A-25 Small HVAC Probs Svgs1
A-25 Small HVAC Probs Svgs1
A-25 Small HVAC Probs Svgs1
Statewide Energy Impact (product 4.5.3)
October 2003
Managed By:
New Buildings Institute
Cathy Higgins, Program Director
White Salmon, Washington
CEC Contract No. 400-99-013
Prepared For:
Donald Aumann,
Contract Manager
Nancy Jenkins,
PIER Buildings Program Manager
Terry Surles,
PIER Program Director
Robert L. Therkelsen
Executive Director
This report was prepared as the result of work sponsored by the
California Energy Commission. It does not necessarily represent
the views of the Energy Commission, its employees or the State
of California. The Energy Commission, the State of California, its
employees, contractors and subcontractors make no warrant,
express or implied, and assume no legal liability for the
information in this report; nor does any party represent that the
uses of this information will not infringe upon privately owned
rights. This report has not been approved or disapproved by the
California Energy Commission nor has the California Energy
Commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the
information in this report.
The products and outcomes presented in this report are part of the Integrated Design of Small
Commercial HVAC Systems research project. The reports are a result of funding provided by the
California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program on behalf of the
citizens of California. Architectural Energy Corporation would like to acknowledge the support and
contributions of the individuals below:
Program and Contract Management: Cathy Higgins, New Buildings Institute; Don Aumann,
California Energy Commission.
Technical Advisory Group (TAG): Tudi Hassl of Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. (PECI), Jan
Johnson of Southern California Edison, John Proctor of Proctor Engineering Group, Richard Lord of
Carrier Corporation, Dr. Mark Modera of Carrier Aeroseal.
Architectural Energy Corporation Project Team: Pete Jacobs led the project, with AEC staff support
from Dave Roberts, Tracy Phillips, Erik Jeanette, John Wood, Matthew Potts, Kosol
Kiatreungwattana, Pablo Calderon-Rodriguez and Judie Porter. RLW Analytics as a subcontractor
provided field testing and engineering support and statistical analysis, including contributions from
Roger Wright, Matt Brost, Jeff Staller, Eric Swan, Amber Watkins and Stacia Okura. Eskinder
Berhanu, Principal of Eskinder Berhanu Associates also provided field testing and engineering
Additional Support: Alan Cowan and Jeff Johnson of New Buildings Institute, project technical
review and Design Guide review; Darren Goody of PECI, Design Guide Review.
The Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program supports public interest energy research and
development that will help improve the quality of life in California by bringing environmentally safe,
affordable, and reliable energy services and products to the marketplace.
This document is one of 33 technical attachments to the final report of a larger research effort called
Integrated Energy Systems: Productivity and Building Science Program (Program) as part of the
PIER Program funded by the California Energy Commission (Commission) and managed by the New
Buildings Institute.
As the name suggests, it is not individual building components, equipment, or materials that optimize
energy efficiency. Instead, energy efficiency is improved through the integrated design, construction,
and operation of building systems. The Integrated Energy Systems: Productivity and Building Science
Program research addressed six areas:
This attachment, “Small HVAC Problems and Potential Savings Reports” (Attachment A-25),
provides supplemental information to the program’s final report within the Integrated Design of
Small Commercial HVAC Systems research area. It includes the following reports:
1. Summary of Problems in Each Building. This report describes the underlying causes of faults
or suboptimum performance in the small package HVAC units in each monitored building, along
with appendices.
2. Statewide Energy Impact. The focus of the Integrated Design of Small Commercial HVAC
Systems project was system-integration issues affecting the installed efficiency of small packaged
HVAC systems, defined as single package rooftop air conditioners and heat pumps with cooling
capacity of 10 tons or less. This report provides estimates of the statewide energy-savings impacts
of correcting the performance problems uncovered during this research project, along with
The Buildings Program Area within the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program produced
these documents as part of a multi-project programmatic contract (#400-99-413). The Buildings
Program includes new and existing buildings in both the residential and the non-residential sectors.
The program seeks to decrease building energy use through research that will develop or improve
energy efficient technologies, strategies, tools, and building performance evaluation methods.
For other reports produced within this contract or to obtain more information on the PIER Program,
please visit www.energy.ca.gov/pier/buildings or contact the Commission’s Publications Unit at 916-
654-5200. All reports, guidelines and attachments are also publicly available at
The “Small HVAC Problems and Potential Savings Reports” consists of two reports produced by the
Integrated Design of Small Commercial HVAC Systems project. This was one of six research
projects within the Integrated Energy Systems: Productivity and Building Science Program, funded by
the California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program.
This project conducted short-term monitoring of packaged HVAC systems up to 10 tons per unit,
identified problems that lead to poor system performance, and recommended solutions. A total of 215
units at 75 sites were monitored. This attachment consists of two documents:
Keywords: packaged HVAC system, economizer, RTU, thermostat, DX air conditioner, refrigerant
charge, cycling fans, ventilation air, simultaneous heating and cooling, statewide energy savings
Integrated Energy Systems
Productivity & Building Science
A project of the State of California PIER Program
This document presents a summary of the results of the field studies conducted for
Element 4 of the New Buildings Institute Integrated Energy Systems - Productivity &
Building Science Program. The focus of Element 4 is system integration issues affecting
the installed efficiency of small packaged HVAC systems. For the purposes of this
project, small systems are defined as single package rooftop air conditioners and heat
pumps with cooling capacity of 10 tons or less.
To conduct this research, teams of engineers visited 75 newly constructed commercial
buildings throughout California. A total of 215 rooftop units were surveyed. Units were
subjected to a physical inspection, a series of one-time tests, and/or short-term monitoring
of unit performance. Up to four units per building were selected for study.
The data are thought to cover over 95% of all projects that are competitively bid.
Architectural Energy Corporation 1
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Figure 1. Sample design and Actual Building Sample
The initial study design called for all sites to be completed during the summer and fall of
2001. Difficulty in scheduling on-site surveys in the wake of the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks delayed the project, forcing a second round of site studies during the
summer of 2002. The sample was completed for most building types except for offices,
which were difficult to identify and recruit. The reduced sample size is not expected to
impact the statistical validity of the results, since the frequency of the problems observed
is quite high and independent of building type.
Lessons learned during round one lead to a revision in the field testing and data analysis
protocol for round two sites. Initially, the impacts of problems observed were to be
calculated for each of the 82 buildings in the study, and the results of the impacts for this
sample would be projected to the statewide level. The focus in round two was shifted
from studying the entire building, including the HVAC system to a more detailed study
of the HVAC system alone. The field work was used to estimate the frequency of
problems in the field, and the impact of these problems across a wide variety of building
types and sizes was estimated using the Statewide Non-Residential New Construction
(NRNC) database (RLW, 1999). The statewide estimates of energy impacts from
avoiding the problems was estimated by applying the study statistics across a sample of
990 new commercial buildings in the NRNC database. This approach allowed for a more
detailed study of the HVAC systems and a more robust estimate of the statewide impacts
than the original study design. See the Impact Analysis report (AEC, 2003) for more
information on the statewide impact estimation process.
Field testing was conducted in two rounds. The first round procedures are described as
Onsite survey
The on-site survey gathered information on building shell, lighting, internal loads,
operating schedules, and so on, sufficient to develop a DOE-2 model of each space
served by the treated units. Building characteristics data were entered into a Microsoft
Access database by the surveyor.
One-time tests
The second level of data collection involved a series of one-time tests conducted on the
units selected for study. These tests included:
Fan Power. The unit was cycled through each mode of operation (standby, fan-only,
cooling stage one, and cooling stage two, if applicable) and the true electric power and
current of the unit were measured during each mode using a portable wattmeter.
Economizer. If the unit had an airside economizer, the minimum outdoor air position
potentiometer was adjusted to test the operation of damper motors and linkages. The
economizer outdoor air temperature sensor was cooled down using a “cool” spray, thus
simulating cool outdoor air conditions. The response of the economizer was observed as
the sensor was cooled, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Cool spray (see red tube to left of “D” on damper assembly) used to cool down
outdoor temperature sensor
Selected units were monitored over a two to three week period using portable, battery-
powered data loggers to observe unit operation over a variety of operating conditions.
The datalogger was used to measure unit current, supply air temperature, return air
temperature, and mixed air temperature. The data were observed instantaneously and
stored on a five minute basis. The datalogger used thermistor sensors with a 0.5 F
accuracy over the full range. The current sensors were equipped with signal conditioning
equipment to provide true RMS current readings. True RMS current measurements were
coupled with the spot kW and current measurements to estimate time series kW data for
the unit. In addition to the datalogger installed at each unit, the local rooftop temperature
and humidity was monitored at each site. Diagnostic software was used to analyze the
short-term monitored data.
Figure 3. Unit prepared for short term monitoring using battery powered datalogger.
An interview with the site contact on building operations and maintenance procedures
was conducted. Thermostat make and model numbers were collected to see if the
thermostats were appropriate for commercial building applications. The thermostat
control settings were observed and the calibration of the thermostat sensor was checked.
Thermostat location was noted and compared to the spaces served by the system.
Fan flow and Power
The unit was cycled through each mode of operation (standby, fan-only, cooling stage
one, and cooling stage two, if applicable) and the true electric power and current of the
unit were measured during each mode using a portable wattmeter. Airflow rate was
measured using a flow grid, which is an averaging flow meter designed to be installed in
place of the filters. A digital micromanometer measures the pressure drop across the
plate, and reads out directly in cfm. The manometer was also used to measure supply
static pressure, return static pressure, and total unit external static pressure.
Figure 4. Flow Grids used to measure unit flow rate. Flow grid assembly and digital
micromanometer are shown on the left. Flowgrid installation in place of unit filters is
shown on the right.
Refrigerant charge
Service gauges and temperature sensors were used to verify the state of charge of the
rooftop unit using the CheckMe!1 Procedure. The high side and low side pressures were
measured, along with the suction line temperature, the condensed liquid temperature,
outdoor drybulb temperature entering the condenser, and drybulb and wet bulb
temperatures entering the evaporator coil. Refrigerant was added or removed from the
system until the suction line superheat on units with fixed metering devices, or the
condenser line approach or subcooling temperature on units with thermostatic expansion
valves (TXV) was within the target specified by the CheckMe! software.
Figure 5. Refrigerant gages and digital temperature meter set up in preparation for
conducting CheckMe test.
The NBI Pier project identified a number of problems with HVAC systems as they are
installed and operated in the field. Problems identified include broken economizers,
improper refrigerant charge, fans running during unoccupied periods, fans that cycle on
and off with a call for heating and cooling rather than providing continuous ventilation
air, low air flow, inadequate ventilation air, and simultaneous heating and cooling.
General construction and maintenance issues, such as dirty filters and coils and
construction defects were also noted. A summary of the findings from the study is shown
in Figure 6.
Refrigerant charge
Low airflow
Simultaneous heating
and cooling
Economizer Findings
Economizers show a high rate of failure in the study. Of the 215 units tested, 123 units
were equipped with economizers. Of these, 30 units (24%) would not move at all, 49
units (40%) either did not respond to the cold spray test or did not modulate during the
short-term monitoring period.
Differential enthalpy economizers were the most popular style: 49 of the 123 units (40%)
were differential enthalpy, followed by single point temperature (23%), single point
enthalpy (21%) and differential temperature (16%).
Single Point
Single Point
23% Differential
According to the Title 24 Energy Standards, single point enthalpy economizers should
use the “A” changeover setpoint, but the “D” setpoint was most common. The D setpoint
was used in 10 of the 25 (40%) single point enthalpy systems. The D setting causes the
economizer to change from outdoor air cooling to compressor cooling at the lowest
outdoor air enthalpy of the A – D settings, thus limiting the economizer hours of
operation and energy savings potential.
setpoint = A
setpoint = D
setpoint = B
setpoint = C
Refrigerant Charge
Target superheat, subcooling or approach temperatures were tested using the CheckMe!
procedure. Any test not meeting the target temperature within five degrees failed the
screening test. Of the 74 refrigerant tests, 33 (46%) did not pass the screening test.
Refrigerant was added or removed from the system until the target value was reached.
The charge variation was calculated based on the weight of refrigerant adjustment
compared to the total refrigerant charge. A frequency distribution of the charge levels
observed in the study is shown in Figure 9.
"dog" -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
Percent under or overcharge
The energy impact of the charge variation was calculated according to Proctor (2002).
The average energy impact (not including units that were fully discharged and obviously
leaking) was about 5% of the annual cooling energy.
Normalized Efficiency
Short orifice
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130% 140%
% Factory Charge
Figure 10. Impacts of Refrigerant Charge Levels on System Efficiency for Fixed and
TXV Expansion Devices (Proctor, 2002).
200 or 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 More
Unit air flow (cfm /ton)
Overall, of the 79 units tested for airflow, 28 (39%) had airflow less than 300 cfm/ton.
The average airflow rate was 325 cfm/ton. ARI standards are based on airflow rates of
400 cfm/ton. The annual energy impact of low airflow on cooling efficiency was
projected across the sample of units using the relationship in Figure 12 (Proctor, 2002).
Overall the impact of low air flow is about 9% of the annual cooling energy.
Normalized Efficiency
200 250 300 350 400 450
Air flow (cfm/ton)
The average measured fan power for all units in the study was 0.18 kW per nomimal
cooling ton, which is about 20% higher than the fan power assumed in the Title 24
energy standards (0.365 W/cfm @ 400 cfm/ton or 0.146 kW/ton). If the fan flow is
increased to 400 cfm/ton, the fan power will increase to 0.34 kW/ton. This increase
effectively drops the efficiency of a 10.3 EER unit to 9.1.
The combination of high fan power and low flow rate is due largely to excessive pressure
drop in the duct systems. The frequency distribution of unit external static pressure at the
measured flow rate is shown in Figure 13. The average duct system pressure drop was
0.48 in WC. ARI efficiency ratings assume a duct system pressure drop of 0.1 to 0.25 in
WC, depending on the system size. The average duct system pressure drop corrected to
400 cfm/ton would equal 0.625 in W.C.
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 More
Unit external static pressure @ installed air flow
System fans were found to be cycling on and off with a call for heating or cooling in 82
(38%) of the units tested. The Title 24 Energy Standards require that all buildings not
naturally ventilated with operable windows or other openings be mechanically ventilated.
Mechanical ventilation is required to occur at least 55 minutes out of every hour that the
building is occupied. Building outdoor ventilation air is typically supplied during fan
operation, with the minimum quantity of outdoor air determined by the outdoor air
damper minimum position. The supply of continuous fresh air during occupied hours
relies on continuous operation of the HVAC unit supply fan. The Standards further
require operation of the ventilation system at least one hour before normal building
occupancy in order to purge potential build-up of pollutants and out gassing from
furniture, carpets, paint, etc. Most (86%) of the thermostats surveyed were observed to be
“commercial” type thermostats capable of controlling the systems according to the Title
24 and ASHRAE standards. These units can be set up to program fan schedule and mode
independent of thermostat schedule.
Other Issues/Findings
A list of additional issues and findings from the field surveys and testing is summarized
in Appendix A. Several of these issues are described in more detail as follows.
Duct Systems
16% of systems had ductwork running through unconditioned spaces. Of those, 60%
were in unconditioned plenums; the rest were outdoors. A common building construction
practice is to install a dropped ceiling in an unconditioned, high-bay warehouse to create
conditioned office space. Ductwork is run from the rooftop units through a large
unconditioned area to serve the offices below. This ductwork should be well-insulated
and sealed against leakage to minimize duct losses to the unconditioned space. The
photo below shows ductwork located in an unconditioned space, and lay-in insulation
placed over the dropped ceiling tiles. Note the poor insulation coverage and the
extensive use of flex duct in the distribution system.
Figure 14. Lay-in insulation and ductwork in an unconditioned space serving the
conditioned office area of a high-bay unconditioned warehouse.
Several sites were also observed with ductwork running across the roof surface.
Although this practice is allowed under the Title 24 Energy Standards, the ductwork
should be well-insulated, weather-proofed, and sealed against duct leakage to minimize
distribution system losses.
Fan schedules were compared to building occupancy schedules to identify units where
the fans ran during unoccupied periods. This occurred in 65 of the 215 units surveyed, or
about 30% of the time.
Simultaneous Heating and Cooling
Short term monitored data collected at the round 1 sites was examined for evidence of
simultaneous heating and cooling, where units serving adjacent spaces are heating and
cooling at the same time, possibly “fighting” each other to maintain the control setpoint.
Some evidence of this was found in 8 out of 140 (6%) units monitored in round 1.
No Outdoor Air
One of the functions of the HVAC unit is to provide continuous outside air during
occupied periods. This requires an outdoor air inlet at the unit and an outdoor air damper
set to allow outdoor air to enter the building when the fan is energized. A small number
Architectural Energy Corporation 15
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
of units survey (9 out of 215) had either no provision for outdoor air, or the outdoor air
dampers were completely closed.
One of the casual observations made at each site was to identify and record evidence of
poor maintenance practices. The following section describes a few of the issues observed
during the field study.
The following photos were taken at a newly constructed restaurant soon after a visit by
the HVAC service contractor. The roof was littered with old, filthy filters and bent and
discarded “bird screens” intended to protect the unit’s outdoor air opening.
A closer inspection revealed several instances of missing filters and filthy cooling coils.
This fan motor fell off its mounting and into the evaporator coil. Although refrigerant
wasn’t lost, there was no airflow. Comfort complaints that went on for weeks were
blamed on a thermostat problem. A simple check of the system would have discovered
this problem much earlier.
Several design and construction faults were also observed during the field inspections.
Although these faults were isolated, they indicate a lack of inspection and/or verification
of correct design and/or unit installation.
Faulty Wiring. The NEC requires a fused disconnect at the unit to allow for shutting off
power during unit service. This unit was directly wired to the main panelboard, with unit
connections made using wirenuts.
Incompatible unit and curb design. All units observed at this site were set on an
incompatible curb, where the supply and return duct connections did not line up with the
unit supply and return compartments. Significant supply air bypass into the unit return
was the result. The bypassed supply air reduces unit capacity and efficiency.
Figure 20. Misalignment of unit supply and return outlets with building ductwork
Figure 21. Close-up of unit supply plenum showing bypass into return side
Outdoor Air Intake Adjacent to Exhaust Fan. This toilet exhaust fan was discharging
directly into the outdoor air intake of a rooftop unit. Ventilation air contamination and
odor problems result from this design flaw.
AEC, 2003. Integrated Energy Systems: Productivity & Building Science Program
Element Four—Integrated Design of Small Commercial HVAC Systems, Statewide
Impact Analysis. Submitted to the California Energy Commission. Boulder, CO.
Architectural Energy Corporation. (PIER product #XXXX in report xxxxx)
Proctor, J. 2002. TXV Impact Review, Submitted to Heschong Mahone Group, San
Rafael, CA Proctor Engineering Group.
RLW Analytics, 1999. Non-Residential New Construction Baseline Study, Submitted to
the California Board for Energy Efficiency, Sonoma, CA. RLW Analytics. Available at
SITE ID Site Name Type City Round
1 1956 Palma Office Ventura 1
5 Jack in The Box / Arco Restaurant Santa Rosa 1
7 1650 Northpoint Office Santa Rosa 1
11 IDS - Disney Dist. Offices Office Ontario 1
15 Albertson's Grocery La Mesa 1
16 Sam's Club Retail Stanton 1
17 Auto Zone Retail Barstow 1
24 Cantoni Furniture Retail Irvine 1
29 Otay Retail Chula Vista 1
37 Radiological Associates Office Sacramento 1
39 Sagebrush-Elderlife Assembly Bakersfield 1
49 Apple Valley Science and Technology CenterSchool Apple Valley 1
51 Victory Outreach Church Assembly San Bernardino 1
53 St. Michaels Episcopal Church School School Carmichael 1
55 Jardiniere Restaurant San Francisco 1
59 Burger King Restaurant Roseville 1
60 Jack In the Box Restaurant Watsonville 1
62 Camino Real Marketplace Retail Irvine 1
63 Babies "R" Us Retail La Mesa 1
64 Kragen Auto Parts Retail Marysville 1
65 Michael's Retail San Fernando 1
67 Carl's Jr. Restaurant Westminster 1
77 School of Cosmotology, Handicap Ed Office Simi Valley 1
80 Henry J Kaiser High School School Fontana 1
133 Folsom High School School Ontario 1
SITE ID Site Name Type City Round
146 Safeway Grocery Folsom 1
147 Chevron/Food Mart Grocery Oakland 1
152 Wentzel and Sons Moving and Storage Warehouse San Fernando 1
161 Adventure Christian Church Assembly Roseville 1
165 Swan Market Office Oakland 1
166 Jewish Community Center Assembly San Diego 1
168 National Steinbeck Center Assembly Salinas AP 1
169 Monrovian Family Restaurant Restaurant Paramount 1
170 IHOP Restaurant Sacramento 2
172 Bernice Ayar Middle School School San Clemente 1
174 Foundation for the Retarded of the Desert Other Palm Desert 2
175 Huntington Seacliff Elementary School School Huntington Beach 1
176 US Dept of Agriculture Office Los Angeles 1
185 Walgreens Retail San Francisco 2
186 Rio Calaveras Elementary School School Stockton 1
195 Manufacturing Complex Other Buena Park 2
197 Allure Warehouse San Bernardino 2
198 Chevron/Food Mart Grocery Los Banos 2
207 Office Building Office San Diego 2
211 Sunsports Warehouse Irvine 2
213 Mediaworks Office Culver City 2
216 GEICO Regional HQ Building Phase II Office Poway Valley 2
238 Babies R Us Retail La Habra 1
244 Rite Aid Retail Apple Valley 1
245 Staples Retail Lancaster 2
250 American Canyon Middle School School Napa 1
259 Albertson's Grocery Union City 2
261 North Canyon Business Center Office Livermore 2
265 Fire Station #5 other Sanger 2
SITE ID Site Name Type City Round
268 True Hope of God in Christ Assembly San Francisco 2
270 Kragen Auto Parts Retail Modesto 2
273 Playground Design Warehouse Vista 2
280 COSTCO Retail Montebello 2
283 Regenesis Warehouse San Clemente 2
314 Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church Assembly Thousand Oaks 2
317 Soka University School Aliso Viejo 2
325 Valencia Commerce Center Bldg. B Warehouse San Fernando 2
332 Raymond Warehouse Ontario 2
339 In Motion Fitness Assembly Chico 2
340 Young NAK Presbyterian Church Assembly Burbank 2
343 Target Retail Walnut Creek 2
347 Grey Barr Electric Warehouse Inglewood 2
365 Budway Office Fontana 2
376 Home Depot Retail El Monte 2
388 Genica Warehouse Oceanside 2
402 Home Depot Distribution Center Warehouse Cucamonga 2
407 Albertson's Grocery Mountain View 2
467 Clover Springs Rec Center Assembly Cloverdale 2
484 Temple Baptist Church Assembly Lodi 2
525 Laguna Hills Senior Center Assembly Laguna Hills 2
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
1 1 Carrier 48SS-06008531AA 5
1 2 Carrier 48SS-06008531AA 5
1 3 Carrier 48SS-06008631AA 5
1 4 Carrier 48SS-06008631AA 5
5 1 York D1EG120N16525JSE 10
5 2 York D1EG090N13025E 7.5
5 3 York D1EG120N16525JSE 10
7 1 Bryant 582AEW048090AAAG 4
7 2 Bryant 582AEW036060AAAF 3
7 3 Bryant 582APW030060AAAD 2.5
11 1 Carrier 50TJQ005 4
11 2 Carrier 50TJQ004 3
11 3 Carrier 50TJQ004 3
11 4 Carrier 50TJQ004 3
15 1 Trane YCD060C4LFBF 5
15 2 Trane YCD075C4LGBE 6
15 3 Trane YCH090DLLFBE 7.5
15 4 Trane YCD036C4LGBE 3
16 1 Lennox LCB120HNIG-B 10
16 2 Lennox LCB240HNIG-B 20
16 3 Lennox LCB240HNIG-B 20.1
16 4 Lennox LCB240HNIG-B 20.1
17 1 Carrier 48HJ006V531CA 5
17 2 Carrier 48HJ006V531CA 5
17 3 Carrier 48HJ006V531CA 5
24 1 Carrier 50HJQ0012---601 10
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
24 2 Carrier 50HJQ0012---601 10
24 3 Carrier 50HS-060---601AB 5
24 4 Carrier 50HJQ005---601 4
29 1 Rheem RRKA-A048CK08E 4
29 2 Rheem RRKA-A036CK06E 3
29 3 Rheem RKKB-A090CM1SE 7.5
37 1 Trane YCD060C4LOBF 5
37 2 Trane YCD060C4LOBF 5
37 3 Trane YCD048C4LOBF 5
37 4 Trane YCD090C4LOBE 7
39 1 Trane YCD049C3C0BF 4
39 2 Trane YCD037C3L 3
39 3 Day & Night 581BEV060072AAAA 5
49 1 trane YCD 075 6.5
49 2 trane ycd 075 6.5
49 3 trane ycc 018F 2
49 4 trane YCC 024F 2.5
51 1 york B3CH120A46B 10
51 2 york B3CH120A46B 10
51 3 york B3CH090A46A 7.5
53 1 CARRIER 48HJD006 5
53 2 CARRIER 48HJD006 5
53 3 CARRIER 48HJD007 6
53 4 CARRIER 48HJD007 6
55 1 York D1eg090N13625E 7.5
55 2 York d1eg09013625e 7.5
55 3 York D1EG120N16525JSE 10
55 4 York D1EG120N16525JSE 10
Architectural Energy Corporation 26
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
59 1 Carrier 48HJD006---531 5
59 2 Carrier 48HJD007 6
59 3 Carrier 48HJD007---531 6
59 4 Carrier 48HJD008531 7.5
60 1 York D1EG120N165255TF 10
60 2 York D1EG090N13025ECF 7.5
62 1 Carrier 48HJD006---631 5
62 2 Carrier 48HJD006---631 5
62 3 Carrier 48HJD008---631 7.5
62 4 Carrier 48HJD008---631 7.5
63 1 lennox LGA 180 SS 16 15
63 2 lennox LGA 180SS1G 15
63 3 Lennox LGA 180 SS 1G 15
64 1 Trane YFD048C3LFBE 4
64 2 Trane YFD048C3LFBE 4
64 3 Trane YFD048C3LFBE 4
65 1 Lennox LGA150SS2G 12
65 2 Lennox LGA120SSIG 10
65 3 Lennox LGA120SSIG 10
65 4 Lennox LGA120SSIG 10
67 1 York D1EG090N13025 7.5
67 2 York D1EG180N24025ECE 15
77 1 Carrier 48HJD006 5
77 2 Carrier 48HJD007 6
80 1 Carrier 48HJD008-631 7.5
80 2 Carrier 48HJD008631 7.5
80 3 Carrier 48HJD005631 4
80 4 Carrier 48HJD005631 4
Architectural Energy Corporation 27
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
133 1 BDP 581BEX060072 5
133 2 BDP 581BEX060072 5
133 3 BDP 581BEX060072 5
133 4 BDP 581BEX060072 5
146 1 Carrier 48HJE006 5.1
146 2 Carrier 48HJE004 3
146 3 Carrier 48HJE004 3
147 1 York B3CH090-A25STB 7.5
147 2 York B3CH036-A258D 7.53
152 1 Rheem RPDC-075DLA 6
152 2 Rheem RQKA-OAO24JK 1.9333
161 1 YORK D1N036N03646C 3
161 2 YORK D1NA036N03646C 3
161 3 YORK D1NA042N05646C 3.5
161 4 YORK D1NA060N06546C 5
165 1 Carrier 48TJD008---5216A 7.5
165 2 Carrier 48TJD007--521 6
165 3 Carrier 48TJD014---5316A 12.5
165 4 Carrier 48TJD014---5316A 12.5
166 1 Carrier 48HJD008-C631 7.5
166 2 Carrier 48HJD006 5
166 3 Carrier 48HJD005 4
166 4 Carrier 48HJD007 6
168 1 Trane YCH121C4L 10
168 2 Trane YCD103C4L 8.5
168 3 Trane YCH103C4L 8.5
168 4 Trane YCH103C4L 8.5
169 1 Carrier 48TJD007---501-- 6
Architectural Energy Corporation 28
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
169 2 Carrier 48HJD007---531-- 6
170 1 York D1EG090N13025ECE 7.5
170 2 York D2EG048N06025 4
170 3 York D1EG090N13025ECE 7.5
172 1 Trane YCD103C4LBAA 8.5
172 2 Trane YCD049C4LBBE 4
172 3 Trane YCD049C4LBBE 4
172 4 Trane YCC024F1LOBE 2
174 1 Trane YCD091D4LOBE 7.5
174 2 Trane YCD091D4LOBE 7.5
175 1 Trane YCH 103C4LPA3 8.5
175 2 trane YCD 061 C4 LCBI 5
175 3 Trane YCD 091 D4 L6Be 7
176 1 Carrier 50TJQ004-501GA 3
176 2 Carrier 50HS-024-311AB 2
176 3 Carrier 50TJQ004-501GA 3
176 4 Carrier 50HS-018-301AB 1.5
185 1 Trane YCD091D4LABE 7.5
185 2 Trane YCD091D4LABE 7.5
185 3 Trane YCD091D4LABE 7.5
185 4 Trane YCD061C4LABF 5
186 1 Trane YCD049C4LCBE 4.125
186 2 Trane YCD049C4LCBE 4.125
186 3 Trane YCD049C4LCBE 4.125
186 4 Trane YCD074C4LCBE 5.67
195 1 York B1HA024A06B 2
195 2 York B1HA024A06B 2
195 3 York B1HA024A06B 2
Architectural Energy Corporation 29
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
197 1 Carrier 50TJQ004---601GA 3
197 2 Carrier 50TJQ004---601GA 3
197 3 Carrier 50TJQ006-601GA 5
197 4 Carrier 50TJQ006---601GA 5
198 1 Bryant 501BPU031072APAA 3
198 2 Bryant 581PU060072ADAA 5
207 1 Carrier 50TJQ005 4
207 2 Carrier 50TJQ005 4
211 1 Trane WCD090C400BC 7.5
211 2 Can't Read Can't Read
213 1 Lennox LGA120SH19 10
216 1 Carrier 50TJQ006 5
238 1 Lennox LGA180HSIG 15.67
238 2 Lennox LGA180HSIG 15.7
238 3 Lennox LGA180HSIG 15.67
238 4 Lennox LGA180HSIG 15
244 1 York D2EG150N20025EAD 12
244 2 York D2EG150N20025EAD 12
244 3 York D2EG150N20025EAD 12
244 4 York D2EG150N20025EAD 12
245 1 Carrier 48DJB012530 10
245 2 Carrier 48DJD008530 7.5
245 3 Carrier 48LJE006520 5
250 1 CARRIER 48HJD007 6
250 2 CARRIER 48HJD008 7.5
250 3 CARRIER 48HJD006 5
250 4 CARRIER 48HJD008 7.5
259 1 Trane YCD036C4LGBE 3
Architectural Energy Corporation 30
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
259 2 Trane YCD036C4LGBE 3
259 3 Trane YCD060C4LC13F 5
261 1 Bryant 580DEV120180ACAA 10
261 2 Bryant 580DEU120180ACAA 10
265 1 York D2CG072N0792SEBA 6
265 2 York D7CG060N07925DBA 5
268 1 Trane YCD06DC3LOBT 5
268 2 Carrier 48TJF008 7.5
270 1 Trane YSC036A3RLA01D0012A 3
270 2 Trane YSC036A3RLA01D0012A 3
270 3 Trane YSC036A3RLA01D0012A 3
273 1 Trane WC0048F400BF 4
273 2 Trane WCCO48F400BF 4
280 1 Carrier 50NQ030321 2.5
280 2 Carrier 50NQ024-311 2
283 1 Carrier 50TJQ006 5
283 2 Carrier 50TJQ005 4
283 3 Carrier 50TJQ004 3
314 1 Carrier 50SX-042-601-AA 3.5
317 1 Trane WCH1508400EA 12.5
325 1 Carrier 5DTJQ006-601GA 5
332 1 Carrier 50JS-036-601 3
332 2 Carrier 50JS-036-601 3
339 1 Carrier 48HJD008 7.5
340 1 Carrier 50JTJQ012-501GA 10
340 2 Carrier 50TJQ005-501GA 4
343 1 Aaon RR08-3-PO-212 8
343 2 Aaon RK063E0222 6
Architectural Energy Corporation 31
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Unit Capacity
SITE ID No. Manufacturer Model No. (ton)
347 1 Trane YFD075C4LCBE 6.25
365 1 Carrier 50HS-024031146 2
365 2 Carrier 50HS-0240311AB 2
376 1 Carrier 48HJD006---631-- 5
376 2 Carrier 48HJE004---631 3
388 1 ICP PHF060L000A 5
388 2 ICP PHF060L00A 5
402 1 Rheem RJKA-A048DM 4
402 2 Rheem RJKA-A060DM 5
407 1 Trane YCD036C4LGBE 3
407 2 Trane YCD036C4LGBE 3
467 1 York D3CG120N16525D 10
467 2 York D7CG048N06025A 4
467 3 York D3C6120N16525D 10
467 4 York D2C6072N07925A 6
484 1 Trane YCD074C4CABE 6.25
484 2 Trane YCD121C4LAAA 10
525 1 Carrier 48TJD007-521 6
525 2 Carrier 48TJD007-521 6
Linkage Responds shows Economizer Control Changeover
SITE ID Unit No. Moves to Cold Air modulation works type Setpoint
5 1 Yes No No No Delta T
5 2 Yes Yes Yes Single T
5 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta T
15 1 No No No Single T A
15 2 No No No Single h A
15 3 Yes Yes No No Single T A
15 4 Yes No No No Single h A
24 1 No No Delta h
24 2 No No Delta h
24 4 No No Delta h
29 1 No No No Single h A
29 2 Yes No No Single h A
29 3 No No No Single T B
37 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Delta T
37 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Delta T
37 3 Yes Yes No No Delta T
37 4 Yes Yes No No Delta T
39 1 Yes No No No Delta T
39 2 Yes No No No Delta T
49 1 No No No Delta T
49 2 No No No Delta T
51 1 No No No Single T
51 2 No No No Single T
51 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single T
53 1 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
53 2 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
Linkage Responds shows Economizer Control Changeover
SITE ID Unit No. Moves to Cold Air modulation works type Setpoint
53 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
53 4 Yes No No Delta h
55 1 No No Delta h
55 2 No No Delta h
55 3 No No Delta h
55 4 No No Delta h
60 1 No No Delta h
60 2 No No Delta h
62 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
62 4 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
63 1 No No No Delta h
63 2 No No No Delta h
63 3 No No No Delta h
65 1 No No No Delta h
65 2 No No No Delta h
65 3 No No No Delta h
65 4 No No No Delta h
67 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single h D
67 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single h D
77 1 No No No Single h D
77 2 No No No Single h D
80 1 Yes No No No Single T
80 2 Yes No No No Single T
80 3 Yes No No No Single T
80 4 Yes No No No Single T
133 1 Yes No No No Delta h
133 2 Yes No No Delta h
Linkage Responds shows Economizer Control Changeover
SITE ID Unit No. Moves to Cold Air modulation works type Setpoint
133 3 Yes No No Delta h
133 4 Yes No No No Delta h
146 1 No No No Delta h
146 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Delta h
146 3 Yes Yes No No Delta h
147 1 Yes Yes Yes Single h A
147 2 Yes Yes Yes Single h B
165 1 Yes No No No Single h C
165 2 Yes No No No Single h B
165 3 Yes No No No Single h B
165 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single h C
166 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single h C
168 1 Yes Yes Yes Delta T
168 2 No No No Delta T
168 3 Yes No No Delta T
168 4 Yes Yes Yes Delta T
170 1 No No Single h A
170 2 Yes No No Single h A
170 3 No No Single h
172 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Single T A
172 2 Yes Yes No No Single T A
172 3 Yes Yes No No Single T A
172 4 Yes Yes No No Single T A
174 1 Yes Yes Yes Single T A
174 2 Yes Yes Yes Single T A
175 1 No No No Single T
185 1 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
Linkage Responds shows Economizer Control Changeover
SITE ID Unit No. Moves to Cold Air modulation works type Setpoint
185 2 Yes No No Delta h
185 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
185 4 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
186 1 Yes Yes Yes Delta T
186 2 Yes No No Delta T
186 3 Yes No No Delta T
186 4 Yes No No Delta T
216 1 Yes No No Delta h
238 1 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
238 2 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
238 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
238 4 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
244 1 Yes Yes No No Single h D
244 2 Yes Yes No No Single h D
244 3 Yes Yes No No Single h D
244 4 Yes Yes No No Single h D
245 1 Yes Yes Yes Single h C
245 2 No No Delta h
259 1 No No Delta h
259 2 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
259 3 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
261 1 Yes No No Delta h
261 2 No No Delta h
265 1 Yes No No Single h C
265 2 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
268 1 Yes No No Single T A
268 2 Yes Yes Yes Single h D
Linkage Responds shows Economizer Control Changeover
SITE ID Unit No. Moves to Cold Air modulation works type Setpoint
270 1 Yes Yes Single T D
270 2 Yes Yes Single T D
270 3 Yes Yes Single T D
280 1 No No Delta h
280 2 No No Delta h
317 1 Yes No No Single T A
339 1 Yes Yes Yes Single h D
340 1 No No Single T B
343 1 Yes Yes Yes Single T
343 2 Yes Yes Yes Single T
376 1 Yes No No Single T
376 2 No No Single T C
407 1 No No Delta h
407 2 Yes Yes Yes Delta h
484 1 Yes Yes Delta T
484 2 Yes Yes Delta T
Capacity Measured from 400 EER
SITE ID Unit no. (ton) CFM Cfm/ton cfm/ton impact
170 AC-1 7.5 684 91 -77% -27%
170 RTU-2 4 1,010 253 -37% -13%
170 RTU-3 7.5 1,850 247 -38% -13%
174 AC-1 7.5 1,935 258 -36% -12%
174 AC-2 7.5 2,017 269 -33% -11%
185 AC-3 7.5 2,890 385 -4% -1%
185 AC-4 7.5 2,704 361 -10% -3%
185 AC-5 5 1,977 395 -1% 0%
195 AC2 2 707 354 -12% -4%
195 AC3 2 650 325 -19% -7%
195 AC4 2 1,065 533 33% 12%
197 RTU#1 5 1,190 238 -41% -14%
197 Unit #3 3 924 308 -23% -8%
197 Unit #4 3 990 330 -18% -6%
197 Unit#2 5 1,290 258 -36% -12%
198 AC1 3 872 291 -27% -10%
198 AC2 5 1,307 261 -35% -12%
207 AC-1 4 1,840 460 15% 5%
207 AC-2 4 1,495 374 -7% -2%
211 AC-1 7.5 2,076 277 -31% -11%
211 AC-3 4 1,364 341 -15% -5%
213 AC30 10 3,117 312 -22% -8%
216 RTU-09 5 1,437 287 -28% -10%
245 AC12 7.5 2,565 342 -15% -5%
259 RTU-1 5 1,702 340 -15% -5%
259 RTU-2 3 820 273 -32% -11%
Capacity Measured from 400 EER
SITE ID Unit no. (ton) CFM Cfm/ton cfm/ton impact
259 RTU-3 3 960 320 -20% -7%
261 AC-1 10 3,611 361 -10% -3%
261 AC-2 10 3,310 331 -17% -6%
265 AC-1 5 1,626 325 -19% -7%
265 AC-2 6 1,173 196 -51% -18%
268 AC-1 5 1,870 374 -7% -2%
268 RTU-2 7.5 1,650 220 -45% -16%
270 AC-1 3 1,445 482 20% 7%
270 AC-2 3 1,360 453 13% 5%
270 AC-3 3 1,350 450 13% 4%
273 A/C South 4 1,330 333 -17% -6%
273 N1 4 1,390 348 -13% -5%
280 AC2 2 872 436 9% 3%
280 AC4 2.5 1,021 408 2% 1%
283 AC-1.1 4 1,210 303 -24% -9%
283 AC-1.2 3 860 287 -28% -10%
283 AC-1.6 5 1,020 204 -49% -17%
314 AC-7 3.5 790 226 -44% -15%
317 AC1 12.5 3,632 291 -27% -10%
325 RTU-1 5 1,480 296 -26% -9%
332 E-2 3 960 320 -20% -7%
332 East 1 3 950 317 -21% -7%
339 AC-11 7.5 2,399 320 -20% -7%
340 RTU-3 10 3,760 376 -6% -2%
340 Unit 1 4 1,300 325 -19% -7%
343 RTU-1 6 2,403 401 0% 0%
343 RTU-5 8 3,991 499 25% 9%
347 RTU-4 6.25 2,590 414 4% 1%
Architectural Energy Corporation 39
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units
Capacity Measured from 400 EER
SITE ID Unit no. (ton) CFM Cfm/ton cfm/ton impact
365 Unit 1 2 935 468 17% 6%
365 Unit 2 2 690 345 -14% -5%
376 Unit 2 3 789 263 -34% -12%
376 Unit1 5 982 196 -51% -18%
388 Unit-1 5 1,550 310 -23% -8%
388 Unit-2 5 1,395 279 -30% -11%
402 RTU-1 4 1,935 484 21% 7%
402 RTU-2 5 1,705 341 -15% -5%
407 AC-1 3 1,222 407 2% 1%
407 AC-2 3 1,059 353 -12% -4%
467 AC-1 10 2,667 267 -33% -12%
467 AC-2 10 2,903 290 -27% -10%
467 AC-3 6 1,044 174 -57% -20%
467 AC-4 4 1,163 291 -27% -10%
484 A6-10 6.25 2,030 325 -19% -7%
484 AC-11 10 3,390 339 -15% -5%
525 #2 6 1,170 195 -51% -18%
525 RTU-1 6 1,500 250 -38% -13%
Charge deviation
Site ID Unit no. Compressor (negative means undercharged)
170 AC-1 C1 0.0%
170 AC-1 C2 0.0%
170 RTU-2 C1 0.0%
170 RTU-3 C1 < - 20%
174 AC-1 C1 0.0%
174 AC-1 C2 0.0%
174 AC-2 C1 0.0%
174 AC-2 C2 0.0%
185 AC-1 C1 0.0%
185 AC-1 C2 -4.9%
185 AC-3 C1 0.0%
185 AC-3 C2 -3.9%
185 AC-4 C1 0.0%
185 AC-4 C2 9.8%
185 AC-5 C1 0.0%
195 AC2 C1 9.4%
195 AC3 C1 < - 20%
195 AC4 C1 0.0%
198 AC1 C1 0.0%
198 AC2 C1 0.0%
207 AC-1 C1 -9.6%
207 AC-2 C1 -9.6%
211 AC-1 C1 4.4%
211 AC-3 C1 -7.3%
213 AC30 C1 17.8%
213 AC30 C2 6.6%
Charge deviation
Site ID Unit no. Compressor (negative means undercharged)
216 RTU-09 C1 -4.7%
245 AC12 C1 0.0%
245 AC12 C2 < - 20%
259 RTU-1 C1 0.0%
259 RTU-2 C1 0.0%
259 RTU-3 C1 0.0%
261 AC-2 C1 0.0%
261 AC-2 C2 0.0%
265 AC-1 C1 0.0%
265 AC-2 C1 0.0%
268 AC-1 C1 0.0%
268 RTU-2 C1 0.0%
268 RTU-2 C2 -2.5%
270 AC-1 C1 -7.8%
270 AC-2 C1 0.0%
270 AC-3 C1 -3.1%
273 A/C South C1 0.0%
273 N1 C1 0.0%
280 AC2 C1 -7.5%
280 AC4 C1 -7.3%
283 AC-1.1 C1 -10.6%
283 AC-1.2 C1 -9.8%
283 AC-1.6 C1 0.0%
314 AC-7 C1 0.0%
317 AC1 C1 0.0%
317 AC1 C2 0.0%
325 RTU-1 C1 -5.5%
332 E-2 C1 -1.8%
Charge deviation
Site ID Unit no. Compressor (negative means undercharged)
339 AC-11 C1 -26.2%
339 AC-11 C2 -12.3%
340 RTU-3 C1 -5.5%
340 RTU-3 C2 -6.3%
340 Unit 1 C1 -10.6%
343 RTU-1 C1 0.0%
343 RTU-5 C1 0.0%
347 RTU-4 C1 0.0%
365 Unit 1 C1 -20.9%
365 Unit 2 C1 4.5%
376 Unit 2 C1 -2.3%
376 Unit1 C1 0.0%
388 Unit-1 C1 19.9%
402 RTU-1 C1 22.7%
402 RTU-2 C1 34.8%
407 AC-1 C1 -5.7%
407 AC-2 C1 0.0%
467 AC-1 C1 < - 20%
467 AC-2 C1 < - 20%
467 AC-3 C1 < - 20%
467 AC-4 C1 0.0%
484 A6-10 C1 0.0%
484 AC-11 C1 0.0%
484 AC-11 C2 -5.5%
525 RTU-1 C1 -4.2%
Site ID Issue
1 There was no outside air inlet installed on one unit. The outside air
dampers on the other three units were set to zero percent outside air.
5 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
7 Two units were inoperable
15 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
16 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
17 Thermostats for three units serving same space are located together on one
wall. Only one unit operates due to inconsistent setpoints or calibration
29 Thermostat located in an area that has a lower cooling load than the rest of
the space; other areas are under cooled. Simultaneous heating and cooling
29 One of the compressors in RTU-2 is not operating, and the evaporator coil
in RTU-1 is covered with ice.
37 One unit inoperable
49 Thermostat location outside of spaces served by units.
51 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance. The exterior panels on some of
the units were not properly attached.
55 Simultaneous heating and cooling observed.
59 High supply air temperatures and low delta T indicating potential charge
60 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
62 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
63 One unit inoperable
65 One unit inoperable
67 Filters are clogged with dirt from the kitchen exhaust. Rust buildup on
economizer dampers. Ice buildup on the evaporator of one of the units
133 One unit inoperable
146 Simultaneous heating and cooling observed.
147 Simultaneous heating and cooling observed.
161 High supply air temperatures and low delta T indicating potential charge
Site ID Issue
165 Dirty filters indicating lack of maintenance
169 Maintenance access panels were welded on. The wiring of one of the units
was unsafe because of poor installation.
170 Dirty iced coils, loose fan belt, no vibration dampers on replaced
compressor, OA intake near exhaust
174 Restricted maintenance access due to parapet wall
175 High supply air temperatures and low delta T indicating potential charge
185 Bad schrader valve on compressor leaking refrigerant.
198 Units provide no outside air
213 Units provide no outside air
250 Units connected to wrong zones due to mislabeling.
270 Units provide no outside air
This Appendix summarizes the results of the field testing for each site in the study. The
sites in Round 1 (Summer/Fall 2001) are described first, followed by the sites in Round 2
(Summer/Fall 2002). The site conditions are described, along with an estimate of the
energy impacts of the conditions observed.
The results of the site inspections in Round 1 are described in this section. The
diagnostic testing process used in Round 1 included on-site auditing, spot-testing of
equipment, and short-term monitoring using battery-powered dataloggers.
During the on-site audit, a sample of HVAC units was selected for study. Information on
the energy use characteristics of the spaces served by the selected units was collected,
including wall and roof areas and insulation levels, window type and size, electric
lighting systems and controls and miscellaneous plug loads. Building personnel were
interviewed to obtain an understanding of existing O&M procedures.
• Ambient temperature
• Room temperature
Data were collected every three minutes for approximately fourteen days. At the end of
the monitoring period, the dataloggers were removed and the data were downloaded and
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
analyzed. Time series plots of unit kW were used to look at fan power, fan control, and
compressor operation. Diagnostic plots of temperatures were used to observe economizer
operation, supply temperatures and cooling coil temperature drop under various load
scenarios. Economizer diagnostic plots were used to determine if the economizers were
responding properly over a range of operating conditions. Supply temperature and coil
temperature drop were used to screen units for potential refrigerant charge and/or air flow
81 Tmixed - Treturn vs . Tam bient - Treturn Unit 1 Unit 1 81 Tm ixe d - Tre tu rn vs . Ta m b ie n t - Tre tu rn U n it 2 U nit 2
4 2
Delta T(ºF)
Delta T(ºF)
-2 -8
-1 0
-1 2
-6 -1 4
-20 -10 0 10 20 -1 0 0 10 20
Delta T(ºF) D e lta T(ºF)
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by five-ton Carrier packaged air
conditioners. None of the units are equipped with economizers. Honeywell thermostats
are used to control space temperatures.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 1997G10051, 3497G10023,
2398g10044, and 3098G10041.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The supply fan in unit 2398g10044 remained on during the entire monitoring period.
20 S 34 CV: AHU2 Supply Fan+ Power
5 S 55 CV: AHU3 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 128 CV: AHU4 Supply Fan Power
09/14/01 09/16/01 09/18/01 09/20/01 09/22/01 09/24/01
Fan Operation
The supply fan in units 1997G10051, 3497G10023, and 3098G10041 cycled with calls
for cooling. The supply fan in all of the units should remain on during the occupied
period to provide outside air to the space.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Power
ARI ratings are based on a supply fan power of 365W/1000 cfm. On site testing showed
an average of 355W/1000 cfm for the three units monitored.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
Other Issues
There was no outside air inlet installed on unit 2398g10044. The outside air dampers on
the other three units were set to zero percent outside air.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following numbers: AC-2, AC-1 and AC-3. AC-2 and AC-3
are ten ton units equipped with differential temperature economizers. AC-2 is seven and
one-half tons and has a single-point temperature economizer.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers in AC-1 did not
modulate during the monitoring period. The economizer in AC-2 and AC-3 responded
appropriately to changes in climatic conditions.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units ran continuously during the monitoring period. In
order to maintain a good indoor air quality it is necessary for the supply fans to remain on
while the building is occupied. If portions of the building are unoccupied during portions
of the evening and night the units should be scheduled off.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
20 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
15 S 60 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan+ Power
09/24/01 10/01/01 10/08/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in adequate condition. It appears that the units have been
regularly serviced and maintained, although the filters in the units were rather dirty.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by Bryant packaged air conditioners.
None of the units are equipped with economizers, which modulate outside air proportions
and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following model numbers: 582AEW048090AAAG,
582AEW036060AAAF and 582APW030060AAAD. The on site name for these units
are Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 respectively.
Fan Schedules
The operation of the three units monitored does not follow the occupancy schedule of the
building. Unit 582AEW048090AAAG cycled from off to cooling at an average rate of
two times per hour at all hours of the day. The other two units remained off during the
entire monitoring period.
This figure displays the current for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from
top to bottom represents a different unit. The amperage is labeled to the left of each time
series plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center
of the top of each series.
1.0 H 719 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan Current
3.0 S 721 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan Current:2
09/17/01 09/24/01 10/01/01
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
09/20 00:00 09/20 06:00 09/20 12:00 09/20 18:00
Date, 2001
Fan Operation
None of the units operated in fan only mode during the monitoring period. The supply
fan in all of the units should run continuously while the building is occupied in order to
provide adequate ventilation.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by three- and four-ton Carrier packaged
air conditioners. None of the units are equipped with economizers, which modulate
outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit. Carrier
thermostats control the HVAC system.
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 0600G20154, 0600G20170, and
1200G20169. The on-site names for these units are AC-2, AC-3 and AC-6 respectively.
Economizer Operations
Fan Schedules
The supply fan in unit 0600G20170 ran continuously during the monitoring period. The
supply fan in units 1200G20074 and 1200G20169 cycled with compressor operation.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10/29/01 11/05/01
Fan Power
ARI ratings are based on a supply fan power of 365W/1000 cfm. On-site testing showed
an average of 376W/1000 cfm for the three units monitored.
During the monitoring period each of the units had the opportunity to run in both heating
and cooling mode. No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. At the time of the monitoring period
the filters in the units were clean and it appeared that the units were regularly serviced
and well cared for.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by Trane packaged air conditioners. The
units are equipped with either single point enthalpy or single point temperature
economizers, which modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when
conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The unit
serial numbers are: N48102900D, N48102869D, N48102901D, and N48102869D. The
on-site numbers for these units are RTU-1, RTU-2, RTU-3, and RTU-4 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period.
Fan Operation
In all of the units the supply fan ran continuously during the monitoring period.
This figure displays the current for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from
top to bottom) represents a different unit. The current is labeled to the left of each time
series plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center
of the top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10 S 220 CV: AHU2 Supply Fan Current:2
20 S 230 CV: AHU3 Supply Fan Current:5
10 H 240 CV: AHU4 Supply Fan Current:2
10/08/01 10/15/01 10/22/01
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
At the time of the site visit it appeared that the units were in need of scheduled
maintenance and cleaning.
Other Issues
During the monitoring period, unit N48102869D never ran in cooling mode. The other
three units cycled in and out of cooling mode in a regular pattern.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Sam’s Club
The Sam’s Club at 12540 Beach Blvd in Stanton is a 90,000 square foot building. The
majority of the space is conditioned and used for retail sales. Heating and cooling for the
building is provided by ten- and fifteen-ton Lennox packaged air conditioners. None of
the units are equipped with economizers to modulate outside air proportions and provide
free cooling when conditions permit.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 5696E02444, 5696G02087,
5696G02085, and 569B00116. The on-site numbers for these units are RTU-1, RTU-5,
RTU-8, and RTU-10 respectively.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The operation of the units did not appear to follow any schedule. The units all ran at all
times of the day.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit the supply fan cycled with calls for cooling instead of providing continuous
outside air.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units appeared dirty.
At the time of the site visit it appeared that the units were in need of maintenance and
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on all three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 0698692449, 089620406 and
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
During the monitoring period the supply fans schedule followed the occupancy schedule
of the building.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
The supply fan in unit 0698692449 cycled independently of the compressor. The supply
fan in unit 089620406 cycled with calls for cooling. Unit 3698629494 did not run during
the monitoring period.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
The three units supply heating and cooling directly to the same space. The thermostats
for all three units are located together on one wall. Short term diagnostic monitoring
shows that unit 089620406 provided nearly all of the cooling for the building, and units
0698692449 and 3698629494 provided little or no cooling to the space. The thermostats
need to be calibrated to ensure that the units all come on when there is a call for cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
By relying on a single unit to supply the majority of cooling for the building you shorten
the life span and decrease the efficiency of the unit.
Unit 3698629494 did not run at all during the monitoring period. It is possible that this is
the result of a malfunction in the unit.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 4199G30492, 4199G30616,
3998G42916 and 0799G20227. The on-site numbers for these units are HP-5, HP-6, HP-
7 and HP-9 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The supply air fans respond appropriately to the schedule of the building. The supply air
fans circulate fresh air during the occupied period and remain off when the building is
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each of the units monitored the supply fans cycled with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period only one of the units operated in heating mode. It is
possible that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 1R6021ADAAF110028771,
1R5813ADAAF439905942, and 2B6329ADAAF110030922. The on-site numbers for
these units are RTU-5, RTU-1, and RTU-2 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period. The current percentage of outside air for all of the units
varies from plan specifications.
Fan Schedules
Monitoring shows that none of the units follow an operation schedule. The units should
be scheduled off when the building is unoccupied.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan cycled with the unit compressor. The supply
fans should remain on when the units are occupied in order to allow fresh air to circulate
through the building.
During the monitoring period it appears that some simultaneous heating and cooling did
occur. Unit 1R6021ADAAF110028771 ran in cooling mode while unit
1R5813ADAAF439905942 was heating.
Maintenance Condition
At the time of the site visit all of the units monitored appeared to be in need of
maintenance and cleaning. One of the compressors in RTU-2 is not operating, and the
evaporator coil in RTU-1 is covered with ice.
Other Issues
The thermostat location within the building appears to be inappropriate. During the site
visit only thermostat was found. The thermostat is located in an area that has a lower
cooling load than the rest of the space. As a results the other areas are under cooled.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: P121033OD, P11104392D,
P02103151D and P091014850. The on-site numbers for these units are AC-11, AC-12,
AC-13, and AC-10 respectively.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers in units
P121033OD and P11104392D failed to modulate during the monitoring period. The
economizers in the other units operated properly.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in units P121033OD and P02103151D remained on during the entire
monitoring period. The supply fans do not follow any building setback schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
The supply fans in units P11104392D and P091014850 cycled with the compressors.
The fans should run continuously while the building is occupied to provide continuous
outside air to the space.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
During the monitoring period the compressor in one of the units, P02103151D, did not
run. It appears that the other units are compensating for the failed unit by providing
additional cooling. The strain of meeting additional cooling loads can shorten the life
and decrease the efficiency of the units providing the additional cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: P31103851D, P30100846D, and
2995620888. The on-site numbers for these units are AHU-23, AHU-24, and AHU-30
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Operation Schedules
The units do not follow an operation schedule. All of the units monitored ran at all hours
of the day every day of the week. Unit 2995620888 did not turn off during the
monitoring period.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
4 S 832 VAV: ahu 23 Supply Fan Power
10 S 749 VAV: AHU30 Supply Fan+ Power
10/02/01 10/04/01 10/06/01 10/08/01 10/10/01 10/12/01 10/14/01 10/16/01
Fan Operation
In each of the units the supply fan cycled with the compressor. The supply fans should
run independently of the compressors to allow outside air to circulate continuously
throughout the building.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following numbers: AC-6, AC-5, AC-3, and AC-4. AC-6 and
AC-5 are six and one-half ton units, AC-3 is two tons, and AC-4 is two and one-half tons.
The units all serve the NASA research portion of the building.
Economizer Operations
The economizers failed to respond to spot checking in both of the units with
economizers. The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers
did not modulate during the monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units ran continuously during the monitoring period. This
may be necessary due to the high equipment density in the space.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: NGGM090322, NGGM092689, and
NGM089500. The on-site numbers for these units are AC-3, AC-4, and AC-8
Economizer Operations
The economizers failed to respond to spot checking two of the three units tested. The
results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did modulate in the
third unit during the monitoring period.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
Heating and cooling for the building is manually scheduled by building occupants. The
units are turned on at the breaker during high occupancy periods and remain off the rest
of the time.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
20 S 348 CV: AHU2 Supply Fan+ Power
15 S 440 CV: AHU3 Supply Fan Power
09/22/01 09/24/01 09/26/01 09/28/01 09/30/01 10/02/01 10/04/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
The units did not appear to be well maintained. The filters were very dirty and needed to
be replaced. The exterior panels on some of the units were not properly attached.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building area studied is provided by Carrier packaged air
conditioners. All of the units are equipped with differential enthalpy economizers, which
modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 3499G20334, 2599G20294,
2199G20521 and 4498G20853. The on site numbers for these units are RTU-2, RTU-3,
RTU-4 and RTU-5 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer damper in unit
4498G20853 did not modulate during the monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units follow the building use schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 60 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 160 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan Power
10/01/01 10/08/01 10/15/01
Fan Operation
In units 2599G20294 and 4498G20853 the supply air fan remained on during the
occupied period as intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling. The supply fans in
units 3499G20334 and 2199G20521, however, cycled with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Site 55 - Jardiniere
The Jardiniere Restaurant is at 300 Grove St in San Francisco is housed in an historic
building on the corner of Grove and Franklin streets.. The majority of the space is
conditioned and used for restaurant seating, while the remainder is used for
unconditioned storage.
Heating and cooling for 6,000 square feet of the restaurant is provided by four York
packaged air conditioners. All of the units are equipped with differential enthalpy
economizers, which modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when
conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: NDTM037847, NDFM043983,
NBFM020636 and NBFM020639.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units follow the operation schedule of the restaurant.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
In all of the units monitored the supply fans cycled with the compressor. The supply fans
should run continuously while the building is occupied in order to provide adequate
During the monitoring period unit NDFM043983 ran in heating mode while the other
three units were cooling.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by Carrier packaged air conditioners.
None of the units are equipped with economizers, which modulate outside air proportions
and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 0900G20223, 2599G20410,
1799G20479 and 4699G30267. The on site numbers for these units are AC-2, AC-3, AC-
4 and AC-5 respectively.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units respond appropriately to the building schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
10 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
20 S 60 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 160 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan Power
09/19/01 09/20/01 09/21/01 09/22/01 09/23/01 09/24/01 09/25/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
The supply air temperature is unit 1799G20479 is above 60 degrees. There may be a
number of reasons for the high supply air temperature such as high volumes of air
movement or low refrigerant charge.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by two York packaged air conditioners.
Both of the units are equipped with single point enthalpy economizers, which modulate
outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on both of the units at this site. The
units are identified by the following serial numbers: NKGM126007 and NANM001384.
Unit NKGM126007 serves the kitchen. Unit NANM001384 serves the dining area.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period. There were times during the monitoring period that
cooling for the building could have been provided by economizer control of outside air,
but was instead met by mechanical cooling.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in both of the units followed the occupancy schedule of the building.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
09/17/01 09/24/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred during the monitoring period. Unit
NKGM126007 operated primarily in cooling mode. Unit NANM001384 operated
primarily in heating mode.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. Although it appears that the units are
regularly serviced and maintained, the filters were in need of replacement at the time of
our visit.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by Carrier packaged air conditioners.
The larger units are equipped with differential enthalpy economizers, which modulate
outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 3699G2041, 3599G20755,
3999G30302 and 3999G30302. The on site numbers for these units are RTU-13, RTU-
14, RTU-15 and RTU-17 respectively.
Economizer Operation
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did modulate
during the monitoring period. There were times, however, that cooling for the building
was provided by mechanical cooling when the cooling load could have been met by the
economizer. The outside air fraction on both of the units with economizers is set to 45
percent. This may be higher than necessary.
Fan Schedules
The supply fan in unit 3699G2041 remained on constantly during the monitoring period.
The supply fans in the other three units followed the building operation schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10 S 102 CV: RTU14 Supply Fan Power
10 S 51 CV: RTU15 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 72 CV: RTU17 Supply Fan+ Power
09/27/01 09/28/01 09/29/01 09/30/01 10/01/01 10/02/01 10/03/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
The units appear to need regular maintenance. The filters in the units are dirty and need
to be changed.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by numerous 15-ton Lennox packaged
air conditioners. All of the units are equipped with differential enthalpy economizers,
which modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
The HVAC system is controlled by a NOVAR energy management and control system.
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the rooftop units at this site.
The units are classified by the following serial numbers: 5692F03359, 5697F03360, and
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
In each unit, the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as intended and
did not cycle with calls for cooling.
The following graph demonstrates the fan power over time for all three units. Each of the
measurements is for total unit power. The data shows the operation of the units over the
two-week monitoring period. Fan only operation uses about four kW of power in each of
the units, first stage cooling uses 12 kW and demand spikes above 12 kW represent
second stage cooling. The .120 to .130 kW load of unit 2 is standby power use only.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
0.140 H 1322 CV: AHU2 Supply Fan Power
20 S 712 CV: AHU3 Supply Fan+ Power
10/29/01 11/05/01 11/12/01
During the monitoring period, none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good operating condition. The filters in the units were
clean, and the exterior of each unit is well protected from environmental damage. It
appears that the units are regularly serviced and well maintained.
Economizer Operations
The economizers failed to respond to spot checking in all three of the units. The results
of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate during the
monitoring period.
Other Issues
During the monitoring period one of the units, #5697F03360, did not run. It appears that
the other units are compensating for the non-operating unit by providing additional
cooling. The strain of the additional cooling loads may shorten the life and decrease the
efficiency of the units.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Site 65 - Michael’s
Michael’s at 25686 The Old Road N in Santa Clarita is a 20,381 square foot building.
The majority of the space is conditioned and used for retail sales, while the remainder is
used for unconditioned storage. Heating and cooling for the building is provided by
numerous Lennox packaged air conditioners. All of the units are equipped with
differential enthalpy economizers, which modulate outside air proportions and provide
free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 5697604517, 5697C04435,
5697604436 and 5697C04435.
Economizer Operations
The economizers failed to respond to spot checking in all three of the units. The results
of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate during the
monitoring period.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The operation of the supply fans in all of the units appears to follow the building use
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
10 S 543 CV: HP-7 Supply Fan+ Power
3.0 S 564 CV: HP-9 Supply Fan+ Power
10/18/01 10/20/01 10/22/01 10/24/01 10/26/01 10/28/01 10/30/01 11/01/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
During the monitoring period one of the units, 5697F03360 did not run. It appears that
the other units are compensating for the failed unit by providing additional cooling. The
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
strain of meeting additional cooling loads can shorten the life and decrease the efficiency
of the units providing the additional cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on both of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: NMFM137827 and NMFM139352.
Unit NMFM137827 serves the kitchen. Unit NMFM139352 serves the dining area.
Economizer Operation
The economizer dampers in both of the units moved in response to changes in climatic
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The units are scheduled to respond appropriately to the building use schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
Both of the units appear to need cleaning and maintenance. The filters are clogged with
dirt from the kitchen exhaust. Small amounts of rust have built up on one of the
economizer dampers. At the time of the site visit there was a significant amount of ice
buildup on the evaporator of one of the units
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by Carrier packaged air conditioners.
The units are equipped with single-point enthalpy economizers, which modulate outside
air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on two of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 1497G20367 and 1497G20449. The
on site names for the units are AC-2 and AC-6 respectively.
Economizer Operations
Fan Schedules
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
15 S 62 VAV: AC6 Supply Fan+ Power
09/26/01 09/28/01 09/30/01 10/02/01 10/04/01 10/06/01 10/08/01 10/10/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period no simultaneous heating and cooling occurred. Unit
1497G20449, however, did operate in heating mode within five minutes of unit
1497G20367 cooling.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 0798630320, 0798630321,
0898620310 and 0898620316. The on site names for the units are AC 11, AC 12, AC 8
and AC 9 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The economizers failed to respond to spot checking in all of the units. The results of
diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate during the
monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units respond appropriately to the building schedule.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
10 S 348 CV: AHU2 Supply Fan+ Power
20 S 372 CV: AHU3 Supply Fan+ Power
20 S 396 CV: AHU4 Supply Fan+ Power
09/20/01 09/22/01 09/24/01 09/26/01 09/28/01 09/30/01 10/02/01 10/04/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 4397G20224, 4397G20226,
4397G20223, and 4397G20242. These units are labeled as AC-14L, AC-15L, AC16L,
and AC-19L respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
during the monitoring period. The outside air dampers appear to be locked at an outside
air fraction of between 10 and 20 percent.
Fan Schedules
The energy management system installed in the building responds appropriately to the
schedule of the building. The supply air fans allow fresh air to circulate during the
occupied period and remain off when the building is unoccupied.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
Fan Power
ARI ratings are based on a supply fan power of 365W/1000 cfm. All of the units tested
higher than the rated W/cfm. On-site testing showed an average of 428W/1000 cfm for
the units monitored.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and well maintained.
Other Issues
During the monitoring period one of the units, 4397G20242, did not run. It appears that
the other units may be compensating for the failed unit by providing additional cooling.
The strain of meeting additional cooling loads may shorten the life and decrease the
efficiency of the units providing the additional cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by three- and five-ton Carrier packaged
air conditioners. The units are equipped with differential enthalpy economizers, which
modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 2100G24486, 2400G20333, and
2400G20334. These on-site names for these units are AC-2, AC-3, and AC-4
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers on units
2100G24486 and 2400G20334 did not modulate during the monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in units 2100G24486 and 2400G20333 ran continuously during the
monitoring period. The supply fan in unit 2400G20334 cycled daily with the building
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
5 S 136 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan Power
5 S 148 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan Power
6 S 160 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan Power
10/08/01 10/15/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period the units cycled frequently between heating and cooling.
The units often ran in competing modes.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and well maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by one seven-ton, and one half-ton, and
one three-ton York packaged air conditioners. The units are equipped with single point
enthalpy economizers, which modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling
when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on two of the units at this site. The
units are classified by model numbers B3CH090-A25STB and B3CH036-A258D. The
on-site numbers for these units are AC-2 and AC-1 respectively.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
Neither unit appears to be responding to a supply fan schedule. The thermostats that are
currently installed in the building are not capable of scheduling the fan operation
independently of heating and cooling.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
15 S 13341 CV: AC-2 Supply Fan Power
10/29/01 11/05/01 11/12/01 11/19/01
Fan Operation
The supply fan in unit B3CH090-A25STB cycled with calls for heating and cooling. The
supply fan in unit B3CH036-A258D remained on continuously during the monitoring
period. The supply air fans should instead remain on while the building is occupied and
turn off when it is unoccupied.
During the initial site visit it became clear that the building occupants did not understand
the thermostats that they were operating. Whenever there was discomfort, the levers of
the heating and cooling setpoint were moved up and down together. This accounts for
much of the erratic behavior of the HVAC system. During the second visit, the proper
operation of a heating/cooling thermostat was explained to the management at great
Fan Power
ARI ratings are based on a supply fan power of 365W/1000 cfm. Both of the units tested
higher than the rated W/cfm. On-site testing showed an average of 453W/1000 cfm for
the units monitored.
During the monitoring period both units switched frequently between heating and
cooling. Often when one unit operated in heating mode, the other was in cooling mode.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appear to be in good condition. The filters in the units are clean and it
appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on two units at this site. The serial
numbers for these units are 41639259800360 and 5528F309815975. The on-site numbers
for these units are AC-2 and AC-1 respectively.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The supply fans for both units appear to follow the occupancy schedule of the building.
They remain off at night and during the weekends.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the current for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from
top to bottom) represents a different unit. The amperage is labeled to the left of each time
series plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center
of the top of each series.
20 S 393 CV: AHU2 Current
10/20/01 10/22/01 10/24/01 10/26/01 10/28/01 10/30/01 11/01/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
The units had the opportunity to operate in both heating and cooling mode during the
monitoring period. No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred during this time.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Heating and cooling for the building is provided by York packaged air conditioners.
None of the units are equipped with economizers, which modulate outside air proportions
and provide free cooling when conditions permit.
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: NGGM092878, NGGM092876,
NHGM096500, and NHGM095852. The on-site numbers for these units are AC-4, RTU-
15, RTU-1, and RTU-2 respectively.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The units do not appear to follow an on/off schedule. They run at varying times of the
day every day of the week.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
5 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 60 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan+ Power
4.0 S 84 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan+ Power
10/01/01 10/08/01 10/15/01
Fan Operation
The supply fan in units NGGM092878 and NHGM096500 cycled with calls for cooling.
The supply fans in units NGGM092876 and NHGM095852 cycled independently of the
compressor, but did not appear to follow a specific schedule.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
The supply air temperature for unit NGGM092876 is above 60 degrees F; most units
have a supply air between 50 and 55 degrees F. This may be representative of a
refrigerant charge problem.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are identified by the following serial numbers: 110063005J, 1200G20953, and
Economizer Operation
The economizers on three of the four units failed to operate during the monitoring period.
Only one them showed a response to changes in climatic conditions.
Fan Schedules
The units appear to follow a Monday through Friday operation schedule. The units did
not run at night or during the weekend during the monitoring period.
This figure displays the current for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from
top to bottom) represents a different unit. The current is labeled to the left of each time
series plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center
of the top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
The supply fan in units 110063005J and 0500630757 cycled with the compressor. The
supply fan in unit 1200G20953 ran continuously when the building was occupied and
remained off the rest of the time.
During the monitoring period all of the units had the opportunity to run in both heating
and cooling mode. No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were of varying
conditions and appeared to be maintained by different contractors. Some units appeared
to be regularly serviced and others were in need of a filter change. Special attention
should be paid to the filters, given that the exhaust of a downstairs kitchen is near the
intake of several of these units.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 1599G30317, 1599G20458,
1599G20363, and 1599G20535. The on-site numbers for these units are AC2.17,
AC1.12, AC1.10, and AC1.08 respectively.
Economizer Operation
Unit 1599G30317 is equipped with a single point enthalpy economizer. The economizer
modulated appropriately to provide cooling to the building during the monitoring period.
None of the other units have economizers.
Fan Schedules
The supply fan in unit 1599G30317 cycled daily during the monitoring period. The
supply fans in the other three units ran continuously.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following numbers: AC-6, AC-5, AC-1 and AC-3.
Economizer Operations
The economizers in units AC-6 and AC-1failed to modulate during the monitoring
period. The economizers in AC-3 and AC-5 did modulate, but it did not respond
optimally to climatic changes.
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units operate independently of calls for cooling. This allows
fresh air to circulate through the building.
Fan Operation
The supply fan in AC-1 cycled daily with the occupancy of the building. The supply fans
in the other three units remained on continuously during the monitoring period.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 148 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan Power
20 S 160 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan Power
10/15/01 10/22/01 10/29/01
During the monitoring period all of the units operated in both cooling and heating mode.
No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained. The new service
contractor was on-site during the survey and mentioned he serviced the units recently.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on two of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 3596G21111 and 2195G20925.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
Neither of the units appeared to follow an operation schedule. The units ran at all hours
every day of the week. The compressor in unit 2195G20925 ran continuously for four
days during the monitoring period.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
The supply fan in each of the units monitored cycled with calls for cooling. The fans
should run independently of the compressor to supply continuous fresh air to the
building. The thermostats that are currently installed in the building are intended for
residential use and are incapable of scheduling the fan operation independently of the
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
The units appear to need servicing and cleaning. The grease in the exhaust air from the
kitchen has clogged many of the filters, hindering the ability of the units to function
properly. The following image shows the grease build-up on the exterior of one of the
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Grease-Clogged Equipment
It was noted during the site visit that it was not possible to access many of the
units for monitoring. In some cases, access panels were welded on. The wiring
of one of the units was unsafe for testing because of poor installation.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Other Issues
At the time of the site visit, one of the cooling coils had frozen up enough that ice was
built up on the air filter. The supply air temperature in both of the units monitored was
over 60 degrees F. At the time of the site visit in October the team of surveyors was
unable to get two of the units to run. It is likely that there is something malfunctioning in
these units.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
There is a large amount of exposed ductwork on the roof of the building. The
supply air temperature will significantly increase during the summer and decrease
during the winter as a result of the heat transfer through the exterior of the ducts.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: M201043680, N18100503D,
N18100504D, and N18100504D. The on-site numbers for these units are AC-7A, AC-
6A, AC-12A, and AC-5A respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
in three of the four units tested.
Fan Schedules
In all of the units the supply fans cycled daily with the occupancy schedule of the
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data (from top
to bottom) represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
The supply fans in all of the units cycled independently of the compressors. This
allows outside air to circulate continuously through the building.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during milder months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained. At the time of the site visit
maintenance staff were onsite servicing the units.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on three of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: P261011338D, P26100993D and
P26100964D. No numbers could be found on the units at the time of the site visit.
Economizer Operations
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units followed the occupancy schedule of the building.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
10/29/01 11/05/01 11/12/01
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan did not cycle with calls for cooling. This allows
outside air to circulate continuously through the building.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
The supply air temperature in unit P26100993D is consistently over 60 degrees. This is
indicative of a potential refrigerant charge problem.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 2199G20163, 1599G43301,
2199G20167 and 3199G43240.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The supply fans in all of the units respond appropriately to the schedule of the building.
The supply air fans allow fresh air to circulate during the occupied period and remains off
when the building is unoccupied.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
10 S 194 CV: HP-6 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 266 CV: HP-6 Supply Fan Power
1.0 S 215 CV: HP-7 Supply Fan+ Power
10/22/01 10/29/01
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan cycled independently of the compressors as
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: N121023810, N12102384N,
N12102383D and N12102410A. The on site numbers for these units are AC-3, AC-4
AC-5 and AC-7 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
in three of the four units during the monitoring period.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The supply fans follow the building use schedule. The supply air fans circulate fresh air
during the occupied period and remain off when the building is unoccupied.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling.
During the monitoring period all of the units operated in heating and cooling mode. The
units generally provided heat to the space in the morning and cold air in the afternoons.
No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Various 11-ton Lennox packaged air conditioners provide heating and cooling for the
building. All of the units are equipped with differential enthalpy economizers that
modulate outside air proportions and provide free cooling when conditions permit. The
HVAC system is controlled by a NOVAR energy management and control system.
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the rooftop units at this site.
The units are classified by the following names, which can be found on the outside of
each unit: AC-1, AC-2, AC-3 and AC-4.
Fan Schedules
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
In each unit, the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as intended and
did not cycle with calls for cooling. The following plot shows the operation of the units
over the two-week monitoring period. Fan only operation uses about four kW of power
in each of the units, first stage cooling uses 10kW and demand spikes above 10 kW
represent second stage cooling.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good operating condition. The filters in the units are
clean and it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Other Issues
Diagnostic monitoring shows that the supply air temperature for AC-2 averages 62
degrees. This is slightly higher than the desired 55 to 60-degree range. This may be
indicative of a mechanical problem with the HVAC unit.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
AC-2 supply air temperature vs. outdoor temperature, filtered by compressor operation.
23 Supply Air Tem p. vs . Am bient Air Tem perature AC2
Supply Air
50 60 70 80 90
Ambient Temperature
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did modulate
during the monitoring period. The economizer dampers on all of the units, however, did
not modulate optimally in response to the outside conditions. At times, outside air
temperatures were low enough to cool the building with outdoor air. However, cooling
for the building was provided mechanically, resulting in higher operating costs than if the
economizers were used.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The data indicates that outside air temperatures were low enough at times to cool the
building with outdoor air.
Delta T(ºF)
-1 0
-1 2
-1 4
-1 0 0 10 20
D e l ta T ( ºF )
Delta T(ºF)
-1 0
-1 2
-1 0 0 10 20 30
D e lta T (ºF )
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short-term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: NLGM138216, NLGM138214,
NLGM138217, and NLGM138215. The on site numbers for these units are AC-1, AC-2,
AC-3, and AC-4 respectively.
Economizer Operations
The results of diagnostic monitoring show that the economizer dampers did not modulate
appropriately in response to climate conditions during the monitoring period.
Fan Schedules
The operation of the units monitored follows the schedule of the building. The units
remain off at night when the building is scheduled as unoccupied.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
Fan Operation
In each unit monitored the supply air fan remained on during the occupied period as
intended and did not cycle with calls for cooling. Continuous operation of the supply air
fans allows for required ventilation of the building.
During the monitoring period none of the units operated in heating mode. It is possible
that simultaneous heating and cooling may occur during the more mild months.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Monitoring Configuration
Short term diagnostic monitoring was performed on four of the units at this site. The
units are classified by the following serial numbers: 2897G20668, 3397G31021,
2797G20555, and 3397G31019.
Economizer Operation
None of the units monitored had economizers. An economizer controls the amount of
outside air that enters the unit and can provide “free cooling” to a space when the outside
temperature permits.
Fan Schedules
In each unit monitored the supply air fans did not remain on during the entire occupied
period. It appears that the supply fans are not scheduled correctly to match the building
use schedule.
This figure displays the kW for each of the units over time. Each series of data, from top
to bottom represents a different unit. The kW is labeled to the left of each time series
plot. The date and time are labeled at the bottom. Each unit is labeled in the center of the
top of each series.
5 S 36 CV: Unit 2 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 60 CV: Unit 3 Supply Fan+ Power
10 S 160 CV: Unit 4 Supply Fan Power
10/22/01 10/29/01 11/05/01
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
The supply air fans circulate fresh air during the occupied period and remain off when the
building is unoccupied.
During the monitoring period all of the units had the opportunity to run in both heating
and cooling mode. No simultaneous heating and cooling occurred.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained. A quarter inch hole was
observed on the exterior supply air duct of the unit that serves the library. It is
recommended that this hole be patched.
Other Issues
Two buildings were studied at this site, the Library and the Main Office. At each of these
locations the rooftop units were zoned incorrectly. Each building had two units, one
larger and one smaller, with two corresponding zones. The larger units were both
connected to the smaller of the two zones, serving the northeast portion of the buildings,
while the smaller units served the larger southwest portions of the buildings. The problem
was identified by disabling one unit at each building while forcing the other unit to run
continuously. While each unit ran the diffusers were checked for airflow to determine
which unit served each zone. The units were also mislabeled; it appeared that the
installer intended to have the units configured correctly because the handwritten labels on
the units reflect the appropriate configuration.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The results of the round 2 testing are described in this section. The diagnostic testing
process used in Round 2 included on-site auditing of the building and one-time tests of
the HVAC systems. During the on-site audit, a sample of HVAC units was selected for
study. Building personnel were interviewed to obtain an understanding of system
operations and maintenance procedures. The thermostats used to control the units were
inspected to identify cooling and heating setpoints, the operational schedule of the unit,
and the control of the air supply fan.
Spot-checking of the HVAC equipment selected with hand-held instruments was done to
identify potential problems with the units. The diagnostic testing consisted of:
Air flow monitoring. The air flow rate of the unit was tested using a device called a flow
grid. The unit filters were removed, and the flow grids were installed in the filter slots.
The flow grid is capable of accurately measuring the air flow rate delivered by the unit.
Economizer testing. For units equipped with an economizer, the economizer was tested
to see if it is functioning. The testing consisted of a mechanical test of the economizer
dampers and actuators, and a cold spray test of the economizer controller to observe
system operation.
Fan power test. A hand-held watt meter was used to measure the power of the unit
supply fan, and a digital manometer was used to measure the duct system pressure drop.
Refrigerant charge test. The refrigerant charge was checked and adjusted using the
CheckMe!TM 1 refrigerant charge diagnostics procedure.
The conditions of the units as observed are summarized in the following sections.
Deviations from normal conditions are indicated for the measured parameters. Impacts
indicated with a negative sign mean the unit is less efficient than normal parameters.
Impacts with a positive sign indicate the unit is more efficient than normal parameters.
Unit air flow: Normal air flow is defined as 400 CFM per ton. The impacts of
deviations from this value on unit cooling efficiency are indicated in the data tables.
Unit fan power. Normal fan power is defined as 365 watts per 1000 cfm, at a flow rate
of 400 cfm per nominal ton. Impacts on fan energy are indicated in the data tables.
CheckMe!TM is a product of Proctor Engineering Group, San Rafael, CA.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
Thermostat not capable of scheduling the fan. The fans in all units were scheduled on at
all times regardless of occupancy.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
The condition and apparent level of maintenance of each unit is shown below:
Small air leakage around supply air cover. No filters installed. Dirty
AC-1 evaporator coils.
Fan belt loose. No filters installed, outdoor air adjustment not working;
RTU-2 outdoor air damper stuck at 100% open.
Evaporator coils very dirty. System has run without filters for a very
long time. Economizer actuator not functional. Condenser coils very
dirty. Compressor 1 replaced recently, but was installed without
RTU-3 vibration dampers.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Other Issues
AC-1 outdoor air intake located adjacent to powered exhaust fan, as shown in photo
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Both of the units tested were equipped with economizers. The economizers passed both
functional performance tests, indicated that they are working properly.
Fan Schedules
The fans are scheduled to come on during occupied periods and are scheduled off during
unoccupied periods.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
The units appeared to be well maintained. Maintenance access on the two units tested
was restricted, since the units were mounted within two feet of a parapet wall.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
All units tested were equipped with economizers. The economizer did not work on unit
Fan Schedules
Fans were scheduled to run whenever there is a call for heating or cooling
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Unit AC-2 had a bad Schrader valve that needs to be replaced. The filters were clean and
the units seemed to be well-maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Building D Entrance
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
The fans in units AC2 and AC3 cycle with a call for heating and cooling. The fan in unit
AC4 runs continuously during occupied periods.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
AC3 Leaks
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The units were scheduled to run 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, while the building is
occupied 6am to 6pm Monday-Friday.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
The units were installed with a incompatible curb, allowing supply air to short circuit into
the returns. It was not possible to conduct the refrigerant test because the return air
temperature was too low for the test procedure.
Maintenance Condition
Units were in average condition. Unit 4 had a severely worn fan belt:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Other Issues
The units were installed with an incompatible curb, allowing supply air to short circuit
into the returns, as shown below:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The fans are scheduled to operate along with the building occupancy, which is 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week.
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to cycle on and off with a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Other Issues
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The fans are scheduled on between 7:30am and 5 pm. The building is occupied between
8am and 5pm.
Fan Operation
The fans were set up to cycle on a call for heating in cooling during occupied hours in
both units.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
AC-3 Carrier 50TJQ005
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Unit AC-1 was equipped with an economizer, which did not respond to the cold spray
test. Unit AC-3 was not equipped with an economizer.
Fan Schedules
The building is occupied between 7 am and 10 pm Monday through Friday, and 8am to 1
pm on Saturday. The fans are set to run whenever there is a call for heating or cooling.
The thermostat for unit AC-1 is set to comfort conditions from 6am to 10pm; the
thermostat for unit AC-3 is set for comfort conditions from 6am to 6:30pm.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Unit AC-1 had bent condenser fan blades and a missing wire on the control board.
Maintenance access was poor due to materials blocking access to roof hatch ladder.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
The unit tested at this site was not equipped with an economizer. The unit also did not
have any provision for bringing in outside air, but building had operable windows.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The fan schedule follows the occupancy schedule, which is 8am to 5pm M-F. The fans
are schedule off during the unoccupied period
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the unit tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Units were in good condition. The duct system had balance problems, which were
corrected by the occupants using bubble wrap to block air flow from several diffusers.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
The economizer on this unit was mechanically operable, but did not respond to the cold
spray test.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
ETM-7 Carrier 48DJB012530
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Two of the three units tested had economizers, but one was disconnected.
Fan Schedules
Units are controlled by Novar EMS, which controls fans according to occupancy
schedule. Occupancy schedule is Mon-Sat 9am - 9pm, Sun 9am - 7 pm.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
All units had very dirty filters. Economizers were disconnected in two of three
units examined. Unit AC-12 had a major refrigerant leak.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
All three units were equipped with economizers. One unit had stuck linkage; the others
responded appropriately.
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Filters were dirty during site visit. Units appeared to be in average condition.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Both units tested were equipped with economizers. Unit AC-1 had operable linkage but
did not respond to the cold spray test. Unit AC-2 had inoperable linkage.
Fan Schedules
Thermostats are set up to operate fans from 6am to 8pm, 7 days per week. Building is
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Both units tested were equipped with economizers. The economizer on unit AC-2 failed
the cold spray test.
Fan Schedules
The units tested serve the sleeping and living areas of the fire station, which are occupied
24 hrs/day; 7 days/week. The fans are scheduled on at all times.
Fan Operation
The fans in both units are set up to cycle on and off with a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Both units tested were equipped with economizers. The economizer on unit RTU-2 was
functioning, the economizer on unit AC-1 functioned mechanically but failed the cold
spray test.
Fan Schedules
The thermostat was set to provide comfort conditions at all times; no temperature setback
or fan scheduling was implemented.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Diagnostic testing was performed on three units at this site: AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3.
Each unit is a 3 ton Trane “Precedent” standard efficiency packaged rooftop air
conditioner, model number YSC036A3RLA01D0012A.
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to cycle on a call for heating or cooling, and do not provide
continuous air circulation to the building during occupied hours. This controls strategy,
coupled with a lack of outside air at the rooftop unit can adversely affect indoor air
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
According to the test results, the units have sufficient air flow. Air flow rates exceeding
400 CFM/ton result in a slight increase in unit efficiency.
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
The units use less fan power than industry standards, indicating efficient fans and
minimal pressure drop through the unit and the duct system.
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Units AC-1 and AC-3 were slightly undercharged. The charge in these units was
corrected as a part of the test procedure.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
N1 Trane WC0048F400BF 4
Economizer Operation
The units tested at this site were not equipped with economizers.
Fan Schedules
The fans were not scheduled at this site, and run whenever there is a call for heating or
cooling. The thermostats were programmed to provide comfort conditions at all times
without a setback schedule.
Fan Operation
The fans in both units cycled on and off with a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
N1 Charge OK No Impact
Maintenance Condition
Other Issues
The electrical disconnect for unit A/C south was blocking the filter access panel.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Both units were equipped with economizers, but the economizers were not operable.
Fan Schedules
The building is occupied from 4am to midnight 7 days per week. The fans are set to
operate whenever there is a call for heating or cooling. A thermostat setback schedule
has been implemented in both units
Fan Operation
Fans have been set up to cycle with a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
The units were observed to be in average condition. The filters were dirty and needed to
be changed.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
None of the units tested at this site were equipped with economizers.
Fan Schedules
The fans are scheduled to be on during the occupied period, which is nominally 8 am to 5
pm. Fan schedules vary by unit, but generally start between 6:30am and 7am, and shut
down between 5pm and 6:30pm.
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to run continuously during occupied hours and shut off during
unoccupied hours.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
Fan cycles with call for cooling, which is appropriate for an unoccupied electrical
equipment room.
The air flow rate for the unit tested was measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The space is occupied 7am to 5pm Monday – Friday. The fans are scheduled to operate
from 8am to 8pm Monday-Friday.
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to cycle with a call for heating and cooling during the occupied hours.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the unit tested was measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
All units in building are controlled by a Honeywell XBS EMS. The fans are scheduled to
follow the building occupancy schedule, which is 7am - 10:30pm Monday-Friday.
Fan Operation
Fans are controlled by the Honeywell XBS EMS. The fans run continuously during
occupied hours.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the unit tested was measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The fan schedule follows the building occupancy, which is 6am to 6pm, Monday-Friday.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
The economizers passed the mechanical test of actuator and linkage. It also passed the
cold air spray test.
The building is occupied 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The systems are set up to
run continuously 24/7 to maintain occupied period setpoints. A thermostat at west wing
entrance was investigated. The thermostats were set at 69 °F for cooling and 66 °F for
heating. The indicated and measured space temperature was 71 °F and 70 °F. The
setpoint can be changed to 74 °F for cooling as suggested, which could create substantial
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to run continuously during the occupied period.
The air flow rates for the unit tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The measured air flow of the units was less than the standard air flow rate used by
manufacturers to rate the efficiency of their systems. Increasing the air flow to the
standard value will improve the efficiency of the air conditioners tested by about 8%.
The supply fan power for the unit tested was measured as follows:
According to the test results, the unit fan power in watts per cfm of air flow is above
normal, causing excessive energy consumption during fan operation. This problem can
be caused by excessive distribution system pressure drop.
Refrigerant Charge
Refrigerant charges on both circuits of AC-11 unit were under charged. It impacts the
efficiency and the capacity of the unit. The charge in this unit was corrected as a part of
the test procedure.
Maintenance Condition
The units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and it
appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Two rooftops, AC-1 and RTU-3-1, were investigated. AC-1 does not have an
economizer. The economizer of RTU-3-1 was stuck at wide open.
Building occupancy for office area is Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00. The
sanctuary is occupied on Sunday from 8:00 to 14:00. Five thermostats were
investigated. The cooling was set between 70 to 72 °F and the heating was set between
60 to 70 °F. However, the occupants can override the thermostat. One of the thermostat
at the sanctuary area was set at 64 °F for cooling. The measured space temperature was
at 67 °F. The occupants might have set the space temperature very low to cool the space
down very rapidly, however, the savings could be substantial if the thermostats are set
appropriately. The suggested thermostat setting is 74-76 °F for cooling and 70°F for
Fan Operation
The systems are set up to cycle to maintain occupied period setpoints, and schedule the
systems off during unoccupied periods.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Both unit has low airflow. Low air flow can cause reduced cooling capacity, reduced
unit efficiency, and coil icing during humid weather. The correct airflow would improve
the efficiency of the unit by 4% to 8%.
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
According to the test results, the unit fan power for RTU-13 is above normal, causing
excessive energy consumption during fan operation. This problem can be caused by
excessive distribution system pressure drop.
Refrigerant Charge
Refrigerant charges on both rooftop units were under charged. It impacts the efficiency
and the capacity of the unit. The charges in these units were corrected as a part of the test
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. However, the filters in the units were
very dirty. It appears that the units are not regularly serviced and maintained. The
regular maintenance and service would improve the performance for the units and a
healthy building.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
The economizers passed the mechanical test of actuator and linkage. It also passed the
cold air spray test.
Fan Schedules
Fan Operation
Approximately 50% of the units cycle fan with load, the other half of the units have fans
that run at all times during occupied hours.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
According to the test results, the unit fan power of RTU-1 is above normal, causing
excessive energy consumption during fan operation. This problem can be caused by
excessive distribution system pressure drop.
Refrigerant Charge
Both RTU-1 and RTU-2 were adequately charged. All rooftops at this site were
scheduled to be checked on refrigerant charge twice a year (fall/spring).
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Operation
The systems are set up to maintain occupied period setpoints for occupied periods; and
schedule the systems off during unoccupied periods.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
According to the test results, the unit has sufficient air flow. Air flow rates exceeding
400 CFM/ton result in a slight increase in unit efficiency.
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
The unit appeared to be in average condition. It appears that the unit is regularly serviced
and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The fans follow the space occupancy schedule, which is 6am – midnight, Monday-
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to operate continuously during the occupied period.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
For the AC-2, the economizer was responding to the cold spray. However, the linkage is
not tightly connected so when motor moves, the outside air damper does not move. For
RTU-3, the economizer passed the actuator and cold spray tests.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Three thermostats were investigated. The first thermostat is at the bookkeeping and
computer room. The heating and cooling setpoint was set at 45 °F / 58 °F. Although, the
cooling setpoint was very low, the thermostat indicated the temperature in the room was
at 71 °F. The unit could not reach the setpoint. It might caused by excessive load from
computers that exceeds the unit capacity. The second thermostat is at the training room.
The heating and cooling setpoint was set at 48 °F / 75 °F. The thermostat indicated the
temperature in the room was at 70 °F. The third thermostat is at the break room. The
heating and cooling setpoint was set at 67 °F / 72 °F. The thermostat indicated the
temperature in the room was 72 °F.
Fan Operation
The fans were set to cycle on and off with a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Neither of the units studied at this site were equipped with economizers.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The building operates on a 7am – 5pm Monday-Friday schedule. The thermostats are
residential style, so fan scheduling is not possible. The fans operate whenever there is a
call for heating or cooling.
Fan Operation
The fans are set up to cycle on whenever there is a call for heating or cooling.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Building Entrance
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Fan Schedules
The office portion of the building is occupied from 6am to 3pm Monday-Friday. The
thermostats are programmed to operate the fans 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Both units were equipped with economizers. Unit AC-1 had a non-functioning damper
Fan Schedules
The fans follow the building occupancy, which is 24 hours/day, 7 days per week. The
unit is controlled by a central EMS, with setpoints and schedules determined by the
Corporate office.
Fan Operation
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
The units were observed to be in poor condition. Unit AC-1 had a broken economizer
actuator and very dirty filters. Unit AC-2 had very dirty filters, resulting in a dirty
evaporator coil. Unit 3, a 7.5 ton unit not studied had a broken fan belt.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
None of the units were equipped with economizers. The six and ten ton units, according
to the California Title 24 Energy Standards, should be equipped with economizers.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
According to the test results, all units have low air flow. Low air flow can cause reduced
cooling capacity, reduced unit efficiency, and coil icing during humid weather. The loss
of efficiency ranges from 10% to 20+%.
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
According to the test results, the unit fan power is above normal in three of the four units
tested, causing excessive energy consumption during fan operation. This problem can be
caused by excessive distribution system pressure drop.
Refrigerant Charge
AC-4 OK No impact
Units AC-1, AC-2, and AC-3 were significantly undercharged. AC-2 was essentially
discharged, and would not operate. The charge in AC-4 is adequate.
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained. The charge problems
mentioned above must be addressed to restore the units to full capacity and efficiency.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Economizer Operation
Fan Operation
The EMS is set up to operate the fans continuously during the occupied period, and
schedule the fans off during the unoccupied period.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The measured air flow of the units was less than the standard air flow rate used by
manufacturers to rate the efficiency of their systems. Increasing the air flow to the
standard value will improve the efficiency of the air conditioners tested by about 7% -
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
According to the test results, the unit fan power in unit AC-11 is above normal, causing
excessive energy consumption during fan operation. This problem can be caused by
excessive distribution system pressure drop.
Refrigerant Charge
Maintenance Condition
All of the units appeared to be in good condition. The filters in the units were clean, and
it appears that the units are regularly serviced and maintained.
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Testing Configuration
Economizer Operation
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Fan Schedules
The fans are scheduled to follow the building occupancy, which is 8am to 5pm, Monday-
Fan Operation
The fans run continuously during occupied hours and cycle with a call for heating or
cooling during unoccupied periods. Although a setback schedule has been implemented,
the cooling setback temperature (69F) is less than the setpoint temperature.
The air flow rates for the units tested were measured as follows:
The supply fan power for the units tested were measured as follows:
Refrigerant Charge
Summary of Problems - Small HVAC Units – Appendix B
Maintenance Condition
Integrated Energy Systems
Productivity & Building Science
A project of the State of California PIER Program
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 APPROACH................................................................................................................................................................ 1
7 RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
PIER Program Report
This document presents the results of the statewide impact analysis for Element 4 of the New
Buildings Institute’s Integrated Energy Systems - Productivity & Building Science Program, a Public
Interest Energy Research (PIER) program. It is funded by California ratepayers through California’s
System Benefit Charges administered by the California Energy Commission under (PIER) contract
No. 400-99-013, and managed by the New Buildings Institute. The Public Interest Energy Research
(PIER) Program supports public interest energy research and development that will help improve the
quality of life in California by bringing environmentally safe, affordable, and reliable energy services
and products to the marketplace.
The focus of Element 4 is system integration issues affecting the installed efficiency of small
packaged HVAC systems. For the purposes of this project, small systems are defined as single
package rooftop air conditioners and heat pumps with cooling capacity of 10 tons or less. The
impacts of correcting several problems researched during the conduct of this project at a statewide
level are presented.
We utilized the same methodology in this study that was used to provide the California Energy
Commission with estimates of the energy impacts of revisions to the title 24 energy efficiency
standards in the AB970 process1. The process involved a series of parametric DOE2.1 E simulations
of 990 non-residential buildings contained in the Statewide Nonresidential New Construction
Baseline database (NRNC database)2. The impacts of avoiding the problems noted in the study are
estimated by comparing the simulated energy consumption with and without the simulated problems.
The impacts of fixing each problem in this study were evaluated individually, without accounting for
interactive effects. A final run was done to look at the impacts of fixing all problems together,
including their interactions.
The statewide impacts were projected using the California Statewide NRNC database, a collection of
990 buildings statistically selected to represent the majority of statewide NRNC activity. The
buildings in the database represent the building types considered by the CEC in their non-residential
sector forecasting models, with the exception of refrigerated warehouses, which generally do not
contain HVAC Systems covered under this study. The majority of the data come from about 880 on-
site surveys conducted during impact evaluation studies of the SCE and PG&E 1994 and 1996 NRNC
energy efficiency programs. These data were supplemented with thirty audits from the impact
evaluation of the 1995 SDG&E NRNC program and additional on-site surveys designed to
supplement the existing data. Participants in utility energy-efficiency programs are included, but are
weighted according to their general representation in the population. The population was defined
using a listing of new construction projects obtained from F. W. Dodge. The Dodge database seeks to
list all new construction projects that are valued over $200,000 and are expected to start within 60
Architectural Energy Corporation, Assembly Bill 970 Emergency Rulemaking – 2001 Update of California Nonresidential Building
Energy Efficiency Standards, Volume IV- Impact Analysis. November 21, 2000.
RLW Analytics et al, California Non-residential New Construction Baseline Study, California Board for Energy Efficiency, 1999
days. The data include renovations and expansions as well as entirely new buildings.3 These data
were filtered to exclude projects not covered under Title 24. The population-weighted square footage
distribution of audited sites in the NRNC database is shown by building type in Figure 1. These data
are compared to estimates of new construction activity in 2001 supplied by the CEC.
S h a r e o f T o ta l N R N C M a r k e t
0 .3
0 .2 5
Market Share (% of total SF)
0 .2
C E C P r o je c tio n s
0 .1 5
N R N C D a ta b a s e
0 .1
0 .0 5
B u ild in g T y p e
Note: the market share distribution in the NRNC database and the CEC projections are fairly close in
most important market categories. Notable exceptions are the Restaurant and Hotel/Motel sectors,
which generally do not comprise a large fraction of the total NRNC activity. Refrigerated warehouses
are not considered, since they do not contain small HVAC Systems studied under this project.
Buildings within the database were filtered to remove systems not covered under this project, such as
built-up systems, water loop heat pumps, window air-conditioners, and so on. The resulting data base
contained a total of 540 Buildings, each of which contained at least one small HVAC system.
During the audits, information on building physical characteristics such as types of lighting and plug
load inventories, types and efficiency of HVAC equipment, insulation levels, and glazing properties
were collected. Building occupants were interviewed to determine behavior characteristics such as
occupancy schedules and equipment operation. The on-site data were used to develop DOE-2
building energy simulation models through an automated modeling process. Most building
simulation models were calibrated to monthly billing data when the data were available.
The NRNC data represent the broad range of construction practices, climate zones and occupant
behavior expected in a building population as diverse as the NRNC market. For example, the office
segment contains a wide variety of buildings ranging from glass and steel skyscrapers to one-story
The data are thought to cover over 95% of all projects that are competitively bid.
wood frame buildings. Each site in the sample has a statistically derived sample weight and precision,
expressing the relative representation of each building in the NRNC population, thus allowing the
results obtained from simulations of each individual building to be projected to the population with a
quantifiable level of precision.
The energy consumption predicted for the population of buildings in the database was adjusted to
reflect the Commission’s estimate of NRNC activity for the year 2001. Table 1Table 1Table 1
summarizes the results.
Table 1. Summary of NRNC floor space and Commission New Construction Projections
Parameter Value Comments
Total floor space in NRNC 233.2 million ft2 Sum of weighted floor area
database in database
Estimated 2001 new 155.1 million ft2 Excludes refrigerated
construction activity warehouses
Adjustment factor 0.665
On-site surveys conducted by energy engineers were used to develop the database. Building
characteristics data were collected during the on-site survey and recorded on a form. The on-site
survey data entry form was designed so that key modeling decisions on model zoning and
equipment/space association were made by the surveyors in the field. The form was designed to
follow the logical progression of an on-site survey process. The form started out with a series of
interview questions. Conducting the interview first helped orient the surveyor to the building and
allowed time for the surveyor to establish a rapport with the customer. Once the interview was
completed, an inventory of building equipment was conducted. The survey started with the HVAC
systems, and progressed from the roof and/or other mechanical spaces into the conditioned spaces.
This progression allowed the surveyor to establish the linkages between the HVAC equipment and the
spaces served by the equipment.
The surveyor used the interview questions to identify building characteristics and operating
parameters that were not observable during the course of the on-site survey. The interview questions
covered the following topics:
Building functional areas. Functional areas were defined on the basis of operating schedules.
Subsequent questions regarding occupancy, lighting, and equipment schedules, were repeated for each
functional area.
Building Occupancy schedules. For each functional area in the building, a set of questions were
asked to establish the building occupancy schedules. First, the surveyor assigned each day of the week
to one of three daytypes: full occupancy, partial occupancy, and unoccupied. This was done to cover
buildings that did not operate on a normal Monday through Friday workweek. Holidays and monthly
variability in occupancy schedules were identified.
Daily schedules for occupants, interior lighting, and equipment/plug loads. A set of questions was
used to establish hourly occupancy, interior lighting, and miscellaneous equipment and plug load
schedules for each functional area in the building. During the on-site survey, the surveyor defined
hourly schedules for each daytype. A value, which represents the fraction of the maximum occupancy
and/or connected load was entered for each hour of the day.
Daily schedules of kitchen equipment. A set of questions were asked to establish hourly kitchen
equipment schedules for each functional area in the building for each daytype. A value which
represented the equipment-operating mode (off, idle, or low, medium or high volume production) was
entered for each hour of the day.
Operation of the HVAC systems. A series of questions were asked to construct operating schedules
for the HVAC systems serving each area. The surveyors entered fan operating schedules and heating
and cooling setpoints. A series of questions were used to define the HVAC system controls. These
questions were intended to be answered by someone familiar with the operation of the building
mechanical systems. The questions covered operation of the outdoor air ventilation system, supply air
temperature controls, and so on.
Refrigeration system. The operation of refrigeration systems utilizing remote condensers, which are
common in groceries and restaurants, was covered in this section. Surveyors divided the systems into
three temperature classes, (low, medium and high) depending on the compressor suction temperature.
For each system temperature, the refrigerant, and predominant defrost mechanism was identified.
Overall system controls strategies were also covered. Understanding the operation of the refrigeration
is important due to the interactions of refrigerated cases with the HVAC system.
The next sections of the on-site survey covered observations on building equipment inventories and
other physical characteristics. Observable information on HVAC systems, building shell, lighting,
plug loads, and other building characteristics were entered, as described below:
Packaged HVAC systems. Equipment type, make, model number, and other nameplate data were
collected on the packaged HVAC systems in the building.
Zones. Based on an understanding of the building layout and the HVAC equipment inventory, basic
zoning decisions were made by the surveyors according to the following criteria:
• Unusual internal gain conditions. Spaces with unusual internal gain conditions, such as
computer rooms, kitchens, laboratories were defined as separate zones.
• Operating schedules. Occupant behavior varies within spaces of nominally equivalent use. For
example, retail establishments in a strip retail store may have different operating hours. Office
tenants may also have different office hours.
• HVAC system type and zoning. When the HVAC systems serving a particular space were
different, the surveyors sub-divided the spaces according to HVAC system type. If the space was
zoned by exposure, the space was surveyed as a single zone, and a “zone by exposure” option was
selected on the survey form.
For each zone defined, the surveyor recorded the floor area and occupancy type. Enclosing surfaces
were surveyed, in terms of surface area, construction type code, orientation, and observed insulation
levels. Window areas were surveyed by orientation. The surveyor also identified and inventoried
basic window properties, interior and exterior shading devices, lighting fixtures and controls, and
miscellaneous equipment and plug loads.
Refrigeration systems. The surveyor inventoried the refrigeration equipment and associated the
equipment with a particular zone in the building. Refrigerated cases and stand-alone refrigerators
were identified by case type, size, product stored, and manufacturer. Remote compressor systems
were inventoried by make, model number, and compressor system type. Each compressor or
compressor rack was associated with a refrigerated case temperature loop and heat rejection
equipment such as a remote condenser, cooling tower, and/or HVAC system air handler. Remote
condensers were inventoried by make, model number, and type. Nameplate data on fan and pump hp
were recorded. Observations on condenser fan speed controls were also recorded.
Cooking Equipment. The surveyor recorded the cooking equipment separately and associated with a
particular zone in the building. Major equipment was inventoried by equipment type (broiler, fryer,
oven, and so on), size, and fuel type. Kitchen ventilation hoods were inventoried by type and size.
Nameplate data on exhaust flowrate and fan hp were recorded and each piece of kitchen equipment
was associated with a particular ventilation hood.
In order to create a DOE-2 model of the building from the various information sources contained in
the on-site survey, relationships between the information contained in the various parts of the survey
needed to be established. In the interview portion of the form, schedule and operations data were
cataloged by building functional area. In the equipment inventory section, individual pieces of HVAC
equipment were inventoried. In the zone section of the survey, building envelope data, lighting and
plug load data were collected. The following forms provided the information needed by the software
to associate the schedule, equipment, and zone information.
System/Zone Association Checklist. The system/zone association checklist provided a link between
each building zone and the HVAC equipment serving that zone. Systems were defined in terms of a
single or set of several units of packaged equipment. Each system was assigned to the appropriate
thermal zones in accordance with the observed building design.
Interview “Area” / Audit “Zone” Association Checklist. Schedule and operations data gathered
during the interview phase of the survey were linked to the appropriate building zone. These data
were gathered according to the building functional areas defined previously. Each building functional
area could contain multiple zones. This table facilitated the association of the functional areas to the
zones, and thereby the assignment of the appropriate schedule to each zone.
The on-site survey data were entered by the field engineering staff into a Microsoft Access
application called SurveyIT. SurveyIT contains a series of relational data tables that store information
for multiple buildings, and Visual Basic code that interfaces with the ModelIT automated modeling
software. ModelIT is C++ code that reads SurveyIT data tables and automatically creates a DOE-2
input file for each building in the database. Once the basic building is described and an as-built DOE-
2 model is created, the modeling software also creates additional DOE-2 input files for each of the
building parametric runs.
The software is designed to create DOE-2 BDL (building description language) files that are
recognized by DOE-2.2. The version of DOE-2.2 used for this project is Beta 2.2-41c. The data
elements used, default assumptions, and engineering calculations are described for the Loads and
Systems portions of the DOE-2.2 input file as follows.
3.4.1 Loads
Schedules were created for each zone in the model by associating the zones defined in the on-site
survey with the appropriate functional area, and assigning the schedule defined for each functional
area to the appropriate zone. Hourly schedules were created by the software on a zone-by-zone basis
• Occupancy
• Lighting
• Electric equipment
• Gas equipment (primarily kitchen equipment)
• Solar glare
• Window shading
• Infiltration
Occupancy, lighting, and equipment schedules. Each day of the week was assigned to a particular
daytype, as reported by the surveyor. Hourly values for each day of the week were extracted from the
on-site database according to the appropriate daytype. These values were modified on a monthly
basis, according to the monthly building occupancy history.
Solar and shading schedules. The use of blinds by the occupants was simulated by the use of solar
and shading schedules. The glass shading coefficient values were modified to account for the use of
interior shading devices.
Infiltration schedule. The infiltration schedule was established from the fan system schedule.
Infiltration was scheduled “off” during fan system operation, and was scheduled “on” when the fan
system was off.
Shell materials. A single-layer, homogeneous material was described which contains the
conductance and heat capacity properties of the composite wall used in the building. The thermal
conductance and heat capacity of each wall and roof assembly was taken from the Title 24
documents, when available. If the Title 24 documents were not available, default values for the
conductance and heat capacity were assigned from the wall and roof types specified in the on-site
survey, and the observed R-values. If the R-values were not observed during the on-site survey and
the Title 24 documents were not available, an “energy-neutral” approach was taken by assigning the
same U-value and heat capacity for the as-built and Title 24 simulation runs.
Windows. Window thermal and optical properties from the building drawings or Title 24 documents
(when available) were used to develop the DOE-2 inputs. If these documents were not available,
default values for the glass conductance were assigned according to the glass type specified in the
on-site survey. If the glass type was not observed during the on-site survey and the Title 24
documents were not available, an “energy-neutral” approach was taken by assigning the same U-
value and shading coefficient for the as-built and Title 24 simulation runs.
Lighting kW. Installed lighting power was calculated from the lighting fixture inventory reported on
the survey. A standard fixture wattage was assigned to each fixture type identified by the surveyors.
Lighting fixtures were identified by lamp type, number of lamps per fixture, and ballast type as
Equipment kW. Connected loads for equipment located in the conditioned space, including
miscellaneous equipment and plug loads, kitchen equipment and refrigeration systems with integral
condensers were calculated. Input data were based on the “nameplate” or total connected load. The
nameplate data were adjusted using a “rated-load factor,” which is the ratio of the average operating
load to the nameplate load during the definition of the equipment schedules. This adjusted value
represented the hourly running load of all equipment surveyed. Equipment diversity was also
accounted for in the schedule definition.
For the miscellaneous equipment and plug loads, equipment counts and connected loads were taken
from the on-site survey. When the connected loads were not observed, default values based on
equipment type were used.
For the kitchen equipment, equipment counts and connected loads were taken from the on-site
survey. Where the connected loads were not observed, default values based on equipment type and
“trade size” were used. Unlike the miscellaneous plug load schedules, the kitchen equipment
schedules were defined by operating regime. An hourly value corresponding to “off”, “idle”, or
“low,” “medium,” or “high” production rates were assigned by the surveyor. The hourly schedule
was developed from the reported hourly operating status and the ratio of the hourly average running
load to the connected load for each of the operating regimes.
For the refrigeration equipment, refrigerator type, count, and size were taken from the on-site survey.
Equipment observed to have an “integral” compressor/condenser that is, equipment that rejects heat
to the conditioned space, were assigned a connected load per unit size.
Source input energy. Source input energy represented all non-electric equipment in the conditioned
space. In the model, the source type was set to natural gas, and a total input energy was specified in
terms of Btu/hr. Sources of internal heat gains to the space that were not electrically powered include
kitchen equipment, dryers, and other miscellaneous process loads. The input rating of the equipment
was entered by the surveyors. As with the electrical equipment, the ratio of the rated input energy to
the actual hourly consumption was calculated by the rated load factor assigned by equipment type
and operating regime.
Heat gains to space. The heat gains to space were calculated based on the actual running loads and
an assessment of the proportion of the input energy that contributed to sensible and latent heat gains.
This in turn depended on whether or not the equipment was located under a ventilation hood.
Spaces. Each space in the DOE-2 model corresponded to a zone defined in the on-site survey. In the
instance where the “zoned by exposure” option was selected by the surveyor, additional DOE-2
zones were created. The space conditions parameters developed on a zone by zone basis were
included in the description of each space. Enclosing surfaces, as defined by the on-site surveyors,
were also defined.
3.4.2 Systems
This section describes the methodology used to develop DOE-2 input for the systems simulation.
Fan schedules. Each day of the week was assigned to a particular daytype, as reported by the
surveyor. The fan system on and off times from the on-site survey was assigned to a schedule
according to daytype.
Setback schedules. Similarly, thermostat setback schedules were created based on the responses to
the on-site survey. Each day of the week was assigned to a particular daytype. The thermostat
setpoints for heating and cooling, and the setback temperatures and times were defined according to
the responses.
System type. The HVAC system type was defined from the system description from the on-site
survey. The DOE-2 Packaged single zone (PSZ) system type was used to simulate the small HVAC
systems studied in this project.
Packaged HVAC system efficiency. Manufacturers’ data were gathered for the equipment surveyed
based on the observed make and model number. A database of equipment efficiency and capacity data
was developed from an electronic version of the ARI rating catalog. Additional data were obtained
directly from manufacturers’ catalogs, or the on-line catalog available on the ARI website
(www.ari.org). Manufacturers’ data on packaged system efficiency is a net efficiency, which
considers both fan and compressor energy. DOE-2 requires a specification of packaged system
efficiency that considers the compressor and fan power separately. Thus, the manufacturers’ data
were adjusted to prevent “double-accounting” of fan energy, according to the procedures described in
the Title 24 Alternative Compliance Method (ACM) approval manual.
Refrigeration systems. Refrigeration display cases and/or walk-ins were grouped into three systems
defined by their evaporator temperatures. Ice cream cases were assigned to the lowest temperature
circuit, followed by frozen food cases, and all other cases. Case refrigeration loads per lineal foot
were taken from manufacturers’ catalog data for typical cases. Auxiliary energy requirement data for
evaporator fans, anti-sweat heaters, and lighting were also compiled from manufacturers’ catalog
data. Model inputs were calculated based on the survey responses. For example, if the display lighting
was surveyed with T-8 lamps, lighting energy requirements appropriate for T-8 lamps were used to
derive the case auxiliary energy input to DOE-2.
Compressor EER data were obtained from manufacturers’ catalogs as a function of the suction
temperatures corresponding to each of the three systems defined above. These data were used to
create default efficiencies for each compressor system. Custom part-load curves were used to simulate
the performance of parallel-unequal rack systems.
To conduct this research, teams of engineers visited 75 newly constructed commercial buildings
throughout California. A total of 215 rooftop units were surveyed. Units were subjected to a physical
inspection, a series of one-time tests, and short-term monitoring of unit performance. Up to four units
per building were selected for study. Tests were performed at the individual HVAC units to better
understand their performance, as described below.
A series of one-time tests were used to quantify system and equipment performance. Examples of
one-time tests included instantaneous measurements of unit supply fan power, refrigeration charge
measurements, and unit air flow measurements. Functional performance tests of HVAC unit
operation were conducted to identify gross deficiencies in unit performance, as described below:
The unit was cycled through each mode of operation (standby, fan-only, cooling stage one, and
cooling stage two, if applicable) and the true electric power and current of the unit were measured
during each mode using a portable wattmeter. Airflow rate was measured using a flow grid, which is
an averaging flow meter designed to be installed in place of the filters. A digital micromanometer was
used to measure the pressure drop across the plate. The results were displayed directly in cfm. The
manometer was also used to measure supply static pressure, return static pressure, and total unit
external static pressure.
4.1.2 Economizer
If the unit had an airside economizer, the minimum outdoor air position potentiometer was adjusted to
test the operation of damper motors and linkages. The economizer outdoor air temperature sensor was
cooled down using a “cool” spray, simulating cool outdoor air conditions and the response of the
economizer was observed.
Service gauges and temperature sensors were used to verify the state of charge of the rooftop unit
using the CheckMe!1 Procedure. The high side and low side pressures were measured, along with the
suction line temperature, the condensed liquid temperature, outdoor drybulb temperature entering the
condenser, and drybulb and wet bulb temperature entering the evaporator coil. Refrigerant was added
or removed from the system until the suction line superheat on units with fixed metering devices, or
the condenser line subcooling on units with thermostatic expansion valves (TXV), was within the
target specified by the CheckMe! software.
HVAC system performance over a variety of operating conditions was observed through short-term
monitoring of a sample of HVAC units and controls. Portable, battery-powered dataloggers were
used to collect short-term data on HVAC unit performance. The purpose of the short-term monitoring
was to spot failure modes that are not obvious from inspection or one-time test, or that only manifest
themselves during the dynamic operation of the equipment. Data loggers were left in place on each
building for about two weeks.
The dataloggers were configured to measure unit current, supply air temperature, return air
temperature, and mixed air temperature. The data were stored on a five minute basis. The dataloggers
used thermistor sensors with a 0.5 F accuracy over the full range. The current sensors were equipped
with signal conditioning equipment to provide true RMS current readings. True RMS current
measurements were coupled with the spot kW and current measurements to estimate time series kW
data for the unit. In addition to the datalogger installed at each unit, the local rooftop temperature and
humidity was monitored at each site.
This section in summarizes the problems observed in the study, and the approach taken to simulate
the impacts of eliminating those problems. Problems identified include broken economizers, improper
refrigerant charge, fans running during unoccupied periods, fan that cycle on and off with a call for
heating and cooling rather than providing continuous ventilation air, low air flow, inadequate
ventilation air, and simultaneous heating and cooling.
Thermostat setpoints. The system thermostats were observed to provide cooling and heating at
occupied period setpoints during unoccupied periods. Implementing a thermostat setback during
unoccupied periods saves energy without sacrificing comfort.
Fan controls. Although the primary function of the thermostat is to control the heating and cooling
output of the unit, most thermostats also control the operation of the supply fan. System fans were
found to be cycling on and off with a call for heating or cooling in 38% of the units tested. Title 24
Energy Standards require that all buildings not naturally ventilated with operable windows or other
openings be mechanically ventilated. Mechanical ventilation is required to occur at least 55 minutes
out of every hour that the building is occupied. Building outdoor ventilation air is typically supplied
during fan operation, with the minimum quantity of outdoor air determined by the outdoor air damper
minimum position. The supply of continuous fresh air during occupied hours relies on continuous
operation of the HVAC unit supply fan. The Standards further require operation of the ventilation
system at least one hour before normal building occupancy in order to purge potential build up of
pollutants and outgassing from furniture, carpets, paint, etc.
Fan schedule. Fans were also observed to run continuously during unoccupied periods in 38% of the
systems observed. While this practice improves the ventilation of the space, it represents an
opportunity to save energy through thermostat setback and fan cycling during unoccupied periods.
Economizers. Economizers show a high rate of failure (63%) in the study. Of the 215 units tested,
123 units were equipped with economizers. Of these, 30 units (24%) would not move at all, 36 units
(29%) did not respond when subject to simulated economizer operating conditions. Short term
monitoring revealed that an additional 13 (10%) did not respond correctly over a range of operating
Distribution Systems. The efficiency of the HVAC system is a function of both the unit efficiency
and distribution system efficiency. Distribution system efficiency is a function of duct design and
installation practices, as well as architectural design decisions affecting environmental conditions
imposed the duct system. Architectural design issues affecting distribution system efficiency include
insulation placement (roof or ceiling), roof surface and color selection, and location of attic vents.
We did not make any quantitative measurements of duct leakage in this study; however, the location,
surface area and insulation levels of the duct systems were surveyed as part of the onsite survey
Supply Fan Power. HVAC unit efficiency is calculated from ARI standard test and rating
procedures, which use a standard assumption for supply fan power to determine overall unit
efficiency. The actual fan power is generally greater than the standard assumption, reducing the
installed efficiency of the unit. Fan power in small HVAC systems is not regulated by Title 24, and
can be a significant energy cost, especially in systems utilizing continuous ventilation through the
HVAC system. The measured fan power at the in-situ flow rate was 0.18 kW/ton, which is about
20% higher than the nominal fan power assumed in the Title 24 energy standards (365 W/cfm or
about .15 kW/ton).
Unit Air Flow. Units were tested for in-situ airflow rate. Overall, of the 79 units tested for airflow,
28 (39%) had airflow less than 300 cfm /ton. The average airflow rate was 325 cfm/ton. ARI
standards are based on airflow rates of 400 cfm/ton. Low air flow can result in reduced system
efficiency and coil icing. High air flow can also result in excessive fan energy and insufficient
moisture removal.
Refrigerant Charge. Refrigerant charge was field tested by measuring unit operating conditions and
refrigerant temperature and pressure. Of the 74 refrigerant tests conducted, 33 (46%) were found to
be improperly charged. The average energy impact of refrigerant charge problems was about 5% of
the annual cooling energy.
The general approach taken to estimate the impacts of avoiding problems identified in the study
leverage is information gathered during the field study with NRNC population characteristics
contained within the NRNC database. The impacts of avoiding problems throughout all new
construction activity can be estimated by simulating each building in the database with and without a
particular problem. The extent and frequency of the problems were identified during the field study.
The net impact is calculated from the impacts assuming all buildings have the problem times the
frequency of problem occurrence as identified in the field study.
The baseline for the analysis assumes that each building in the database contains each of the problems
observed. The impacts of avoiding the problems are calculated by comparing the differences in the
energy consumption between the baseline run and each of the parametric runs. The baseline
characteristics simulated in each building are summarized below:
Parametric 1. Thermostats. The process used to simulate the savings for this parametric was to
replace the baseline thermostat heating and cooling setpoint and fan schedule with a schedule that
follows the surveyed occupancy schedule. The heating setpoints is setback to 55°F and the cooling
setpoints is set back to 85°F during unoccupied periods. The fan schedule is set to operate with a one
hour purge cycle prior to occupancy.
Parametric 2. Fan mode. The procedure used to simulate savings for this parametric was to simulate
constant fan operation during occupied hours, and simulate intermittent fan operation during
unoccupied hours in all buildings in the database.
Parametric 3. Economizer. Economizers were disabled in the as built run randomly throughout the
database to reflect the failure rate observed during the field testing. This parametric restored all
economizers to a functioning state.
Parametric 4. Ducts. Buildings likely to have ductwork in an unconditioned space were chosen from
the NRNC database to represent the type and size of buildings observed in the NBI PIER study and
the Statewide BEA NRNC study.4 Overall, 15% of the small packaged systems observed in these
studies have ductwork in unconditioned space. The breakdown of building types observed to have
ductwork in unconditioned space is as follows:
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, "Nonresidential Duct Sealing and Insulation," Codes and Standards Enhancement Initiative Final
Report, May 2003.
Building type Percent of Buildings with Ducts Outside the Conditioned Space
Church 0.69%
Grocery 0.84%
Gym 0.07%
Light Manufacturing 6.76%
Office 5.98%
Restaurant 0.12%
School 0.61%
Single-story large retail 6.66%
Unconditioned warehouse 78.27%
Note: most of the buildings having ductwork in unconditioned space were warehouses containing
conditioned office space, where the ductwork was run from the roof through the unconditioned
warehouse to the conditioned office. Buildings meeting this description were randomly selected from
the NRNC database such that the total building area affected by the duct efficiency calculations was
15% of the total, and the distribution of the building types matched the distribution above. All sites
selected were simulated with an unconditioned plenum containing the supply and return duct systems.
Leaky ducts with standard insulation levels and sealed ducts with improved insulation levels were
simulated. Leaky systems were simulated with 36% total leakage evenly split between supply and
return systems. Sealed systems were simulated with 8% total leakage evenly split between supply and
return systems. Duct insulation levels were set at code values (R-4.2) and at improved insulation
levels (R-8).
Parametric 5. Fan power. The specific fan power was reduced from 0.478 W/CFM (study-wide
average) to 0.365 W/CFM in all buildings.
Parametric 6. Air Flow. Air flow rates were increased from 325 cfm/ton (study average) to 400
CFM/ton. The unit efficiency was adjusted to account for the increased flow rate as shown in the
figure below:
Normalized Efficiency
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Air flow (cfm/ton)
The HVAC unit cooling and heating efficiency was increased by 6.6% due to the increased flow rate.
Fan energy was also increased in proportion to the increased air flow rate.
Parametric 7. Refrigerant Charge. The impact of correcting the refrigerant charge was simulated by
applying a multiplier to the unit efficiency to count for the impact of correcting the refrigerant charge
on unit efficiency. The impact of unit efficiency on charge is shown in Figure 4.
Normalized Efficiency
Short orifice
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130% 140%
% Factory Charge
The unit cooling efficiency (and heating efficiency for heat pumps) was increased by 5%, based on
the refrigerant charge distribution observed in the study.
The impacts were estimated on a whole-building and end-use basis for electricity and gas.
For each of the runs listed above, first year estimates of consumption and demand impacts were
prepared. Coincident peak demand was reported at a specific hour of the year corresponding to the
statewide system peak hour. Since the simulations were run using the CEC CTZ long-term average
weather datasets, the coincident hour was estimated for each climate zone by identifying the hour
most likely to correspond to the statewide peak. The coincident peaks by climate zone are evaluated
as the average of the values for hours 17:00 and 18:00 on the following days:
The coincident demand value is reported by end-use, since the estimate is calculated at a particular
hour of the year for all end-uses.
The first year results are summarized in Table 4. The end-uses are defined as follows:
• Whole building: Impact on electricity consumption and demand for all affected end-uses.
• Heating: Impact on electricity consumption and demand for the heating end-use. This is primarily
derived from efficiency improvements applied to heat pumps.
• Cooling: Impact on electricity consumption and demand for the cooling end-use. This includes
compressor and condenser fan energy consumption from packaged air conditioning systems, but
excludes building fans.
• Fan: Impact on electricity consumption and demand for building circulation fans.
Note: When fan energy and air flow are corrected the energy use increases (creating a savings
"penalty" to accomplish effective ventilation requirements). The subsequent energy savings of the
other measures with these corrected items is greater then they are singularly resulting in an interactive
total savings that exceeds the sum of the measures.
tons in size. With a first year market penetration of 10%, annual energy savings are estimated to
be 6,942 MWh. With an increase in market penetration of 1% per year, the ten year cumulative
electric energy savings is 496,360 MWhs equal to energy cost savings over this period of $68
• Statewide demand savings are estimated at 1,486 kW per year (1.5 MW) based on a first year
market penetration of 10%. With an increase in market penetration of 1% per year, the demand
savings in year ten is 21.5 MW.
• The natural gas savings are estimated to be 97,107 therms first year savings resulting in a
cumulative 10 year savings of 6,943,000 therms and a resulting cost savings of $5.8 million.
• The total net energy benefits over ten years to citizens of California would be $73.8 million.
SurveyIT is a Microsoft Access application that contains a user interface for entering building
description information. SurveyIT contains a series of relational data tables that store information
for multiple buildings, and Visual Basic code that interfaces with the ModelIT software.
ModelIT is C++ code that reads SurveyIT data tables and automatically creates a DOE-2 input
file for each building in the database. Building description data sources include the on-site
survey, building design documents, Title 24 documents, and manufacturers’ catalog data. Once
the basic building is described and an as-built DOE-2 model is created, the modeling software
also creates additional DOE-2 input files for each of the building parametric runs.
The software is designed to create DOE-2 BDL (building description language) files that are
recognized by DOE-2.2. The version of DOE-2.2 used for this project is Beta 2.2-41c. The data
elements used, default assumptions, and engineering calculations are described for the Loads and
Systems portions of the DOE-2.2 input file in the following sections.
Preliminary data required by the LOADS program are assigned as summarized below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Schedules are created for each zone in the model by associating the zones defined in the on-site
survey with the appropriate functional area, and assigning the schedule defined for each
functional area to the appropriate zone. Hourly schedules are created by the software on a zone-
by-zone basis for:
• Occupancy
• Lighting
• Electric equipment
• Gas equipment (primarily kitchen equipment)
• Solar glare
• Window shading
• Infiltration
Occupancy, lighting, and equipment schedules. Each day of the week is assigned to a particular
daytype, as reported by the surveyor. Hourly values for each day of the week are extracted from
the on-site database according to the appropriate daytype. These values are modified on a
monthly basis, according to the monthly building occupancy history. The basic format of the
schedules is shown below:
(MON) (1)( hour 1 schedule value for Monday daytype * monthly occupancy adjustment)
(2)( hour 2 schedule value for Monday daytype * monthly occupancy adjustment)
(TUE) (1)( hour 1 schedule value for Tuesday daytype * monthly occupancy adjustment)
(2)( hour 2 schedule value for Tuesday daytype * monthly occupancy adjustment)
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Solar and shading schedules. The use of blinds by the occupants is simulated by the use of solar
and shading schedules. The glass shading coefficient values are modified to account for the use
of interior shading devices as shown below:
The adjustment value schedule are determined from the interview response, as shown below:
When the shades are operated by occupants to control comfort, the threshold values of solar
radiation incident on the glazing surface are defined as follows:
Infiltration schedule. The infiltration schedule is established from the fan system schedule.
Infiltration is scheduled “off” when the fan system operated, and is scheduled “on” when the fan
system is off.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
If construction documents are not available, default values for the conductance and heat capacity
are assigned from the wall and roof types specified in the on-site survey, and the observed R-
values as shown in Table 1.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4 HCtot
1 Face Brick + Brick 4 in 4 in no insul 0.56 0.56 0 1.12 0.893 8.4 8.4 16.8
brick brick
+R-7 4 in 4 in R-7 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.56 3.8 0.45 5.37 0.186 8.4 8.4 0.1 0.54 17.4 1
brick brick bd
+R-11 4 in 4 in R-11 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.56 4.5 0.45 6.07 0.165 8.4 8.4 0.1 0.54 17.4 1
brick brick bd
+R-13 4 in 4 in R-13 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.56 4.7 0.45 6.27 0.159 8.4 8.4 0.1 0.54 17.4 1
brick brick bd
+R-19 4 in 4 in R-19 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.56 7 0.45 8.57 0.117 8.4 8.4 0.2 0.54 17.5 1
brick brick bd
+R-21 4 in 4 in R-21 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.56 7.2 0.45 8.77 0.114 8.4 8.4 0.2 0.54 17.5 1
brick brick bd
2 Face Brick + Poured Concrete 4 in 8 in NW no insul 0.56 0.88 0 1.44 0.694 8.4 19.2 27.6
brick conc
+R-7 4 in 8 in NW R-7 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.88 3.8 0.45 5.69 0.176 8.4 19.2 0.1 0.54 28.2 1
brick conc bd
+R-11 4 in 8 in NW R-11 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.88 4.5 0.45 6.39 0.156 8.4 19.2 0.1 0.54 28.2 1
brick conc bd
+R-13 4 in 8 in NW R-13 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.88 4.7 0.45 6.59 0.152 8.4 19.2 0.1 0.54 28.2 1
brick conc bd
+R-19 4 in 8 in NW R-19 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.88 7 0.45 8.89 0.112 8.4 19.2 0.2 0.54 28.3 1
brick conc bd
+R-21 4 in 8 in NW R-21 0.5" gyp 0.56 0.88 7.2 0.45 9.09 0.110 8.4 19.2 0.2 0.54 28.3 1
brick conc bd
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4 HCtot
3 Face Brick + Concrete Block 4 in 8 in NW no insul 0.56 1 0 1.56 0.641 8.4 11.1 19.5
brick block, no
+R-7 4 in 8 in NW R-7 0.5" gyp 0.56 1 3.8 0.45 5.81 0.172 8.4 11.1 0.1 0.54 20.1 1
brick block, no bd
+R-11 4 in 8 in NW R-11 0.5" gyp 0.56 1 4.5 0.45 6.51 0.154 8.4 11.1 0.1 0.54 20.1 1
brick block, no bd
+R-13 4 in 8 in NW R-13 0.5" gyp 0.56 1 4.7 0.45 6.71 0.149 8.4 11.1 0.1 0.54 20.1 1
brick block, no bd
+R-19 4 in 8 in NW R-19 0.5" gyp 0.56 1 7 0.45 9.01 0.111 8.4 11.1 0.2 0.54 20.2 1
brick block, no bd
+R-21 4 in 8 in NW R-21 0.5" gyp 0.56 1 7.2 0.45 9.21 0.109 8.4 11.1 0.2 0.54 20.2 1
brick block, no bd
4 Poured Concrete + Finish stucco 8 in NW no insul 0.08 0.88 0 0.96 1.042 0.7 19.2 19.9
+R-7 stucco 8 in NW R-7 0.5" gyp 0.08 0.88 3.8 0.45 5.21 0.192 0.7 19.2 0.1 0.54 20.6 1
concrete bd
+R-11 stucco 8 in NW R-11 0.5" gyp 0.08 0.88 4.5 0.45 5.91 0.169 0.7 19.2 0.1 0.54 20.6 1
concrete bd
+R-13 stucco 8 in NW R-13 0.5" gyp 0.08 0.88 4.7 0.45 6.11 0.164 0.7 19.2 0.1 0.54 20.6 1
concrete bd
+R-19 stucco 8 in NW R-19 0.5" gyp 0.08 0.88 7 0.45 8.41 0.119 0.7 19.2 0.2 0.54 20.7 1
concrete bd
+R-21 stucco 8 in NW R-21 0.5" gyp 0.08 0.88 7.2 0.45 8.61 0.116 0.7 19.2 0.2 0.54 20.7 1
concrete bd
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4 HCtot
5 Concrete Block + Finish stucco 8 in NW no insul 0.08 1 0 1.08 0.926 0.7 11.1 11.8
block, no
+R-7 stucco 8 in NW R-7 0.5" gyp 0.08 1 3.8 0.45 5.33 0.188 0.7 11.1 0.1 0.54 12.5 1
block, no bd
+R-11 stucco 8 in NW R-11 0.5" gyp 0.08 1 4.5 0.45 6.03 0.166 0.7 11.1 0.1 0.54 12.5 1
block, no bd
+R-13 stucco 8 in NW R-13 0.5" gyp 0.08 1 4.7 0.45 6.23 0.161 0.7 11.1 0.1 0.54 12.5 1
block, no bd
+R-19 stucco 8 in NW R-19 0.5" gyp 0.08 1 7 0.45 8.53 0.117 0.7 11.1 0.2 0.54 12.6 1
block, no bd
+R-21 stucco 8 in NW R-21 0.5" gyp 0.08 1 7.2 0.45 8.73 0.115 0.7 11.1 0.2 0.54 12.6 1
block, no bd
R-11 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-11 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 8.75 0.56 10.43 0.096 0.84 0.41 1.27 0.54 3.1 2
siding sheath bd
R-13 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-13 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 10.15 0.56 11.83 0.085 0.84 0.41 1.27 0.54 3.1 2
siding sheath bd
R-19 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-19 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 15.025 0.56 16.705 0.060 0.84 0.41 2.102 0.54 3.9 3
siding sheath bd
R-21 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-21 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 16.425 0.56 18.105 0.055 0.84 0.41 2.102 0.54 3.9 3
siding sheath bd
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4 HCtot
R-11 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-11 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 4.433 0.56 6.113 0.164 0.84 0.41 1.27 0.54 3.1 1
siding sheath bd
R-13 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-13 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 4.706 0.56 6.386 0.157 0.84 0.41 1.27 0.54 3.1 1
siding sheath bd
R-19 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-19 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 7.125 0.56 8.805 0.114 0.84 0.41 2.102 0.54 3.9 2
siding sheath bd
R-21 .5 in hb .5 in pw R-21 0.5" gyp 0.5 0.62 7.308 0.56 8.988 0.111 0.84 0.41 2.102 0.54 3.9 2
siding sheath bd
8 Curtain Wall
R-7 Metal R-7 0.5" gyp 0.0004 4.039 0.56 4.6 0.217 0.1 0.54 0.6 3
cladding bd
R-11 Metal R-11 0.5" gyp 0.0004 5.038 0.56 5.6 0.179 0.1 0.54 0.6 3
cladding bd
R-13 Metal R-13 0.5" gyp 0.0004 5.395 0.56 6.0 0.168 0.1 0.54 0.6 3
cladding bd
R-19 Metal R-19 0.5" gyp 0.0004 7.125 0.56 7.7 0.130 0.2 0.54 0.7 4
cladding bd
R-21 Metal R-21 0.5" gyp 0.0004 7.308 0.56 7.9 0.127 0.2 0.54 0.7 4
cladding bd
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 R1 R2 R3 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HCtot
9 Open 2.7 0
10 Concrete Deck Roof. Membrane 8 in LW 0.33 1.76 2.1 0.478 0.76 19.2 20.0
+R-5 Membrane R-5 8 in LW 0.33 5 1.76 7.1 0.141 0.76 0.1 19.2 20.1
+R-10 Membrane R-10 8 in LW 0.33 10 1.76 12.1 0.083 0.76 0.1 19.2 20.1
+R-15 Membrane R-15 8 in LW 0.33 15 1.76 17.1 0.059 0.76 0.1 19.2 20.1
+R-20 Membrane R-20 8 in LW 0.33 20 1.76 22.1 0.045 0.76 0.2 19.2 20.2
+R-25 Membrane R-25 8 in LW 0.33 25 1.76 27.1 0.037 0.76 0.2 19.2 20.2
+R-30 Membrane R-30 8 in LW 0.33 30 1.76 32.1 0.031 0.76 0.2 19.2 20.2
+R-35 Membrane R-35 8 in LW 0.33 35 1.76 37.1 0.027 0.76 0.2 19.2 20.2
+R-40 Membrane R-40 8 in LW 0.33 40 1.76 42.1 0.024 0.76 0.2 19.2 20.2
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Type Opaque Surface Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Rtot U-value HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4 HCtot
11 Wood Frame Roof Membrane .75 PW air layer 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 2.1 0.56 3.4 0.298 0.76 0.62 1.3 0.54 3.2 1
+R-5 Membrane .75 PW R-5 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 5.7 0.56 7.0 0.144 0.76 0.62 1.4 0.54 3.3 1
+R-10 Membrane .75 PW R-10 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 10.2 0.56 11.5 0.087 0.76 0.62 1.4 0.54 3.3 1
+R-15 Membrane .75 PW R-15 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 14.7 0.56 16.0 0.063 0.76 0.62 1.4 0.54 3.3 1
+R-20 Membrane .75 PW R-20 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 19.2 0.56 20.5 0.049 0.76 0.62 1.5 0.54 3.4 1
+R-25 Membrane .75 PW R-25 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 23.7 0.56 25.0 0.040 0.76 0.62 1.5 0.54 3.4 1
+R-30 Membrane .75 PW R-30 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 28.2 0.56 29.5 0.034 0.76 0.62 1.5 0.54 3.4 1
+R-35 Membrane .75 PW R-35 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 32.7 0.56 34.0 0.029 0.76 0.62 1.5 0.54 3.4 1
+R-40 Membrane .75 PW R-40 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 37.2 0.56 38.5 0.026 0.76 0.62 1.5 0.54 3.4 1
12 Metal Frame Roof Membrane .75 PW air layer 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 1 0.56 2.3 0.442 0.76 0.62 0 0.54 1.9 2
+R-5 Membrane .75 PW R-5 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 4.8 0.56 6.1 0.165 0.76 0.62 0.1 0.54 2.0 2
+R-10 Membrane .75 PW R-10 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 9.2 0.56 10.5 0.096 0.76 0.62 0.1 0.54 2.0 2
+R-15 Membrane .75 PW R-15 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 13.2 0.56 14.5 0.069 0.76 0.62 0.1 0.54 2.0 2
+R-20 Membrane .75 PW R-20 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 17 0.56 18.3 0.055 0.76 0.62 0.2 0.54 2.1 2
+R-25 Membrane .75 PW R-25 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 20.3 0.56 21.6 0.046 0.76 0.62 0.2 0.54 2.1 2
+R-30 Membrane .75 PW R-30 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 23.7 0.56 25.0 0.040 0.76 0.62 0.2 0.54 2.1 2
+R-35 Membrane .75 PW R-35 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 26.6 0.56 27.9 0.036 0.76 0.62 0.2 0.54 2.1 2
+R-40 Membrane .75 PW R-40 0.5" gyp 0.33 0.93 29.2 0.56 30.5 0.033 0.76 0.62 0.2 0.54 2.1 2
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
If the R-values are not observed during the on-site survey and the Title 24 documents or building plans
are not available, the Title 24 U-value and heat capacity is used as a default. Opaque shell U-values are
assigned based on the 1998 Title 24 requirements as a function of climate zone and heat capacity of the
observed construction.
Overall U-Value
Climate Zones
Wall - Mass/ 7.0 ≤ HC < 15.0 0.340 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430
Windows. Window thermal and optical properties from the Title 24 documents or building plans are used
to develop the DOE-2 inputs, as summarized below:
If the Title 24 documents or other documentation are not available, default values for the glass
conductance and shading coefficient are assigned as listed below, according to the glass type specified in
the on-site survey.
Glass Type Default SC Glass Type Default SC
Single Pane Clear 0.94 Single Pane Reflective 0.38
Double Pane Clear 0.88 Double Pane Reflective 0.30
Triple Pane Clear 0.49 Triple Pane Reflective 0.21
Single Pane Tint 0.72 Single Pane Fritted 0.74
Double Pane Tint 0.57 Double Pane Fritted 0.62
Triple Pane Tint 0.38 Triple Pane Fritted 0.51
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Skylights. Skylight thermal and optical properties from the Title 24 documents or building plans are used
to develop the DOE-2 inputs, as summarized below:
Glazing Property Data Source Comments
Glass conductance Proposed skylight U-value from Default values based on skylight
Title 24 or construction documents description used if documents not
Shading coefficient Proposed skylight solar heat gain Default values based on skylight
coefficient from Title 24 or description used if documents not
construction documents available. SHGC converted to SC
for model.
If the Title 24 documents or other documentation are not available, default values for the glass
conductance and shading coefficient are assigned as listed below, according to the skylight type specified
in the on-site survey.
Skylight Type Default SC Skylight Type Default SC
Single Pane Clear Glass 0.94 Single Pane Clear Plastic 1.00
Double Pane Clear Glass 0.88 Double Pane Clear Plastic 0.89
Triple Pane Clear Glass 0.49 Triple Pane Clear Plastic 0.75
Single Pane Tint Glass 0.72 Single Pane Tint Plastic 0.79
Double Pane Tint Glass 0.57 Double Pane Tint Plastic 0.67
Triple Pane Tint Glass 0.38 Triple Pane Tint Plastic 0.57
Single Pane Fritted 0.74 Single Pane White Plastic 0.57
Double Pane Fritted 0.62 Double Pane White Plastic 0.49
Triple Pane Fritted 0.51 Triple Pane White Plastic 0.41
Single Pane Translucent Plastic 0.26
Double Pane Translucent Plastic 0.23
Triple Pane Translucent Plastic 0.20
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Interior walls. Interior walls are surveyed as either “air” or “solid.” Interior walls are modeled as shown
in the Table below:
Space conditions are developed on a zone-by-zone basis. The DOE-2 input parameters considered, and
the data sources are listed below. Schedules, which are developed on a zone-by-zone basis, are also
associated with the appropriate zone.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Lighting controls. The presence of lighting controls is identified in the on-site survey. Depending on the
control type, the impact of these controls on lighting consumption is simulated as either a reduction in
connected load, or as a modification to the lighting schedule, as summarized below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Daylighting controls are simulated using the “functions” utility in the loads portion of DOE-2. Since the
geometry of the zone is not fully described, it is not be possible to use the standard DOE-2 algorithms for
simulating the daylighting illuminance in the space. A daylight factor, defined as the ratio of the interior
illuminance at the daylighting control point to the global horizontal illuminance is estimated for each zone
subject to daylighting control. The DOE-2 sky illuminance model calculates separate values for direct
sun, clear sky, and overcast sky illuminance. The total exterior horizontal illuminance is simply the sum
of each component:
I total = I overcast + I direct + I clear
Separate daylight factors are applied for overcast and clear sky sources. The fraction of the total
illuminance that comes from the diffuse sky is calculated as follows:
I overcast
f overcast =
I total
[ ( )
I int erior = I total × f overcast × df overcast + 1 − f overcast × df clear ]
Default daylight factors are chosen to be typical of sidelighting applications in an enclosed office, as
shown below. The values were developed from a set of Lumen-Micro simulations on a typical perimeter
office space.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
The interior illuminance is calculated as described above using a DOE-2 “function.” Standard DOE-2
inputs for daylighting control specifications are used to simulate the impacts of daylighting controls on
lighting schedules, as shown below:
The IES codes by occupancy type, and minimum illuminance setpoints are shown below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Equipment kW. Equipment connected loads represent all electrical loads in the conditioned space, which
includes miscellaneous equipment and plug loads, kitchen equipment and refrigeration systems with
integral condensers. Input data are based on the “nameplate” or total connected load. The nameplate data
are adjusted using a “rated-load factor,” which is the ratio of the average operating load to the nameplate
load. This adjusted value represents the hourly running load of all equipment surveyed. Equipment
diversity is accounted for in the schedule definition.
For the miscellaneous equipment and plug load category, equipment counts and connected loads are taken
from the on-site survey. Where the connected loads are not observed, default values based on equipment
type are used, as shown below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
For the kitchen equipment category, equipment counts and connected loads are taken from the on-site
survey. Where the connected loads are not observed, default values based on equipment type and “trade
size” are used, as shown below. Unlike the miscellaneous plug load schedules, the kitchen equipment
schedules are defined by operating regime. An hourly value corresponding to “off”, “idle”, or “low,”
“medium,” or “high” production rates are assigned by the surveyor. The hourly schedule is developed
from the reported hourly operating status and the ratio of the hourly average running load to the
connected load for each of the operating regimes.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Appliance Appliance Description Trade size Default Idle Low Medium High
Type Code kW/unit
1 Broiler (including ft 1.7 0.17 0.25 0.30 0.35
2 Char Broiler ft 3.7 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90
3 Single sided griddle ft 4.5 0.17 0.19 0.41 0.65
4 Clam shell griddle ft 7.5 0.09 0.16 0.39 0.63
5 Countertop fryer lb. 0.3 0.07 0.33 0.53 0.90
6 Free-standing fryer lb. 0.3 0.07 0.33 0.53 0.90
7 Pressure fryer lb. 0.3 0.07 0.33 0.53 0.90
8 Donut fryer lb. 0.3 0.07 0.33 0.53 0.90
9 Kettle, Pasta cooker qt 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
10 Heat lamps no. lamps 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Range top ft 5. 0 0.20 0.40 0.60
12 Pizza or Bake Oven no. decks 7. 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
13 Conveyor oven no. decks 13. 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
14 Range Oven ft 2. 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
15 Convection, combi, retherm no. doors 3.8 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
oven, steamer
16 Food warmer ft 0.6 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
17 Heated display case ft 0.5 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
18 Microwave oven ea. 1.7 0.0 0.04 0.07 0.10
19 Pop-up Toaster ea. 1.8 0.0 0.15 0.30 0.45
20 Conveyor Toaster ea. 4.6 0.0 0.20 0.35 0.50
21 Coffee pot burners 1. 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
22 Steam table ft 0.6 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
23 Single Tank Dishwasher racks/hr 0.3 0.10 0.30 0.40 0.50
24 Conveyor Dishwasher racks/hr 0.1 0.10 0.30 0.40 0.50
25 Steam jacketed kettle qt 0.4 0.15 0.20 0.40 0.60
26 Braising pan/skillet qt 0.1 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
For the refrigeration equipment category, equipment type, count, and size are taken from the on-site
survey. Equipment observed to have an “integral” compressor/condenser, that is, equipment that reject
heat to the conditioned space, is assigned a connected load per unit size as shown below. For the
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
refrigeration equipment listed, the default load is equal to the actual running load; thus the rated load
factor is equal to 1.0.
Source input energy. Source input energy represents all non-electric equipment in the conditioned space.
In the model, the source type is set to natural gas, and a total input energy is specified in terms of Btu/hr.
Sources of internal heat gains to the space that were not electrically-powered include kitchen equipment,
and dryers and other miscellaneous process loads. The input rating of the equipment is entered by the
surveyors. As with the electrical equipment, the ratio of the rated input energy to the actual hourly
consumption is calculated by the rated load factor assigned by equipment type and operating regime.
Default values for gas equipment input ratings are used as shown below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Heat gains to space. The heat gains to space are calculated based on the actual running loads and an
assessment of the proportion of the input energy that contributes to sensible and latent heat gains. This in
turn depends on whether or not the equipment is located under a ventilation hood.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
For miscellaneous equipment and plug loads where equipment is not located under a hood, 100 percent of
the equipment energy is directed to the space, and the sensible heat gain fraction is set at 1.0. For
miscellaneous equipment and plug loads where equipment was located under a hood, 30 percent of the
equipment energy is directed to the space, and the sensible heat gain fraction is set at 1.0. Similarly, for
refrigeration equipment with integral compressor condensers, 100 percent of the input energy is directed
to the conditioned space and the sensible heat gain fraction is set at 1.0. For kitchen equipment, the heat
gain multipliers are set as follows:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Each space in the DOE-2 model corresponds to a zone defined in the on-site survey. Each survey zone
can consist of multiple survey “spaces.” The space conditions parameters developed on a zone by zone
basis are included in the description of each space. Enclosing surfaces, as defined by the on-site
surveyors, are also defined. The DOE-2 input parameters considered, and their associated data sources
are listed as follows:
General Parameters
DOE-2 input parameter Data source Comments
Zone type Conditioned Only conditioned zones surveyed for
this project
Area On-site survey
Volume Floor area, average wall height from
on-site survey
Space conditions Space conditions as defined above.
Exterior Walls
DOE-2 input parameter Data source Comments
Wall height On-site survey Height is defined as space enclosed
by insulation, including plenum if
insulation is located at roof level.
Plenums surveyed separately if
insulation is at ceiling level
Wall width On-site survey
Wall construction Construction as defined in section
2.1.3 above.
Wall azimuth Surface orientation, from on-site Limited to N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W,
survey NW.
Tilt 90 degrees Constant
Window height On-site survey Associated to wall surface based on
surveyed orientation.
Window width On-site survey
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Roof Parameters
DOE-2 input parameter Data source Comments
Roof height On-site survey
Roof width On-site survey
Roof construction Construction as defined in section
2.1.3 above.
Roof tilt On-site survey
Roof azimuth Surface orientation, from on-site Limited to N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W,
survey NW. Not relevant if tilt is zero.
Skylight height On-site survey
Skylight width On-site survey
Skylight tilt On-site survey Same as associated roof suface
Skylight azimuth Skylight orientation, from on-site Same as associated roof suface
Skylight thermal and optical Window properties as defined in
properties section 2.1.3 above.
Shading schedules Schedules as defined in section 2.1.4
A separate plenum zone is created for each surveyed zone when plenums are surveyed. The plenum wall
construction is assumed to be the same as the walls enclosing the conditioned space, but the plenum wall
R-value can be assigned uniquely. The ceiling insulation (if any) R-value is also assigned by the
This section describes the methodology used to develop DOE-2 input for the systems simulation.
Principal data sources include the on-site survey, Title 24 documents, manufacturers’ data, and other
engineering references as listed in this section.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Throughout the systems simulation, input power for pumps, fans and other motor-driven equipment is
required. Most motor nameplate data are listed in terms of rated shaft horsepower. Thus, a conversion
from motor hp to input power is required. The general equation used to perform this conversion is listed
hp × 0.746
kW =
η motor
kW = input power
hp = nameplate motor hp
ηmotor = motor efficiency
The motor efficiency is generally a function of the motor hp. Motor efficiencies as observed by the
surveyors are used to calculate input power. In the absence of motor efficiency observations, efficiencies
are assigned as shown below:
Single Phase Motors
hp Efficiency hp Efficiency
0.50 70 3.00 81
0.75 72 5.00 82
1.00 79 7.50 85
1.50 80 10.00 85
2.00 80
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Schedules were created from the responses to the interview portion of the on-site survey. Four types of
schedules were defined:
• Fan operating hours
• Heating / cooling availability
• Thermostat setpoint
• Exterior lighting
The implementation of the schedules in DOE-2 is summarized below:
DOE-2 input parameter Data source Comments
Fan on/off On-site survey See discussion below
Heating / cooling availability Always on
Thermostat setpoint On-site survey No monthly adjustments
Exterior lighting On-site survey See discussion below
Fan schedules. Each day of the week is assigned to a particular daytype, as reported by the surveyor.
The fan system on and off times from the on-site survey are assigned to a schedule according to daytype.
These values are modified on a monthly basis, according to the monthly HVAC operating hour
adjustment. The on and off times were adjusted equally until the required adjustment percentage is
achieved. For example, if the original schedule is “on” at 6:00 hours and “off” at 18:00 hours, and the
monthly HVAC adjustment indicates that HVAC operates at 50% of normal in June, then the operating
hours are reduced by 50% by moving the “on” time up to 9:00 hours and the “off” time back to 15:00
hours. Surveyed fan schedules are verified by short-term monitoring of the HVAC unit. The night cycle
controls are set to “stay-off,” or “cycle on any,” according to the operation observed by short-term
monitoring of the HVAC system.
Setback schedules. Similarly, thermostat setback schedules are created based on the responses to the on-
site survey. Each day of the week is assigned to a particular daytype. The thermostat setpoints for
heating and cooling, and the setback temperatures and times are defined according to the survey
responses. The return from setback and go to setback time are modified on a monthly basis in the same
manner as the fan operating schedule. Surveyed thermostat schedules are verified by short-term
monitoring of the room temperature near the thermostat.
Supply air reset schedule. If the interview indicates that a supply air reset control strategy is used, the
reset schedule is defined according to the rules set forth in the 1998 ACM manual:
SUPPLY-LO = [greater of SAT and 50]
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
HVAC system design and performance specifications are developed as shown below:
Packaged HVAC system efficiency. Manufacturers’ data on packaged system efficiency is a net
efficiency, which considers both fan and compressor energy. DOE-2 requires a specification of packaged
system efficiency that considers the compressor efficiency only. Since fan power in DOE-2 is calculated
separately, the manufacturers’ data need to be adjusted to prevent “double-counting” of fan energy.
Algorithms set forth in the 1998 ACM are used to calculate the DOE-2 E-I-R from manufacturers’ EER
and COP.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Economizer high limit setpoints are specified based on the controller setpoint observed in the field. For
Honeywell controllers, the setpoint is designated by an A, B, C or D setting on the controller. The DOE-
2 model specifications for each of these setpoint choices is shown below:
Duct losses are modeled only in buildings where the ducts are located in an unconditioned space or
outdoors. The losses are modeled using the following DOE-2 commands:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Refrigeration Systems.
Detailed simulation of refrigeration systems is done for all commercial buildings with remote
refrigeration condensers. Refrigeration cases are grouped into three systems which are defined by their
operating temperature: ice cream cases, frozen food cases, and all others. For each operating temperature,
the following input data are defined:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Zone loads for reach-in cases are based on standard 2-pane glass doors. The zone loads are modified
based on the door type surveyed as follows:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
In addition to the refrigerated casework data specified above, general data on the refrigeration compressor
plant is specified for all compressors in the system:
Compressor efficiency is specified at full load, with a condensing temperature of 85°F and a saturated
suction temperature (SST) equal to the evaporator temperature defined by each case lineup. Default
values are shown below:
Full-load EER (Btu/W-hr)
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Saturated Suction Temperature (deg F)
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
HVAC system sizing for the as-built case is determined by direct observation of the nameplate capacities
of the HVAC equipment. The installed HVAC system capacity is compared to the design loads imposed
on the system to determine a sizing ratio for the as-built building. The design cooling loads are calculated
from a design-day simulation. The specification of the design-day simulation is described below:
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
The following tables show the assumptions used for fixture watts:
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F24SS 2 4 T12 F20T12 Fluorescent, (4) 24", STD lamp 20 Mag-STD 100
F32LL/T 3 2 T8 F25T8 Fluorescent, (2) 36", T-8 lamp, Tandem wired 4 lamp bal 25 Electronic 45
F32HS 3 2 T12 F36T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 36", HO, lamp 50 Mag-STD 121
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F33SS 3 3 T12 F30T12 Fluorescent, (3) 36", STD lamp 30 Mag-STD 127
F33HS 3 3 T12 F36T12/HO Fluorescent, (3) 36", HO, lamp 50 Mag-STD 186
F34SL 3 4 T12 F30T12 Fluorescent, (4) 36", STD lamp 30 Electronic 120
F34SE 3 4 T12 F30T12 Fluorescent, (4) 36", STD lamp 30 Mag-ES 148
F34SS 3 4 T12 F30T12 Fluorescent, (4) 36", STD lamp 30 Mag-STD 162
F34HS 3 4 T12 F36T12/HO Fluorescent, (4) 36", HO, lamp 50 Mag-STD 242
F41LL/T4 4 1 T8 F32T8 Fluorescent, (1) 48", T-8 lamp, Tandem Wired (4 lamp ba 32 Electronic 28
F41LL/T3 4 1 T8 F32T8 Fluorescent, (1) 48", T-8 lamp, Tandem Wired (3 lamp ba 32 Electronic 30
F41LL/T2 4 1 T8 F32T8 Fluorescent, (1) 48", T-8 lamp, Tandem Wired (2 lamp ba 32 Electronic 31
F41SE/2 4 1 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (1) 48", STD lamp, 2 ballasts (delamped) 40 Mag-ES 52
F41SVS 4 1 T12 F48T12/VHO Fluorescent, (1) 48", STD VHO lamp 110 Mag-STD 134
F42LL/T 4 2 T8 F32T8 Fluorescent, (2) 48", T-8 lamp, Tandem Wired 32 Electronic 55
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F42EE/2 4 2 T12 F40T12/ES Fluorescent, (2) 48", ES lamp, 2 Ballasts (delamped) 34 Mag-ES 76
F42SE/2 4 2 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (2) 48", STD lamp, 2 ballasts (delamped) 40 Mag-ES 92
F42SHS 4 2 T12 F48T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 48", STD HO lamp 60 Mag-STD 145
F42SVS 4 2 T12 F48T12/VHO Fluorescent, (2) 48", STD VHO lamp 110 Mag-STD 242
F43SL 4 3 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD lamp 40 Electronic 105
F43SE 4 3 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-ES 136
F43SS 4 3 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 153
F43SIS 4 3 T12 F48T12 Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD IS lamp 40 Mag-STD 157
F43SHS 4 3 T12 F48T12/HO Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD HO lamp 60 Mag-STD 230
F43SVS 4 3 T12 F48T12/VHO Fluorescent, (3) 48", STD VHO lamp 110 Mag-STD 376
F44EE/4 4 4 T12 F40T12/ES Fluorescent, (4) 48", ES lamp, 4 Ballasts (delamped) 34 Mag-ES 152
F44SL 4 4 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD lamp 40 Electronic 140
F44SE 4 4 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-ES 172
F44SS 4 4 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 192
F44SIS 4 4 T12 F48T12 Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD IS lamp 40 Mag-STD 196
F44SHS 4 4 T12 F48T12/HO Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD HO lamp 60 Mag-STD 290
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F44SVS 4 4 T12 F48T12/VHO Fluorescent, (4) 48", STD VHO lamp 110 Mag-STD 484
F46SL 4 6 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (6) 48", STD lamp 40 Electronic 210
F46SE 4 6 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (6) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-ES 258
F46SS 4 6 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (6) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 288
F48SS 4 8 T12 F40T12 Fluorescent, (8) 48", STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 384
F52SE 5 2 T12 F60T12 Fluorescent, (2) 60", STD lamp 50 Mag-ES 126
F52SS 5 2 T12 F60T12 Fluorescent, (2) 60", STD lamp 50 Mag-STD 130
F52SHS 5 2 T12 F60T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 60", STD HO lamp 75 Mag-STD 180
F61SHS 6 1 T12 F72T12/HO Fluorescent, (1) 72", STD HO lamp 85 Mag-STD 135
F62SL 6 2 T12 F72T12 Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD lamp 55 Electronic 105
F62SE 6 2 T12 F72T12 Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD lamp 55 Mag-ES 122
F62SS 6 2 T12 F72T12 Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD lamp 55 Mag-STD 132
F62SHL 6 2 T12 F72T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD HO lamp 85 Electronic 160
F62SHE 6 2 T12 F72T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD HO lamp 85 Mag-ES 187
F62SHS 6 2 T12 F72T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 72", STD HO lamp 85 Mag-STD 219
F63SS 6 3 T12 F72T12 Fluorescent, (3) 72", STD lamp 55 Mag-STD 202
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F81SS 8 1 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (1) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-STD 100
F81SHS 8 1 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (1) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-STD 140
F81EVS 8 1 T12 F96T12/VHO/ES Fluorescent, (1) 96", ES VHO lamp 185 Mag-STD 200
F81SVS 8 1 T12 F96T12/VHO Fluorescent, (1) 96", STD VHO lamp 215 Mag-STD 230
F82SL 8 2 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD lamp 75 Electronic 136
F82SE 8 2 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-ES 158
F82SS 8 2 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-STD 173
F82SHL 8 2 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Electronic 200
F82SHE 8 2 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-ES 237
F82SHS 8 2 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-STD 257
F82EVS 8 2 T12 F96T12/VHO/ES Fluorescent, (2) 96", ES VHO lamp 185 Mag-STD 390
F82SVS 8 2 T12 F96T12/VHO Fluorescent, (2) 96", STD VHO lamp 215 Mag-STD 450
F83SL 8 3 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (3) 96", STD lamp 75 Electronic 195
F83SE 8 3 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (3) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-ES 264
F83SS 8 3 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (3) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-STD 273
F83SHS 8 3 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (3) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-STD 397
F83EVS 8 3 T12 F96T12/VHO/ES Fluorescent, (3) 96", ES VHO lamp 185 Mag-STD 590
F83SVS 8 3 T12 F96T12/VHO Fluorescent, (3) 96", STD VHO lamp 215 Mag-STD 680
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
F84SL 8 4 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD lamp 75 Electronic 260
F84SE 8 4 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-ES 316
F84SS 8 4 T12 F96T12 Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD lamp 75 Mag-STD 346
F84SHL 8 4 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Electronic 386
F84SHE 8 4 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-ES 474
F84SHS 8 4 T12 F96T12/HO Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD HO lamp 110 Mag-STD 514
F84EVS 8 4 T12 F96T12/VHO/ES Fluorescent, (4) 96", ES VHO lamp 185 Mag-STD 780
F84SVS 8 4 T12 F96T12/VHO Fluorescent, (4) 96", STD VHO lamp 215 Mag-STD 900
FU3SL 3 T12 FU40T12 Fluorescent, (3) U-Tube, STD lamp 40 Electronic 107
FU3SE 3 T12 FU40T12 Fluorescent, (3) U-Tube, STD lamp 40 Mag-ES 136
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
FU3SS 3 T12 FB40T12 Fluorescent, (3) U-Tube, STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 153
FU4SS 4 T12 FB40T12 Fluorescent, (4) U-Tube, STD lamp 40 Mag-STD 192
CFQ10A/1 1 CFQ10W Compact Fluorescent, quad, (1) 10W lamp, Autotransforme 10 Mag-STD 16
CFQ18R/1 1 CFQ18W Compact Fluorescent, quad, (1) 18W lamp, Reactor 18 Mag-STD 22
CFT18IS/1 1 CFT18W Compact Fluorescent, twin, instant start (1) 18W lamp 18 Mag-STD 22
CFQ18A/1 1 CFQ18W Compact Fluorescent, quad, (1) 18W lamp, Autotransforme 18 Mag-STD 25
CFT18RS/1 1 CFT18W Compact Fluorescent, twin, rapid start (1) 18W lamp 18 Mag-STD 25
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
CFQ26R/1 1 CFQ26W Compact Fluorescent, quad, (1) 26W lamp, Reactor 26 Mag-STD 31
CFQ26A/1 1 CFQ26W Compact Fluorescent, quad, (1) 26W lamp, Autotransforme 26 Mag-STD 37
CFT27IS/1 1 CFT27W Compact Fluorescent, twin, instant start (1) 27W lamp 27 Mag-STD 28
CFT27RS/1 1 CFT27W Compact Fluorescent, twin, rapid start (1) 27W lamp 27 Mag-STD 32
CFT18IS/2 2 CFT18W Compact Fluorescent, twin, instant start (2) 18W lamp 18 Mag-STD 46
CFT18RS/2 2 CFT18W Compact Fluorescent, twin, rapid start (2) 18W lamp 18 Mag-STD 46
CFT27IS/2 2 CFT27W Compact Fluorescent, twin, instant start (2) 27W lamp 27 Mag-STD 60
CFT27RS/2 2 CFT27W Compact Fluorescent, twin, rapid start (2) 27W lamp 27 Mag-STD 66
ELED2/1 1 LED2W EXIT Light Emitting Diode, (1) 2W lamp, Single Sided 2 2
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
ELED2/2 2 LED2W EXIT Light Emitting Diode, (2) 2W lamp, Dual Sided 2 4
HPS100/1 1 HPS100 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 100W lamp 100 116
HPS150/1 1 HPS150 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 150W lamp 150 173
HPS200/1 1 HPS200 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 200W lamp 200 240
HPS250/1 1 HPS250 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 250W lamp 250 302
HPS310/1 1 HPS310 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 310W lamp 310 355
HPS360/1 1 HPS360 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 360W lamp 360 395
HPS400/1 1 HPS400 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 400W lamp 400 469
HPS1000/1 1 HPS1000 High Pressure Sodium, (1) 1000W lamp 1000 1090
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture
NBI Pier Element Four Impact Analysis Appendix A.
Code Lamp Lamps Lamp Lamp designation Lamp Description W/lamp Ballast type Watts per
Length per Type fixture