Mallory Aughenbaugh Resume
Mallory Aughenbaugh Resume
Mallory Aughenbaugh Resume
Lo ng T e rm Su bs titu te , Madi son Centr al
Sc hool Distric t — 2n d Gra de Elem ent a ry Ed uca t ion / 5 . 0 8 . 2 0 2 1
January 2021 - April 2021
Dakota State University
Provided effective classroom management and clear
instruction. Established respectful and inclusive
classroom environment to help students grow and ● DSU Honors List: Spring 2018 – Present
learn. Communicated with parents and other ● DSU Cross Country and Track and Field
teachers on students’ progress in a supportive and ● NSAA Champion of Character Award
engaging way. Created and adapted lesson plans ● DSU Captains Council
according to students’ academic needs and learning ● NSAA Scholar Athlete
Stud en t T ea ch er , Madi son Centr al Sc ho ol
Distric t — 2nd G rade Key Skills
August 2020 - PRESENT
Demonstrated instruction design principles by ● Excellent teaching skills and experience
planning and preparing effective lessons and learning ● Strong knowledge and understanding of content
for all learners. Engaged students by delivering
practical lessons and activities as well as ensured and pedagogy knowledge
assessments were fully aligned with the instructional ● Highly effective team player with strong rapport
outcomes in content. Integrated technology into with other professionals
lessons to create interest and communicate ● Ability to foster mental and social growth in
knowledge. Fostered a positive classroom
environment encouraging learning and promoting
student growth. Implemented a behavior ● Skilled in motivating and guiding students
management system. Participated and organized individually and in groups
parent-teacher conferences. Demonstrated ● Ability to prepare test, and evaluate instructional
professional dispositions of effective teachers to materials
positively impact students' learning.
Cared for two girls, aged 4 months and 2. Prepared • South Dakota Teacher Certification 2021
and served meals with balanced nutrition. Trained on
emergency response ensuring safety for 2-year old’s
febrile seizures. Organized and conducted age-
appropriate activities such as games, arts and crafts, Links
sports, and continuous access to the outdoors. Read
storybooks that increased the children’s interest in
books. Provided detailed reports to parents that
outlined each child’s day.