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Quiz Attendance 6

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Quizizz: Research on Various Contemporary Ar

Quiz started on: Fri 23, Apr 01:02 PM Total Attendance: 21 Average Score: 13462

Class Level
# Correct

What defined Earth art from the other forms of art?


What makes installation art different from sculpture or other

traditional art forms? 15

Juan is a thriving politician. He wants that even in the far-flung

area, his name and his platform be remembered. What art form is 18
best use by Juan?
Sam is well-versed in creating digital images with the aid of a
computer. What form of art does Sam practicing? 19

Actors and actresses are the major key players to give life to
performance whether live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted. 19

What makes photography different from painting?


It is an art for which the idea behind the work is more important
than the finished art object. 19

It refers to an imprecise category of photographs, created in

accordance with the creative vision of the cameraman. 21

What form of contemporary art is this?


What form of contemporary art is this?


Art forms such as news reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays

and novels belongs to this contemporary art forms. 18
These pertain to art forms such as jazz, dance hits, folksong
revival, rock and roll, rap, and OPM. 20

Sarswela, komedya and senakulo, dula-dula, and dance drama are

examples of art forms in: 18

These pertain to art forms such as folk dance, social dance, ballet,
modern dance, ethnic or indigenous dance, hip hop. 17

When you feel what the artist wants to communicate, wants to

convey his experience, his feeling, or his view you are 11
What kind of visual art do you see in the picture?

Find the odd one out.


Who wrote "Mi Ultimo Adios?"


What is the other term for audio-visual arts?


It is a still-life photography genre used to create attractive still-life

photographs of food. 11

Total 301

Player level data in next Sheet!!

Time is represented in GMT+0800

ontemporary Art Forms
verage Score: 13462

Class Level

Danika Laguio
# Incorrect # Unattempted
( LAGUIO, J. )

It gives stress to the

15 0 environment

Its ability to physically interact

6 0 with viewers

3 0

Computer Art
2 0

Performance Art
2 0

Photography requires a real

8 0 physical object to be there to
take a picture of it.
Conceptual Art
2 0

0 0

land art
2 0

poster art
11 0

3 0
1 0

3 0

4 0

art appreciation
10 0

plastic art
13 0

8 0

Jose Rizal
3 0

performance art
13 0

food photography
10 0

119 0 22060
Catherine Jose ( JOSE, Bautista, Daphne Danielle Marie Giron
A. ) ( BAUTISTA, O. ) ( GIRON, D. )

It gives stress to the It gives stress to the It gives stress to the

environment environment environment

Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact
with viewers with viewers with viewers

Poster Poster Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art Performance Art

Photography uses creative Photography requires a real Photography requires

imagination to come out with physical object to be there to technical skill to be
a beautiful work of art. take a picture of it. considered an indispensable
Conceptual Art Conceptual Art part of one’sArt
Conceptual artistic talent.

Photography Photography Photography

land art Land Art Land Art

Poster art Poster Art Conceptual Art

literature literature literature

music music music

theater theater theater

dance dance dance

art appreciation art appreciation art appreciation

plastic art plastic art plastic art

sculpture sculpture sculpture

Jose Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

performing arts Performing Art Performing Arts

food photography Photography Food photography

21150 18450 18340

FURUYA, TASJA C. Fer Nolasco Arianne Soriano

It required too many materials It integrates other forms of art It integrates other forms of art
to finish one work

Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact Its popularity and intricacy
with viewers with viewers

Poster Poster Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art Performance Art

Photography requires a real Photography requires Photography requires a real

physical object to be there to technical skill to be physical object to be there to
take a picture of it. considered an indispensable take a picture of it.
Conceptual Art part of one’sArt
Conceptual artistic talent. Conceptual Art

Photography Photography Photography

land art Land Art Land art

poster art Poster Art Poster art

literature literature literature

music music music

theater theater theater

dance dance dance

art appropriation art appropriation art appreciation

paper art plastic art paper art

sculpture sculpture printing

Josie Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

performing arts Music Art performning art

food photography Visual Art Food photography

14160 14070 13730

Player Leve

TALAMPAS, Darius C. ( Dana Zaragoza Jirah Semacio


It integrates other forms of art It integrates other forms of art It rejects traditional gallery
and museum spaces

Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact Its complexity and ingenuity
with viewers with viewers

Poster Poster Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art Body art

Photography requires a real Photography requires a real Photography requires a real

physical object to be there to physical object to be there to physical object to be there to
take a picture of it. take a picture of it. take a picture of it.
Conceptual Art Conceptual Art Conceptual Art

Photography Photography Photography

Land Art Land art Land Art

Visual art Poster Graphic Art

literature literature literature

music music music

theater theater theater

dance dance dance

art appreciation art appropriation art appreciation

paper art plastic art paper art

printing sculpture sculpture

Jose Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

spacial arts Performing Arts Performance Art

Yes Artistic photography food photography

13720 13700 13600

Player Level
Bea Villaflor
( MUNAR, C. ) Louis ( PACIS, P. )

It integrates other forms of art It integrates other forms of art It gives stress to the

Its complexity and ingenuity Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact
with viewers with viewers

Poster Poster Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art Performance Art

Photography requires a real Photography requires a real Photography uses creative

physical object to be there to physical object to be there to imagination to come out with
take a picture of it. take a picture of it. a beautiful work of art.
Conceptual Art Conceptual Art Conceptual Art

Photography Photography Photography

Land Art Land art Land Art

Poster Art Poster Graphic Art

literature theater literature

music music music

theater theater theater

dance dance dance

art appropriation art appropriation art appreciation

graphic art paper art paper art

sculpture sculpture sculpture

Jose Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

Performance Arts Theatre arts Spacial art

Food Photography Food photography Photography

13540 13300 12800

REYES, YFRIEL Edward Joseph Restua Donela Lei Ilustre
( REYES, L. ) ( RESTUA, DR. ) ( Donela Lei Ilustre )

It integrates other forms of art It integrates other forms of art It rejects traditional gallery
and museum spaces

Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact Its beauty and elegance
with viewers with viewers

Poster Poster Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art Performance Art

Photography uses creative Photography requires a real Photography requires a real

imagination to come out with physical object to be there to physical object to be there to
a beautiful work of art. take a picture of it. take a picture of it.
Conceptual Art Conceptual Art Conceptual Art

Photography Photography Photography

land art Land Art Land Art

graphic art Poster Art Conceptual art

literature literature literature

music music music

theater visual music

theater theater dance

art appreciation art appropriation art convention

plastic art paper art paper art

printing printing printing

Jose Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

performing arts Performing Art Theater Arts

Photography food photography Table Top Photography

11900 11670 11060

Christine Villagracia
C) ( CAMPOS, P. )

It integrates other forms of art It rejects traditional gallery It integrates other forms of art
and museum spaces

Its complexity and ingenuity Its ability to physically interact Its ability to physically interact
with viewers with viewers

Video Animation Poster

Computer Art Computer Art Photography

Performance Art Performance Art Performance Art

Photography uses creative Photography requires Photography requires a real

imagination to come out with technical skill to be physical object to be there to
a beautiful work of art. considered an indispensable take a picture of it.
Graphic Art part of one’sArt
Conceptual artistic talent. Conceptual Art

Photography Photography Photography

land art Land art Surrealist art

Computer art Graphic art Poster art

literature literature theater

music music music

theater theater theater

dance theater dance

art appreciation art appropriation art convention

paper art plastic art paper art

painting printing printing

Jose Rizal Jose Rizal Jose Rizal

performing arts Spatial arts Auditory arts

more personal food photography Yes

10780 10400 8410

Gerrylyn Balanag GLEN APOLONIO
( Gerrylyn Balanag ) ( APOLONIO, L. )

It gives stress to the It integrates other forms of art


Its popularity and intricacy Its ability to physically interact

with viewers

Collage Poster

Architecture Computer Art

Performance Art Conceptual Art

Photography requires a real Photography requires

physical object to be there to technical skill to be
take a picture of it. considered an indispensable
Conceptual Art part of one’s
Graphic Art artistic talent.

Photography Photography

hshsjjs Land art

ghhjj Poster art

literature theater
visual music

music theater

dance theater

art appreciation art appropriation

sculpture sculpture

sculpture sculpture

Josie Rizal Jhose Rizal

perf Music art

food Food photography

8100 7780
Quizizz: Research on Various Contemporary Ar
Quiz started on: Fri 23, Apr 01:02 PM Total Attendance: 21 Average Score: 13462

Players Score Accuracy Started At

Danika Laguio
( LAGUIO, J. )
22060 100% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Catherine Jose ( JOSE,

A. ) 21150 100% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Bautista, Daphne
18450 95% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Danielle Marie Giron

( GIRON, D. ) 18340 95% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

( FURUYA, C. )
14160 90% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Fer Nolasco
14070 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Arianne Soriano
( SORIANO, B. ) 13730 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

13720 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Dana Zaragoza
( ZARAGOZA, E. ) 13700 85% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Jirah Semacio
13600 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:16 AM

( MUNAR, C. )
13540 80% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

PACIS, Patriz Diane

Louis ( PACIS, P. )
13300 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
Bea Villaflor
( VILLAFLOR, 12800 75% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
( REYES, L. ) 11900 70% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
Edward Joseph
Restua ( RESTUA, 11670 70% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
DR. )
Donela Lei Ilustre
( Donela Lei Ilustre )
11060 65% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Christine Villagracia
10780 65% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
LORENZ ( PADILLLA, C 10400 65% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM
CEDRICK P. 8410 60% Fri 23, Apr 05:09 AM
( CAMPOS, P. )
Gerrylyn Balanag
( Gerrylyn Balanag ) 8100 45% Fri 23, Apr 05:09 AM

7780 55% Fri 23, Apr 05:06 AM

Time is represented in GMT+0800

ntemporary Art Forms
age Score: 13462


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