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How To Identify and Support Mitochondrial Dysfunction Eguide Full

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How Do I Know I Have An Issue With Mitochondria?


Around 90% of your energy is created by the Healthy and robust mitochondria are essential
mitochondria, small cellular structures often for maintaining the health of your body.
referred to as "powerhouses." Mitochondrial dysfunction can stunt growth
and create learning disabilities, brain fog, and
even stroke-like symptoms and seizures

If working out used to energize you and now
a few laps around the track means a three
hour nap, your mitochondria could be to ANXIETY, BIPOLAR, CANCER,
blame. Remember, it's also important to look DIABETES, AND MORE:
at the root cause of WHY your mitochondria
might not be functioning as well as they Hidden problems like parasites and toxins
could be: toxins, parasites, heavy metals, can damage your mitochondria and disrupt
viruses, and more. their function. Beyond just creating energy,
the mitochondria have a lot of functions
within the body. Without mitochondria that
are functioning well, the immune system
suffers, the body can't repair cells as well,
POOR MUSCLE TONE AND BODY PAIN: and chronic disease, like Parkinson’s or even
cancer, can begin.
When mitochondria is not functioning well,
muscle wasting can happen all over the body,
leading to weakness, aching, and pain. The
lack of muscle tone can become so severe
that even swallowing is difficult or speech is
slurred because of it. Sore all over when
you haven't even worked out? It could be
your mitochondria.
Provide your body the support it needs to Cutting out processed foods and fast food,
optimize drainage pathway functions so anything packaged, and unhealthy fats is a great
toxins are easily moving out of your body. way to support the mitochondria in the body.
This includes the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet, it’s
lymphatic system, colon, and more. always a good idea to eat fresh, local, organic,
and lots of healthy veggies. Adopting a
MITORESTORE: nutrient-rich nutrition strategy can improve
your mitochondrial function while lowering
MitoRestore from Microbe Formulas can help inflammation, decreasing oxidative damage,
to supercharge your energy levels andimmune and reducing your risk of disease and chronic
function by supporting your mitochondria. health problems. Be sure to drink plenty of fresh,
Harnessing the benefits of specific fulvic acid filtered water, too. When the cellular respiratory
extracts, MitoRestore is formulated to enhance action of the body moves to the mitochondria,
mitochondrial function and upregulate ATP all the complex chemical reactions in the
production. While improving energy levels, energy pathway occur in water. As an added
MitoRestore improves your ability to detoxify benefit, water keeps your drainage pathways
to maximize your health protocols. flowing, too!
MitoRestore promotes cellular renewal
and helps mitochondria in their role of REMOVE TOXINS:
viral protection.
We live in a toxic environment, and there are
REMOVE INFECTION: chemicals and heavy metals everywhere: In our
food, in the water, in the air, in makeup and
When there is an infection, the mitochondria personal care products, in building materials.
help to direct and activate the immune system. It's nearly impossible to avoid them completely,
Take, for example, a situation where you have even if you live a very clean lifestyle. It's important
a cold or the flu. There is typically a fatigue to not only limit your exposure to the toxins you
component of the infection—you’re tired and CAN control, like using natural cleaning supplies,
want to rest. When the body is under threat but also to bind the toxins out of your body.
of infection, the mitochondria are shifting from Like clearing out infection, this will help your
energy/ATP production over to an immune role mitochondria to function optimally.
where they can handle the infection. So, while
they are focusing on their immune function,
the mitochondria are making less ATP. Hence, MINERALS AND ELECTROLYTES:
the infected person is tired.
Carbon-based polyelectrolytes, like those
found in the BioActive Carbon products, act as
conductors of electricity and allow electrons
to move locations. This increases the efficiency
of the electron transport chain in your
mitochondria, which generates most of your
ATP and helps bust through fatigue. Minerals
are another helpful way to support the body,
mitochondria, and overall vitality. With over 70
naturally occurring, plant-derived trace minerals
and a dozen amino acids, BioActive Carbon
Minerals supports your overall detox regimen
while providing additional bio-available building
blocks to energize your body.

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