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gy bt oe i8 E 2uly aes, mem moe Ee eee Ee Eee eeeSOUP mUE-B A Se es PRL a 1 [Se Ca 2 130k0) AL 2 RAGA (ei AE AT > 0. 735KW + r/min) AL 3 | aR CHES 1. 5K) Ha Arab AL 4 | ARRAAIP AL 5 | eahites, AL 6 __| SEK AL 7_ | Ril C22kW#< TE < 130K) A 8 | wise FR CeiB E77 <0. 735kW + r/min) Ag 9 | wei CAE<1.5 2K) AQ 1o_| Ui AZ L_| He ASS AZ 12_| wee AL CAE) AZ 13_[ LNG AAR 2 14_| EFS 7K Rh A2 15 _| Abe ie eb AQ 16 | SKS RE AZ 17_| whe REAR BS Ag 18_| Brisa ESS AQ 19 | aE B 20_| WISE MR NER B 21_| Hevea (EE > 100m) E FRET B ee Ee B 23 | saa oH B 24 | BEAL B 25 | Ae Arka B 26 | wiht B 27 | RENE OR B 28 | sive B 29 | FIR B 30_| Aenea B 31 | EAS ha et c 32_| Se SE SO c 33 | esc as c 34 | AURIS 2a Hs St ee c 35_| BeihpL (<22kW) ¢ 36_| HEME CAE<100mn) c 37 x ‘a c 38 cRS [PRB Ral 39 c 40 c = 4 | ier c 79-82. 42 | RR EEA c — 43 | Seba TT c 83-92 44 [Seu c 93-107 45 | SL c 108-109 46_| eae RA c io 47 | SUE RARE c 48 | BRU c 11-116 ik: PF BCU ATE iE EVE AE Sh SIE. 2. RE RN RELA BEN 1h Al RAF fh AEE BSR A a MAE; A BS SU ATEBSEED AE. HRS AERA) ART HIE: Bea T* RL RP HBASHpte \ ERAT ER nL A A eoonvecoee REGISTER OF FistNG VESSEL OFTHE PEOPLE'S REFUDLIC OF CHINA a 4s MOR ih ik B CERTIFICATE OF MARINE DIESEL ENGINE % No. __c3011800048 mars puepmavraumernmsm Tas 120 Manufacture —_~—____ Sat No. Cae) 2018470471 138 nite 1 Dateof manufacture Production quantity g 4 GNSI20ZC4YI5Y ARATE ‘co0001s00155 Modi = arto, OF approval me xt Intended for th WA aH Particulars fone aa were ‘et Rated power (kW) Rated rev.(ein) HR 1618.0 BAER 6180 Max Power (kW) Max Rev (ini). RATK see UL 6 Way berahing No, OfeyL ALI 320.0 ee 380.0 CYL Bore run) Piston stoke (rm) RAMEN is ePIC RAEI) want ‘MaxCombustion pressuer(MPa). Direction of rotation’. = (ovhen facing the ly whee) 2A: LARS MNTTO TRG, Cte AMaTANUESHEMENEAR, STRAT OL. ‘THISISTO CERTIFY thatthe above-mentioned diesel engine has been inspected and tested by the undersigned and found to bein compliance with zy Rules and the approval drawings, and that iti it for use on board vessels ae Engine body ke tat Is stanped wth Nonep 1 ate EAM Dateof issue sams Zhang Yigiang, Surveyor Zane Yang NO.AT 00292043(@o0nyec-ons ade eH ATENEO ISTER OF FISHING VESSEL OF THE PEPOLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA SSH LENS LL S53 fNTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFATION aS NO-C33011800048-NOx FRIESE 1978 SE THETTAY 1973 SFEIROG LEAR SARA ( LR TEERZSS ) 89 1997 DUE BAUNLE , BhGe| A AIEIBURIEAR , RAPHE PRP LAH ORe Aes, Issued under the provisions of the Protocol of 1997 to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution, from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 related thereto ( hereinafter referred to as “the Convention” ) under the authority of the Government of The people's Republic Of China by Register Of Fishing Vessel Of The people’s Republic Of China HRMS ue Be sea BEDE (kw) SHMUCES Engine en Serial fren Guicg FOR ( RPM ) Engine pproval Manufacture number Rated Power And Speed | _Number PRPS ASAE) Ningbo C.S.1 Power | GNs3202C4Y/SY 120 | B/G, 14711600 €33011800048 & Machinery Group Co.Ltd and THIS IS TO CERTIFY: 1 _EYRORSAFRASEHLEHERR ORE VI SB AREA NS PSS AE A ART UPAR | 70 1 That the above-mentioned marine diesel engine has been surveyed for pre-certification in accordance with the requirement of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines made mandatory by Annex V1 of the Convention; and 2 RURATENAO EEA , en LENA, TRESS SONU VIE 13 RARE. ‘That the pre-certification survey shows that the engine, its components, adjustable features ,and Technical File, prior to the engine's installation and/or service on board a fishing vessel, fully comply with the applicable regulation 13 of Annex VI of the Convention. PEAABUTAUSAT FRCARTENS ESHRARAHOIIT) VI AOES 5 SRAUERESHOMONNS ANSE , ANTES Soy aS Signed: Zz Bx. Issued at: __Ningbo.China SOEBBB:_2018 #05 8 Date of issued: ___May. 02, 2018@oo1yvzc-o94.4 SSA LEN OSLESS AIS RE BAIS Supplement to Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certification (EIAPP ES ) ( EIAPP Certificate ) SEH), BRAUER BSTSTKIOR RECODER OF CONSTRUCTION, TECHNICAL FILE AND MEANS OF VERTIFICATION aS NO: C33011800048-NOx HAAR 1978 SAN 1997 SEGETHEITAY 1973 SEBINDSLLABAIS ARSE) ( LAREN ) BAY Vi BODE USLAS RSS BUS ARAL ( LOSER NOx SEARRU ) AUST. In respect of provision of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships , 1973 , as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention” ) and of the Technical Code on Control of Nitrogen Oxides Marine Diesel Engines ( hereinafter referred as the "NOx Technical Code” ) HE: 1 FACRRAMHER AINE ELAPP TEBISim , EIAPP TEBAL ARES MESH MBER RAFTER, 2 WRAL AAL , MATS RAFAEL, 3 FRB RVASALES) . AICRATARER ISAO VI AUSER , MLR ASTRA SCAIE NOx SeAMUNUATER BIEBER, Notes: 1 This Record and its attachments shall be permanently attached to the EIAPP Certificate-The EIAPP Certificate shall accompany the engine throughout its life and shall be available on board the fishing vessel at all time. 2. If the language of the original Record is neither in this record to regulations of Annex VI of the Convention and requirements for an engine’s Technical File and means of verifications refer to mandatory requirements from the NOx Technical Code. 1 Beanie 1 Particulars of the engine 11 BERS RAH: 1.2 Place of engine build/substantial modification: Ningbo C.S.1 Power & Machinery Group Co.Ltd, 1.3 Beavis ANB: 2018 $F 04 13. 1,3 Date of engine build/substantial modification:__Apr. 13,2018 1.4 UNBAN: _Seieehdi AB 14. Place of pre-certificaton survey: Ningbo C.S.1 Power & Machinery Group Co,Ltd. 15 BONBATTENIGENMI:_2018 4 04 8 26 1.5. Date of per-certfication survey:_Apr.26,2018 16 MARBStRLUS: cNsszwzcavisyEngine type and model number: GN6320zCsy/sy_— WBFS:_120 Engine serial number: 120 18 , BORRILE Pole ee_poe Laan _GN6320 Ifapplicable , the engine is. parent engine [-] oramember engine |x| of the following engine fami {-]_Gn6320 famity ‘or engine group _[-]_GN6320 famil 1.9 HRRGRER (TL NOx SANUS 3 BE): _E/D/C, 1.9 Testcycle (s) (see chapter 3 of the NOx technical Code ) :_E:/D,/C, = 1.10 BRED ( kW ) BEE ( RPM ) : 1471/600 1.10. Rated Power (kW) and Speed (RPM): _1471/600 LU HLasitioeeS:__C33011800048-NOx 1.11 Engine approval number:_C33011800048-NOx 1.12 IRSSMARATHLAE:_ISO 8217 DM. 1.12. Specification (s) of test fuel:_ISO 8217 DM - 1.13 NOx ie eBRSEATHHES ( MOREA ) Ke. $$. 1.13 NOx reducing device designated approval number (if installed) : Nil 1.14 SABASHERROREY ( g/kWh ) ( PSM VIS 13 $) -__9.92 1.14 Applicable NOx Emission Limit ( g/Kwh) ( (relation 13 of Annex VI) :_9.92 1.15 BeRDASEER NOx HEYA: _E3 : 8.61 /kW.h fateh cloaca 1.15 Engine’s actual NOx Emission Value ( g/kWh ) :£3:8.61 g/kWh D):9.18 g/kWh Cy:9.26-e/kW.h 2 BERRA 2 Particulars of the Technical File: 2.1 RADUHMRS AES: ___€33011800048-NOx_ $$$ 2.1 Technical File identification / approval number: __C33011800048-NOx 22 RRMA: o01ste0s on 22. Technical File approval date:_May. 02, 2018 2.3 SPL NOx SSUES 2 STSERAEBH, RASS ELAPP WEAVER ARE BES ME MER a — BREN, 23. The Technical File , as required by chapter 2 of the NOx Technical Code , is an essential part of the EIAPP Certifaction and must always accompany an engine throughout its and always be available on board a fishing vessel. 3 RahSRAAIAHIAGL NOx BSCRPARA A 3. Specifications for On-board NOx Verification Procedures for the Engine Parameter Survey. 3.1 ABLE NOx BELEBAFAURIAS HOES: __C33011800048-NOx 3.1 On-board Nox verification procedures identification / approval number:__C33011800048-NOx 3.2 REE NOx BSCE AER: 2018 2 3.2 On—board NOx verification procedures approval date:_May. 02, 2018 3.3. MONOx S2RIDNUS 6 HAQTER, iL NOx PSC A ALAR ELAPP EB REO EERO MRR oo ERATE 3.3 The specification for the on ~ board NOx verification procedures , as required by chapter 6 of the NOx ec ical Code , is an essential part of the EIAPP Certificate and must always accompany an engine through its life and always be available on board a fishing vessel. ERNCRALAR. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this record fs correct jo a: Ya signea: A — eeunig “ i-BHsS /Form: Po1.03- FiQg00063 He FEL fr Be CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOC! fa Fa? aie CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT 1623.03 ETY weit, iON 7 Gy OL Fp AUER IER BS ROIVENR. 15 RUE BVE MATHER ‘This is to certify that, upon request of Naniong Roaiu Machinery Mamita the following products have been inspected by the undersigned the surveyor of die Society and are found to comply ‘th the requitements of the specified standards ware — _FS ROMO RUA as Manufacturer “Nantonz Bogis Machinery Manufacturing Co. Lid - inser rot ys FARA _ Purchoser Ningbo C.S1. Power & Machinery Group Co Feet Product Handa: Notations AL Intended for san CALS HullNo. EAL _ a aR Restriction for apptieation of product, Fas SeratNo. — _25SU017~258L026 eos aon = RADvelt/ Produet laspection Standard ianeplate of the prove (FSi AU AMBM Ie? On the product ond on the 3 CeSHBND IRAE! ECS steel stan WAAPAI Type of Making [rq wvisrovs KIER — 20188011 Luvvei Date of issue ‘ 7 Waniexaaas Beaten Soccer Ni nuvadors ket Na WARTHMBERIAUNH gy “pase AS foraven Famsenay as oot ain sna sites metsspant RAL NT20613878 By 1 OT Jk 2 Hy Pege i ofCertitivate No. NTIBPOU GI] Product Deseri PATRAS oat Exchanger BeBFsDeserintion of Prosiuct anni Ar 2 /Pre #1 Model SL-25 92 eit /Quantivy HEA) Mestan pressure u/c) iRiH RIV /Mesion p H/tbe) Pa THREE /Design teoperature 109 (9206/snet a WoCEH/Tibe) honge area 228 Yao BUREBYIoat 15 (4pil/Shot) ARLES JM ie test pressure Fe(SHOR/Shel) eaterial YEH Tube xatcrial SLAPS /Morking medium is ip term of the rule fags HAE, he purduct, inspec by espn PE RAE AR LH AE eHCAE OD ASIN oe the Surveyor of the ate have bee uet_ inspect ion inspected by sampling 0 ‘The products described in the cuxtif ewe, and Society in accordance with the appro Certificate is issued upon satis ANE as tty 1238/ lnspeetion of Materia and Components naterials and coupenents of the product ve Sse anOo FREY inspected by The Soo SAMRAT The fol lovi 7*/The follosiny waterials and components of the product by tie Society: I0/ Reb FAL TOE ab AL ere nenofactured by the factory approve SEHETEI/ Statement of Respoi AMOEBA. HRS he i ALLIRTS WA MPAIRAE, SAAT SARL i POE RNR ETE, The inspection of the Society does not replace any appro! ranufacturer by any parties that tear no relation vith this Society’ therefore takes no responsibility Zor these parties. The Society econanie Liabilities arising trea wecepting this Society’ s certificate without prior porsission from this Society. Ht / Others, 1 and ication of the authorization ar survey and s not undertake any Legal and 1. ARiE HOOIEARERRIEAU, HODIRMI The heat exchanger stated in this certificate is only the body, Une attachrents are NOT included. Ae ARATE OBIE LAT NBOY TEE by the Society. free to purchaser 2 ARLE THT FEAR A, ASA LAM A Sh AR Hea The deciazetion of asbestos tyee suatttel by aanulactzer has ben revie losever, licbility of the mamfacturer to guarantee the products ave asbest under contract will not be exerted. . " IRB AN CS Nantong OFTice sree AUETIERSH/ End of Tenvereve ABE /Cortisiente No. NflI rE] ft AG EHH R /Form: POL03- Hes FB] fi Be + trans I CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY ast ABFA aa E-B I CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT 7 Certificate No, NTUBPO0623. 04 eee SEPA 7 ashi, FF REAM RMI, TAT STE ALTER. “This is Co eertfy that, upeo request of Nanfong Bonin Mschiery Macutici pees _ a I the fllowing products have been inspected by the undersigned the surveyor ofthe Society and ae Found to comply swith the requifements ofthe specified standards, ieee aE ALAN FTL A) _ I Manufacturer “Nantong incty Maw ss Tka Ua) - Purchaser iy — Be = Product “HEATEXCHANGER — {GTi 4 /Cert No.of Approval: NITGTOUOS6 _ RUACHIEME'G/Approval No of drawings: NPISA02817 want Ae Inended for _fi) SF DUG Ships om allations _ I Wma LS . Hull. eis. = 7 i anemia I Restriction for application af product Pas Serio, _S8YLRO2O~34VLRO: _ _ I Pras RHE/ Product Inspect ccs Caapiiem AsmARTED 018) FEES oe Ghayter24 6 ar 3 of CCS Rules for Classification of Sc-going Steel Ships 2018 an its amendmeats I Prana tact Markit {281 /Position ep LAP cat and on tho nameplate of the product WEA SL Type of Marking & NTIBPOQGLS_OF ea I REAM — 2018" 9FI2061 ~ Lael Date ofissue __ Sep. 20.2 I Sanwa 7 \ me “eta Aico WM, COAL i eS NI19960837 . BtCertificate No, NTISPOOE T= GTHi/ Product Deseription AVERG Heat Exchanger RAE /Deser'iption of Product Sanit iki 192% Lube O11 Cooler BE Alode! 2 YURI a BUR Qoaneity w : BIFLLA Design pressure +L OCGBBY/ShelD) OBE EEB Tbe) Be ‘SQITREBE/Design temperature 100(38H/She11) eae . LOE Tube) RINDI /eat exchange aren SUEMBIE I Mivdraulic test pressurc FAGHBL/Sholl saterial EME /ube axverial : pares) TAPAEAWorking nediue + AVAL. O. et/She1D ‘ ° BRIS. CERY/Tube) PHO ITST/ Method of Prod uti Sb LSA ihekabete exibed in the dance with fate is issued won in inspected by sap prodoct inspection scheze, an: satisfactory aspect ion BUA AUR AB th iar ator ft The following aaterials ond eeapon inepected by the product sere F i were manufactured os the SER /; SE ISE COTA RTANAR GE, JE ELAESSORBL AE ARAN ADA TRAGER TUPLE HE, The inspection of the Society does not affect ani replace any ayproval and certification of the wanufacturer by any parties that bear nv relation with this Society’ s authorization or suzvey and therefore takes no responsibi]ity for these parties. The Society does not ke any legal and 1. prior permission frea ceononic Liabilities arising fron accepting this Society’ s ce this SeftL/ Others 1 iE IML MLI EIR EE ete, ASLAN The heat exchanger stated jn this certific is vinly the body, the attachments are NOT ineluded, 2 ARLE AT ASE Ma, LAL OIC The declaration of asbestos-Tvee subnitted However, Hiebility of the manufacturer Log under contract wil i) Sear OE RET AE reviewed by the Society. isbostos tree to pusehaser FANS AA prs aea CCS Mantong Office seeescKIEBIEIOG/ End of Textereee ces, (2). HEIR EMvertiticote No. NTIRPOUKS 0 Mh 2 WR 2 Ws Pope 2 of 2of FEL SR EMG Centicae No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY ze19PPs00276 fis PoE CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT HVOPSE SAP BA BLOTS, Aer AiiE AEEN MEER. ‘This sto certify that te following products have been inspected by he undersigned surveyor of the Society and are found to ‘comply with the requirements of the specified standards hE ae Product ie Wa HH aya NemsRINIRA ATR Applicant 3c¢ Gearbox Group Co,Ltd inh SAE Ra TL Manufacturer box Gi ars Purchaser ABLE @icerificaic No. oF Approval 2 BAUR INotations MI /Intended for PRG /SerialNo. F*iitee¥ebrte/Product Inspection Standard Leb BUAGIE CARTER ANTE (2018) BITS AIE LORE ‘Chapter 10, Part Three of China Classification Society Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Stel Ships 2018 and its Amendments #*hn')}#M/Prroduct Description. {84 AT/Gearbox WOOD) ‘fioName HET) Watue Ero BG Type Hos. 48 EHF Quanto 7 Bie ie RATE Rated Input speed 00 vain Tide (RIE ated transmission porer [470 iF HHL/Speed Ratio 2.8857 RL /Stoge no. rz THRE M/Oate of mnalactore 2018.04.12 ritsRemarks ARLE WET PAA TMP, RIL UO CSB RT SE PRET TE HOE, The declaration of asbestos-free submitted by manufacturer has Ueen reviewed by the Society. However, liability of the manufacturer to guarentee the products are asbestos-free to purchaser under contract will not be exeupted. oak ara CCS Zhejiang Branch acum — sree 4 Date of sue Ape 222019 SEO ET yor Wau Pinaz Er epierah, sates insahemraccneien cat umnstensanuce ose ptariatiaee maereeecmat ace actaat meaner eee (oa Se ae irr ADL SEL HL Page lof t Ne 18243639 g3a 33 Fry as 36 Awe Deane SECS RIF aT. MSCIAMTARES AMIN U REPT”, CCS 4 SEM BRIL IT. MSTUETIRTT WINE. i ccs aR Ha HEME F, AOE SEN RAE RHA a CCS MALT RII SINNER, LA AIHA CCS MLALIOR RULE AL CORONAL. RUM Ah CCS LAAN fe USCA. OLR ‘Skobi- Fest Cs ATELIER LI HAR I BMA GEER. MRE A BRIERE TA 2B, MAUS MILA AWD AHL, EP UOT AM CCS id LA TRRETE IR” RAR UNL, ‘LURABHRT LIRA Pty CCS MUATIOR ARIE AE RA BALA AEA. MEHL BAS CCS MME MEARE, CCS ATURE RENSHENTA. AEH CCS AIOERMNLH, VEM > Fae a AE Re HP BERTIUCASTURSE, «) ORIEN EA Bho) BONAR NE MSL HALE ITE HONAR NEAT. ‘BRE A MLN AIEEE CCS RARE, DEM SAPHIRA AURORE AIRE, ARN AM ORE BAM, SOUR EEA ARMED emis Fair. FSR ST RUBIA SER ITP SBA ZAR. TMT EMER FEN, ‘RTE ARUN ER, CEN, aa me ccs MILA TP AST QAMTOWTTIER, OM BCR HN EME MIREE, OREM AMARA, om MaIRRCEMLRT BAA UCR cenIn FiRts. SHRM RUIN MEE OCs MMAR, LIANANE ‘SARE SF UL2RIERL, MHEBRA CCS OMAR. EDL yReMUAMS SGP ina, DRS RTRSY ERAT RINNE H, ORUA BRIS RES, MIE ew ccs MEEBO, LEM IESG FT HRSG AL BE A, weave, eee CCS ULLIAST, MSH CARER ek HOTEDD CHAIR. FRAOHGEH, LCS CHMARMD A ARAED 3B 1B 3 IR 1 ate CCS RIAA HARRI RAT aR. I. 7 MTS REIT. HEAT, WAHLER RELIT#. ZLib CCS RAFIRADABN-RIMATA LLB, WS GCE CCS AL FOR, BWM. ALM GLI, SR RAROTTARARM LIEER FORMER EE, CCS BIA MMR REALEM A, SRI tA RAMU LT Rae AORTA TOMER. AEA SOL) BP LATA MMP ELT RENERTHUL, 55 CCS ER. CCS NRTA. IRS CCS HB ALINE RL Lk AP MAORRE, HABA CCS ARRON AT HI, PRIARR ARIA. WE Cos AT MMATO RENEE fe. CCS Rat fn TO Aes RA HST RIDA, CED. Fs CCS HVA MARI MRR REL TREN MIRREN, RA SR A OEIC mR. TRAPAT LAR, EN rR mM RANA RO BeABE CCS AIM FEAR Cos HOA HS FT NIA, COS ARMA, HATLIINNES, PLAN ONAL SOI RR 5 FLRAPSUDL AI 200 77. UN BR “FAISIUM, CCS HARRIE MAE 1) Ces MpRIRIR eR RRIUON I 2) CCS {OBAWRICANIC AE ABLE Cos mL. FACES AE ARSE RIG. RLLASIGSR, a AN RRB RFEARAY PARA, TUNER MRT same RUE ARKO. RA AT. PRAM ARIA ik. ety CCS APRA. AM Ccs HREM LEA DL, 1 Rez WT HARRAH aE LT TN HGLAT Aa, APRA, RSET TIO armen anes WE APLACATIONOF CERTIFICATES oe ye Aen Coane of wens ayes a be ur by CCS fer the Pcs od momen Whee so sna gard by CCS ns, fe pa Cee compe pana Soo vn ees fr ht he prot ein in re be renner of CCS Rat ander et seeped Sede ‘Tone Appl news aio pes tcf eso mantic’ {shay of oranly ras pacts wih of ingle wi he ‘Ryurons of CS Rus mir ee hepa anda eo pdt plas Ihrer ppe sand ons audit, Type appeal ents of two male pe ‘Pye Ao espera wich lb Bed 0th manne dg ‘Whaat aha leven rfc qi same. Set pa meen et tin eis ‘hommes a CC8 Retr eer tcp Standards Gon Pot pos ‘Ronetach peor of cede snaory pods v0 be Geen as ate of dest cr Equa Gent CES erie af rode ad he aye so a i he rod concn sree leon le ove ben aed et) esa he fe pois pt rt tom et ere EguleatDacemet ont by he manicure sd enone by he Sane s ‘Sv di 9h pods ome it re) que npecton ed te eee ‘red ai eagles fe pairs be epee prdae ‘eceadin eprom oft Sneerer in opealy ped concn Tecan snd ry ruc which he pe proven wes peoal s ‘sel ep cern mt gue mayb ed os Mantas ‘The Maneater’ Document sd by te macau 0 sow dhe ‘ree teapot cers apa by CUS he rd cbs m8 le ‘Greed mye elentng bacon) eames Smear rook paced») tts ene ne pence he ras fete nary hema [A'Wantchiopion Pc er an tone speci meso sty ‘gone eb came ae epee Cerio Ts Cefn {niperton Cette edb tc Suncor how at he pda ands Ucn he pit eben emp wi he mpeton ee {er sinned fy 62 Sunejor morte tex pot Bs een reed ye Secor eons pot be nepal ‘er Ceaate any he Seger sho he rat is en een Ubcpeseneethe Senor i) dese ke ome ta espe. INVALIDATION SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE ‘Sed by C3 yma peal arcane pce Seon Che Sot of Ce Rls Casto Sepang Se Se ‘These of poral iat unten by CCS ica at ones hs 1 denen, mmc owners slr apm use apa sad wt Pov ff er epee opesniner The snes fy Me ene {ol cst el by CCS et my aby oy ry me Secu She lcchon vcr te emo palpi ap ‘ay agronomy CS eyes he a tte fine nn he spovatioceton ard Tey onto fceonnnip mace pope sf prone mg Sa feed Ths Sve sll be ase ty any spew ms owe sd [etanlpegery riot apmanet pes ay Dace ‘The apron of CC8 Dost ad ele ep ak eter fe nti yy pars tha be aon wth Sas ‘basen tune al etre aks orogeny fr ta pur: COS Ss ‘etna oy sn noc Han wing Rw spn eS erie widen ror en fs Soy. {SES aot re ur anager rig Sst ns teeth amt Cs ny rcs ‘dome an an loons pre ecg te eit arg CCS le ab en of age {sesh ot judy sel Scan CO ad egy aoe Sher ming an cod me ay ‘eel ies he ee) gd by CCS in pe of eam a un $n. RNB a mia CCS hay re ose age esas ‘tonth oor dnageusronto we (0) yas onplgee of CCS ote oui he aor pe sr anon 0) ert i age al fC wha ce ‘rey anim ting by CS ach gn aes Ayam ay os au Fr abe 0 ae 8 wg within ‘ts te te dmage Snorer ee are ing 0 ‘ile dened ar atlas vaher a isc APPLICABLE LANs AND akan TION ‘oe lve of he Pepe's Repaid cog in ft ‘ao. implementing an esl of pu fe oe oe ett Uns wn ed wilt COR ay di of whatese mea eapea he ‘sec pte sl be refered Chon time Ariens Cons od ‘ibid ste wid is wines re eine he ine of ea ‘Wh. Te iron vandal be al an tong po bth keel pateam BL) pais Le Gywe oR Mm TECHNICAL DATA HGT oat BD ED a PRK N 1927201 | Tree 2p Nem RATED TRANSMISSION TORQUE He K ft Ht He MAX. ALLOWED SPEED 629 fo ve Ae ith BE = 20°C ~ 60°C ALLOWED OPERATING TEMP RAB ewe. he SH MEASURED VALUES OF COUPLING DURING THE EX - WORKS TEST 2 a0 We Aah a cOPPLING MODEL Sls min HM He Bm fad x oi TORQUE ANCLE STAY TIME MEASURED TORQUE wig Smin Ho. 6 KNem ora 3min pr¢g KNem 7 r K 40 We Be at Bk Bb WEIL) FLYWHEEL DISK JUMP & ABSORBER DISK JUMP is = Eee IN RADIAL DIRCTION & fl Si 5 RADIAL. AXIAL. ee TK # tk Ol Rt HE ZSMBVRS | CONNECTIVE FLYWHEI nl i OUTPUT FLANGE OUTER DIAMETER «TYPE OF BOLT. QUANTITIES AND P| We osraririne cine hed [15 Fs agg INSPECTOR - DATE .ASP ARSE PED GSE AUT NL A AEE The product has been certificate by the Register Fishing Vessel lof the People's Republic of China with satisfaction AMAR WATE IS: CO0001500243 Certificate of type approval for marine product No,C00001500243) AE ATA 2015 AE 04 FF 29 1 2019 08 J) 28 8 This Cert.ls valid from Apr 29.201 Suntil Apr 28.2019 __ RURAL. TR CL TRUER ROE, EH. TRARY =A. MAL Bal 18 A Dhpe AME. ZS ALMA s,m BL A ili PR SBR SABA U8, TSE Ah eee MIATA TEA SREVVER, AAT RR TUSHAR. i, HERE er: We hereby certify that the product is manufactured under strict quality supervision, and comply with the technical requirements of the manufacturer. Warranty : The manufacturer guarantees the product within one year afler ship’ s leaving the shipyard or 18 months from the departure of the factory, depending on which arrives first, on the condition of normal installation and operation in conformity with the service manual, The product is to be repaired or replaced after the owner showing the product certificate, plant running record and/or commercial invoice. MRA: | Quality Director: “~~i TF PACKING — LIST ah TE I Bh ae 18 HIGHLY ~ FLEXIBLE COUPLNG 1 SET RRMA RB —th SERVICE MANUAL CoE Sh iE WH = th CERTIFICATE 1 COPY ft CE B iEBS: CERTIFICATE OF REGISTER OF SHIPPING(FISHING) CERTIFICATE NO. M 7 fi & BA GBS782-86 R HEXAGON BOLTS M x AR BL fi MR 4 GB70-85 M x INNER- HEXAGONAL HEAD TAP BOLT R A §i YR tt GB6170-86 M x HEXAGONAL NUT RA TIA BUNT GB27-88 M x HEX ADAPTER SOCKET BOLT R ah 38 2 Me) GB93-87 SPRING WASHER BR Coa Tk cg SPECIAL ITEM ee eee eee eee eee ee eM |HOPE iE 1944 /Certificate No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY eee AME HES CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT IDARTE MAP RATE CIMVTIES. Her ANTE HILUL ETA OIER, ‘This sto certify thatthe following produets have been inspeced by the undersigned surveyor of the Society and are found to comply withthe requirements of the specified standard Pah merce Product Copper Alloy Propeller Rin Applicant Ocean PrpelesMaking Contd, iar BEE HLA a . : ManuicrerZhowshan East Ocean Propeller Making Co,Lt Thy frilniiiO AiitiONeIM a] Purchaser iar ascetic Neo Apa” BNGR66005" "REA pol oF raving SRR MF /totended for ki PiMI/Overseas Fishing vessels LEM Mull No. REAL P=1is Serial No, “DITSI2I0U63 : : hh mn Standard ik CHS HURIG) COIS) BALSAM TRON (Chapter 9, Part One of China Classification Society Rules for Materials and Welding 2018 and its Amendments nae ba Marking 42FLPosition —: ZEFAKE / On the product etek Typ : Bisisorsoooss mens: / ccs steel steep Ee steer af noone ey aes RD Rome. UAT RR TOT LIN: rovsaess6r BULL M2 WE Page bof 2 f N° 1664660813 13 13a a2 33 a as 36 42 weet ECCS REF AAT, MACLATAR TUNE BBA. CCS AF SE MIREHAST. GRU L ATES. 8 CCS MEIER RESON T, UME WRI RIES. ‘FU Al Cs Malas A Te MAT LI SCARTE, UL INRA CCS MARR MURCIA S NMEA EL ARAM AR CCS HAIRLINE, WKS IEE, Cat AMIR IRR A Ces MAT RR IIR HME Aun RET REEEL, RUSHLNT PAUL HE AO 2, MULTAN A AD ARES LUST At CCS TCA NRE. ASCARI, bin REE Te CCS AUTOR NR HRA RIAA NARA APE. RARE AULES CCS SAE ALIDSDIEARES. CCS HATE ERGATA. PB Bch Ccs MAINRINAM, LEM ») eamer ene SR: OPER ATIATEAOIASETINRE c) IRUAIE RMR Ha hd) PHAM ER AOATS NORA AN FE SPE H RUB AIEEE Cos ROMER BOI. LER: wR A MLAER: bya AeATALSCANIGHEIME ARANDA, oy MORNE MOMD MRL HL mamine TT. APF ERAN AT AUR IU OTS IP TP AE YR EAR. MAMA EMER TLE, Migr EARERT ER, VEN, ROE CCS Mt THUS WPA EMER BEIT IRM RMA, OSH RNARSA RAM, ey BOR EMR! A RATIRR emML RET. AREER SERENA RES CCS MALE INNASEAR, SE BRASHER FLITE. MRESEL CCSROHERMTA, LEM. yew OFRit, PREMIO REM ROMER AIT H, OAAMANEARAT, MREBRG CCSOOEEZNTA. CLES am inRse ER ASIEN Fit, DARREL, EMR. MPP RUE CCS BAEUeT. HET IFRS ROME BRAM RAMEM REFN, A #PTOHHHR, NLCCS CRALAGAG AGEAEIED 61 OIG 3 HA Te te CCS RADE AT MDI AE DOES TS EAT Bie NOGA UI. ARIE. SATIS UT BT AE WLBEH. ECCS AMIR UAT, WE ee Ocs ALR, BRWIENEILT. EAE HME LIne. RMON PTNSBRARE. EECA A AMEMEH CE CCS RANGA MAU ENEMA, PEMD NOME A, PRAMAS L) MALAI HLF, ARIA AMT MEMRAM AAR TRAMP. 15 OCS LR. CCS tn aTtaRs RM. ts CCS Minna I ATE LP RASTRUNAL. SPILAEH CCS ERAB ERO AT. FRI TCA FETT AK. REE CCS HHT ARUBA RE CCS (Rat Fe ST oR AREA LK ER ARIDIELE. CEERTINDL . CCS Hy aH ALR AH IORIM IRIS SIR PH INO RAEI, WARE PLE EM feaite. Fee SRNR, SOMRHE MAP AM HOST. OR Hu CCS aRI OAL ER CCS IACI Hk FHA. (cs AF Rin AE, SG RUN NOAS, LAURER TSU OL RUN SHB. LALASWLANT 200 Fire. Lene ARI la AF Julbs CCS BRIRAMEM TE 1) Os mOLUBARILAE TRAE 2) CCS ARMARRILIUIC AT, ADR Cos ATE RIERA. HHCCS AION HAS, LOL STUTES, ELAR RARIGN 6 II PHEM. AARON ASR AB samiemat RUE HARA E ML. ONES RAT POLONT RASA MEA LIAL eth. Hep CCS SAEIEM, BY CCS AAMT CLE DL. 1 ABA Me IU aR AU A MARTHA, APR RURIERIR MR AI hia 2 ‘TUE aPpuicaTiON or certificates ‘Mec Nope Cente of Desig Apoa, Cena of pe peal ee Ciclo Wers Aerated by CCS. fer he pc aod nome Whe 9 fc ote reated by CCS es he Apenval heaton proce sf al he red dc in The repremene of CCS les anor ee seeped sande {how proraland reyes ‘pe aptlnes aan esa cafe ert nat ‘Shah of comely prucme posts wich af complice Wl he ‘Siemens ef C08 Rn edn ie ep tans ew pred pn Spo pe sot and oe Typ ‘fowl Aan pe pro 8, nek abe go he mance ‘Sut’ iy ond lvls pot uty soar ‘Nort Approval men tir evebaien fmt conion te marten nui conmly prong podste mich we im comple Ms fen of Cee le oor er cep Sos seo Feds pc Rrtiotoch tnpecton of clase or sutton godt tobe document ‘nto do Eqs Seeman CO: he ueyor show ht) te pod canes ‘tos eq enpcion sn tshne ton ees i) e aml en am bs potc se mpc) he ne bbc ede pose fe Screyecorins pss apredconace uve Dace soe! ye nance sd eno by he Saye ti th peace with lo eqs oopeon aes ae ben ‘Sever ese aes Sum he pour especie) rod at concen te root ote Seneorer ts spcaly ape codon "das sl anaaypdace a cs ep apr andor wars fev Iti eps eon eqs ay be cid Moms reise senneders appeed by CCS: he pod ccplsvh s i mged cerns tang enced ont) semen em he Pn obese abeen ean ees of ep rnc sora te mance ‘R'Gattach tapetton Pre ter tan toe seid res of suey ‘qmon e docunoned os peten Cefn Tes Cease Ieopcton Caine ney the unearth ht) hs po ses 15 Ticedy te plant ectean cmd wit) epson snd ne op Snead ty Sue sr fox rope Aas ben ened tye SSroor these ice fr te prods beep “Fe Corate ht by Surge tam a pac Bs Ben tea Ibepeses tbe Surreal the oa ie produto be ped /ALIDATION, SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE [Suey CCS yan ef spv x ein we speed Sn I. Chie ‘Nh to CCS Ruse Centon Ser ag See Se uapmry “hese of prov spcon dean by CS ei ou on he Dah te dis, jms oes eles sep. pan oper not Fare fle nee repos Th sono pre Sas {etal by CCS Cura ish ny hay ty pa) tcl ‘Bove or se tibetan, whtver be of pvp ed Cesta isaneyr ‘oy apenas dete hy CCS ny ells a iit ce me tpeotingeeten cae eat Thy do et ome deco {er omer 8 cl propery iis of te noel ped ay Prec Ths Soviet shall beady any pe vc omni ‘tial pope nis ef be appeve mec ty Sad ps ‘he ppnalmpeton cf CON des at fan ep my opp 2 evtoon a he mafic yay pest an he S| ‘tuners my lel tl enamels any fm ope SS {ert woot ear pm foe as Sc [CGS tatleca fort no danas fon pai og ty oe ‘sachet nw eve sl CS bean este cece oe eames an on ct pu ‘Nowtiising heprevi pagapy CCS wb ale foe os Sumas {sec tial ata encod t CCS and employee ‘er ts ag on hal CCS And paca he oi ay ‘evel ve ume te eo cg by Ce eager eh son on qui $i hi in ins CU ay es age al Uy"byan employer of CCS acing see emerson: (2 yay nor ater ango el of CS wen ct cd toy ome wang CCS ge ops ‘ay ery eo ny sre a nc kg win tenia ede Sunet or vcs hs dag} “wall be desma a an absolute waiver ofthis ight “ cae APPLICABLELANS AND anTRATION ‘ew ti Rees Repo a al pl 6 he eaing ie fs, ‘ironing. oy fag fe ceo ea. {sale elt COS any dap mance ha pe ‘So pie Sal yew Ce Mere Abe Come ‘SRise Wane wit sb mr ele ae bea ‘otnon Te bnson sar aoa ng pn sed pa —— a a or a ks{ey aetiesesCopper Alloy Propeller 001) iif Hh 'G/Centificate No. ZS19PPS00037 iN iE CK) Waive ‘riruni MAL Acighe 1658 a UE FICE Prot Serenath 280 (p02) WES /Oraving Yo LIXBSIITE-107-OT t— FAR Non-Destroctive Test eee ILBIIL Tensile Stronath_ Ga 05 { SSK H/Pevcentage Elongation Atter [21S a 1 Fracture (1S) BP Case No TouETS - ; [28 4/Strvcture | ECR Quantity MIRE /Sorface Wechining [G23 Alloy Types i6/Pi ch [mT biiRde Static Balance Test Bt [BEEFIM tate of Manufacture 201 EIAGA FE Dieter 2064 - a oF FHLBR/Nuner of Blade a a BEA; fy/Direction oF Rotation eI Rig Rotation a N® 19339625 FAL: 8.97%; Fe: 4.15%: Nis 1.26%; FF/On: 0.99%; 18 m2 v2 9emnyzco19 He eX BG SAM FB Ht A AP REGISTER OF FISIING VESSEL. OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. zy GSMA ARE i B CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRESSURE VESSEL ay No, (32121700150 . TRICE M HiT GIR se rropis.sn170937 eae Serial Na Manufacture ay PRR saaraees Portasr Cen. No, Of approval 02001300330 m+ iam ai (tended for Approval No, Of drawing 232(12)030 mina 201785081097 Date of manufacture AWE9,2017 fa Particulars Peek ST Bera Description Working pressure(MPa) 30 # Y pon20 Bt Model Design pressure (MPa) 33 eR ARI gy Capacity (m8) 232 Diath. of sh. (mm) HEREBY — QU4SR Material & Cert. No. Be i eB Es : 3S Relic valve adjusted to (Mpa) ea Rt MT en Nondestructive test i Heat treatment SHU ANGLE) EERE 201720871298 Pressure of hyd. Test (MPa) 495 Date of hyd. Test AUE2Y.2017/ EOD Rik Ree AN OSMAN. EA ARNE EES A OOH tobe in compliance wih ZY ai bAaT Js stamped with sani 3 Suneyor NO.Al 00084468 ‘THISISTO CERTIFY tha the above-mentioned produst has been inspected! and tested by the unde 3ECR HE AE A PS] JIANGSU JIANGHAI MARINE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD Ph REN PRODUCT QUALITY CERTIFICATE PRB SAU FRI 10. 32-3.0 Name Model PMS JRITOZL PEL 2017-08 Serial No Date of issue it 1 @ 3 w427-14D Quantity Set (s) Drawing No: PORVEAESH: Product technical performance parameters SiH /Tten Hi/Shell id Ife 7/Norking Pressure 3. 0Mpa Wit F1/Design Pressure 3. ipa |/Hydr. Test Pressure 4. 95Mpa_ ‘Design Temperature 100°C WER Kind of Fluid = BAN | #42 Nolune 0.3208 —_I 1. PRET Anas CAAA ES ERSIITEY 2012 2. FAAEHLHME'S/2Y Approval No. of Drawings: 3. LAA ATE BM/ZY Certificate No. of orks Approval: C00001300330 4. MPL/Material BUTE 2F%/Component __ 5 08/Shel1 HE /End HMaterial GER GER | H@/RF/Dia. /Thickness 500/8nm ~__9500/8am AT RS Material code of works ee ned ‘EWR /ydr. Test Pressure RBBEE FEf8/Shell | 1. 95th (RETA Keep Time 30Mtin | 6. AEFEIREIUINDT Test RUGLANDT Item EERAELLNDT Parts __ MT 8 EG RL. 1 BARE Longitudinal and circumferential weld ure Say oe TF passing test, approved for release,zy wR AKS EB sede XS HL 8 el REGISTER OF FISHING VESSEL. OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUDLIC OF CHINA CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRESSURE VESSEL Mo cmt s0 igre, TIRTLARNR NOR AHO aL PAIRS sey roorgsR170937 wer 6 Seri No. Manufecture ney PPR AERA aE Purchaser Cen No, OF approval [00001300330 mn Om Be Intended for Approval No. OF deawing 2¥32412030 win 201750809 Date of manufoture Aug9,2017 rao 8 Particulars Paek STH TA) Deserption Working pressure (MPa) 3 MF oo eH 3 Model Design pressure (MPa) sR ster aM Capacity (ms) 032 HARE BHR $00 DiaAbk, of sh (mm) Material & Cert. No, RAMOS bis Relief valve adjusted 10 (Mpa) ANE Rr, MT mee ~ Nondestructive test Heat treatment Re AREF oorrieos 29 Pressure of hyd. Test (MPa) 498 Date of hyd. Test Aug-22017 tobe incompliance with ZY tenn Lee Js stamped with ame A Suveyor NO.AT 00084468 SEN ke NOMINEE Anse ee THIS ISTO CERTIFY hth shove mentioned predic as Bsn spit and tay thewCORLL AB ALY SEAT AR ZS JIANGSU JIANGHAI MARINE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD Pei ALTE PRODUCT QUALITY CERTIFICATE AB OUI PAL 10. 32-3.0 Nane Nodel PHS — JRI70923 SRA 2017-08 Serial No Date of issue soit 1 & aS JHA27~14D Quantity Set (s) Drawing No: PmAEME SM: Product technical performance parameters H/Iten Fetk/Shol ci i/Working Pressure 3. 0Mpa BEA Mesign Pressure 3.3Mpa WUE I /ydr. Test Pressure 4. 95lipa iF WIE Design Temperature 1o0C WAHK/Kind of fluid BANE | ®ARNolume 0. 32m3 | 1, PeGhAAT bate: CARE A Be SERIE MID 2012 2, PRAGLHES/ZY Approval No. of Drawings: 3, LOUAWiERMS/2Y Certificate No. of Works Approval: C00001300330 4, b8/Material ‘BB+ Fk/Component_ fit /Shel] HAMaterial GER REE Dia. “Thickness 500/80 AT RRS A JuM17017 7 Material code of works g eran S._ WLR RMA/Hydr. Test Pressure iE _ 4, 95Mpa TRFFRITAKeep Time odin 6. REETEARIETUINDT Test {251 NDT htem ‘REM AEINDT Parts [Ratt /Proporion | : mas FSFE Fillet weld 210% as a SAFER F395" Longitudinal and circumferential weld 20% iS HERE AH, WEP. Ae ae ir x passing test, approved for relenseHp FLA DLAL AER B/Certificate No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY QD19PPS00198_08 ARE rate CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT. EVAR IN A AAL RS HM OE, RG EASE SEMI EYER “This sto cert thatthe following products have been inspected by the undersigned surveyor of the Society and ae found to comply with th requirements ofthe specified standards IF 20 Product Air Bottle ‘hit HRCA MLN EAT LAA ‘Applicant Qingdao Lianda Machinery Manufacture Co ‘shi HATO A Manufacturer arty Purchaser . : FRAG NEMES/Approval No. of Drawings 9012400001 AABTRES (Certificate No. of Approval Aina Notations . ne Intended for AALS: iBBR/S eine Serial No, _ED190390 ~ LD190489 PFA 2N2 be/Product Inspection Standard LaPLAERAL CARTER A MRRTED (2018) DACRE ARR Chapter 6, Part 3 of CCS Rules for the Classification of Sea-going Steel Ships 2018 and its Amendment 4iri#/Remarks. é ALOR AT PA TIM, CLARO TBE PR BI LS NT STS ORT FR TE The declaration of asbestos-free subeitted by manufacturer has been reviewed by the Society. lorever Tisbility of the manufacturer to guarantee the products are asbestos-free to purchaser under contract will not be exempted. Poh B2 beks/ Marking (AD19PPSO019.08 MHETAR / CCS steel stamp sani ba Surveyor £ Shao. Fa TR PREM TNE ERD, SECTOR, ANT CMT AE RT RrRelnaneg, GHACUsAATamaaRGe KnaaAs, Oh /aRMEMnASR Mii, SMeiRURARR A aan hol ad wee sulanoay Neer pte vase Saree seeks sult cenit ec robe yy ‘rel enn my ise he Sexe rai Teme Fa GAR is EEN De ob Te Soy aa N° 18084064 EAE 32 HH /Page | of 2 yHAVZN/Product Description ‘ik {34915 (Certificate No_ QD19PPSO0198_08 28°UHUAir Bottle (1001) RiIName RAE CTRL) Walue TRAUnit BBMNessel clase THR{Class TL WE Model 10. 08-8 EBL [Capacity 0.08 ae WITTE Design pressure 3 ia “T(E Ji Morking pressure 3.0) MPa WIFRIBIEI; Pressure of hydraulic test [4.95 Pa WM/Thickness of shell a i “EORHIS Alain body saterial [a BLU/Ouantivy 10 leas SOUR RARE ndaoz Branch Ne 18417170 ‘esse KIESE/ End of Texteoes 2H HIT / Page 2 of 2RRIF ARS REEMB QUALITY CERTIFICATE OF STEEL WELDED PRESSURE VESSELS _ FitthDeseription | /ISe/
O11 Shell) /R22 (Pipe) +218 CRE) /2.75 CR) va] 215 (Shell) /2.75 (Pipe) “MPa FMMS/Serial No, + 2018-506, C2018-507 Sef/Quantity 12 G/Sets AURBEHEA/Air test pressure Pst W7Z/ Method of Product Inspection Nd of Product Inspection SERVES RAF IOIRIB/ Iospectin of Material and Components SHR SIEAAVEE/ Inspection of Material and Components afar mo w AGpolitAbesih Tend components of the proive Beato met AE tise tetose mh ni velco components of the product were eX MI {OO ag} ZAM ERMA DR RAIL U aroHpIiRT em ralieale aaterials and coaponents of the produc were sanufactured by the factor Fmaterials and coap. f the product TY approved bY-the Soeietyi ces GFAREEE (Pare finnen Mn ot tonnnaen 7 =FH OER AB eA EBHAT Form: 0100. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY A ies CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT i454 /Certificate No. DLI8P00880_01 HE ASIC HEAR AUBURN TRA nim. PAF REALE ERAN. ESRD RATER. This is to certify that, upon request of Dalian Huiyang Ship Machinery Co, Li. the following products have been inspected by the undersigned the surveyor ofthe Society and are found to comply with the requirements ofthe specified standart. ie Aisi EMAL IR) Manufacturer “Daffn Huiyang Ship Machiney Co, EL ite a Purchaser “Nid Maes AMS Re Product Marine Refrigerating Compressor unit WATE $/CertNoof Approval:_E/Nil,__ HEREHE S/Approval No.of drawings: LNY(C)2016162 ed Notations _3E/Ni1 AF Intended for _S£9Flfi/Overseas fishing vessels OES Hull No. E/N. PARE Restriction for application of product _3E/Mi1. —_ Pas Serial No, 2018-181 #© 8X00 HE/ Product Inspection Standard LAMEABREOIIMILIR ATHENS (HILAR HIOIN> (2000) ‘The Register of Fishing Vessel of the People's Republic of China Code for Statutory Surveys of Fishing Vessels 2000 2PEN SEM THILAEE ES CAM ATONE IGE (01S) ZIVBOCA MASE. 4 ‘Chapter 2 and 4,Part Five ofthe Register of Fishing Vessel ofthe People's Republic of China Rules for Construction of ‘Ocean Fishing Steel Vessels 2015 and its Amendments ‘EP*AMKORL/ On the nameplate of the product & COSHHENEEE/ OCS steel stamp RIEBWNY, SN BAH] ft Song Hebin Datofisse |i Smo TE, TEqaupanNy CINE -RND AIAWINURE, ATEN RRELAEIATEnAN, SeanuaEmERT, wajayer a Ra a a er Ce eee! tim, vannunanion. See AA aaire te eRe tiie ott ek psa ee a ene ee SER OS PE re ta it aati ee Fra vistadbaptra namdmus vr rand serenade neesarey etree yin Iv DL54632546 ENUM) rsseesms stare auRarMAanOM se wm ve QUO. vein Wx De | 5 sin Dna Mn Je ng China ite Sees neplfmncn orc ARNON Len tas MIRAI nth HVT: etna Ta YD 1 H 3 2H / Page 1 of 2 No 18065972 ms 7113 12 aa 12 aa a2 32 33 a4 as 36 enamae FECCS WItIAAT, ARIAT ATA RIP, CCST SHAM AEA. AGERE UOTE. 4 CCS ANTON SAE OTTER, UNTER OPAL. ‘BiFAM RS Ces MAA} RAE EMAL SRANN. MP iL CCS HEFL TER UALR ME RONIEERAE AL. MSCUM Sth CCS MLPA NANT. URANO EK. DL ASE AGHA CCS ALA ER OR ER HER ALDER TH IDHP REA. ARMED ARENDT, , ARUSTHOALUOT A FOB ATH, LAA RM CCS MSE HRA AYER.” MURINE, DLENIABIaRT FLAN E PTY & CS ARERR ICUA NEA ALE RAMEN MIS AHIE NEA. ERIOHESET BIE CCS RAH AEIANRSEIRIG, CCS MITRE ERB AEMLE PERE CCS MIHARU, WLUEHe > MAAS Rs DAM EAR WERMMNRLLE, HADEN LRT BA 2 4) PRR AERDADTT UME I ELEM B SREMKT AAMIDT HAE Cos MEMAMMEROL SLES: a) AAT, DROME, &) BENARSHEAD A, msm exerONS MET Reta Beer FER VR. A VL LUMAR PAE OY ALTO SAR, MUNA) ERATOR, SR EM EGAORT EM, CLE aA BIE ccs MILOTIR LOM, by ARTO: Pa CANTOR ON NAN, ORBEA AM, ey QinAR Bla eMC EsESMRSL FRAT ADM SORUIAANPMILES CCS MIE RALRNEARES, RE SURE ATR MES. BRERA CCS HISAR, CES, amen HP LGE, OEM M OO REMARRR NASON 1H QRUARNERRABED, RIDER CCS HANNA ENN. OLED. ay aban RSNA AMIS TE, DART BAT, Ewa. To CCS BUST, MILLI AI ROVE ARM ROOLENN CAHIR. A FAME, ACCS CHNGRARRTD BGI TRI me CCS RINEHART RELI. I A 7 NO. OE, NEADS (ATS OL ts WAT EE BELIRITOD. HW CCS AMIIRARAMISRARATIRL MARI St. TR WE CCS BL EMM, SMOMEMME, KM MEE NE LAM, SR DARA OTR RSRART LEER SORE TSE. CCS BIE SLANE RACER. FLOUR Sat Be HARALSON) A MBF AT ROI REIL. ARTA TOL MAMMA AMAL ARAEMGIL, 4 CCS ER. CCS HHA FI AAEERE. ARG CCS HEELLEN ADE 08 771A IP GUAARE, JOH Ces BRAMMER A NI. FRA ALBELALTORIA, HE CCS AMT BRUTE MEE BE. Cs ah a9 Po Rt PK I RADE, HELERTINE FE. CCS 3769 ZL A MERA VRMNBR ADRAC, RE ERI me. FEAR LIANE, MALE ARH MBO RAIL, (LIL HAF CCS ARIE ARE ANE CCS SHCA FAULT INR. CCS HAM AE, SSCA ete RLS HGH DSH, LATO AFH 200 76. MIRA RN FAV sia, CS H IRAE 1D Ces mesaEAAR-E MATA I, 2) CCS HRALANRIEHL ICA. DUE Cs aE SL REPRE. ACCS ARANETA OTK. ELL TIES TENN RSAAITIIENRE 6775 Nes, ASG HEAL FON TNR sami ARE BADGER. APF RAF. ALONG AEA ‘fe. FRCS RATHI. RIMS CCS HBR MAG A ROVER DIR, 3 AAPA ON OM PAR FR EE APA. ARALIACEAE ha 1a2 os ‘arnicaniow or cexriicaes aa er Aer Coe oe Aso et ems vets perl oA ued by CCS. Re gece ead Smee Cine OO! nce mem Or aoe Neer, camare peo eps in Seles Mal Cia met Nesp == TET antany reacne' peice cook oe coglans ea et ences Peer cepa aes nls pats ee et aie ier met eh el ent yo Ss ated hance a Sone spear ae ee ee ee ae sees Fer es ea bee ape ee Seah ee eterna ee PERI pt «mney es ie ee ee cance ‘Cerenc sf reds sed by te Sureye thaw ta) the pot ais ae re re fart retrpen) Fa trpentey opeeereeerent sare Sree ca eer Gt aly tert tay Ee pestrerareier st oemartenel uma spared Se ieestac im myaseeonat ona Seas ses asserge enecey enna Serer te eae yoy ne gmat Eesti tae aeect temas pee SEE cs neve yr 9 ra nls lc epee Gieehaomantserinttences yee a meCancel teeta aes mI Kors fone ote tried re my sees cei a Ga Tpmmretaese macy aeatiye te Saeed Terai tee capita ie pet st ne Seta sto ee ce ope es is eee oe Seem ege ceo emcee tae enn at rts i 9 ph fo l= Eiystncthe Spe asap ater ett INVALIDATION, SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CERIFICATE ‘Sued by CCS by means of sproval or ertieton a specie Sen 1, Cae we 6603 Ruf Canton of Sepang See Sage “The erie o gpa inspection underaenby CCS i cared ot we bass at ‘he dip. omer seer, nfl epee ed het fates hf er reine spose, The ene af pres Soames cece sued by CCS emt denih say Uaiiy of ty purty eed tore or ssce texto wha te mo of appevslinpvton aco Contre soe acura by CCS only fst he a be oaltnpeton ceo They dont om Sexe {Be ovnenip wt leat propery ii ofthe Sppeved pec ey a [ect Tis Sei shuld st be ae yy Sage on Onno a Filey fe pencvpcten pet erin ote ante yy partes tt a stn wth Sv ‘onion wna bf us ori rte pare CO os ‘tundra on ep ad coma ibe wang Roc moog Se ere who ppm tr Scie {CES wa ae nly thea or aap fs pi ing Set rdatng an atp bss fea sore prs “etwitnng he revs pagnh CCS le abe be ogee {sepa jy wr eachaely 0 CCS aad calves =o ‘there ang on esl 9 CS. And an ee sl hte ay Sephora ty CCS opr te erent get ‘nono tn atin COS ay fo ee edge ay wd ‘hens oa aot a {G)" hyn epayer of CCS cag eh te cap hr mpl (2) ty ay apt or ter gare ng om tof CCS, when ch atau ‘sory gamed ing by CC shapes pen ‘Ay wy sw ama tf shrew ee wing wi ‘mi th ia uc rrr oe 6 -LE La No annernATION ‘lin of te Rees Repke a Chl apy oe cning no fe, its eine lean pe Scenes ere se) oie sl be eed Ch Me Aiton Cosine ‘mmo cots! be say ete is5 HEM Certificate No. DLI8P00880_01 ‘VIS REMBULMarine Refrigerating Compressor 8 /Type + CBFSI12. 5¢ SLEB/cy1 inder bore +125 a fF #4/Piston stroke +110 an KLB/Nunber of cylinders 18 ‘$88 /Conpressor revolution +985 rpm We #/Refrigerating medium + R22 BINRM/Design temp. + EMSC, (RAEM<115 C iRIHE 1/Design Pressure AGAR M2. 20a, EERO. 72 MPa ‘WR /Refrigerating capacity +103 KY HALLS Motor type ‘y2g02-6it W#L3b4%/Power of motor 275 KW SC/Quantity + 1f/ser F* HhHe¥77SR/ Method of Product Inspection ARETE Tih ALAM ITIUR EERE TUE EONS, SELENA HE RAT EH. The products described in the certificate have been inspected one by one by the Surveyor of the Society in accordance with the abovenentioned standards, and the Marine Product Certificate i issued upon satisfactory inspection. BEESLEY HG/_Inspection of Material and Components GMM FR HY/EABPRNLSAHLHOMD The following materials and components of the product were inspected by the Society: BMAYR/ O11 separator Rilo FR AALS MALIA TIO HLGEI-47*/The following materials and coaponents of the product vere manufactured by the factory approved by the Society: AUbLAtotor SHEP H/ Statement of Responsibility ZERLIOORORES. SHCA IER A ITA ENC OTT, JARS ARERR CNS, AVR ROICRAE RSCTA, TESLA T PBOO OLTTE EE The inspection of the Society does not affect and replace any approval and certification of the aanufacturer by any parties that bear no relation with this Society’ s authorization or survey and therefore takes no responsibility for these parties. The Society does not undertake any legal and econoaic Liabilities arising from accepting this Society's certificate without prior permission from 5 Society. u 3e4h/Others Ane ELL AR Aa aE eA igerating Compressor unit is not include control cabinet. Reige 5 ISLNY (CJ) 2016186, HH I9C2108-543. paroval No. of draving is (CJ)2016186, and serial NO. are C2108-513. ‘see KETIERSE/ End of Textereee l¢ NO 18411728 wEHsWis/cerciticate No. DLISFOOS#O_O1 I 2H SE 2H / Page 2 of 2Hh ER A 2 ee iEBIRAS /rora: 901.03. ‘YT00001 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY ABA aes CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT i444 8-/Cortiticate No. DL18?00879 EG EH EAD a LA foci, TAREE ES EMER, FORE EOURERER, This is to certify that, upon request of Dalian Huiyang Ship Machinery Co, Lid (be following products have been inspected by the undewigaed the surveyor oF Re Society and are found to comply ‘ith the requirements of the specified standards, MET _ANeICHM MRA A Manufacturer “Delian Huiyang Ship Machinery Ca, Li TH PRUE OFE IE RRA Purchaser RRS Reh RaAA Product Marine Refigerating Compresor unit AEH S/CotNoot Approval Sei. BIRLA Sapp) Noofdrawingss LNY(GHa01616 amie, Notations Eni, AF Intended for _ig¥#3M#5/Overseas fishing vessels Ba ES Hull No, weaRTON Paemme Restriction for application of product _/wi). Paes Serial No. €2018-177~C2018-180, FMHWARM/ Product Inspection Standard THR INE/ Product Inspection Standard Petr Marvin ene AL Position ' CEPA E/ On the nameplate of ‘the product : & COSHHEMRSE/ CCS steel stanp REAM ost ibe RA AA Song Hebi Date ofssue Noi tbedine Saveyor “fo [e,_ Sete tebe Nov t6i7018 ‘SE juRCRRGL comm AWN) RUANTRRER. xTEHTAMEER: tr ee, A ReAMealAD AMHR EauON ER eee Hh, nuseineKKea, rena eater nt Ri Catt Sey Sep lpr ‘epurenesta ofthe coifente. Whee the ceifene a SURUGUAT. 9¢tvaneReKe mpvensa— ATRHARTSA INNING. MAT DURREINT GAD COT es ce DL6Q310516 — *BBMHAS eer emicc “man 5 Dalian Ranh usa tSEHMG/Certificate No, DLIsP00812 A cert EM BHEPI/Statement of Responsibility SERRE Statement of Responsibility SERRe Te, MtexiRemMCAMe ry Lecr ome, JRAASTT Saabs ante ReDRR, RAMBERIOR, BELLA STII SE, Bit inspection of the Society does not affect and replace any c Tanufacturer by any parties that bear no relation with enie o therefore takes no responsibility for the 80 parties. The Societ econonic Liabilities arising froa accepting this S ‘pproval and certification of the ety’ s authorization or survey and 'y does not undertake any legal and ociety's certificate without prier peraiseion groa this Society. Jett/Others BIR MLE S /Approval No. of Drawings: PYRE Condenser :LNY (CH 2018049 LOBE RP 05-8 Soparatorsuw¥ CH) 201808 a = [fF seeeap scatoRediver “LN (CD) 2018050 i cow 5 ‘ 2 pain Bes CS ian Branch MeeKTEIERS/ End of Texteenee ces EHH Certificate No. DLIsPOOSL2 BIH IES RY Pepe 3 of a wHee) SEAT LB eb AS A J ae [REGISTER OF FISHING VESSEL OF TIIE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AF & i H 7 CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT 6% costangouiT1 emer SIRS rg UN PRONE TRL Desiipton Manfactre PhD Was Seale eeaees eee Ce. No. OF approval €00001400106 Wes MOR PMA Purchaser. Approval No. Of drawing FZ18FOO7 AF ima ‘LEE 20188 10/1254 Intended for Dateof manufacture Ost 25,2018 * Bo Particulars PME: WHLAOA AB 404 RAAT: 2. Bn? /d AMG: 1. 40ke/d #EXCRLILAE: 100" /n PROCLAIM. 11h SEL. 2. Bk BETH 1400k9 MBH: 2300kg AER AGAR: MEPC. 227 (64) Bei (20124 AAT ak ADA WHE A RE TABS HISD TSS3+35ng/L BOD>25ne/L. COD>+125ng/L. XGGHFR> 1004/1001 PH{MG-8.5 SLAME+20ng/L WEE 1. One /L. RTRBAR, 1 BSR: Ait 2 ehh: Sh 3. RM. BRR: A 4, ROR: EOL LAR BA ANON IRATINN, EA AOTTANLES HEN ERR. ATMEL. ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatthe abovesmentioned rodust has been Inspected and tested by the undersigned and found to be in compliance with Rules and the approved drawings, and that ti for use board on vessel, RAEI hae rs Is stamped with wen Surveyor AT 00268561Patt SOMERS ROEHL Fee ) BG SEAN EB AB AB AB aonnyvecnt REGISTER OF FISHING VESSEL OFTHE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF HINA 7 aes ae ea CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT ee 83 csstaigo1179 tier, ATURE. Description Manufctre Phi Wane ‘Serial No. badd Cert. No. OF approval £00001400105 we mM recta Purchaser Approval No, OF drawing JS18°007 mF mam Hi 2018F10/125A Intended for Date of manufacture Oct 25,2018 = Rm Particular PRG: YPJ-0,25 SEELE I: 0. 25m'/h LEW: AC380V eae ‘S15ppm E71: 0. 3MPa aS Dz-2501L Dy Hee HAHA: 0, 18K ARTs ee ah Bat: Paha Product Inspection Standard 1 SENSIMEPC 10749) kK IMOResohution NEPC_107 (49) 2, GRAF (73/78RI AH) AIL Annex! of IMO MARPOL 73/78 LERMAN, AR SURCAMUEHL EMER, ATARI. ‘THIS ISTO CERTIFY thatthe above-mentioned product bas been inspected and tested by the undersigned and found tbe in compliance with Rules and the approved drawings, and that iti for use board on vessel. aie Late Is stamped with em Surveyor NO.AT 00268569“pr ifaceae A seOIMsT EE “THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE the Peplés Republi of Chine FH INSEL EFM 3 /Centificate No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY WHI9PPS00053_82 ARP hE CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT. REM REAAI REAUM UOMO, TATE TERE ATMEL, ‘Thisis to certify thatthe following product have been inspected by the undersigned surveyor of the Society and are found to comply withthe requirements ofthe specified standards. Ree pmb Product, Bilge Alarm wis JUROR Applicant JI ‘hig AAT OIOLR RUA AL Manufacturer JI iT Purchaser BAKAHHE S/Approval No, of Drawings. W05400015, ‘ADT! Cette No of Approval ne Intended for ELIE RAY is ras - Serial No, 190082 _FehikeMekste/Product Inspection Standard 1 RSAEIERIR | €73/T8EGES/AE) AEATENTORIT Regulation 14, Revised Annex of MARPOL 73718 2. BRI HAL ER eek EPC. 107 C49) —CASST ANDRA RE A BS HP BE ED IMG Resoltion MEZC.107(49) Revised Guidelines and Specification for Pollton Prevention Equipment for Machinery Space Bilges of Ships Hem Notatons fount g 2 Soa ore es ees ATE Hits PRGA” SPUR AEA ALRARRCSCA ATE” ETS, wiL4700009_02) HOKE RELA. Enclosed: Certificate of Type Approval (copy of IMO forn) for 15PPA BILGE ALAM issued by China Classification Soctety(Cert No. :MIL4T00033_02) . EMT PREM, (RLM ITAA AAA ARNT HORE I HOE ‘The declaration of asbestos-free submitted by manufacturer has been reviewed by the Society. However, Liability of the manufacturer to guarantee the products are asbestos-free to purchaser under contract will not be exempted. PERGHELMarking Se i {2H/Position —_: ZEF BKM / On the nameplate of the product ce : eer anig | SAEDIR / CCS steel stan menm 207 &, Date of issue un Li oun [emu mM SRT wat hide NTE —TaT, SARE RETREAT SERIES TeLePeta cesseateoa ne Dipiogne ane, ana toutaay aeration plea ese pez kraefn cnr ty wasn Sm reo be “em ARI Us FLEA MR cea oe 7 onay aa ‘URN: Po1o.168836 351 Hi $2 HE Page 1 of 2 ” NO 18222722122 a a as a6 42 eBEM eA FECCS DITA. AULA TAPS BILLA T. cos FRA ATAT. URUSTTT WATER. “CCS ATOR SE SOIR R, HEA IHOR BER. RIHATT Afi Cos Wied SRA HORE ESRRE, A HL CCS MTR IOR RENT RATEROIT ALT. MAO A OCS aL ALM He. CIRRUS, UL Anh INA EP Te SS CCS IRORER ak aH SER Hite racer OnSLAR. MIRA ETO. 2K, MStiLOT Sy AMBLILTL A TO BES SLO WST AM OCS GGL IHREN te. ISCAS ONES HR. lanoligr Shae sheh Ee FECe CCS MAREE AR AOR TRAE RAE RP RAED EERE. és tuberebite Ccs Meh msknE ERE, IE EM Zt PAE LI CCS HANORRAE, WER w) ATOM Re bye MeO THULE ATAR: €) (RAR IERLED RAE BAC Ih, d) PeBANS CEM msRIRAR AE MENA FT PMEM A LUMA AILS CCS AR MSOGR BOLI. LEW ayes} eORALAEAR: by PALE MRC REARS, ) HARI EMMCEUESN AL She OP MAHAR ERRATA oienmn FB 2H) FRR Riko Ak CIOS ENS PHL ARR eH. LMM! EMEA FOREN, 4K EM Mba ENR. ULERY. avr cS NEILOTER TI ols by ANTT SENSE R, ey MEL UREN OLR, )PDSAPTSUNECH EDU Ys NP ANONRER EBA HRMRAET HR fesstnthie Fi. LALA RELI aE CS NEHA HR RAIA 1 Fee HE BMEGLN CCS BUTE RAN. WENT. cana AME Chi" daded, WEDS ARES HANG RC RRNA ANION fis ASD AUREUS MLA, HRIME Ws CoS MAYOR RL. LEM. ava sreest OVD (E89 FiLirs BYRSOIT SUMAN, eee. MFA CCS MiLAST. MSD LIFPEROME HAR ROMER A. APIOMKIN, CCS CHARMER HRI ARH ME CCS RIAL SOLS MAERUA ERIE. Ba. OH 1 WW SL. SRT. NA LI eH 5 A ALLAH, HE CCS NUFIMSMINPRMET FLT Ht. ECCS EX FOR. RMT. TOE HEMT LINE, SPRL AREA LSE I RANE AEE, CCS EARN ALT AD RENE RT TR. SUURERNR ES ah PRAM RR PE RMMLAOTED LI AYE ARNO IS, HR IH ALDER EAA RUNES iL. 8 CCS CCS MARA AW. (U7 CCS RATE AMAIA LP OVAMT IRE. HeALEIYIy CCS BRARMR ERI BI AT. RMI REESLACIT RIA, HE CCS UT SAAT SSRN OEY Ac. CORA FAMRET AMMEN SLATER RIOGEE, CEMINE F. OCS HPA PLE FAN ARRAS RANA AR GRIN REE, ARAL PLR SERIA ces HUB ES west AMM LGMT, ORME RAT RMAMORRNA, BO ARUN CCS uC RH HE ASR CCS ILENE AIF HNAR H IaHIRE. CCS RIE, JERE, EMER OY $5. TRIKE ALR 200 Fi IKEA Rt REPAIRER, CCS HU RAIIEFA Ree D ces RAMER SNM, 2 CCS RRARR HCE, A CCS MIE BILAN FI CCS RNREA LYRE, LNT, TAIN RILAREVLIEIRET 6 PARES, BM RVI HAT RIIEL. ame EMRE. APE AAT. PLLA IE ARO iat. FENG CCS SL4iNACH, RAM g CCS HEARNE RANCHI, HD AB eh LH TT tat ik EAT A a AORN, RRR, FREER ION. 1a a Mu as “THE aPPuicaTioN oF ceneriFicareS ‘Ate Xpyoa Cenfis of Daan Approval, Ceifeue f Type Apo! or Cerise of Works potl wil be sued ty CCS te pai ‘mannose » pct cece aque by CCS mks the Apa (Conifers cam ree fe ‘Des Appravl an te velaton roca ei ha he roc dep i eo te regen of CCS Rules or coer Seed sna ‘Slough pe apron sd crypt “Type Appl mcs Son oor fon he aon mutes lio comimeusy mao, psace wach are ample ie ‘Bpurment of CUS Rule nee scp tone eh ee ps Sproles tst an conte mle ype aptl some of eo ade, Oe Sent Ad fp pov when se rome the mane rs ‘Shute ly devel pot any see ‘Nort Apprval eats the etm. proce. fo eaten te mama's Sie cetiusaly singed which aren cmplane wih te ‘pets SECS aes vane eh es ‘Rreitachimprion aCe of say pdt kw be doomed orien rector Egan Scent y OCS {Cert of Preaek by he Soy tow i he rd co ‘sities deur impo nd tet heen ee ese hn i the produc be ci) od hase ad he reece Sineyerorna peal peel cndte acne Drees cd ye mance ye Svea © ‘Siw the pnt emis ti le) atone ete en The clmodan ry run af wich ep ppl ade oh appa ‘ep tte pod eve a ook maybe et Manca The emt type aon works pene by CS: epitome wl re ‘inramd imestn sn rhe bern codons 4) e wl ken om [andor hoger tact a ued ah pone of be pment ‘processed ye manatee, ‘NTeexfnh meson Rite ser tan howe sei et oF soy naecin Cetiete oo yt Survey fsbo tha the pod sss iL y the apt ine hn compl wi) he peo an a ee ten wines iy 0 Sry odor tt pt te entered by Se Sime hme foe pate ste {For Coates! ye Scr ow ae rot as Ben ee a steps he Sureor se spl ake om i od te Ce acare'sDacumen is cd by he mnie ow ht) be INVALIDATION, SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE Inala ween aod session of eros or egos ne ‘dy CES means af apn ee ein epee Ce van ef Roe fr Centon of Serge Se Sipe co ool pein wdetaen by CCS cari at on he bs st ‘he denen, mula omc see wpe ep ops sa he paner i he eapcie reponse Tie ean ny oper {nt ete wed by CCS toot i ny sy fay ry med evecare fap men pe fy soins acumen el by CCS ol lt tet be nee Beran eric Ty do actin econ {rennet tod Wal gopy geo th apne meee cy ad Feed Th Svc shoul besa y ay due or waar ad fetes rope ii apres ay a od ‘he opoatnspectan of CCN ds nt stan wpe ay agp nd eninton othe mafic by Sy poi ha a eae wi i st toate survey sd hee ks no nay he pu CS et et were my elcome ls mang aang es Soy eat bout emia he Sse {CCS witb aleoey fre nor dmags fens prs reskin dy fn "vee at Ing eve sal CCS beat oa et or cota dongs nan uw oe sat pues, Newitt ep pga CUS wl be aoe se doe "sels act aly ail xc ECS and spy sea erp mings Nee tes nn ‘Seed ie eee) caged by CCS apt cf oe sae age out num CC ys cy (yy ele of CCS sing et he os cp fe yet (2) by ay agent hs paris ang ea of CCS, when ch at eee ule gana whig by Cw xh geo pri. on ie ry a ft ae de wig iin wile dened aronsilat water stains are APPLICABLE LAs AND ARBITRATION he lus of he Pope's Rea af Cin lay 0 he sing it is, ‘spe, mle, nl skin a ae of he wef he ee Unis ewe ped ih CCS, ay taf waceer ae ep 9 ‘ee povidel ale reed to Cha ae Abani nd ‘ire acres witht wbiton reefs a he tine rege ‘iron The wan hl be na and beng pn a ae as$5181 (Certificate No. WH19PPS0005 i 8 /certiticate No, WHTIOPPSOODS_82 FWMitiveroduet Description, ASppmin As RETL/ISppm Bilge Alar (M001) Brame itt CRC) WWalue Aisi BA /Type ¥0C-01 "U/Power source IRCzROV/ATOV 50a 760K SWS A/Serving point of larm 15 oo ARUE/Accuracy £5 pps Bid” EH/Desree of protection PAS WERE Measure range 0=30 ppm SM /Quantity 1 fe/Pes PCO Te] Res B = ae suet « *®& Ors Sobap Bree 43. , %, & Sy Rss gut NF No 18852722 sexes IETSIL/ End of Textaewen M2 HHH / Page 2 of 2.. COPY Form _cPiai OR AG Se CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY oe No, _FHLATOOO8S_o2 15 PPM AS eK RR RM RU EH CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVAL FOR 15 PPM BILGE ALARM. EH, CARIMOPRILMEPC. 107 (49) PONE AARHUS 2 SORE RRR FY FARR de ARRAY Spm AAR BL eT SS ARIS. AMET LL FFB ppm I Raman. This is to certify that the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm, comprising the equipment listed below, has been ‘examined and tested in accordance with the requirements of the specifications contained in part 2 of the annex to the Guidelines and Specifications contained in IMO resolution MEPC.107(49). ‘This Certificate is valid only for the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm referred to below. lSppaRRAREREAREA sirscmMeenmea, a 15 ppm Bilge Alarm supplied by Siang Gongehuong Machinery Eqvipaent Ga. Lv RESVSH under type and mode designation ai: and incorporating: _yoc-ot lipemia AR SAMS AM, hy LUT OIMRRe ArRAA Fiujiang Gongchuang Machinery Equipaent Co. Ltd 0 15 ppm Bilge Alarm analysing unit manufactured by HERE... SBOR/Be EB an to specification/assembly drawing No._X0C-FX date _2005-10-1 00:00:00 Lippe REE GFA, ch AUTROIMIM RAMA Electronic section of 1 ppm Bilge Alarm manufactured by 2a: eng, Comsehuane Nachinery Equipnent Us, 38. SEARS Bit AM to specification/assembly drawing No,_¥0C-00 date PRAIRIES, oy 10-1 00:00:00 ‘Sample feed pump manufactured by $B... SHR eA aM to specification/assembly drawi ere, NO 14242711 geas Na. nirooc3_o2 Sample conditioning unit manufactured by JEL. SRR RL am to specification assembly drawing No._— date FUE ZA Sppaht eK MAM IG (5) ALA The 15 ppm Bilge Alarm is acceptable for use in accordance with Regulation 16 (5) SATA 1Sppm ARREARS RO ASAE eA AE) — Weak A.copy ofthis Certificate shouldbe carried aboard a veselfited with this 15 ppm Bilge Alarm a all times LE OREM. ‘Test data and results attached as appendia. Be We Signed _ tang Jun She” Hema Administration of China Classification Society am Dated Oct. 20,2014 aRawE : * Delete as appropriate. N@ 14803718oe ER AG Be th SETNES 8 Porm: TOL 02- goo 886 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY HxAU its CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVAL Ease ficae se musten RERAT ARAMA LATA RRL TWEE, ‘This is to certify that the following products produced by the manufacturer stated in the certificate can meet the reauemens of he approval sana ted ow 357* 8/ Product Approved 1SppmAs RAK BRE 15ppm Bilge Alarm 138) / Manufacturer ALAR EE A IRA Bl] JIUSIANG GONGCHUANG MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. PRABUAL MALES TAR AER ELS NO2,SHUNFA ROAD,ECOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL PARK,LUSAN DISTRICTAIUJIANG CITYJIANGXI PROVINCE, CHINA, Minbeas/ Notations Nil ‘WB145%/ Approval Standard LIBRA C7378 BRS DA HAL ‘Annex | of IMO MARPOL 73778 2. DRAG HAARMEPC. 107) BRM [IMO Resolution Mepe.107(49) 2022458 A8E1 / Aug. 8, 2022 SRom 2018%8A98 Date 59.2018 sha “gus niaeaanaSuacaeatae svetRnET raiwasusaetnten Totnes cite ta Tatetonataispets a Sean aa eiaree heel ret ay WMMGNMURNID rs coor =~ oe RS ae 5042155, " WIM IR tye tel) weiE TH8S /Cortificate No. mH18TO0024 ROME Product Description pont AMR A 71H lode + X00-01 HilAceureey 13 ype BLSPHIA Reaction tine S55 RWR/Pover Supply > + ACZ2OW/AC110¥s Soha /éone SHIPS /Oearee of Protection iP MP eAVAlara Set Point +15 pos WABI Range of Measurement 020 gpa HEN /Sanpte Pressure Range £0,075~0.3 Pa HOROOMLACALBItHMA/ Approved Drawings and Dé DBAS, Drovings Approval No. :mmsaooo16 # BA TTR / Approval Test Report RHEIREIRS Test Report Yo. =” CHKS2010-276 RERGAM/Test Report Doe | 2010-07-09 SRALUL/ Laboratory » PRRR TURAN ORR ST RRR The Wuhan Electranechanical Products Eavirongent and Reliability Test Detection Center of CSIC RRMA No.312 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Fuhan, P..China REIMIDIBAL/ Test Address AREAL IMG /Test Report No. = Yess2010-060 RING AM/Test Report Dare 2 20-07-12 SRIEMLAL/ Laboratory 2 PORTER ASR STR The Wuhan Electronechanical Products Environment ané Reliability Test Detection Center of CSIC RIRUUIBIE/ Tost Address RRA DCSAeNSHDIZS No,312 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Mahan, P.&. China ‘StYeH BARE Test Report No. + sion REM AM/Test feport Dove + 2014-09-16 IRILMO/ Laboratory + AUT SROLALIRR ATRL ‘Tivileng Gongehvang Nechinery Equipaent Co.,Ltd. SRHEMUDIEAE/ Test Address ATL REIIRE BATRLA A] Tivjiang Gongchuang Nachinery Equipnent Co.,.Lt2. 7° iE FARE HH/ Application of the Product AGMSGH.EQIE/Ships and Offshore Installations IAATORI Af/ Maintenance Requirements of Approval RESDUERURGEC: HT AUMUD, Va SEnesCaOnMAken. roRGReIADeS Beibehnacozahheuha. uamamernnaucane a Ktter type aporevels if there are changes to the dest materiats osed or manufacturing athod of the prediet thd iaportent components and such Ghanges‘affeet anor caracteristics and sropertics of the product, or property inks of the proiet are changed ang esed aoe scope of abororns elated draeings and docupnts are to be euanined and approved by tne. concernt survey office, Yhere deened necessaty by the survey offlee, the surveyor fo the Soclety rill go to riuness celevsnt tests Sestecnactinsbection a the fests Should be eble ro denmtrateeonplionee Ht the ppv SCT SR ee RL ALAIN Fe, RRR. AUS RAEI aitkiee HPA MGE tT. tt RH RRR, ‘The quality manogenent systen of the factory shall be ensure effective operation, and shall be the saac as the situation of approval. If there are anv chuiiges. to the quality aanagenent s¥3tea, sudicing of ne origton certif.cotioncrguniention For gual ity aanageoent svatew and the society's ‘approval shall be obtain: UST A ROMS, SOMATA RIERA STAIN, TRAIT ROE, ‘Within the validity of the spproval certificate, If cases occur that may cause the Soclety to withdraw the epprotal, the senufacturer should take corrective actions in a promot ad effect ive PERE KA RHim, AM ARTE REY LTT ENRLRES HFM. UUREMSeN FREGCMEALA MHRA. TY ae Xo the Society say pay unsnnouaced Copperat ion ang necessary for the sur PERM RM MATS ARIE, LAR ON Ry RHA. cE IL pe Ra LHI CRRAOM EE ARETE ANSE MAW HR, SEMA SO OT HS 2 33 [8498050 etm sh/cerciticate No. misTOON2SHEM G/Cortificare No. wil1BTO0024 UF belong to the situation of the product has type approval eode B certificate, and sarine product certificate ‘equivalent dorurent is not necessary. those sha have obtained the certificate should be subject to periedical audit etery sear. The periodical audit, should be earrieg aut atthin 3 conths Devore and after the nnstversery ate which corresponds to the date of expiry of the relevant, YRTG OU BNW R/ Method of Product Inspection after Approval ‘PRIVEE NAHE OT R/The product inspected by sampling in tern of the rules: TOBBEURER OCR aie CaIMERA RAISE wanoncuen mabedes: Product Certificate will in accordance vith the approved product inspection schese, and thea bbe issued by the Society upan setisfectory inspection. ERIN AEA A TER/ Inspection Requirements for Materials and Components FGF RMA os ef eM MT OUbLIAT AE /The folloring eax ‘should be sanufeetured by the factory approved by the Soctet: uerials and components of the produet Hi RUT RYN OS MAIL HG/The folloring materials and components of the product should be inspected by the Society: 2/NUL ARM FRUN ARR EONGRTIAM, MAMIE NTLI/The List of manufacturer for the folloring Eateries and conponents of the product should not be chenged without the Societys approval: ERO orton pores Suppy Sistine version. HRW /intrared diodes BOB/Filser. HIE/BOX . SAEMO/ Statement of Responsibility ALMUTAUH, BKSAHMRLRBEROS TN ERT MU ORE. HAPS SUR RAABES HSHAK. RROKARGADRU, MASALA DH SHOR MARE. Ihe aporovol of the Soctety does not affect and replace eny approval end certification of the anatacturer ty any porties that beer no relation sith this Society's authorization or survey end ‘tatane takes na ceaponstbliity for these parties, The Society doesnot undertake any Legal and WGhonic lalities arising free accepting this Soofey's certificate withot prior permission frou this Seeley eth/Others IE HURT (No, RALSTOONNS_01) #RAIEAHURRIES. Ginis certificate Ls reneved froa and supersedes the previous Type Approval Certificate No. Wil4TO0033_01 Bit Reaark: HINO SCM StAMTIES (Hs CPIBI) GRAFT, ‘he original THO format type aporoval certificate (forsat: CPISI) resains valid. AUCH KSPR LCREH, BELOTTRARAR RADAR A REAR LERNAS. ‘he declaraticn of asbestos-free submitced by aanvfacturer has been reviowed by the Society However, Liabilley of the manufacturer to guarantee the products are asbestos-free to purchaser under contract will nat be exeapted. ARWESTEXSE/ End of Textonees iE HRY Certificate No, mNSTOONEA 9H HST / Page 3083 ath RABEL E454 /Certificate No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY GZ19PPS00030_03 ANP EB CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT HEN AL RA” MEARE A, SAE RAE TER. ‘This sto certify that the following products have been inspected by the undersigned surveyor of the Society and are found to comply withthe requirements of the specified standars. RABE eek Product F Steel Forgi ane ‘il aa UK RATA Applicant Foshan Shunde District Zhong Lian Forging Co,Ltd ‘oli ‘Aba TEN EIA ATT Manufactuce aria Purchaser ASTER B/CcaicaE NG. of Approval HIF/Imended for SE 7#YBM/Overss 98-825 /Hull No, 741807 WRIT Approval No. of Drawings. JSi9ROOT P*RbSa'B/Serial No. hikeSeRE/Product Inspection Standard LMEARSOORNIA CEMMMERAR IND (2019) ‘Technical Regulations forthe Statutory Surveys of Overseas Fishing Vessels 2019, of MSA,P.R.China 2s LARUE CIRUTEA AMARA ATED (2018) 587 aM Chapter 4, Part Seven of China Classification Society Rules for Construction of Sea-going Stel Fishing Vessels 2018 TAH NEREREPRERRER, SEER ERMGE wae ay ART aa eR TnnawiMiTenaanese tiwhia, OXAainiMMhARHIMiN. aanRiueR An radial sn on Raed peso Un oe il TAR, LALNTA Raa aT N° 17753809 MKT Pagerot2 — WE32 aa aa as 36 42 enema ECCS RiL AT. WSGiLATALT arm mI. CCS a ORBAN. CIAeTR EI AMIE CCS ITER AES. TEAMED ICSE B. ARE UARY At Ces mae IRA eGR, MAH ARIRRIE CCS MATER OR EIR Eo ORIOL, RIAA Ai CCS iL AIRE ee, WARREN, OL AMRIT BAHL PTT CCS. URI HR NM ER Sine Amen RORAL MACHR PAR REE AAO, FF, DARAOT RRIAIT A MB POU “LIWHT a CCS BAL LAYMAN fe SISCLASEAOILIG EH, ‘longi INR? TF CCS IRAE AR aA REL MME ORC RTALA. DAR UHR BLEE CCS YH RALIDIOSENRG, CCS HERR IES KENSETH ARERR CCS HABER, LUE: 2 FAR AOE Re WME TON AUR ©) (REEBRLET ROR BA Bh 2) PACA nak ALIAS LAO PT. SATA ROT MANE CCS RUMOR MOLI SHEN: ay BARTER: OMA CONTIN OARS ARSRNEAARCT DANA, yA ENNIO maT Poche EEA. PE BER RUST AURIS GAS RI RE TSOYA ERA AL. mo EMER FOES RF EM WADIA ER, CLE Me RRP mH CCS MIRA TP iar. WPT, «Rc AMR, ye MLCT BAY, ey AA RAL AEBHIET NT HR eoRtathn BH. AAD ERULIAMH MES CCS MANES, UNA BRE HUE BTR MER. AMEB Ri ccs EMMER th, UUM. on eHnRzen ar Atay ORE AG A RA RT ERI 3 oRMARRE NERD, RIEHL CCS RIBERA, LEW: ayy RNOSTE, DRAAARLNA LD, Esavee. PPI CCS HBitANT, MEET. (EPDE RENE ERM ROCESS ARNIS SPAOHHHH, L-CS CHIRAL SUMLIY 5B 1 ESBS GOEL Re CCS FRIMWOLMTRA cERTIS ARARIT A.B. BOAT rN. AE ABE. LADINO NG AULT IS RRIF. 8 CCS AURIMARIOMT LM ALTAR, WS WE OCS ZL FOR, BME. KIM BEA LION, PR ea TARA RARTE SBE FT RIBERA CCS MLA TALIM A KOE EF, ORLA MRA BL, IARMLALLSTOTT! MMH A ELAM LAELIA. SH Tea PP ATRL ERATROKEDH PR. 15 CCS EH. CCS HAMMAN AWE. HEH CoS PN IESE SENT AL TOUS MRE, JHA Ces PARE RO RARE, ARIAT AKU. ME Cs NATO META Cs a7 fe ath IER RATS, LIGNIN F, Ces HRM SLR A MOU CART ALEMDARARE RARE, ETHEOA RAMEE AOR ie. PETEAL EIR, EM CRISPI RAH IARI LR ANT CCS IEMA {OM Aa CCS JHC HT ONE MBNA, (CS HRANHCE. JG A AOE. eH Rem SDL OI RS, LAA MLAL AGT 200 Fi. ABR FATIH, CCS ARRAN A eee D> Ces MtasaR ARLE Is 2 CCSHOMAWRICIUAEIE/ AGIA CCS AIL IGE RAEN TA. AACS RATHER NEN. LOL INES. CRIA RIOLAALIE ARE PFE BRE, RAL MRI seme se ugh ARTE BURA, OAPI PATE A I ein. Rita ccs SHnHse94, ABI ccs ABRAM SRINKE PIR, 1) SEALS ONAG A BR Lh DY ce IME AP. PARRA, LMR ALAC aa a3 as a6 THE APPLICATION OF CeIETIICATES. ‘Mes Appl Cente of Design Apporl Cnet of Tape Apa! ot ene eke Appa wl pe med by CS ot the pc sod ‘omit, Wr 9 nal cere egal Wy CCS me per erate eee ooplong wih ie rgureneat of COS Rast solr out many sans Soh pa sponges pep est Type Appar th suse pes fin he prevent’ ‘sq of ental fence pe woh ae complacei e Fehrs of CCS Roem he cepa sod gh pt pan {ana Fenty pednine roc whch ae hemp he ea cy Ramat er pd sd Ss da ph ‘Reitolth impcien of caved oe tiaory protic 9 be Ancona Garten of tet requ cnet by CES. Geo of Pt ty ne to it eprops fromthe product to be oped} the pred hs Bon ted inthe pence fe Frunslat Baees sed ye mmf neo ye Saree we ‘ow ta) he put eo is es gud pe se tna en lati) esse nen om hs roc be mp roe ‘ents inte pens of he Sunor of nn spo speeder [iced and say produc of whieh be pe apn ado mo apa ‘Toe Mansacrers Dacamet i in by the mufcr # u t e [ped pe aon or works approved by CCS: i) epi campy wi veid mopciorand ache braced eas) saglik [ned o ep) t pots needa psn he Spuae S'Stach imp Poach sr an Se ped ‘Squronen toh cmon pein Cri To Cane Inert Cerne aly he Saji Be ra sie dsc te apliet bne en copie wis mpc ant ane ten wisely Sry ar th en vapor hs bom ron be Siro tempts Enh rods Benpece {To Ceres y the Sucre sow fa 1 prot sen see Sejsnnce at te Suneyers) splat mth nda 9 op. INVALIDATION, SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE, Inala apd ee tno he eso ele Sons ‘db COS br mane apron reenact Seron 1 Capt [Then orccs Rake Cacicaion of Se png Se Sop Teen olan wy CS si a i i easton Sonam nt opto Pieridae powder: aean sty ere cea ‘econo many CoS teeta ay hey oa yd ISSUER chon widow te mdr ofp eee cd Sy spall nem andy CS te 2 {2 Rearend ota oes ov aa ey the nv ne Teta rey eaten ay pe ‘Retype of Cm So age ay glad echo ayy tan iw Ss tot ndrte yp and eon hance wang on seepage Soh ‘eeesivoanc tay kre emg ent pig Sty on teat ngs Ste ee aoa am edeg ny icone Minin esr ag CS wt a i rs ‘Grate iy aul ney Se cain iGpnn wegmbcirace le sesaurarsmartas eas EEIRRR chr OS mopar mene sktnchinsimguecnsctete rere Uy emt ECS sno et re fit gt (2) any get oat iain ow eta CC, when ah at ced he sey gen wing ty COS w ch get pri ‘hey ch i dag hse te i ‘ibe devsedavonabvelueaverot aise ‘The vs of he Pepe's Rep of Cin hla 0 Se coming ios, pening ron ts ese the ee iti stews apes! ti COX ay dnt of whan nate eps he ‘ec ponies be reeds Cos Mine Asean Cnn sd {Stl acotine wih roe me slte ie fect or ‘ihr The wba ava lf lsd bang pn ben rsd pate,WEI Product Description ‘Rita flSteet Forgings (W001) 2 ‘iE 1344 (Certificate No. GZ19PPS00030_03 4AfkiName ate C{fL) Value Heinle PHla-BR/Produet Name TTSFIRAWTE| Loose coupl ine HP Material 35 I Ouantiy 1 Wires SIL/Total Weight 316 ke HU /Drawing No. LJXBITITE=C25-01-02 RUMRE/Surface Wachining HUME [Rough aachining TAEHE eat Treatment TE*ELK Normalized & Teapered FEB Non-Destructive Test Ure TET Passed TAAALI/Tensile Strength (Ra) 5A Wem RRURSLIE/Vield Strength (Roh) a7 Nas 2 Wks 8K /Percentage Elongation After [29.6 G Fracture (45) WOH Reduction of Area @) ea.3 a ‘IE Mlardness 164 EB ALERT M/Sample Direction of | UFilTangential Mechanical Properties PIB Ces mse NO 18740877 2H $21 /Page2o0t 2foo peprpmanetuntiny, ——Soloteez-usun #4} SBOOLETZ-LSLO=1L/TH ooGzR "9992 18 em spun eno pod fA SEU MUN / YOGI Ws sonar, e0 Ko 9a Dba Magctvie eaeLDe ow “6107 suite a(s) bu wa] BYRY. saree ass Cape “ayte vonpoid 203 oyareuetsoy aq iV svtnso s0g"2h3903}8 pur ons 6 wyep 1603 4a ‘s39 Ka porouddesuornspuD> TeOENeD ayo} uypssooe wn sense padeoae eA, “ates soy a0 soornues Poser Fe a ed oh Jo sues Bunions Osa) Ha ene poate sBaesp ro $9) OY Auypacepaimoejns sand LAU TE i F-MF ARAN NS REIN FETS Wt“ AN S00 i PO ol BF LPR ITE RSTO "BAESIOWA GY oly ‘usm temoD AryTenb soNpord/e AH I ~aNa “aN posed oe A OAT Ui rfi fs | ce oe ar ws [escio| mms | wr | rer | veers su aon cewa | oram | orem | oF9-o8r Oa Bu = oy Gest t0seye oe eae a2 sev [een] coms | oe | eee Lx (RE ND ie amido - = aur favios] ome = | soy aon ase rt arnt Sane | mene [tts atemma| warms, [A] ae [panels en Doncaee:| spain | eH | SWE | REAR RH sn edn AE RL 2] SULA AH T LON / SARE sspradond PORE TM = ened pur ° zow-ser Pr ‘Suydnoo| svowosias70 || 21052" canon | savo | oso |soro| ovo asta] vo] ston] sxe [oro |sea] sic | x | se | xteciutia | ow | assise | | sory crn eine ars R=] aco Paro | ove | oco [emo wo | oro = we Tee | seu | xu | xeu | cow | sour Seo |-zeo| © ove "ON SO sunan wey] 2h ae a aay "on 3589) ‘ON B93] a ae =a) dome ul > patel ts TL 2 | wei fratmol tons | AEM Joons | OuePT | ns | a — ary | | Be Bat | sap ae (rere a 7 ow roots Jo wopasodies Toten) /SFWRS CMH) Bb ae ToodesrON | a ae 2 ~aioe carganeR AD Tapeh "ce SoHE ES ecomanorzomowiysoorrorgitmien | meety) | on mug cine | CaN AFRO RFR at BAPE POL ema STAT TOGTOE FoR STS ROT TaNGOW IO SIV STAINS ATVI SE EG PW a LT09 ONIDUOA NVITONOHZ AONNHS NVHSOA (72 PB HNL LToh ELA at iE +541 S/Certificate No. CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY ——_G219PPS00030_02 AP EB CERTIFICATE OF MARINE PRODUCT NAEP REAR LIMIT. HPAES MRMITER. ‘This is to certify thatthe following products have been inspected by the undersigned surveyor ofthe Society and are found to comply withthe requirements ofthe specified standards, oan BPR ‘eae Product . oF ‘AL OA OA AAR A Applicant Foshan Shunde District Zhong Lian Forging Co,Ltd. ‘iT “hi Manufacturer Fe ie Purchaser ALTTETS G/Certficate No. of Approval WIT /Mntended for 3GRMAB/Overseas fishing vessels MLE / Hull No.:281807 LEME ARCHIE EPMA AILUD (2019) ‘Technical Regulations for the Statutory Surveys of Overseas Fishing Vessels 2019, of MSA,P.R.China 2ST CHER MMTRSTRD C2018) $87 BEAK Chapter 4, Part Seven of China Classification Society Rules for Construction of Sea-going Stel Fishing Vessels 2018 Pena eS ee ihat sae Postion FE : zz on the product \ Py Wf AB cgzerstoso2 EDR / CCS steel stamp NSasorng 5 REL DISEOAAA seman rT RaRREER, SAU TONE MATICK Ta Sa a ET cc! ERE ae EET ces TRAC th LATTA ceo eo Say VRS TEGT ‘UTS: poten 17759808 61 WU HR2 IE Page| of 2a2 33 3a as 36 42 REMI FE CCS MHF. MStAMR LT AURPRITELAT. AGC MLCT MITE. CCS HRAUIER AE SIGHT. OTE IASI AICP ULE 1. ‘iE AT CCS ALYY RAC AR UP iRifMe CS REALTEK ok ease Rh AR HALT MIATA CCS ADL ANA HE, MOSCA AOS, Bh ATU AGE CS INA JAB IRAE ALTER ASE AFORE MDALAY. RABI) PASM MIRAE A FE, BURAO A WNC A AB MAM. SEP Um Rt CCS iid A IRMESENT INTE, SRS GE. ULNAR ERE CCS MLLER MRI ARE IE RSME RIFLE RTA. AIRE CCS MUFSO EMRE, CCS MER SES AER TACESLIE FGEBLia CSM LHL, ULE a) PRAT IE 2B: DP REM LTNEEAVE. © RUM AMA AIPA Bhd) F*BaNABRAE DIDI Ana HARA HTL BL SME KH RUBLE UL RIPE CCS ARUN ANY SLIEMA AAD AER. ABCA AWTECOHAAD ANA) ARSE SGMLNAR Ac 5h, PsA AD SI NAR Premier. HF ERAT URIS ANT ATR SOR ALP AE ISA EP a. Gk CHER TLE: Mg) EM LGTLAT BN. LEM, wer REE CCS MARLO TEAM, PBN HAE, ov He MUM RR, VERNER BTR AH ey MARS CEMS RULART HR eS INFRA NaF UHR ERECSMOOP RAE CCS MNES EHR RARE ‘SaRRIDE FUERTE BRERLU CoRR AML, CLE. IRCA oF Aiteal HHA MiRSRIE TA RBNM EAE RICAN ASNT fis ORIEBRLO BSE Bk. RET. CCS SAO METT I, ULE NNR ESD AGERE, HARINE REM, a aes T". CSA Esmee, MAM (CCS SARL. RSET RE RRINRASEON A PF0RKEA, LCS CIRM NOLILALD BSA GUN AE (CCS ARAB LATHE REER AE DR BHEISS WT. IAT Fi. AMIS. RT IRD. I Te IT RLLBHU, EE CCS AMMAR UTI st, WR BE OCS ZL KOR, BRAEMINE. CIRMLEKMEAE LAOH, SVR BOkaE TRS LIRCEST ALR IMITATE. CS BRUTE et EM LRAT MN EA R, PRAGBATHL MORE RAMA RAR. SB Tin) mi aA BLMOM A IER, 15 CCS ER. CCS BAAPIMASE ABN. HAR CCS RAKING ATI. TPA NRIE, SAA OCs PERALTA HLT RMSE AN RIA. RE CCS UALHESRI SLANE Hue. CS iat pase YEAR AT RI RENE, TERE Fo CSSA SAR PS tA TRAM AOARREAORE, CATERER APA Like, miRiEMe SAAT A MMM ARITA, OLA HAT CCS ARIUMAT MENA SK CCS FUGA MR HF Pat, CS Hi RIOGRAE, SEH AINE. LATS HL OT RS (8. TLR A RAD AIRID 200757e- MUN eR “BARR CCS HR RAMEPT IEE, 1D CCS AE DNAELa RRNA Ie 2) CCS EAI ACA 7» ALG C4 HT ATEN TI ACCS RAL. ELE, AeA SAISIG I 6-1 AVN. RAS WEARS BL amet MERRY EL. MANE RAF ORANG SAE ALE ‘tr Fey CCS AUB, ANY CCS HUERMIE HERIOECH I By ee URAE WAL ie ET WTA. PRATER, RRR TTI. tr areucaton or ceptinicares Reena ee ee Nero Cote ot pe heal ArT cee Sars Secs Be wa Se ot Mae AUT cat op E08 Se pe Seren Seapets tain pee cn ote pn dein ae re tte CG Rs tees st ped es “pe Appe ncs eons pace con espe mance Sg eae pon plas ae oa oe Theres PGCE tle lr er pe ti ly se at SIoah sheers sah ees ete aa SSG Taal Soi cranny pane geil oh ep emp ooh Sian SPAS ae scp Sl on TPES age of cto unary pte we cmc Gethin gto ene C8 ct Pra aye pr ow ep pn Soe p' pe yep ween eo ee te ly Se mien tray 8 ne Sie hema hs icp ced enn Sati nhtencte ore nor esau aod ease SELL ay ON See Tr peat here ona nf cas $5 Teter Demet ty fe mmc sa Tngmmerensotengety teppei pease Tiyan ts aac pe cep Tesene henity abt PESEET RGSS Zest Se tue eae reo may iro vv Warr fro Samal 2 Sp teat x ests oS ee We Sowhite tape ste beeps ap Fen Uren nye hae ae ar Ses en ee Thee th Sawaya cpa hone beapen Invakdtion, suspension and eancelliion of tbe cesses or equalet docunens ‘Sud ty CES tyme of spn er efeioe se eid 9 Secon! Cn Sita ere Catton of Serge Spe ses fui ee ance apo Tae coco ay oe ect ‘ES cee sud by CCS coc anni yay tay ery oe tfoxe oc save hem here leo spac anpen pn Cesandismneyer ‘ay apelin ved doce by CCS oy she a tines he opr apo card ot Thy esta te dee Ewen tl lp te he nt spel sal pen eof te pmol iy a ‘crifiton ofthe matte by ny pies hat bea a etn wih is Sx Esme oes ping Se Narang he pein arogrps CCS al ae fe oo ays 1s alge ct jy sb ecto ECS and epee eo ‘er es oingo eal CCS. Al no ene al Be mo ay ‘sel ies ee) charged by CUS opto eee) son $s hina Cos yt es age naps a (yoy epoyer of CUS seg cate he twee of her eo (2) By agent oe ther pais aco eal of CS, hen sh at ech ade gored etn by CCS recep ee yc ey lo daa th stot eae is ‘emi he dag ede ess ‘Sits dood ren don vareet sph APPLICAMLE LAWS an {he lve of he Ppl’ Repub of Chis wal spy 1 he cing it fos, xgaton apenctng owen dep case fetes Unis ovine aed neh CUS, ny dap of whoo ston rapt he ‘see proves be led Ch Marte reat Cn ed ‘ile fracernce with anton reels en et ‘bron The iran sal sae al ed nn ope ened,I No 18740876 JANE Product Description HAH Steet Forgings (4001) iE 1349 (Certificate No. GZ19PPS00030_02 HFkName itt: (Ail) Value ‘HfifieyUnit | th ¥6/Product Name ‘Pelfli| Intermediate shaft Material 35 EE /Quantity ites AH ft/Total Weight ke BES caving No -RMHMKA/Surface Machining An [Rough machining #MGHE/Heat Treatment JE-+TX|Normalized & Tempered KBUDR/ Non-Destructive Test UTAH Passed UHM Tensile Strength (Rx) 578 N/m 2. JFRHGEIM/Vield Strength (Reh) 428 N/m 2 WiNG1#%/Percentage Elongation After [28.6 i Fraesure (As) Witt Wce# Reduction of Area (2) 66.1 oy BIR Hardness 165 i AFALGE-WHET F/Semple Direction of — | ¥)/llTangential chanical tesa Ab a cs re AES co La a a ‘a & Reason 0S 2H IIH Page ol 2
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