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ATM Architecture

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The Formal Design Model of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

Yingxu Wang, University of Calgary, Canada

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a safety-critical and real-time system that is highly complicated in design and implementation. This paper presents the formal design, specification, and modeling of the ATM system using a denotational mathematics known as Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA). The conceptual model of the ATM system is introduced as the initial requirements for the system. The architectural model of the ATM system is created using RTPA architectural modeling methodologies and refined by a set of Unified Data Models (UDMs), which share a generic mathematical model of tuples. The static behaviors of the ATM system are specified and refined by a set of Unified Process Models (UPMs) for the ATM transition processing and system supporting processes. The dynamic behaviors of the ATM system are specified and refined by process priority allocation, process deployment, and process dispatch models. Based on the formal design models of the ATM system, code can be automatically generated using the RTPA Code Generator (RTPA-CG), or be seamlessly transformed into programs by programmers. The formal models of ATM may not only serve as a formal design paradigm of real-time software systems, but also a test bench for the expressive power and modeling capability of exiting formal methods in software engineering. Keywords: Software science, software engineering, RTPA, ATM, real-time systems, formal design models, system architecture specification, system behaviour specification, unified data models, UDM, unified process models, UPM, design frameworks, design reuse INTRODUCTION The modeling and description of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) are a typical design case in safety-critical and real-time systems (Laplante, 1977; Hayes, 1985; McDermid, 1991; Corsetti et al., 1991; Liu, 2000; Wang, 2002, 2007). As a real-time control system, the ATM system is characterized by its high degree of complexity, intricate interactions with hardware devices and users, and necessary requirements for domain knowledge. All these factors warrant the ATM system as a complex but ideal design paradigm in large-scale software system design in general and in real-time system modeling in particular. There is a lack of systematical and detailed documentation of design knowledge and modeling prototypes of ATM systems and a formal model of them in denotational mathematics and formal notation systems (Wang, 2008a, 2008b). This paper presents the formal design, specification, and modeling of the ATM system using a denotational mathematics known as Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA) (Wang, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008a, 2008c, 2008d). RTPA introduces only 17 meta-processes and 17 process relations to describe software system architectures and behaviors with a stepwise refinement methodology (Wang, 2007, 2008c). According to the RTPA methodology for system modeling and refinement, a software system can be specified as a set of architectural and operational components as well as their interactions. The former is modeled by Unified Data Models (UDMs, also known as the component logical model (CLM)) (Wang, 2008c), which is an abstract model of system hardware interfaces, an internal logic model of hardware, and/or an internal control structure of the system. The latter is modeled by static and dynamic processes using the Unified Process Models (UPMs) (Hoare, 1978, 1985; Bjorner and Jones, 1982; Wang, 2007, 2008c; Wang and King, 2000). This paper develops a formal design model of the ATM system in a top-down approach on the basis of the RTPA methodology. This work demonstrates that the ATM system can be formally modeled and described by a set of real-time processes in RTPA. In the remainder of this paper, the conceptual model of the ATM system is

described as the initial requirements for the system. The architectural model of the ATM system is created based on the conceptual model using the RTPA architectural modeling methodologies and refined by a set of UDMs. Then, the static behaviors of the ATM system are specified and refined by a set of processes (UPMs). The dynamic behaviors of the ATM system are specified and refined by process priority allocation, process deployment, and process dispatching models. With the formal and rigorous models of the ATM system, code can be automatically generated by the RTPA Code Generator (RTPA-CG) (Wang, 2007), or be seamlessly transferred into program code manually. The formal models of ATM may not only serve as a formal design paradigm of real-time software systems, but also a test bench for the expressive power and modeling capability of exiting formal methods in software engineering. THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE ATM SYSTEM An ATM system is a real-time front terminal of automatic teller services with the support of a central bank server and a centralized account database. This paper models an ATM that provides money withdraw and account balance management services. The architecture of the ATM system, as shown in Fig. 1, encompasses an ATM processor, a system clock, a remote account database, and a set of peripheral devices such as the card reader, monitor, keypad, bills storage, and bills disburser.
Card Reader [1]

ATM Process or

Bills Disburser [1]

Keypad [1] Bills Storage [1]

Monitor [1] [1] System Clock [1]

Accoun t Database [1]

Fig. 1 The conceptual model of the ATM system

The conceptual model of an ATM system is used to be described by a Finite State Machine (FSM), which adopts a set of states and a set of state transition functions modeled by a transition diagram or a transition table to describe the basic behaviors of the ATM system. On the basis of the conceptual model of the ATM system as given in Fig. 1, the top level behaviors of ATM can be modeled in a transition diagram as shown in Fig. 2. Corresponding to the transition diagram of the ATM as given in Fig. 2, a formal model of the ATM system as an FSM, ATMST, is defined as a 5-tuple as follows: ATMST (S, , s, F, ) where S is a set of valid states that forms the domain of the ATM, S = {s0, s1, , s7} where the states are: s0 System, s1 Welcome, s2 - Check PIN, s3 Input withdraw amount, s4 - Verify balance, s5 - Verify bills availability, s6 - Disburse bills, and s7 - Eject card, respectively; is a set of events that the ATM may accept and process, = {e0, e1, , e10} where e0 - Start, e1 - Insert card, e2 - Correct PIN, e3 - Incorrect PIN, e4 Request max, e5 Request > max, e6 - Cancel transaction, e7 Sufficient funds, e8 - Insufficient funds, e9 - Sufficient bills in ATM, and e10 - Insufficient bills in ATM; s is the start state of the ATM, s = s1 (Welcome); 2 (1)

F is a set of ending states, F = {s1}; is the transition function of the ATM that determines the next state of the FSM, si+1, on the basis of the current state si and a specific incoming event ei, i.e., si+1 = (si, ei), where = f: S S (2)

which can be rigorously defined in the transition table as shown in Table 1 corresponding to the conceptual model of the ATM behaviors as shown in Fig. 2.

S ystem start W elcom e in sert card can cel tran saction can cel tran saction

in correct C h eck P IN PIN correct P IN r request In putw ith daw am ount > m ax R eque st m ax V erify balan ce

E ject card

in sufficien t fun ds su fficien t fu n ds

in su fficien t billsin A T M

D isburse bills

V erify bills availability

sufficienbills t in A T M

Fig. 2 The transition diagram of the ATM behaviors

Table 1. The State Transition Table of the ATM

si s0 s1 s2 s2 s2 s3 s3 s3 s4 s4 s5 s5 s6 s7

ei e0 e1 e2 e3 e6 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10 -

si+1 = (si, ei) s1 s2 s3 s2 s7 s4 s3 s7 s5 s7 s6 s7 s7 s1

Based on the above conceptual models and descriptions, an abstract FSM model of the ATM system can be described as shown in Fig. 3.

s0 e0 s1 e1 e3 s2 e2 e5 s3 e4 e9 s4 e7 s5 e6 e6 e10 s7 s6


Fig. 3 The Abstract FSM Model of the ATM behaviors

The top level framework of the ATM system can be modeled by a set of architecture, static behaviors, and dynamic behaviors using RTPA (Wang, 2002, 2008a) as follows:
(ATM ) ATM.Architecture ST || ATM.StaticBehaviors PC || ATM.DynamicBehaviors PC


where || indicates that these three subsystems related in parallel, and , ST, and PC are type suffixes of system, system structure, and process, respectively. The conceptual models of ATM as presented in Figs. 1 through 3 describe the configuration, basic behaviors, and logical relationships among components of the ATM system. According to the RTPA methodology for system modeling, specification, and refinement (Wang, 2008a, 2008b), the top level model of any system may be specified in a similar structure as given in Eq. 3. The following sections will extend and refine the top level framework of ATM into detailed architectural models (UDMs) and behavioral models (UPMs). THE ARCHITECTURAL MODEL OF THE ATM SYSTEM The architecture of a hybrid hardware/software system, particularly a real-time system, is a system framework that represents the overall structure, components, processes, and their interrelationships and interactions. This sections specifies the architecture of the ATM system, ATM.ArchitectureST, by a high-level architectural framework based on its conceptual model as provided in Fig. 1. Then, each of its architectural components will be refined as a UDM (also known as Component Logical Model (CLM)) (Wang, 2002, 2007, 2008c). The Architectural Framework of the ATM System System architectures, at the top level, specify a list of structural identifiers of UDMs and their relations. A UDM may be regarded as a predefined class of system hardware or internal control models, which can be inherited or implemented by corresponding UDM objects as specific instances in the succeeding architectural refinement processes for the system. Corresponding to the conceptual model of ATM as shown in Figs. 1 to 3, the high-level specification of the architecture of ATM, ATM.ArchitectureST, is given in Fig. 4 in RTPA. ATM.ArchitectureST encompasses parallel structures of a set of UDMs such as the ATMProcessorST, CardReaderST, KeypadST, MonitorST, BillStorageST,

BillsDisburserST, AccountDatabaseST, and SysClockST, as well as a set of system events @EventsS and a set of statuses StatusBL. The numbers in the angel brackets indicate the configuration of how many data objects that share the same UDM.
ATM.ArchitectureST <ATMProcessor : ST | [1]> || <CardRead er : ST | [1]> || <Keypad : ST | [1]> || <Monitor : ST | [1 ]> || <BillStorage : ST | [1]> || <BillsDisburser : ST | [1]> || <SysClo ck : ST | [1] || <SysDatabase : ST | [1]> || <@ EventsS> || <StatusBL>
Fig. 4 The architectural framework of the ATM system

The set of events of ATM are predefined global control variables of the system, as given in Eq. 4, which represent an external stimulus to a system or the occurring of an internal change of status such as an action of users, an updating of the environment, and a change of the value of a control variable. Types of general events, @EventS, that may trigger a behavior in a system can be classified into operational (@eS), time (@tTM), and interrupt (@int) events where @ is the event prefix, and S, TM, and the type suffixes of string, time, and interrupt, respectively, i.e.:
ATM.Architecture ST.EventsST @SysInitial S | @tTM = thh:mm:ss | @SysClock1 00msInt

(4) In RTPA, a status denoted by sBL is an abstract model of system state in Boolean type with a status prefix , such as an operation result and an internal condition. The ATM statuses as a set of predefined global control variables are as follows:
ATM.Architecture ST.StatusST CardReadStatusBL | Monitor Status BL | KeypadStatusBL | BillStorage StatusBL | Bill sDisburser StatusBL | BillsDisburseEngineStatus BL | BillsAvailable BL | BillsDisbursed BL | CardInserted BL | CardEjected BL | CancellKeyPr essed BL | EnterKeyPressed BL | DataEntered BL | TimeOut BL | ServiceCompleted BL | ServiceCancelled BL | SystemFailure BL | SysShutDown BL | ValidAmount BL | ValidBalance BL | ValidCard BL | ValidPIN BL


The UDM Structures of the ATM System

As modeled in Fig. 4, the ATM system encompasses eight UDMs for modeling the system hardware interfaces and internal control structures. It is recognized that UDMs are a powerful modeling means in system architectural modeling (Wang, 2002, 2007, 2008c), which can be used to unify user defined complex data objects in system modeling, and to represent the abstraction and formalization of domain knowledge and structural information. The generic mathematical model of UDMs is tuples. Each of the eight UDMs of the ATM system is designed and modeled in the following subsections, except that the ATMProcessorST will be embodied by its static and dynamic behavioral models (UPMs) in other sections. (a) The UDM of the Card Reader The card reader of the ATM system, CardReaderST, is an architectural model of the interface device, which accepts an inserted bank card, scans predesigned identification information on the card, and returns the card to users. The UDM model of CardReaderST specifies seven functional fields as shown in Fig. 5. The card input port is an input structure consisting of two fields known as the CardInputAddressH and CardInputN. The card insert port is an output structure consisting of two fields known as the CardInsertAddressH and CardInsertEngineBL. The card eject port is another output structure consisting of two fields known as the CardEjectAddressH and CardEjectEngineBL. There are three CardReaderST operating statuses modeled in the fields of CardReadStatusBL, CardInsertStatusBL, and CardEjectStatusBL.
CardReader ST (<PORTST(<CardInputAddress : H | CardInputAddress H = FF00H>, <CardInput : N | 0 CardInputN 1000000>)>, <CardReadStatus : BL | CardReadStatusBL = {(T, Normal), (F , Faulty)}>, <PORTST(<CardInsertAddress : H | CardInsertAddressH = FF01H>, <CardInsertEngine : BL | CardInsertEngineBL = {(T, On), (F, Off)}>)>, <CardInsertStatus : BL | CardInsertStatus BL = {(T, Normal), (F, Faulty)}>, <PORTST(<CardEjectAddress : H | CardEjectAddress H = FF01H>, <CardEjectEngine : BL | CardEjectEngineBL = {(T, On), (F, Off)}>)>, <CardEjectStatus : BL | CardEjectStatusBL = {(T, Normal), (F , Faulty)}> )

Fig. 5 The refined UDM model of the card reader

(b) The UDM of the Keypad The keypad of the ATM system, KeypadST, is an architectural model of the interface device for users entering required information such as the personal identification number (PIN) and withdraw amount of money. The UDM model of KeypadST specifies five functional fields with certain design constraints as shown in Fig. 6. The field of PortAddressH represents the physical input address of the keypad. The field of InputDigitsH represents information ( 4 digits) entered from the keypad. The field of KeypadStatusBL represents the working conditions of the keypad. The fields of EnterPressedBL and CancelPressedBL represent a valid or invalid input entered by the keypad, respectively.
KeypadST (<PORTST(<PortAddress : H | PortAddressH = FF10H>, <InputDigits : N | 0 InputDigitsN 1000>)>, <KeypadStatus : BL | KeypadStatusBL = {(T,Normal), (F, Faulty)}>, <Enter Pressed : BL | EnterPressed BL = {(T, Pressed), (F, Unpressed>, <CancelPressed : BL | CancelPressedBL = {(T, Pressed), (F, Unpressed)}> )
Fig. 6 The refined UDM model of the keypad

(c) The UDM of the Monitor The monitor of the ATM system, MonitorST, is an architectural model of the output device that displays system operational and status information to users. The UDM model of MonitorST specifies four functional fields with certain design constraints as shown in Fig. 7. The field of PortAddressH represents the physical output address to the monitor. The field of OutputInformationS represents a string of letters ( 255 characters) that will be displayed on the monitor. The field of MonitorStatusBL represents the operational conditions of the monitor. The field of CurrentDisplyS is a system feedback of the latest output information on the monitor.
MonitorST (<PORTST(<PortAddress : H | PortAddressH = FF20H>, <OutputInformation : S | 0 < #(Output InformationS) 255>)>, <Monitor Status : BL | MonitorStatusBL = {(T, Normal), ( F, Faulty)}>, <CurrentDisplay : S | 0 #(CurrentDisplayS) 255>)> )
Fig. 7 The refined UDM model of the monitor

(d) The UDM of the Bills Storage The bills storage of the ATM system, BillStorageST, is an architectural model of the internal device that stores bills in different notes, which can be sent to the bills disburser in various combinations. The UDM model of BillStorageST specifies six functional fields with certain design constraints as shown in Fig. 8. The bills storage port is an output structure consisting of two fields known as the BillStorageAddressH and BillsAmountN. The bills deliver port is an output structure consisting of two fields known as the BillsDeliverAddressH and BillsDeliverEngineBL. The field of BillStorageStatusBL represents the operational conditions of the bills storage. The field of BillsLevelN represents the current level of bills in the bills storage.
BillStorageST (<PORTST(<BillStorageAddress : H | BillStorageAddressH = FF3 0H>, <BillsAmount : N | 1 BillsAmountN 1000 >)>, <PORT ST(<BillsDeliverAddress : H | BillsDeliverAddressH = FF31H>, <BillsDeliverEngine : BL | BillsDeliveryEngineBL = {(T, On), ( F, Off)}>)>, <BillStorage Status : BL | BillStorage StatusBL = {(T, Normal), (F, Faulty)}>, <BillsLevel : N | 0 BillsLevelN MaxLevelN>
Fig. 8 The refined UDM model of the bills storage

(e) The UDM of the Bills Disburser The bills disburser of the ATM system, BillsDisburserST, is an architectural model of the output device that delivers bills of requested amount from the bills storage to the customer. The UDM model of BillsDisburserST specifies four functional fields with certain design constraints as shown in Fig. 9. The disburser drive port is an output structure consisting of two fields known as the DisburserDriveAddressH and DisburseEngineBL. The field of BillsDisburserStatusBL represents the operational conditions of the bills disburser. The field of AmountDisbursedN is a system feedback signal of bills disbursed to the customer in the current transaction.
BillsDisburserST (<PORTST(<DisburserDriveAddress : H | DisburserDriveAddressH = FF41H>, <DisburseEngine : BL | DisburseEngineBL = {(T, On), (F, Off)}>)>, <BillsDisburserStatus : BL | BillsDisburserStatusBL = {(T, Normal), (F, Faulty)}>, <AmountDisbursed : N | 1 AmountDisbursedN 1000>)> )
Fig. 9 The refined UDM model of the bills disburser

(f) The UDM of the System Clock The system clock of the ATM system is an architectural model for event timing, process duration manipulation, and system synchronization. The UDM model of the system clock, SysClockST, is designed as given in Fig. 10. SysClockST provides an absolute (calendar) clock CurrentTimehh:mm:ss as the logical time reference of the entire system and a relative clock tN as a generic counter of the ATM system. The InterruptCounterN is adopted to transfer the system timing ticks at 100ms interval into the second signal. The real-time system clock is updated by the process SysClockPC, which will be described in the following section on system static behaviors.
SysClockST ( <t : N | 0 tN 1,000,000>, <CurrentTime : hh:mm:ss | 00:00:00 CurrentTimehh:mm:ss 23:59:59>, <MainClockPort : H | MainClockPortB = FFF1H>, <ClockInterval : N | ClockIntervalN = 100ms>, <InterruptCounter : N | 0 InterruptCounter N 9>

Fig. 10 The refined UDM model of the system clock

(g) The UDM of the System Database The system database of the ATM system, SysDatabaseST, is an architectural model of the internal centralized database located in the bank`s server where the ATM connects to. The ATM uses the card number scanned from a bank card and the PIN entered from the keypad to access the system database in order to verify the validity of the card and information recorded in the corresponding account in SysDatabaseST, such as the card holder, current balance, and withdraw constraints. The UDM model of SysDatabaseST specifies a set of accounts with seven functional fields as shown in Fig. 11. The field of AccountNumN represents a specific account existed in the system that is corresponding to the number assigned to the bank card. The field of AccountStatusBL represents the current status of an account such as active or inactive in the system. The field of PINH represents a user defined PIN ( 4 digits) recorded in the system. The field of CardHolderS records the name of person that holds the account. The field of BalanceN represents the current remaining money in the given account. The field of MaxAllowableWithdrawN represents the limit set by the bank for the given account. The field of CurrentWithdrawN specifies the valid user requested amount of withdraw in the current transaction.

SysDatabase ST

iN =0

SysAccount (iN)ST: (<AccountNum : N | 0 AccountNum N 1000000 >) : <Account Status : BL | AccountStatus BL = {( T, Active), ( F, Inactive)} >, <PIN : N | 0000 PINN 9999>, <CardHolder : S | 0 < #( CardHolder S) 255>, <Balance : N | 0 Balance N 10000 >, <MaxAllowableWithdraw : N | MaxAllowableWithdraw N = 1000 >, <CurrentWithdraw : N | 5 CurrentWithdraw N MaxAllowableWithdraw N> )

Fig. 11 The refined UDM model of the system database

The system architectural models specified in this section provide a set of abstract object models and clear interfaces between system hardware and software. By reaching this point, the co-design of a real-time system can be carried out in parallel by separated hardware and software teams. It is recognized that system architecture specification by the means of UDMs is a fundamental and difficult phase in software system modeling, while conventional formal methods hardly provide any support for this purpose. From the above examples in this subsection, it can be seen that RTPA provides a set of expressive notations for specifying system architectural structures and control models, including hardware, software, and their interactions. On the basis of the system architecture specification and with the work products of system architectural components or UDMs, specification of the operational components of the LDS system as behavioral processes can be carried out directly as elaborated in the following sections.

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