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Complex Analysis - George Cain (Chapter 3 - Elementary Functions)

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Chapter Three

Elementary Functions

3.1. Introduction. Complex functions are, of course, quite easy to come by—they are
simply ordered pairs of real-valued functions of two variables. We have, however, already
seen enough to realize that it is those complex functions that are differentiable that are the
most interesting. It was important in our invention of the complex numbers that these new
numbers in some sense included the old real numbers—in other words, we extended the
reals. We shall find it most useful and profitable to do a similar thing with many of the
familiar real functions. That is, we seek complex functions such that when restricted to the
reals are familiar real functions. As we have seen, the extension of polynomials and
rational functions to complex functions is easy; we simply change x’s to z’s. Thus, for
instance, the function f defined by

fz  z  z  1

has a derivative at each point of its domain, and for z  x  0i, becomes a familiar real
rational function

fx  x  x  1 .

What happens with the trigonometric functions, exponentials, logarithms, etc., is not so
obvious. Let us begin.

3.2. The exponential function. Let the so-called exponential function exp be defined by

expz  e x cos y  i sin y,

where, as usual, z  x  iy. From the Cauchy-Riemann equations, we see at once that this
function has a derivative every where—it is an entire function. Moreover,

d expz  expz.

Note next that if z  x  iy and w  u  iv, then

expz  w  e xu cosy  v  i siny  v
 e x e u cos y cos v  sin y sin v  isin y cos v  cos y sin v
 e x e u cos y  i sin ycos v  i sin v
 expz expw.

We thus use the quite reasonable notation e z  expz and observe that we have extended
the real exponential e x to the complex numbers.


Recall from elementary circuit analysis that the relation between the voltage drop V and the
current flow I through a resistor is V  RI, where R is the resistance. For an inductor, the
relation is V  L dIdt
, where L is the inductance; and for a capacitor, C dV
 I, where C is
the capacitance. (The variable t is, of course, time.) Note that if V is sinusoidal with a
frequency , then so also is I. Suppose then that V  A sint  . We can write this as
V  ImAe i e it   ImBe it , where B is complex. We know the current I will have this
same form: I  ImCe it . The relations between the voltage and the current are linear, and
so we can consider complex voltages and currents and use the fact that
e it  cos t  i sin t. We thus assume a more or less fictional complex voltage V , the
imaginary part of which is the actual voltage, and then the actual current will be the
imaginary part of the resulting complex current.

What makes this a good idea is the fact that differentiation with respect to time t becomes
simply multiplication by i: dtd Ae it  iAe it . If I  be it , the above relations between
current and voltage become V  iLI for an inductor, and iVC  I, or V  iC for a
capacitor. Calculus is thereby turned into algebra. To illustrate, suppose we have a simple
RLC circuit with a voltage source V  a sin t. We let E  ae iwt .

Then the fact that the voltage drop around a closed circuit must be zero (one of Kirchoff’s
celebrated laws) looks like

iLI  I  RI  ae it , or
iLb  b  Rb  a

b a .
R  i L  C

In polar form,

b a e i ,
1 2
R 2  L  C


L  C
tan   . (R  0)


I  Imbe it   Im a e it

2 1 2
R  L  C

 a sint  
2 1 2
R  L  C

This result is well-known to all, but I hope you are convinced that this algebraic approach
afforded us by the use of complex numbers is far easier than solving the differential
equation. You should note that this method yields the steady state solution—the transient
solution is not necessarily sinusoidal.


1. Show that expz  2i  expz.

2. Show that expw
 expz  w.

3. Show that |expz|  e x , and argexpz  y  2k for any argexpz and some

integer k.

4. Find all z such that expz  1, or explain why there are none.

5. Find all z such that expz  1  i, or explain why there are none.

6. For what complex numbers w does the equation expz  w have solutions? Explain.

7. Find the indicated mesh currents in the network:

3.3 Trigonometric functions. Define the functions cosine and sine as follows:

iz iz
cos z  e  e ,
iz iz
sin z  e  e

where we are using e z  expz.

First, let’s verify that these are honest-to-goodness extensions of the familiar real functions,
cosine and sine–otherwise we have chosen very bad names for these complex functions.
So, suppose z  x  0i  x. Then,

e ix  cos x  i sin x, and

e ix  cos x  i sin x.


ix ix
cos x  e  e ,
ix ix
sin x  e  e ,

and everything is just fine.

Next, observe that the sine and cosine functions are entire–they are simply linear
combinations of the entire functions e iz and e iz . Moreover, we see that

d sin z  cos z, and d cos z   sin z,

dz dz

just as we would hope.

It may not have been clear to you back in elementary calculus what the so-called
hyperbolic sine and cosine functions had to do with the ordinary sine and cosine functions.
Now perhaps it will be evident. Recall that for real t,

t t t t
sinh t  e  e , and cosh t  e  e .
2 2

iit iit t t
sinit  e  e  i e  e  i sinh t.
2i 2

cosit  cosh t.

How nice!

Most of the identities you learned in the 3 rd grade for the real sine and cosine functions are
also valid in the general complex case. Let’s look at some.

sin 2 z  cos 2 z  1 e iz  e iz  2  e iz  e iz  2 

 1 e 2iz  2e iz e iz  e 2iz  e 2iz  2e iz e iz  e 2iz 
 1 2  2  1

It is also relative straight-forward and easy to show that:

sinz  w  sin z cos w  cos z sin w, and

cosz  w  cos z cos w  sin z sin w

Other familiar ones follow from these in the usual elementary school trigonometry fashion.

Let’s find the real and imaginary parts of these functions:

sin z  sinx  iy  sin x cosiy  cos x siniy

 sin x cosh y  i cos x sinh y.

In the same way, we get cos z  cos x cosh y  i sin x sinh y.


8. Show that for all z,

a)sinz  2  sin z; b)cosz  2  cos z; c)sin z  2
 cos z.

9. Show that |sin z| 2  sin 2 x  sinh 2 y and |cos z| 2  cos 2 x  sinh 2 y.

10. Find all z such that sin z  0.

11. Find all z such that cos z  2, or explain why there are none.

3.4. Logarithms and complex exponents. In the case of real functions, the logarithm
function was simply the inverse of the exponential function. Life is more complicated in
the complex case—as we have seen, the complex exponential function is not invertible.
There are many solutions to the equation e z  w.

If z  0, we define log z by

log z  ln|z|  i arg z.

There are thus many log z’s; one for each argument of z. The difference between any two of
these is thus an integral multiple of 2i. First, for any value of log z we have

e log z  e ln |z|i arg z  e ln |z| e i arg z  z.

This is familiar. But next there is a slight complication:

loge z   ln e x  i arg e z  x  y  2ki

 z  2ki,

where k is an integer. We also have

logzw  ln|z||w|  i argzw

 ln |z|  i arg z  ln |w|  i arg w  2ki
 log z  log w  2ki

for some integer k.

There is defined a function, called the principal logarithm, or principal branch of the
logarithm, function, given by

Log z  ln|z|  iArg z,

where Arg z is the principal argument of z. Observe that for any log z, it is true that
log z Log z  2ki for some integer k which depends on z. This new function is an
extension of the real logarithm function:

Log x  ln x  iArg x  ln x.

This function is analytic at a lot of places. First, note that it is not defined at z  0, and is
not continuous anywhere on the negative real axis (z  x  0i, where x  0.). So, let’s
suppose z 0  x 0  iy 0 , where z 0 is not zero or on the negative real axis, and see about a
derivative of Log z :

Log z  Log z 0 Log z  Log z 0

lim z  z0 lim Log z .
zz 0 zz 0 e  e Log z 0

Now if we let w Log z and w 0 Log z 0 , and notice that w  w 0 as z  z 0 , this becomes

Log z  Log z 0
lim z  z0  lim ww  ww00
zz 0 ww 0 e  e

 1w 0  z10

Thus, Log is differentiable at z 0 , and its derivative is z0 .

We are now ready to give meaning to z c , where c is a complex number. We do the obvious
and define
z c  e c log z .

There are many values of log z, and so there can be many values of z c . As one might guess,
e cLog z is called the principal value of z c .

Note that we are faced with two different definitions of z c in case c is an integer. Let’s see
if we have anything to unlearn. Suppose c is simply an integer, c  n. Then

z n  e n log z  e nLog z2ki 

 e nLog z e 2kni  e nLog z

There is thus just one value of z n , and it is exactly what it should be: e nLog z  |z| n e in arg z . It
is easy to verify that in case c is a rational number, z c is also exactly what it should be.

Far more serious is the fact that we are faced with conflicting definitions of z c in case
z  e. In the above discussion, we have assumed that e z stands for expz. Now we have a
definition for e z that implies that e z can have many values. For instance, if someone runs at
you in the night and hands you a note with e 1/2 written on it, how to you know whether this
means exp1/2 or the two values e and  e ? Strictly speaking, you do not know. This
ambiguity could be avoided, of course, by always using the notation expz for e x e iy , but
almost everybody in the world uses e z with the understanding that this is expz, or
equivalently, the principal value of e z . This will be our practice.


12. Is the collection of all values of logi 1/2  the same as the collection of all values of
log i ? Explain.

13. Is the collection of all values of logi 2  the same as the collection of all values of
2 log i ? Explain.

14. Find all values of logz 1/2 . (in rectangular form)

15. At what points is the function given by Log z 2  1 analytic? Explain.

16. Find the principal value of

a) i i . b) 1  i 4i

17. a)Find all values of |i i |.


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