Lab Maunal Fae
Lab Maunal Fae
Lab Maunal Fae
I-Section Beam
1 Problem statement:
To calculate the maximum deflection, Equivalent Stress and Equivalent Strain of I-
section Beam. Structural Steel as a material for I-Section beam with a value of E = 3xE7 and v
= 0.3
2 Input Data
We draw an I-section beam in ANSYS module. Specification are as follows
W1 = W2 = 103 mm
W3 = 106 mm
T1 = T2 = 8.8mm
T3 = 7.1 mm
Length of the beam 500 mm chamfer Radius 5 mm
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4.1.2 Define Engineering Data
Material Properties can be liner or nonlinear, isotropic or orthotropic, and constant or
temperature dependent. You must define the stiffness in some form (Young`s Modulus, hyper
elastic coefficients, and so on). For Internal load (such as Standard Earth Gravity), you must
define the required for mass Calculations, such as density.
4.1.8 Solve
When performing a nonlinear analysis, you may encounter convergence difficulties due
to a number of reasons. Some Examples may be initially open contact surfaces causing rigid
body motion, large load increments causing non-convergence, material instabilities, or large
deformations causing mesh distortion that result in element shape errors.
Any convergence data output in this printout can be graphically displayed as explained
displayed as explained in the solution information section.
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4.1.9 Review Result
All structural result types except frequencies are available as a result of a static
structural analysis. You can use a solution information object to track, monitor or diagnose
problems that arise during a solution.
You can use probes to display the variation of a result items as the load increases. An
example might be large deformation analyses that result in buckling of the structure.
In these cases, it is also of interest to plot one result quantity such as displacement at a
vertex against another result item such as applied load. You can use the charts feature to
develop such as charts.
5 Procedure
1. Open Static Structure Analysis from left toolbox of Analysis Systems
2. Then double click on engineering data to add a required material i.e. mild steel
3. Now again in workbench, open geometry and draw according to given data
4. Now mesh the model and apply boundary conditions. Then save the project.
5. Now click on solution and select the directional deformation, Equivalent Stress and
Equivalent Strain then click to solve.
6. It will show the ANSYS Analysis of deformation, Equivalent Stress and Equivalent
Strain in geometry window. The minimum and maximum values will be shown on side
with colors.
7. Save the images of all analysis and save the project report.
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Figure 1: Ansys Model
7 Engineering Data
In the first, we select the material of your structure that is structural steel in that case.
Then add data that is about the Young`s modulus of material, poisson ratio etc. that is necessary
to add.
8 Geometry
After selecting the engineering data close it and select geometry from the project
schematics. Draw the geometry that is require with specific dimensions and saved it in system.
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Figure 3: Material & Properties of Model
9 Mesh
After creating geometry select model from project schematic ANSYS simulation file
will open with geometry that has made before it. Then apply mesh on the structure according
to requirements.
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Figure 5: Mesh
10 Load
After meshing then apply load that has to apply structure in particular area or face and
apply the boundary conditions and see the results.
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Figure 7: Static Structural Pressure
11 Analysis Setting
After applying the load and boundary conditions change the analysis setting according
to requirement or for more refine solution
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12 Result
The structure software shows all the possible deformation, Equivalent Stress and
Equivalent Strain that may occur in the structure for that particular load.
Figure 9: Results
13 Structural Steel
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Figure 11: Different Strengths of Structural Steels
14 Plot Result
The result that has made by ANSYS on I-section Beam.
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Figure 13: Static Structural Directional Deformation
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14.3 Equivalent Strain
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