1K 2K Technician's Guide
1K 2K Technician's Guide
1K 2K Technician's Guide
Q Retaining Rings
C1 Clutch Pack
. . . . . . . . . . 10
NOTICE: This guide is intended Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45
Q Thrust Washers . . . . . . . . . . . 11
for use by technicians skilled in C2 Clutch Pack
diagnosis and repair of Q Clutch Plates . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-47
automatic transmissions. Q Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
C3 and C4 Clutch Pack
Contact an authorized Allison Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49
Transmission service outlet for Control Valve Body
further information or Main Housing . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21
clarification if required. All C5 Clutch Pack
Torque Converter . . . . . . . . 22-23
specifications provided in this Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53
manual are subject to change Torque Converter Park Pawl Components . . . 54-55
without notice. Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Rear Cover Assembly . . . . 26-27
Neutral Start Backup
Main Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 (NSBU) Switch . . . . . . . . . . 57-58
P1 Planetary and Wear Limits and
P2 Ring Gear . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 Spring Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-63
A. Housings
B. Machined
D. Splines
A. Replace housings or other cast C. Inspect all fluid passages for
parts that are cracked or broken. obstructions, porosity, broken
Inspect clutch housing sealing lands, cracks and land surface
surfaces for imperfections that imperfections.
could damage the piston seals or
interfere with mating parts. D. Replace housings that have
Inspect threaded holes for bad splines worn beyond wear limits.
threads. Clean damaged threads Refer to the Wear Limits in Service
with the correct size tap. Manual SM3191EN.
B. Inspect all machined surfaces NOTE: Do not use impact guns (air
for damage that could cause fluid wrenches, electric impact C. Fluid
leakage. Inspect mounting faces wrenches, etc.) when working with Passages
and bores for damage. aluminum threads or when torque
sequencing bolts.
NOTE: Use of caustic acid and hot
tanks can damage aluminum parts,
including sealring grooves and
machined surfaces.
A. Gear
A. Splines
A. Ball Bearing
(Under B. Bearing
Retainer) Race
C. Retainer
A. Bushing
Bushing wear is
strongly influenced
by the quantity and
condition of the
A. Inspect bushings for wear General Bushing Information Some bushings are susceptible to
beyond service limits. Replace any material leaching. This can be
Mechanically, bushings are the
bushing which is excessively worn. caused by oxidized oil that has
simplest type of journal bearing and
Inspect bushings for discoloration turned acidic combined with heat
are often referred to as “plain”
and surface damage due to lack of and mechanical loading. The TAN
bearings. A bushing is simply a
lubrication. Replace any bushing (Total Acid Number) of the
sleeve of bearing material, such as
which is damaged. transmission oil should not change
bronze or aluminum, in which a
by more than 3 from the baseline
component rides. Bushing wear is
(new fluid) TAN. Changing
strongly influenced by the quantity
transmission oil per recommended
and condition of the lubricant.
change intervals or based on a
Bushing bearing surfaces are
successful oil sampling program
sometimes grooved to better
will help prevent material leaching.
distribute lubrication across the
bearing surface.
A. Retaining
A. Thrust
A. Inspect friction plate contact C. Measure friction plate oil clutch plate if spline teeth are
faces and splines for excessive groove depth. Replace any plates broken or missing.
wear, damage and coning. Inspect that are not within Service Manual
NOTE: Anti-freeze (glycol) and/or
the plates for burrs, pitted faces, SM3191EN minimum groove depth water will adversely affect the
cracks, distortion and damaged specification. bonding agent between the friction
spline teeth. material and steel core. Replace any
D. Inspect spline teeth for
excessive wear and battering. friction plates which have been
B. Measure friction plate exposed to water and/or
thickness and coning. Reference Replace the clutch plate if damage
cannot be repaired using a soft glycol.Reference SIL 18-TR-98,
the Service Manual SM3191EN for Rev. A, for details.
stone or crocus cloth. Replace the (continued)
minimum thickness and maximum
coning specifications. Do not reuse
friction plates that do not meet B. Clutch Plate
Thickness and
published specifications. If reused
Coning Coned Plate
plates are slightly coned (within
specification), make sure each plate Check Using
is stacked with the cone facing the Flat Plate
Feeler Gauge
same direction.
C. Tangs Acceptable
discoloration -
reuse plates.
Excessive scoring -
replace plates.
B. Thickness
& Coning
(see prior
graphic) Broken tangs -
replace plates.
Shift Valve
Main Valve
Relief Valve
E Solenoid
D Solenoid
Identification Detail:
F Solenoid C Solenoid Shift Valve Body Assembly
Retainer Control
C Shift Main
Valve Valve
B Solenoid
Accumulators Plug
Gain E Shift
Valve Valve
A/B D Shift
Retaining A Solenoid Valve
Manual Selector
Valve & Pin
NOTE: 1000/2000 Product Families Retaining clips and retention pins Inspect the separator plate for
valves are anodized aluminum. Do must be free of nicks, burrs, scoring, scoring, scratches, burrs and nicks.
not remove the gray coating from battering and other damage. Replace the plate if damage cannot
the valve surface. Replace retainers or pins which be repaired using a soft stone or
have damage that cannot be crocus cloth, or if the plate is
NOTE: Do not use impact guns (air
removed using a light stone or cracked or bent.
wrenches, impact wrenches, etc.) crocus cloth. (continued)
when working with aluminum
threads or when torque sequencing Replace solenoids if they are visibly
bolts. damaged or if they have been
exposed to anti-freeze and/or
Replace valve springs which are water. Check solenoid resistance
broken, cracked, permanently set or following Troubleshooting Manual
worn due to rubbing adjacent parts. TS3192 guidelines and
Reference the Spring Data Charts in specifications. Replace the solenoid
the Service Manual for spring if resistance is not within
specifications and identification. Troubleshooting Manual
Identification Detail:
Inspect the internal wiring Modulated Main Valve G Solenoid
Body Detail Valve Body
harness connectors and terminals
for visible damage. Inspect the
harness protective covering and Retaining
plastic retainer for cracks, chafing, Clip
rubbing and broken pieces. Replace
and repair components as
necessary. Replace the main
connector O-ring if it is cracked,
fretted or does not properly fit in its
groove or in the main housing.
NOTE: Reference the 1000/2000 Supply Port
Product Families Principles of G Solenoid
Operation Manual (PO3065) for Main)
complete valve body oil passage Pressure
detail. Output
Valve bores
must be free
of nicks, burrs
and scoring.
B. Valve
A. Valves
Valves should
move freeely in
their bores, when
dry, under their
own weight.
Identification Detail:
Supply Port
(Control Main) F Solenoid
Pressure (PWM)
Pressure Supply
Output Port
A Trim
Solenoid Exhaust
Trim B Trim Solenoid
Signal (PPC)
C Pressure D Pressure
Switch Switch
E Pressure
Backfill & C Pressure
Thermister Switch
2005 General Motors Corporation.
Identification Detail:
Internal Wiring
Harness Assembly
B Solenoid F Solenoid
A Solenoid
D Solenoid
G Solenoid
E Solenoid
Supersession Information
TCM And Calibration Updates - Reference
C Solenoid SILs 2-1K2K-01, 4-1K2K-02, 3-1K2K-03,
7-1K2K-03, 26-1K2K-03
Manifold Main
2005 General Motors Corporation.
The A/B
should be
bent as
shown. Inspect the
signal tube
for cracks,
broken welds
and improper
A. Converter
C. Converter
A. Visually inspect the converter NOTE: Erratic speed sensor signals B. Inspect the stator for proper
exterior for impact damage and can be caused by a dented torque locking and freewheeling action.
signs of discoloration. The ribs on converter or deformed torque The stator inner race should lock
the back of the pump housing are converter ribs. Inspect the when rotated counterclockwise and
used by the engine speed sensor to converter carefully. Dents and rotate freely when rotated
detect converter rotation. Replace deformities are sometimes hard clockwise. Check the stator with
the converter if any ribs are to identify. the converter on its edge, and with
damaged or deformed. the converter placed at a 45 degree
The converter must not show signs
angle, hub down. Replace the
of leakage when pressurized to 517
converter if the stator fails this
kPa (75 psi) and submerged in
water. If bubbles appear during this
test, the converter is leaking and Check converter endplay
must be replaced. following Service Manual
NOTE: After pressure testing the SM3191EN guidelines. Replace the
torque converter, all air pressure converter if endplay exceeds 1.015
must be exhausted from the mm (0.040 inch).
Dented converter near rib (continued)
creates erratic speed
converter before loosening the test
sensor signal. fixture nut.
D. Converter
C. Inspect the converter pump engine/transmission installation E. Inspect for missing or damaged
hub for deep scratches, scoring, when this type of damage exists. converter lugs. Inspect welds for
nicks, burrs and signs of cracks. Replace the converter if
D. Inspect the converter cover
overheating. DO NOT ATTEMPT damage cannot be repaired using a
to clean up hub damage using pilot for impact damage, nicks,
burrs, cracks and signs of soft stone or crocus cloth. Replace
crocus cloth or a soft stone. the converter if any lugs are
Polishing the hub will cause fluid discoloration. Replace the converter
if damage or discoloration is missing. Replace the converter if
leakage at seal areas. Minimum lug threads are damaged and cannot
allowable pump diameter is excessive. Minimum allowable
pilot diameter is 43.080mm be repaired.
58.25mm (2.2933 inches). Minimum
allowable distance between (1.696 inches).
converter hub flats (the charging
pump drive surface) is 51.816mm
(2.040 inches).
NOTE: Damage to the torque E. Converter
converter hub and/or the torque Lugs
converter pilot may indicate an
engine/transmission adaptation
issue. Carefully inspect the
B. Machined
A. Housing B. Machined Surface
C. Cooler Ports
D. Filter and Pressure
Attachment Tap Threads
A. Inspect the housing for impact damage cannot be repaired. Some pressure tap threads for stripping
damage, chips and cracks. Inspect models use a cooler manifold which and damage. Inspect the manifold
bolt holes for damaged threads. bolts to the torque converter channel plate for scratches, burrs
Replace the housing if damage housing. When used, inspect the and damage. Replace the manifold if
cannot be repaired. cooler manifold cooler port and damage cannot be repaired.
B. Inspect machined surfaces for
damage which might prevent A magnet sits on top of
proper sealing and/or seating. the control main filter
Inspect for deep scratches, scoring, and fits over the filter
grooves, nicks, burrs, chips and attachment tube.
cracks. Replace the housing if
damage cannot be repaired using a
soft stone or crocus cloth.
C. Inspect cooler port and
pressure tap threads for stripping
and damage. Replace the housing if
Exhaust or Drain Back
Exhaust Suction
or Drain Pressure From
To Control
Main Filter To
Main Pressure Cooler To Control
Main Filter
C1 Pressure C2
From Control Main To From
Main Filter Pressure Cooler Cooler
C. Output
D. Output
A. Inspect the housing for impact damage cannot be repaired using a D. Replace the output speed
damage, chips and cracks. Inspect soft stone or crocus cloth. sensor tone wheel if any teeth are
bolt holes for damaged threads. chipped, missing, damaged or worn
Replace the housing if damage C. Inspect the output speed in a way that changes a tooth’s
cannot be repaired. sensor for obvious external damage. original shape. Inspect the internal
Replace the sensor if it has body, splines for burrs, twisting or signs
NOTE: If cracks are detected on the terminal or connector damage. of battering. Replace the tone wheel
four-wheel drive adapter housing, Inspect the seal ring for wear, if spline damage cannot be repaired
perform thorough driveline analysis damage and proper fit on the sensor using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
checks to ensure driveline and in its bore. Speed sensor Inspect the tone wheel’s contact
components are within resistance can be checked using an surface faces for scoring, grooves,
specifications. ohmmeter. Reference nicks and other damage which
Troubleshooting Manual TS3192 for might prevent proper component
B. Inspect machined surfaces for procedures and specifications.
damage which might prevent seating. Replace the tone wheel if
Inspect the output speed sensor face damage cannot be repaired
proper sealing and/or seating. bore for scoring, nicks, burrs, chips
Inspect for deep scratches, scoring, using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
or cracks. Replace the housing if
grooves, nicks, burrs, chips and (continued)
the damage cannot be repaired
cracks. Replace the housing if using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
B. Machined Sealing,
Mounting, Bearing
A. Housing F. Spacer
E. Selective
Four-Wheel Drive Shim
C5 Feed
Adapter Housing Park Pawl
Pin Bore
E. P3 Sun
F. Spacer
D. P2 Sun
B. Splines
A. Journal
and Pilot
C. Oil
B. Splines
A. Inspect the main shaft pilot C. Oil passages must be clean and and signs of battering. Replace the
and journal areas for scoring, burrs, unobstructed. Inspect the edges of gear if damage cannot be repaired
nicks and signs of overheating. each orifice for cracks, chips, burrs using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
Replace the shaft if damage cannot and metal fatigue. Replace the shaft
be repaired using a soft stone or if damage cannot be repaired using F. Inspect the spacer for cracks.
crocus cloth. Minimum allowable a soft stone or crocus cloth. Inspect internal splines for step
pilot outside diameter is 19.987mm wear, twisting, chips, burrs and
(0.7869 inch). Minimum allowable D. Inspect the P2 sun gear for signs of battering. Inspect the
diameter for the P2 bushing journal chipped, broken, pitted and missing thrust surfaces for nicks, burrs,
surface is 35.405mm (1.4333 teeth. Inspect the internal splines scoring and excessive wear. Replace
inches). for step wear, twisting, chips, burrs the spacer if damage cannot be
and signs of battering. Replace the repaired using a soft stone or crocus
B. Inspect the splines for step gear if damage cannot be repaired cloth.
wear, twisting, chips, burrs and using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
signs of battering. Replace the shaft
if damage cannot be repaired using E. Inspect the P3 sun gear for
a soft stone or crocus cloth. chipped, broken, pitted and missing
teeth. Inspect the internal splines
for step wear, twisting, chips, burrs
E. Pinion Needle
Bearings G. Thrust Bearing
(Internal) Surface
C. Pinion
Gears A. Splines
D. Pinion
B. Carrier
F. Bushing
A. Inspect the splines where the B. Inspect the carrier housing for D. Inspect the pinion thrust
P2 ring gear indexes to the carrier cracks, chips, impact damage and washers for damage, distortion and
housing. Inspect the splines on the signs of discoloration. Replace the signs of overheating. Replac the
front hub. Inspect for step wear, assembly if damage cannot be carrier assembly if any damage is
twisting, chips, burrs and signs of repaired using a soft stone or crocus identified. Replace the carrier
battering. Replace the carrier if cloth. assembly if any pinion gear endplay
damage cannot be repaired using a readings exceed 1.010 mm (0.040
soft stone or crocus cloth. With the C. Inspect pinion gears for inch).
P2 ring gear installed, maximum chipped, broken, pitted or missing
allowable carrier/ring gear spline teeth. Replace the carrier assembly E. With the planetary clean and
movement is 0.38mm (0.015 inch). if damage cannot be repaired using oiled, check the pinion needle
Replace the ring gear and/or carrier a soft stone or crocus cloth. bearings by slowly spinning each
as needed to bring spline movement pinion gear and feeling for rough
within specification. spots. Replace the carrier assembly
if any pinion gear wobbles, has
rough spots or makes noise during
the spin test.
H. Splines
I. Thrust
F. Inspect the carrier bushing for G. Thrust bearings are located NOTE: Inspect the P1 ring gear
nicks, burrs, scoring, signs of inside and on the front of the following these same guidelines and
discoloration and signs that the carrier. Inspect thrust bearing procedures.
bushing has spun in its bore. surfaces for grooves, scoring, pitting
Replace the bushing if damage and signs of overheating. Replace I. Inspect the thrust washer for
cannot be repaired using a soft the carrier assembly if damage cracks, bends, chips and deformity.
stone or crocus cloth. Maximum cannot be repaired using a soft Replace the washer if any damage is
allowable bushing inside diameter stone or crocus cloth. identified.
is 50.690mm (1.9957 inches). J. Inspect the thrust washer
During bushing replacement, H. Inspect the ring gear internal
and external splines for step wear, tangs for chips, cracks, breaks,
inspect the bushing bore in the bends, impact damage and signs of
carrier for scoring, burrs and nicks. twisting, chips, burrs and signs of
battering. Replace the ring gear if battering. Replace the washer if any
Replace the carrier assembly if damage is identified.
damage cannot be repaired using a damage cannot be repaired using a
soft stone or crocus cloth. soft stone or crocus cloth.
Reference "A" in this section for
installed spline wear check
C. Pinion P3 Ring
Gears Gear
D. Thrust
E. Pinion Inspect hub Inspect
P2 Planetary Needle splines ring gear
Assembly Bearings splines
G. Thrust
Supersession Information
Surface P3 Ring Gear Retaining Ring
Groove Inspection Procedures -
Reference SIL 8-1K2K-03
F. Bushing
Retaining Groove Should Not
Have A Chamfered Edge.
A. Housing
C. Pinion E. Splines
P3 Sun Pinion
Gear Pin
A. Housing
E. Splines
B. Pinion
Two-Wheel Drive
Output Shaft D. Oil Passages
B. Journal
A. Splines
E. Yoke
Bolt C. Output
Threads Nut
Four-Wheel Drive
Output Shaft
A. Inspect the splines for step C. On four-wheel drive models, F. Inspect the bushing where the
wear, twisting, chips, burrs and inspect for damaged locknut main shaft pilots for nicks, burrs,
signs of battering. Replace the threads. Replace the shaft assembly scoring, signs of overheating and
assembly if damage cannot be if damage cannot be repaired. signs that the bushing has spun in
repaired using a soft stone or crocus D. Oil passages must be clean and its bore. Replace the bushing if
cloth. unobstructed. Inspect the edges of damage cannot be repaired using a
B. Inspect journal surfaces for each orifice for cracks, chips, burrs soft stone or crocus cloth. Maximum
scoring, burrs, nicks and signs of and metal fatigue. Replace the shaft allowable bushing inside diameter is
overheating. Replace the shaft assembly if damage cannot be 20.070 mm (0.7940 inch). Replace
assembly if damage cannot be repaired using a soft stone or crocus the shaft assembly if the bushing
repaired using a soft stone or crocus cloth. bore is damaged.
cloth. Minimum allowable diameter E. On two-wheel drive models,
of the output roller bearing journal inspect for damaged yoke retaining F. Bushing
44.978mm (1.7708 inches). bolt threads. Replace the shaft
assembly if damage cannot be
NOTE: Damage to the output bearing
journal surface may indicate
driveline issues. Perform thorough NOTE: The output shaft threads use
driveline analysis checks to ensure a Spiralok® design. Replace the
driveline components are within output shaft assembly if the
specifications. Sprialok® threads are damaged.
2005 General Motors Corporation.
F. Separator
E. Charging
B. Ground
C. Charging
G. Converter
Flow Valve
A. Front Support
D. Charging Housing
Gearset I. Clutch L. Thrust
Backfill Washer
K. Converter
Relief Valve
Inspect the seal bore on
the front of the charging
A. Inspect the front pump housing.
J. Lube
support housing. Inspect Regulator Seal
machined mating and Valve Bore
sealing surfaces and oil H. Main
passages for cracks, nicks, Regulator
grooves, scoring and
damage which might
prevent proper sealing or
seating. Inspect valve Inspect the three sealring grooves
bores for nicks, scoring, debris and on the back of the support for
any damage which might prevent burrs, chips, cracks and impact
proper valve operation. Replace the damage. Sealrings should fit
housing if damage cannot be snuggly, but move freely in the cloth. Inspect the ground sleeve
repaired using a soft stone or crocus groove. Inspect the thrust washer needle bearing for rough rotation
cloth. Replace both the ground surface at the base of the backside after cleaning and lubrication.
sleeve and the housing if the sleeve hub for grooves, nicks, scoring, Inspect the bearing for scored,
has rotated in the housing. burrs and scratches. Replace the pitted, cracked and chipped races.
housing if damage cannot be Replace the bearing if any defects
repaired using a soft stone or crocus are identified. (continued)
To Cooler
Lube Knockdown
From Cooler
To Cooler
C2 Suction C1
C. Inspect the charging pump bushing if this burnt orange color is abnormal wear patterns. Replace
body housing. Inspect the sealring not visible on the entire bushing the gearset if either gear has damage
groove for burrs, chips, cracks and contact area. Maximum allowable which cannot be repaired using a
impact damage. Inspect the housing bushing inside diameter is soft stone or crocus cloth. Inspect
sealing surfaces and gear contact 58.458mm (2.3015 inches). the flats on the drive gear for signs
areas for scoring, burrs, nicks, chips, of battering. Replace the gearset if
pitting and impact damage. Replace On the front side of the housing,
inspect the bore where the seal fits the flats are battered or damaged in
the housing if damage cannot be any way. Maximum allowable
repaired using a soft stone or crocus for burrs, nicks, scratches, scoring
and any damage which might distance between flats if 52.165mm
cloth. Inspect dowel pins and only
prevent proper seal installation or (2.0537 inches). Minimum
replace them if damaged. Maximum
allowable gear cavity inside diameter sealing. Replace the housing if allowable driven gear outside
is 109.191mm (4.2989 inches). damage cannot be repaired using a diameter is 108.987mm (4.2908
soft stone or crocus cloth. inches).
Inspect the housing bushing.
Replace the bushing if it has any D. Inspect the charging pump Install the gearset in the housing.
damage which cannot be repaired gearset for scored, chipped, broken, Use a straightedge and feeler gauge
using a soft stone or crocus cloth. missing or abnormally worn teeth. to measure side clearance.
The bushing uses a burnt orange Inspect the sides of the gears for Maximum allowable side clearance
Teflon® coating. Replace the scoring, nicks, grooves and for each gear is 0.066mm (0.0026
10-643, *6310307722 Three grooves
Service at the large .004 29541148
10-649 Replacement
For Truck Applications valve end
between 6310001000- Current Bushing
Is Serviceable.
29541138 10-651 6310374684 No ID grooves .003 29541148
Current Production
Lube Exhaust to Sump
Torque Converter
Exhaust Clutch Apply
to Sump
To Cooler to Sump
C2 Suction C1
E. Turbine
Inspect the
internal splines C. Bushing
where the C2 B. PTO
reaction plates Drive
index. Gear
A. Rotating
F. P1 Sun
Splines D. Speed
A. Inspect the rotating clutch pitting, grooves and scoring. B. Inspect the PTO drive gear
housing. Replace the housing if it Replace the housing if damage teeth for chips, cracks and
is cracked, dented or has damage cannot be repaired using a soft abnormal wear. Replace the
which cannot be repaired using a stone or crocus cloth. rotating clutch housing assembly if
soft stone or crocus cloth. damage cannot be repaired using a
Inspect the C1/C2 piston housing soft stone or crocus cloth, or if the
Inspect the internal splines where snap ring and sealring grooves for gear is missing teeth or loose on the
the C2 reaction plates index for burrs, chips and cracks. Replace the housing.
step wear, twisting, chips, burrs housing if damage cannot be
and signs of battering. Replace the repaired using a soft stone or crocus C. Inspect the rotating clutch
housing if damage cannot be cloth. housing bushing. Replace the
repaired using a soft stone or crocus bushing if it has any damage which
NOTE: Use the appropriate special cannot be repaired using a soft
tools during C2 clutch piston snap stone or crocus cloth. Maximum
Inspect the surface just below the ring removal and installation to allowable bushing inside diameter
bushing where the three front avoid damaging the C1 clutch is 78.170mm (3.0776 inches).
support sealrings ride for cracks, sealring area. Reference Service
Manual SM3191 for procedures. (continued)
C2 Clutch Clutch
Feed Feed
Front Support
Sealring Area
C1 Return
Return Spring
Retaining Ring
C1 Balance
Piston Feed
C2 Snap
Ring Groove
(Top Groove)
C1 Sealring Groove
(Bottom Groove)
D. Replace the speed sensor tone E. Reference the "Inspection and F. Inspect the P1 sun gear for
wheel if it is deeply scratched, Analysis of the Turbine Shaft" chipped, broken, pitted and missing
scored, dented, out-of-round or section of this manual for details. teeth. Replace the gear if damage
shows signs of impact damage. Any cannot be repaired using a soft
of these conditions can cause an stone or crocus cloth.
erratic turbine speed sensor signal.
B. Bearing Journal
Turbine E. Splines
Shaft D. Oil Passage
D. Oil Passage
A. Bushing (Converter In)
E. Splines
C. Sealring
Grooves F. Snap Ring
G. Bushing
Supersession Information
Turbine Shaft Updates -
Reference SIL 23-1K2K-04
B. C1 Clutch
A. C1 Clutch
E. C1
F. C1 Piston Hub
G. Thrust
D. C1 Return
ID Minimum Thickness
Assembly 2420 11.400 mm (0.4488 inch)
6221/8521 11.840 mm (0.4661 inch)
H. C1 Clutch
Balance 6222/8522 12.280 mm (0.4835 inch)
C. C1 Clutch
Piston Piston 6223/8523 12.730 mm (0.5012 inch)
6224/8524 13.180 mm (0.5189 inch)
6225/8525 13.630 mm (0.5366 inch)
A. Inspect friction plate contact friction plates which have been crocus cloth. Replace the plate if
faces for excessive wear, embedded exposed to water and/or glycol. any tangs are broken, bent or
metal particles, cracking and Friction material which is loose or otherwise distorted. Minimum
distortion. Inspect the plate splines flaking indicates that the plates allowable plate thickness is
for burrs, cracks and damaged have been exposed to glycol and/or 2.135mm (0.0841 inch). Maximum
spline teeth. Replace the plate if water. Reference SIL 18-TR-98, allowable coning is 0.20mm
spline damage cannot be repaired Rev. A for details. (0.0079 inch).
using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
Minimum allowable friction plate NOTE: Battered and worn spline B. Inspect the C1 clutch
thickness is 2.375mm (0.0935 inch). teeth may be an indicator of backplate. Replace the backplate if
Minimum allowable oil groove driveline issues. Replace the clutch has burrs, scoring or other damage
depth is 0.20mm (0.008 inch). plates and check the driveline. which cannot be repaired using a
Maximum allowable coning is soft stone or crocus cloth. Replace
Inspect reaction plate contact the backplate if it is cracked or
0.225mm (0.009 inch). surfaces for chips, cracks, grooves, broken. Check the backplate for
NOTE: Anti-freeze (glycol) and/or scoring and signs of discoloration. coning. Replace the backplate if any
water will adversely affect the Inspect reaction plate tangs for coning is detected. Minimum
bonding agent between the friction chips, cracks and signs of battering. allowable plate thickness is
material and steel core. Replace any Replace the plate if damage cannot indicated in the chart above.
be repaired using a soft stone or
the C1
internal Piston
and housing
external check ball
sealring must have
Drive Hub And Bearing
grooves. at least
Updates Necessitate New
1.00 mm
Clutch Pack Clearance Check
free travel.
Procedures And Tooling.
C. Inspect the C1 clutch piston for spring specifications and F. Inspect the C1 clutch piston
for burrs, chips and cracks. Inspect identification. housing for burrs, chips and cracks.
the internal and external sealring Inspect the area where sealrings
grooves for burrs, chips and cracks. E. Inspect the C1 drive hub. ride for grooves and scoring.
Replace the piston if damage Inspect the rear of the hub for Replace the piston if damage
cannot be repaired using a soft damage caused by contact with the cannot be repaired using a soft
stone or crocus cloth. main shaft. Replace the hub if stone or crocus cloth. The check
damage cannot be repaired using a ball must move freely and have a
D. Inspect the C1 clutch return soft stone or crocus cloth. minimum of 1.00mm (0.040 inch)
spring plate for cracks, chips, travel parallel to the housing’s
burrs, bends and distortion. Inspect the internal and external
housing splines and the hub centerline.
Replace the plate if damage cannot
be repaired using a soft stone or splines for step wear, twisting, G. Inspect the thrust bearings on
crocus cloth. Replace the assembly chips, burrs and signs of battering. both sides of the C1 hub. Replace
if springs are broken, cracked, Replace the assembly if damage the bearing if it fails any of these
permanently set, showing signs of cannot be repaired using a soft inspection procedures.
wear due to rubbing or showing stone or crocus cloth. Maximum
signs of discoloration. Reference the allowable spline wear is 0.38mm H. The C1 balance piston includes
Service Manual Spring Data Charts (0.015 inch). a bonded seal. Replace the piston
during overhaul.
2005 General Motors Corporation.
Inspect C2
ALLISON 1000 & 2000 PRODUCT FAMILIES drive hub
and hub
B. C2 Clutch
E. P1 Sun
G. C2 Drive
F. Thrust
A. C2 Clutch Pack
D. P1 Drive
A. Inspect friction plate contact exposed to water and/or glycol. any tangs are broken, bent or
faces for excessive wear, embedded Friction material which is loose or otherwise distorted. Minimum
metal particles, cracking and flaking indicates that the plates allowable plate thickness is 2.135
distortion. Inspect the plate splines have been exposed to glycol and/or mm (0.0841 inch). Maximum
for burrs, cracks and damaged water. Reference SIL 18-TR-98, allowable coning is 0.240 mm
spline teeth. Replace the plate if Rev. A for details. (0.0094 inch).
spline damage cannot be repaired B. Inspect the C2 clutch piston
using a soft stone or crocus cloth. NOTE: Battered and worn spline
teeth may be an indicator of for burrs, chips and cracks. Inspect
Minimum allowable friction plate the internal and external sealring
thickness is 2.375 mm (0.0935 driveline issues. Replace the clutch
plates and check the driveline. grooves for burrs, chips and cracks.
inch). Minimum allowable oil Replace the piston if damage
groove depth is 0.20 mm (0.008 Inspect reaction plate contact cannot be repaired using a soft
inch). Maximum allowable coning surfaces for chips, cracks, grooves, stone or crocus cloth.
is 0.225 mm (0.009 inch). scoring and signs of discoloration. C. Inspect the C2 clutch return
NOTE: Anti-freeze (glycol) and/or Inspect reaction plate tangs for spring plate for cracks, chips, burrs,
water will adversely affect the chips, cracks and signs of battering. bends and distortion. Replace the
bonding agent between the friction Replace the plate if damage cannot plate if damage cannot be repaired
material and steel core. Replace any be repaired using a soft stone or using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
friction plates which have been crocus cloth. Replace the plate if (continued)
Replace the assembly if springs are E. Inspect the P1 sun gear teeth its tangs are broken, distorted or
broken, cracked, permanently set, for chips, burrs, scoring and pitting. missing. Minimum allowable thrust
showing signs of wear due to Replace the gear if it has missing or washer thickness is 2.59 mm (0.102
rubbing or showing signs of cracked teeth. Replace the gear if inch).
discoloration. Reference the Service damage cannot be repaired using a
G. Inspect the C2 drive hub
Manual Spring Data Charts for soft stone or crocus cloth. Inspect
internal and external housing splines
spring specifications and splines for step wear, twisting,
and the hub splines for step wear,
identification. chips, burrs and signs of battering.
twisting, chips, burrs and signs of
Replace the gear if damage cannot be
D. Inspect the P1 drive flange for battering. Replace the assembly if
repaired using a soft stone or crocus
internal and external spline step damage cannot be repaired using a
wear, burrs, chips, distortion and soft stone or crocus cloth. Maximum
signs of discoloration. Replace the F. Inspect the thrust washer allowable hub spline wear is 0.38
flange if it is cracked or if it has between the C2 drive hub and P1 mm (0.015 inch). Maximum
damage which cannot be repaired sun gear for scoring, burrs, nicks, allowable clutch spline step wear is
using a soft stone or crocus cloth. cracks, distortion and signs of 0.100 mm (0.004 inch).
overheating. Replace the thrust
H. The C2 balance piston includes
washer if damage cannot be repaired
a bonded seal. Replace the piston
using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
during overhaul.
Replace the thrust washer if any of
B. C3/C4 Return
C. C3 Spring
Backplate Assemblies
D. C4
E. C3/C4
A. C3/C4 Clutch
A. Inspect all friction plate friction plates which have been crocus cloth. Replace the plate if
contact faces for excessive wear, exposed to water and/or glycol. any tangs are broken, bent or
embedded metal particles, cracking Friction material which is loose or otherwise distorted. Minimum
and distortion. Inspect the plate flaking indicates that the plates allowable plate thickness is
splines for burrs, cracks and have been exposed to glycol and/or 2.440 mm (0.0961 inch). Maximum
damaged spline teeth. Replace the water. Reference SIL 18-TR-98, allowable coning is 0.40 mm
plate if spline damage cannot be Rev. A for details. (0.016 inch).
repaired using a soft stone or crocus
NOTE: Battered and worn spline B. Inspect the C3 and C4 clutch
cloth. Minimum allowable friction return spring plates for cracks,
teeth may be an indicator of
plate thickness is 2.375 mm (0.0935 chips, burrs, bends and distortion.
driveline issues. Replace the clutch
inch). Minimum allowable oil Replace the plate if damage cannot
plates and check the driveline.
groove depth is 0.20 mm (0.008 be repaired using a soft stone or
inch). Maximum allowable coning Inspect reaction plate contact crocus cloth. Replace the spring
is 0.225 mm (0.009 inch). surfaces for chips, cracks, grooves, assembly if springs are broken,
scoring and signs of discoloration. cracked, permanently set, showing
NOTE: Anti-freeze (glycol) and/or Inspect reaction plate tangs for signs of wear due to rubbing or
water will adversely affect the chips, cracks and signs of battering. showing signs of discoloration.
bonding agent between the friction Replace the plate if damage cannot (continued)
material and steel core. Replace any be repaired using a soft stone or
Supersession Information
Return Spring
and Plate
Updates -
SIL 1-1K2K-04
Updates Aid
The Assembly
C. Clutch Plate
Thickness and
Coned Plate
Check Using
Feeler Gauge
Flat Plate
H. Selector
D. PTO Shaft Bore
Pads E. Electrical
Rear Connector
View Bore
F. Splines
A. Inspect the main housing for C. Inspect the sealing surface at E, G, H, I. Inspect machined
impact damage, chips and cracks. the rear of the main housing for bores for nicks, burrs, scratches,
Inspect threaded holes for damage, nicks, burrs, scratches, scoring and scoring and other damage which
stripping and cracking. Replace the other damage which might cause might cause improper sealing or
main housing if damage cannot be improper sealing or component component seating. Replace the
repaired. seating. Replace the housing if housing if damage cannot be
damage cannot be repaired using a repaired using a light stone or
B. Inspect the sealing surface and light stone or crocus cloth. crocus cloth.
machined bore at the front of the (continued)
main housing for nicks, burrs, D. Inspect the PTO mounting pad
scratches, scoring and other damage surfaces for nicks, burrs, scratches,
which might cause improper sealing scoring and other damage which
or component seating. Replace the might cause improper sealing or
housing if damage cannot be PTO seating. Replace the housing if
repaired using a light stone or damage cannot be repaired using a
crocus cloth. light stone or crocus cloth.
C3 Torque N/A
Spline Converter
C3 C4 C4
Feed Main Spline Feed C5
Exhaust Filter
To Sump Suction Knockdown Park Pawl C5 Main
Control Support
Overdrive Feed Connector
C2 Main To Pin Bore
Exhaust C1 Exhaust Filter Bore
Exhaust Backfill
F. Inspect splines for step wear, Control Main Converter
twisting, chips, burrs and signs of From Filter Clutch
Control Apply C5 / Exhaust
battering. Replace the main housing Backfill
Main To
if damage cannot be repaired using
a soft stone or crocus cloth.
J. The identification plate Knockdown
contains information necessary to Overdrive
perform service work on the Main
transmission. The model number, C5
serial number, electronic "E" C1 / Exhaust Feed
number and date of manufacture Backfill
are included, as well as individual
To Sump
component group numbers which Suction
are used to identify specific
components used to build each C2 / Exhaust
major section of the transmission. Backfill
Remove and reattach the plate if it
is not securely riveted to the Exhaust
transmission main housing. C3 / Exhaust C4 Feed
2005 General Motors Corporation.
B. C5
C. C5
Backplate D. C5 Return
A. C5 Clutch
A. Inspect friction plate contact NOTE: Anti-freeze (glycol) and/or be repaired using a soft stone or
faces for excessive wear, embedded water will adversely affect the crocus cloth. Replace the plate if
metal particles, cracking and bonding agent between the friction any tangs are broken, bent or
distortion. Inspect the plate splines material and steel core. Replace any otherwise distorted. Maximum
for burrs, cracks and damaged friction plates which have been allowable coning is 0.295mm
spline teeth. Replace the plate if exposed to water and/or glycol. (0.0116 inch). Minimum allowable
spline damage cannot be repaired Friction material which is loose or plate thickness is indicated in the
using a soft stone or crocus cloth. flaking indicates that the plates chart below.
Minimum allowable friction plate have been exposed to glycol and/or
Part Minimum ID
thickness is 2.375mm (0.0935 inch). water. Reference SIL 18-TR-98, Rev. Number Thickness Number
Minimum allowable oil groove A for details.
depth is 0.20mm (0.008 inch). 29536481 1.935 mm 1
Maximum allowable coning is Inspect reaction plate contact (0.0762 inch)
0.225mm (0.009 inch). surfaces for chips, cracks, grooves, 29536482 2.435 mm 2
scoring and signs of overheating. (0.0959 inch)
NOTE: Battered and worn spline Inspect reaction plate tangs for
teeth may be an indicator of 29536483 2.935 mm 3
chips, cracks and signs of battering.
(0.1156 inch)
driveline issues. Replace the clutch Replace the plate if damage cannot
plates and check the driveline.
Supersession Information
C5 Friction Plate Update -
Reference SIL 31-1K2K-01
B. Inspect the C5 clutch piston C. Inspect the C5 clutch D. Inspect the C5 clutch return
for burrs, chips and cracks. Inspect backplate. Replace the backplate if spring plate for cracks, chips,
the internal and external sealring it has burrs, scoring or other burrs, bends and distortion.
grooves for burrs, chips and cracks. damage which cannot be repaired Replace the plate if damage cannot
Replace the piston if damage using a soft stone or crocus cloth. be repaired using a soft stone or
cannot be repaired using a soft Replace the backplate if it is crocus cloth. Replacethe assembly
stone or crocus cloth. cracked or broken. Check the springs if broken, cracked,
backplate for coning. Replace the permanently set, showing signs of
backplate if any coning is detected.
wear due to rubbing or showing
Minimum allowable backplate
signs of discoloration. Reference the
thickness is 17.90mm (0.7047 inch).
Service Manual Spring Data Charts
for spring specifications and
C. Clutch Plate identification.
Thickness and
Coned Plate
Check Using
Feeler Gauge
Flat Plate
B. Pawl Support
A. Park
H. Spherical
Pin C. Pawl
G. Detent
E. Apply
D. Apply
F. Selector Guide
I. Selector
Shaft Nut
Park pawl
seated in the
P3 carrier
A. Inspect the park pawl contact damage or if it
faces for cracks, step wear, impact does not quickly
damage and signs of battering. recoil when
Inspect the park pawl pivot bore released.
for burrs, nicks, scoring and out-of-
round. Replace the park pawl if any D. Inspect the
damage is detected. apply guide for
grooves, scoring
B. Inspect the park pawl support and deformities. Inspect the park pawl contact surfaces.
pin for burrs, nicks, scoring and Replace the guide
grooves. Replace the pin if it if damage cannot
doesn’t fit securely in the rear cover be repaired using
or main housing or if it has damage a soft stone or
which cannot be repaired using a crocus cloth.
soft stone or crocus cloth. (continued)
C. Inspect the park pawl return
spring for damaged coils. Replace
the spring if it has any signs of
Teeth Rollers
Inspect the
selector shaft for
Mushroomed mushrooming in
Areas the indicated
areas. Avoid
NSBU damage
by removing
prior to switch
Selector removal or
E. Inspect the slotted end of the selector shaft if Shaft installation.
apply assembly for burrs, chips and damage cannot
cracks. Inspect the indexing tang be repaired using a soft stone or H. Inspect the spherical pin for
for cracks and burrs. Inspect the crocus cloth, or if the shaft is bent. nicks, burrs and deformities.
spring for bent, cracked or broken Replace the pin if it is bent or if it
NOTE: Burrs or raised metal on the has damage which cannot be
coils. Inspect the rollers for scoring,
burrs and pitting. The rollers selector shaft flats (where the repaired using a soft stone or crocus
should fit securely in the retainer selector lever seats) may cause cloth.
and should roll freely without damage to the NSBU switch and
selector seal if not removed or I. Inspect the selector shaft nut
binding or sticking. Replace the
repaired. threads for stripping and damage.
assembly if damage cannot be
Inspect the nut shoulder for burrs
repaired using a soft stone or crocus G. Inspect the detent lever slots and deformities which might
cloth. for burrs, chips and cracks. Inspect prevent proper seating. Replace the
F. Inspect the selector shaft for the detent teeth for impact damage, nut if damage cannot be repaired
burrs, chips and cracks. Inspect the step wear, bends and cracks. using a soft stone or crocus cloth.
shaft flats for chips, burrs and Replace the detent lever if damage
nicks. Inspect the shaft threads for cannot be repaired using a soft
stripping and damage. Replace the stone or crocus cloth.
Speed sensor
orientation is
critical for
A. Sensor
C. Sensor
Connector and
Terminals B. Sensor
D. O-Ring Retainer
A. Inspect the sensor body for C. Inspect the connector body for D. Replace the sensor O-ring if it
chips, cracks and broken pieces. cracks and impact damage. Inspect is fretted or if it does not properly
Replace the sensor if any damage is the locking tangs for damage which fit on the sensor or in the sensor
detected. might prevent proper harness bore.
connector installation and seating.
B. Inspect the sensor retainer for Replace the sensor if any damage is NOTE: During installation, sensors
cracks, bends and deformities. detected. Inspect the terminals for must be properly and thoroughly
Sensor retainer orientation is any damage which might prevent seated in their bores before
critical to proper sensor and proper seating with mating installing retaining bolt. Improper
electronic control operation. Do not terminals. Reference the installation can cause sensor
attempt to reposition the sensor in Troubleshooting Manual TS3192 for damage and erratic speed sensor
the retainer. terminal replacement procedures signals which can affect shift
and ohmmeter pin-out checks. quality.
NSBU switch
evolution from left
to right - earliest
to current single-
Supersession Information
NSBU Switch Improvements - Reference SILs 32-1K2K-01 and 14-1K2K-03
A. Switch
B. Connector
D. Retainer
C. Splash
switch A. Inspect the switch body for C. Inspect the splash shield for
backside cracks, bends and impact damage. cracks, bends and deformities.
view. Replace the switch if any damage is Replace the switch assembly if the
detected. splash shield is damaged.
B. Inspect the connector body for D. Inspect the splash shield
cracks and impact damage. Inspect retainer for cracks and deformities.
the locking tangs for damage which The retainer is non-serviceable and
might prevent proper harness is included with a new switch.
connector installation and seating. Switches which are reused can be
Replace the switch if any damage is installed without the retainer (the
detected. Inspect the terminals for selector lever and nut will retain
any damage which might prevent the shield).
proper seating with mating
terminals. Reference
Troubleshooting Manual TS3192 for
terminal replacement procedures
and ohmmeter pin-out checks.
9 14 Converter Flow 29540523 Light Blue 6.79 1.60 16.10 31.43 17.05 54.23–73.89
(0.063) (0.634) (1.237) (0.671) (12.19–16.61)
9 7 Lube Regulator 29541228 No Code 12.38 1.47 11.70 39.22 24.05 55.99–72.00
(0.058) (0.464) (1.544) (0.946) (12.59–16.19)
9 19 C1 Clutch BackÞll 29542713 No Code 7.24 0.81 11.25 27.25 11.05 10.41–13.09
(0.032) (0.443) (1.073) (0.435) (2.34–2.94)
10 16 C2 Return Spring 29536104 No Code 5.77* 1.143* 10.05* 19.60** 15.90** 652.5–770.9**
Assembly (0.0450) (0.396) (0.772) (0.626) (146.7–173.3)
10 25 C1 Return Spring 29536198 No Code 7.99* 1.295* 9.17* 19.49** 15.62** 941.2–1126.4**
Assembly (0.0510) (0.361) (0.767) (0.615) (211.6–253.2)
19B, 19C 14, 6 Control Main/Control 29541153 No Code 11.85 1.50 14.00 40.62 22.11 45.86–50.68
Relief (0.059) (0.551) (1.599) (0.870) (10.31–11.39)
19C 3 Exhaust BackÞll 29531161 Orange Stripe 11.35 0.90 12.60 22.54 16.16 2.537–3.003
(0.035) (0.496) (0.887) (0.636) (0.570–0.675)
19C 11, 17, 28 A, B, and F Trim 29536313 No Code 7.44 0.76 9.80 20.15 9.44 8.14– 9.70
(0.030) (0.386) (0.793) (0.372) (1.83–2.18)
19C 13 A Trim 29537230 No Code 7.21 1.30 15.20 23.25 13.37 18.69–21.35
(0.051) (0.598) (0.915) (0.526) (4.20–4.80)
19B 4, 8, 11 C, D, and E Shift 29531176 No Code 11.55 1.00 11.00 29.29 14.26 14.61–16.59
(0.039) (0.433) (1.153) (0.561) (3.28–3.73)
16A 5 C5 Return Spring 29531134 No Code 7.8* 1.702* 13.5* 31.40** 21.60** 1454.6–1620.2**
Assembly (0.0670) (0.531) (1.236) (0.850) (327.0–364.2)
2005 General Motors Corporation.
16A 4 Park Pawl Return 29531147 No Code 6 0.75 8.70 29.55 41.75 11.3–14.9
(0.030) (0.343) (1.161) (1.644) (2.5–3.3)
* Individual Springs
** For the complete Spring Assembly
Allison Transmission
General Motors Corporation
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0894