Voluntary Deregistration of A Company: Application
Voluntary Deregistration of A Company: Application
Voluntary Deregistration of A Company: Application
Application for
form 6010
Corporations Act 2001
voluntary deregistration of a company 601AA(1) & (2)
Company name
I, the applicant, apply to deregister the above company under subsection 601AA(2) of the Corporations Act 2001.
Details of nominee
If the applicant is the company, it must nominate a person to be given notice of the deregistration.
I certify that the information in this form is true and complete.
This guide does not form part of the prescribed form
and is included by ASIC to assist you in completing
and lodging form 6010.
Applicant and The application for deregistration may be made by the company; a director or member of the company; or a
liquidator of the company. If the company is the applicant, then a person must be nominated to receive the
nominee notice of deregistration. The full name and address of this nominee must be provided.
Declaration The reference to 'outstanding liabilities' in the Declaration includes unpaid employee entitlements such as:
• annual leave
• long service leave
• payment in lieu of notice
• redundancy pay, and
• wages.
All statements in the Declaration must be correct. Making a false declaration to ASIC is an offence.
Signature This form must be signed by the applicant for deregistration. The applicant can be:
• the company (a director or secretary can sign if the applicant is the company), or
• a director or member of the company, or
• a liquidator of the company.
Lodging fee A lodgement fee applies to this form. You must include the lodgement fee with this form or your application will
not be considered.
If your application is rejected we will not refund your application fee. A new application fee is required with any
subsequent application.
Conditions Read Information Sheet 25 Voluntarily deregistering a company at www.asic.gov.au/infosheets for information
on when and how you can voluntarily deregister a company.
for voluntary
deregistration A condition for approval of voluntary deregistration is payment of all the money that the company owes ASIC.
If you use one of our online lodgement systems, you can check to see if your company owes us any money;
otherwise, check with your registered agent or contact us on 1300 300 630. Payment of any money owing must
be submitted with the application.
When your Once we receive and approve the application, we will publish a notice of the proposed deregistration on
the Published notices website at insolvencynotices.asic.gov.au.
application is
approved If the company’s annual review date falls within two calendar months before or after the date on which the
notice is published on insolvencynotices.asic.gov.au, you will not have to pay the current year’s annual review
fee. Your company's annual review date is shown on your company statement.
Privacy The information provided to ASIC in this form may include personal information. Please refer to our privacy
policy (www.asic.gov.au/privacy) for information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to
seek access to and correct personal information, and to complain about breaches of your privacy.
This information is intended as a guide only. Please consult your accountant or solicitor for further advice.