Nature Can Help You Heal: 21 Ways
Nature Can Help You Heal: 21 Ways
Nature Can Help You Heal: 21 Ways
2 HealthMeans
4 Enjoy Plants
5 Touch Soil
Take Wilderness Trips
6 Do a Walking Meditation
7 Get Some Sun
8 Relax Your Body
Give Forest Bathing a Try
9 Pursue Nature that Holds your Attention
10 Try Urban Foraging
11 Boost Your Immune System
12 Get Some Fresh Air
13 Improve the Quality of Indoor Air
Bring Plants Indoors
14 Put Your Hands in Water
15 Walk Barefoot
Lay on the Ground
16 Hug a Tree
Spend the Day by the Water
17 Drink Water
18 Use Plants Medicinally
19 Summary
21 References
3 HealthMeans
We spend far less time in nature than we did even So how exactly do we make use of nature to
25 or 50 years ago [1]. More jobs are indoors, and improve our health? The science points to many
kids are less likely to play outside. Some of us rarely different strategies, and we don’t need to live near
go into nature at all. But nature can be powerful a forest to do most of them. With a little effort, we
medicine - helping us to heal from illness, improve can integrate nature into our lives in ways that have
our immunity and boost our mental well-being. positive impacts on our health for years to come.
4 HealthMeans
Why do we prefer to look at a flowerbed more than looking at a sidewalk? Or, why do we enjoy looking
up at a giant redwood tree more than a giant building? Well, research suggests that viewing vegetation
makes us feel good, so we enjoy it more. Just about any vegetation will do. Looking at flowers in a park (or
even indoors) or viewing plants through a window may have stress-reducing or other well-being benefits.
In particular, large vegetation such as trees or forests seems to be the most beneficial [1]. For example,
research showed that patients with a window view of trees recovered faster from gallbladder surgery than
those with a window view of a brick wall [1]. So anytime you get the chance to enjoy vegetation, take it.
While it’s always nice to get flowers from someone else, you can also buy flowers for yourself to enjoy and
reap the same benefits. The goal is be with nature—or at least view it—to get the benefits.
In the modern world, gardening is one of the most common
ways people interact with nature. That’s a good thing
because gardening has been shown to increase people’s
life satisfaction, physical health and even cognitive function.
Studies further show that even a few hours of gardening can
result in instantaneous reductions in depression and anxiety
symptoms [2]. It’s unclear whether the benefits of gardening
are from being outdoors, getting more sun or being on the
ground; all we know is that is works. Given this evidence,
gardening is now being used as a cost-effective mental health
intervention and has even taken on the title, ‘horticulture
therapy.’ So try to find a way to do a little gardening. You can
make a windowsill garden, join a community garden or start
a plot in the back yard of your or your family’s home to start
reaping the benefits.
5 HealthMeans
Researchers have found that a type of bacteria in soil called Mycobacterium vaccae can affect the brain in
a similar way as antidepressants. Specifically, the bacteria can activate brain cells that produce serotonin, a
feel-good neurochemical. The authors speculate that spending more time in the dirt can expose us to these
good bacteria and potentially help improve our mental health [3]. Of course, gardening is one good way to
get your hands in the dirt, but it is not the only way. You could play in the dirt with your kids, sit on the grass
in a park or do other outdoor projects that require moving or interacting with dirt.
A rather large amount of research has explored the health
and well-being benefits of wilderness trips. In one study that
asked participants to write about their experiences, it was
shown that wilderness trips can help people develop ‘no time-
consciousness.’ After undergoing the trip, participants also
reported wanting to slow down, consume less and simplify.
They said they now had a better sense of what really matters
and felt more in tune with nature [4]. For many of us, these
are experiences we strive for. And this research suggests
that we may be able to achieve these valuable experiences
and perspectives as a result of doing wilderness trips. So try
to come up with fun wilderness adventures to try. You could
go white-water rafting, camping, mountain biking or do other
guided or non-guided adventures.
6 HealthMeans
Meditation is about learning how to stop—stop our worried thoughts, distressing emotions or unhealthy
actions. An outdoor meditation can be a stopping point where instead of doing whatever we’re doing, we
opt instead to be fully present, notice our breathing and pay attention to everything else that surrounds
us [5]. By doing so, we help clear the mind of clutter and become more mindful, which is good for our
health and well-being. To do a walking meditation, focus on the tiny details of what exists in front of you.
Take note of your steps—left, right then left again [6]. Try to notice the feeling of the air on your face or
the sun on your skin. Some parks and open spaces even have labyrinths available for their communities
to enjoy. These mindful practices can help calm the body and improve overall wellness.
7 HealthMeans
The number one reason why we need sun appears to be because we need more vitamin D, and your body
makes vitamin D when it is exposed to sun. Although scientific experts can’t seem to agree on how much
vitamin D we need, the evidence shows that more and more of us are vitamin D deficient [7]. Given vitamin
D plays an important role in our health [8], it is absolutely essential to get enough. Unfortunately, vitamin D
supplementation may not be entirely adequate. That’s why it’s a good idea to get at least some sun
each day.
8 HealthMeans
Forest bathing involves visiting a forest for relaxation
and recreation while breathing in the scent from the
wood of the trees [9]. Forest bathing has been shown
to increase vigor and reduce anxiety and depression.
Specifically in one study, forest bathing resulted in
lower levels of two stress hormones, adrenaline and
noradrenaline. Furthermore, forest bathing appeared
to have positive effects on the immune system by
increasing natural killer cell activity. These natural killer
cells are thought to help the body kill cancer cells [9].
Together, this evidence suggests that forest bathing is a
useful tool for improving both health and well-being.
Some theorists suggest that nature’s restorative effects are a result of its
ability to hold our attention. If we’ve ever looked up at a massive waterfall,
down on a valley from the top of a mountain or deep into an aquarium of
colorful fish, we’ve experienced the pull that nature has on our attention.
Its vastness and ability to provoke awe can help us disconnect from
troublesome thoughts, set aside our worries and be more fully present
in the moment [1]. This mental shift may explain why being in nature—
particularly in places that generate a sense of awe—is so good for our
health and well-being.
10 HealthMeans
Mushrooms are often used as medicine for their potent
antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects.
Mushrooms, especially shiitake and chaga, have even been
shown to have positive effects on the immune system [10].
A couple ways mushrooms boost the immune system and
help fight inflammation is because they contain beta glucans
and vitamin D. If you’re looking for a way other than eating
mushrooms to get your dose in, try Four Sigmatic, which has
a variety of mushroom-blend coffee substitutes.
We sometimes take fresh air for granted. In several major cities and in regions with regular fires, the air is
brown and unclean. In the rest of the world, the air is cleaner (although this is changing.) Therefore, in most
locations, it is helpful to get outdoors and breathe in this clean air. So take some time outside, whether it be
by taking a work break or walking from the office to the car, and try to get a bit more fresh air. To minimize
breathing in toxic car exhaust fumes, choose low-traffic walking routes and avoid walking near busy
roadways during high traffic times.
Build upon the benefits of outdoor fresh air by cleaning up the air inside. Inside our homes, there
are tons of chemicals we may not be aware of. Most notably, air fresheners, deodorizers and
moth repellents often include p-dichlorobenzene (p-DCB), which is known to increase cancer
risk [11]. Other chemicals can come from paint on the walls, coating on the inside of the oven or
various types of flooring. So open your windows as often as possible to benefit from the clean,
outdoor air. You could also consider getting a high quality air filter like IQ Air or Air Doctor. HEPA air
filters are a good choice because they force air through a fine mesh that traps small particles
such as pollen, dander, dust and tobacco smoke.
Grounding, as it’s known in the field of psychology, is a process that can help you pull yourself away from
anxiety and focus on the present moment. Many grounding techniques involve natural elements. For
example, one way to ground yourself is to put your hands in water. Try to focus on how the water feels
on your hands. Switch your hands from warm water to cold water and then back again, trying to notice
the sensations you feel. Using techniques like this that focus you on the present moment can be great to
quickly reduce feelings of anxiety or panic.
15 HealthMeans
We’re told again and again how important it is to drink water. That’s because water is essential for so many
bodily functions. But tap water can contain many problematic chemicals. So get a good water filter—like
Berkey or AquaTru and aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces. For example, a person weighing
150 lbs. would drink 75 ounces (150/2 = 75). That way you’ll be sure you’re drinking quality water in
amounts that promote good health.
If you have a hard time with plain water, you could make tea, which is just water with infused herbs. Or you
could add a slice of lemon or drink water infused with other foods like strawberries, oranges or cucumbers.
By making water enjoyable, it may be easier to consume adequate amounts.
18 HealthMeans
The tips shared here can help you develop a stronger
connection with nature to boost your health and well-being.
In general, the more often you get in nature, the happier
and healthier you are likely to be.
21 HealthMeans
1. Ulrich, R.S. and R. Parsons, Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and
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2. Soga, M., K.J. Gaston, and Y. Yamaura, Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis. Preventive
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3. Lowry, C.A., et al., Identification of an immune-responsive mesolimbocortical serotonergic system: Potential
role in regulation of emotional behavior. Neuroscience, 2007. 146(2): p. 756-772.
4. Talbot, J.F. and S. Kaplan, Perspectives on wilderness: Re-examining the value of extended wilderness
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5. Hanh, T.N. and N. Anh-Huong, Walking Meditation. 2006: Sounds True.
6. Silananda, S.U., The benefits of walking meditation. Bodhi Leaves, 1995.
7. Hoel, D.G., et al., The risks and benefits of sun exposure 2016. Dermato-endocrinology, 2016. 8(1): p.
8. Mitten, D., The Healing Power of Nature. Taproot Journal, 2009. 19(1): p. 20-26.
9. Li, Q., Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function. Environmental Health and Preventive
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10. Dai, X., Stanilka, J. M., Rowe, C. A., Esteves, E. A., Nieves Jr, C., Spaiser, S. J., ... & Percival, S. S. (2015).
Consuming Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) mushrooms daily improves human immunity: A randomized dietary
intervention in healthy young adults. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 34(6), 478-487.
11. Hun, D.E., et al., Cancer risk disparities between Hispanic and non-Hispanic white populations: The role of
exposure to indoor air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2009. 117(12): p. 1925-1931.
12. Bringslimark, T., T. Hartig, and G.G. Patil, Psychological benefits of indoor plants in workplaces: Putting
experimental results into context. HortScience, 2007. 42(3): p. 581-587.
13. Chevalier, G., et al., Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity—a major factor in
cardiovascular disease. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2013. 19(2): p. 102-110.
14. Li, Q., et al., Effect of phytoncide from trees on human natural killer cell function. International Journal of
Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 2009. 22(4): p. 951-959.
15. Völker, S., & Kistemann, T. (2011). The impact of blue space on human health and well-being–
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Cannabis Research, 2020. 2(1): p. 1-21.
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