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Common QR Code Specification

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Common QR Code Specification

for Retail Payments in Hong Kong

Merchant-Presented Mode

Version 1.0
December 2017
Legal Notice

This specification is prepared and endorsed by the Working Group on Common QR Code
Standard for Retail Payments in Hong Kong (the “WG”), based on the EMV® QR Code
Specification for Payment Systems (EMV QRCPS) – Merchant-Presented Mode published by
EMVCo. It is provided “AS IS” without warranties of any kind, and the WG and its
Members neither assume nor accept any liability for any errors or omissions contained in
this specification. The WG and its Members DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND

The WG and its Members make no representations or warranties with respect to intellectual
property rights of any third parties in or in relation to this specification. The WG and its
Members undertake no responsibility to determine whether any implementation of this
specification may violate, infringe, or otherwise exercise the patent, copyright, trademark,
trade secret, know-how, or other intellectual property rights of third parties, and thus any
person who implements any part of this specification should consult an intellectual property
attorney before any such implementation.

Without limiting the foregoing, this specification may provide for the use of public key
encryption and other technology, which may be the subject matter of patents in several
countries. Any party seeking to implement this specification is solely responsible for
determining whether its activities require a license to any such technology, including for
patents on public key encryption technology. The WG and its Members shall not be liable
under any theory for any party’s infringement of any intellectual property rights in
connection with this specification.

QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE.

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Revision History

Date Version Amendment / Change Description

December 2017 1.0 Initial publication

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................5
2. Overview of EMV® QR Code Specification for Payment Systems (EMV QRCPS).6
2.1 Notational Conventions ................................................................................ 6
3. Common use cases .........................................................................................8
3.1 Static QR Code ............................................................................................... 8
3.2 Dynamic QR Code .......................................................................................... 9
4. QR Code Payload Data Objects...................................................................... 11
4.1 QR Code Conventions .................................................................................. 11
4.2 Merchant Account Information .................................................................. 12
4.3 Additional Merchant Information .............................................................. 14
4.4 Transaction Value ........................................................................................ 16
4.5 Additional Data Template ........................................................................... 18

Annex A: Members of Working Group on Common QR Code Standard for Retail

Payments in Hong Kong
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1. Introduction

In October 2017, the Working Group on Common QR Code Standard for Retail
Payments in Hong Kong (the “WG”) was established. The WG aims to develop a
common QR code specification for retail payments in Hong Kong, which will facilitate
merchants, especially SMEs, in using a single QR code to accept payments via
different payment service operators. Members of the WG include the Hong Kong
Monetary Authority, payment network operators, banks, stored-value facility (SVF)
licensees and merchant acquirers. A full list of the WG Members is at Annex A.

The standardisation of QR code specification for retail payments will help promote
wider use of mobile retail payments in Hong Kong and provide consistent user
experience for merchants and consumers. It can enable interoperability in the
payment industry. By prescribing a QR code standard, it will enable the use of a
single common QR code that can encompass QR code payment solutions from
multiple payment service operators. A common QR code would facilitate payments
among different payment schemes, e-wallets and banks and would encourage small
merchants to adopt QR code as a payment method.

The WG agreed to focus the work on a common merchant-presented QR code.

Having studied various options, the WG agreed to develop a common QR code
specification by using the EMV® Merchant-Presented QR Code Specification for
Payment Systems (EMV QRCPS) published by EMVCo 1 as a basis, as it offers an
effective solution to ensure interoperability. This specification should be read in
conjunction with the EMV QRCPS. The notational conventions used in this
specification are the same as those used in EMV QRCPS.

EMVCo is the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of
secure payment transactions by managing and evolving EMV® Specification and related testing
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2. Overview of EMV® QR Code Specification for Payment

Systems (EMV QRCPS)

According to the design of the EMV QRCPS, the data within a QR code are organized
in a tree-like structure of data objects. A data object may be a primitive data object
or a template. A template may include other primitive data objects and templates.

Each data object is made up of three individual fields. The first field is an identifier
(ID) by which the data object can be referenced. The second field is a length field
that explicitly indicates the number of characters included in the third field, i.e. the
value field. A data object therefore comprises the following:

• ID field, which is coded as a two-digit numeric value, with a value ranging from
"00" to "99";
• Length field, which is coded as a two-digit numeric value, with a value ranging
from "01" to "99"; and
• Value field, which has a minimum length of one character and maximum length of
99 characters.

A common QR code may support multiple payment operators, where individual

payment operators may define their own structures of merchant account information
and make use of the common data fields, such as transaction currency and amount,
contained in the common QR code. Specifically, the EMV Merchant-Presented QR
Code supports EMVCo and non-EMVCo payment operators through the use of IDs
“02” to “25” for the EMVCo payment operators and IDs “26” to “51” for any payment
operators. Individual payment operators may also include some proprietary data in
the Additional Merchant Information data objects (See Section 4).

2.1 Notational Conventions

The abbreviations listed in Table 2.1, which is extracted from the EMV QRCPS, are
used in this specification.
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Table 2.1: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

ans Alphanumeric Special

C Conditional

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

ID Identifier of the data object

ISO International Standards Organization

M Mandatory

N Numeric

O Optional

QR Code Quick Response Code

RFU Reserved for Future Use

S String

var. Variable
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3. Common use cases

Merchant-Presented QR code enables a merchant presenting a request for payment

to a payer, who can then verify the associated information and make a payment to
the payee, or reject the request for payment. It supports various payment types,
including bill payments, online payments and point-of-sale payments. QR codes are
classified into static and dynamic QR codes. The information encoded in a static QR
codes are fixed and used for multiple transactions while a dynamic QR code contain
additional transaction details such as payment amount and is used for specific

3.1 Static QR Code

A typical use case of static QR code is payment to small merchants. A florist shop
may display a static QR code with merchant account information. Consumers may
then scan the QR code with a mobile application to initiate the payment. The
merchant’s information, such as shop name, is displayed on the mobile device for
verification. The consumer will be prompted to enter a payment amount. Figure
3.1 shows a typical transaction flow of using static QR code to make merchant

Figure 3.1: Static QR code merchant payment

[1] Merchant displays QR Code with merchant details.

[2] Consumer scans QR Code using a mobile application and inputs the amount to initiate the
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[3] Mobile application sends the transaction initiation request to the payment service
[4] The payment service operator processes the transaction and informs the merchant and
the consumer of the transaction outcome.

3.2 Dynamic QR Code

Dynamic QR codes are commonly used in online payments, delivery payments, bill
payments as well as payments at self-service kiosks. A typical use case of dynamic
QR code is payment for online shopping. When a consumer checks out at an online
shop, the merchant generates and presents the dynamic QR code, embedded with
the essential transaction details, for the consumer to scan with a mobile application
to initiate the payment. The merchant’s information (such as Merchant Name) and
variable invoice information (such as payment amount) are displayed on the mobile
device for verification. Figure 3.2 shows a typical transaction flow of using dynamic
QR code to make payment for an online shopping.

Figure 3.2: Dynamic QR code online shopping

[1] Merchant generates and displays a QR Code with merchant and transaction
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[2] Consumer scans QR Code using a mobile application to initiate the transaction.
[3] Mobile application sends the transaction initiation request to the payment
service operator.
[4] The payment service operator processes the transaction and informs the
Merchant and the Consumer of the transaction outcome.
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4. QR Code Payload Data Objects

As described in the EMV QRCPS, the content of the QR Code includes the following 5
groups of data objects:
• QR Code Conventions (Table 4.1)
• Merchant Account Information (Table 4.2)
• Additional Merchant Information (Table 4.3)
• Transaction Value (Table 4.4)
• Additional Data Template (Table 4.5)

4.1 QR Code Conventions

The QR Code Conventions (Table 4.1) specify conventions used for the QR Code
content, such as Payload Format indicator, which defines the version of the QR Code
template and hence the conventions on the identifiers, lengths and values.

Table 4.1: QR Code Conventions

ID Name Length Presence Remarks

“00” Payload Format “02” M A fixed value of “01”


“01” Point of Initiation “02” O “11” for static QR Codes;

Method “12” for dynamic QR Codes

“63” Cyclic Redundancy “04” M Checksum calculated over all

Check (CRC) the data objects included in
the QR code

The Payload Format Indicator (ID “00”) shall contain a value of "01". All other
values are RFU.

The Point of Initiation Method (ID “01”) shall contain a value of "11" or "12". All
other values are RFU. The value of "11" should be used when the same QR Code is
shown for more than one transaction and the value of “12” should be used when a
new QR Code is shown for each transaction.
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The CRC (ID “63”) shall be calculated according to [ISO/IEC 13239] using the
polynomial '1021' (hex) and initial value 'FFFF' (hex). The data over which the
checksum is calculated shall cover all data objects, including their ID, Length and
Value, to be included in the QR Code, in their respective order, as well as the ID and
Length of the CRC itself (but excluding its Value). Following the calculation of the
checksum, the resulting 2-byte hexadecimal value shall be encoded as a 4-character
Alphanumeric Special value by converting each nibble to an Alphanumeric Special
character. For example, a CRC with a two-byte hexadecimal value of '007B' is
included in the QR Code as "6304007B".

4.2 Merchant Account Information

The Merchant Account Information specifies the identity of a merchant. Each

payment operator may define its own format of the Merchant Account Information
IDs. Table 4.2A shows the allocation of Merchant Account Information IDs among
various payment operators.

Table 4.2A: Merchant Account Information

ID Name Length Presence Remarks

“02” - “03” Reserved for Visa Var. up to M

One or
“04” - “05” Reserved for Mastercard more
“06” - “08” Reserved by EMVCo objects
(IDs “02”
“09” - “10” Reserved for Discover to “51”)
shall be
“11” - “12” Reserved for Amex included

“13” - “14” Reserved for JCB

“15” - “16” Reserved for UnionPay

“17” - “25” Reserved by EMVCo

“26” Reserved for the Faster

Payment System for use
in Hong Kong
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“27” – “31” Reserved by the WG for These IDs are reserved

use in Hong Kong for future use

“32” - “51” Reserved for payment Dynamically used by

operators for use in Hong payment operators for
Kong use in Hong Kong

The IDs ”26” to “51” are Merchant Account Information templates, which may
include primitive data objects and other templates that can be defined by individual
payment operators. The ID “26” is reserved for the Faster Payment System for use
in Hong Kong while the IDs “27” – “31” are reserved for future use. Payment
operators shall use the IDs “32” to “51” for use in Hong Kong dynamically. In other
words, payment operators shall not be allocated with a fixed ID and they shall use
the IDs sequentially starting from ID “32”.

The Merchant Account Information template shall contain a primitive Globally

Unique Identifier data object with a data object ID "00" to identify the payment
operator and the corresponding merchant account information specific to that
payment operator (Table 4.2B).

Table 4.2B: Data Object ID Allocation in Merchant Account Information

Template (IDs "26" to "51")

ID Name Format Length Presence Remarks

"00" Globally Unique ans Var. up to M An identifier to identify the

Identifier “32” payment operator which uses
this template to define the
Merchant Account Information

The value is one of the

• an Application Identifier
• a [UUID] without the
hyphen (-) separators; or
• a reverse domain name.
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"01"- Payment network S O Additional data objects to

“99” specific define the Merchant Account
Information specific to the
payment operator

The value of the Globally Unique Identifier field shall contain one of the following:

• An Application Identifier (AID) consisting of a RID registered with ISO and,

optionally, a PIX, as defined by [ISO 7816-4]. For example, "D840000000".

• A [UUID] without the hyphen (-) separators. For example,


• A reverse domain name. For example, “com.merchant.name”.

The value of the Globally Unique Identifier field sets the context for the remainder of
the template and the meaning of the other data objects in the template are context
specific and outside of the scope of this specification.

4.3 Additional Merchant Information

The Additional Merchant Information (Table 4.3A) specifies the information about a
merchant such as merchant name and business location.

Table 4.3A: Additional Merchant Information

ID Name Format Length Presence Remarks

"52" Merchant Category N "04" M Put a dummy code of “0000” in

Code this field if the payment
operator does not use this

"58" Country Code ans "02" M

"59" Merchant Name ans var. up M

to "25"
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"60" Merchant City ans var. up M

to "15"

"61" Postal Code ans var. up O

to "10"

"64" Merchant S var. up O A template with other primitive

Information - to "99" data objects (See EMV QRCPS
Language Template for details)

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) (ID “52”) shall contain an MCC as defined by [ISO
18245]. The MCC should indicate the Merchant Category Code of the merchant.
Put a dummy code of “0000” in the MCC field if the payment operator does not use
this information.

The Country Code (ID “58”) shall contain a value as defined by [ISO 3166-1 alpha 2].
The Country Code should indicate the country in which the merchant transacts. Put
“HK” in the Country Code field if the merchant transacts in Hong Kong.

The Merchant Name (ID “59”) shall be present. The Merchant Name should
indicate the “doing business as” name for the merchant. If the QR code information
supports only payment operators who supply merchant information via the payment
operator’s centralized database, this field may be populated with a dummy code of
“NA” in the Merchant Name field. In all other instances, the Merchant Name field
must indicate the “doing business as” name for the merchant.

The Merchant City shall be present (ID “60”). The Merchant City should indicate the
city of the merchant's physical location. Put “HK” in the Merchant City Code field if
the merchant is located in Hong Kong.

The Merchant Information – Language Template (ID “64”) is a template, which

contains other data fields, which may be used by a mobile application to present the
merchant information in an alternate language (Table 4.3B).
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Table 4.3B: Data Fields for Merchant Information – Language Template (ID “64”)

ID Name Format Length Presence Remarks

"00" Language Preference ans "02" M

"01" Merchant S Var. up M

Name—Alternate to “25

"02" Merchant S var. up O

City—Alternate to "15"

"03"- RFU for EMVCo S var. up Data objects reserved for

“99” to "99" EMVCo

If the Merchant Information – Language Template (ID “64”) is present, the template
shall contain the Language Preference field (ID "00") and Merchant Name —
Alternate Language field (ID "01"). It may contain the Merchant City — Alternate
Language field (ID "02"). All other IDs within the Merchant Information—Language
Template are RFU for EMVCo.

The data fields with IDs "01" and "02" are used as an addition to the merchant
information under the root. While the equivalent data objects under the root are
defined with a format of Alphanumeric Special, and as such can only contain the
Common Character Set, the data fields with IDs “01” and “02”, if present, are defined
with a format of String, so therefore may contain a different character set.

The Language Preference field (ID “00”) shall contain 2 alphabetical characters coded
to a value defined by [ISO 639]. The value should represent the single language
used to encode the Merchant Name—Alternate Language field (ID “01”) and the
optional Merchant City—Alternate Language field (ID “02”).

4.4 Transaction Value

The Transaction Value data objects (Table 4.4) specify the currency and amount of a
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transaction. They also include tip or convenience indicators, which allow merchants
or customers to specify the convenience fee in fixed value or percentage.

Table 4.4: Transaction Value

ID Name Format Length Presence Remarks

“53” Transaction Currency N “03” M A numeric code based on [ISO

4217], e.g. put “344” for HKD.

“54” Transaction Amount ans Var. up C

to “13”

“55” Tip or Convenience N “02” O


“56” Value of Convenience ans Var. up C

Fee Fixed to “13”

“57” Value of Convenience ans Var. up C

Fee Percentage to “05”

The Transaction Currency (ID “53”) shall conform to [ISO 4217] and shall contain the
3-digit numeric representation of the currency. For example, HKD is represented by
the value "344". The value should indicate the transaction currency in which the
merchant transacts.

The Transaction Amount (ID “54”), if present, shall be different from zero, shall only
include (numeric) digits "0" to "9" and may contain a single "." character as the
decimal mark. When the amount includes decimals, the "." character shall be used
to separate the decimals from the integer value and the "." character may be present
even if there are no decimals. The Transaction Amount shall not be included if the
mobile application should prompt the consumer to enter the amount to be paid to
the Merchant.

The payment system operators should follow the rules and format in accordance with
the EMV QRCPS to process the Transaction Value IDs of the QR Code.
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4.5 Additional Data Template

The ID “62” is a template which includes common additional data objects such as Bill
Number and Reference Label. It also allows payment operators to define their own
additional data objects.

Table 4.5: Additional Data

ID Sub- Name Format Length Pre- Remarks

ID sence

“62” “01” Bill Number ans var. up to “25” O

“02” Mobile Number ans var. up to “25” O

“03” Store Label ans var. up to “25” O

“04” Loyalty Number ans var. up to “25” O

“05” Reference Label ans var. up to “25” O

“06” Customer Label ans var. up to “25” O

“07” Terminal Label ans var. up to “25” O

“08” Purpose of ans var. up to “25” O


“09” Additional ans var. up to “25” O

Consumer Data

“10” – Reserved for S O

“49” EMVCo

“50” Reserved for S O


“51” – Reserved for the S O

“55” WG

“56” – Reserved for S O Dynamically used by

Hong Kong payment operators for use in
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“99” payment system Hong Kong


The payment operators should follow the rules and format in accordance with the
EMV QRCPS to process the Data Objects for Additional Data Field Template of the QR
Code. As the maximum data size of this Additional Data Field Template (ID “62”) is
only 99 characters, it is highly recommended that the operators make use of the
pre-defined additional data objects (Sub-IDs “01” – “09”) and avoid defining their
own additional data objects in this template so as to prevent data overflow when QR
codes of several payment system operators are combined into one common QR
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Annex A

Members of Working Group on Common QR Code Standard for

Retail Payments in Hong Kong

Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited

American Express International Inc.
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
The Bank of East Asia
Global Payments Inc.
HKT Payment Limited
Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Octopus Cards Limited
TNG (Asia) Limited
UnionPay International Co., Ltd
Visa Worldwide Pte. Limited
WeChat Pay Hong Kong Limited

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