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Astaxanthin Production From A New Strain of

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Annals of RSCB Vol.

XV, Issue 2


N. Dragoş1, 2, V. Bercea1, Adriana Bica1, B. Drugă1, Ana Nicoară1,
C. Coman1, 2

Astaxanthin is the most common red-colored pigment of many freshwater and
marine organisms with important applications in aquaculture and human health.
Haematococcus pluvialis, a green unicellular freshwater microalga, is able to
accumulate large quantities of astaxanthin in inducible stress conditions. In this paper
we report a preliminary evaluation of the growth characteristics, pigment composition
and astaxanthin content of a new isolate of Haematococcus pluvialis green alga
(Chlorophyta). The strain AICB 223 was isolated by micromanipulation of a single
cell and grown in a batch system with CO2 supplying. The separation of carotenoids
was performed by thin-layer chromatography, and the components were identified
and quantified by spectrophotometric method, based on the absorption coefficients.
The astaxanthin synthesis was induced by changing the light intensity (increased
irradiance coupled with continuous illumination). The astaxanthin content in the algal
biomass (red stage, with aplanospores) was approximately of 5.7 mg · g-1 per dry
biomass. In light stress conditions, the biomass composition was significantly
changed, the increase of the astaxanthin content by approximately 10 times being
accompanied by the decrease of protein amount and increase of the carbohydrates
Keywords: Haematococcus, astaxanthin, light stress, red aplanospores.

Introduction (Norsker et. al., 2010). In this context, one

Carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas of the most provocative biological
which together with other gases causes the challenge with respect to the research of
global warming is an essential nutrient microalgae potential is the identification
involved in the growth and reproduction of and bringing into cultures of the taxa/strains
the algae, both in their natural environment with optimal features for a given
and in culture. The exploitation of the application (Greenwell et. al., 2010)
microalgae potential in fixing the residual Astaxanthin, a symmetric keto-
carbon dioxide is tightly related to the carotenoid, (3,3’-dihydroxy-β,β’-carotene-
development of the commercial application 4,4’-dione) is the most common red-colored
of the biomass (Hung et al., 2010). The pigment of many freshwater and marine
ratio between the production cost of the organisms, the salmon or trout “pink flesh”
algal biomass and the market price of the color being good examples in this respect
by-products obtained from it is crucial in (Breithaupt, 2007). Because the aquatic
the development of these applications organisms are not capable of carotenoids de
novo synthesis, this xanthophyll and others
Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

which were also identified in their bodies growth characteristics, pigment

(e.g. canthaxanthin and lutein) originate in composition and astaxanthin content of a
the diet, microorganisms being the main newly isolate of Haematococcus pluvialis
source of them (Johnson and An, 1991). In green alga.
addition to the astaxanthin applications in
aquaculture (Bjerkeng, 2008), its benefits Material and Methods
for the human health were ascertained also,
due to its properties: pro-vitamin A, more Strain and culture conditions.
effective antioxidant that other carotenoids, Haematococcus pluvialis AICB 223 was
decelerate age-related macular isolated by micromanipulation of a single
degeneration, immunomodulatory effects, cell under a light microscope. One sample
etc (Jyonouchi et al., 1991; Shimidzu et al., of freshwater phytoplankton, collected from
1996; Lorenz and Cysewsky, 2000; Naguib, a fishpond near Cefa (Bihor District,
2000; Dufossé et al., 2005; Breithaupt, Romania) was used in this procedure. The
2007). Therefore, the astaxanthin was uses strain was deposited in the Culture
in pharmaceutics, cosmetics and as food Collection of Algae and Cyanobacteria of
additives with a recent great success on the the Institute of Biological Research (AICB)
market (Dufossé et al., 2005). from Cluj-Napoca (Romania). The
Haematococcus pluvialis is a green isolation, the stock culture and the growth
unicellular freshwater microalga capable to experiments were carried out in Bold Basal
accumulate large quantities of astaxanthin Medium (BBM) (Dragoş et al., 1997). H.
(0.2-2% from dry biomass) (Lorenz and pluvialis AICB 223 was grown in batch
Cysewski, 2000; Cysewski and Lorenz, system using an Applikon bioreactor with
2004; Dufossé et al., 2005). Even if other controlled temperature of 25±1oC and
astaxanthin producing green algae were continuous stirring (150-200 rpm),
recently identified (Coelastrella striolata – containing 800 ml algal suspension. White
Abe et al., 2007; Monoraphidium sp. – fluorescent light was used in a dark: light
Fujii et al., 2009; Scenedesmus obliquus – cycle of 8:16 hours with a light intensity of
Quin et al., 2008; Chlorella zofingiensis – 315 µmolphoton·m-2·s-1. After 10 days, the
Ip and Chen, 2005), H. pluvialis alongside culture was continuously exposed to light,
with the heterobasidomycetous yeast using a double irradiance (630 µmol
Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous (formerly photon·m-2·s-1) to enhance the
Phaffia rhodozyma), are the best microbial carotenogenesis. The carbon dioxide (12%
source (Johnson and An, 1991; Dufossé et in air) was supplied with a 0.036 l/min/l
al., 2005). Numerous attempts were made flow within the algal suspension. The
in finding the best way to cultivate this growth curve was generated based on daily
alga, in selecting the optimal strains and in spectrophotometer measurements (600 nm)
increasing the astaxanthin contents within of optical density, following Sorokin`s
the cells (Boussiba et al., 1991, 1999; Lee protocol (1973).
and Soh, 1991; Harker et al., 1995; Hata et Light microscopy. The morphological
al., 1995, among others) and in making features of H. pluvialis AICB 223 cells
more feasible the implementation of the were observed from samples collected from
production process. The selection strategies 1 to 3 days, using an Olympus BX41
were focused on isolation of wild and microscope equipped with digital camera.
mutant astaxanthin highly producing strains The examination was conducted based on
and/or with optimal growth conditions the species diagnosis (Ettl, 1983).
(Tjahjono et al., 1994; Tripathi et al., 2001; Pigment extraction and analysis. The algal
Chen et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2005; samples, collected 17 days after the
Kamath et al., 2008). We report in this initiation of the growth process, were
paper, a preliminary evaluation of the filtered on silica gel and the retained
material was grind with glass beads using
Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

acetone as solvent. The separation of the Protein and carbohydrate measurement.

chemical components was performed by The protein content of the algal biomass
thin-layer chromatography on Merck was estimated by measuring the total
kieselgel 60 plates (Hager and Bertenrath, content of the organic nitrogen (Kjeldhal
1966). The pigments were identified and method). The measurement was based on
quantified following spectrophotometric dry weight samples which were mineralized
method, based on the absorption for 2.5 hours in concentrated sulfuric acid
coefficients and the highest value of the using a Gerhardt apparatus. The distillation
wave length (Arnon, 1949; Davies, 1965). was done with an adjustable Vapodest 30s
The pigment kinetics in the algal culture (Gerhardt) device for 6.5 min. The
was evaluated from samples (20 ml) carbohydrates content was
collected from 1 to 3 days. After the spectrophotometrically measured from algal
acetone extraction the concentration of the samples following the protocol described
pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids) was by Dubois et al. (1956). The analysis results
calculated based on the absorption were related to dry weight which was
coefficients in VIS domain. measured gravimetrically after Sorokins`s
method (1973).

Results and Discussion

Morphology. The culture was derived from
an inoculum with typical characteristics of
motile stage, with biflagellate cells. The
growth in bioreactor, with mechanical
steering, has favored the occurrence of
more or less mature aplanospores (Fig. 1a).
This stage becomes dominant together with
the evolution of growth. The aplanospores
color turns gradually into red, because of
high accumulation of carotenoids in
chloroplasts, and especially outside of
them, in lipid globules (astaxanthin). The
red aplanospores are known as
“haematocysts”. This stage may appear
under stress conditions induced by light,
high temperature, increase of salinity,
nutritional limitation, change of carbon
source etc (Kobayashi et al., 1991; Hagen
et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2003; Garcia-
Fig. 1. Light microphotographs of H. pluvialis Malea et al., 2005; Ranjbar et al., 2008).
AICB 223 aplanospores. The green
The morphological analysis of cells by light
aplanospores (a) have been found in a lower
irradiance (315 µmolphoton·m-2· s-1, light:dark
microscopy has shown, without a doubt,
cycle of 16:8 h). The increase of irradiance (630 that during the second stage of the culture,
µmolphoton·m-2·s-1) associated with continuous the cells have been undergone through light
illumination produced mature red aplanospores stress (630 µmol photon·m-2·s-1), thus the
(b). Scale bar=100µm. majority of the cells being haematocysts
(Fig. 1b).

Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

5 16 level of irradiance induced the

carotenogenesis accompanied by a dramatic

Chl. a - carotenoids (mg/l)

12 change of suspension color. Similar
D log2 OD

3 10
observations were also reported for other H.
2.5 8
pluvialis strains. Thus, Wang et al. (2003)
observed that carotenogenesis at high levels
of irradiance is followed by the increase of
0 0 the carotenoids/chlorophylls ratio. The rise
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 of astaxanthin levels shows an
∆ log2 OD Chl. a Carotenoids accommodation response to light stress
which enables cells to maintain the
structural and functional integrity of PSII.
Fig. 2. Growth curve of the AICB 223 batch
culture and the kinetics of chlorophyll and total The ability of H. pluvialis to accumulate
carotenoids in different conditions of light. The astaxanthin is an adaptation to habitats with
changing in irradiance is marked by different high irradiance (Hagen et al., 1994) in
plotting symbols of the OD measurements. addition to formation of aplanospores with
thick, rigid cell walls (Montsant et al.,
Effect of irradiance on growth kinetics. 2001; Hagen et al., 2002).
Strain AICB 223 was grown in batch Pigment content in the biomass. Thin layer
system for 17 days, the growth curve being chromatography on kieselgel plates of
plotted based on daily measurements of the acetone extracts was performed on algal
optical density (Fig. 2). During the first suspension samples collected after
stage of growth (10 days), the batch culture carotenogenesis induction by light (red
was carried out in a light:dark cycle of 16:8 stage). To compare, a similar extract was
hours under a 315 µmolphoton·m-2·s-1 analyzed from the inoculum (green stage).
intensity. During the second phase (7 days) The method allowed a good separation of
the illumination was modified to induce chlorophylls, carotene and xanthophylls
carotenogenesis. Thus, the level of (Fig. 3). Nine pigments were
irradiance was doubled (630 µmol chromatographically identified in visible
photon·m-2·s-1), under continuous domain (as distinct lanes – fig. 3) (Fig. 4): 2
illumination, the other growth conditions chlorophylls, the carotene and 6
remaining unchanged. The growth was xanthophylls. Their content in the biomass
rapid, apparently without a lag phase (Fig. (as dry weight) is presented in Tab. 1.
2), the exponential growth being of 5 days,
with a 1.7 days doubling time. Both during
the exponential and stationary growth, the
concentration in chlorophylls and total
carotenoids increased in a similar way and
the algal suspension remained green. After
a short increase of the optical density (2
days), the doubling of irradiance caused the
culture entering in the stationary phase and
then in a slow decline. The high irradiance
has caused the red color of the suspension
and a dramatic increase of caretonoids level
in cell suspension, this not being associated Fig. 3. Chromatograms on kieselgel plates. A –
to a similar increase in chlorophylls (Fig. green stage (inoculum), B – red stage. a –
2). Thus, our experiment indicated that the carotene, b-e – astaxanthin, f – pheophytin and
other degraded xanthophylls, g-h – chlorophylls
growth of the AICB 223 strain was active at
a and b, i – lutein, j – violaxanthin, k –
a lower irradiance and that an increased neoxanthin.
Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

In the chromatographic plates the Biomass composition in relation to

astaxanthin was identified in 3-4 lanes (Fig. astaxanthin content. The protein and
3). An explanation could be based on the carbohydrate contents of biomass in green
existence of multiple forms of astaxanthin and red stages were investigated in order to
in Haematococcus cells. Kobayashi et al. find significant changes in the cellular
(1991) and Miao et al. (2006) showed that metabolism associated with the astaxanthin
the free form of astaxanthin is accompanied synthesis, due to the light stress. The major
by monoesteric and diesteric forms, the observation is the radical change in the
esteric fractions being dominant. The cellular metabolism, the astaxanthin
astaxanthin synthesis was induced in a synthesis being associated with a significant
relatively short period of time by increasing decrease of the protein content (estimated
the irradiance. Thus, the red stage of AICB from the organic nitrogen by Kjeldahl
223 strain contained in its biomass a method) and an increase of the
quantity of astaxanthin of aprox. 10 times carbohydrate content (Fig. 5).
higher than in the green stage. Zhang et al. It is likely, that the reducing of the
(2009) reported a maximum content of 27.9 photosynthetic capacity in stress conditions
mg/g of dry mass in Haematococcus. In the would determine the protein bulk synthesis
biomass of the AICB 223 strain, in the to become energetically unsustainable.
described conditions (which are not yet Kobayashi et al. (1997) noticed the
optimal) we observed a content of aprox. formation and maturation of the
5.7 mg/g of dry weight. These results show aplanospores which was accompanied by
that AICB 223 can be an astaxanthin highly the rapidly increasing degradation of the
producing strain if its performances could cellular proteins, process related to an
be improved throughout optimization of enhanced carotenogenesis.
growth in the green stage and induction of
astaxanthin synthesis by stress factors.

Table 1. Pigment composition of H. pluvialis

AICB 223 biomass (mg/g dry weight)
Pigment Green stage Red
Chlorophyll a 10.053 4.027
Chlorophyll b 7.829 1.665
Astaxanthin 0.572 5.753
Carotene (α + β) 0.295 0.542
Zeaxanthin 0.352 0.317
Lutein 1.554 1.471
Lactucaxanthin - 0.258
Violaxanthin 0.274 0.241
Neoxanthin 0,338 0.512
Carotenoids/ 0.189 1.598

Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

Fig. 4. The visible absorption spectra of the major pigments identified in H. pluvialis AICB 223

70 7
% protein - carbohydrate

60 6
mg astaxanthin/g d.w.

It is acknowledged that the cells of 50 5

the green algae produce large quantities of 40 4
intraplastidial starch when stress conditions 30 3
are applied (Hu, 2004). Thus, the 20 2
astaxanthin synthesis induced by stress is 10 1
associated with a strong decrease in protein
0 0
synthesis and with considerable AICB 223 - green AICB 223 - red
accumulations of intraplastidial starch
Protein Carbohydrate Astaxanthin

Fig. 5. Protein and carbohydrate contents of H.

pluvialis AICB 223 in relation to astaxanthin
level, in different light conditions of the batch

Annals of RSCB Vol. XV, Issue 2

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