Golja Jijigu Weransa Ya'I Cebo Kure Gatira Dase Akililo
F.oxsporium F.soani Aspergilus Pencillium Botryties spp. R.solani
spp. spp.
Locations Germina Per cent association of seed borne fungi (%) Total
tion (%) F.oxys F. Aspegill Penecillu Botryti R. Alternar
porum solani us spp. m spp. s spp. solani ia spp.
Golja 97 469 447 210 187 279 204 265 2061
Jijigu Weransa 89 492 328 299 358 480 161 394 2512
Ya’i Cabo 85 514 508 470 398 242 295 230 2657
Kure Gatira 81 613 658 502 370 135 296 208 2782
Dase Akililo 86 496 524 472 390 158 322 171 2533
Seed collected from Golja kebele in the farmer of seed sample code GF002, showed the highest
germination (97%), followed by the seed sample code GF005, GF001 and JF0017 with
germination (96%, 94% and 93%), respectively, but the seed collected from Kure Gatira kebele
in the farmer of seed sample code KF0038 showed the lowest germination (81%), followed by
the seed sample code YF0026, DF0048 and KF0037 with germination (82%, 82% and
83%),respectively. The also reveal that sample with the highest fungal effect of the fungal
prevalence reflected theresulted in the lowest germination. as recorded in which significantly
maximum prevalence were recorded the fungi species of Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium.
The study results, of the seed borne fungal organisms were in agreement with the information of
seed borne nature of the pathogen reported by Marley and Gbenga (2004).
P e r c e n t(a%g )e
Golja Jijigu Weransa Ya’i Cabo Kure Gatira Dase Akililo
Five major faba bean producing kebeles
Figure 9: Effects of seed borne mycoflora on seed germinations of faba bean seeds
13.1.1 4.1.6. Determination eEffects of seed borne fungi on disease
The seed borne pathogen invasion reduced germination, and nutritional and also
responsible in producing mycotoxins and loss quality (Youssef, 2009). Dereje et al., 2012
reported that seed-borne diseases serve as primary inocula for the infection of the next
developing crops there by reducing yields and qualities of the produces and also play a role
in spreading the diseases to new areas. The seed borne pathogens associated with seeds
externally or internally may cause various infections like seed necrosis, reduction or
elimination of germination capacity, as well as seedling damage resulting in development of
disease at later stages of plant growth by systemic infection (Khanzada et al., 2012).
Infected seeds play a key role in the dissemination of plant pathogens and disease
establishment (Raj et al., 2007).
Whereas, the seed borne fungal diseases are transmitted by seeds and the fungi can survive
as conidia or mycelia on the seed coat or surface (Gargouri et al., 2000). As a result, seed
procured from blighted plants results in poor germination and show severe disease
development (Kumar et al., 1983). Sattar, 1933 reported that the surface contamination of
seed with fungus spores and their role in causing infection. He found that 50% of such
spores survived on seed for 5 months at 25-30°C. Transmission of seed-borne pathogens from
seeds to seedlings was also detected by seedling symptom except Phoma, Colletotrichum
graminicola, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicilium spp., Rhizopus spp. and
Trichoderma spp. These pathogens can therefore be a concern for post harvest storage of faba
bean seeds. Among the seed borne fungi, transmitted from seed to seedlings, distinct symptoms
of damping off, seed rot and seedling blight were observed for Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp.,
Botrys spp., Rhizoctonia solani and Cladosporium spp. All the transmitted seed-borne fungi may
serve as primary source of infection to the faba bean crop. The seedling growth was most
affected by Exserohilum rostratum, Aspergillus flavus, A.niger and Penicillium spp. These fungi
serve as primary inoculum for spread of diseases and also have epidemiological significance. A
widespread distribution of Fusarium, Aspergillus and Pencillium species may be attributed to the
wide occurrence of these fungi on a wide range of substrates and their efficient spore dispersal
mechanism. In the present study Fusarium oxysporium and Fusarium solani were isolated from
almost all seed samples with high frequency but Rhizoctonia solani is rarely occurred(table???).
As observed from the results, both pathogens are isolated from seed and commonnely causes of
root rot and damping off disease of faba bean that transimitted from seed to seedlings in this
Experiment. The result of this studies are similar to those obtained by earlier workers and
show that Fusarium is the most dominant species isolated from maize (Rasool et. al., 2014;
Tsedaley and Adugna, 2016; Dawood and Elshamry, 2015) and in Egypt, the main
pathogens responsible for damping-off and wilt incidence of bean are R. solani (Kühn) and
F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli (El- Mougy et al., 2007).
Table 7. List of Fungi Isolated from 50 Faba Bean Seed Samples by agar plate method
P Seed Drown 400 seeds per sample and total 20,000 100 seeds per sample and total 5000
A Samp seeds were used as experiments Seedling Infection TES
S le Rate??
Code Seed infection Percentage infection Wilt Ro Damp FO FS RSO
ot ing
rot off
G olja
DF004 45 71 62 68 19 16 0 0 2 0 0 29.58 0
1 1
DF004 49 61 42 0 0 50 0 19 1 15 38.78 26.23 30
2 6
DF004 40 46 49 57 0 30 49 20 2 0 50 50 0
3 3
DF004 48 31 60 30 60 39 0 18 0 19 37.5 0 48.72
DF004 65 48 30 47 0 40 0 26 1 24 40 37.5 60
5 8
DF004 47 65 48 10 62 0 58 0 1 0 0 26.15 0
6 7
DF004 64 65 55 10 0 0 0 16 2 0 25 38.46 0
7 5
DF004 51 70 46 70 0 14 58 21 2 0 41.18 40 0
8 8
DF004 50 59 30 22 0 37 0 10 0 18 20 0 48.65
DF005 42 50 67 59 0 74 0 0 0 27 0 0 36.49
Figure 10:Damping off and Root rot symptoms from 7 days plate method test of faba bean
Figure 11:Damping off and Root rot symptoms from 21 days plate method test of faba bean
Table 8: Effects of seven plants extracts with cold water against on Fusarium oxsporium
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth of
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* inhibition
Allium sativum 46.50abcd 47.15 34.00abcd 61.36 21.50a 75.56
Curcuma longa 48.00abcd 45.45 35.50abcd 59.65 23.00ab 73.86
Phytolacca 49.50abcd 43.75 37.00abcd 57.95 24.50abcd 72.15
Aloe vera gel 51.00abcd 42.04 38.50abcd 56.25 26.50abcd 69.88
Nicotiana tabacum 52.50bcd 40.34 40.00abcd 54.54 27.50abcd 68.75
Maytenus senegalensi 54.00cd 38.63 41.50abcd 52.84 29.00abcd 67.04
Nicandra physalodes 55.50d 36.93 43.00abcd 51.13 30.50abcd 65.04
Control (Untreated) 88.00e 0.00 88.00e 0.00 88.00e 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05 = 10.13
Results in (Table. 8) showed that, plant extracted with cold water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of F.oxsporium (75.56%) followed by
clove of Curcuma longa (73.86%), and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (72.15%), whereas the
lowest inhibition (65.04%) of mycelial growth was recorded at the same concentrations leaf
extract of Nicandra physalodes as compared to control.
30 20%
Figure 10:Effects of plant extracts with cold water against mycelial growth of F.oxsporium
Table 9: Effects of seven plants extracts with hot water against on Fusarium oxsporium
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent 0f Mycelia Percent 0f Mycelia Percent 0f
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth inhibition
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* (%)
Allium sativum 43.00h 51.13 30.50de 65.34 18.00a 79.54
Curcuma longa 44.50hi 49.43 32.00e 63.63 19.50ab 77.84
Phytolacca dodecandra 46.00i 47.72 33.50ef 61.93 21.00b 76.13
Aloe vera gel 47.50ij 46.02 35.00f 60.22 23.00bc 73.86
Nicotiana tabacum 49.00j 44.31 36.50fg 58.52 24.00c 72.72
Maytenus senegalensi 50.50jk 42.61 38.00g 56.81 25.50cd 71.02
Nicandra physalodes 52.00k 40.90 39.50gh 55.11 27.00d 69.31
Control (Untreated) 88.00l 0.00 88.00l 0.00 88.00l 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05= 0.74?
Results in (Table. 9) showed that, plant extracted with hot water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of F.oxsporium (79.54%) followed by
clove of Curcuma longa (77.84%), and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (76.13%), whereas the
lowest inhibition (40.90%) of mycelial growth was recorded at 5% leaf extract of Nicandra
physalodes as compared to control.
30 20%
Figure 11:Effects of plant extracts with hot water against mycelial growth of F.oxsporium
Table 10: Effects of seven plants extracts with cold water against on Fusarium solani
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth inhibition
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* (%)
Allium sativum 37.50cd 54.26 35.00abc 57.31 32.50a 60.36
Curcuma longa 39.00cde 52.43 36.50bcd 55.48 34.00ab 58.53
Phytolacca dodecandra 40.50cdefg 50.60 38.00cd 53.65 35.50abcd 56.70
Aloe vera gel 42.00fghi 48.78 39.50cdef 51.82 37.00bcd 54.88
Nicotiana tabacum 43.50hij 46.95 41.00defgh 50.00 38.50cd 53.04
Maytenus senegalensi 45.00jk 45.12 42.50ghij 48.17 40.00cdefg 51.21
Nicandra physalodes 46.50kl 43.29 44.00ijk 46.34 41.50efghi 49.39
Control (Untreated) 82.00l 0.00 82.00l 0.00 82.00l 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05= 0.74
Results in (Table.10) showed that, plant extracted with cold water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of F.solani (60.36%) followed by
clove rhizome of Curcuma longa (58.53%), and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (56.70%),
whereas the lowest inhibition (49.39%) of mycelial growth was recorded at 5% leaf extract of
Nicandra physalodes as compared to control.
20 10%
Figure 12:Effects of plant extracts with cold water against mycelial growth of F. solani
Table 11: Effects of seven plants extracts with hot water against on Fusarium solani
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth inhibition
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* (%)
A.sativum 36 abcdef 56.09 33.5ab 59.14 31a 62.19
C. longa 37.5 bcdefgh 54.26 35 abcd 57.31 32.5a 60.36
P.dodecandra 39 defghij 52.43 36.5abcdefg 55.48 34abc 58.53
Aloe vera gel 40.5 ghijk 50.60 38 cdefghi 53.65 35.5 abcde 56.71
N. tabacum 42 ijkl 48.78 39.5 efghijk 51.82 37 abcdefgh 54.87
M.senegalens 43.5 kl 46.95 41 hijkl 50.00 38.5 cdefghij 53.04
N. physalodes 45 lm 45.12 42.5 jkl 48.17 40 fghijk 51.22
C(Untreated) 82 m 0.00 82 m 0.00 82 m 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05 = 1.21
Results in (Table.11) showed that, plant extracted with hot water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of F.solani (62.19%) followed by
clove of Curcuma longa (60.36%) and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (58.53%), whereas the
lowest inhibition (51.21%) of mycelial growth was recorded at 5% leaf extract of Nicandra
physalodes as compared to control.
20 10%
Figure 13:Effects of plant extracts with hot water against mycelial growth of F. solani
Table 12: Effects of seven plants extracts with cold water against on Rhizoctonia solani
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth inhibition
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* (%)
A.sativum 41.00 hijk 53.40 38.75 klm 55.96 36.5m 58.52
C. longa 42.25 fghi 51.98 40.00 ijkl 54.54 37.75 lm 57.10
P.dodecandra 43.50 efg 50.56 41.25 ghij 53.31 39.00 jklm 55.68
Aloe vera gel 44.75 de 49.14 42.50 efgh 51.70 40.25 hijkl 54.26
N.tabacum 46.00 cd 47.72 43.75 defg 50.28 41.75 fghij 52.55
M. senegalensi 47.25 bc 46.30 45.00 cde 48.86 43.00 efgh 51.13
N. physalodes 48.50 ab 44.88 46.25 bcd 47.44 44.25 def 49.71
C (Untreated) 88.00a 0.00 88.00a 0.00 88.00a 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05=0.74
Results showed in (Table 12) plant extracted with cold water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of R.solani (58.52%) followed by
clove of Curcuma longa (57.10%) and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (55.68%), whereas the
lowest inhibition (49.71%) of mycelial growth was recorded at 5% leaf extract of Nicandra
physalodes as compared to control.
20 10%
Figure 14: Effects of plant extracts with cold water against mycelial growth of R. solani
Table 13: Effects of seven plants extracts with hot water against on Rhizoctonia solani
Treat Concentration %
ments 5% 10% 20%
Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of Mycelia Percent of
growth inhibition growth inhibition growth inhibition
(mm)* (%) (mm)* (%) (mm)* (%)
A.sativum 39.50 jklmno 55.11 37.25 nop 57.67 35.00p 60.22
C.longa 40.75 ghijklm 53.69 38.50 lmnop 56.25 36.25 op 58.80
P.dodecandra 42.00 efghij 52.72 39.75 ijklmn 54.82 37.50 mnop 57.38
Aloe vera gel 43.25 cdefg 50.85 41.00 fghijkl 53.40 38.75 klmno 55.96
N. tabacum 44.50 bcde 49.43 42.25 defghi 51.98 40.00 hijklm 54.54
M.senegalens 45.75 bc 48.01 43.50 cdef 50.56 41.25 fghijk 53.12
N. physalodes 47.00 ab 47.72 44.75 bcd 49.14 42.50 defgh 51.20
C (Untreated) 88.00a 0.00 88.00a 0.00 88.00a 0.00
*Mean values are mean of three replicates followed by same alphabets are not significantly
different from each other, analyzed by using LSD at 0.05 = 0.81
Results showed in (Table 13), plant extracted with hot water at 20% concentration, clove of
Allium sativum caused highest inhibition mycelial growth of R.solani (60.22%) followed by
clove of Curcuma longa (58.80%) and seed of Phytolacca dodecandra (57.38%), whereas the
lowest inhibition (51.20%) of mycelial growth was recorded at 5% leaf extract of Nicandra
physalodes as compared to control.
20 10%
Figure 15: Effects of plant extracts with hot water against mycelial growth of R. solani
40 T.longibrachiaium (T14)
T.atroviride (T5)
T.Virense (T13)
T.harzianum (T1)
Tc (Control)
F.oxysporum F.solani R. solani
Biological control of the three isolated test fungi by seven plant extract and four Trichoderma
species have been evaluated. in this study, to considerably a more natural and environmentally
acceptable alternative than the existing chemicals. These results agree with those recorded by
(Baker and Paulitz, 1996). The inhibitory action of the aqueous plant extracts on mycelial growth
increased with increase in concentrations and the hot water extracts giving high effects/toxicity
than cold extract in all test fungi. Results highlight the highest inhibitory effect of A. sativum
extracts with hot water at 20% concentration on mycelial growth of the three test fungi (F.
oxysporum, F.solani and R.solani) (79.54%, 62.19% and 60.22%) respectively, but Nicandra
physalodes extract at the same concentration showed lowest inhibitory effects on three test fungi
(69.31%, 51.22% and 51.20%) respectively. The present results showed that the mycelial growth
of the three fungi decreased with increase concentrations. The results revealed that, all the tested
plant extracts at 5%, 10% and 20% concentrations significantly inhibited the mycelial growth of
all test fungi, but the four trichoderma species exhibited the strongest Antagonistic activity.
These results revealed that antifungal activities of the extracts were enhanced by increasing the
concentration from 5 to 20 % (w/v); hence the inhibition activities of the extracts were
concentration dependent. This is in agreement with the report of Ilondu (2012), and Chiejina and
Ukeh (2013), Jasso et al., (2005) who indicated that increase in the antifungal activities had
corresponding increase in concentration of plant extracts.
The antagonistic effects of Trichoderma spp against the test fungi also indicate significant
inhibitory activities. The best inhibitory effect on the three test fungi were obtained by
T.longibrachiaium (T14) (70.45%, 60.22% and 57.95%), followed by T.atroviride (T5) (54.54%,
53.97% and 48.86%), T.Virense (T13) (61.36%, 45.45% and 44.31%) and T.harzianum (T1)
(43.75%, 42.04% and 38.63%), respectively. These results agree with those recorded by El-
Kafrawy (2002) and (Lewis et al., 1998). The antagonistic activity of Trichoderma sp. against
Fusarium spp. also concides with the result reported by Morsy et al., (2009). The inhibitory
action of the aqueous plant extracts on mycelial growth increased with increase in concentrations
and the hot water extracts giving high effects/toxicity than cold extract in all test fungi. Results
highlight the highest inhibitory effect of A. sativum extracts with hot water at 20% concentration
on mycelial growth of the three test fungi (F. oxysporum, F.solani and R.solani) (79.54%,
62.19% and 60.22%) respectively, but Nicandra physalodes extract at the same concentration
showed lowest inhibitory effects on three test fungi (69.31%, 51.22% and 51.20%) respectively.
The present results showed that the mycelial growth of the three fungi decreased with increase
Hot water extracts of all screened and tested plants revealed relatively more effective against
the pathogen than cold water extracts.
Active compounds of all test plants are extractable with water and most extracted with hot
The results of this study revealed that cold and hot aqueous extracts of all the plants possess
diverse antifungal activity against the test fungi.
The differentiating activities against the selected isolate of these plant extracts encourage
developing broad spectrum antifungal in the future.
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