GDB Command Line Arguments:: Option Description
GDB Command Line Arguments:: Option Description
GDB Command Line Arguments:: Option Description
Starting GDB:
gdb name-of-executable
gdb -e name-of-executable -c name-of-core-file
gdb name-of-executable -pid process-id
(Use ps -auxw to list process id's.)
Option Description
--help List command line arguments
--exec=file-name Identify executable associated with core file.
-e file-name
--core=name-of-core- Specify core file.
-c name-of-core-file
--command=command- File listing GDB commands to perform. Good for
file automating set-up.
-x command-file
--directory=directory Add directory to the path to search for source files.
-d directory
--cd=directory Run GDB using specified directory as the current
working directory.
--nx Do not execute commands from ~/.gdbinit
-n initialization file. Default is to look at this file and
execute the list of commands.
--batch -x command-file Run in batch (not interactive) mode. Execute
commands from file. Requires -x option.
--symbols=file-name Read symbol table from file file.
-s file-name
--write Enable writing into executable and core files.
--quiet Do not print the introductory and copyright
-q messages.
--tty=device Specify device for running program's standard
input and output.
--pid=process-id Specify process ID number to attach to.
-p process-id
-c process-id
GDB Commands:
Command Description
help List gdb command topics.
help topic-classes List gdb command within class.
help command Command description.
apropos search- Search for commands and command topics
word containing search-word.
info args List program command line arguments
i args
info breakpoints List breakpoints
info break List breakpoint numbers.
info break List info about specific breakpoint.
info watchpoints List breakpoints
info registers List registers in use
info threads List threads in use
info set List set-able option
Break and Watch
break funtion-name Suspend program at specified function of line
break line-number number.
break ClassName::functionName
break +offset Set a breakpoint specified number of lines forward or
break -offset back from the position at which execution stopped.
break Don't specify path, just the file name and function
filename:function name.
break filename:line- Don't specify path, just the file name and line number.
number break Directory/Path/filename.cpp:62
GDB Operation:
Compile with the "-g" option (for most GNU and Intel compilers) which
generates added information in the object code so the debugger can
match a line of source code with the step of execution.
Do not use compiler optimization directive such as "-O" or "-O2" which
rearrange computing operations to gain speed as this reordering will not
match the order of execution in the source code and it may be impossible
to follow.
control+c: Stop execution. It can stop program anywhere, in your source
or a C library or anywhere.
To execute a shell command: ! command
or shell command
GDB command completion: Use TAB key
info bre + TAB will complete the command resulting in info breakpoints
Press TAB twice to see all available options if more than one option is
available or type "M-?" + RETURN.
GDB command abreviation:
info bre + RETURN will work as bre is a valid abreviation for