Jitender Kumar
Shobha Bondre (2013). Dhandha: How Gujaratis Do Business. Random House Publishers India Private
Limited, Price Rs. 199, Pages 284, ISBN: 9788184004243.
Dhandha is the most common term used for business journey with just Rs.15 and worked for 19 hours a day
throughout India. The book on Dhandha is a to make his life better. He always wanted to adopt and
compilation of success stories of some Gujarati business learn new things and spent his initial days in learning
men. It is written in a simple and inspiring manner that the art of cutting the diamonds. He strongly believed
motivates the readers. This book is duly forwarded by that only hard work, practical approach and the inborn
Shri Narendra Modi. sense of business can make him a successful
businessman. After crossing many hurdles, he became
The book Dhandha sketches some Gujarati business
country's biggest diamond merchant. Bhimjibhai not
men: Bhimjibhai Patel-one of the country's biggest
only followed his dream, but also helped his brother
diamond merchant; Mohanbhai Patel-the leading
manufacturer of aluminium tubes; Dalpatbhai Patel-the to get settled.
motelier who went to be a mayor in US; Jaydev Patel- The second story "THE CIRCLE OF LIFE" refers to
the New York Life Insurance agent, who sold the policies Mohanbhai Patel (leading producer of collapsible tubes
worth $2.5 billion; Hashu and Hersha Shah-owner of in the world). The story discussed about one who
100 hotels in US. The common thread in all these stories experimented with a new machine tool for producing
is that all these people believed in a single trail of ophthalmic nozzle tubes (used for packing eye ointment)
business. The book demonstrates the power of ambition with aluminium (usually tin is used all over the world).
and highlights the incredible capacity of hard work and He tried not for twice or thrice but about 30 times to
incredible business sense of Gujarati businessmen. use aluminium. It shows dedication, determination and
The book not just describes the businessmen, but narrates the never giving up attitude. He believes that work
the role of the whole family; how they faced challenges, should be done not just at 96 or 97 percent but at 100
troubles and obstacles and how they helped during percent. Mohanbhai worked for Tata Company at
unpredictable events, the failures they faced; The best Mumbai before establishinig his business. The book
thing are their amazing attitude for success and narrates how busy business schedule insisted him for
determination to work. This book distinguishes the not visiting home for weeks, take rest for only 3 hours
Gujaratis from the rest of the world when it comes to a day etc. It shows dedication of Gujarati's for the
business and shows it in a beautiful manner. The book business and the quality of hard work with huge patience.
also reflects on female empowerment: how they have The determination to establish the best in the world is
contributed to the success of their partners. The Gujarati really inspiring. The entire family worked as a team and
women showed that none of the efforts go waste if one their real risk taking ability made their dream true. It
put their heart and soul to achieve what one wants. reflects the supportive nature of the family.
The first story of this book is titled as "DIAMONDS ARE The third story "MOTELIER BECOMES MAYOR" is
FOREVER", which is dedicated to Bhimjibhai Patel, that about Dalpatbhai Patel who studied in US, and gradually
proves 'nothing is impossible'. He didn't know any became the first motelier in the region. Like many others,
language other than Gujarati but he proved that language he came to US and experienced many ups and downs,
is not a barrier in the way towards success. He was but with time all difficulties were healed up. He had
confident and knew key points about diamond industry a friend cum motivator, Maganbhai who always
which is most important component of his business. He supported Dalpatbhai and helped him in every intricate
believes 'luck favours the brave'. He started his incredible circumstances of life. Their partnership proved to be
a great success. They are practical and calculative about During their hectic schedule they did not forget to instill
things. Neeta Patel, wife of Dalpatbhai Patel proved her sound values in their children. Jay and Neil, both are
capabilities regarding business by managing the motels. highly qualified. With their business skills and
It narrates that the Gujarati woman is not less than the innovative ideas, Jay and Neil took the business to new
man in any way. This story is not just about the success heights. The role of Hersha Shah was remarkable, as
of a businessman but about the person, who always she led a pampered childhood but she worked hard and
was considerate towards people and helped others. faced challenges. Behind every success story there is a
Because of these qualities he was selected as the mayor dark face; this story also captures hurdles like recession,
in US. The chapter shows how one person managed two robberies, disaster and flood. But they never took their
responsibilities at a time and also showed the qualities step back. The real businessman is one who overcomes
of a successful entrepreneur. all the difficulties and hard times and converts them
into never ending success.
The fourth story, "LIFE OF A SALESMAN" is about
Jaydev Patel. The story describes a Gujarati The concluding section shed light on the lives of most
businessman's journey towards success and how he of the successful people which reflects that there is no
struggled in his initial days and ultimately got the single mantra that causes success. Rather it results from
status of the Top Agent out of 9000 agents of New York a combination of vision, passion, perseverance,
Life Insurance. He started his career as a teacher and enthusiasm, willingness to learn from failure and
then chemist and finally ended with that of an Insurance unending capacity for hard work. Reading the book
agent. His talents to sell policies are unbelievable and Dhandha is quiet interesting and is a fascinating book
praiseworthy. Due to his implausible marketing skills, for the upcoming entrepreneurs. The book cites
he sold $2.5billion worth of policies that was a great innumerable instances about human behavior and makes
success and made a history. But success did not come us learn lessons of humanity. The common thread
to his life immediately; sometimes he was not able to running through each of these stories is the incredible
sell even a single policy. But his patience did not let amount of hard work, preservence and patience. Despite
him down and his wife always motivated him. She did of their conservative backgrounds, they are the examples
not lose her patience even when Jaydev lost his job. of working in unfamiliar land, often doing double shifts
Jaydev Patel believed that his relationship with his to raise the capital and taking risk. The contribution of
clients is never limited to a professional level, rather their families are nicely captured in the book. The
it was always an emotional involvement. He adopted generosity of Gujarati businessmen and their ability
new techniques to sell his policies. The great example to remain rooted to their origins as narrated in the book
of his marketing skills is that he sold policy to the is commendable.
attendant who fills gas in his car at service stations.
Some parts of the book needs more clarification. Though
Selling process took long time but he did. He remained
the book covers good success stories, putting all energy
down to earth and his emotions are always attached to
in earning money without taking care of their family,
his schools, family values and his culture. As a social
society and friends reflects money-money culture which
worker, he renovated three schools in his village.
may not be correct.
The last story "NOT ONLY POTELS" revolves around
a couple Hashu and Hersha Shah. Like others, they also
had a dream of achieving reputable position and came
to Harris Berg. Both of them worked tirelessly to fulfill Jitender Kumar is presently working as an Assistant
Professor in Finance at Department of Management
their dream. They did not have any money to begin but
Studies, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science
they had sharp intellect, will power and great capacity & Technology, Murthal, Sonipat, Haryana. He earned his
for hard work. They started with a small motel of 11 PhD in 2012 from Haryana School of Business, Guru
rooms and they pursued their dream to be bigger and Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar
today, they are the owners of over 100 hotels having (Haryana). He has attended more than 10 conferences/
about 11000 rooms. They provide employment to 650 seminars at national and international level and has more
people and also contribute to social service organisations. than 10 research papers published in reputed Journals.
He may be contacted at jitenderkumar.mba @dcrustm.org.