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A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G

Control System Overview: 1000/2000 Product Families
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

Allison 4th Generation Controls feature System components and features include:
closed-loop clutch control to provide J Remote 12V or 12/24V Transmission Control
superior shift quality over a wide range of Module (TCM)
operating conditions. J Electronic engine throttle data, PWM signal, or
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
1000/2000 Product Families can be
programmed to provide six forward
J Speed sensors - input (engine), turbine and
speeds, Neutral and Reverse. The fifth
and sixth ranges are overdrive gear
J Control valve assembly (electro-hydraulic valve
ratios. The system offers a variety of body)
standard and optional design features.
J Internal Mode Switch (IMS)
J Pressure Switch Manifold (PSM)
J NOTE: all external harnesses are OEM-supplied

Typical Components:1000/2000

Control System Overview:1000/2000

Typical Components:

One 80-Way TCM Connector

24-Way Transmission

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
1000/2000 Product Families Wiring Schematics
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
Control System Overview: 3000/4000 Product Families
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

3000/4000 Product Families Allison 4th J Speed sensors - input (engine),

Generation Controls can be programmed turbine and output
to provide up to seven forward ranges, J Control valve assembly
Neutral and one Reverse range. (electro-hydraulic valve body)
J Optional Vehicle Interface Module (VIM)
System components and features include: J Autodetect feature
J Remote 12V or 12/24V Transmission J TransID feature
Control Module (TCM) J Optional retarder controls
J Remote pushbutton or lever shift selector J Optional engine coolant temperature input
J Optional secondary shift selector J NOTE: all external harnesses are OEM-supplied
J Oil Level Sensor (OLS)
J Electronic engine throttle data, PWM signal, or
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)

Typical Components: 3000/4000

Control System Overview:3000/4000

Typical Components:

One 80-Way TCM Connector

20-Way Transmission

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
3000/4000 Product Families Wiring Schematics
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
Transmission Control Module (1000/2000/3000/4000 Product Families)
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

The Allison 4th Generation J Model A41 (Basic 12-volt)

Controls TCM is common to all - Basic configuration used by 1000/2000 Product
1000/2000/3000/4000 Families transmissions installed in commercial
Product Families transmissions. applications or 3000/4000 Product Families
transmissions with 6-speed, 12-volt configurations.
The TCM is available in four models.
J Model A42 (Expanded 12-volt)
J Model A40 (Basic 12-volt)
- Expanded configuration used by 3000/4000 Product
- Basic configurations used only with 1000/2000 Families transmissions with 7-speed or retarders,
Product Families transmissions installed in GM 12-volt configurations.
pickup trucks, GMT 560 chassis and WorkHorse - A42 models are not offered for 1000/2000 Product
Custom Chassis with 12-volt configuration. Families transmissions.
- A40 models are not offered for 3000/4000 Product J Model A43 (12/24-volt universal)
Families transmissions.
- Universal configuration used with
1000/2000/3000/4000 Product Families
transmissions with 12 or 24-volt configurations.

Transmission Control
Module (TCM)

Note: A40 TCM will be used in GMT560 and Workhorse Custom Chassis.

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
1000/2000 Product Families Valve Body Changes
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

1000/2000 Product Families valve bodies J Former Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid
remain virtually unchanged with the F is now designated TCC.
exception of some solenoid and internal - The TCC solenoid (P/N 29541898) has the same
wiring harness changes. physical dimensions as 3000/4000 solenoid P/N
J Former trim solenoids A and B are now called 29544297.
PCS1 and PCS2 respectively. -- These solenoids are not allowed to be
interchanged and have color-coded end cap
J Shift solenoids C, D and E are now designated bodies for identification.
SS1, SS2 and SS3 respectively. -- 1000/2000 solenoids have red end caps.
-- 3000/4000 solenoids have brown
Solenoid* Part Number end caps.
PCS 1 (A, Trim) N/C 29541895
PCS 2 (B, Trim), N/O 29541896
- The TCC trim valve (P/N 29531162) has been
SS 1 (C, Shift), N/C ON/OFF 29536833
modified and is not backward compatible.
SS 2 (D, Shift), N/C ON/OFF 29536833
SS 3 (E, Shift), N/C ON/OFF 29536833
Main Modulation (G), N/C ON/OFF 29536833
TCC (F, TCC), N/C PCS Solenoid 29541898

* Former designations in parenthesis.

1000/2000 Product Families Valve Body

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
1000/2000 Product Families Valve Body Changes
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

J The internal wiring harness main connector is

redesigned and includes 24 terminals.
- GM Pickup and Workhorse Custom Chassis utilize
the previous version 20-pin main connector.

Internal Wiring Harness: 1000/2000

24-Way Connector

Internal Wiring Harness: 1000/2000

20-Way Connector

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
1000/2000 Product Families Internal Mode Switch
Allison 4th Generation Controls Internal Components

Internal Mode Switch (IMS) mounts inside - Wire 141 confirms Neutral for the
the transmission oil pan and replaces the Neutral Start system.
NSBU switch. - Wire 165 confirms Reverse for the
Reverse Warning circuit.
The IMS detects the angular position of J The IMS and detent lever are serviced
the shift selector shaft and communicates as an assembly.
this to the TCM.
J The TCM uses IMS inputs to control vehicle
functions which must be coordinated with the
position of the shift controls.

Internal Mode Switch (IMS) 1000/2000 Product Family

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
3000/4000 Product Families Shift Selectors
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components


Allison 4th Generation Controls-equipped Three full-function pushbutton shift
3000/4000 Product Families selectors and a strip pushbutton shift
transmissions are available with selector are available.
pushbutton and lever shift selectors.
J Strip pushbutton shift selectors are used primarily
These electronic shift selectors by non-North American OEMs.
communicate with the TCM via the J1939 J Full-function shift selectors include a MODE
data link.
button and diagnostic display capability.
All selectors (except the strip-type J Strip pushbutton shift selectors do not have a
pushbutton) have a dual digit vacuum MODE button and do not include diagnostic
fluorescent (VF) display and a MODE capabilities or adjustable illumination.
indicator (LED). J Full-function pushbutton shift selectors include 6
J Display indicates range selected and range pushbuttons:
attained. - R (Reverse)
- N (Neutral)
J During normal transmission operation, the MODE
- D(Drive)
LED lights when a secondary or special operating - Up Arrow (preselect a
condition has been selected (typically by pressing higher range)
the MODE button). - Down Arrow (preselect a
J During diagnostic mode, the MODE LED lights lower range)
when the displayed diagnostic code is active. - MODE (accesses special operational features)
J Diagnostic mode is accessed by pressing the up
and down arrow buttons at the same time once
(twice if equipped with an oil level sensor).

Pushbutton Selectors

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
3000/4000 Product Families Shift Selectors
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

LEVER SHIFT SELECTORS Lever selectors are available with right or

left orientation.
Lever shift selectors can have as many J The lever can be on the left side or on the right
as six forward range positions (seven for
side of the selector with the Reverse position
7-speed models), as well as R for Reverse
toward the front or toward the rear of the selector.
and N for Neutral.
Diagnostic mode is accessed by pressing
The hold override button must be pressed
the Display Mode button once (twice if
and held to move between Reverse,
equipped with an oil level sensor).
Neutral and Drive.
J The selector lever moves freely between Drive
and the numbered forward ranges without
pressing the hold override button.

Lever Selectors

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
300 0 /4000 Product Families Control Module & Valve Body Components
Allison 4th Generation Controls Internal Components

CONTROL MODULE physical dimensions as 1000/2000

solenoid P/N 29541898.
3000/4000 Product Families control J These solenoids are not allowed to be

valve modules have undergone interchanged and have color-coded end cap
substantial changes. bodies for identification.
J The system uses two general solenoid types - - 1000/2000 solenoids have red end caps.
PCS (Pressure Control Solenoids) and ON/OFF. - 3000/4000 solenoids have brown end caps.

- PCS solenoids produce pressure that is proportional

J The PS1 diagnostic pressure switch is mounted
to the current supplied by the TCM. on the solenoid valve body assembly.
- ON/OFF solenoids provide consistent pressure to - PS1 is a normally closed switch that verifies the
fully position valves without modulation. position of the C1 and C2 latch valves.
J The main transmission connector is
3000/4000 Product Families PCS rectangular and includes 20 pins.
solenoid P/N 29544297 has the same (continued)
6-Speed 6-Speed 3000 Series 4000 Series
Solenoid* Non-Retarder With Retarder 7-Speed 7-Speed With Retarder
Main Modulation, N/C PCS Solenoid 29544297 29544297 29544297 29544297
PCS 1 (A, C1), N/O 29541897 29541897 29541897 29541897
PCS 2 (B/C, C2/C3), N/O 29541897 29541897 29541897 29541897
PCS 3 (E/C, C5/C3), N/C 29544297 29544297 29544297 29544297
PCS 4 (D, C4), N/C 29544297 29544297 29544297 29544297
TCC (F, TCC), N/C PCS Solenoid 29544297 29544297 29544297 29544297
SS 1 (G, Fwd), N/C ON/OFF Solenoid 29537369 29537369 29537369 29537369
PCS 5 (H, Rtdr), N/C NA 29544298 - NA 29544298 -
** P I A 2 9 5 4 2 5 1 6 ** P I A 2 9 5 4 2 5 1 6
PCS 5 (Diff Lock), N/C NA NA 29537371 NA
PCS 6 (J, C6), N/C NA NA 29544297 29544297
SS 2 (N, Rtdr Accumulator Air), NA 3000 Series - 29522717 NA NA
- Air Solenoid
N/C ON/OFF Solenoid w/Metripack Connector
SS 2 (N, C6 Enbl on 7 spds), N/C NA 4000 Series - 29522717 29537369 29537369
ON/OFF Solenoid Solenoid - PIA 29535972
(includes special orificed fitting)

NOTE: The special fail-to-neutral HD Straight 7 is the same as the HD Straight 7 except the two 29541897 solenoids are replaced with 29544297 solenoids.
* Former designations in parenthesis.
** PIA - Purchased In Assembly.

Internal Wiring Harness 3000/4000

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
300 0 /4000 Product Families Control Module & Valve Body Components
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

Control Module Component Location 3000/4000

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)
Questions and Answers
Allison 4th Generation Controls Components

(Circle all appropriate answers) 5) The Internal Mode Switch (IMS):

A. Connects directly to the OEM Neutral
1) 1000/2000 Product Families 4th Start Circuit.
Generation Controls updates include:
B. Is internally-mounted on 1000/2000 Product
A. A new TCM which accepts a 30-pin connector Family transmissions.
and is unique to 1000/2000 transmissions.
C. Requires periodic adjustment.
B. An Internal Mode Switch (IMS) which replaces
the NSBU switch used with the previous control D. Is backward compatible with
system. single-connector NSBU switches.

C. A completely new valve body featuring a cast 6) Allison 4th Generation Controls
iron housing. 3000/4000 shift selectors:
D. External wiring harnesses designed and A. Are connected to the J1939 backbone.
manufactured by and available through Allison
Transmission. B. Can be used to access fluid level.
C. Can be used to access diagnostic code
2) 3000/4000 Product Families 4th information.
Generation Controls updates include:
D. Has a dual digit display.
A. A new TCM and updated control valve
assembly. 7) Allison 4th Generation Controls
B. An IMS switch to replace the WTEC III C3 3000/4000 Product Family solenoids:
Pressure Switch. A. Are the same as WTEC III solenoids, just with
C. The availability to integrate and mount different names.
pushbutton shift selectors directly to the TCM. B. Have undergone substantial changes, including
D. An improved round main transmission solenoid type and naming conventions.
connector which is now located on the opposite C. Are completely interchangeable with
side of the transmission main housing. 1000/2000 Product Family solenoids.

3) The Allison 4th Generation Controls D. Have been replaced with On/Off switches
Transmission Control Module (TCM): mounted on a manifold which is bolted to the
main valve body assembly.
A. Is available in four (4) models.
B. Is available in three (3) models
C. Includes J1708/J1587 capabilities in all models.
D. Does not offer J1939 capabilities in the
A41 or A42 models.

4) True or False: All Allison 4th

Generation Controls-compatible
transmissions are capable of modulated
main pressure and use Pressure Control
Solenoids (PCS).
A. True.
B. False.

A L L I S O N 4 th G E N E R A T I O N C O N T R O L S S E R V I C E T R A I N I N G
© 2005 General Motors Corporation. (11/05)

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