Simply Supported Beam With Center Load Problem Statement:: Lab Session 03
Simply Supported Beam With Center Load Problem Statement:: Lab Session 03
Simply Supported Beam With Center Load Problem Statement:: Lab Session 03
𝑤𝑙 3
Step 2
Define Engineering Data:
Material Properties can be liner or nonlinear, isotropic or orthotropic, and constant or
temperature dependent. You must define the stiffness in some form (Young`s Modulus, hyper
elastic coefficients, and so on). For Internal load (such as Standard Earth Gravity), you must
define the required for mass Calculations, such as density In the first, Select the material of
your structure that is structural steel in that case. Then add data that is about the Young`s
modulus of material, poisson ratio etc. that is necessary to add.
Step 3
After selecting the engineering data close it and select geometry from the project schematics.
Draw the geometry that is require with 40×40mm dimensions and extrude upt 1000mm and
saved it in system.
• Then spilt the beam into equal parts by going into new sketch and selecting face and
split it from tools
Table 1 geometry
Table 2 sizing
After creating geometry select model from project
schematic ANSYS simulation file will open with geometry that has
made before it. Then apply mesh on the structure according to
After meshing then apply load that has to apply structure in particular area or face and
apply the boundary conditions and see the results.
Analysis Setting:
After applying the load and boundary conditions change the analysis setting according
to requirement or for more refine solution
All structural result types except frequencies are available as a result of a static
structural analysis. You can use a solution information object to track, monitor or diagnose
problems that arise during a solution. Once a solution is available you can contour the result or
animate the result to review the response of the structure. As you solve the structure software
show all the possible stresses, deformation and strains that may occur in the structure for that
particular load.
Plot Stress:
The stress plot that contains minimum and maximum stresses on beam the result are shown in table.
In this report the value of deflection calculated experimentally through ANSYS software. The value
of deflection is 2.3378mm with center load Furthermore, I also calculated the value of stresses
experimentally through Using ANSYS and get the value of Stresses. The maximum to minimum
values which is 115.48 MPa and 1.1432 MPa respectively, with center load.